Will of M. A. Wall
[Will Book 1, page 251 (transcribed by Beverly Burton Culbreth)]

South Pittsburg, Tenn. March, 30th 1914

To whom it may concern.

In case of my death previous to that of my wife Zena Allen Wall, it is my wish and intention that such property as I may at that time be possessed of both real and personal, shall be turned over to her to be handled as she may see fit. Neither bond or an accounting to be exacted of her. It is my wish but in no sense a requirement that she shall make provision by will or otherwise to the end that my son Marion Pryor Wall shall receive the benefits of anything that I may have beyond her personal requirements.

The above is ment [sic] to convey absolute title and authority to handle anything that I may leave.

M. A. Wall

H. T. Hutton