Will of Cynthia Tate Hamilton

Will of Cynthia Tate Hamilton

[Will Book 1, page 34(transcribed by David Johnson)]

On the 21st day of Jany 1883 Cynthia Tate Hamilton deceased in her Last sickness at her Owen habitation in Marion County Tennessee declared in the Presents of the undersigned witnesses thereto who were Both Present at the same time heard the Same noncupation and are intensly[?] disinterested in the subject matter of the bequest that this was her will

It is my will that my debts and all charges be paid out of my Estate. I give the residue of my personal property to palestine Hamilton to hers forever. I give and desire all of my Real Estate to my Sisters and one Brother. To wit Palestine Hamilton Isaac Hamilton Tennessee Alder Terry Thompson to be theirs and their heirs forever.

The said Cynthia T Hamilton died on the 21st day of Jany 1883.

Written and signed by us this the 25th day of Jany 1883.

G. W. Alder
J. L. Thompson

Sworn to and subscribed in open court this Feb 6th 1883 being the 6th day of said month

W M Bennett Chairman

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