1900 Census
This page contains the link to the 1900 Census of Lewis Co, TN. Images of this census are located at the following web site:
US GenWeb 1900 Census Archives.
The 1900 Lewis County, Tennessee, Census contains 96 pages in Enumeration Districts 60 through 64. Page 61-12B was not copied from the microfilm, as it is blank.
The name of each image file is the page number. (In the case of 1880, 1900, 1910,
and 1920 census, the file name includes both the Enumeration District and the
page number.)
The following is a breakdown showing which county subdivisions are enumerated
in each Enumeration District:
1st Civil District: ED 60-01A through 60-03A
2nd Civil District: ED 60-03B through 60-05A
4th Civil District: ED 60-05B through 60-08A
3rd Civil District: ED 61-01A through 61-12A
9th Civil District: ED 61-13A through 61-15B
5th Civil District: ED 62-01A through 62-03A
6th Civil District: ED 62-03B through 62-09B
7th Civil District: ED 63-01A through 63-04B
10th Civil District: ED 63-05A through 63-08A
8th Civil District: ED 64
The 1900 Lewis County, Tennessee, Census images: