1931 Lauderdale County Enterprise
spent Thursday with Mrs.Mattie HUTCHERSON.
~~HENNING~~Mrs.Nannie Adelia NICHOLS MEGEL departed this life Thursday
afternoon,December 25th at her home,after an illness of three weeks.She was born in
Sedalia,MO,on March 12,1869.After her marriage on September 22,1889,to J.J.MEGEL
in Old Stonefort at Eldorado,ILL,they moved to Memphis in 1894,making their home
there and Henning intermittently until her death.Funeral services were conducted Saturday
at the family residence by Rev.E.H.HUTCHERSON,of Covington.Remains were taken to
Memphis for burial in Forest Hill Cemetery.Besides her husband,she leaves three
sons,L.D.MEGEL,of Kansas City,MO; J.J.MEGEL,Jr.; and Lawrence A.MEGEL,of
Henning;five sisters,Mrs.Fred MUENCH,of Evensville,ILL; Mrs.Fletcher SMITH,of
Stonefort.ILL; Mrs.John McSPARIN,of Stonefort,ILL; Mrs.Joe PARSONS,of
McCormick,ILL; Mrs.D.O.JONES,OF Okla City,OK; two brothers.(unnamed)Two sons
and one daughter preceded her in death.;Lynn Eugene MEGEL died August 21,1898 in
Seymore,IN; Mary Margaret MEGEL died November 2,1900 in Memphis; and Louis
Harold MEGEL died January 13,1918,in Birmingham,AL.
~~LOCALS~~Mrs.Charles MONTAGUE received quite a severe fall on the pavement in
front of Stewart Furniture Co.,on the morning after the recent snow.This is a dangerous
place when covered with sleet or snow and should be made safe for pedestrians.
After a prolonged illness of several months,Mrs.F.M.JONES,of Paducah,KY,died
Tuesday morning.She was the mother of Mrs.H.C.WILCOX.
Jean Glass WRIGHT,11-weeks-old,daughter of R.H.& Frankie WILLIAMS WRIGHT
died Tuesday evening,December 30,at 11:30 o’clock,at the home of her parents in
Memphis.The remains were brought to Ripley Wednesday afternoon and laid to rest in
Maplewood Cemetery.
~~MAYOR’S COURT~~John WHITEHORN; drunk,$12.25.
~~DEATH~~Mr.Sidney EVANS died last Friday evening,85 years of age,was born in
Atlanta,GA on March 1,1846.Funeral services in the Church of Christ,burial in
Maplewood Cemetery.Pall bearers were his grandsons,William DAILEY; Leon
HUDDLESTON; Marvin HUDDLESTON and Louis NABORS,Jr.;and his
sons-in-law,G.T.SMITH and Louis NABORS,Sr.He is survived by his wife and six
daughters,Mrs.Albert HUDDLESTON; Mrs.Tom NABORS;and Mrs.Louis NABORS;all
of Memphis,Mrs.Ada DAILEY; Mrs.G.T.SMITH and Miss Irean EVANS;all of
Ripley.Two children preceded him in death,an only son,Charles Henry EVANS,at the age
of three months and a daughter,Mrs.Tom H.GREEN,who died January 24,1929.
~~DEATH~~Mr.William BATES,80,died at the residence of his
son-in-law,C.H.SULLIVAN,near Price,Lauderdale County,Sunday afternoon,December
28,1930,at 1:30 o’clock.Funeral services were held at the residence Monday
afternoon,interment in family cemetery.He is survived by two sons,James BATES and
Montelle BATES; daughters,Mrs.C.H.SULLIVAN,of Lauderdale County;Mrs.George
TURNER and Mrs.Herman TURNER,both of Tipton County.
~~DEATH~~Mrs.B.S.MORRIS died at the home of her daughter,Mrs.J.B.HUNTER,on
January 1,1931.She leaves four children,Mrs.H.C.D.MORRIS,of Timmonsville,SC;
Mrs.C.T.AUSTIN; Mrs.J.B.HUNTER; and Mr.Sam MORRIS;all of Ripley.One
sister,Mrs.Mary Lea JONES,of Blytheville,AR.The funeral was held at Mt.Pleasant
Church on January 3rd.
~~MARY’S CHAPEL~~Mr.Horace LEE and family moved Tuesday to Toulon.
Miss Pauline KLUTTS spent Tuesday night with her grandmother,Mrs.NEW at Conner.
~~LOCALS~~Mrs.Etta WILSON,age 55,died Tuesday at her home in the Hurricane Hill
community,and was buried the following day in Holmes graveyard.
Friends in Ripley deeply sympathize with Mrs.Ted WILSON in the death of her
father,J.G.PROVENCE,which occurred Tuesday in Dallas,Texas.
Tuesday night,the store of Jenkins & Hill was entered by would be theives who broke the
plate glass in the rear door.Nothing was missed,and the presumption is that the miscreants
were frightened away before they secured any loot.
A typographical error last week was responsible for the name,John
WHITEHORN,appearing in Mayor’s Court proceedings, when it should have been Joe
WHITEHORN,and was so written.The said Joe WHITEHORN is from Tipton County,the
person tried on a charge of being drunk and not John WHITEHORN,who is a
good,substantial citizen of Ripley and not to be classed as a law violater.
Mrs.J.W.WATERS was called to Milburn.KY,last Friday on account of the death of her
only brother,E.B.SUMMERS,age 80 years.He was a civil engineer in the employ of the
Government,but recently returned from service,and was at the time of his death,living with
his sister,Mrs.G.L.BOSWELL at Milburn.
~~HENNING~~Fire of unknown origin destroyed the baeutiful country home of Frank
LEWIS east of town Friday night between 9 and 10 o’clock.The place was known as the
old Frank WATSON home and was built nearly 50 years ago.
Willis FITZGERALD–91 & 1/10 acres in the 5th District; $5000.
~~DEATH~~After a courageous,patient fight against odds for five years,Miss Louise
JOHNSTON peacefully fell on sleep at her home in Ripley early Monday morning.She was
born in Bardwell,KY on September 9,1905 and removed here with her parents twelve
years ago.The funeral was held at the family residence on tuesday afternoon,interment in
Maplewood cemetery.She is survived by her parents,Mr.& mrs.James H.JOHNSTON;
two brothers,Joe JOHNSTON and James JOHNSTON.
~~LOCALS~~Mrs.Sophia MODLIN,age 77 years,an inmate of the county home,died
Miss Catherine COX,who lives near Central,left Sunday for Greenville,MS to visit her
aunt,Mrs.Mamie CARROLL and other relatives.
Mr.L.M.MURLEY,one of the county’s oldest citizens,died Tuesday at the home of his
son,M.C.MURLEY,near Mary’s Chapel,and his remains were laid to rest the following
day in the cemetery at that place.The funeral was conducted by
Rev.M.F.SAVAGE.Mr.MURLEY had reached the age of 93 years and three months,and
had been a member of the Baptist church for 73 years.He was a man of strong
contitution,and at the age of 90 years,made a cotton crop.Just before he suffered a stroke
of paralysis,he sang two songs,and these were his last audible utterances.
~~WHITEFIELD~~Mr.Will HUTCHERSON and family,of Whitefield have moved to
Mary’s Chapel and Mrs.Laura HENDREN and family,of Mary’s Chapel,have moved to
the house vacated by Mr.HUTCHERSON.
~~MARY’S CHAPEL~~Mr.& Mrs.Will HUTCHERSON of Whitefield,have moved to
the place vacated by Mr.Pete GRIMES.
~~RED CROSS~~The local chapter of the American Red Cross has established
headquarters at the City Club rooms,which is in charge of
Mrs.J.E.PIERSON,disbursement officer,with H.L.HANNA,investigator of claiments.So
far food has been furnished 325 families averaging 5 per family,who are unable to receive
assistance from other sources.This county has a large number of sharecroppers and
renters,who made a complete crop failure as a result of the unprecedented drought,and
many are hungry and destitute of clothing to bridge them through the winter.
~~CURVE~~The grocery store owned by Roy MEACHUM and operated in connection
with the Pan-Am filling station,was entered by theives Saturday night and a considerable
quantity of flour,coffe,canned goods,etc.,taken.
the body of Willis SCALLIONS,who died Saturday night after an illness of only two
days,was laid to rest Monday morning in Concord Cemetery.Deceased had been a member
of the Methodist Church here a number of years and the funeral services were conducted
by the pastor,Rev.A.M.BENNETT.Mr.SCALLIONS was 80 years of age,had been
married four times and was the father of 18 children,12 of whom are living.He is also
survived by his wife;one brother and a number of grandchildren.
~~GATES~~Mr.John GARRETT died suddenly at his home near town Wednesday
morning at 5 o’clock.Funeral services were Thursday morning,burial in Concord
Cemetery.Besides his widow,he is survived by five sons,J.N.GARRETT; Ernest
GARRETT; E.L.GARRETT; E.O.GARRETT; and P.O.GARRETT; also by one brother
and a number of grandchildren.
~~DEATH~~Samuel Elsworth HAYNES was born September 27,1890 and died January
15,1931-age 40 years,four months and 18 days.He was the son of Mr.& Mrs.Andrew
HAYNES,of Central,where he was born and reared.In 1908,he professed faith in Jesus
Christ and joined the New Hope Methodist Church.In December 1913,he married Miss
Edith May THOMPSON,and to them were born five children,three boys and 2 girls.He
also leaves his mother, two sisters and one brother.
~~LOCALS~~See G.W.METER for hauling.Telephone 380.
Mr.& Mrs.I.M.STEELE carried Elvin MODLIN to Nashville Sunday,and placed him in
the home for the feeble-minded.
Mr.& Mrs.A.P.BOYD and daughter and Mr.J.W.BOYD and daughter attended the
funeral of Page BOYD,son of Mr.& Mrs.Walter BOYD in Blytheville,AR Saturday.
Mrs.Eva M.SMITH passed away at the home of her daughter,Mrs.A.W.LACKEY in
Ripley on Thursday of last week and her remains were laid to rest in Holmes graveyard the
following day.She was 68 years of age,and had been aninvalid for many months,but was
uncomplaining,because she was happy in a Saviour’s love and also the love and respect of
a large number of friends who shared with the daughter in her ministrations and constant
watchcare over her.
~~MARY’S CHAPEL~~Hubert MANESS has returned to his home in Memphis after an
extended visit to his brother,Henry MANESS.
~~LUCKETT~~Mr.& Mrs.C.N.JONES are parents of a son,born January 13th.
~~WHITEFIELD~~An infant son of Jake CONNELL was buried Saturday afternoon at
Mary’s Chapel.
~~HALESPOINT~~Will KELLICK and Freeman MIDYETT,of Chick,were here Sunday.
~~DEATH~~Mrs.Jane HAYNES, wife of Andy HAYNES,deceased,died Sunday at the
home of her daughter,Mrs.Clara BROWN,near Central,after a brief illness.Mrs
HAYNESwas taken ill while attending the bedside of her son,Ellsworth HAYNES,who
died January 15.She was taken to the home of her daughter,where she developed
pneumonia.Mrs.HAYNES leaves two daughters,Mrs.Emmett UNDERWOOD and
Mrs.Clara BROWN,both of the Central community; and one son,Lewis HAYNES,of
~~MARY’S CHAPEL~~Miss Letha KLUTTS spent Sunday night with Mrs.Irene
Mr.Ben HUTCHERSON and daughter,Myrtle,of Dry Hill,attended the bedside of
Mr.Everett PRATER Sunday.
~~WHITEFIELD~~Junior,little son of Mr.& mrs.Jack TIMS is ill with the flu.
~~KNOB CREEK~~Mr.& Mrs.W.A.HUTCHERSON and children,spent Sunday in the
R.C.BELTON home at Mascedonia.
~~WOODVILLE~~Mrs.Willie WILEY attended a birthday dinner of her aunt,Miss Emma
BENNETT,near Forked Deer last Tuesday,given by her neices and nephews as a
surprise,it being her 82nd birthday.
~~GATES~~Mr.& MRS.A.F.GARRETT are parents of a son born Sunday,the 25th.
~~LIGHTFOOT~~Little Willie Mary BLACK was carried to a hospital in Memphis
Wednesday of last week to undergo an operation on her leg.She has been unable to walk
for five months.
Sunday afternoon about 4 o’clock,the death angel visited the home of W.L.McPHERSON
and claimed the dear wife and mother.She had been sick only about ten days.She was
almost 75 years of age and had been c Christian for many years.She leaves a husband; two
daughters; Mrs.Lem MATTHEWS,of McCONNELL and Mrs.Willie MITCHELL,of
Luckett; one son,John Henry McPHERSON,of Memphis.
~~ASBURY~~Mrs.Maude BILLINGS spent the weekend in Covington with her daughter
Mrs.Mamie WOOD was called to Lightfoot by the death of her
Mrs.Alex EDNEY and children,of Ripley,spent several days last week with her
mother,Mrs.Maude BILLINGS.
~~PLEASANT HILL~~A daughter was born to Mr.& mrs.Robert Gilson WOOD at the
Baptist hospital in Memphis Friday.Mrs.WOOD is the granddaughter of
~~LUCKETT~~Miss Athea McGARRITY spent the weekend in Ripley.
Mr.& Mrs.Glenn MITCHELL,of Memphis,spent Monday with his parents,Mr.&
Mr.& Mrs.Bradie WILLIS and baby,of Monette,AR are visiting his parents,Mr.&
Mr.& Mrs.Manley DANIELS,of Ripley,spent Sunday afternoon with her parents,Mr.&
Mrs.Rob CROOK.
Mr.& Mrs.John EMERSON and baby,of Ripley,spent Sunday here with her
~~CENTRAL~~Lackey WEBB and Beulah APPERSON motored to Dyersburg Monday
and were married.
Lemon WILSON and Sue WEBB were married Saturday in Marion,AR.They were
accompanied by Mr.& Mrs.Carl ADKERSON.
~~LOCALS~~Mrs.A.E.ANDERSON died suddenly at her home at Curve Wednesday
evening at 6 o’clock.
Mr.& Mrs.J.B.CROCKETT have moved to the suburban residence at the Fain Spring
Farm Dairy,of which he is proprietor,and are now keeping house.
Mrs.Blanche NUNN,of Halls,died Wednesday in the Baptist Hospital in Memphis,where
she had been under treatment for several weeks.The remains were carried to Halls for
interment Thursday afternoon.
Billy,six-year-old son of Mr.& Mrs.Carey SOLOMON,of Nut Bush,suffered a fractured
skull Friday while enroute from school,when he was struck by an auto said to have been
driven by Jim CAPELL.
~~CEDAR GROVE~~Mrs.Lena WEBB is spending this week with her son,Joe
Mrs.Scott ANDREWS and daughters, Pansy & Doris,spent Thursday with Mrs.Hughey
~~CURVE~~A daughter was born Tuesday to Mr.& Mrs.H.M.SUTTON.She has been
named Joanne.
Last Wednesday evening,January 28th,the death angel came into the home of
A.E.ANDERSON,taking his beloved companion,to whom he had been married almost 24
years.Although her health had been bad for a number of years,apparantly she was as well
as usual until Wednesday morning when she suffered a stroke of paralysis,from which she
never rallied.Mrs.ANDERSON was born March 15,1887,and married February 3,1907.At
an early age she joined the Methodist Church and was a loyal and faithul member,loving
the church and all good causes,being an able leader in any and all causes for the bebefit of
the community.That she was well loved was shown by the vast crowds of friends who
gathered to pay her their last tribute of love and respect.She leaves her husband; one
son,J.M.ANDERSON,of Memphis; a little grandson; one sister,Mrs.E.F.HALL,of Paris;
and many other relatives to mourn her passing.In the church to which she belonged,her
pastor,Bro.BENNETT,read a beautiful and impressive service,after which she was laid to
rest in the cemetery at Gates.
~~DYERSBURG DODGE FIRM~~At the bankruptcy sale of the Anderson-Hart Motor
Company,Dyersburg Dodge Agency,the company stock was purchesed by Goodloe
PARTEE,of Ripley.The business was reopened Saturday and is now doing business with
W.F.HART,former owner in charge.
~~MARY’S CHAPEL~~Miss Pauline KLUTTS spent Saturday night with Miss
FlossieWILLIAMS at Conner.
~~LOCALS~~Maurice MILLER,doing business as A.Miller & Co.,filed a petition in
bankruptcy in Memphis Wednesday.He listed his liabilities of $6667.10 and assets of
Ernest ARWOOD tripped and fell on the concrete pavement Saturday night and
shattered his right knee cap.He was carried to Dr.Campbell’s Clinic,in Memphis,and hopes
to be able to return home soon. Mrs.J.E.McCOLPIN,widow,living in Memphis,died at the
home of her daughter in that city Monday night of apoplexy.Mr.McCOLPIN died 7 years
ago.In addition to her daughter,Mrs.Jarrell PENN,she is survived by two sisters and one
brother;Mrs.J.E.CLIFFE,of Franklin; Mrs. Waco WEBB,of Debray Beach; and Mr.Dan
VAUGHEN,of Pasadena,Calif.
~~BEXAR~~John BARBOUR,of Curve,visited his sister,Mrs.Herman WEBB Sunday.
Ralp & Rhea UNDERWOOD,of Flippen,spent Saturday night in the home of their
~~FOR RENT~~Nice 6 room house ,Mrs.W.B.MIDYETT,Ripley,tennessee.
~~CROSS ROADS~~Emmett WHITE,who has been sick for sometime,is still confined to
his bed.
Alvin DAVIS has returned from the Baptist Hospital in Memphis where he was treated
for a fractured wrist.
~~WHITEFIELD~~Mr.& Mrs.Ernest BIZZELL are parents of a daughter,born January
28th.She has been christened Clara Geraldine BIZZELL.
Jerome KLUTTS & Margaret KLUTTS,of Mary’s Chapel ;Misses Jessie KLUTTS &
Marjorie FERGASON,of Conner,visited the Walter WHEATLEY home Friday.
~~CONNER~~Mrs.Josie WILLIAMS spent Saturday in the Charley KLUTTS home.
~~LOCALS~~Mrs.C.L.FOUST,of Memphis,visited her daughter,
Mrs.W.W.HUTCHERSON,at Mack Monday.
An 8-year-old son of Mr.& Mrs.C.D.WILLIAMS died Saturday and the remains were
laid to rest in Mary’s Chapel cemetery.
Mr.& Mrs.Alonzo KLUTTS and son,Bill; Robert KLUTTS and Mr.& Mrs.Dan
KLUTTS,spent Sunday with the Harris BROWNS’in Jackson.
Rev.J.W.WATERS in endeavoring to pull a post out of the ground at his home,broke a
rib.However,he is able to be up and we predict he is through in the post business.
This is to notify the public that Howard BROWN,colored,is indebted to me and George
BOND,and has left our farm.Whoever hires BROWN will be held responsible his wages.
James GAINES,17-year-old son of Mr.& Mrs.Max GAINES died Wednesday of last
week.Funeral was the following day,the remains interred in Asbury Cemetery.
the world with a skin as light as that of a caucasin is a common notion,and frequently
travelers refer to the faintly colored newly born children of the black race.Many people
believe that negro babies are born white (with the exception of a black band around the
body) and that a short time after birth their skins turn black.As a matter of fact newly born
infants even of the white race are not really light in color.Generally caucasian children are
reddish at birth,although the exact hue varies widely.The children of the darker races are
lighter than their parents,and the colored child of very light parents may be
indistingguishable from a white child so far as color is concerned,but ordinarily colored
children enter the worls noticeably pigmented and many of them are quite dark from the
beginning.As a rule the coloe deepens for several years,this is especially true in those born
light.It seldom happens,however,that a newly born colored child has the deep black color
of the typical full blooded adult.Decided pigmentation first appears on the ears,breast and
a belt across the lower part of the back.Often it is necessary to these characteristic
markings to distinguish the newly born children of Caucasians from those of the darker
~~CENTRAL~~Scott ANDREWS happened to a painful accident last week,sticking a
thorn in his elbow,which confined him to his bed.
Mr.& Mrs.Dewey NEWMAN,Andrew NEWMAN and family and Bob NEWMAN,of
Memphis,attended the bedside of their mother Saturday and Sunday.
~~WHITEFIELD~~John SAVAGE,of Cedar Grove,is spending this week with his
son,Troy SAVAGE.
Mrs.Ellis ESCUE and son,Raymond,are able to be up after several days of flu.
Mrs.G.H.LATHAM has received a message of the serious illness of her sister,Mrs.Bettie
OVERTON at Wellwood.
~~GOLDDUST~~Emmett YOCKUM, Asa FAIN and Alfred FAIN spent Monday night
at Arp.
~~NANKIPOO~~Mr.& Mrs.W.H.ABERNATHY celebrated their 45th weeding
anniversary on February 7th.
~~WILLIAMSTOWN~~Miss Virgie SMITH spent Saturday night at Crutcher with her
uncle,David FLOYD.
~~GLIMP~~Mr.& Mrs.Matt GAINES and children arrived Thursday from AZ to make
their home here.
~~LIBERTY BELL ON AIR~~After a silance of nearly100 years,the Liberty Bell is to be
rung again.Plans have the bell tapped thirteen times,once for each of the original thirteen
states,Feb.22nd,were announced by the George Washington Bicentennial Commisssion.It
will be heard on a nation-wide radio hook-up.
~~GATES~~Ralph,little son of Mrs.Thelma WILLIAMS,is ill with scarlet fever.
~~THREE STORES BURNED IN BLAZE IN HENNING~~Fire originating in the Cash
& Carry Co.,on the main business street of Henning,Thursday night of last week swept
through three stores before the fire trucks from Ripley and Covington subdued it.They
were forced to pump water from a creek across the I.C.Railroad.Total loss is estimated at
$50,000.Also there was severe damage to a fourth store,Eber’s General Merchandise.The
pther stores laid in ruins were the Frank Carter Grocery Co.,and the general merchandise
firm of Anthony & Hargrove.The Cash & Carry was owned by J.V.ALSTON.
~~WOODVILLE~~Mr.& Mrs.Montelle SMITH are parents of a daughter born February
Mr.WETZEL recently killed a large owl which measured 4 feet,4 inches from tip to tip.
Mrs.Gus McKEE,who died at her home at Eylau Saturday was laid to rest Sunday
afternoon at Woodville Cemetery.
~~LUCKETT~~Mrs.John EMMERSON,who has been sick for several weeks at the home
of her mother,Mrs.C.N.McGARRITY,was carried to the Brownsville Hospital Saturday
~~DEATH~~Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the home of her daughter
for Mrs.Ann E.LEIRD,wife of the late James LEIRD,whose death occurred Sunday
afternoon.Mrs.LEIRD was born in Ripley November 29,1843,and lived in Lauderdale
County all her life. Before her marriage,she was Miss Ann E.CALDWELL.She was 87
years old and survived by one daughter,Mrs.N.W.BARBOUR;eight grandchildren;six
great grandchildren. She was a member of Edith Methodist Church.
~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~On Feb.17th,a gracious and lovely lady,Mrs.Mary HARDY
attained the age of 79 years.On Sunday preceding this date,her sons and daughters and
grandchildren gathered at her home in Forked Deer to attest their love and devotion for
her,their joy in the occasion and to wish her “many more birthdays.”The placecards were
Valentines bearing the dates 1856–1931.Of Mrs.HARDY’s children,only one
daughter,Mrs.John HUNT,of Springfield,was absent.Those present were:Miss Rosa
HARDY; Mr.& Mrs.Ira GRAY and children,of Blytheville;Mr.& Mrs.W.M.HARDY,of
Tiptonville; Mr.& Mrs.T.J.HAMILTON,of Brownsville; Mr.& Mrs.A.H.HARDY,Mr.&
Mrs.Lee HARDY,both of Ripley; Mrs.Mattie GRIFFIN, Miss Eugenia GRIFFIN, Mr.&
Mrs.Lawson HARDY,and Mr.& Mrs.J.F.GRIFFIN,all of Forked Deer; Mr.& Mrs.Paul
GRIFFEN,of Halls; Miss Mary Nell RICE,of Brownsville.Mrs.HARDY is the widow of
the late Henderson HARDY.
~~LOCALS~~Mr.W.B.MIDYETT is improving after 10 days illness.
Mrs.Charles BRITTIAN and children,of Central America,are visiting her
Rev.M.F.SAVAGE conducted the funeral of Mrs.P.G.McKEE on Sunday afternoon at 3
o’clock.She was in her 65th year.
Mrs.John NEWBERRY,of Yazoo City,MS is attending the bedside of her
mother,Mrs.Dave WOOD who is quite ill with pneumonia.
~~MRS.G.J.UNDERWOOD~~Looking back over the years to the 15th of
January,1869,we find where a little girl was born to Mr.& Mrs.Jack KELTNER and was
christened Annie Josephine.When she was ?? old,her parents died and she lived one year
with Mrs.John HAYNES at Flippen;one year with Mrs.Angie CHAMBERS near
Woodville; two years with Tom KIRKPATRICK at Ripley; then she went again and lived
again with Mrs.John HAYNES until the fall of 1884; when after spending a few weeks
with Mrs.PURYEAR at Curve,she was married on November 20th,1884 to
Mr.G.J.UNDERWOOD.It was said to have been the first home wedding to be solemnized
at Curve.To this union,eight children were born,five of whom preceded her in death.Her
fourth child was taken in infancy.Her sixth child was playing with a grindstone one
summer afternoon in 1905,when the rock turning over,rolled across his chest,and before
the lengthening shadows had changed to sunset,the spirit of little 5-year-old Frankie had
gone out to meet her maker.In the summer of 1914,with two of her children,Hubert and
Crystal,she united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Flippen,though she
professed faith in Christ at Flippen at a revival meeting in Whitefield in the summer of
1885. In the fall of 1914,her daughter,Mrs.R.L.HENDREN,died of lung trouble,which she
too soon developed,as a result of months of constant nursing.She later spent eight months
at Beeville,Texas,in the vain hope of recovery.Soon after her return to Tennessee,another
daughter,Crystal,contracted the disease and lived 18 months,during which time she was
able to stay up and do the work about the house and sick room. On June 30,1925,her
son,Hubert,was shot and killed near Bells,leaving a wife and five small children,two of
whom were later seriously burned,one fatally.For several months,the pain and suffering
increased,and at 10 o’clock on the evening of February 12th,1931,God sent His angels to
release the gentle spirit from the painracked body and carry it home.The funeral services
were held in Flippen,C.P.Church on Friday afternoon,conducted by Dr.O.Olin GREEN,of
Ripley,to whom she had previously given the simple but impressive testimony that “God is
good and merciful.”She was laid to rest in Prospect Cemetery to await the
Resurrection.She is survived by her husband; one son,A.J.UNDERWOOD; two daughters,
Mrs.Malon HUTCHERSON,of this county and Mrs.Jessie BICKERS,of Birmingham,Ala.
“When we think of the years she suffered,
When we think of the trouble and pain
That she met with such a calm endurance,
Though recurring again and again,
We wonder.
Could we meet the trials she met with?
Could we stand where she has stood?
Then nearing the end of the journey,
Could we still say God is good?”
By: Miss Cordie Underwood.
~~MARY’S CHAPEL~~Gene BROOKS,of Conner,spent Tuesday night with Dan
Mrs.R.A.DAVIS,of Memphis,Mrs.Lillie HILL and Mrs.Josie KIMBLE,of Ripley,visited
in the D.A.KLUTTS home Tuesday.
~~WHITEFIELD~~Mrs.Jesse KLUTTS has returned to her home in Conner after several
weeks visit in the Walter WHEATLEY home.
Mrs.Cora LATHAM and Mrs.Helen TIMS received several minor bruises about the head
and body Saturday evening when the car in which they were riding turned over.None of
the other occupants were hurt.
~~IN MEMORY~~James M.GAINES,son of Mr.& Mrs.Maxwell GAINES,departed this
life February 4th,1931; aged 17years, 10 months, and 22 days.He leaves his parents,five
sisters and two brothers to mourn his death.James had been in ill health for over two
years.He was conscious until the last and called his mother and father to his bedside to be
with him in his last hour. A COUSIN; Mrs.Keese GAINES.
~~DEATH~~The body of Walter WADSWORTH,Jr.,whose death occured at his home in
Ashville,NC Saturday morning,arrived here Sunday morning.He was 27 years of age,and a
son of W.C.WADSWORTH,a former citizen of Ripley.He was a member of the Methodist
Church.The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home of his
uncle,J.H.WADSWORTH,at Hurricane Hill,conducted by his pastor,Rev.W.L.DRAKE,of
Friendship.Interment in Bethlehem Cemetery.
~~MASCEDONIA~~Mr.& Mrs.Jim COX,of Memphis,spent a few days Sunday afternoon
in the home of his brother,Mr.A.F.COX.
~~DEATH~~Mrs.W.L.McPHERSON was born February 28th,1856; died January
25th,1931.Known in her girlhood days as Mischie BYNAM,she was married to
W.L.McPHERSON a number of years ago.She was a member of Olive Branch Baptist
Church at Luckett.”Oh,dear wife and mother,we are so lonely without you here,but we
shall not forget the one who gave you to us,has the right to take you back to Himself.In
our memory you shall linger and the light from your life shall be a guide to us as we
onward go.” She is survived by her husband; two daughters,Mrs.W.S.MITCHELL,of
Ripley and Mrs.S.L.MATTHEWS,of McConnell; and one son,J.H.McPHERSON,of
~~NANKIPOO~~T.F.CATES celebrated his 59th birthday Saturday.
~~FRALEY LANDS SOLD~~A big land sale was made here last week by
F.G.BARTON,trustee,of Memphis,when 2500 acres of land of the late A.D.FRALEY
were sold at public outcry to the higgest bidder.Mrs.Willie FRALEY,widow of
A.D.FRALEY,was the successful bidder,$22,300 for land consisting of five tracts situated
in the Fourth Civil District of Lauderdale County on Island 34.
~~HENNING~~Mr.& Mrs.J.F.HARGROVEannounce the marriage of their
daughter,Elizabeth,to Ryan MILLER.The ceremony took place Sept.12th at Marion,AR.
~~MARRIAGE~~Mr.& Mrs.R.M.JOHNSON announce the marriage of their
daughter,Olivia,to J.L.BEST,of Fort Worth,TX.The marriage took place in Hernando,MS
on December 30th,1930.
~~DEATH~~Thirty-two years of railroad service were ended Monday eveningat 7:10
o’clock,when W.D.CLARK,47 years of age,was struck by a train just as he was leaving
his toolhouse.Born in Grantsborough,IL, he came to Ripley at age 22.He came here as
section foreman and his faithful service held him this position until death.He entered
railroad service at 15 years of age.Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the
Baptist Church,of which he was a member.He was laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery.
Pallbearers were:Robert L.WEBB; R.L.FERGUSON,of Fulton,KY; Luther HARDY,of
Gates; W.B.MIDYETT of Ripley; J.H.DAME,of Henning; and E.AITKEN.He is survived
by his widow; two daughters,Mary Louise CLARK and Mrs.Richmond HOWARD; his
father; three sisters and two brothers.
~~LOCALS~~Mr.& Mrs.Warner PACE were called here last week by the death of
Mrs.James LEIRD.
Mr.& Mrs.B.C.DURHAM and Mr.& Mrs.S.S.NEIGHBORS attended the funeral of
Mrs.Eula D.PRESCOTT in Memphis Wednesday.Mrs.PRESCOTT was the daughter of
Mr.& Mrs.Ellis B.DICKEY.
Another negro child,4-years-old,of the Kirk DEWALT family,died of meningitis in
Memphis Wednesday and two of the older children,6 and 8 years of age are being treated
in the isolation hospital in Memphis for the same disease.The youngest
child,two-years-old,died in Ripley on Feb.14th,at which time the other children were
carried to the hospital.
~~FLIPPEN~~Ahost of friends and relatives attended the funeral services of
Mrs.A.W.CHIPMAN Sunday afternoon.She died in the Brownsville Hospital Saturday
night at 7:30 o’clock after undergoing several operations.She was laid to rest at Mary’s
Chapel Cemetery.Mrs.CHIPMAN was 24 years of age and was the daughter of
~~CURVE~~After an illness of only a few days,E.M.HALL,died Monday morning at the
home of his son,W.R.HALL,with whom he had made his home for a number of of
years.He was in his 68th year and had spent most all his life in Lauderdale County.He was
a member of the Methodist Church,a devout Christian,and devoted father to his daughter
and four sons,all of whom were with him in his last hours.They are Mrs.Amy
CRAWFORD,of Danceyville; Raymond HALL,of Unionville; E.M.HALL,W.R.HALL,
and Ralph HALL,of Covington,Curve and Memphis respectively.He also leaves two
sisters.he was laid to rest in Halls Cemetery,next to his wife,who preceded him in death
about 17 years ago.
~~ASBURY~~Mr.& Mrs.Hermam RHODES entertained the young people Saturday
Mrs.Ed GRAMMER returned home Saturday after an extended visit to her son,Will
POWELL,near Henning.
~~ASHPORT~~Ernest METER and Ernie WOODS are on the sick list.
Barney ALLEN happened to a very painful accident Friday afternoon.While repairing a
pump,a chain broke,and knocked out several of his teeth.
~~WHITEFIELD~~Mrs.Lizzie HUTCHERSON,of Flippen,spent Thursday with
Mrs.Rowry CRAIN.
~~MARY’S CHAPEL~~Miss Pauline KLUTTS spent the weekend with Mrs.Maggie
WILLIAMS at Conner.
Mrs.M.A.WHITE and three children returned Sunday from a weeks’ visit with her
son,Lonnie WHITE at Toulon.
~~CURVE~~A son was born Sunday to Mr.& Mrs.S.E.MARSHELL.
~~ASBURY~~Mrs.Fannie MATTHEWS and Mrs.Grover METER,of Ripley,spent Friday
afternoon in the home of H.C.LUTON and family.
Mr.Cecil WILLIS and Miss Beatrice BARNES were quietly married Thursday evening
of last week at the home of A.B.WHITE,J.P.
~~GATES~~Mrs.Odie DEW,who died at her home here Friday morning after a lingering
illness,was laid to rest in Gates Cemetery Saturday morning after funeral services by
Rev.W.B.PERRY.She is survived by her husband and seven children.
The remains of Mr.W.L.DOERR,who died at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis Monday
morning,were brought here Tuesday for burial.Services were conducted at the Baptist
Church,after which the remains were laid to rest in Gates Cemetery.He is survived by one
daughter,Mrs.H.B.HUBB,of Holliday; one son,Colon DOERR,of Memphis;and two
sisters,Mrs.Davis BENTLEY & Mrs.Emmett BRANTLEY.
~~LOCALS~~Henry YOUNG and son,Lonnie,of Memphis,spent Sunday with his
father,J.E.YOUNG,at Dry Hill.
It tried to snow Tuesday,which was a reminder to some of our older citizens that the
biggest snow that ever visited this section was in March,1886.
Saturday,Mrs.G.G.McLEOD was received of two boxes of cakes from school children in
Greece for the drought stricken school children of this county.One box was distruibuted
by the Red Cross here and one by the Halls Chapter.This was a lovely manifestation of
world friendship on the part of the faraway tots,whose love for other tots in distress
prompted the donation.
~~GOLDDUST~~Jim JOHNSON,C.C.ANDERSON Jr.,and Alford FAIN were in Ripley
Finis JORDON and Brooksie METER surprised their many friends by driving to Ashport
Friday night and getting married.
Those on the sick list are Mrs.Ella METER; and Mrs.Willis FITZGERALD.
~~GLIMP~~Mr.& Mrs.Al CROOK are parents of twin boys,born Thursday night.
~~HENNING~~The remains of T.A.BLACKWELL,whose death occurred in Bay
City,TX on Sunday,arrived Wednesday morning and was buried in Poplar Grove
Cemetery at 10 a.m.He was the second son of the late R.A.and Louise BUSHE
BLACKWELL.He leaves two brothers,A.P.BLACKWELL and E.M.BLACKWELL,of
Henning;two sisters,Mrs.Walter PARTAIN,of Lake Village,AR and Mrs.Ira
BARFIELD,of Henning.
~~KNOB CREEK~~On March 9th the Death Angel visited this community and bore
away the sweet spirit of R.L.FOWLER,age 77 years.He professed faith in Christ and
joined the Baptist Church in early life and lived a true upright Christian life.On March
4th,1879,he was married to Miss Della CHEEK.To their union was born five children,four
girls and one boy,all of whom with the wife and mother survive; also 24 grandchildren and
one sister.He was laid to rest Tuesday in Enon Cemetery.
~~GOLDDUST~~Acie FAIN is visiting his sister at Arp.
Dink PRESNAL,of Yarbo,AR spent a few days last week in the C.M.METER home.
After an illness of only a few days,Mrs.Lee SANDERS died at her home Monday
morning.She was in her 53rd year and leaves to mourn her death,her husband;two sons
and two daughters of this place,and Ola SANDERS of Blytheville.She was laid to rest in
Mt.Pleasant Cemetery.
~~IN MEMORY~~In sad but loving memory of my own dear darling mother,Mrs.Lou
McBROOM.She departed this life March 7th,1931,age 57 years,one month and seventeen
days.She was sick for eight days of bronchial pneumonia at the Lauderdale County Home.
Her Loving Daughter,Mary.
~~ASHPORT~~Mrs.J.W.YOUNGER broke her arm last week.
Mr.& Mrs.Bates FARMER have announced the approaching marriage of their
daughter,Emma Jewell,to Mr.James R.LOVELACE.
Little Charlie HUGHES happened to a very painful accident while playing at school.He
fell and fractured a bone in his ankle.
~~MARY’S CHAPEL~~A daughter was born March 5th to Mr.& Mrs.Tom ERSA.
Miss Maizie HUTCHERSON,of Conner,spent Monday night with Miss Pauline
~~LOCALS~~A daughter was born Tuesday to Mr.& Mrs.Wm.H.STEEN.She has been
named Carolyn Campbell STEEN.
J.C.DIAL,age 62,died Monday at his home near Arp,and was buried the following day at
Grace Cemetery.
Lonnie GOAD,night police,who is confined to his home with a cripple foot,is slowly
improving.His position is being filled by Mr.BORDERS.
John HILL attended the funeral of his mother-in-law,Mrs.G.M.SAVAGE,at the First
Baptist Church in Jackson Tuesday morning.Services were conducted by her
The remains of K.J.GWYN,who died Friday after a long illness,were brought to Ripley
and laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery Saturday afternoon.
~~MARRIAGE LICENSES~~Alfred FAIN and Miss Margaret NELSON.
~~CIRCUIT COURT~~Odell HUTCHERSON,No.150;public profanity.
Odell HUTCHERSON,No.274; Driving a car under influence of an intoxicant.
Odell HUTCHERSON,No.321;receiving and transporting,etc.
~~GOLDDUST~~Mr.Alford FAIN and Miss Margaret NELSON,both of this place,were
married at Ashport Wednesday night.They were accompanied by Miss Emily NELSON
and Mr.Robert METER.
Earline SWIMS,of Ashport,spent Thursday with Ella & Earline METER.
Emmett YOCKUM & Acie FAIN spent the weekend with relatives at Arp.
Olin BRIGGS, Oscar GLIMP,Beatrice DRAKE and Lorene Glimp,of Luckett,were
Sunday visitors here and were accompanied home by Emily NELSON.
~~LOCALS~~Raymond,son of Mr.& Mrs.Joe WILLIAMS,is ill with pneumonia.
Wilson,son of Mr.& Mrs.Alf CALDWELL,is quite ill with heart trouble.
Edna HUTCHERSON,of Blue Mountain College,MS,spent the weekend with her
parents,Mr.& Mrs.Dave HUTCHERSON.
Dan A.KLUTTS and sister,Mrs.Lillie HILL,spent a few days this week with their
brother,Robert KLUTTS,in Cleveland,MS.
Elizabeth MOORE, Mont LEWIS and Ed KLUTTS came home Wednesday from
Univeristy of Tennessee for a few days visit.
Henry SMITH,son of J.C.SMITH,who joined the Navy last January,is home on a
12-day-furlough.He is stationed at Great Lakes.
Dorothy Ann,infant daughter of Mr.& Mrs.R.E.JACOB,of Jackson,TN who passed away
Thursday night,March 12th at the Webb-Williamson Hospital in Jackson was laid to rest in
Maplewood Cemetery in Ripley Friday morning at 10 o’clock.
Mr.Britt HERRON died Saturday afternoon at his home near Nankipoo.Funeral services
were held in Melville Church Sunday afternoon at 3:30,burial in Ennon Cemetery.He was
41 years old and is survived by his wife,who was Miss Ida SMITH,and two
daughters,Nellie and Lorene HERRON.
~~CEDAR GROVE~~Mrs.J.W.HOEFT and daughter,Effie,were called to Rosemark
Tuesday by the serious illness of her aunt,Mrs.McCRIGHT fell and broke her hip,she is in
her 90th year.
~~MARY’S CHAPEL~~Mrs.Nettie MOORE is confined to her bed as a resuly of a burn
received by falling on a hot stove and overturning a kettle of hot water.
~~LUCKETT~~Miss Emily NELSON,of Golddust,is visiting friends and relatives here.
~~CURVE~~A daughter was born March 12th to Mr.& Mrs.C.S.YORT,Jr.She has been
named Montre Jean.
~~ASHPORT~~Mr.& Mrs.Walter MUELLER and children,spent Sunday at Golddust
with her parents,Mr.& Mrs.Will NELSON.
~~LOCALS~~Noah LEWIS,colored,charged with transporting liquor,was arrested in
Dyersburhg Wednesday by Deputy C.T.WILLIAMS and brought to Ripley to jail.
Mr.Victor ANDERSON,who died in Chicago Sunday,was a brother-in-law of
Mr.& Mrs.Lee HARDY attended the funeral of J.T.HARRIS in Rives Friday.He was
Mrs.HARDY’s grandfather and formerly resided in Ripley.He had reached the ripe age of
85 years.
Thursday of last week,Frank AMMONS and son,Junior,5-years-old,while riding a stalk
cutter across the highway north of town,were struck by a car.Neither was seriously
hurt,although Junior was thrown several feet.
News was received Wednesday by Mrs.Kate NORWELL,of the sudden death of her
nephew,Walter Scott RAINEY,Jr.,following an accidental gunshot wound.Deceased was
the only son of W.Scott RAINEY,Sr.,of Cairo,IL anfd the late Mrs.RAINEY,who passed
away last August.
The five white men captured last week by Sheriff COUGHLAN’s deputies when they
raided a still on Hatchie River,who gave their names as:George COTTON,
D.HOLDWELL, Arnold RICE, W.H.PINSON, and Leonard MATTHEWS,were bound
over to Circuit Court.All secured bond and was liberated.The negro,Ben
OTTERBRIDGE,captured with the white men,and who was shot,was taken to
Memphis.He will be tried as soon as he is able to return here.
~~IMPROVES~~The condition of Ann SHOFFER,17,of Trimble,who was accidently
shot in the neck in a high school play there Friday night,was reported not critical at the
Methodist Hospital-Memphis.The members of the cast were handling a revolver intended
for use in the play,when the weapon,which was believed to be unloaded,was
discharged.The bullet entered her neck,passing directly thru,and emerging at the right rear
of the neck.She was not paralyzed by the wound as first reported.She is the neice of
J.M.TAYLOR,of Ripley,and Mrs.M.L.PIERCE,of Trimble,with whom she resided.
~~MARY’S CHAPEL~~Mr.C.H.KLUTTS happended to a painful accident
Monday,cutting off one finger while splitting stovewood.
~~SENIOR AT UNION~~Mrs.Lena KOONCE was born at Ripley,TN,the daughter of
Mr.& Mrs.C.B.CRIHFIELD,she attended the schools in Ripley,graduating in 1925.She
entered Union in the fall of the same year.Lena is one of the most pleasant girls on the hill
and the school missed her during the two years she taught in 1927-29,and will miss her
when she receives her B.S.degree in May.Cardinal & Cream–Jackson,TN.
~~RIPLEY MARINE RE-ENLISTS~~Recruiting Station, 20 South Main
Street,Memphis,reports the re-enlistment of Thomas D.HARGETT,of Ripley,TN.He is a
former Marine,and having re-enlisted for another four years with the Soldiers of the
Seas,he is again looking forward to taking part in the interesting activities of the Corps.He
applied for re-enlistment on March 20,1931 and was transferred to Atlanta,GA.He is 22
years of age and the son of Mrs.Dovie HARGETT,of Ripley.
~~GOLDDUST~~Those on the sick list include Mrs.C.M.METER.
~~LIGHTFOOT~~Mrs.E.S.METER and son,Preston,and litle Robert KERNOODLE,of
Memphis,visited here last week.
~~ASHPORT~~Mrs.Bates FARMER has returned home after two weeks visit with her
father,Mr.ADAMS,at Bells.
Misses Lucille & Lilas NELSON,of Golddust,spent the weekend with their
sister,Mrs.Walter MUELLER.
Mr.& Mrs.Bates FARMER and family,of Jones’Slough,spent Sunday with their
daughter,Mrs.James LOVELACE
~~GATES~~Mrs.G.T.HALLIBURTON happened to a very painful accident Tuesday
morning when she fell in the yard at her home and fractured her hip.She was carried to a
Memphis clinic for examination and treatment.
The residence of B.W.GHOULSON,occupied by J.W.TROSPER,with contents,was
destroyed by fire about 8 o’clock Thursday morning of last week.The fire was caused by
an overheated stove.Both building and contents were partially covered by insurance.
~~LOCALS~~Mrs.Dave HUTCHERSON is ill with the flu.
John Nello LANGLEY,21-year-old son of J.A.LANGLEY,died on March 26 and was
buried at Grace on the 28th.
Mrs.Mattie BURCHAM,who lived on the Albert BROGDEN farm near Asbury,died on
March 25th,and was buried the following day at Poplar Grove.
An earthquake Tuesday wrecked the city of Manaqua,Nicaraqua,and 2000 were reported
dead.Recurrance of shocks interfered with the relief work.The friends of Lt.Luke
FINLEY and Mrs.FINLEY,nee Annie Sue TUCKER,were quite anxious about their safety
until Wm.TUCKER,Jr.received a message that they were unharmed by the quake.They
live about 35 miles from the scene of the destruction.
Thomas AMMONS and son,Junior,who were riding on a stalk cutter on the highway
north of Ripley, were struck by a car,the child being thrown 30 feet and rendered
unconscious for several hours,are recovering.Mr.AMMONS is still unable to work and is
suffering from internal injuries.
Sgt.Odie L.SIMPSON spent a few days last week with parents,Mr.& Mrs.Andrew
S.SIMPSON near town.Sgt.SIMPSON has been with Uncle Sam for 11 years,it having
been seven years since he was home.Two years he was at Plattsburg,N.Y.,and the past five
years he has been in Honolulu,Hawaii.He left Saturday for St.Louis,MO where he will be
stationed.Mrs.SIMPSON and baby will remain in Hawaii until summer.
~~CROSS ROADS~~Aaron QUEEN,who was seriously wounded last week,was carried
to the Baptist hospital in Memphis Saturday.
~~DEATH~~Funeral services for N.I.LANKFORD,of Brownsville,who died today,will be
held tomorrow morning at the Methodist Church,of which he was a member.He was 73
years of age.Mr.LANKFORD was apparently in good health yesterday.He was found dead
in bed early this morning by his wife.He was born in Henning in 1858 and was married to
Miss Sallie COPPEDGE.They came to Brownsville 20 years ago.He was city marshell,
county road commissioner, deputy sheriff,and licensed auctioneer. He is survived by his
wife; three daughters, Mrs.Floyd COBB and Miss Margaret LANKFORD, of this city, and
Mrs.Roy COFFMAN,of Center Hill,Fla; three sons, J.B.LANKFORD,of Brownsville;
Milton LANKFORD,of Jackson; and Richard LANKFORD,of Nashville; one brother,
M.P.LANKFORD,of SC; and two sisters,Mrs.R.L.BRYN and Miss Josie
LANKFORD,both of Memphis.
~~DEATH~~Dickson,TN,April 4th. Dan McCORD,one of Decatur County’s respected
and beloved citizen,died Friday night at his home in Tennessee City.His death was not
expected.He was the son of the late Calvin M.& Sidney McCREARY McCORD,was in
his 70th year.He was a member of the Church of Christ,and until his health failed,took an
active interest in the activity of his community.He is survived by his wife,Sophia RICE
McCORD; four children,Rice McCORD,of McEwen; Mrs.H.I.COPELAND,of Ripley;
Miss Dixie McCORD and Dan McCORD,Jr.,of Tennessee City; 8 grandchildren; one
sister,Mrs.William C.BEST & one neice,Mrs.Arthur E.BEARD,of Kingston Springs.
~~CAR LEAVES LEVEE AT ASHPORT.BOY KILLED~~Funeral services were held
Saturday at Holmes Cemetery for Buford HOLCOMB,13 years,stepson of Phillip
MILLER,who was instantly killed Friday afternoon ten miles west of Ripley,when the car
in which he was riding went off Coal Creek levee.Mrs.MILLER, Mrs.Bob MURLEY,&
Mrs.Jim BROWN were the other occupants of the car.Mrs.MILLER received severe cuts
about the lower limbs and body bruises.Others were uninjured.The party was enroute to
Ripley from their home at Ashport,when MILLER lost control of the car,causing the
~~GOLDDUST~~Will SUMMERS and son,Buck,of MO,spent a few days last week in
the C.M.METER.
~~SOCIETY~~Mr.&Mrs.James Albert HUTCHESON are announcing the engagement of
their daughter,Mary Louise,to Howard Stephen DAVIS,of Horn Lake,MS.The exact date
of the marriage will be announced at a luncheon to be given by the youger set on Saturday
at the Jefferson Davis Hotel,by Mrs.Val WILLIAMS,of Millington and
Mrs.W.T.SAVAGE,sisters of Miss HUTCHESON.
~~ASHPORT~~Misses Earline & ella METER,of Golddust,were Sunday guests in the
While returning home from Ripley Thursday of last week,a car overturned with Mr.&
Mrs.Oscar GRIGGS,Rev.HUGHES and wife & Mrs.Oscar GRIGGS and baby,but no one
was seriously hurt.
Buster SMITH & Miss Nona SMITH were called to the bedside of their
mother,Mrs.J.L.SMITH,who is quite ill with pneumonia at her home in Williamstown.
~~MARY’S CHAPEL~~Odell HUTCHERSON and wife,of Conner,spent Sunday in the
H.J.MANESS home.
Miss Mazie HUTCHERSON,of Conner,spent the weekend in the Will
HUTCHERSON,and was accompanied home By Miss Louise HUTCHERSON<who
spent Sunday night there.
~~LOCALS~~A daughter was born Sunday to the Guilford HUTCHESONs.She has been
named Mary Kate HUTCHESON.
Jackie,little son of Mr.& Mrs.C.A.BORDERS,was taken to the General Hospital in
Memphis Sunday for observation.
Mrs.George W.HUTCHERSON,Miss Georgetta HUTCHERSON,& Miss Mollie
FOLTS are recovering from the flu.
Mrs.Mary Etta JONES returned Thursday from several weeks’visit with her
sister,Mrs.Margie HUTCHERSON,in Hickory Flats,MS.
Solomom HUDDLESTON,colored,an employe of Mr.Milton TAYLOR,had his left hand
shot so badly Monday that all but the thumb and index finger had to be amputated.
Rabbits had been bothering vegatation in his garden,and in crossing the fence,his gun
D.G.GREENLEE,merchant of Ripley,filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy in Federal
Count in Memphis Monday,listing liabilities of $10,945 and assets of $9,755.Stock in
trade at $9000 in commuting the assets,with only $5.00 in cash listed.
~~GATES~~J.B.LAWRENCE was called to Forrest City,AR Monday of last week by the
death of his brother,Will LAWRENCE.
~~LUCKETT~~Dave WAKEFIELD happened to a serious accident one day last
week,when he got his left hand cut with an axe.
~~RUTHERFORD~~Mr.& Mrs.G.W.METER and son and Mrs,MATTHEWS,of
Ripley,spent a few hours Sunday with relatives.
marriage of Earline COUGHLAN & William Carter GREEN was made Saturday.The
ceremony was performed at Hernando,MS on May 12th,1930.She is the daughter of Mr.&
Mrs.J.H.COUGHLAN.He is the son of Mrs.M.D.GREEN,of Dyersburg.
~~RUTHERFORD~~Harold RAY spent Saturday night with O.F.HUTCHERSON at
~~CROSS ROADS~~Aaron QUEEN & Imogene HARDY were married Monday at
Marion,AR.They will make their home here.
~~GOLDDUST~~Mr.& Mrs.Gus FITZGERALD are parents of a baby girl born April
11th.She has been named Mary Louise.
Mr.& Mrs.C.M.METER entertained the young people with a dance Saturday night.
Frank SHOEMAKE,of Plum Point,spent the weekend with his brother,Charlie
Mr.& Mrs.Luther WOMACK are parents of a daughter born April 7th.She has been
named Mattie Rose.
Mr.& Mrs.Nat GRAMMER and son,Ural,of Arp,were weeks’ guest with her
brother,Willis FITZGERALD.
~~LOCALS~~Mrs.W.B.MIDYETT was carried to the Baptist Hospital in Memphis
Wednesday for treatment.
Mr.A.C.LIGHTFOOT was carried to the Brownsville Hospital for treatment,having
stuck a stick in his eye.His injury was quite painful,but it is not thought that the sight will
be lost.
Mrs.J.C.CHISM,an inmate of the County Farm,died on Thursday of last week and was
buried the following day at Walnut Grove.Funeral services were conducted by
Rev.Herman WEAVER.
~~HENNING~~Reginald BRANDON and family and Mr.& Mrs.Milton BRANDON,who
were called here Sunday by the illness and death of Joe E.BRANDON,have returned
The death of Joseph Eugene BRANDON,second son of Mr.&
Mrs.W.E.BRANDON,occurred Sunday night in the Isolation Hospital in Memphis,after
three days illness of spinal meningitis.The remains were carried to Ripley,with
arrangements in charge of Burgess and Peters,undertakers of that place.He was laid to rest
Monday in Bethlem Cemetery at Henning.Joe was known by everyone in our
community,having spent all his life here.Services were conducted at the grave.He leaves
besides his parents;three brothers, R.W.BRANDON,of Vicksburg,MS;
M.D.BRANDON,of Leland,MS; and Charles,of this place; a sister,Mrs.Max HARVEY,of
this place.
~~DEATH~~In sad but loving memory of my darling baby,William Aubrey
CANNON,who departed this life April 18th,1931.–long poem.His father,O.C.CANNON.
~~LIGHTFOOT~~Joe M.CHISM and Elizabeth CHISM,twins of the J.M.CHISMS,were
honorees of a lovely party Saturday night,given by their mother to celebrate their 12th
~~CEDAR GROVE~~John SAVAGE was called to Durhamville Saturday by the death of
his uncle,Jim DANIELS.
J.T.WEST and Christine WEST,of Ripley,visited Mr.& Mrs.W.R.SAVAGE Sunday
~~CURVE~~The little child of J.H.NEWMAN,who was so badly scalded by an
overturned pan of hot starch last week,is slowly improving,and it is thought its eyesight
will not be impaired.
~~GOLDDUST~~Mr.& Mrs.Will NEWMAN and Mrs.VAUGHN,of Central,were
Sunday visitors in the Gus FITZGERALD home.
~~LOCALS~~Don’t fail to see the Ford car driven by psychic control by Royal & Lester
Friday afternoon,May 1st at 3:30.It’s free.
J.W.DANIELS,age 86 years,died Saturday at his home near Durhamville and was buried
the following day in Holmes Cemetery.
Wm.Aubrey CANNON,18-month-old son of Mr.& Mrs.Ollie CANNON,of Ashport,died
Saturday and was laid to rest in Grace Cemetery.
Miss Marguerite GRIGGS,16-year-old daughter of Buddie GRIGGS,of Ashport,who
was carried to the Baptist hospital in Memphis on Thursday of last week,died Monday and
the remains were laid to rest in Asbury Cemetery Tuesday.
~~BROWNSVILLE,APRIL 20~~Funeral services were held at Trinity Church this
aternoon for Mrs.C.C.DRUMWRIGHT,77,who died at the home of her
daughter,Mrs.L.M.NORVELL in this city,where burial took place.Deceased livedin
Haywood County practically all her life.During her illness,she was brought to Brownsville
to be with her daughter.She is survived by three daughters,Mrs.L.M.NORVELL;
Mrs.Tom GRAVES; and Mrs.Bob ASHMORE; all of Brownsville.Four sons,Gene
Brownsville and Charles DRUMWRIGHT,of SC.
~~FILPPEN~~Sunday,April 19 th was a gala day for Mrs.Emily E.LYLE.It was her 83rd
birthday and she celebrated with a birthday dinner.The table was extended to serve 12.The
centerpiece was a very large birthday cake with 83 candles.There was five tables full and it
took ftom 12 to 3:30 for everyone to be served.Mrs.LYLE is the mother of 8 children; 35
grandchildren; 28 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild.She was married just
agter the Civil War.Her husband was mustered out at San Antonio,Texas,as was her
grandson,Gus SHANDS,a World War vet.She received several gifts from her children.She
lives with her son,Butler LYLE.The guests numbered about 80.
~~KNOB CREEK~~Elton OLDS was injured by being kicked by a mule one day last
~~WOODVILLE~~The Woodville community mourns the passing away of one of its
beloved citizens,Mrs.Lula WILEY.She was a friend to everybody and lived a Christian
~~LIGHTFOOT~~Mrs.E.S.METER and son,Preston,were here last week. Mr.&
Mrs.Herman RHODES,of Asbury,visited in the Frank BLACK home Sunday.
~~GOLDDUST~~School closed Friday.Among the children promoted for 3rd grade
were:Woodrow METER; Cleve METER.
~~LOCALS~~Mrs.R.L.GILLIAM,of Forked Deer,is spending this week with her
Mrs.Tom BINKLEY died suddenly Tuesday in her home at Woodville,and the remains
were interred in Palestine Cemetery near Fowkles.
Mrs.Harris BROWN and little Robert ELAM,of Jackson,spent a few days last week with
relatives,returning home accompanied by Robert KLUTTS.
Rev.O.Olin GREEN received a telegram Tuesday telling of the passing away of his
sister,Mrs.S.P.GRUBBS,in Rothville,MO.
~~KILLED IN PISTOL DUEL~~As a result of a pistol duel at the home of Denver
PILCHER,near Mack,16 miles west of Ripley Tuesday night about 8 o’clock.PILCHER
was instantly killed and Percy TINDELL,who is charged with murder,is perhaps mortally
wounded and unable to be brought to Ripley.According to information from the sheriff’s
office,TINDELL,in the company of two white men,Elmer & Clyde HILL,and two
negroes,James & John JOHNSON,went to the PILCHER home and called him
out.Mrs.PILCHER claims that TINDELL fired first,which is denied by TINDELL.Elmer
HILL,one of the boys is in jail suffered from a gunshot wound and the negroes are being
held awaiting further developments.The murdered man is survived by wife and five
~~POPLAR GROVE~~Miss Alpine GRAY has returned home after a 15 day visit with
her brother,Virgil GRAY at Ashport.
~~DEATH~~Lauderdale County,as well as Haywood County,sustained a great loss in the
passing away of J.W.BYRN,which sad event occured at his home in Brownsville at an
early hour last Saturday morning.He followed his usual avocation the previous
day,returning to his home at the usual evening hour.After supper,he suffered slightly with
indigestion,but upon retiring,had seemingly recovered from the attack,and later was found
sleeping peacefully.When the daughter went to his bedside to call him to breakfast,it was
discovered that his gentle spirit had taken its flight,possibly several hours earlier.There
was no evidence that he had undergone the least pain or struggle,but like a tired child,had
fallen asleep.His posture was so typical of his life,at peace with his Maker and all
mankind,and no person who knew him,could doubt the final resting place of a life as pure
and noble.Though he had been a resident of Brownsville for 30 years,he was born in
Lauderdale County and resided here until his removal to that city.During his early life,he
was a teacher in our county schools.After moving to Brownsville,he became connected
with a lumber company,and later,secretary of the Studivant Packing Co.,where he was
actively engaged at the time of his death.He was also a member of the Byrn-Sturivant
Drug Co.,was a director in the Brownsville Bank,and a steward in the Methodist
Church.He was married to Miss Birdie HOBSON,of Lewisburg,about 35 years ago,and
besides his wife,is survived by one daughter,Mrs.Arthur ROSE,of Brownsville; three
brothers,R.L.BYRN & Walter BYRN,both of Mercedes,Texas and Green BYRN,of
Ripley; two sisters, Mrs.Fannie STEWART & Mrs.H.D.CALDWELL,both of
Ripley.Deceased would have been 69 years of age in June.
~~DEATH~~Dave BOYD died Friday in his home in Benton,AR,of paralysis,age 55
years.He was born near Hurricane Hill and resided in Lauderdale County prior to
removing to Benton some 28 years ago.He is survived by his wife and five sisters;Mrs.Sue
CALDWELL,of Ripley; Mrs.HASTINGS & Miss Cora BOYD,of Curve,Mrs.Nora
MASON,of Covington and Mrs.Bettie BOYD,of Benton.
~~SOCIETY~~The marriage of Miss Mildred BENTLEY & Mr. Robert M.MANESS on
Saturday evening,was solemnized at the home of Dr,Olin GREEN.The bride wore an
attractive skipper blue suit with a hat and accessories to match.Only a few members of the
immediate family was present.After the ceremony,the party was entertained at supper by
Mr.& Mrs.Vernon DANIELS. The house was adorned with a profusion of garden
flowers,snow-balls,purple iris,blue hyacinth and weigela.A beautifully decorated table had
for a center piece,an artistic bouquet of mixed flowers.Places were laid for
fifteen.Mrs.R.P.MANESS,the bridegroom’s mother,and his sister,Mrs.Eddie WATTS &
little daughter,June Ann and Mr.WATTS of Memphis,were out of town guests.
4th~~A reunion was held in the home of Mr.& Mrs.George WATKINS,of near Alamo,on
Sunday,in honor of the birthday of Mr.WATKINS mother,Mrs.Mattie WATKINS,who
was 87 years old.Mrs.WATKINS has seven children,as follows:Mrs.Lula MANNING of
Memphis;J.W.WATKINS,of Ripley; Henry WATKINS,of Brownsville; Mrs.Venie
BOYETT,of Cairo; Mrs.J.H.ROBBINS,and Mrs.Julie FREEMAN,of Alamo and George
WATKINS,with whom she resides.She has 29 grandchildren and 33 great grandchildren.
~~HENNING~~John WHITFIELD left Tuesday for Burnsvill,Miss.,to make his home
with his son,Carl WHITFIELD.
–John WHITFIELD and Walter WHITFIELD,made a visit to his daughter,Mrs.Charles
HOUSTON in Centerville,Ark.,last week.
–Mr.J.J.MENGEL was called to Ozark,Ill.,by the death of his
sister-in-law,Mrs.PARSONS.He was accompanied by his son,J.J.MENGEL,Jr.
–Powers SMITH & Mary Sue RAINS motored to Marion,Ark.,on Sunday,April 12,and
were married by a Baptist minister.She is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.S.RAINS.
–The remains of Mr.G.C.CROOK,whose death occurred in Memphis last week,were
brought here Friday and laid to rest in Poplar Grove Cemetery.He leaves two
sisters,Mrs.Z.REID,of Memphis and Mrs.F.A.LLOYD near Henning.
~~MAYOR’S COURT~~G.P.OSTEEN,public drunkenness and possessing
~~CEDAR GROVE~~Mr.& Mrs.Presley HUTCHERSON,from near Ripley,visited in the
Hugh HENDREN home Sunday.
~~ASHPORT~~Charlie MUELLER and family,of Arp,were here Sunday.
–John Edward FARMER of Jones Slough,was here Sunday.
~~ASBURY~~Mrs.Maude BILLINGS is in Covington attending the bedside of Mrs.Tom
KLUTTS and sons,who have scarlet fever.
–Mrs.Emma KLUTTS,Mrs.Guy HENDERSON and children,of Ripley,and Mrs.John
PYLE and Miss Rose PYLE,of Hickman,Ky.,were guests in the home of
~~EDITH~~J.T.JENNINGS was called to Halls Friday by the death of his
~~FLIPPEN~~A son was born April 28th to Mr.& Mrs.Tom McWILLIAMS.He has been
named John Robert McWILLIAMS.
~~LOCALS~~Mrs.John PYLE and two daughters,of Hickman,Ky.,were weekend guests
of Mrs.Emma KLUTTS.
–Kathyrn,little daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Paul THOMPSON,and Robert,infant son of Mr.&
Mrs.R.Y.DRAKE,are ill with scarlet fever.
–Mrs.W.B.MIDYETT,who recently underwent an operation at the Baptist hospital,was
removed to the residence of her sister in Memphis a few days ago,and is expected to be
able to return home soon.
–Mrs.Lewis T.BOND,age 63 years,Miss Sallie BOND,age 50 years and Miss Sally
BOND,age 17 years,all of Brownsville,while enroute to Memphis Sunday morning about
10 o’clock,met with an accident near Arlington.Mrs.BOND received a fractured right
arm,deep cuts and bruises and probable internal injuries.She was taken to Campbell’s
Clinic in Memphis.Miss BOND,who received cuts and bruses and probable internal
injuries were in the Baptist hospital.( in this part of article Miss Sally Bond becomes Miss
Sally BOYD.)The BOND car collided with a car occupied by four negroes from
Rossville,which came onto the highway from a side street without stopping.Both machines
turned over.
FRIDAY MAY 15,1931
$10,000 BOND–Percy TINDELL,charged with the murderof Denver PILCHER on April
28th,near Mack,was given preliminary hearing yesterday before Justices F.A. HENRY &
William HUTCHESON.TINDELL was bound over to the Circuit Court under $10,000
bond which he failed to secure.Clyde HILL & Elmer HILL,two young white men arrested
at the same time of the killing,are being held under $2,000 bond each.The two negroes
said to have been present at the time of the alleged shooting were released of any
connection with the crime.
JAIL DELIVERY–Rubin CHRONISTER,who is charged with murder and who had been
sentenced to 21 years in the penitenetiary,appealing his case in Supreme Court,made his
getaway in a jail delivery last week,but has since been captured.
Others who escaped were Gentry WARD,charged with housebreaking and larceny,and
Carl GRACE,charged with possessing a still.These men are still at large.
INJURED–In an auto wreck near Halls last Sunday,N.A.YANCEY suffered a broken
nose and injuries about the chest and lower limbs.He was enroute to Memphis from
Dyersburg and was driving alone.A car from Memphis,driven by Miss Katherine
SLAYTON,and occipied by Murial CUMMINGS, W.F.CUMMINGS,Curtis ROSE and
Marguette MILLER were enroute to Newbern,and the two cars met in a head-on
collision.The Memphis car was telescoped and the other almost demolished.All were
injured and carried to a hospital in Dyersburg.Miss SLAYTON has the most serious of
injuries,left ankle and right wrist broken,right knee crushed,severe chest injuries and loss
of sight of her right eye.Miss CUMMINGS suffered severe lacerations; Mr.ROSE,injuries
to his scalp and right ankle; Mr.MILLER & Mr.CUMMINGS,each a broken collar bone
and scalp injuries.Curtis ROSE went to his home in Memphis Tuesday and Miss
CUMMINGS was removed to Newbern to the home of her mother,Mrs.Z.POWELL.Miss
SLAYTON remains in a dangerous condition at the hospital with a brain concussion.The
other three injured are still in the hospital.
instantly killed while he was seated in his home near Edith Saturday night.The load from a
shotgun,entering through his right side,was fired thru a window at close range.Deceased is
survived by his wife and baby.He lived on the J.T.BEARD farm.Sunday,J.W.LUNSFORD
& L.E.CRIHFIELD,sheriff’s deputies,arrested Everette HARRISON,26 years,and placed
him in jail.No charge has been made against him,but he is being held for questioning.
HENNING–A.P.& E.M.BLACKWELL and Joe BARFIELD attended the funeral of
Arthur BUTTS in Blytheville,Ark.,Sunday.
LOCALS–Mrs.Carl DODSON,of Pensacola,Fla.,is visiting her
–Ashley TURNER,who was home on a 30-day furlough and refused to return to the
Veterans’Hospital at Gulfport,Miss.,was carried back to that institution last week by
–The finding of Miss Mary Hill HALLIBURTON in an unconscious condition on the side
of the highway near her home about 6 a.m. Wednesday is still shrouded in mystery.She is
the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Ben HALLIBURTON,and had spent the night with her
grandparents,Mr.& Mrs.J.E.HALLIBURTON,who live off the highway only a short
distance away.She had gotten to the highway enroute home,when she either suffered a
physical collapse,or as some contend,was struck by a passing car and rendered
unconscious,from which condition she had not recovered up to noon yesterday,and
therefor has made no statement to clarify the situation.
EDITH–The community was greatly shocked by the death of Ollie BRATCHER,who was
shot and instantly killed by an unknown party Saturday night in his home on the
J.T.BEARD farm about a mile from Edith.
DEATH–David P.BOYD was born in Ripley,Tenn.,February 13,1876,the son of Mr.&
Mrs.J.S.BOYD, died in Bennett on May 1,1931. Twenty-eight years ago,he moved to
Ark. He was twice married.To the first was born a daughter,who preceded him in death
seven years ago.He was united in marriage with Mrs.Mary Hazen TANNER in 1905.To
this union two children were born,a son dying in infancy.He was united with the Methodist
Church when a child,and until hindered by his illness three years ago,was a regular
attendent.He is survived by his wife,Mrs.Mary BOYD; a daughter.Mrs.Irma STEED; a
step-son,Clarence L.TANNER; five sisters,Mrs.HASTINGS, Mrs.CALDWELL, Miss
Cora BOYD and Mrs.MASON,all of Tenn.,and Miss Betty BOYD,of
MARY’S CHAPEL–R.M.MANESS & wife of Ripley,visited in the H.J.MANESS home
–Henry KLUTTS and family,of Conner,spent the weekend in the R.C.MILAM home.
–Tom ESRA and family were called to Forked Deer last week by the death of
GOLDDUST–Bob CHIPMAN has moved his family fron Arp to this community.
–Mrs.Will TOWNSEND,of Ashport,spent Sunday with her sister,Mrs.B.A.ACUFF.
LUCKETT–H.B.McGARRITY attended the bedside of little Dorothy WEBB in Memphis
hospital and was accompanied home by Jim WEBB.
–Little Dorothy WEBB was carried to a Memphis hospital Thursday of last week and was
accompanied by her father,Jim WEBB and her grandmother,Mrs.H.B.McGARRITY.
May 22,1931 thru July 3rd 1931 missing from my records.These records were abstracted
and if found,will be included at later time.