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William J Lodge Biography

William J Lodge Biography

LODGE, William J., BUSINESS MAN; BORN Delaware Co., Pa., Jan. 12, 1856; English descent; son of Richard and Susan C. (Mason) LODGE; educated public schools of Delaware Co., Pa.; early occupation machinist; moved to south Pittsburg, Tenn., in 1886, Sec. & Treas. Shuster Foundry, eight years, manager Central Foundry eleven years; at present he is vice-president Lodge Mfg. Co., and superintendent of machine ship; married Lizzie M. FRAME, Dec. 20, 1882; Sec. Fraternal Mystic Circle and Treas. Of I. O. O. Heptosophs; Republican; member…

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R. M. Kirkpatrick Biography

R. M. Kirkpatrick Biography

KIRKPATRICK, R. M., merchant; born Jackson Co., Ala., Jan. 22, 1866; Scotch descent; son of William T. and Mary Ann (McFarland) KIRKPATRICK; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school education; married Blanch JENKINS Nov., 1898; member Woodmen of the World; Republican; Trustee for Marion Co., Tenn.; Vice-Pres. Sartain Drug Co., South Pittsburg, Tenn.; member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church.  

Egbert W. Holcombe Biography

Egbert W. Holcombe Biography

HOLCOMBE, Egbert W., merchant; born Bainbridge, N. Y., April 6, 1847; English descent; son of Edwin and Priscilla (Lyon) HOLCOMBE; father’s occupation, carpenter; educated at Oswego, N. Y.; boyhood days spent in Michigan during pioneer days; at North Platte, Neb., when that town was a frontier post and William F. CODY was a U. S. scout; in early life he taught school; married Mary J. CAHILL, March 29, 1877; member I. O. O. F.; Republican; former postmaster under U. S. GRANT and Benjamin HARRISON; member…

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John M. Gerren Biography

John M. Gerren Biography

GERREN, John M., teacher, editor; born Jasper, Tenn., June 6, 1880; son of W. L. and Mollie Elizabeth (DeFriece) GERREN; father, farmer; educated at Normal University, Chattanooga, and Athens School of University of Chattanooga, and left school one year before graduating; early business occupation, farmer, telegraph operator, clerk in Chattanooga (Tenn.) postoffice, teacher in Whitwell, Tenn., six years, assistant principal Shook School, Tracy City, 1908-1909-1910-1911, editor, “Mrs. Grundy,” 1909; has been owner and editor of “The Mountain Herald,” Tracy City, Tenn.,…

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Jacob Lafayette Griffitts Biography

Jacob Lafayette Griffitts Biography

GRIFFITTS, Jacob Lafayette, clergyman; born in Loudon Co., Tenn., Nov. 14, 1869; Welsh and Scotch-Irish descent; son of John Wesley and Mary E. (Donaldson) GRIFFITTS; paternal grandparents, Emanuel and Rachel (Jenkins) GRIFFITTS; maternal grandparents James H. and Lucinda (Matthews) DONALDSON; educated at Unitia Academy Unitia, Tenn., and graduated from Moody Bible Institute Chicago, Ill., 1900; began life in the mercantile business; joined the Holston Conference of M. E. church, South, at Morristown, Tenn., 1903; ordained Deacon, 1903, ordained Elder 1910 Chattanooga, Tenn.; served the following charges, viz: Decatur, Dunlap and…

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Henry W. Hill Biography

Henry W. Hill Biography

HILL, Henry W., born in Virginia April 17, 1847; son or James and Elizabeth (Garrett) HILL; father manufacturer; Democrat; served as private in Confederate Army during Civil war; member of Methodist church; active president south Pittsburg (Tenn.) Savings Bank; Supt. U. S Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Co., South Pittsburg. 

Joseph B. Havener Biography

Joseph B. Havener Biography

HAVENER, Joseph B., physician; born Jasper, Tenn., April 19, 1866; German descent; son of Martin B. and Caroline (McBee) HAVENER; father was a minister of the gospel; paternal grandfather, Obediah HAVENER, maternal grandfather, John McBEE; educated Ft. Smith, Dis. High School, Booneville, Ark. Graduated Vanderbilt University, MD., degree April, 1901; began his career as a school teacher; married Belle HOLDER, Jan. 1899; member Western Scion F. & A. M. No. 88, Troy R.A.M. No. 139, Troy Council No. 79, Obion Medical Society, and Tenn….

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Emil Graenicher Biography

Emil Graenicher Biography

GRAENICHER, Emil, Postmaster; born Bremgarten, near Berne, Switzerland, Oct. 31, 1847; Swiss descent; son of Albert GRAENICHER; father’s occupation, gardener; educated in Grandson, Switzerland; in early life engaged in the mercantile business, and building and contracting; married Jennie GRELAND, July 6, 1898; member Summitt Lodge, F. & A. M., Sewanee, Tenn.; Justice of the Peace and Notary Public for about 20 years; Postmaster for 11 years; landed in New York in Aug., 1864; lived in Milwaukee, Wis., six year; moved to Tenn. in…

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Moses E. Deakins Biography

Moses E. Deakins Biography

DEAKINS, Moses E., farmer and surveyor; born Marion Co., Tenn., Nov. 30, 1840; German descent; son of Franklin and Lydia Harpine (Easterly) DEAKINS; paternal grandparents Absaiom and Mary (Brown) DEAKINS; maternal grandparents Moses and Charlotte Fudge EASTERLY; educated at Athens Seminary; married Martha Burr HAMMONS, July 21, 1866; Blue Lodge and Chapter Mason; was Clerk and Master Chancery Court, Sequatchie Co., eight years; member of the lower House of the 49th General Assembly State of Tennessee; soldier in Confederate army from Sept. 6, 1861, to the termination of the Civil War; placed…

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David Hampton Bryan Biography

David Hampton Bryan Biography

BRYAN, David Hampton, physician; born Morrison, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1858; Irish-Danish and French descent; son of John Alexander and Charlotte Elizabeth (Hampton) BRYAN; father’s occupation farmer; educated at Winchester (Tenn.) Normal; graduated at Nashville, Tenn., degree of M. D., Feb. 25, 1890; in early life was a public school teacher; married Fannie L. BRIXEY, Nov. 1, 1883; member Masons, Odd Fellows and Woodmen of the World; former Co. Health Officer, 1899-1905; member of M. E. Church, South, and Superintendent of Morton Memorial…

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