This is the unedited research and genealogical collection of Geneva Suggs Swain donated by Carroll Ray Ellis.

Clarence Baker

Funeral services for Clarence Baker, 85, of Route 5, Dickson, were held at the graveside in Few's Chapel Ce­metery July 3. Brother Sidney Henry officiated. 1972

Mr. Baker, a son of Burl and Martha Beasley Baker, died July 1 at his home. His wife, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Cole­man Baker, died in 1968.

He was a member of Hurri­cane Free Will Baptist Church. He was a retired blacksmith.

His survivors include a son, Charles Aubrey Baker of Nash­ville; one grandchild; two bro­thers, R.T. Baker of Nash­ville and Clifton Baker of McEwen; one sister, Miss Addie Baker, Route 5, Dickson.

S ubmitted by Sandra Stacey

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