Deed of Trust James Anderson to Josiah Anderson
[Will Book 1, pages 23 (transcribed by David Johnson)]

This Judgement made and entered into this May 25th 1866 one thousand eight hundred and sixty six by James Anderson of the one part and Josiah Anderson of the other part all of the county of Marion and State of Tennessee

Witnesseth in and for the consideration of four hundred dollars to me secured by approved good by me I have this day Bargained and sold and do hereby convey unto Josiah Anderson his heirs and assigns forever all my right Title and Interest in and to a certain Tract or parcel of land I now live on on Walden's Ridge in said Marion County state of Tennessee District No 3 adjoining lands of said Josiah Anderson & William M Roberts & others known as my mountain home place three hundred acres be the same more or less bounded by the calls of the grant Issued by the State of Tennessee to me. Now if the said Josiah Anderson shall well and truly comply with the obligations I hold on him which he has Executed to me this day which said obligation shows the condition of this conveyance and why it is done I Bind myself my heirs and representatives to warrant and forever defend the Title of said land with all and its Singular Heraditaments and appertaining there unto or belonging unto the said Josiah Anderson his heirs and assigns forever I further covenant with said Josiah Anderson that I will hold and keep myself and him in possession of the above described land and ever part thereof during my natural life and act in conformity with the contract we have this day agreed and entered into
given under my hand and seal this day and date above mentioned

James Anderson (his mark)

J. E. Teague
E. M. Hicks

State of Tennessee
Marion County
Personally appeared before me C S Deakins Dept Clerk of the county court of said county J E Teague and E M Hicks subscribing witnesses to the attached will who being first duly sworn depose and say that they are personally acquainted with the within named Jas Anderson testator and that he acknowledged the same in their presence to be his act and deed for the purpose therein contained witness my hand at office this 6th day Nov 1891

J R Holaway clerk by C S Deakins Deputy Clerk