{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl {\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
\uc1\pard\ulnone\b\f0\fs20 In the name of God amen, I, John Tunnell, of the State of Tennessee and the County of McMinn now of sound mind and memory but afflicted in body and not knowing how soon I may be called to leave this world, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament.  And first my Will is that so much of my personal property as shall be sufficient for that purpose be applied to the discharge of my just debts.  Secondly, I bequeath to my daughter Sarah such a portion of my personal goods as shall be equal to that which I have already given to my daughter Lydia both  in kind and value.  Thirdly my Will further is that my two sons Viz Janes and Wesley keep the horse beast each one which they claim.  Fourthly, all my other property real and personal I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Easter for the benefit of her and my young children during her life of widowhood and at her death to be so divided as to give to James, Wesley, Jesse. Elizabeth, Margaret, Kiziah, Nancy, William P. and Easter Catherine an equal portion estimating what James and Wesley already have received, and if my wife Easter should again marry, my will is that she receive part portion equal to and in common with the other legatees.  Fifthly and lastly, I appoint my wife Easter and my brother, William Tunnell, my Executors.  Leaving with them a solemn charge that they faithfully execute this my Will and Testament.  Acknowledged and signed in presence of \par
September the 19th 1833    \par
signed:   John Tunnell \par
Witness: \par
John Wilson, Absolem H. Doan\par
An Inventory of the Property of John Tunnell deceased left for the widow ninty four or five acres of land two grown horses and one small with one two horse waggon one calves nineteen head of stok hogs twenty one head of sheep.  Since given three plows and grosing for the same, one sythe and cradle one mowing sythe four axes two matocks and sisc hoes one old (obass) hook one sifle gun one iron wadge 3 3/4 steel  one handsaw one drawing knife and 1 chissel five bu stands a Mussery  containing one hundred and fifty grafted Apple trees ninety five bushell of corn  300 .00, bason two beds and furniture one table 7 chairs  one chest two pots and two ovens one small kettlethree spinning wheels one pair of cotton cards two jars one pitcher six milk sock?  And ordinary tot of dresser ware  Leather $2.50 cents woth one frair fire irons one fire shovel  one smothering iron  two small grindstones both worth about $1.75 cents  2 pails one wash tub 5 old barrels one bowdering lab and one light cast.  The above is a true inventory of the property on hand after dividing off to the grown legatees according to the Willof the deceased  \par
Sworn to 3rd March 1834  \par
A.  R.Turk, Clerk by William Tunnell Executor \par
March Court 1834\par
Amount of property sold at public sale of the Estate of John Tunnell Decreased. \par
Two grind stones both at 1.75 \par
Twelve head of sheet brot  7.08 3/4 \par
Two horses both brot 58.00\par
The Waggon  49.50 \par
$2.00 in money Received  2.00 \par
One hundred grafts brot  11.37 1/2\par
The above activity sold of what is sit down in the Inventory  $129.71 1/4 \par
Debts against the Estate   118.20 \par
Debts owing to the Estate 8.00 \par
Sworn to in open court \par
In March 1834   A R Turk, Clerk        (signed)   William Tunnell, Executor\par
                  by S. Workman D.C. \b0\par

Contributed By:   Darlene Tracy  (typed up the will from microfilm... )
Return To:  McMinn Co. Web Genealogy Project