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Selmer Newspaper Clippings for 1929

P.E. Milstead and wife, Troy Kirk and wife and Miss Alcie Jernigan of near Ramer spent a part of last Thursday visiting
Mrs. Milstead’s brother, Earl Kennedy. The party were returning from a trip to Booneville, Miss.

Joe C. Wray of St. Petersburg, Fla., who is spending the summer here with his daughter, Mrs. Joe Carter, made a trip
to Corinth Friday of last week.

Jno. York and A.H. Crocker were business visitors to Selmer Saturday.

Jas. Kirk and wife of near Ramer spent last weekend with Mrs. Kirk’s father, H.J. Meeks.

Mrs. Martha Kirk and little son, Edward Deming, were visitors to Chewalla Sunday night.

R.A. Jernigan and family of Bemis were weekend visitors in the home of Mrs. B.R. Wrenn, a daughter. They were
accompanied home by Mrs. Wrenn’s pretty daughter, Miss Rose.

Misses Catherine and Eva Hayes of the Wolf Pen community visited in the home of their uncle, Prof. C.E. Parker,

Vester Blasingame was in Pocahontas Sunday afternoon.

J.T. and Arrie Kirk were visitors to Corinth Saturday.

Billie and Jas. Crocker, Jr., spent Saturday night with Fred Wilmeth.

J.L. Kirk, wife and baby visited Mrs. Kirk’s sister, Mrs. P. Milstead, of near Ramer, Saturday night.

J.D. Barnes and sons, Thomas and J.D., Jr., were visiting friends here last weekend.

Found Dead.
George Hurley, aged 60 years, was found dead in the field in the Cantrell bottom near Shiloh, last Friday afternoon. He
had been dead several hours when found. A mule is supposed to have thrown him. The deceased was a minister and a
substantial citizen. He was the son of the late T.J. Hurley, and a brother of W.P. Hurley, merchant at Tulu. Surviving
him are his wife and three sons, besides many other relatives in McNairy county.

On Sunday afternoon, June 30, at 1:00, Mr. Homer B. Appleton, of Tiplersville, Miss., and Miss Alma Fulghum of the
Bethel Springs community were united in marriage by the Rev. J.?E. Gault.

Mr. Appleton is a graduate of Union University, Jackson, Tenn., where he has a host of friends who wish him many
happy years and long usefulness.

Miss Fulghum is of one of McNairy’s leading families. She has taught in McNairy county for some years. She has
attended summer schools in Union University a number of summers. They will spend a few days in Memphis and Hot
Springs, after which they will go to their home in Tiplersville.

Chas. Steadman has been quite sick the past week with an attack of fever.

Misses Hattie Basden and Lessie Yarbrough were recent guests of Misses Bessie and Annie Rea Gooch.

Mrs. R.M. Barton of St. Louis was a brief caller in the home of Mrs. R.W. Haynes Saturday.

Mrs. R.W. Dyson, who has been sick for quite a time, does not seem to be improving.

Miss Lucille Ramer of Selmer was visiting relatives in this section recently.

Miss May Bell Basden, who has been in Oklahoma with her sister, Mrs. Sam Powers, is now at home.

Miss Alene Basden and several of her friends spent Sunday afternoon in Corinth.

Parham Gooch recently visited Irwin Baker.

Auzie Farris and wife were recent guests of relatives in Corinth.

Clyde Davis was in Corinth on business last week.

Edd Basden and wife spend Sunday in the home of Joe Yarbrough.

Little Mae McLaughlin was the recent guest of Annie Rea Gooch.

There will be preaching at Olive Hill next Sunday morning and night, and Sunday school at 2:30 p.m.. Everybody invited.

Tillman and Dalton McLaughlin and J.P. Gooch were visiting at Wenasoga recently.

Courtesy of Vicki Roach

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