The following letter was sent to my Great Grandfather, Allen Leonidas Workman, in  Quemado, TX,  by his cousin Saul Greely Workman on September 20, 1939 from Nashville, TN. Saul was a dentist in Nashville at the time.  Both Allen & Saul were born in Southside in Montgomery Co, TN.

Mr. A. L. Workman
Qua-ma-do, Texas

My dear “Ont” -- or “Lont” or "Leonist":  I had a young lady and several children to come
 in my office several days ago.  They were very sweet and interesting.  I liked them and
treated them so.  They came to see me several times.  They rested here in the office and
 told me all about you - yours and Texas.  It was a Mrs. Monroe and children.  Plevna
 Workman and a brother of mine named Ellery were here - they both liked them - they
 stayed sometime each time they came. I told them to keep coming -- but a Proctor boy
 ( cousin of hers) was in here the other day and said that they had gone to Dallas, Texas   --
They are fine Ont and I enjoyed seeing and talking with them -  the girl reminded me of
 you (the mother) -  When your folks write to them tell hello! For us-  do this now.

I would love to see and talk to you- I think lots of you “Ont” and remember many times
 we had together-  Also Bob Law and many others.  Bob is dead.  I met Mat Collins on the
 street here yesterday, he looks well and I told him about you and he said - “Tell that
pretty thing I said hello!”  Saw Forest McVeedee Christmas.  He lives in Southside ---
  Most or at least half the ones you knew have gone done the “Sunset Slope”  (died)
since you were there-- saw “Dump” Hagewood & geo Harper here at the State Fair (now going
 on).  I went to Southside Christmas “Ont” and drove down to the “Forks of the Creek”
 just to see how tis down there and if they still have pic-nics there -- but there was no
 picnicking - twas all in fine corn-field and a fine steel bridge over the creek at the forks
 see?   I had several boys with me -  I told them we should have a drink to the health of all
the people who had enjoyed pic-nics there (so that included you)  they all readily agreed --
 and I reached into the back of

my car and took out a quart bottle of old McKinney - distilled in “Old Ky” (Tennessee is
 voted wet again) and passed it around the boys -- it stood the trip O. K.   then I took some
and chased it with “Big Barton’s Creek water”  -- water never tasted better -- then as we
stood about looking at some of the tall sycamores -- we decided it was still a good pic-nic
 ground  - and thate our state was still “ Sunny Tennessee.”
“Lont” - I could write to you a month and tell a lot each time - every-thing from
Southside to the new war - but I must get to work in a few minutes -  I’ve been married
 “Ont” but lost my wife and child (they are dead).  I miss them most of every-thing-  next
 my father - then my uncle Sam Hunter.  “Ont” you have a fine wife - tell her hello! For
 me and have her write to me-  God Bless you and yours,

9/19/39     Your solid pal and cousin
P S, all my folks      Saul G. Workman
are well      159 8th Ave No.

Finest corn you ever saw in the “Millar Bottom” this year “Ont”  been in corn every year
 since you left here and gets better every year.


2nd letter from Dr. S. G. Workman in Nashville to my great grandfather Allen Leonidas Workman.


Mr. And Mrs. Ont Workman
3011 Co. Ave,  Dallas, Texas

Dear Folks: - I thought of you the other day went down to Southside and Clarksville 
went to Cumberland Fce and down old metal road then over the old Gallian Hill to Rock
Spring and into home.  He roads are good that way.  We have been rationed on gas tho
now so I’ll be staying home pretty close.  All O. K. at Southside.  Not quite as
prosperous as it once was but improving fast-- barns full of good corn and plenty of
fat hogs and sorghum molasses-  big camp there (Clarksville)  “Camp Campbell,”  takes care
of 80,000 soldiers.  Tis very fine too.  The war looks much better but we must keep
stirring our stumps and clean them out.  Several of our folks are in and I am buying bonds
to keep things going ($8000.00).  Going to be a big football game in Dallas (The Cotton
Bowl game) New Year’s day between “Georgia Tech School” and your “University of Texas” 
it will be a fine game too  both have strong teams-  Heard from Beecher not so long ago
They are doing fairly well I think.   I hope Santa Claus comes to see you and brings lots
of turkey and Gin--  Fleishman Dry Gin is best tell Santa  -  Lots of war work here  
Everyone very busy  no sit down strikes here and they are spending for Christmas to.
We have 2 inches of snow all over the country   --  Lewis Lyle,  “Little Did” Coke, Mat
Collins and Plevna all said tell you folks hello!  So did Josh Aderhold-   Now write
when you can and God bless and keep all of you for memories of an “Old Sunny Tennessee Christmas”   

Your solid pal-- Dr. Saul Greeley Workman

Enclosed in the envelope  were clippings from the newspaper
for Jack Daniel’s Whiskey and Fleischman’s Dry Gin and an
article from the paper about the Clarksville City Council
passing new fire safety measures and ther issues.


Submitted by Jon Wray

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