This is the unedited research and genealogical collection of Geneva Suggs Swain donated by Carroll Ray Ellis.
Items from the collection are listed below. Click on the underlined word to access a picture of the document. The original document is on file at the Montgomery County Archives and is available to be viewed.
Obituary of Benjamin Wesly Lee 1982 | Obituary of Betty Lea Lee 1-3-1981 |
Obituary of Bobby Lee 9-20-1984 | Obituaries of Brooksie Dean Wallace Lee 1-1-1984 |
Obituary of Cecil Lee 1982 | Obituary of Dava Johnson Lee 3-2-1983 |
Obituary of Dr. Jerome Lee 2-23-1973 | Obituaries of Ed Walker Lee 4-13-1981 |
Obituary of Edward Henry "Eddie" Lee 9-17-1981 | Obituary of Effie Mae Story Lee 1983 |
Obituary of Elmer Lee 1-21-1983 | Obituaries of James H. Lee 9-9-1984 |
Obituary of James Henry Lee | Obituary of James Walter Lee 4-19-1970 |
Obituary of James William Lee 2-13-1982 | Obituaries of Leonora Elgee Lee 10-21-1978 |
Obituary of Lila Fair William Lee 7-23-1979 | Obituary of Mark Allen Lee, Sr. 7-13-1985 |
Obituary of Minnie Ida Smith Lee 9-24-1976 | Obituaries of Mrs. Clyde D. Lee 10-23-1975 |
Obituary of Nell Irene Justice Lee 9-21-1984 | Obituary of Pinkie Alice Jones Lee 8-18-1979 |
Obituary of Richard Braxton Lee "Baby Face" 12-27-1983 | Obituaries of Robert Cleo Lee 2-28-1977 |
Obituary of Ronnie Lynn Lee 1979 | Obituary of Russell Vernon Lee 8-15-1982 |
Obituary of Ruth Houser Lee 3-11-1982 | Obituaries of Tammy Lynn Lee 4-21-1977 |
Obituary of Tula White Lee 2-10-1982 | Obituary of William Dalton Lee 1-28-1981 |
Obituary of William Jasper Lee 10-27-1978 |