McCormick, Sandra L
Sandra L. Butler McCormick, a beloved mother, grandmother, and friend, passed away peacefully at her home on December 8th, 2024. She was the cherished widow of Robert N. McCormick and a devoted mother to three children. A dedicated member of Panoramic Full Gospel Church, Sandra retired from Murray, Ohio Manufacturing.
Sandra is survived by her two daughters, Rosemary Williams and Christine Jackson, and her son, Robert Butler. Her family also includes nine adoring grandchildren, fifteen great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren. Like an eagle, she flies in the hearts of all those who knew her.
A celebration of life is scheduled at 10:45 am for Saturday, December 14, at Panoramic Full Gospel Church. Flowers can be sent to the church or if you wish, in lieu flowers, donations can be sent to the Lewis County Cancer Victims Fund; PO Box 550, Hohenwald TN 38462