John Chester

Montgomery County Deeds, Book M, page 181

Samuel Jordan of Montg Co. 3 Nov 1830 to John Chester.  $450 pd 173ac, a tract of land in Montg Co on the
waters of Brushy Fork of the Piney Fork of the west forks Red River including 60ac said Jones bought of
Wm Clements also 13ac adj granted 24 Aug 1818 to Richard Jones assignee of Bennet Searcy and John C.
McLemon also 100ac granted by State of TN to John Jones assignee of Hardy Grizzard 22 Aug 1818 grant
#12381.  Sum of 173ac.   Wit: Moses Oldham, Joseph W. Whitefield.

Montgomery County Deeds, Book 3, page 48

29 Dec 1853.  Wm. Griffey to John Chester $212.80 pd 38ac dist 4 bounded by Levi Chester, R. W. Daniel,
H. T. Jordan.

Submitted by Pat McAlpine

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