Mayor Thomas C. Wall & wife, Ida Cureton Wall
Mayor Thomas C. Wall Ida Cureton Wall
Mayor Thomas C. Wall & wife, Ida Cureton Wall
Three term mayor of Madisonville from 19?? to 1926.

Obituary for Mayor Thomas C. Wall

Published in the Madisonville Democrat on Wednesday, June 16, 1926

"Thomas C. Wall---A feeling of sadness fell over our city when the news was
 heralded last Wednesday afternoon that Thomas C. Wall was dead.

 Mr. Wall had been confined to his home for several weeks with a complication of
 diseases, but a few days before the end came he was thought to be improving.

 Thomas C. Wall was born in Graham County, N.C., April 1, 1877, and departed this
 life at his home at Madisonville, Tenn., June 9, 1926, being 49 years, 3 months
 and 13 days old. He  was married to Miss Ida Cureton, of Newport, Tenn., Dec. 22,
 1914. He leaves to mourn his death a mother, wife and daughter, two brothers and
 three sisters. He professed faith in Christ and united with the Baptist Church of
 Madisonville some ten years ago under the pastorate of Bro. Miles, and lived a 
 consecrated Christian life to the end of his earthly pilgrimage.

 He belonged to the order of Free and Accepted Masons and was a member of the Amra
 Grotto. He has been a resident of Madisonville for the past 18 years and was 
 serving his third term as mayor of the town. Being a member of the civic club, he
 was deeply interested in the welfare of the town.

 Funeral services were conducted Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the Baptist 
 Church in this city by Dr. J.E. Lowry, of Hiwassee College, after which his remains
 were laid to rest in the city cemetery.

 The wife, daughter and other relatives have the sympathy of all in their bereavement."

Photo Submitted by: Stan Hilton
Great Grandson of Thomas & Ida Cureton Wall.

This page created by Cory D. Mills