This is the unedited research and genealogical collection of Geneva Suggs Swain donated by Carroll Ray Ellis.

Laura Wilma Baker

Services for Laura Wilma Baker, 73. of Dickson, Tenn., were held Tuesday. October 9, 1979 at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Dickson Funeral Home, conducted by Bro. James Galligan with burial in Union Cemetery.

Mrs. Baker died October 7, 1979 in a local nursing home.

Survivors include her husband Joseph Smith Baker of Dickson. Tenn.. two sons: Joseph Paul Baker and Kelly Baker both of Dickson: one daughter Mrs. Elmarie Baker Neal, Kingston Springs. Tenn.: two brothers Hewley Spann, Pinewood, Tenn., Newt Spann. Cumberland Furance, Tenn.; four sisters: Mrs Lizzie Carroll. Ahsland City. Tenn., Mrs. Ethel Cunningham, Rock Springs Community. Mrs. Ollie Parker, Montgomery County and Mrs. Mamie Smith of DickĀ­son, Tenn.. 10 grandchildren



S ubmitted by Sandra Stacey

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