Looking East on Warren Street, Madisonville, TN
Looking East on Warren Street, Madisonville, TN
Looking East on Warren Street, Madisonville, TN

Monroe County, Tennessee Courthouse on left.
Behind the courthouse was the Biereley's Funeral Home.
The block of buildings and gas stations to the right
was later demolished and is now the site of the J.P. Kennedy
building, an annex to the courthouse.

The funeral home was Dr. Upton's office during the Civil War.
It was in the basement of Dr. Upton's that a Union officer,
Lt. Col. Joseph "Fightin' Joe" Divine was captured by Confederate
soldiers in Jan. 1865. He was marched to McMinn County, TN where
he was murdered on Jan. 28, 1865.

Photo Submitted by: The Madisonville City Hall

This page created by Cory D. Mills