
Take Highway 13/48 about 10 miles. Turn right on Highway 13, go 4.8 miles. The cemetery will be on the right.


ALLEN Eligah E. Oct.27,1901 - Aug.4,1903 (footstone:)

                 Old stone: Our darlin Elijah Allen was barn d Oct.27,1901

                                 and died Aug. 4,1903 At Rest

                                (The old stone was homemade and misspellings.)

BAGGETT Allen Mar.20,1880 - June 26,1954 (footstone: Father)

                    Lida July 4,1883 - Jan.26,1968 (footstone: Mother)

                            Not dead, Just sleeping

BAGGETT Barney Aug.10,1906 - Nov.4,1958 (footstone: Son)

                             Sweet Memories

BAGGETT Cage C. Jan.10,1841 - June 12,1923 (footstone:)

                   Mary P. Nash May 15,1853 - Dec.18,1925 (footstone:)

                             Gone but not forgotten

BAGGETT Carl E. May 5,1923 - July 17,1988 Beloved son and brother

                        CARL E. BAGGETT PFC U.S. ARMY WORLD WAR II

                                MAY 5,1923 - JULY 17,1988

BAGGETT Carney Aug.10,1906 - March 13,1947 (footstone: Husband)

                       Sweet Memories

BAGGETT Stella Hazel Oct.25,1910 - Aug.16,1977 Sweet Memories

BAGGETT Clara E. Died at birth Apr.9,1934 At rest with Jesus

BAGGETT Clara Estele Nov.30,1925 - Apr.8,1927 (footstone:)

                        Gone but not forgotten

BAGGETT Clide Apr.20,1913 - Dec.30,1930 At Rest

BAGGETT Hazel Feb.17,1909 - Jan.31,1910 At Rest

BAGGETT Curtis Sept.28,1915 - Nov.22,1916 At Rest

BAGGETT Woodroe Apr.12,1918 - July 14,1919 At Rest

BAGGETT E. Rufus Dec.8,1910 - Dec.16,1984

                   Emma B. June 3,1919 -

                         married Jan.8,1946 Precious Memories

BAGGETT Elijah Dec.26,1897 - Mar.17,1963 Not Forgotten

BAGGETT Harl Douglas Nov.10,1924 - Sept.25,1993

                    Frances L. May 10,1926 -

                            married Nov.28,1967 Asleep with Jesus

BAGGETT Hershel Lee Mar.27,1911 - Nov.2,1975 (footstone: Daddy)

                    Ruby Lane Mar.26,1911 - July 13,1962 (footstone: Mama)

                                  wed Nov.11,1933

BAGGETT Ida Born Dec.3,1874 Died Aug.24,1921

                            How desolate our home bereft of thee

BAGGETT Ira 1918 - 1991

BAGGETT Isham H. Nov.24,1885 - July 5,1929

                    Inez W. Aug.14,1887 - July 24,1958

                                 Where the flowers bloom forever

BAGGETT J.B. June 24,1916 - Jan.4,1986 (footstone: J.B.B.)

BAGGETT J.L. Dec.8,1918 - June 18,1981 (footstone: Husband)

                                      J.L. BAGGETT TEC 4 U.S. ARMY WORLD WAR II

                                                            DEC.8,1918 - JUNE 18,1981

                   June    Aug.23,1924 -

                                                         Together Forever

BAGGETT J.W. 1925 - 1927

BAGGETT James R. Born Dec.8,1873 Died June 13,1899 (footstone: J.R.B.)

BAGGETT James Milton Jan.25,1900 - Mar.30,1978 Father is only sleeping

BAGGETT Bertha Mai Sept.19,1902 - Aug.1,1966 Mother is only sleeping

BAGGETT Jesse Feb.5,1876 - Apr.20,1949 (footstone: Dad)

                    Francis June 22,1882 - May 28,1966

                              married Nov.19,1901 They are just away

BAGGETT Jessie Born 1810 Died Jan.31,1881 At Rest

BAGGETT Joe “Big Pappy” Aug.12,1856 - Feb.24,1938 (footstone: Father)

                    Sarah “Big Mammy” Jan.2,1845 - Mar.30,1937 (footstone: Mother)

BAGGETT Julia June 2,1917 - Feb.21,1931 (footstone: Julia)

BAGGETT Julia June 2,1917 - Feb.21,1931

                    Dossie Oct.19,1892 - July 26,1977

                    Lular Sept.13,1891 - Oct.12,1987 (footstone: Lular)

BAGGETT Leonie Dec.17,1873 - Dec.3,1903 At Rest

BAGGETT Liddie Ann May 31,1873 - May 30,1953 At Rest

BAGGETT M.R.T. was born 1841 died July ? ,1893

BAGGETT Maurice L. Oct.1,1890 - Oct.25,1950

                              (footstone: Dad Maurice L. Baggett Oct.1,1890 - Oct.25,1950)

                    Eva N. April 12,1901 - March 12,1983 (footstone: Mom)

BAGGETT Odise Eugene Oct.15,1925 - Dec.24,1972

                       ODISE E. BAGGETT TENNESSEE S1 U.S. NAVY

                        WORLD WAR II OCT 15,1925 - DEC.24,1972

BAGGETT Richard 1920 - 1973 funeral home marker: James Richard Baggett 1920 - 1973

BAGGETT Richard W. Aug.5,1844 - Aug.26,1925 Father

                    Mary Nov.22,1856 - Jan.21,1948 Mother

                                 At Rest

BAGGETT Roger D. 1944 - 1952 (footstone: R.D.B.)

                    Buford L. 1939 - 1983 (footstone: B.L.B.)

                                 Brothers at rest

 BAGGETT Sidney Feb.7,1894 - Jan.10,1973 (footstone: Father)

                    Zylphia Lee May 23,1896 - Nov.6,1971 (footstone: Mother)

                         married Dec.30,1917 Thy will be done

BAGGETT Sileona Luke Hodges 2-22-1815 1-16-1894

                    wife of 1st Wm. Jeff Hodges 2nd Jessie Baggett

BAGGETT Stutson Mar.10,1921 -

                   Wilmoth A. Oct.8,1908 - Aug.12,1996

BAGGETT Vera Atris Oct.26,1888 - Nov.10,1908

                   daughter of George & Lillian Baggett Our Baby

BAGGETT Viva D. Jan.13,1920 - Nov.5,1921 (footstone:) Infant Son

                    Eva C. Sept.25,1908 - Sept.25,1908 (footstone:) Infant Daughter

BAGGETT Wilbert Steven July 2,1934 - Sept.12,1987

BAGGETT Wilburn H. Apr.12,1941 - Apr.24,1984 (footstone: Pap Paw)

                          Even though we had to part, You’ll always be in our hearts

BAGGETT Sue Rayburn Sept.10,1945 - Oct.19,1995 (footstone: Granny)

                       Gone to rest high on that mountain

BAGGETT William Matthew Aug.2,1873 - Aug.26,1944 Gone but not forgotten

BAGGETT William R. 1873 - 1951 (footstone: W.R.B.)

                    Josie 1874 - 1915 (footstone: J.B.)

                    Norabelle 1885 - 1946

BAGGETT William T. Apr.22,1904 - Oct.28,1993 (footstone: Father)

                    Polly K. July 4,1908 - Dec.2,1973 (footstone: Mother)

                                   Memory Lane

BASS George Aug.12,1879 - May 27,1938 (footstone: Father)

           Mollie D. Nov.14,1892 - July 20,1971 (footstone: Mother)

BASS Howard July 11,1915 - Nov.17,1916 (footstone:)

           son of Geo. & Mollie

BEARD Susan Florence Sept.14,1886 - June 17,1960 (footstone: S.F.B.)


                  AUG.17,1887 - JAN.28,1964 (footstone: W.T.B.)

BITER Carney B. July 31,1909 - Jan.1,1913

BITER I.F. Born Nov.28,1894 Died Feb.27,1908

                Sleep on dear child and take thy rest in Jesus’ arms forever blest

BITER J.M. Dec.5,1871 - Mar.15,1950

             Ellen Jan.6,1876 - April 28,1954

BRACEY Ina Horton April 23,1937 - May 12,1994 (footstone: sister)

                                     Daughter of Daisy Leaver

BRAGG W. Maloye S. Feb.19,1910 - Aug.8,1994

BREEDEN Glady Sugg Mar.12,1898 - Jan.31,1984

BRITT Erbie E. Apr.7,1930 - Sept.30,1961 (footstone: Father)

             Jessie J. Oct.2,1928 - (footstone: Mother)

                 married Aug.16,1948

BRITT infant daughter of I.J. & Bertha Britt Aug.24,1932 (footstone: baby)

BRITT J.N. Nov.12,1908 - Feb.20,1933 At Rest

BRITT Jack Dec.17,1851 - Dec.11,1919 Father

             Catherine Nov.3,1878 - Feb.11,1947 Mother

                       Peaseful sleep Spelled as written

BRITT James Madison Feb.5,1870 - Mar.23,1932

             Emma A. Sept.7,1869 - Jan.29,1938 (footstone: Mother)

                      In loving memory

BRUNSON Katie 1875 - 1916 Mother At Rest

BRYANT Cullom C. Oct.24,1905 - Mar.26,1953 Father

                 Mamie W. June 4,1908 - Nov.4,1988 Mother

                         As the Father hath loved me, So have I loved you

                         Continue ye in my love

BRYANT Curnel J. July 5,1920 - Dec.22,1988 (footstone: Pa)

                 Beatrice Brown March 9,1922 - Sept.2,1998 (footstone: Nanny)

                           married Dec.21,1940

BRYANT George W. Nov.17,1873 - Apr.27,1963 (footstone: Father)

                 Nonie B. Mar.2,1883 - Jan.23,1948 (footstone: Mother)

                        married Dec.17,1899

BRYANT Joseph “Joe” Jan.7,1912 - Sept.14,1995 (footstone: Daddy)

                  Lillian M. Feb.3,1911 - Sept.11,1999 (footstone: Mama)

                        married Nov.17,1934 Memory Lane

            On Back: Our children Ernestene, Joe Corban, Patsy, Bettye, Stephen

BRYANT Joe Corban July 11,1937 - Mar.5,1938

                        Our precious darling Asleep with Jesus

BRYANT Lucy Ann Sept.29,1901 - Dec.17,1902

                         Our precious daughter asleep in Heaven

BRYANT Sarah Frances Born & Died Mar. 23,1929

                      Our darling baby at rest

BYARD Larry E. Jan.31,1944 - Sept.4,1997 (footstone: Papa)

               M. Janette Apr.12,1943 - (footstone: Cricket)

                                  In loving memory

BYARD Thomas Slaton Jan.13,1969 - Sept.22,1990 (footstone: Daddy

               Wendy Lyne Sept.2,1970 - (footstone: Mommy)

                               married May 5,1988

              Our babies: Jessica Lyne Nov.22,1988 - Sept.22,1990

               Gregory Thomas Feb.16,1990 - Sept.22,1990

                                     Thomas is the son of Larry & Janette Byard. He and his two children were killed in a car accident

                                      traveling on Highway 48 near Cumberland Furnace, Tn.

CHATELAIN Rebecca Ann Jan.26,1939 - Aug.25,1989

COCHRAN Wanda K. Dec.18,1954 - Aug.9,1999 (footstone: Mama)

     [Editor's Note:  Amanda Cochrane, daughter, states the correct name is  Lowanda K. Cochrane.]

                      Fought the good fight and won the victory

                                     funeral home marker: Lowanda Cochrane 1954 - 1999

COOK Ronnie N. Jr. Sept.15,1976 - Sept.15,1976 (footstone: Baby)

CRAWFORD James Marvin Mar.14,1932 -

                       Anna Bonita Feb.18,1935 - Nov.9,1988

                             married Aug.3,1954

DAVIDSON Wiley “W.P.” March 14,1862 - March 2,1942

                      Sarah April 11,1865 - Jan.7,1892

DAVIS Elias J. 1868 - 1953

             Sally Ann 1871 - 1948

                   Gone but not forgotten

DAVIS G.W. Born Sept.5,1873 Died Nov.29,1930 (footstone: G.W.D.)

DAVIS George A. Feb.28,1901 - Dec.15,1976

             Ida W. Nov.19,1903 - Jan.9,1996

DAWE Mis. Sarah wais boin apia 11,1865 and died Jan.7,1892

                             Spelled as written

DENTON Mary 1923 - 1991

DRIES Katharina G. July 15,1897 - Aug.11,1990 (footstone: Mutter)

DURHAM Virginia Fay Born Nov.25,1932 Died Aug.21,1934

EADS Steven Cory Aug.4,1980

ELROD Paul D. July 10,1930 -

               Doris L. June 27,1930 - Oct.14,1995

ESPERSON Lela Ima June Mar.13,1934 - Feb.11,1996 In loving memory

GAINER Beulah Cook Sept.22,1917 - Apr.14,1996 Mother

                Joy Dean Mar.9,1940 - Daughter

                      Precious Memories Together forever

                    On back: Beulah and Joy Dean

GARDNER William Taft 1936 - 2000 (funeral home marker only)

HARRIS Cecil 1911 - 1958 (footstone: Father)

                Daisy 1912 - 1992 (footstone: Mother)

                                Was far too sweet to linger long

HARRIS Coney R. July 11,1909 - July 24,1995

HARRIS Gladys B. Nov.23,1936 - Nov.23,1971 She is just away

HARRIS Isham G. 1881 - 1928 (footstone: Dad)

               Ella B. 1890 - 1976

                          Where the flowers never fade

HARRIS Johnnie R. Jan.19,1967 - Jan.19,1967 He is asleep

HARRIS Mrs. Nellie 1915 - 1975 (funeral home marker only

HARRIS Robert Wesley 1884 - 1931 Father

                Ollie Elizabeth 1919 - 1936 Daughter

HARRISON Wilson Jan.21,1926 - June 20,1984 (footstone: Dad)

                      Myrtle Feb.1,1923 - (footstone: Mom)

                               married Apr.6,1946 Gone but not forgotten

HAYES James L. Sept.11,1920 - Feb.1,1995 (footstone: Father)

              Doris May Mar.12,1926 - (footstone: Mother)

                           wed Apr.24,1946

HAYES Roger Lee May 25,1960 - Dec.6,1960 In God’ s care

HEMBREE Florence E. wife of Gayther (footstone: Mother)

                     Nov.24,1920 - Sept.30,1992 In our hearts forever

HEMBREE Gayther Mar.13,1912 - (footstone: Husband)

                     Anner Lee June 27,1915 - Sept.27,1965 (footstone: Wife)

                              married Dec.20,1935

HEMBREE Herschel L. Feb.3,1921 - May 1,1967

                                           HERSCHEL L. HEMBREE MICHIGAN TEC 5 SVC BTRY

                                            23 FLD ARTY WORLD WAR II FEB.3,1921 - MAY 1,1967

                    W. May Cook Nov.8,1922 - (footstone: Mother)

                               Our Father which art in Heaven

HEMBREE Riley Jan.14,1889 - April 24,1958

                    Callie May 15,1887 - July 6,1951

HODO James M. Born Oct.7,1826 Died Sept.23,1897

                         Gone but not forgotten

HOLLEY Bobby 1958 - 1977

HORTON James E. Oct.21,1930 - June 8,1981

                     JAMES E. HORTON PFC U.S. ARMY KOREA

                                                  OCT.21,1930 - JUNE 8,1981

                     June Dec.16,1933 - (footstone: Mother)

                             Written in the Lamb’ s Book of Life

HORTON Baby girl Nov.25,1954 - Nov.25,1954 (footstone: Daughter)

HORTON James E. Jr. June 11,1953 - June 11,1953 (footstone: Son)

HUTCHISON Franklin D. July 21,1933 - July 22,1996 (footstone: Husband)

                       R. Marie Feb.22,1935 - (footstone: Wife)

                                married May 28,1955

HUTCHISON George T. April 17,1956 - Jan.23,1987 (footstone: Grandson)

                                In God’ s care In loving memory (His photo is on headstone)

 HUTCHISON Robert R.V. Dec.1,1935 - (footstone: Husband)

                       Grace J. Baggett Mar.27,1941 - Aug.11,1993 (footstone: Wife)

                                          Together Forever

KING Jewel P. Feb.7,1916 - (footstone: Dad)

           Jo Ann April 2,1916 - June 6,1884 (footstone: Mom)

KOHLER David Arthur Jan.1955 - Mar.1955 (funeral home marker only)

LEAVER Daisy Lewis Horton Aug.3,1912 - Oct.31,1981 (footstone: Mother)

LEE David Eugene Feb.7,1957 son of Evert & Joyce Lee

LEE Tammy Lynn daughter of Ann & Enoust Lee

           Dec.6,1976 - Apr.21,1977 In loving memory

LEWIS Robert Jan.28,1868 - Dec.10,1948

             Viney E. Oct.10,1868 - Nov.23,1948

                          At Rest

LOGAN Cecil Harl “C.H.” Died Tuesday Nov.16,1999

                 age 67 years 10 months (funeral home marker only)

LOGAN Harl Dec.16,1907 - Aug.25,1956

                Irene H. Feb.26,1914 - Sept.15,1991

LOGAN Ronald G. Dec.14,1947 - Feb.16,1986 Loving brother & uncle

MACKENS A.J. Died June 8,1948

MACKENS Charlie July 20,1893 - Jan.8,1952

MACKENS Clinton B. Mar.29,1941 - June 26,1960 Blessed are the merciful

MACKENS Floyd Mar.14,1890 - Nov.24,1980 (footstone: Dad)

                    Birdie Feb.9,1894 - May30,1971

                             Gone but not forgotten

MACKENS Frank N. July 11,1906 - Oct.12,1982

                                        FRANK N. MACKENS U.S. NAVY WORLD WAR II

                                                       JULY 11,1906 - OCT.12,1982

                    Estell M. May 13,1909 - (footstone: Mama)

MACKENS Susie Jane Lewis Oct.10,1903 - Feb.12,1984

MACKENS Susie Mockbee Feb.12,1894 - Mar.21,1925 (footstone:)

                            Our loving mother

MACKENS Tennie Morgan Feb.26,1871 - May 7,1934

                              At rest in Jesus

MACKENS William F. 1874-1954

                     Nancy J. 1884-1967

                          Gone but not forgotten

MAYS John Aaron Dec.31,1973 - Sept.4,1986 Son (footstone: Shorty)


MILLER Daisybell C. Dec.2,1902 - Sept.10,1977 Mother

MILLS Wilbur R. Dec.29,1922

              Mary L. Dec.13,1906

                               At Rest

MOCKBEE Charlie 1867 - 1930

                     Susie 1891-

MOCKBEE Epps R. Oct.31,1902 - Nov.10,1989 (footstone: Dad)

                     Dorothy D. Oct.10,1903 - June 22,1984 (footstone: Mother)

MOCKBEE John Born July 27,1912 Died Nov.1,1915

MOCKBEE Joseph H. July 4,1892 - July 30,1965 (footstone: Dad)

                     Ella R. Mar.28,1889 - Aug.13,1974 (footstones: Mother)

MORGAN Jim Died April 23,1937

MORGAN Kizzie B. Died Aug.4,1805

MORGAN Letha Died March 2,1903

MORGAN Mathie Died August 8,1884

NELSON Allen Evert Mar.28,1894 - May 5,1979 (footstone: Father) Dad

                Viola Rudelle Nov.18,1907 - Oct.14,1990 Mom

PHILLIPS Lue Ella Feb.18,1919

PHILLIPS Joe Charlie Feb.13,1937 - Feb.10,1996 (footstone: Son)

                       In God’ s care

PHILLIPS Ronald Paul “ Ronald McDonald” June 6,1952 - June 17,1999

                       Be proud of what you stood for and leave the rest to try to understand

PORTER Ellen Joy Mar.3,1937 - June 29,1998 (footstone: Grannie)

                    Loving memories of our dear mother

QUALLS James D. Mar.4,1921 - Apr.4,1976 (footstone: Dad)

                                      JAMES D. QUALLS U.S. ARMY WORLD WAR II

                                       MAR.3,1921 - APR.4,1976 (Dates as written)

                 Dorothy I. Mar.18,1920 - (footstone: Wife)


                           FEB.9,1894 - SEPT.4,1955

RYE James Phillip July 10,1946 - July 15,1990 Our Brother

RYE Joe B. May 23,1852 - Jan.16,1916 (footstone: J.B.R.)

         Rebecca Oct.13,1859 - Aug.27,1936 (footstone: R.R.)


RYE Mary Beatrice May 14,1909 - Dec.20,1959 (footstone: Mother)

RYE Robert A. 1889 - 1969 Back Home (98 was superimposed over the 89)

SELF Randel U. Dec.7,1951 - (footstone:)

          Denise M. Dec.23,1954 - Nov.26,1996 (footstone:)

SHELTON Heather Alicia Nicole June 26.1982 Gone to be with Jesus

SINKS Ada Dec.8,1926 - (footstone:)

SINKS Burtha B. Apr.2,1913 D. Sept.3,1915 (footstone: At Rest) Our Darling

SINKS E.L. Dec.12,1944 - (footstone:)

SINKS L.L. Oct.5,1874 - Aug.30,1885

SINKS T.J.M. Born Aug.15,1833 Died Aug.30,1914

                   (footstone: Father at rest)

SMITH Rayburn R. June 4,1927 - (footstone: R.Smith)

             Frances Dec.12,1927 - (footstone: F. Smith)

                   (married) Mar.19,1949

SMITH Robert M. Born Feb.9,1854 Died Jan.19,1886

STEPEE George E. Dec.10,1869 - Dec.7,1952

SUGG E. Lynn Jan.6,1870 - July 20,1954

            Delphia A. July 8,1878 - Aug.16,1957

SUGGS Carney Lee June 8,1917 - July 9,1994

              Lelia Irene Oct.29,1916 -

                     wed July 8,1944

TROTTER Robert G. Feb.16,1886 - Feb.16,1916

                       Father dear Gone but not forgotten

UNDERWOOD Alex M. Aug.21,1907 - July 25,1975

                           Sally B. June 3,1906 - Oct.28,1994

                                  married Dec.18,1927

UNDERWOOD C.M. June 13,1843 - May 8,1925 Father

                           Amand Apr,21,1843 - Feb.14,1932 Mother

                                         At rest with Jesus

UNDERWOOD Dannie Ray July 16,1953 - July 16,1953

                           Donnie Fay July 16,1953 - July 17,1953

                                         (footstone: Dannie-Donnie

UNDERWOOD Deborah Kay Born & Died Aug.17,1953

UNDERWOOD George D. June 6,1917 - Nov.7,1992 75 years

                                          GEORGE DEWEY UNDERWOOD S SGT U.S. ARMY

                                               WORLD WAR II JUNE 6,1917 - NOV.7,1992

                          Othie Mrs. Oct.15,1918 - Dec.24,1980 60 years

                               (footstone: Othie Chambers Underwood Oct.15,1918 - Dec.27,1980)

                                                                               (Death dates do not match)

UNDERWOOD Steven Dewey son of George & Othie


UNDERWOOD George W. 1865 - 1952

                           Lizzie Ann 1872 - 1958

                                          Our loved ones

UNDERWOOD Hugh T. 1892 - 1973

                           Kizzie L. 1897 - 1927

                           Ruby J. 1907 - 1987

UNDERWOOD Lee Roy Mar.5,1921 - Nov.14,1992

                                             LEE R. UNDERWOOD CPL U.S. ARMY WORLD WAR II

                                                                    1921 - 1992 PURPLE HEART

                           Ophelia Baggett Oct.30,1921 - (footstone: Mama)

                                    married July 31,1948

UNDERWOOD Lester A. Mar.21,1910 - July 6,1989

                           On Back: There are those who give with joy and that joy is their reward

UNDERWOOD Lucy Mary Sept.17,1912 - June 30,1971 Sweetly Resting

UNDERWOOD Shirley 1939 - 1939

WALKER Clifford L Jr. Dec.2,1937 - Feb.11,1987

                   Lynda A. April 18,1945 -

WALL Mary Elizabeth “Lizzy” Bryant May 2, 1913 - Dec.27,1981

                (footstone: God’ s greatest gift returned to God Our Mother)

WELKER Cuthbert Sept.18,1885 - Feb.22,1982

                  Carrie A. March 19,1887 - Feb.5,1940

WORK Ruth Cathleen Sept.10,1941 - Dec.17,1962 Gone but not forgotten

YARBROUGH Louie Lee Sept.18,1908 - Dec.21,1981 (footstone: Father)

                          Clora B. Dec.25,1907 - (footstone: Mother)

                              wed Feb.25,1933

Many unmarked graves and many marked by fieldstones


Transcribed by: Kathy Reynolds & Patty Davis and

April 11,  2000 Baggetts Chapel Cemetery Montgomery County, Tennessee

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