Will Book A
Monroe County, Jan. 6, 1840
I Samuel Shaw of Monroe County and State of Tennessee being, weak in body, but perfect in mind declare the following to be my last will and testament: viz.
My body I bequeath to the earth from which it was taken, and my spirit to God who gave it.
Of my goods and chattel I make the following dispose:
I bequeath to my beloved sons Samuel Shaw, Francis M. Shaw and William H. Shaw, the farm on which I now reside containing a hundred acres more or less, which tract of land shall be equally divided between my three aforenamed sons.
My wagon now in use, and my new still I will to be sold and the proceeds to be divided equally among my four beloved daughters: Ann S. Wilcox, Louisa G. Telford, Sarah Shaw and Hannah Shaw as a part of that amounf which they are to receive by my last will and testament.
I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Agnes Shaw the following:
1. That said Agnes Shaw my wife shall have a comfortable maintenance off the farm on which I now reside during the her life. 2. That said Agnes Shaw shall hold the right to all the horses, cattle, hogs, farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture which I now possess until her death, at which time she may dispose of them as she may see proper, with the following exception however: that in case of my beloved daughter Sarah and Hannah Shaw being married, they shall each of them be furnished with a good horse, saddle and bridle.
I give and bequeath to my beloved son John J. Shaw a tract of land lying in Roane County East Tennessee containing fifty acres more or less, and another tract of land lying in Knox County East Tennessee containing 30 acres more or less, both of aforesaid tracts of land lying on Halston River.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann S. Wilcox and Louisa G. Tedford each the sum of two hundred dollars in money and to my other two daughters Sarah Shaw and Hannah Shaw the sum of three hundred dollars in money, the proceeds of my wagon and still aforementioned being considered as a part of this, and the whole amount to be paid as soon as it can be conveniently collected from the proceeds of the farm.
I also appoint John Duncan and James Montgomery Esq. As Executors of this my last will and testament.
Samuel Shaw (seal)
Signed and sealed in the presence of these witnesses:
Thomas S. Kendall
Robert Findly
Done this sixth day of Jan. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
William Giles
Monroe County, Tn. Wills, Book C, Page 168
I, William Giles make and publish this my last will and testament being in my right mind and memory but knowing the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death.
1st. I bequeath my soul to God from whence it came and my body to the mother dust.
2nd. I wish my body decently interred.
3rd. I wish my funeral expenses paid out out of my money that I may have on hand or may first come into the hands of my heirs after my death.
4th. I wish all my just debts paid.
5th. I give and bequeath to my three youngest children Margaret Giles James Giles and Dock Giles all of my personal property to wit: one Blue Steer at home and one White Steer at my son Williams and one milk cow at home and one milk cow at Andy Kirklands and house hold and kitchen furniture and all of my real estate. I want the three children above named to live on the place and have the proceeds of my property and have the control of renting it or as they may choose until the youngest one comes of age and then the land equally divided between them, Margaret Giles James Giles Dock Giles. My land lies on Cane Creek, Monroe Co. Tennessee, 20th. District.
I have given all the other one of my children their equal portion.
In testimony where I have set my hand and seal this Jan. 28-1884.
William (X,his mark) Giles
Attest Ruben Giles
Dolphus Brooks
Probated February Tenn* 1889
(*may be Ten, cannot determine)
Transcribed and submitted by: Sue Sharp Bingham at Volsue@aol.com
Will of John Coltharp
Monroe Co., Tn.Will Book A
I, John Coltharp of the County of Monroe and State of Tennessee being of sound mind and disposing memory but calling to mind the uncertainty of life do make and publish this my last will and testabment.
First, I direct that my body be decently buried and my funeral expenses paid out of my estate.
Secondly, I will and bequeath to my son Andrew Jackson Coltharp all of my real and personal estate. The real estate consisting of about four hundred and ten acres lying and being in said county adjoining the lands of John Scruggs and others but the aforesaid property is subject to his hereinafter mentioned incumberance.
Thirdly, I will and and bequeath to my son-in-law Mastin Henderson one dollar to be paid by my said son A.J. Coltharp.
Fourthly, I will and bequeath to my daughter Lavicee Stephens one bed and furniture.
Fifthly, I will and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Garst the wife of Christopher Garst one hundred dollars in money to be paid by son A.J. Coltharp at the end of three years after my death without interest.
Sixthly, I will and bequeath to my daugher Susan Henderson the wife of Thomas Henderson the sum of sixty dollars in money and one bed and furniture to be paid at my death and the sixty dollars at the end of the three years from my death without interest to be paid by my son A.J. Coltharp.
Seventh, I will and bequeath to my son James Coltharp the sum of one hundred and twenty five dollars to be paid at the end of three years from my death by my son A.J. Coltharp.
Eighth, I will and bequeath to the children of my daughter Mary Upton deceased one hundred and twenty five dollars to be paid to them or their guardian by my son A.J. Coltharp at the end of the three years from my death without interest.
Ninthly, I will and bequeath to my son Eli S. Coltharp one hundred and twenty five dollars to be paid at the end of the three years from my death without interest by my son A.J. Coltharp.
Tenthly, I will and bequeath to my son John H. Coltharp fifty dollars to be paid by my son A.J. Coltharp at the end of the six months after my death without interest.
Eleventh, I will and bequeath to my son George H. Coltharp twelve hundred dollars to be paid by my son A.J. Coltharp within eighteen months from my death and to draw interest from my death.
I require my said son A.J. Coltharp to pay the above mentioned bequests and legacies in consideration for the property I herein will and bequeath to him.
Lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint my sons Andrew J. Coltharp and John H. Coltharp my executors to execute and carry out my will.
In testimony whereof I do hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this 17th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight and fifty six.
John Coltharp (seal)
Attest: Geo. Brown, Sarah S. Jordan, John Scruggs-Aug. 1, 1867 and Joseph Upton, Apr. 8, 1867.
Submitted by: KDale60909@aol.com
In the name of our God Amen. I, Jonathan Davis of the County of Monroe and State of Tennessee, being weak in body but of Sound Mind and Memory and considering the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death and am desirous to dispose of all real and personal estate, do therefore make ordain publish and declare this to be my last will and testament revoking all other wills by me made.
First: I will and bequeath that my funeral expense is to be paid as soon after my death as possible.
Second: I will and bequeath that all my just debts is to be paid as soon after my death as possible.
Third: I will and bequeath to my Sally Whittenburg four hundred dollars in cash which is to be paid to her in two years from my death. It being in addition what I have already gave her.
Fourth: I will and bequeath to my son Thomas C. ?. Davis four hundred dollars which is to be paid to him in two years from my death. It being in addition to what I have already gave him.
Fifith: I will and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Davis one good horse when she may want it.
Sixth: I will and bequeath to my daughter Margaret Davis one good horse when she may want it.
Seventh: I will and bequeath to Eliza Jane Watts a girl I have raised one horse worth fifty dollars and one cow and some things about the house for housekeeping such as my daughters Nancy and Margaret sees proper to give her the above request is to be given her when she leaves.
Eighth: I will and bequeath to my son Charles P.T. Davis and my daughter Nancy and my daughter Margaret Davis my plantation with its buts and coulds equally between them and Eliza Jane Watts is to live with them as long as she remains single and to have her support of said land she remains as one of the family and not otherwise.
Ninth: I will and bequeath to my son Charles T.P.Davis and my daughter Nancy Davis and my daughter Margaret Davis my two slaves Patsy and Hanner slaves for life. I further give and bequeath to my son Charles P.T.Davis and Margaret all household and kitchen furniture and all of my stock of all kinds and all of my farming utensils and my wagon black smith tools and all the corn I have on hand and all of the grain I have on hand and all kind which is to be divided equally between my son Charles P.T.Davis and my daughter Nancy Davis and my daughter Margaret Davis.
Tenth: I will and bequeath that if either my son Charles P.T. Davis or my daughters Nancy or Margaret Davis decease without issue in that case what interest today have in land that it is to go to them that is living and that is the heirs that I have bequeathed my land the others two of the above heirs that I have bequeathed their interest is to go to the remaining heir if they decease without issue.
Eleventh: Lastly I make Constitute and appoint my son Charles P.T.Davis and my daughter Nancy Davis and my daughter Margaret Davis to be my executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. The confidence I have in my executors my desire is that they be not ruled to security to carry out this my will and testament. I have herein Subscribe my name and affixed my Seal this 16th day of March 1854.
Attest Thos Robison Crockett Godley Jonathan Davis (seal)
Codicil or supplement made to the last will and testament to Jonathan Davis Deceased will made by the said Jonathan Davis at his residence in Monroe County in our presence the 16th day of April 1854 at night it being about three days before the Said Jonathan Davis the night of the 16th April he had his children all called up to his bed and asked if they all were there and he was told they were all present but Sally and the Said Davis said he had made a will and had made them all equal but had not done write with his daughter Sally Whittenburg he wanted his daughter Sally to have four hundred dollars more than he had bequeathed to her in his will and he asked if they all understood it and they all said yes there was not objections on the part of the heirs and his son Charles asked him if that all he wants to talk about and he said yes and he called to his son Charles and said he did not know where Sally could get this money they might have several divides it might be from two to eight years from the time all things was settled and requested his son Charles to see that his daughter Sally would get the four hundred dollars given under our hand this 23rd day of April 1853.
George Bowman James E. Bright John B. Simpson
Submitted by: Larry Warneke at LARRYW4252@aol.com
Submitted by: Judy Jenkins
I, W.H. Jenkins of Monroe County, State of Tennessee, being of sound mind and memory do make, publish and declare this to be my last will and testament to wit:
First: all of my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid.
Second: I devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Jenkins my entire estate both real and personal to be used as her support so long as she remains my widow.
Third: One dollar to be paid to J.B. Jenkins my oldest son.
Fourth: One dollar to be paid to Nannie Brook my daughter. The remainder to S.H. Jenkins, my second son.
I nominate and appoint S.H. Jenkins my son to be executor of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills made by me. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this November 28, 1910.
W.H. Jenkins
Signed, sealed, publish and declare as and for his last will and testament by the above named testator in our presents, who have at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other signed our names as witnesses thereto.
John H. Scott; L.C.H. Abbott
Proven and probated this May 23rd, 1917. J.B. Pennington, Clerk.
(Wm. H. Jenkins died March 21, 1917 and is buried in the Old St. Paul's
Cemetery. Others named in the will are S.H. (Samuel H.) and Nannie Brook or Nancy.
She married George Washington Brook(s). Both S.H. and Nannie lived in Loudon
I Sarah Hart of the County of Monroe & state of Tennessee being weak in body though of sound mind and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of life and being desirous to dispose of such property as it hath pleased God to bless me with, Do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made. First. I direct that my funeral expences be first paid, and my grave and that of my husband (line through husband) daughter deceased Melissa (added middle name above = Louisa?) Wright and that of my deceased husband all enclosed with some durable material and suitable marble tombstones placed at the head and foot of each of said graves, and the expences of placing them there to be paid out of my estate. Secondly. I will and bequeath to my stepson John Hart Jr. all of the growing and gathered crop of the year 1857 that belongs to me, also one colt and mare one wagon, two beds and furniture (can't decipher word) one bedstead also one cow and calf. Thirdly. I will and bequeath to my sisters daughters that are alive at my death all of my household and kitchen furniture that is not herein before disposed of to be equally divided between them and Robert Woods daughter towit Mary Ann Woods to have the bed and furniture that stands in the North West corner of my house. Fourthly. I will and bequeath all of the real estate that I own to the Methodist Episcopal Church South to be used by that part of the said Church called the Holston Conference but his devise and bequest is to be charged with all the expences of winding up my estate and with the payment of all labilities connected therewith. 5th I will and bequeath all other property and affects that I may own that is not herein disposed of to my sisters to be equally divided between them. 6th I hereby nominate and appoint Bronlow Snidher now of the County of Knox Tennessee as my executor to carry out his my last will and testament and it is my will and desire that my said executor be paid liberally for his trouble in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal to this my last will and testament (? the word mare underlined before signing?) her
Sarah X Hart seal
mark Sept 7th 1857 Signed sealed and acknowledged in the presence of us at the request of the said Sarah Hart and in her presence the day and date above written Allen C. Moore George Brown
For more information on Sarah Hart please go to this link in Biographies.
Submitted by: Yvonne Worcester
Monroe Co. TN. Record: Book A page 204-205
The Last Will and Testament of Phillip Keller
Phillip Keller deceased
I, Phillip Keller of Monroe County, Tennessee being aware of the uncertainity of life, do make and publish this as my last Will and Testament viz.: 1st. It is my desire that what debts I owe be paid, and for this purpose that those debts due me be collected as promptly as practicable.
2nd. It is my will that my four unmarried children, viz.: Mary M. Henry M. Franklin. and Hugh J.D. Keller be made equal in advancements at the age of twenty one years, with my two married children, viz.: G.W. Keller and Martha Jane, that is to say I gave to each of them a horse least of the value of one hundred and seventy five dollars or its equivalent, a Cow & calf worth Thirty five Dollars, and a Feather Bed, with Bed Stead and Bed Clothing worth Forty Dollars - valued in all to each at Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, and each of my unmarried children to receive in cash, or the same kind of property, the same amount of $250.00.
3rd. It is my will that my wife, Catherine, have the full occupancy and controll of my real estate during her life or widowhood; and that the said real estate being the farm on which I live and Eighty acres of timber land in the knobbs. after her death be sold and the proceeds divided equally among my children, including the child or children of any one who may have died before their Mother.
4th It is my will that my wife have as her own property all the Stock and other personal property on the farm at my death, subject to the charge herein after specified.
5th It is my will that my wife, out of the proceeds of the farm and the property on hand educate at her discretion, as well as she may be able under surrounding circumstances, my three boys, and so far as she may deem necessary and desirable, my daughter Mary M. and that the farm and its products be also chargable with the said amount of Two Hundred and fifty dollars herein bequeathed to my said four unmarried children.
6th I hereby constitute and appoint my wife Catherine, my son George W. and my Son in law J.W. Forshee, Executors of this my last will and Testament.
In testimony where of I have herein signed my name, this November 15, 1869.
Phillip Keller
The foregoing Will of Phillip Keller, was this day acknowledged by him to be his act and deed and his name at his request, signed thereto by J.A. Coffin, all in our presence. Nov. 15th, 1869. and at his request, we hereunto set our
names as witnesses.
W.N. Bicknell
Wm Dyre
Submitted by: Yvonne Worcester
Will of Franklin Lee Keller Monroe Co., Tenn. Probate Record: Book E Page 137 - 138
Last will and Testament of F.L. Keller
I F.L. Keller of Madisonville, County of Monroe State of Tennessee, Being of sound mind and memory do make and Publish and declare this to be my last will and Testament to wit;
First - all my just debts & Funeral expenses be duly paid.
Second. I give devise, & bequeath to my son Emory F. Keller $300\oo Three Hundrd Dollars) as pay for taking care of F.L. Keller and wife Fannie A. Keller during the life time of F.A. Keller, including, Bed, Board & Keep. If said Emory F. Keller fails in any way to abide by the requirements of this will and Testament, Then the above part of this will and Testament is to be come null and void, also if my son Emory F. Keller should die before the Execution of this will and Testament the above $300.oo is to fall to his children by his wife Lucy Moser. I will my daughter Cora’s son Ivan $100.oo one hundred Dollars. I will my daughter Ada Murray $25.oo Twenty five dollars) I will my son Hugh W. Keller $25.oo (Twenty Five dollars) I give devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my estate both real and personal to my beloved wife Fannie A. Keller to have and to hold forever.
I nominate and appoint my said wife to be Executor of this my last will and Testament Hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness where of I have here unto set my hand & seal, This 8th day of May A.D. 1930 signed sealed published and declared as and for his last will and Testament by the above name Testator in our presence who have at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, signed our names. I will my son Joe Keller $1\oo (one dollar) I will my daughter Lucy Bollinger $1\oo (one dollar) I will Charlie Keller and his heirs $1\oo I will my son Jim Keller $1\oo.
Sig. F.L. Keller
J.C. McBride
Witnesses David Moser
Earl H. Peace
State of Tennessee Monroe County) Personally appeared before me C.J. Spurling County Court, Clerk for above named County and State Earl H. Peace, J.C. McBride, David Moser, being first duly sworn depose and say They signed the within will as Subscribing witnesses to the last will and Testament of F.L. Keller deceased in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other and they are in no way intrested in the bequeath set out in said will.
Sworn to before me,
This May 31, 1930
C.J. Spurling
County, Court, Clerk
Submitted by: Linda Atkins
I, J.T.M. Haire, of McGee, Monroe County, Tennessee, do make publish and declare this as my last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all wills heretofore made by me at any time. First, I herby constitute and appoint my wife, Betty Humes Haire sole executrix of this will and without bond. Second, I give, devise and bequeth to my beloved wife, Betty Humes Haire all my property, real personal and mixed whenever situated. In testamony wherof I have herunto set my hand and seal of the foregoing writing as and for my last will and testament on this 21st day of June, 1912. John T. M. Haire Seal The foregoing instrument of writing was signed, acknowledged, published and declared by the said J.TR.M. Haire as his last will and testament in my presence on this 21st day of June 1912, and we have herunto, at his request and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, set our names as witnesses thereto, in the day the same --- date. Esther Lutrell E.J. Foute Geo. N.R. Jep(?) Filed for probate and probated July 12, 1912
Submitted by: Aaron M. Davis
Will of Isaac Lindsey State of Tennessee Monroe County November 26-1915 I, Isaac Lindsey do make and publish this as my last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all others by me at any time made. First: I desire that my funeral expenses and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any moneys that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my executors, Secondly, I give and bequeath that all of my real estate and personal property be sold and each heir and my wife, Nancy, get equal shares and each get a child's part but Horace as I have let him have a piece of land as his part of the estate. I want my wife, Nancy, to have a child's part if she stays with me until my death. I do hereby nominate & appoint David R. Lindsey and Wm. Curtis my executors in witness whereof I do to this my will set my hand this 26 day of November 1915. Signed and published in our presence and we have subscribed our names hereto in the presence of the Testator this November 26, 1915. Isaac Lindsey T.H. Miller R.H. Hunt Proven by witnesses Oct. 26th 1916 J.B. Pennington clerk.
Submitted by: Aaron M. Davis, great-great-grandson of "Big Ike" Lindsey
Submitted by: Claude Stephens
Richard Stephens 1782 to About 1840 (Will recorded 1840) In the Name of God Amen I Richard Stephens of the county of Monroe and the state of Tennessee, being weak of body, but of sound mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the following manner form. I give unto my beloved wife Nancy, the land on which I now live, and another track on which Lios Halloway now lives containing Forty acres more or less, also all my stock, household and kitchen furniture, all my papers and every species of property of every kind in my possession or owned by me, subject to her disposal amongst my children as they may stand in need with a strict to equal distribution and as I have given my two oldest sons. Lewis and Daniel each a horse beast and some education I wish my two youngest sons, Jasper and William to have Fifty dollars each to be applied to their education, and at and after the death of my wife I decree the property in her possession including three Negro children Clarissa, Burrell and Hugh. To be sold disposed of as to give equal parts to my son Lewis and the heirs of my daughter Celia Cunningham namely, George Irvin Cunningham an equal parts, to my daughter Elizabeth, and equal portion, to my son Daniel L. Stephens and an equal part, to my two daughters Faith and Sarah. I give and equal part to each and to my two sons, Jasper Newton and William Asbery I give to each a horse beast and a proportional part and to my Grandson John Worley I give Five Dollars when he becomes of lawful age and applies for the same. I nominate and appoint my son Lewis Stephens the executor of this my last will and testament, and I do hereby disavow and revoke all and every other will testament.
Submitted by: Joan Williams
Isaac Hagler In the name of God Amen I, Isaac Hagler of the County of Monroe and State of Tennessee do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the following manner and form. First I desire that all my just debts be paid, And as to the balance of my worldly goods after my debts are satisfied I give unto my beloved wife Susannah that she retain pro- vision of the land on which I now live during her natural life together with all my stock of every kind also my household and kitchen furniture of every description. and for the consideration of the attention paid and service by my son Benjamin Burton Hagler rendered and for taking charge of his mother and myself during the re- mainder of our lives I give him the whole of the land on which I now live at and after our death and that he be in full possession of the same from the death of his Mother. I desire at and after the dea- th of my wife Susannah my children have an equal distribution of the personal property that she may have as the nature of the case may admit of and whereas Elizabeth Stepp, Nancy Curtis, David H. Hagler, Matilda Howard, William L. Hagler and Edah Snider have each received a bed and furniture I desire that my remaining children have the same amount namely John, Wilson having received a bed also Benjamin B, Cynthia, Elvira and Ralph and I further desire if there should remain any surplus after and equal division that it be equally divi- ded amongst all who are heretofore named or their legal representatives I nominate & appoint my two sons Wilson & Benjamin B. Hagler Executors of this my last will and testament utterly revoking all and every other will and testament Legacy or Bequest by me in any way before named willed or bequeathed but does hereby ratify and confirm this and no other to be my last will and testament. In testimony of which I have hereunto set my hand And seal this 17th day of July in the year of our Lord 1840. Signed sealed and acknowledged Isaac Hagler (seal) In presence of the wit Jeremiah Frazier Charles Bogart Armstrong Morrow
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