I came upon another newspaper clipping pertaining to my gr grandparents concerning their 55th Wedding celebration.  The clipping is from 1945.  They were married March 23, 1890.

Mr., Mrs. Davis Observe 55th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Elias J. (E. J.) Davis celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary at their home in Cunningham Sunday when approximately 32 guests gathered at the home to join in the festivities.  At noon a bountiful lunch was served.
Those present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond (Lena Mae) Davis and family, Nancy, Henry and Jimmy; Mr. and Mrs. Epps (Dorothy Davis)  Mockabee and daughter, Frances; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hassell and daughter, Camille; Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Leftwick and son, James; Mr. and Mrs. Sammie (Hautie) Bryant and family, Ann, Helen and Robert; Mr. and Mrs. Reams (Grace Savannah Davis) Wyatt and their daughter, Joyce; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Davis and children, Earl, Donald and Fred; Modene McWhorter and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Black.
Submitted by Cathy Hollister
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