Will of Mrs. L. L. Moffat
[Will Book 1, page 121 (transcribed by David Johnson)]

Wishing to save my children from any doubt as to how I would like to dispose of my property-
I wish my three younger children- John Adeline and Lillian to have all my real estate, goods, chattels, and personal effects with the exception of my piano to divide among themselves as they see fit, feeling a perfect confidence that each will show to the others a generous faithful and loving spirit.
The piano is to be Adelines alone.
I do not wish the disposition of my property to be construed as indicating any difference in my affection for my children. I give a mothers love to my older children Jennie and Harry. I leave them none of the little property I have only because I feel that in justice it belongs to my younger children for whom I have been able to do less in the past and who have for years contributed to my support.

Mrs. L. L. Moffat
Sept. 10- 1901


E W. Holcomb
W J Gilfellan