Alex Miller & Family

Alex Miller & Family

Alex Miller & Family

Photo was made in 1898 or 1999 probably at their homeplace. Alex Miller & his family lived all around the Ballplay area, And most were members of Big Creek Church.

Top Row from left to right:
Mac Jason Miller, Minnie (Smith) Miller, Louise (Tallent) Miller, Mattie Miller.

Bottem Row from left to right:
Alex Miller, Robert L. Miller, Rachel (Isbell) Miller, and Alex's Mother.
The two boys on the end are Thomas Washington Miller and Charles Welker Miller.

Robert (Bob) Miller.Was killed In WWI and his name is on the WWI Memorial at the court house.

Submitted by: Randy Miller
Great grandson of Alex Miller & grandson of Charles Welker Miller.

This page created by Cory D. Mills