Will of Hattie A. Tate
[Will Book 1, pages 224-225 (transcribed by Beverly Burton Culbreth)]

State of Tenn. Marion County Monteagle Tenn. May 15-1916 I, Hattie A Tate, being of sound mind, do make this my will and testament concerning the distribution of my property at my death.

I give and bequeath to the state of Tennessee thirty thousand dollars (30,000) to found at Monteagle Tennessee a home for elderly women, said institution to be known as the Unitarian Home for Elderly Women. It is to be built of rock quarried from the quarry on my land and known as the William McCoy property near the village of Monteagle, Tennessee on forty to fifty acres of arable land suitable for farming purposes. The entrance admission to said institution will be Five Hundred dollars ($500) and it is to be built to accommodate from ten to twelve inmates. It is the said wish of the undersigned that the Building Committee consider for architect and builder Oliver Wheeler of Charlotte N.C. and his business partner. The management of this institution shall be vested in a board of Five Ladies and Five Gentlemen Directors, who shall be by ballot of the voters at the annual election of the town officers of the Town of Monteagle Tennessee. A resident farmer family shall be hired to care for the land and buildings, and attend to table supplies. A matron shall be in charge of the beneficiaries of the home. Other help shall be hired as needful. The institution shall be characterized by simplicity, economy and comfort, and any Beneficiary who wishes to work, as the matron deems practical, shall be paid by the hour.
This inscription, cut in solid granite, shall be built into the structure: Unitarian Elderly Women's Home, Founded and Endowed by Hattie and J. D. Tate.

I give and bequeath five Hundred Dollars ($500) to the Cemetary [sic] Association, Sandusky, N.Y. to be invested in land inclosed [sic] by a stout wire fence. The trustees of said cemetary, together with the supervisors of Town of Freedom, and one other respectable citizen are to select said land The income from the rent of said land to be applied to keeping in order the Thomas Tate burial plot.

I give and bequeath Thomas G Riddle and his wife Emma Riddle, Ten Thousand dollars ($10,000) and give and bequeath to Thomas G Riddle any residue of my estate.

I give and bequeath one hundred dollars to Ella Rich Jones of Chestonia, Mich. and also one hundred dollars ($100) to Clifford Rich Farmersville, N.Y. in memory of their father the late Madison Rich of Sandusky N.Y.

I give and bequeath one Hundred dollars ($100) to Marietta J. Charles of Sandusky NY.

I give and bequeath one hundred dollars ($100) to Matella Graves of Sandusky N.Y.

I give and bequeath one hundred dollars ($100) to Una M Mulnix, Carson City, Mich.

I give and bequeath one hundred dollars ($100) each to the three sons of Gertrude Montague, Traverse City, Mich.

I give and bequeath fifty dollars ($50-). each to the four sons and three daughters of the late L. T. Dale of Brickenridge, Mo.

I give and bequeath one hundred dollars ($100.) to the four daughters and two sons of the late Joanna Haney of Big Rapids, Mich.

I give and bequeath one hundred dollars ($100) to Arthur McArthur of Kansas City Mo.

I hereby appoint Thomas Riddle of Madison, Alabama, as executor of this my last will and testament, No bond shall be required.

Hattie A Tate

Emma H. Riddle
Virgil I. Holcombe
J. W. Greene