The Court appoints the following persons as Assessors to assess the taxes in their respective districts for the year 1873: To wit:
Dist. Dist.
1 | A. A. Humphreys | 11 | J. H. Worthey |
2 | W. B. Samples | 12 | E. Kimbrough |
3 | A. H. Gallaher | 13 | J. R. Sloan |
4 | S. J. Martin | 14 | Larkin Cardin |
5 | (empty) | 15 | A. B. Young |
6 | John Kinser | 16 | S. E. Stratton |
7 | Samuel Mc Conkey | 17 | J. W. Milligan |
8 | Larkin F. Cardin | 18 | D. E. Hedgecock |
9 | E. Summitt | 19 | Larkin Brannon |
10 | John Minis (?) | 20 | John W. Stratton |
Ez. C. Harris Tax Collector for Monroe County, Tennessee made the following return of Insolvencies, Double Taxes, Removals, etc. etc. It is therefore ordered by the Court that he be released from the payment of the same.
1st District $ $
Stillman G. G. Dead | 1 | Stegall, Wm Overage | 1 |
Ballard Peter Removed Land | 1 | Taylor, James H. Removed | 1 |
Dean A.S. Overage | 1 | Tyler, Jack (Col) Removed | 1 |
Douglas, H. N. Dead | 1 | Taylor John M. Not Found | 1 |
Day James H. Removed | 1 | Taylor " " | 1 |
Fisher Wesley " | 1 | Upton Robt. Insolvent | 1 |
Gann Wm " | 1 | Upton Daniel Removed | 1 |
Gibbs, Rob " | 1 | Weatherford Thos " | 1 |
Jones, Nelson " | 1 | Yearwood, Nathan Overage | 1 |
Kaylor, Jacob " | 1 | Zachary, C. C. on railroad | 1 |
Spencer, Charles " | 1 | Mc Guire, Eli. Overage | 1 |
$ 22
Angel, Wm Removed | 1 | Gann, Joseph Pays in 3rd | 1 |
Angel, Cornelius " | 1 | Lane, R. C. Not Found | 1 |
Brannon, S. H. Overseer | 1 | Henry, G. W. C. Removed | 1 |
Bain, J. C. Removed | 1 | Howard, Calvin Overseer | 1 |
Edmonds, W. P. Overseer | 1 | Henderson, Wm Paid in 3rd | 1 |
Franklin, Tillman Not Found | 1 | Isbill, Wm. Not Found | 1 |
(2nd District continued)
Land, J.J. Removed | 1 | Trayler, J. B. Removed | 1 |
Leonard, J.H.S. " | 1 | Tucker, Robt. Removed | 1 |
Norman, Wm. Not tax payer | 1 | Roy, Jonathan Overseer | 1 |
Renfro, John Overseer | 1 | (empty) |
$ 20
3rd District
Caldwell, H. C. Removed | 1 | Mc Croskey, Alex Minister | 1 |
Cunningham, Wm Overage | 1 | Pressley, Thos. Overage | 1 |
Forkner, J.G. Minister | 1 | Reynolds, Wm. Overseer | 1 |
Fisher, J. H. Overseer | 1 | Simpson, B.G. " | 1 |
Grubb, W.W. " | 1 | Spurling, H. " | 1 |
Goins, Samuel Minister | 1 | Vinzand, (?) G. Pays in 2nd | 10.75 |
Mc Croskey, J.P.T. Overseer | 1 | Webb, John Pays in 1st | 1 |
4th District
Cowan, James Removed | 1 | Martin, J.H. Overseer | 1 |
Coon, Marcus " | 1 | Paris, Ben (Col) Removed | 1 |
Clark, Flora Overcharged | 7 | Sneed, Thos Overseer | 1 |
Grayson, Geo Overseer | 1 | Upton, Dan (Col) in prison | 1 |
Jones, James C. Dead | 1 | Venoy, Thos Removed | 1 |
Jones, James (Col) in Loudon | 1 | Grayson, John " pd 15 | 1 |
Lillard, W.W. Overseer | 1 | (emply) $19.80 |
(No District 5)
District 6
Cobble, J.W. Kansas | 1 | Lacy, Joseph Removed | 1 |
Eller, Marion Over | 1 | Minis, J.A. Overseer | 1 |
McLemore, Thos Insolvent | 1 | McKeehan, Wm Overseer | 1 |
Bayles, B.J. Removed | 1 | Moss, Wm Removed | 1 |
Carson, George " | 1 | Oliver, C.F. Removed | 1 |
Innman, Alex Col Minister | 1 | Hemmons, H.A. Overseer | 1 |
Kyle, G.W. Overseer | 1 | Patterson, John " | 1 |
Thomas Calloway " | 1 | McLemore, Thomas Insol. | 1 |
District 7
Brannon, Aneil G. overseer | 1 | Thomason, T.K. Removed | 1 |
Coltharp, A.J. " | 1 | Thomason, J.W. Overseer | 1 |
Gaston, James Paid 12 " | 1 | Watson, G.w. Overseer | 1 |
Kinser, F.M. Overseer | 1 | Stephens, J.D. Removed | 1 |
McDonald James Release | 1 | Rice, Nelson Col do | 1 |
McClung, Robt Overseer | 1 | Harrill, Elijah Overseer | 1 |
McDonald, L.M. Overseer | 1 | Patterson, Robert " | 1 |
McSpadden, J.C. Overseer | 1 | Simonds, David Dead | 1 |
McElhany, John Dead | 1 | Wells, David Removed | 1 |
$18.00 |
District 8
Riggs, William Removed | 2 | Hunt, Thomas Overseer | 1 |
Burchfiel, J.B. Removed | 1 | Hankins, Marion Overseer | 1 |
Cunningham, Hasten Over | 1 | Henry, James Idiot | 1 |
Daughtery, Alex Overseer | 1 | Yarberry, Robt Notsubj. | 1 |
Dye, Jennings Overseer | 1 | Hightower, Thomas assess J. A. Peck | 1 |
Douglas, Henry Removed | 2 | Carden, Noah Col Not found | 1 |
Elliott, Samuel Overseer | 1 | Barnett, T.J. Removed | 1 |
Rogers, J.M. Removed | 1 | Boyd, Jessy Col Insolvent | 1 |
Ghormley, Thompson over | 1 | Cardin, Andy Col | 1 |
Gibson, Marion Overseer | 1 | Smith, John Removed | 1 |
Harris, Ezekiel Removed | 1 | (empty) $25.00 |
District 9
Blankenship, Isham Over | 1 | Mosee(?) Ransom Over | 1 |
Clibourne, Bruce Removed | 1 | Morrow, J.M. Overseer | 1 |
Cline, J.L. Overseer | 1 | Raper ~ | 1 |
Delashossett?, Isaac Over | 1 | Ray, S.W. Removed | 1 |
Kirkland, Ben Removed | 1 | (empty) $9.00 | |
Summitt, D.E. Removed | 1 | Sheets, David Overseer | 1 |
Summitt, Peter Overseer | 1 | Upton, Prince Removed | 1 |
Steele, William A. removed | 1 | (empty) $14.00 |
District 10
Bogle, J.A. Removed | 1 | Tallent, Samuel Removed | 2 |
Griffith, T.W. Removed | 1 | Tallent, william Do | 1 |
Jenkins, Hugh | 2 | Tallent, James P. Do | 1 |
Kefaufer, J.P. Minister | 1 | Smith, Duggan Release | 1 |
McCroskey, B.B. In 3rd | 1 | Stovers or Stoner , John By affdvt | 1 |
Shields, Jacob Overseer | 1 | (empty) $14.00 |
District 11
Cooke, John Overseer | 1 | Lankford, Zebidee Over | 1 |
Clibourne, Removed | 1 | Morgan, Henry Overseer | 1 |
Cline, David Under age | 1 | Moser, D.M. Overseer | 1 |
Forshee, Joseph Overseer | 1 | Randolph, John Dead | 1 |
District 12
Barr, Daniel Overseer | 1 | Ray, Hiram A. Overseer | 1 |
Ferguson, Bart " | 1 | Steed, Benjamin Overseer | 1 |
Hartsell, William | 1 | Strickland, Jacob pd in 12 | 1 |
Hicks, John M. overseer | 1 | Tucker, John Overage | 1 |
Hunnicutt, I.B. " | 1 | Wells, Stephen Overseer | 1 |
Monteith, John " | 1 | Webb, Elisha " | 1 |
Minis, S.A. " | 1 | Webb, Elijah " | 1 |
Peeler, Henderson Remove | 1 | Robinson, John Removed | 1 |
Peak, W. N. Overseer | 1 | Robison, Daniel Do | 1 |
Richards, S. H. Overseer | 1 | Young, Alfred Col Remove | 1 |
(empty) | Ray, Thomas Do | 1 |
District 13
Burrelson, Isaac Overseer | 1 | Morgan, Wm. Release | 1 |
Brandon, James " | 1 | Pesterfield, John Overseer | 1 |
Huff, William " | 1 | Sutton, J.B. " | 1 |
Moses, Jesse " | 1 | Strickland, Geo Heirs Overcharged $1.95 | 1 |
Mason, J. Marshall " | 1 | Strickland, Samuel paid in 12 | 1 |
McConkey, John " | 1 | White, George (in jail) | 1 |
District 14
Atkinson, Joseph Overage | 1 | Rogers, Dillon Under age | 1 |
Blanton, Robt Overseer | 1 | Smith, James Overseer | 1 |
Bowers, Alex Overage | 1 | Cox, Wm Removed | 1 |
Boyd, Joseph Pd in 8th $4.55 | 4 | Cox, Jonathan " | 1 |
Dye, William Overseer | 1 | Minyard, Joseph " | 1 |
Robinson, Wm. Insolvent | 1 | Minyard, Thos. " | 1 |
Ghormley, Augustus Over | 1 | Reed, James " | 1 |
Hamilton, Alfred Overseer | 1 | McKenzie, J.R. " | 1 |
Lee, George " | 1 | (empty) $20.55 |
District 15
Aiken, John Overage | 1 | Mullins, Asa Removed | 1 |
Dawson, J.F. Removed | 1 | Maya, Arthur Pays in 12 | 1 |
Denton, John In Prison | 1 | Sinks, March Removed | 1 |
Henry, William Removed | 1 | Webb, Jasper " | 1 |
Hunt, William Overage | 1 | Ward, Isam Overseer | 1 |
Latimore, Samuel Overseer | 1 | Shannon, Fletcher Remove | 1 |
Latimore, J. R. Paid in Loudon | 1 | (empty) | |
Maynard, Jack Removed | 1 | $14.00 |
District 16
Bivins, J.P. Overseer | 1 | Graves, W.J. Removed | 1 |
Bivins, Abraham under age | 1 | Hibbard, John Overseer | 1 |
Brooks, Hiram Overseer | 1 | Hill, E.J. Dead | 1 |
Blanton, L.F. " | 1 | Kirkland, Jesse Overage | 1 |
Carver, Thomas Not Found | 1 | Lindsay, Pearce Removed | 1 |
Erwin, Stephen Removed | 1 | Lindsay, John pays in 13 | 1 |
Mason, George Overseer | 1 | Landers, C.M. Removed | 1 |
Milligan, James " | 1 | Cunningham, Moses " | 1 |
Mills, Rufus Removed | 1 | Cook, C. H. Overcharged $3.25 | |
Teague, Harrison " | 1 | (empty) $21.25 |
District 17
Arden, William Idiot | 1 | Millsaps, Jesse Overseer | 1 |
Arden, Samuel Removed | 1 | Millsaps, Lewis Pays in 16 $4.25 | 1 |
Burrelson, R.V. Overseer | 1 | Pilkerton, Nathan M. Removed | 1 |
Davis, Alfred " | 1 | Sehorn, Wm. M. Chgd to Bank Tenn $15.92 | |
Hays, James Removed | 1 | Snider, Samuel Removed | 1 |
Hill, Elijah " | 1 | Snider, Alex V. " | 1 |
James, George " | 1 | Yarberry, James Overseer | 1 |
Yarberry, Rowland Paid in 16 $5.55 | Bank of Tennessee Refused to pay $20.15 |
District 18
Curtis, P.A. Overseer | 1 | (empty) | |
Griffith, Emanuel " | 1 | (empty) | |
Ivins, Larkin Paid in 8th | 1 | Webb, John charged in 8th | 1 |
King, John H. Minister | 1 | Land, I.S.(?) Pays in 8th | 1 |
Tipton, Jacob J. Ovrchd $9.75 | Hunt, Wm. Removed | 1 | |
Williams, H. P. Overseer | 1 | (empty) $17.75 |
District 19
Cassiday, Caleb (no ---) $1.95 | Witt, M.N. Overseer | 1 | |
Dalton, Calvin Overseer | 1 | Loftis, Jas. overage | 1 |
Hedgecock, D.E. Overchd | 1 | Miller, W.B. Over Tax | 1 |
Misemer, (?) W.B. Overage | 1 | Newcomb, Scott(?) pays 14 | 1 |
Payne, A.T.W. Overcharged $.78 | Newcomb, H (?) | 1 | |
Parks, Jas. " $.78 | (empty) |
District 20
Bivins, Elias Overseer | 1 | Shaw, J.B. Overseer | 1 |
Kirkland, Geo Removed | 1 | Veal, D.M. " | 1 |
The Court appoints Alexander Erwin overseer of the road from Kimbroughs Store to the old Turnpike on the road leading from ------- to ---------(No towns mentioned) and he is hereby required to keep the same in lawful repair as a second class road with the lands on the following lands to wit: Thomas A. Daughtery, Coat Cardins, G.W. Erwins, James Cardens, A. M. McLemores, P.M. Ghormleys, Thomas Bakers and Joseph Pecks. And all in that stead.
(in the side notes appears: A copy handed to Alex Erwin by. A.L. Hicks
NOTE: This is an example of what an overseer was in charge of doing, overseeing that everyone maintained their portion of the road.
I have researched and transcribed these documents directly from the Monroe County books. The names have been transcribed as written. Please allow a margin of error.
17 APRIL 1999