Key: The thirteen numbers under the males and females columns stand for ages of the family members, in order from left to right:
0-5 years, 5-10 years, 10-15 years, 15-20 years, 20-30 years, 30-40 years, 40-50 years, 50-60 years, 60-70 years, 70-80 years, 80-90 years, 90-100 years, over 100
For example, the first entry had one male between the ages of 20 and 30, and two females between 15 and 20.
0-0 indicates a free colored person.
Head of Household |
Males |
Females |
Orgain, Wm. |
2000001 |
01102 |
Organ, Grifin |
10101 |
10001 |
Organ, Susan |
0010001 |
0000000001 |
Organ, Thomas |
0100101 |
001001 |
Orr, Saml. P. |
0000001 |
0 |
Osburn, Noble |
01110001 |
0001101 |
Outlaw, Alex |
20101001 |
11001 |
Outlaw, Georg |
00001001 |
010011001 |
Outlaw, Georg |
000003 |
000000001 |
Outlaw, Joshua |
000101 |
10001 |
Outlaw, Thomas |
000001 |
21001 |
Outlaw, Wm. |
21001 |
01001 |
Overton, William |
000001 |
0 |
Pabl?, James |
120101 |
202101 |
Pace, E.A. |
00002 |
00001 |
Pagit, Moil |
200001 |
01001 |
Parham, C.L. |
010001 |
201001 |
Parker, T.W. |
03001001 |
0001101 |
Parker, W. |
000001001 |
00000000101 |
Parker, William |
100001 |
1001 |
Parker, Wm. |
0012210011 |
0020001 |
Paterson, Wm. |
100100001 |
0100001 |
Patin, Mrs. |
00001 |
00003001 |
Patrick, Kil |
1010001 |
0000001 |
Payme, James C. |
00001 |
1001 |
Peacher, Joseph |
00101 |
20002 |
Peacher, Peter |
110002 |
101010001 |
Pearce, David |
020001 |
0 |
Pegram, D.E. |
00001 |
00001 |
Pegy, Free |
0 |
0 |
Penny, David |
100001 |
110011001 |
Perdew, Philip Per? |
0002001 |
00000001 |
Perdue, Adkins |
021001 |
100001 |
Perdue, Anderson |
0210001 |
300101 |
Perdue, Isaac |
220001 |
01001 |
Perdue, John |
2212001 |
001001 |
Perdue, S.J. |
200102 |
0000100001 |
Person, Mary P.P. |
0 |
00000001 |
Persons, Benjamin P. |
00000001 |
0 |
Persons, Morris |
1000001 |
021111 |
Peterson, Isaac |
00001 |
0 |
Peterson, Mrs. Sally |
01 |
20102 |
Petters, Thomas F. |
00002 |
00001 |
Pettus, John O. |
00010001 |
00010001 |
Pettus, Mrs. May |
0 |
0012001 |
Petty, A.R. |
11000101 |
1011001 |
Philips, William |
10001 |
10001 |
Phillips, John |
22201 |
1100001 |
Pickering, G. |
01101001 |
0002001 |
Pickering, J.M. |
00001 |
100001 |
Pickering, Spencer |
10001 |
10001 |
Pinson, M. |
00001 |
00001 |
Pinson, Wm. C. |
000000001 |
000100001 |
Pitt, Edward |
11000001 |
111011002 |
Plaine, Ephraim |
011001 |
201001 |
Plaster, Williams |
0120001 |
110001 |
Plummer, J.L. |
110001 |
11101 |
Pool, John |
2200001 |
1100100001 |
Poindexter, L.H. |
0000001 |
00000001 |
Poindexter, W.S. |
210001 |
00001 |
Pollard, John E. |
00001101 |
0020001 |
Pollard, Joseph |
00001001 |
00021 |
Pollard, Reuben |
0000210001 |
000000001 |
Pool, Haywood |
311001 |
210001 |
Pope, John M. |
201001 |
010001 |
Poston, John H. |
02010001 |
0021111 |
Poston, R.N. |
20001 |
00001 |
Powel, Barney T. |
00001 |
0001 |
Powel, Davis |
020001 |
21001 |
Powel, Eaton |
1110001 |
111101 |
Powel, Hampton |
00012001 |
00100001 |
Powel, Mary A. |
01 |
001001 |
Powel, Wm. |
100000001 |
10001001 |
Powell, W.S. |
10011 |
10001 |
Powers, A. |
10001 |
10001 |
Powers, A.N. |
1010001 |
020101 |
Powers, Barabas |
020001 |
101001 |
Powers, Barnabas |
001010001 |
000011001 |
Powers, David |
111101 |
0211001 |
Powers, James D. |
0021001 |
0010001 |
Powers, James R. |
10001 |
10001 |
Powers, James S. |
3000011 |
000001 |
Powers, John |
00010001 |
000000001 |
Powers, Martha A. |
011 |
0011001 |
Powers, Michel |
211001 |
010001 |
Powers, Sampson |
00001 |
00001 |
Powers, Travis |
021001 |
001001 |
Powers, Volentine |
000100001 |
000000001 |
Powers, William |
0112001 |
111001 |
Powers, Jacob |
011001 |
11101 |
Praner, Mary |
011 |
1110001 |
Prewett, Parker |
01001001 |
0011001 |
Prewitt, Wm. |
0000000001 |
000000001 |
Prible, James H. |
210001 |
01001 |
Price, Hardy C. |
001240010001 |
1110001 |
Price, William |
1131001 |
300001 |
Prit, Zedikiah |
00001001 |
0010001 |
Pritchard, Richard |
000011 |
0011 |
Pritchard, W.B. |
10001 |
0001 |
Pritchett, Mrs. Martha |
001 |
0100001 |
Proctor, Nancy |
1011 |
0010001 |
Proudfit, John |
0000011 |
0000101 (Incl. Petis) |
Proutz, John W. |
0002001 |
000001 |
Quins?, Lott |
000001 |
0 |
Ragsdale, John H. |
001001 |
200101 |
Ragsdale, W.J. |
001 |
20001 |
Rainwater, Martha |
001 |
00000101 |
Rainwaters, Wils |
10001 |
10001 |
Ram, E.H. |
20001 |
00001 |
Ramay, S.D. |
20001 |
10011 |
Ramey, H.D. |
011001 |
210001 |
Ramey, R.R. |
10001 |
00001 |
Ramey, Randolph |
000111001 |
0000001 |
Ramsey, John |
0010001 |
0110001 |
Randle, G.L. |
1120001 |
001001 |
Randolph, Frederick |
00121001 |
0010002 |
Randolph, Jacob |
1001001 |
10101011 |
Reasons, James |
11010001 |
10111101 |
Reasons, Mrs. Amanda |
01 |
001001 |
Reasons, William |
21001 |
11011 |
Reasons, Wm. |
10001 |
1001 |
Reaves, R. |
002001 |
010001 |
Reed, L.L. |
220001 |
001001 |
Resner, Wm. |
10001 |
20001 |
Reves, Edward |
00001 |
10001 |
Reves, Henry A. |
00001 |
10001 |
Reves, Sophia |
01211 |
0110001 |
Rhoda, Elisha |
00001 |
00001 |
Rhyhart?, Jacob |
0111101 |
0110101 |
Rice, wm. |
101101 |
111001 |
Richardson, Poly |
0 |
00011101 |
Riche, Wm. P. |
30001 |
00001 |
Richerson, G.W. |
10001 |
0001 |
Ridels, E.A. |
210001 |
00011 |
Riggins, Green |
10001 |
10001 |
Riggins, James |
210001 |
010001 |
Riggins, John |
00110001 |
0021101 |
Riggins, Joseph |
1300001 |
0120001 |
Riggins, William |
1221101 |
001101 |
Rinehart, John |
10010001 |
0120001 |
Roach?, Edward B. |
01009001 |
0001001 |
Roark, Charles |
121201 |
001101 |
Roark, Eve |
0 |
00000001 |
Robb, W.H. |
0101001 |
0011000001 |
Robbins, Elizabeth |
011 |
0010000001 |
Roberts, C.H.V.R.W. |
001233 |
0000001 |
Roberts, James |
1001001 |
0121011 |
Roberts, John |
001110001 |
01101001 |
Robertson, Geo. |
00001 |
1001 |
Robertson, Mary |
0 |
0100001 |
Robertson, S.G. |
11101 |
111 |
Robinson, Erasmus |
100011 |
1101 |
Robinson, James D. |
130001 |
00001 |
Rockhold, Hezekiah |
010001 |
20001 |
Rogers, A. |
11010011 |
101101 |
Rogers, A.M. |
00000001 |
0 |
Rogers, Robert P. |
00001 |
10001 |
Rogers, William |
00012 |
010001 |
Roles, Isaic |
000001 |
11001 |
Roles, wilson |
10001 |
0 |
Rolins, Marshal |
020001 |
11001 |
Rollins, Clayton S. |
010001 |
0000001 |
Rose, W. |
010001 |
23101 |
Rose, Willie |
12000001 |
01100001 |
Ross, Reuben |
010000001 |
00601001 |
Rowel, Aaron |
10001 |
20001 |
Rowland, Georg |
221001 |
11001 |
Rowland, Wm. |
00001 |
00001 |
Rowly, Thomas |
1000101 |
220011 |
Royster, Mrs. Mary |
0001 |
121001 |
Rudolp?, Geary |
000101 |
000101 |
Rudolph, Henry |
112001 |
011001 |
Rudolph, John |
000110001 |
00010000101 |
Rudolph, Mary |
00001 |
000100001 |
Rudolph, Peter |
1230001 |
100111 |
Rudolph, Wm. |
11001 |
11001 |
Runels, James B. |
00000001 |
00000001 |
Ryan, G. |
211001 |
101001 |
Ryan, J. |
00101001 |
00001 |
Rye, Benjamin |
0001101 |
00011 |
Rye, H.C. |
211001 |
10001 |
Rye, Jn. H. |
0001 |
100101 |
Rye, John |
2110001 |
011001 |
Submitted by Tammy Riggins