Will of James B. Hoge
[Will Book 1, page 174 (transcribed by Pam Collier)]

Know all men by these presence, I J. B. Hoge, do hereby will and bequeate [sic] to my beloved wife Temperance C. Hoge, all of my Real Estate Consisting of the following. My Home place containing 300 acres more or less and one mountain place near Tracy City, Tenn. Containing One Hundred and forty acres more or less. Also one mountain place near the Nelson place containing fifteen acres more or less, and also my undivided interest in one tract of land own by me and a Goodrich Hrs. lying near the Peck School House Containing thirty acres more or less.

I also bequeath to my wife Temperance C. Hoge all personal property that I am possessed with.

This being my last will and testament.

This May 8th 1908.

J. B. Hoge


F. A. Kelly
Jno A. Hoge.