1930 Lauderdale County Enterprise
***WHITEFIELD***Mr.John SAVAGE,of Cedar Grove,was a visitor here Sunday.
***RUTHERFORD***Mr.William NELSON,of Luckett,spent the holidays here with
***ELLIS SCHOOLHOUSE***Mrs.Emmett WHITE and children spent a few days last
week at Conner with parents,Mr.& Mrs.DUNAVANT.
Mrs.R.C.MILAM and children,spent Saturday night and Sunday at Conner with her
daughter,Mrs.Henry KLUTTS.
***KNOB CREEK***Mr.Alfred HUTCHERSON and two children,of Memphis,spent
the weekend with parents,Mr.& Mrs.Bud HUTCHERSON.
***DRY HILL***Miss Myrtle HUTCHERSON was in Ripley Tuesday.
Little Sybil HUTCHERSON was on the sick list last week.
Mr.Tom HUTCHERSON left Sunday for Memphis on business.
Mr.Chancey PRESCOTT,of Golddust,was in this community one day last week.
Mrs.John HUTCHERSON and Mr.& Mrs.Tom HUTCHERSON were in
Miss Joanna PRESCOTT,from near Conner,spent a few days last week with Miss Addie
Mr.Clarence PRESCOTT,of Blytheville,Ark.,spent last week with parents,Mr.&
Mr.& Mrs.Jim Wiley SENTELL,of Chick,spent a few days last week with Mr.&
Mr.& Mrs.James COX,of Bald Knob,spent a few days last week with her parents,Mr.&
Mrs. Andrew FLOYD.
Mrs.Tom ESRA and baby and Miss Alice ESRA from near Conner,spent a few days last
week with friends.
Mr.& Mrs.Osie HOWELL and family,of Boyd,s Crossing,spent Tuesday night and
Wednesday in the H.P.PRESCOTT home.
Memphiswere guests Wednesday of Mr.& Mrs.Marvin STEWART.
**FLIPPEN**Mr.Cleve CROOK was called to Henning Thursday by the death of his
brother,Mr.Raymon CROOK,who was found dead in a ditch on the side of the
highway.He was about a quarter of a mile from his truck and the truck was out of gas.It is
not known whether he was murdered or accidently killed.
**ADDITIONAL LOCALS**Mr.A.W.RHOADS,who lived on the WALKER farm near
Mack,died Tuesday.Death came to him while seated in a chair.The remains were brought
to Ripley and laid to rest Thursday in Maplewood Cemetery.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.W.T.SAVAGE left Wednesday for Biloxi,Miss.,to
spend some time.
Mr.& Mrs.Clarence HAISLIP and Mr.& Mrs.Joe HUTCHERSON have returned to
Blansville,Ky.,after a visit here with friends and relatives.
**HALESPOINT**Mr.Jim SHOEMAKE,of Burdette,Ark.,and Mr.Claud WHITE,of
Chick,have moved their families here.
**IN MEMORY OF**In sad but loving memory of our dear daughter and sister,Mattie
COX,who departed this life one year ago,Jan.5th,1929.Peaceful be your sleep, dear
Mattie,in life we loved you dearly,in death it remains the same.Sadly missed by your
mother,sisters and brother;Mrs.Maggie CHRISTIE,mother; Mrs.W.J.CARROLL,sister;
Mrs.J.E.RENGEMER, sister; Mrs.Otis FOATER, sister; Mrs.Billie HABOST, sister;
Mrs.Otis GOODWIN, sister; Mr.B.L.HARDEN, brother.
**DEATH**Mrs.Page WALSH died at the residence of her son,Mr.Buford WALSH in
Ripley,on Thursday afternoon of last week.Her remains were laid to rest in Mt.Pleasant
Cemetery at Arp,Friday afternoon by the side of her husband,who preceded her in death
only a few years.she is survived by ten children.Mrs.WALSH was 47 years on January
3rd.She was the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.F.WARDLAW,of Ripley.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mr.Eugene ARWOOD is confined to his home from
injuries received last Saturday,when a telephone pole fell on him.
**MAYOR’S COURT**O.S.MAXWELL; public drunkeness–$11.75.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**The thermometer Saturday was 2 degrees below zero.and
several mornings since has registered from 5 to 7 degrees below.
**HENNING**A son was born January 18th to Mr.& Mrs.W.C.HAYNES.He has been
christened W.C.HAYNES,Jr.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mr.& Mrs.Tom DENNIE left Wednesday for
Metropolis,Illinois,called there by the death of their uncle,Mr.Tom COOLEY.
Uncle Peter CURTAIN,colored,died at his home in Ripley last week.Had he lived until
next September,he would have been 100 years old,it is said.
Two negro boys,James TYUS and “Fat” were tried before Judge George W.YOUNG
Tuesday on a charge of larcency,and sent to the reform school in Nashville for three years.
**CENTRAL**We are glad to know that Prof.Charles COX will return home about
March 1st from the hospital where he has been the past several months.(this was a mental
hospital he was in and the man is a teacher of classes 1 thru 4 at Craig School.)
**HALESPOINT**Mr.Montelle HAYNES visited near Ripley last week and was
accompanied home by Mr.James BURNS.Mr.BURNS was accidently shot in the leg
Saturday but his wound is not serious.
**EDITH**Mrs.Horace HARRISON spent Sunday with her husband in Memphis.He
broke one of his lower limbs two weeks ago and was carried to the Baptist.He is reported
getting along nicely.
**ASBURY**Miss Nell HENDERSON spent several days last week with her
grandmother,Mrs.Emma KLUTTS,in Ripley.
Mrs.Rose DUNCAN,principal of the school here,got three ribs broken in an auto
accident Friday,and is unable to resume her duties.Mrs.John CRAIG,of Ripley is teaching
in her place.
Mr.W.T.WOOD,who is in Memphis,where he underwent another operation for a tumor
on the brain several days ago,is reported doing nicely.
**CONNER**Mr.Henry KLUTTS spent Sunday in the Charlie KLUTTS home at Mary’s
Miss Irene KLUTTS spent Friday night with her brother,Mr.Henry KLUTTS.
Messers.Henry KLUTTS and Ben MURLEY spent one day last week with Bob
MURLEY in Madison County.
**MARY’S CHAPEL**Mr.Sam T^URNER has moved to the D.A.KLUTTS farm.
A son was born January 14th to Mr.& Mrs.R.C.CRINER,but in a few short hours,his
spirit wafted its way back to God,who gave it.
Mrs.Charles KLUTTS celebrated her birthday Monday of last week with a nice
dinner.Mrs.T.A.SMITH was honor guest,their birthdays being on the same date.
joined the Marines eight months ago,was home on furlough last week leaving here for
Boston to board his ship,U.S.S.Denver,which sailed February 5th for an eighteen month
cruise,which will carry him to the West Indies and leading Central American and South
American ports,and up the Western coast of the United States as far north as
Seattle,Washington.John says he likes his job fine and besides his training in radio,will see
much of the world.He has already won two medals in crack rifle shooting and will tackle
the big guns during the next few months.
**THOMAS R.B.LAWRENCE DEAD**News of his death at his home in
Burlison,Tipton County,Monday will be received with much regret here.He resided here
over a quarter of centrury before moving to Burlison over 25 years ago.He was a native of
London,England,where he was born on April 27th,1845.At the age of 30 years,he came to
America,and to Lauderdale County,settling at Fulton,where he was engaged many years as
bookkeeper for the firm of A.LEE & Co.,at that timethe largest mercantile establishment
in thisplace for a number of years,and while residing in the 4th district served as
Magistrate and was one of the county’s most efficiant servants in this capacity.He is
survived by two sons,Marshel L.W.LAWRENCE,of Ripley; and S.T.LAWRENCE,of
Mena,Ark.; and one daughter,Mrs.E.R.JOHNSON,of Little Rock,Ark.The remains were
laid to rest in Smyra Cemetery,at Burlison Tuesday.Mrs.L.W.LAWRENCE attended the
funeral with her husband.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Laura MARR,little daughter of Mr.& Mrs.P.S. SAVAGE
is ill with pneumonia.
Mr.Rhea WEST left Thursday for Mobile Ala.,to visit his sister,Mrs.J.P.CRAIG.
Miss Mary Louise HUTCHERSON is visiting her sister,Mrs.Val WILLIAMS in
Mrs.Rose Duncan has sufficiently recovered from her injuries to return Monday to her
school at GAINES.
Mrs.Whit YOUNG returned Sunday from five weeks visit with her daughter,Mrs.George
ADAMS,in Pine Bluff,Ark.
Mr.Wm.H.VANDERGRIFF died Sunday at his home in Glimp and was buried in Poplar
Grove Cemetery Monday afternoon.He was in his 65th year.
Alvin,nine-year-old son of Mr.& Mrs.C.T.WILLIAMS,was taken ill with spinal
meningitis Friday night,and was carried to the General Hospital in Memphis Saturday
night,his condition remains critical.
M.L.TAYLOR is confined to his home suffering with an injured eye,caused by a
playmate on the High School court Tuesday night,using a paper ball in a sling shot.
Mrs.B.F.EDWARDS,who resided in the Hurricane Hill community died Friday and was
laid to rest in Bethlehem Cemetery the following day.She was 83 years of age.
Mrs.Harry MOHON, Mrs.Marvin STEWART, Mrs.Julian BELTON, and
Mrs.S.Y.GARRETT attended the funeral of Mrs.Clifton MOORE at the residence of
Mr.D.M.GARRETT in Curve Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock.The remains were
carried to Covington for interment.
Mr.& Mrs.V.P.MOEIARTY spent Sunday in Crawsfordsville,Ark.,with their
daughter,Mrs.Dolph SMITH,Jr.They left Monday on a motor trip to Miami and other
points in Florida,to be absent several weeks,and were accompanied on their trip by
Mrs.Broadus KLUTTS,who joined them in Memphis Monday.
The remains of Mr.W.R.LIGHTFOOT,who died at his home in Blytheville,Ark.,on
Wednesday of last week,werebrought to Lightfoot for interment.The funeral was held
Friday morning at 11 o’clock at the residence of his brother,Mr.Vader
LIGHTFOOT.Deceased was 69 years of age,was born and reared to manhood in
Lauderdale County,where he had many friends.His son,Mr.Carter LIGHTFOOT,of
Memphis; Mr.& Mrs.Wilson OXFORD,of Blytheville,Ark.,and Mrs.J.W.LUNSFORD,of
Little Rock,Ark.,attended the funeral.
**MRS.CLIFFORD MOORE**After a lingering illness and great suffering,Mrs.Clifford
MOORE died Tuesday night at the home of parents,Mr.& Mrs.Dave GARRETT,at
Curve.She leaves husband,parents,one little daughter,and a host of relatives and friends to
mourn her death.Mrs.MOORE had a loving,friendly disposition,and will be greatly missed
in Curve,as well as in Covington,her home town.The bereaved ones have the sympathy of
the entire community.
**RUTHERFORD**Mr.Urel Dee HUTCHERSON,of Nankipoo,was in this community
**ASHPORT**Mr.MURLEY moved his family to Arp last week.
Mr.Allen SMITH is suffering with an injured back,caused from lifting a heavy stick of
**CONNER**Mr.& Mrs.R.A.DANIELS were in Ripley Saturday.
Mr.M.C.MURLEY,Ben MURLEY and Mr.& Mrs.Henry KLUTTS were in Ripley one
day last week.
Mr.& Mrs.J.M.MILLS are parents of a daughter born Monday.She has been named
Mary Louise MILLS.
Miss Clara Mai ROSS,of Woodville,was here one day last week and was accompanied
home by Miss Jewell KLUTTS.
**KNOB CREEK**Miss Bertha HUTCHERSON has been confined to her bed with flu
for several days.
**GOLDDUST**Mr.Robert METER spent Sunday in Ashport.
Mr.Walter MUELLER of Ashport,spent last week here.
Miss Earline METER spent the weekend in Ashport,a guest of Miss Frances
Little Bessie METER happened to a painful accident Monday when she fell on an ax and
cut her limb.
**WHITEFIELD**Little Juanita HUTCHERSON is seriously ill.
**HENNING**Mrs.Robert WILLIS was called to Covington Monday by the death of her
sister,Mrs.Andy WHALEY.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Dr.O.Olin GREEN suffered an attack of lumbago
Tuesday and has been confined to his bed.
Today is Valintine Day,also the 77th birthday of our good friend,Mr.W.G.SPECK.
Ripley lost a good,old time colored servant in the death of “Uncle” Phil LEE,who passed
away on January 28th.He is survived by a wife who was “Aunt” Jane DUPREE before her
.Bennie CURSEY was carried to Baptist Hospital in Memphis last week for treatment of
injuries received in an auto wreck several weeks ago,it having been but recently
discovered his back was broken.
Mrs.Eva CHIPMAN,wife of Fletcher CHIPMAN,died at her home near Golddust
Monday after a brief illness.The remains were laid to rest in Holmes Cemetery near
Durhamville Tuesday.She was 30 years of age and was a daughter of the late
**DEATH**Halls,Tenn.;Mrs.Sarah HAMILTON,84,died at the home of her son,Dan
HAMILTON.She suffered a stroke of paralysis several weeks ago.Funeral services were
held here Friday at the Methodist church,by Rev.C.A.WATERFIELD.Intermant in Halls
Cemetery.She is survived by four sons,Julian,of Fla.;Oscar,of Dyersburg,;Joe & Dan,of
this city;and one daughter,Mrs.Johnie SWAIN,of Friendship.
children spent Sunday near Nankipoo..
Mr.Isaac HUTCHERSON spent the weekend with his brother,T.E.HUTCHERSON,near
Clarence PRESCOTT,of Humboldt,has returned home after spending a few days with
parents,Mr.& Mrs.J.M.PRESCOTT.
Little Ralph SADLER,son of Mr.& Mrs.Lawrence SADLER,died Saturday of
pneumonia,and was laid to rest the following day at Mt.Pleasant Cemetery.
**WHITEFIELD**Miss Reba HUTCHERSON,of Ripley,spent the weekend with her
parents and was accompanied home by Miss Louise HUTCHERSON.
**KNOB CREEK**The death of Mrs.D.W.BALL,of Hayti,Mo.,formerly of this
community,was a shock to her relatives.She was born and reared in this community and
lived here until about five years ago.She leaves her husband and six children.Her remains
were brought from Memphis Hospital where she died and laid to rest in Enon Cemetery
**NANKIPOO**Mr.& Mrs.Robert FLOWERS and her mother Mrs.R.M.MIDYETT,of
Ark.,have moved here.
**NEW HOPE** Mr.Barney FARMER,of Ashport,is visiting his aunt,Mrs.Arch
**CONNER**Mr.& Mrs.Tom RILEY,of Okla.,are visiting Mr.M.C.MURLEY.
Mr.J.E.MURLEY and family from Memphis visited relatives here Saturday.
Mr.Alex DANIELS and family and Miss Sallie Mae DUNAVANT were in Ripley Friday.
Mrs.Alex DANIELS spent a few days last week in Ripley with her daughter,Mrs.Estelle
**LIGHTFOOT**A son was born January 23rd to Mr.& Mrs.D.Y.NELSON.
**ASHPORT**During the storm last Monday night,the barn of Mr.TICHENOR was
blown down,killing six head of fine mules.
**ASBURY**A daughter was born a few days ago to the Ewell OSTEENS’,but lived
only a few hours.
Mrs.J.O.COX,and son,attended the funeral of Mrs.J.R.COX near Humboldt Thursday of
last week.
**CHERRY**The W.E.DRIVERS’,of Monticello,Miss.,and Mr.& Mrs.H.W.DRIVER,of
Bay St.Louis,Miss.,were called here last week by the death of their
**FUNERAL**The remains of Dr.Colin S. McKINNEY,who died in
Madison,N.J.,Wednesday of last week,arrived in Memphis at an early hour Friday morning
and were met there by local undertakers and brought to Ripley for interment in
Maplewood Cemetery.Deceased was the father of Judge Colin P.McKINNEY,of the
Supreme Court of Tennessee.Dr.McKINNEY was a resident of Ripley during that early
period of the town’s history when we had no banking facilities,and it was his drug store
that banking business on a small scale was conducted until The Ripley Bank,a few years
later.Dr.McKINNEY was in his 80th year,having been born April 21st,1850.The remains
were laid to rest by the side of his dear wife and mother to the son and daughter,who
preceded him in death,and whose cherished dust reposes in the sacred confines of this
beautiful cemetery.Dr.McKINNEY’s widow by a second marriage and helpmate for many
years and Mrs.Fannie J.OLDHAM,from N.J.(poem that ends this obit).
“There is no death–The stars go down–To rise upon a fairer shore–And bright in
Heaven’s Jeweled crown–They shine forever more.
There is no death–The dust we tread–Shall change beneath the summer showers–to
golden grain,or mellow fruit–on rainbow tinted flowers–The granite rocks disorganize–to
feed the hungry moss they bear–The forest leaves drink daily life–From out the viewless
air. There is no death.”
**ADDITIONAL LOCALS**Mr.John WOODARD,age 75 years,died Wednesday at his
home near Grace,and his remains were laid ti rest in the cemetery of that place.He was the
father of Willie WODARD,also deceased,who received a medal foe distinguished service
during the World War.
Alvin,9-year-old son of Mr.& Mrs.Clyde WILLIAMS,of Ripley,who was stricken with
spinal memingitis and carried to the Isolation Hospital in Memphis February 1st,died about
11:30 p.m.Wednesday.The remains were brought were brought here yesterday morning
Burial in Asbury Cemetery.
A very disastrous wreck on the I C Railroad occured about 1 a.m.Monday just north of
Gates,10 miles north of Ripley,31 cars of a heavily loaded northbound freight train were
derailed and piled up into a mass of debris.
Two prisioners broke jail at an early hour Sunday morning.escaping through a hole made
in the roof of the building. One of the men ,Charlie DOVE,who was serving out a $50 fine
for carrying a pistol,was captured in Dyer County Tuesday night,and is again doing service
on our chain gang.The other prisioner,Herbert BUTTRUM,under sentence of 10 years in
penitentiary for housebreaking and larceny,is still at large.
**DEATH**Thomas HEFFERSON,85,for 20 years a resident of Memphis,died
Wednesday morning at his home,136 North Claybrook,after a yeras’ illness.He came to
Memphis from Ripley,Tenn.,where he was engaged in the lumber business.He followed
the same business in Memphis,until this illness.AConfederate veteran,he served under
General Stering PRICE,and was wounded during the war.Surviving is a daughter,Miss
Mayme HEFFERSON; two sons,O.P.HEFFERSON,living at the family residence; and
Robert Lee HEFFERSON,of the U.S.NAVY.Burial in Elmwood Cemetery.(Commerical
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.Virginia CHAPMAN,of Memphis,spent Sunday in
the home of her son,J.B.CHAPMAN.
**ELLIS SCHOOLHOUSE**Misses Helen and Jimmie MILAM spent Friday night near
Conner with their sister,Mrs.Henry KLUTTS.
**WOODVILLE**Mr.Nath DANIELS,of Toulon,who died Saturday night was buried
here Monday afternoon.
**NANKIPOO**The Frank CATES’,The Jim COOKS’ and Mr.Dawson OLDS,attended
the funeral services of Mrs.J.M.CLAY at Caruthersville,Mo.,Sunday.
**GATES**The remains of Mr.A.S.LEE,who died in Memphis Sunday Evening,were
brought here to the home of his brother,J.B.LEE,Monday afternoon.He is survived by
three sons,Thomas LEE and Gray LEE,both of Memphis,and Howard LEE,of
Nankipoo;one sister,Mrs.J.H.MARTIN,of Nankipoo.Interment in Gates Cemetery.
**CEDAR GROVE**Mr.John SAVAGE was called to Woodville Monday to attend the
funeral of his uncle,Nathan DANIELS.
**CONNER**Mr.Henry KLUTTS entertained the young folks with a Valentine Party
Friday night.
Mr.& Mrs.Luther CROWDER,of Ripley,spent Tuesday night with Mr.M.C.MURLEY.
Miss Eva MURLEY,of Memphis is spending a few days with Misses Versa and Dorothy
Mrs.Tom RILEY,of Okla.,who is visiting her sister,Mrs.M.C.MURLEY,was on the sick
list last week.
**GOLDDUST**An infant child of Mr.& Mrs.Dewey WATSON died Tuesday morning
and the remains were laid to rest the following day in Mt.Pleasant Cemetery.
**KILLED**Harvey PURYEAR,43,timber buyer,it is alleged,attempted to attack Marvin
GARRETT,45,another buyer,with a knife about 6:30 o’clock Sunday night at Bogard’s
Store at Curve,seven miles north od Ripley,and was killed when GARRETT opened fire
with a pistol.PURYEAR is said to have been drinking and reopened an argument that
startedthree years ago.He was shot three times and died in the store before medical help
could be summoned.Garrett telephoned Sheriff J.T.COUGHLAN,who went to the scene
and placed him under arrest.He was brought to Ripley and Justice R.M.PRICHARD fixed
his bond at $2000.oo.which he readily secured and was released.His preliminary trial is set
before Justice T.H.GREEN at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon.Both men resided in Curve and
were independent buyers of timber for various mills and had been operating in this section
for several years.The funeral sevices for Mr.PURYEAR were held in Curve Monday
**A SUICIDE**The body of J.A.KERR was found Sunday morning about 7 o’clock
between the double tracts of the Illinois Central Railroad,almost directly under the
suspensionbridge that spans the deep cut in Ripley.It is presumed that sometime after
midnight Saturday,KERR wended his way from his boarding house,the Fortner Hotel,to
the spot he had chosen to take his life,and deliberately plunged head foremost from the
bridge,a distance of 62 feet.When the body struck the ground,the legs were thrown across
the track and a passing train severed the left leg above the knee and the right below the
knee.The head and body were not mangled,only being brusied.A inquest was held before
N.W.BARBOUR,Coroner,and the verdict of the jury was substantially in accordance with
the statement as related above.No motiveis known which would have caused Mr.Kerr to
take his own life.In his room at the hotel was found several checks endorsed over to
Mr.FORTNER totally about $200.00 and the following note:”Mr.FORTNER,bury me
here.Send surviving tools and map to Tennessee Geoliogical Survey,401 Seventh Ave.
Nashville.Trunk and clothes are worthless.Send the Box on the dresser to James S.KERR,
Bulger,PA.Don’t bother wiring anyone.Write James S.KERR,Title Guaranty Co.,Fink
Annex,Pgh.” His brother was notified of the death,arrived in Ripley Tuesday,and
accompanied the remains to his home in PA.Deceased was about 43 years of age.He is
survived by his aged parents,five sisters and two brothers,all of Bulger,Pa.
**ADDITIONAL LOCALS**Relatives here were advised Saturday of the death of
Mrs.Viney Rice ROBERTS in Cincinnati,where she was making her home with her
son,Lutrell RICE.The body was cremated and later the ashes will be entered in St.Paul
Cemetery near Durhamville,where her first husband was buried.After the death of
Col.F.W.ROBERTS,she moved to Cininnati.
**DEATH**Mr.G.W.STYERS,age 66,died suddenly of a heart attack at his home near
Ripley Sunday morning.He arose early,and performed his duties around the house,ate
breakfast and was apparately as well as usual.Shortly after breakfast he became ill and
never rallied.He was a substantial farmer,a good citizen and greatly esteemed by a host of
friends.He was a member of Ripley Baptist Church,lived a christian life and died in the
faith and hope of eternal life.The funeral was held Monday,buried in Holmes Cemetery.He
is survived by his wife,Mary THOMPSON STYERS; six children, Carl, Clyde, John,
Robert,and Buford STYERS and Mrs.Annie CRAIG.His widow was the daughter of
Terrell THOMPSON,deceased,one of the county’s pioneer citizens.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mr.W.T.SAVAGE left Friday on a visit to his family,who
is spending the winter in Biloxi,MS.
Mrs.Willie COX,who has been living in Blytheville,Ark.,is a guest in the Hart Hotel.
Arch Deacon Charles K.WELLER left Friday for Enid,Okla.,where he was called by the
sudden death of his grandson.Mrs.WELLER accompanied him.
**ARP**Last Thursday night the Death Angel visited the home of Mr.& Mrs.Abb PITTS
and claimed for its own their daughter,Opal,who had been sick only a few days.she was
laid to rest Saturday afternoon.
**GOLDDUST**Little Woodrow METER was on the sick list a few days last week.
Mr.Freeman MIDYETT spent the weekend with his sister,Mrs.Herman RHODES at
**ASBURY**Mrs.Tom KLUTTS,of Ripley,spent a few days recently with her
mother,Mrs.Maude BILLINGS.
Miss Fedelia KLUTTS,of Ripley,spent Wednesday night with Miss Nell HENDERSON.
Mrs.N.J.HENDERSON spent Wednesday and Thursday in the home of Mrs.Emma
KLUTTS,of Ripley.
**WOODVILLE**Mr.& Mrs.H.A.TALLEY were called Sunday to the home of her
brother,Mr.Whit STYERS,near Ripley,by his sudden death.
**CONNER**Mr.Jesse LOVELL and family spent a few days last week with his
brother,Mr.John LOVELL,in Crockett County.
**DEATH**After an attack of pneumonia,Mr.J.H.WOODARD,75 years, eight
months,died at his home on Chisholm Bluff,February 19th,1930.Interment in Grace
Cemetery.Surviving are his wife,Mary Thomas WOODARD;
daughter,Mrs.S.B.WEAVER; eight grandchildren; nine greatgrandchildren.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Bobby,infant son of Mr.& Mrs.L.ROBBINS,of Arp,died
Tuesday and was buried Wednesday at Mt.Pleasant.
Since last week,the 5-acre 5-bale has added a new member,C.F.COX.
Mr.Dan KLUTTS has been transferred by his company,the Modern Woodman,from
Jackson,TN.to Okla.City,OK. He spent Sunday at home and was accompanied to
Memphis by Mrs.KLUTTS.
**IN MEMORY**At nine o’clock Saturday morning,March 1st,1930,Mrs.John
WHITEHORN died at her home near Ripley after 15 days illness during the greater
portion of which time she was unconscious,not realizing that loving hands ansd anxious
loved ones were hanging over her bed,waiting at every move to minister to her every need
and want.Mrs.WHITEHORN was born December 26th,1879.She professed faith in Christ
when a young girl and joined Grace Baptist.She could not get to go to the house of God
as she longed to,on account of ill health,but she never forgot her Lord.She trusted Him at
home and was always ready to offer her burden-bearer to those who were in trouble.Live
as she did and when God calls,you will meet her in a world where there will be no more
suffering or heartaches. Mrs.WHITEHORN was first married to Mr.Tom CASEY,who
preceded her in death several years.To this union was born one son,Mr.Roy CASEY,of
this place.Later she married Mr.John WHITEHORN.Three children came to bless their
home;Altie. Louise, and Claiborne.She is survived by her husband, two sons,two
daughters,three sisters,two brothers,and a host of friends..
**GATES**Mr.John GRIFFEN,of Forked Deer,who underwent a major operation at a
Dyersburg Hospital a few weeks ago,died there at an early hour Tuesday morning.The
remains were carried to his home in Forked Deer and intermant was in the cemetery there
Wednesday morning.Deceased is survived by one sister,Mrs.Emma BAIN,of Brownsville;
three nephews,Paul GRIFFEN,of Halls; Lloyd GRIFFEN,of Maud,Miss.,and Billie
GRIFFEN; one neice,Miss Eugenia GRIFFEN,of Forked Deer.
**ASBURY** The remains of Mr.M.A.GILLESPIE,who died in the General Hospital in
Memphis,was laid to rest in Asbury Cemetery Friday afternoon.
**MASCEDONIA**Mr.& Mrs.Alton HARRISON are the parents of a son,who has been
named Robert Alton HARRISON.Mrs.HARRISON will be remembered as Miss Kate
**LUCKETT**Among those on the sick list is Miss Emily NELSON.
**KICK OF A HORSE**A tragedy was enacted today during the noon hour at the
County Farm,southwest of the city,while two boys were at play,both mounted on the back
of a horse,costing the life of George Carroll WELLER,Jr.,5-year-old son of the
WELLERs’,who have charge of the farm.The horse became frightened,and George,riding
behind Jack CANTHEN,slide off backwards over the horse’s tail.This seemed to frighten
the horse even more,and it kicked with both hind legs just as the lad fell,one of its hooves
striking the lad’s head,crushing his skull.The father,who had partly witnessed the
accident,gathered the lad in his arms,and with the mother,drove at once to the Springs
Hospital,but the doctors said the boy was dead when they examined him.
**WHITEFIELD**Mr.Will HUTCHERSON spent one night last week with his
sister,Mrs.John WHITEHORN at Ripley.
Miss Louise HUTCHERSON,of Ripley,spent Saturday night with parents,Mr.&
**FREE OF MURDER CHARGE**Marvin GARRETT,timber buyer,of Curve,was
released on his plea of self defense at his preliminary hearing before Magistrate
N.W.BARBOUR,on a charge of killing Harvey PURYEAR,another timber buyer,about
three weeks ago.Witnesses testified that GARRETT shot to defend himself after
PURYEAR,who was said to be drinking,attacked him with a knife.However,the charge of
carrying a pistol was upheld and GARRETT was bound over to Circuit Court under $250
bond,which he made.
**MARY’S CHAPEL**Mr.Henry MANESS is suffering with neuralgia.
motored to Memphis via Brownsville Sunday.
Messers J.M.TAYLOR, W.B.MIDYETT, and W.D.CLARK,attended the I.C.Boosters
Club in Dyersburg Tuesday night.
Mrs.John HAISLIP died Wednesday of last week and her remains were laid to rest in
New Hope Cemetery the following day.She was 51 years of age.
Mrs.A.KLUTTS and baby spent Wednesday in Jackson with Mrs.Harris BROWN.
Mr.Henry Watson BURNS,age 36,son of J.W.BURNS,was killed Wednesday afternoon
when dynamiting stumps on the F.P.FERGUSON farm in the Mississippi Bottom.The
remains were laid to rest Thursday afternoon.He is survived by his wife and several
Mr.Bennett WILLIAMS,73 years of age,died Wednesday afternoon at the home of his
daughter,Mrs.ADKERSON,of Nut Bush.He was buried Thursday afternoon in Mary’s
Chapel Cemetery,funeral services being conducted by Rev.M.F.SAVAGE.He is also
survived by his wife and two sons,Hiram WILLIAMS ,of Hurricane Hill and Joe
WILLIAMS,of Ripley.
Mr.Josephus R.GRIFFEN,age 81 years,died in Crockett County Saturday and was
buried in Grace Cemetery Sunday.He is survived by two sons,Buck GRIFFEN & Asa
GRIFFEN,both of Chisholm Bluff; and three daughters,Mrs.Harry EDNEY,of Ripley;
Mrs.ANDERSON,of Maury City; and a daughter living in Memphis.
**CONNER**Misses Altie and Louise WHITEHORN,of Ripley,spent the weekend with
their cousin,Miss Leona LOVELL and were accompanied home by Miss LOVELL.
**IN MEMORY**On February 23,1930,the Death Angel visited the home of
Mr.A.W.CROOK and claimed his mother,Mrs.Mary Jane AVERETTE
CROOK.Mrs.CROOK was born in Mecklinburg Co.,VA.,December 26,1835.She was A
member of Salem Baptist Church of Virginia.She was married to Mr.G.M.CROOK on
May 3rd,1854.She was the mother of eleven children,three of whom survive;
Mrs.J.W.KENNEDY,of St.Louis; Miss Lucile CROOK and Mr.A.W.”Dixie” CROOK;28
grand children,62 great grandchildren and seven great-great-grandchildren.Funeral
services were held at the home.She was laid to rest in Western Valley
Cemetery.Mrs.Crook was a resident of Glimp for many years and was loved by everyone
who knew her.She leaves a host of friends and loved ones to mourn her death.She was
confined to her bed three months,and with all her suffering,she always had a kind word for
**GATES**Mrs.Herbert RIGSBY,of Memphis,was called here Sunday by the death of
her neice,little Emma Jean WILLIAMS.Emma Jean,infant daughter Mr.& Mrs.Evan
WILLIAMS died Saturday afternoon of whooping cough and pneumonia.The funeral was
conducted Sunday afternoon at the Methodist Church,interment in Gates Cemetery.
MARCH 21,1930
**GATES**Mrs.C.N.WILKES died suddenly at her home here Thursday night of
apoplexy.She was before her marriage Miss Lizzie WILSON,daughter of the late Mr.&
mrs.W.H.WILSON.Funeral services were Friday afternoon.Interment was in Gates
Cemetery.Deceased is survived by her husband,three children,Charlton WILKES,of
Memphis; James and Eva WILKES,of Gates; one step-daughter,Mrs.John MOORE,of
Dyersburg; one sister,Mrs.A.D.FARLEY,of Maydee and three brothers, Jim
WILSON,John WILSON, and R.B.WILSON,of Memphis.
**OUR LITTLE FRIEND CALLED HOME**Thursday of last week,after a losing fight
against a dangerous malady,God stooped down,whispered his love and took the spotless
spirit of Alford Alston VAUGHN,son of Mr.& Mrs.E.L.VAUGHN and twin brother to
Sanford VAUGHN,to the Beautiful Somewhere.
**ADDITIONAL LOCALS**Mrs.Lula CANNON,who resides a few miles north of
Ripley,became ill Monday and was brought to the home of her son,Doss CANNON,on
Brownsville Street.Her illness was pronounced as memingitis by three doctors,and she was
taken to the Isolation Hospital in Memphis Monday night.She died Wednesday night and
her remains were brought to Grace Cemeterty and interred Thursday Afternoon.She was
49 years of age.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mr.& Mrs.J.C.WESSON attended the funeral of
Mrs.Mollie MOORE in Dyersburg Tuesday .
Mr.C.W.RAY,age 62 years,died Tuesday at his home in Edith and was buried
Wednesday in the cemetery at that place.He suddenly expired while seated in a chair just
after having partaken of the noon day meal.
**WHITEFIELD**Miss Reba HUTCHERSON,of Ripley,spent Saturday with
parents,Mr.& Mrs.Will HUTCHERSON.
Mr.Woodrow HUTCHERSON spent Sunday night with his sister,Miss Reba
**DEATH**Wm.B.HOUSTON,49,for the past 25 years a clerk in the post office at
Memphis,died Sunday morning after an attack of heart disease from which he had suffered
since last November.He was a native of Woodville and moved to Memphis 26 years
ago.Last rites were conducted at 10 o’clock Tuesday,burial in Forest Hill
Cemetery.Surviving are his wife,Bettie MULLERY HOUSTON; four children, Horace
parents,Horace and Emma L.HOUSTON; and two sisters, Mrs.C.J.CRANE,of Blytheville
and Mrs.Albert WILEY,of Woodville.
**DEATH**William E.RICHARDSON,Sr.,prominent merchant and Republican,of
Halls,died late Saturday and was buried Monday at 10 o’clock at
Halls.Mr.RICHARDSON was 70 years old.(son,W.E.RICHARDSON,Jr. mentioned)
**NANKIPOO**Mrs.Alice STILLWELL and daughter,Betty,from near Edith,spent the
weekend with Mr.& Mrs.Harvel STILLWELL.
**MASCEDONIA**Mr.& Mrs.Jim COX are the parents of a 12 pound son.
**GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN**On Wednesday,March 12,the spirit of Bennett
WILLIAMS was called to it’s reward.He was born in McNairy County,but in early
manhood moved to Ripley,where he spent most of his life.He leaves a widow,who before
they marriage was Miss Jennie HAYS.To this union were born twelve children,five of
whom who survive; five of whom who survive;Joe B.WILLIAMS,of Ripley;
H.D.WILLIAMS,of Hurricane Hill; Mrs.J.E.KIRBY,of
Blytheville,Ark.;Mrs.B.H.OLDS,of Greenville,Miss.;Mrs.Henry ADKERSON,of Nut
Bush.He was 74 years and for 37 years a member of Mary’s Chapel Baptist Church at
which place his funeral was conducted by Rev.M.F.SAVAGE.
**GOLDDUST**Miss Margaret NELSON,of Luckett,spent last week with her
sister,Mrs.Dee YOCKUM.
**LUCKETT**Mr.W.M.NELSON and daughter,Margaret,are visiting his
daughter,Mrs.Dee YOCKUM at Golddust.
**EDITH**Mr.Wood RAY,who has lived in this community for over 60 years.died
Wednesday of Heart trouble.He leaves his wife and three sons.
Ripley,spent Saturday night with Mrs.Will HUTCHERSON.
**DEATH**Mrs.Minnie WILLIAMS,66,who had been a resident of Memphis for 25
years,died at her home in that city Monday night.She had been in ill health for several
years and suffered a paralytic stroke from which she never rallied.Mrs.WILLIAMS moved
to Memphis from Ripley after the death of her husband,the late Ransom WILLIAMS in
1899.She was a member of Harris Memorial Methodist Church.Surviving are four
daughters, Mrs.R.W.NASH, Mrs.H.E.GULILANA, Mrs.J.S.THRELKELD and
Mrs.J.C.DORSEY, all of Memphis; and one son, E.R.WILLIAMS,of Detroit; one
brother,E.E.BENTON,of Trenton,TN. and one sister,Mrs.Annie SIDWAY,of Dyersburg.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.R.L.GILLIAM,of Forked Deer,spent a few days this
week with her neice,Mrs.J.M.MANESS.
Mrs.W.T.RICE spent the weekend in Memphis visiting Mr.& Mrs.J.E.MURLEY.She
also visited Mrs.W.A.DANIELS at the Baptist Hospital.
Mrs.B.D.McKNIGHT left Thursday for Chattanooga to attend the funeral of her
Owen DAVIS was called to Winona,Miss.,Monday by the serious illness of his
brother,who suffered a stroke of paralysis Sunday night,followed by his daeth on Tuesday
morning.The Sympathy of many friends in Ripley is extended.
Deputy Sheriffs John S.EVANS, J.W.LUNSFORD and V.T.LIGHTFOOT captured and
destroyed a 50 gallon still and about 200 gallons of mash on Coal Creek above Davenport
Ford Sunday afternoon.The plant was still warm,showing it had been in operation,but the
“birds”had flown as usual.
**LUCKETT**Mrs.Sadie WEBB and Mrs.Jim WEBB are on the sick list.
Mr.W.M.NELSON and daughter,Margaret,have returned home after spending two
weeks with his daughter,Mrs.Dee YOCKUM at Golddust.
**CENTRAL**Mr.Barnet NEWMAN,of Ft.Robinson,Neb.,is visiing parents,Mr.&
Mrs.Will NEWMAN.
attended the funeral of Mrs.Edgar MOORE in Forked Deer Friday morning.
**CONNER**Mr.& Mrs.W.N.ESCUE and son,Hubert,spent Saturday and Sunday night
with Mr.Manley MURLEY in Memphis.
**ASHPORT**Mr.Barney FARMER,of Central,is visiting parents,Mr.& Mrs.Bates
**LIGHTFOOT**Mr.& Mrs Herman RHODES are parents of a daughter born March
**STILLS**Mr.J.C.WAKEFIELD is one of Sheriff COUGHLAN’s deputies who did a
good piece of work last week.Single-handed and alone,he discovered and destroyed a still
on the MAYS place,between Lightfoot and Luckett.It was a four barrell outfit with a 50
gallon steel cooker.This makes 41 stills that have been destroyed in Sheriff COUGHLAN
has been elected.And by the way,not included in the above,a still was recently destroyed
on the Grover YOUNGER place near Lightfoot,and the sheriff is very anxious to know
and congratulate the person who did such a good job.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.Harris BROWN,of Jackson,was a guest this week of
Mrs.Alonzo KLUTTS.
Mr.Ben WATKINS,an inmate of the County Farm,died Saturday night and was buried at
Walnut Grove.He was 54 years of age.
An infant daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Jim HOPKINS,who reside near Gaines
Schoolhouse,died Tuesday and was buried Wednesday at Asbury.
**JUSTICE BARBOUR’S COURT**Bob MANESS,public drunkeness;fined $10 and
costs,sentenced to the County Workhouse till fine is paid or worked out.
**ASBURY**Mr.Herman RHODES,of Lightfoot,was a Sunday guest of John Wesley
POWELL,his brother.
G.W.HAYNES was called to Blytheville,Ark.,Monday of last week to attend the funeral
of his son,Wes HAYNES,who died suddenly.Mrs.Jasper HENDERSON also attended the
**MARY’S CHAPEL**Mrs.Odell HUTCHERSON,who has been reported seriously ill is
reported better.
The remains of Mrs.Claud JOHNSON were brought here from Memphis Sunday and laid
to rest in the cemetery at this place.Mrs.JOHNSON was 62 years of age.The former Ella
Irene CRAIG JOHNSON,was a native of Lauderdale County.Surviving her are her
husband;two sons, Herbert JOHNSON and James JOHNSON; three daughters.
Mrs.R.R.ROBERSON,of Paragould,Ark.;Mrs.Davy HURT,of Memphis,and Mrs,Mollie
CRAIG,of Ripley.
**WHITEFIELD**Little Junior HUTCHERSON and Mary Ruth HUTCHERSON are on
the sick list.
Master Claiborne WHITEHORN,of Ripley,spent Saturday with Woodrow
Mrs.Will HUTCHERSON and daughter Louisr spent Friday night with relatives near
Misses Reba HUTCHERSON and Louise WHITEHORN,of Ripley,spent last week with
**CONNER**Mrs.Clyde MILAM,of Ellis,is a guest of Mrs.Henry KLUTTS.
Miss Irene KLUTTS,of Mary’s Chapel,spent a few days with her brother.Henry
Mr.Jesse LOVELL, Mr.Jack LOVELL, Mr.Theodore MILLS attended the bedside of
Mrs.Annie Laura MURLEY in Jackson Sunday.
**ELLIS SCHOOLHOUSE**Mrs.R.C.MILAM is spending a few days with her
daughter,Mrs.Henry KLUTTS.
Mr.& Mrs.Henry KLUTTS and baby,of Conner,spent the weekend with her
**CENTRAL**Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Ben FITZGERALD
on Thursday of last week,were Frank FITZGERALD and family near Blytheville and Jim
COX and family,of Memphis.
**DEATH**The sudden death of C.D.BUSSEY on Wednesday afternoon was a severe
blow to his many friends.He was enroute to his home in Henning from his farm and at
some point near Cherry,his car was seen by some persons in a nearby field,leave the
highway and go into a ditch on the side road,the car however did not turn over.When the
men reached the car they found Mr.BUSSEY dead at the wheel,so it is evident that he was
seized by a heart attack which caused his sudden death.He was about 65 years of age and
had moved to Lauderdale County when he was a young man,from GA.He was a merchant
and extensive landowner of Glimp.He is survived by his wife,the former Miss RICE; two
daughters, Mrs.J.L.DUNAVANT,of Henning; and Mrs.BOULDIN,of Newbern; one son,
C.J.BUSSEY,owner of Bussey Chevrolet Co.,of Ripley; two sisters also
survive(unnamed),living in Georgia.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mr.& Mrs.M.E. MATTHEWS,of Finley,were guests of
Mrs.Emma KLUTTS Tuesday night.
An infant daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Oscar HAMMOCK died Saturday at their home on
Ashport Bluff.
Mr.Beryl GLIMP was carried to Memphis Sunday for treatment,being a victim of
jamaica ginger.He is reportley seriously paralysized,being unable to use arms or legs.
Mrs.J.K.COOPER died at her home on Chisholm Lake Bluff Monday and was buried
Tuesday at Grace Cemetery.She was 51 years of age.
B.F.FITZGERALD died at his home near Lightfoot on Thursday of last week.He was
laid to rest in Grace Cemetery the following day.He was 72 years of age.
D.T.TURNER has recovered his Chevrolet coach,which was stolen in Memphis on
Monday night of last week.Two negroes who lived near Collierville in Fayette County,are
in Memphis jail charge with the theft of this car and 20 others cars stolen from the streets
of Memphis from time to time.
Sheriff COUGHLAN has requested The Enterprtise to correct a statement he made last
week relative to a still having been destroyed by some unknown party on the Grover
YOUNGER place near Lightfoot.The sheriff says his informant was mistaken in the
location and that the one in question was the same one destroyed by J,C.WAKEFIELD on
an adjoining farm.In justice to Mr.YOUNGER he asks that we make the correction,as no
still was found on his place.
A double killing was committed near the coporate limits of Covington last Sunday
afternoon,James LESLIE,45 and his son,Preston,19,being shot as a result of an old fued
growing out of liquor charges.Charles AMMONS,28,a logger,is charged with the
crime,and Jack CRAIGLOW,42,a restaurant employe,as an accessory before the fact.It is
said that the LESLIES’informed on AMMONS & CRAIGLOWconcerning liquor
depredations,engendering ill feelings between them.Mrs.LESLIE was a witness to the
tragedy,being in the auto when they met AMMONS on the edge of town,and she says that
both were killed as they stepped from the car.AMMONS & CRAIGLOW are being held in
the county jail.
**LUCKETT**Mrs.Ben EMERSON Jr.,of Jackson,spent the weekend here with her
brother,Clarence MITCHELL.
**ELLIS SCHOOLHOUSE**The Hubert DUNAVANTS’,of Conner,spent Sunday with
his sister,Mrs.Emmett WHITE.
**CARD OF THANKS**signed by:Mrs.B.F.FITZGERALD; four sons, John
(also listed,no relationship given)Mrs.J.A.GRIFFEN, Mrs.J.W.BOYD,
**DEATH**Capt.Champ C.CONNER died at his apartment in the Fortner Hotel in this
city at an early hour ,following two severe heart attacks,the first of which was on
Thursday afternoon.Though he had been in failing health for sometime,he had not been
confined to his bed,and his friends and loved ones did not anticipate that the end would
come so soon.They realizes that owing to his advanced age,he could not withstand many
more such attacks as those he had been subjected to of late,but they hoped his life might
be spared for many years to come. He had lived to a ripe age.lacking only 10 days of being
89 years old,born in Madison County,VA,on April 21,1841.When a mere youth,he came
with his parents to Tennessee.His father,for whom he is named,was one of the first pastors
of Ripley Baptist Church.Prior to moving to St.Louis about 15 years ago,Capt.CONNER
was a bookkeeper for Wm.Tucker Co.,Campbell & Keltner and later on a member of
Campbell & Conner.He is survived by one daughter,Mrs,Kenneth GARDNER,of
St.Louis;and two sons,Champ C.CONNER,of St.Louis and Phil CONNER,of Chicago.He
was preceded in death by his wife.Interment in Maplewood Cemetery.
**A BIG HAUL**Sheriff J.T.COUGHLAN and his deputies last Friday captured three
stills on Yankee Bar between Fort Pillow and Crutcher Lake.In the raid were 17
100-gallon vats and a 1,000 gallon cooker,operated by a 25 h.p.engine.Two new stills of
100 gallon capacity and one of 500 gallon capacity were taken.They had not been put into
operation.A quamtity of mash was destroyed.One motor boat was also taken.Three
negroes,Noel HORTON,John WILLIAMS, and Wilbur WALKER were arrested with 95
gallons of liquor,according to report of the sheriff.They are in jail under $1000 bond
each,charged with transporting.
**JUSTICE BARBOUR’S COURT**Robert METER,drunk and disorderly conduct;$15
fine,in workhouse.;Russell FAIN,drunk and disorderly conduct;$15 fine,in work house.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Lottie CRAFTON,aged two years,died Monday,as a
result of an accidental gunshot.She was buried at Walnut Grove.
Dorothy,infant daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Bill FISHER,died Tuesday at their home near
Williams Switch,and the remains were laid to rest in Holmes graveyard.
A.L.BRANTLEY died on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs.J.E.COOK near
Edith.His funeral was held at Grace on Thursday afternoon.He was 62 years of age.
The funeral service of Mrs.R.L.CANNON will be held at Grace Church Sunday
afternoon at 3 o’clock.She died March 20th,of meningitis and because of her malady,the
funeral services had to be delayed until a later date.
Mrs.James P.SLOAN was run down and seriously injured by a reckless driver near her
home in Memphis Tuesday night.She had been visiting a neighbor and in crossing the
street was struck.She was given first aid treatment at her home,and later was carried to the
Baptist hospital.Her sister,Mrs.J.W.HEDGEPATH.and Miss HEDGEPATH visited her
Wednesday.she is getting along fine.
**CONNER**Miss Julia KLUTTS is spending a few days with friends at Orysa.
**LIGHTFOOT**Mrs.E.S.METER and son,Preston,returned Sunday to their home in
Memphis after a week’s visit here.
**HENNING**An old darky,by the name of Henry DEWALT,enroute from town to his
home in Cherry,was struck by a car driven by Wesley MORRIS and killed almost
The passing away of Mr.D.W.BRANDON,whose death occurred Sunday evening about
11:30 in the home of his daughter,Mrs.W.H.JORDON,with whom he made his home,took
from our midst,one of the oldest citizens in our town.Born in Georgia on August
21,1846,he was married to Judith Rebecca HENNING on January 26th,1870.To this
union,nine children were born,six of whom survive and were at his bedside when the end
came.They are:Mrs.Sam JACKSON,of Paducah,KY; D.G.BRANDON,of Nashville;
Mrs.Wm.JARRETT,of Memphis; E.E.BRANDON, R.L.BRANDON, and
Mrs.W.H.JORDON,all of this place.Funeral services were held Tuesday in the home of
Mrs.JORDON.The remains were laid to rest in Bethlehem Cemetery,by the side of his
wife,who preceded him just one year ago last January.
**DEATH**John D. MONTGOMERY was born near Danceyville,Tennessee,Haywood
County,January 15,1845,and died in San Antonio,Texas,April 18,1930,aged 85 years,3
months, and 3 days.He was married to Miss Susan Elizabeth WILLIAMS,of Haywood
County,to whom 11 children were born,eight sons and three daughters.Of the 11
born,only 3 survive;W.T. & Frank MONTGOMERY,both of San Antonio,Texas,and
J.H.MONTGOMERY,of Weimer,Texas.There are two grandchildren: Mrs.Albert
DURHAM,of Durhamville and Jack MONTGOMERY,of Weimer,Texas. His wife
preceded him in death on February 22,1924.
**CENTRAL**Mr.J.R.COX,from near Humboldt,and Mr.E.B.COX and family,of
Gadsden,visited Mr.J.O.COX and family Sunday.
**HENNING**Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Mrs.R.L.O’KELLEY in
Mason Friday afternoon.She left her husband and her son,Robert.
**GOLDDUST**Ocie FAIN spent the week-end at Arp.
Miss Ella METER spent Monday in Ashport.
Mr.C.M.METER made a business trip to Ripley Monday.
Mrs.Sallie FAIN was called to Ripley Saturday night by the serious illness of her
C.M.METER and children, Charles and Woodrow,visited in the Walter MUELLER
home in Ashport Sunday.
Robert METER attended the bedside of Russell FAIN in Ripley Sunday night.
**CALLED HOME**A.L.BRANTLEY was born February 11th,1868;and departed this
life April 9th,1930-age 62 years, 1 month, and 28 days.He was converted many years ago
and joined the Baptist Church at Elon where he remained a member until his death and
was a true and faithful citizen.He was married to Miss Miriah COUSIN on April
21st,1891.To this union was born one daughter,Mrs.J.E.COOK.Funeral services were
held at Grace Cemetery.Besides his wife and daughter,he is survived by one
grandchild,two brothers and two sisters.
**MARY’S CHAPEL**T.H.KLUTTS and son,Tom,and little Lillie Mae SMITH,of
Ripley,spent Sunday in the T.A.SMITH home.
**DEATH**The sudden death of Dr.S.M.GLENN in his office over City Drug
Co.,Monday morning about 8 o’clock came as a great surprise to his numerous friends
and relatives.Seized with a severe heart attack,he expired before medical aid could reach
him.The body was removed to the residence of his sister,Mrs.W.H.FOUST and on
Tuesday morning was carried to his old home at Lightfoot and laid to rest beside the
remains of his wife who preceded him in death many years.Dr.GLENN was 61 years of
age,born near Glimp.He is survived by three brothers and three sisters;John GLENN &
Mrs.W.H.FOUST,both of Ripley; Dave GLENN & Mrs.T.E.BARFIELD,both of Cherry;
Mrs.Sallie COBB,of Memphis; and Will GLENN,of NC; one son,S.M.GLENN,Jr.,of
Ft.Thomas,KY; and one daughter,Mrs.Parker JOHNSON,of Ashport.
**HENNING**Mr.& Mrs.J.H. HOPPER attended the funeral of his aunt,Mrs.Mollie
PARKER in Halls Tuesday.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mr.& Mrs.A.KLUTTS and son,Bill,visited in Jackson
The census of The West Tennessee State Hospital,Bolivar,is 1283 as compared to 892 in
Mr.& Mrs.John PYLE and children,of Hickman,KY.,were weekend guests of Mrs.Emma
Mr.Steven GLENN,of Ft.Thomas,KY.,was called to Ripley Monday by the death of his
father S.M.GLENN.
Mr.& Mrs G.W.METER and family spent Sunday in Henning,guests of Mr.&
Lucille,six-year-old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Frank JACKSON,died Monday at her home
near Edith and the remains were laid to rest Tuesday in Grace Cemetery.
**HENNING**B.F.ROBISON died Thursday at the home of his son,John
ROBISON,after a lingering illness.Funeral was Friday afternoon at the Methodist
Church,burial in Gates Cemetery.Deceased is survived by one daughter,Mrs.Dick
WALPOLE; four sons, John ROBISON, W.E.ROBISON, W.P.ROBISON and Robert
ROBISON and 12 grandchildren.
**TWO ARRESTED ON BURGLARY CHARGE**During the past three weeks,quite a
number of residences in Ripley have been visited by burglars,and in some instances
valuable articles were stolen.The home of Sam BERG suffered the greatest loss,being
relieved of diamonds and jewelry to the value of over $1000.This loss however is covered
by insurance. On Tuesday,Alfonso CLEVELAND,a negro convict,who was out of prison
on parole and employed by W.W.CRAIG as a houseboy for the past three weeks,carried a
wristwatch to Leverette’s Jewerly Store to have a band put on it and
Mr.LEVERETTE,knowing it was property of Will BROWN,to whom he had sold
it,refused ti return it,the negro attempted to strike him,and made a dash for liberty.He was
later arrested at the Fortner Hotel,but Sam Ella POLK,a negro woman,succeeded in
convincing the officers that he was not the person they were looking for so he was
released and is still at large.However,Sam Ella was arrested and placed in jail as an
accessory after the fact and was bound over to Circuit Court under $500 bond by Justice
BARBOUR for aiding CLEVELAND’s escape.CLEVELAND is about 24 years of
age,weighs 145 to 150 pounds,ginger cake color.5 1/2 feet tall.The State is assisting our
county in everyway possible to capture this negro. Another negro,Nathan MAYS,has been
arrested and held in jail without bond,awaiting further investigation.He,too,is said to have
served a term in prison.His home was searched and a suitcase was found containing
silverware,some womens’apparal and an electric iron. Among the things CLEVELAND
had stored in the upper store of the garage building at the CRAIG home,and which were
recovered,was a hat belonging to Curtis REED, and a watch, mandolin, shoes and other
articles stolen from Will BROWN’s home.While only three negroes have yet been
charged,two of whom are in jail,it is generally believed that others are implicated and they
may not all be negroes.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.Cy SMITH,who had been making her home with her
daughter,Mrs.Wes LACKEY for the past year was carried to the County Farm Saturday.
Mrs.Adiner REECE,69,who lived on the E.F.WILSON farm near Ripley,died May
1st,and her remains were carried to Alamo for interment the following day.
Relatives here were advised Wednesday of the death of Walter TURNER in
Denver,Colo.;Mr.& Mrs.Joe WHITE and Mrs.Wm.BALLARD,of Ripley,were at his
bedside when he passed away.
Mrs.Effie WILLIAMS,34,of Gates,received a severe cut over her right eye,when the car
in which she rode,driven by B.L.ROBINSON,also of Gates,collided with the car of Henry
CLAY,negro,at Lauderdale Street and Madison Avenue in Memphis Tuesday
afternoon.Mrs.WILLIAMS was treated at the Baptist Hospital.
**WHITEFIELD**Mrs.Nettie FERGASON received a message announcing the death of
Mrs.Mollie PARKS,who was run down by a car last Monday while attemptung to cross
the street near her home in Obion.
**GATES**Miss Louise GRAVES, Mr.J.B.WELCH,and guests;Mr.RICHARDS and
Miss HENDERSON,of Humboldt;and Mr.& Mrs.MIDYETT,of Kenton,spent Sunday
afternoon at Reelfoot Lake.
FRIDAY MAY 16,1930
**SOCIETY**Mrs.Emma KLUTTS announces the engagement anf approaching marriage
of her daughter,Fidelia,to Wilburn SIMMONS,of Halls.Miss KLUTTS is a graduate of
Ripley High School,is a very talented young lady and a popular member of the younger
set.Mr.SIMMONS is a graduate of Halls High School and is a very successful young
business man.
**GATES**Mrs.Hayden WILLIAMS happened to a very painful and near serious
accident last Wednesday in Memphis.Enroute to a hospital with her
brother-in-law.,B.F.ROBISON,to see his wife,who had recently had an operation,their car
was run into by a car coming out of a side street.Mrs.WILLIAMS was thrown through the
windshield and received severe cuts about her eyes and was badly shaken
up.Mr.ROBISON was unhurt.Mrs.WILLIAMS was able to return home Sunday.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.G.H.COKER reports that she found a four legged
chicken in a brood recently hatched at her home.
Officers BIBB,DENNIE, FITZGERALD and ACUFF,destroyed a 500-gallon still and
1000gallons of mash Thursday of last week below Halespoint.No arrests were made.
The J.E.WHITEs’and daughter Mrs.Wm.BALLARD returned home Monday night from
Denver,where they went to attend the bedside of Mrs.WHITE’s brother,Walter
A.TURNER,who died Wednesday of last week.
Walter A.TURNER died at his home in Denver,Colo.,on May 7th.His remains were
carried to his wife’s home in Olpe,Kansas for burial.He was born here and while living
here made his home with his sister,Mrs.J.E.WHITE.He was the son of the late
J.A.TURNER.He is survived by his wife,son,three sisters and four brothers.
**NANKIPOO**D.W.BALL,of Hayti,MO.,was called to the bedside of his baby,who
died Sunday morning.Funeral services were held Monday morning at Enon Baptist
**LIGHTFOOT**E.S.METER and family and the J.W.YOUNGER family have moved
back from Memphis and are living near Ashport.
FRIDAY MAY 23,1930
**RIPLEY ROTARY CLUB**The happiness to be experience in the visit of such a friend
has come to us this week in the person of Hon.J.A.WEBB,of New York City,and the
Rotary club was honored in having him.He went back to his firsy school with only one
teacher in one room with a great big paddle as frist assistant,and later when the “assistant”
was supplanted by a lady ,the change was indeed welcome.Then he told of the greatest
demonstrations ever witnesses in Ripley up to that time,when the message was received of
Cleveland’s election;how the anvils were taken from the blacksmith shops and gun powder
from the stores,followed by a tumultuous uproar that wakened the natives from miles
around.He well remembered the speech of uncontrollable agitation made by Capt.Hanks
on that occasion.Then his mind reverted to the time when Capt.HANKS was postmaster
and the post office consisted of only a few boxes and everyone had to go and call for their
mail.The greatest distinction Ripley had then was being “the highest point between
Paducah and Memphis.”We had no trains;cotton had to be carried either to Brownsville or
Fulton,and it required two days to make the trip.Hard roads were unknown in our
county,our roads were dust if dry,and mud when wet.A journey to Memphis in those days
was hailed to the weekly press as an important event,and if,perchance,one should get so
far away as New Orleans,such a change in climate made one sick.The changes of our
county,said he,were all of a material nature-the old time characteristics of our forefathers
still survive and will live for ever in the hearts of our people as a blessing and a benedition
from a noble ancestry.Mr.WEBB is a son of the late M.D.WEBB.one of the pioneer
citizens of our county.His mother still survives.Every year since his father’s death,she has
been spending the summers with him,but now that she has reached that ripe age when she
can no longer visit him-he is doing the next best thing,”coming back home and to
mother”,as often as possible.
**SOCIETY**Miss Edna Earl HUTCHERSON was hostess to the meeting of the
Y.W.A.on Tuesday afternoon.The rooms were decorated with red and white roses
and sweet peas.Following the program,Miss Fedelia KLUTTS,a member of the
Y.W.A.,and a bride-elect,was showered with lovely gifts from the guests
present,and also from friends who could not be there.The gifts attractively
wrapped,were arranged on a table centered with a vase of red roses,and following
the program,Miss KLUTTS opened the packages and displayed the beautiful and
useful gifts.A tempting ice course carring out a red and white color motif was
enjoyed.Miss KLUTTS wore a red chiffon frock,Miss Hutcherson was attired in
printed chiffon.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**A.S.SIMPSON,who lives near Asbury,received a letter
recently from his son,Sgt.Odie L.SIMPSON,who is stationed at Schofield
Barracks,Honolula,H.I.,announcing the arrival of a son,the first born,at his home on April
20th,and that the little fellow had been named A.S.SIMPSON II. Sgt.SIMPSON is a
member of Co.M.27th Inf.and has been in service of Uncle Sam the past ten years.
Mrs.W.S.RAINEY,age 53 years,died in Cairo,Illinois on Thursday night of last week.She
is survived by her husband;one son; and one sister,Mrs.Wade NORVELL,of
Ripley.Mrs.NORVELL attended the funeral.
A daylight robbery was reported by Robert SMITH Wednesday morning at a point on
Jeff Davis Highway about 1 1/2 miles north of Ripley.He said he was coming to town in a
buggy,bringing a can og cream to market,when he met a car occupied by a lady and two
men.The lady dressed in khaki,was at the wheel and at the point of a pistol the men went
through Mr.SMITH’s pockets and extracted about $30.00.He said he was unable to get
the numbers on the car because they were covered.
**PERCIFUL**Mr.& Mrs.J.F. DAVIS, Mr.S.J.PICKARD and Mr.& Mrs
T.L.STRINGER attended the funeral of Dr.J.W.WARREN at Forked Deer Monday.
**CURVE**Mr.& Mrs.S.E.MARSHELL were called to Munford Monday afternoon by
the sudden death of her mother,Mrs.ADAMS.
**JUSTICE BARBOUR’S COURT**Bob MANESS,public drunkeness;$15.oo fine and
confined to County Workhouse until same is paid,secured,or worked out.
**CONNER**Mrs.R.A.DANIELS has returned home after a week’s visit with her
sister,Mrs.Myrtle SAVAGE at Finley.
**GATES**Dr.J.W.WARREN,of Forked Deer,died Friday morning at Baptist
Hospital,Memphis,after a lingering illness.The remains were carried to his home Friday
afternoon.Funeral services were conducted at his home Monday morning,burial in Forked
Cemetery.He is survived by his wife, the former Katie PEARSON; three
children,J.W.WARREN,Jr.,Alice WARREN, and Willis WARREN; five sisters and three
**MARY’S CHAPEL**Mrs.Odell HUTCHERSON is quite sick.
Herman SMITH spent the weekend in the T.H.KLUTTS home in Ripley.
**GOLDDUST**William NELSON was in Dyersburg one day last week.
**EDITH**Mrs.Mary MORRIS,who had been confined to her bed since the first of
March,died Wednesday of last week.
Mr.& Mrs.Irvin TWILLA,who had been at the bedside of their mother,Mrs.Mary
MORRIS for several weeks,returned to their home in Memphis Friday.
**ASBURY**Nell HENDERSON spent a few days last week with Miss Fidelia KLUTTS
in Ripley.
**CARD OF THANKS**For kindness shown during illness and death of
mother,Mrs.Mary Bell MORRIS,who died May 13th,1930.Miss Ersie TWILLA, Louise
and Lurline MORRIS, Lonnie TWILLA, Ervin TWILLA.
**ASHPORT**Mr.& Mrs.Jesse YARBROUGH,of Covington,have moved here to make
their home.
**DRY HILL**Mr.& Mrs.B.F.HUTCHERSON and family attended the funeral of
Mrs.MORRIS at Grace Wednesday of last week.
FRIDAY MAY 30,1930
**AUTO WRECK AT CURVE**Mrs.V.R.GWINN,41,Covington,who received several
broken ribs when an auto driven by her husband collided with another car near Curve
Sunday morning,was carried to the Baptist Hospital in Memphis.Mr.GWINN was slightly
injured,while Mrs.Flora CHARTER and her husband were cut and brusied.The
CHARTERS were taken to a Dyersburg Hospital.Mr.CHARTER is manager of the
Covington Power Plant.
**DIES FROM GUNSHOT WOUND**Shot through the abdomen in a fight that
climaxed a dice game in a shack near Nut Bush,Joe EDNEY,29,was carried to Baptist
Hospital in Memphis Sunday night about 8:30 in a serious condition.Peritonitis had set in
despite an emergency operation.He died Tuesday morning about 6 o’clock,and the
remains were brought to Ripley that day and later laid to rest in the DUNAVANT burial
ground near Double Bridges.The funeral was held Wednesday in the home of his brother
in Ripley.He is survived by his wife,formerly Miss ELDER; one sister and three brothers
Sheriff HUNTER,of Brownsville,arrested Talcolm NORVELL,who lives at the
shack.NORVELL claimed that he and EDNEY were alone in the room and that EDNEY
drew a .45 pistol after they had quarreled.In the scuffle,he said,the gun went off,wounding
EDNEY.His brother,who had accompanied him to Memphis,said he heard earlier in the
evening that his brother had been shot and started from Ripley for Nut Bush and found his
brother’s car parked on the side of the road and young EDNEY slumped over the
wheel.NORVELL is in jail in Brownsville,charged with second degree murder,his trial has
been set for Friday of this week.Calvin ELDER,it is said,was an eye witness to the
shooting and claims NORVELL fired the fatal shot.
**ADDITIONAL LOCALS**Mr.W.T. WOODS,Jr.,died Wednesday morning at the
home of his father,Jim WOODS,at Gaines,after a long illness.Survived by his wife and one
child,he was buried in Asbury Cemetery.
Mrs.Linnie May HOWARD,wife of D./L.HOWARD,died at her home near Central
Wednesday morning.She is survived by her husband and six children; Felix HOWARD,of
Memphis; Roy HOWARD,Herbert HOWARD, and D.L.HOWARD,Jr.,and
daughters,Christine COX and Mrs.W.B.KELLER.Funeral and burial in Grace Cemetery.
**SOCIETY**Fidelia KLUTTS,of Ripley,and Wilburn SIMMONS,of Halls,were married
Sunday afternoon at the home of her aunt,Mrs.F.M.SANGSTER in Osceola,Ark.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.R.C.BIBB and daughter,Mrs.R.E.HAGGARTY and
Miss May Walker EDNEY,of Memphis,attended the funeral of Joe EDNEY here
Mrs.D.A.KIMBLE and children,Dorothy anf Harbert,leave today for Detroit to visit her
son,Julius,who has made his home there the past year.
The squirrel season in Lauderdale County opens June 1st,but Sheriff COUGHLAN says
this does not mesn that you can hunt squieeels next Sunday or any other Sunday.
James Storer MAJORS is recoving from a severe injury received Thursday afternoon of
last week when a playmate stuck the prong of a garden rack through his foot.
Mr.& Mrs.C.J.BUSSEY left Saturday for Ashville,NC,where she will remain some time
in Willington Sanitarium for the bebefit of her health.He returned Wednesday.
Dock KLUTTS, Jim SMITH, Mrs.Stanley HADLEY and daughter,Martha,of
Covington; Mrs.D.A.KIMBLE and son,Robert,and Miss Georgie HILL visited the
R.C.KLUTTS in Cleveland,Miss.,several days last week.
James,15-months-old son of Tom BINKLEY,who resides near Ripley,was carried
Sunday to Baptist Hospital in Memphis,to have a bean extracted from his throat,but the
child died before an operation could be preformed.
**DEATH**May 26th-S.P.”Bully”GREEN,a prominent business man of Halls,died at 10
o’clock sunday morning in a Memphis Hospital,and his body was brought here for
burial.For more than a year,his health’s been failing,but he was able to look after his
business until a short time before his death.He was born in Alamo in 1876.he was only 17
years old when his father died,leaving a family of six boys and four girls.Services were
Monday in Christian Church in Halls,of which he was a member.Surviving are three
sisters;Miss Jessie GREEN, and Mrs.H.T.FRANCIS,both of Halls, and Mrs.Guy
COTHAM,of Earle,Ark.;a neice whom he reared, Mrs.Bob NUNN,of Halls; four brothers,
O.P.GREEN, Luck GREEN and Til GREEN,all of Alamo,and Lonnie GREEN,of Halls.
**KNOB CREEK**Lofton HUTCHERSON,of Memphis,formerly of this community,and
Almarine OLDS,of Nankipoo,drove to Memphis Sunday afternoon and were married.They
will make their home in Memphis,where he holds a position with Wm.r.Moore Dry Goods
**WHITEFIELD**Reba HUTCHERSON,who had been working in Ripley,is now at
Louise HUTCHERSON spent one night last week with Altie and Louise WHITEHORN
in Ripley.
**LUCKETT**Imri WEBB,who got shot a few weeks ago is reported doing better.
W.H.MITCHELL,of the Mounds,spent Friday night here with his son,Clarence
**CEDAR GROVE**Mr.& Mrs.Joe BLANKENSHIP visited Mr.& Mrs.Grover Meter in
Ripley Sunday and were accompanied home by Mrs.Lena WEBB.
**GOLDDUST**Willis FITZGERALD was called to Dyersburg Sunday by the serious
illness of his sister,Mrs.Nat GRAMMER.
Brooksie and Earline METER had as their Sunday guests,Decatur CHIPMAN, Ray
FITZ, Mrs.Buford CHIPMAN, Ellie HALE, Louise CHIPMAN, all of Arp,Homer BRAY
and Catherine DRUMWRIGHT,both of Ripley.
**BIG STILL CAPTURED SUNDAY**After a long trip to Island 34,Sheriff
L.E.CRIHFIELD, J.W.LUNSFORD and Henry MURPHY made the biggest haul of illegal
liquor paraphernalia in the history of this county.As they approached the spot where corn
liquor was being made,the outfit loomed up like a minature castle.Three negroes were
keeping vigil and when the officers approached,they made chase,followed by several shots
from the bevy of officers detailed to the job.In the raid,850 gallons of liquor was
confiscated,21,000gallons of mash,a 2,000 gallon capacity copper cooker and an upright
boiler.It is estimated that the outfit was worth at least $5,000.00,and is believed to be the
property of a Memphis bootlegger.
**RIPLEY GIRL KILLED**In an auto accident on Jefferson Davis Highway Tuesday
afternoon,one mile north of Ripley,Rebecca FLEMING,16,daughter of Mr.&
Mrs.J.N.FLEMING,was killed when the car in which she was riding overturned several
times.She was riding with Jaynelle THOMPSON,who was driving the car when the
accident occurred.THOMPSON had a broken collar bone and slight bruises.The other
girls in the car were Mary FLEMING,13, sister of the dead girl,wrist was broken and
severly bruised; and Christine WEST,back hurt and probable internal injuries.
**DEATH**Tuesday,as the day was drawing to a close,the sweet young life of Rebecca
FLEMING was suddenly ended on this earth in an auto accident that shocked and grieved
our entire community.she was a student of Ripley High School;a member of the Baptist
Sunday School,and last summer professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.Funeral service
and burial at Maplewood Cemetery.She is survived by her parents; sister,Mary and
brothers, Robert and Milton FLEMING.
**SOCIAL AND PERSONAL**Miss Mildred BOND died Thursday morning at
Methodist Hospital,Memphis,and will be buried in Brownsville Friday afternoon at 4
That fine looking gentleman in a beautiful blur uniform with cap to match,whose advent
on our streets Monday is none other than Ripley’s popular city marshel,Lynn W.
LAWRENCE.He is complying with a request from Mayor B.C. DURHAM and aldermen
to wear a uniform that would differentiate him from the “common herd,”and at the same
time proclaim to the world the proud position he ho;lds as keeper of the peace in our
prosperous little city.
Graduates from the University of Tennessee Medical Department included:Henry
HUTCHESON,son of Mr.& Mrs.J.A.HUTCHESON,of Ripley. Dr.HUTCHESON will
leave about July 1st for the U.S.Marine Hospital in Norfolk,VA.,where he will intern.
**EDITH**Uncle Henry CRIHFIELD and wife and daughters,Mrs.G.W.TAYLOR and
Miss Signa CRIHFIELD,motored to Shiloh Tuesday where he fought 68 years ago in the
Battle of Shiloh.
**CENTRAL**Miss Ethleen NEWMAN and Mr.E.BRANTLEY were married last
Sunday in Hernando,Mississippi.
Mrs.J.D.NEWMAN,who had been in a Memphis hospital,has returned home,but is no
Mrs.Maggie CHAPMAN,of Memphis,spent the weekend with parents,Mr.& Mrs.Will
Felix HOWARD and wife were called here from Memphis last week by the death of his
John NEWMAN,of Blytheville,Ark.;Andrew NEWMAN and family; Barney NEWMAN
and wife,and Bob NEWMAN and wife,all of Memphis,are attending the bedside of their
**NEW CHURCH FOR RIPLEY**Work on the Guild Hall,first unit of Immanuel
Episcopel Church,on the beautiful church property near the residence of F.A.HENRY,has
begun and will be finished about the 1st of July.The building is of Old English type of
architecture,and will cost approx.$15,000.00.W.R.SAMUEL has the contract.Archdeacon
Chas.K.WELLER and his congregation are to be congratulated.
**DEATH**The death of J.A.J. BYRN, which occurred at his home at 11 o’clock
Wednesday night,removes one of Ripley’s oldest citizens.He was one of the pioneer
druggists of our town,retiring many years ago.He was born in Lauderdale County,was 84
years old his last birthday on May 13th.He was twice married,his first wife was Miss
Hester HINTON,and surviving this union are one daughter, Mrs.Charles CAMPBELL,of
Ripley and one son,J.M.BYRN,of Arlington,N.J.,one son,Preston BYRN,died in early
manhood. He later married Miss Sue HAY,who proved a devoted and loving helpmate
throughout their happy married life of more than 30 years and during his last illness,as on
all occasions,when sickness came to his life,she and the daughter were ministering angels
to his every comfort.The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock in the family
residence with interment in Grace Cemetery,four miles northwest of Ripley.
**GOLDDUST**Earline METER spent the weekend at Rutherford with Mrs.Fred
Mr.& Mrs.Elmer McCOY and Mrs Fred McCOY spent Sunday night in the
C.M.METER home.
**IN MEMORY**In memory of Mrs.D.L.HOWARD.In the morning of May
28th,1930,the Death Angel visited our sweet and happy home and claimed for its own,our
dear wife and mother.
**CENTRAL**Mrs.James COX and baby,of Memphis,visited parents here this weekend.
Mr.& Mrs.Willie BARBOUR, Mrs.W.T.ANDREWS and Mrs Lena WEBB attended the
funeral of Richard HALLIBURTON near Henning Monday.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.Emma KLUTTS has been sick the past week.
Mr.W.A.SMITH died Saturday at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis and his remains were
laid to rest in Grace Cemetery Sunday morning.
J.M.BYRN,of Arlington,N.J.,arrived in Ripley yesterday,being called here by the serious
illness and death of his father,J.A.J.BYRN.
The infant son of Mr.& Mrs.F.B.JONES died Teusday at the home of
Mrs.CUNNINGHAM,near Arp,and was buried Thursday at Mary’s Chapel.
Claude BILLINGS & Merton WILLIAMS were quietly married in Memphis Wednesday
night.She is formerly of Curve.They are making their home in Memphis,where he is
employed at the Ford Motor Co.
**78th BIRTHDAY DINNER**George KELTNER celebrated his 78th birthday Sunday
with a dinner.Enjoying this feast with him were his ten children,30 grandchildren,and other
relatives and friends,making 85 people .The dinner was served in the home of his
daughter,Bessie COLLINS,at Arp.Mr.KELTNER said he could “talk and walk better than
he could 78 years ago.”He had a welcome smile for every guest;over 100 greeted him
during the day.he is now living with his daughter in the same house in which he lived when
7 years of age,during the Civil War.
**HURRICANE HILL**Rev.J.M.KENDALL and wife,of Maury,Ky.,was called here
Monday by the death of R.B.HALLIBURTON,who died Sunday.
Mr.R.B.HALLIBURTON died Sunday after a protracted illness and was buried Monday
afternoon at Henning.
**DRY HILL**Mr.& Mrs.John FLOYD are attending the bedside of his sister,Mrs.Ozie
HOWELL,of Bexar.
Roy TAYLOR and Mary Bell FLOYD surprised their friends by going to
Caruthersville,MO,and getting married.
**ASBURY**Mrs.N.J.HENDERSON attended the bedside of Mrs.Emma KLUTTS in
Ripley Thursday of last week.
Mrs.Maude BILLINGS spent several days this week in the home of Mr.& Mrs.Tom
KLUTTS at Ripley.
**GATES**Mrs.J.H.TILLMAN died at her home here Thursday afternoon after a
lingering illness.Funeral services were Friday,interment in Gates Cemetery.She is suvived
by her husband; four sons,Carl TILLMAN,of Springville,Miss.,Ocie &James
TILLMAN,both of Curve, and Irvin TILLMAN,of Millington; two daughters,Mrs.Dave
WELLS,of Chaffee,MO,anf Miss Crystal TILLMAN,of Corinth,Miss.;and one foster
daughter,Mrs.A.E. ANDERSON,of Curve and one sister.
**ELLIS SCHOOLHOUSE**Mr.& Mrs.Frank SMITH and son,Charley Frank,spent the
weekend at Golddust.(with his sister,Mrs.Gus Fitzgerald.)
Catherine MILAM is spending a few days with her sister,Mrs.Henry KLUTTS,at
Mr.& Mrs.DUNAVANT and children spent Sunday with their daughter,Mrs.Emmett
**CENTRAL**Woodrow SMITH,of Ripley,spent a few days last week with his
sister,Mrs.Ivans ANDREWS.
***DRY HILL**Mrs.J.M.PRESCOTT is on the sick list.
Mr.& Mrs.John HUTCHERSON are guests of a son born Friday.
**WHITEFIELD**Mr.& Mrs.Roy CRAIN and Charley CHIPMAN attended the funeral
of Tom CHAPMAN at Grace Sunday.
Mrs.Charley KLUTTS,of Mary’s Chapel attended the bedside of I.B.WHEATLEY
**IN MEMORY**In sad and loving memory of our dear husband and father,Austin
SMITH,age 41,who departed this life June 7th,1930.We don’t know why he was taken
from us,though God knows best.
**GOLDDUST**Mrs.Gus FITZERALD is on the sick list.
**HENNING**The funeral of Mrs.Bessie THUM WADSWORTH was held at the
Methodist Church Saturday morning at 10 o’clock,burial in Bethlehem
Cemetery.Mrs.WADSWORTH’s death occurred at their home in Ashville,NC,where she
with her husband and four children moved several years ago,thinking the change in climate
might prolong her life.(card of thanks names her husband;W.C.;daughter,Nettie
WADSWORTH and Walter WADSWORTH,her son.
**TYPHOID CLINIC IN HENNING**In compliance with a request from citizens of
Henning,the County Health Unit is holding a clinic for giving typhoid shots each Monday
afternoon.For colored people,the meeting is at the colored school at 2 o’clock.For
whites,at the Sanford Building at 2:30 to 3 p.m.
**CONNER**Mr.& Mrs.Levy MURLEY,of Hornsby,are visiting M.C.MURLEY.
Jeff MURLEY,of Memphis,was a guest Tuesday of M.C.MURLEY.
**DEATH**On Monday evening,June 16th,the spirit of James Guilbert GIVEN departed
this life,after an illness of seven months,with a complications of diseases.Mr.GIVEN was
in his 68th year,having been born February 14th,1863.He had a host of friends throughout
the county and especially in the Pleasant Hill community where he made his home prior to
coming to Ripley a few months ago to make his home with his son,Jesse GIVEN,at which
place his death occurred.The remains were laid to rest in Bethlehem Cemetery,the funeral
being conducted at the grave on account of illness in the home.
**DEATH**C.P.FOWLER died at his home in Ripley at an early hour Tuesday
morning,and his remains were laid to rest in Mary,Chapel Cemetery Wednesday after
services at Ripley Baptist Church in Ripley.Deceased lacked only two months being 69
years old.He leaves his wife and several children.
**DEATH**H.C.DAUGHERTY,85,died last week at the home of his
son,W.C.DAUGHERTY at Pontotoc,Miss.,where he was on a visit.Deceased had suffered
a stroke of paralysis and never recovered fron its effects.Mr.DAUGHERTY was born in
LA.,and when the Civil war broke out,joined the 4th Louisianna Regiment and served until
he was taken prisoner at Ft.Hudson.After the war,he moved to Hardeman County and
married Rosa PUCKETT.To this union was born four children,two of whom
survive;W.C.DAUGHERTY,of Pontotoc,Miss.,and L.L.DAUGHERTY,of Ripley.Shortly
after his marriage,he moved to Lauderdale County and resided at Golddust.He was a
member of the County Court for six years.He was instrumental in establishing the
Methodist Church at Golddust,and was Sunday School superintendent for 25 years.The
funeral was held at Pontotoc with interment in that place.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.Alonzo KLUTTS and son Bill,are spending this
week in Jackson.
Mrs.J.C.SMITH,of Curve,has our thanks for a fine 9 pound cabbage,presented this office
Mrs.L.B.WHIPPLE and daughters,Virginia and Ann,of Vienna,GA.,are visiting her
Ben H.GREEN,of Osceola,Ark.,is in Campbell’s Clinic in Memphis.In an auto accident
last Sunday near Arkadelhia,Ark.,he received a fractured skull and concussion of the
brain.In company with John R.MILLER,he was en route to Corpus Christi on a business
trip.Mr.GREEN is the son of the late George R.GREEN,and was born near Durhamville
in this county.
**GATES**John TOMLINSON died at his home here Saturday afternoon after a
lingering illness due to infirmities of age.Services were Sunday afternoon,burial in
Concord Cemetery.He leaves his wife and several neices.
**CARD OF THANKS**Family of James GIVENS–signed by:son and children’Mr.&
Mrs.Jesse GIVENS. Mrs.Leila DOUGLAS and children, John R.GIVENS and
children,James J.GIVEN, C.A. GIVEN, and Frank SMITH and children.
**DRY HILL**Mr.& Mrs.Hubert PRESCOTT and son,Austin and Clarence PRESCOTT
attended the ice cream supper at Nankipoo Thursday night of last week.
Thomas HARRELL,so of Mr.& mrs.Maynard HARRELL happened to a painful accident
when he got his collar bone broken.
**RUTHERFORD**G.W.METER and family,of Ripley,spent Sunday afternoon in the
A.A.GOOCH home.
**CEDAR GROVE**Miss Helen WALDING spent Saturday night with Miss Frances
HUTCHERSON,of near Ripley,who accompanied her home Sunday.
Tommie CHIPMAN,who was called here from Louisville,KY,by the death of his
grandfather has returned home.
Since the death of her husband,Mrs.T.J.CHIPMAN and her daughter,Tessie,have moved
to the home of her daughter,Mrs.Andrew KIRKPATRICK at Ashport.
**DEATH**Just as the sun was fast fading from the far west,the spirit of
I.B.WHEATLEY took it’s flight to it’s reward on Friday,June 27th.He was born in
Mcnairy County,May 20,1851,and was 79 years,one month and seven days old.He spent
practically all his life in our community.He was converted 21 years ago and joined the
Methodist Church of Whitefield,where he remained a member until God called him
home.November 11,1874,he was married to Miss Anna CHIPMAN.To this union six
children were born,five of whom preceded him in death.After the death of his first wife in
1885,he was married to Miss Emma BRADEN on June 6,1886.To this union nine children
were born,seven of whom survives;also one brother; one sister; twenty grandchildren; and
three great grandchildren.Services were Saturday.the remains were laid to rest in Mary’s
Chapel cemetery.
**ASBURY**Miss Nell HENDERSON spent several days the first of the week in
Ripley,a guest of her grandmother,Mrs.Emma KLUTTS.
Mrs.M.E.MATTHEWS and little daughter,of Finley,Mr.& Mrs.Guy HENDERSON and
children and Mrs.Emma KLUTTS,were Sunday afternoon guests og Mr.& Mrs.Jap
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Malte McKEE,charged with second degree murder,was
given a preliminary hearing before Justice N.W.BARBOUR Saturday and bound over
toCircuit Court under $1000 bond,which was secured.It is alleged that on June
15th,Sunday,a car containing several negroes was overturned by McKEE as he attempted
to pass it on the highway leading from Orysa to Highway 19,and one negro woman was so
badly injured,that she died a few days later.
**WHITEFIELD**Bernice and Floyd CRAIN have whooping cough.
**IN MEMORY**In the morning of June 11,1930,the Death Angel visited the home of
Mr.& Mrs.Boone SANDERS and claimed for its own,little Bettie Louise,age 1 year,2
months and 14 days.We cannot see why God took you away from us,but we know that He
doeth all things well and that we must submit to His will as He is all we have to look too
when we are in trouble.We Miss You, Dear Bettie.
**MARINE KILLED BY CAR**Martin B.MITCHELL,49,who had served in the
Marines 21 years and had returned to his home at Luckett about two years ago,was struck
by an automobile at 2:30 a.m.Saturday near the Log Cabin Tea Room,and died of his
injuries.John CARTER,Jess LEE and three other negroes were in the car.They came to
Ripley and notified Marshel LAWRENCE,and when they returned to the scenr of the
accident,the man was dead.According to the negroes the accident was unavoidable as
MITCHELL stepped out in front of the car,and relatives of the dead man,it is said,were of
the same opionon.hence no prosecution ensued.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mr.& Mrs.George H.BATCHELOR,of Memphis,were
Sunday afternoon guests of Arch Deacon and Mrs.WELLER.
Mrs.Clara BROWN announces the marriage of her daughter,Eva,to Aubrey
WEBB,which took place January 27,1929???,in Marion Ark.,Justice of Peace
A.L.NEWMAN officiating.Mrs.WEBB is the granddaughter of the late A.L.BROWN,one
of the oldest settlers in Lauderdale County.
Richard W.WARPOOL died Saturday at his home on Chisholm Bluff,of malaria
hematuria.Funeral services were at Grace Church the following day.He was 38 years old
and was survived by wife and two children.
L.J.HUTCHERSON died on June 29th at the home of his nephew in Wickcliffe,KY.,and
was buried the following day in Blansville,KY.About a month ago,he suffered a stroke of
paralysis.He was about 73 years of age and resided in Lauderdale County prior to
1910.The many friends of “Pony” HUTCHERSON will regret to learn of his death.
Charley HENLEY,who lived on the PENNINGTON farm near Gates,died July 4th.His
remains were interred in Maple Grove Cemetery near Blytheville,Ark.,wherehe resided
before moving to this county,about a year ago.Deceased is 67 years old and was survived
by his wife and several children.
**HENNING**The funeral of Marcus MITCHELL was held Sunday afternoon in Poplar
Grove Cemetery.His death was due to being struck by an auto.At the time of his death,he
was employed in delivering ice,and by his kind and accommodating manner,had made
many friends among the ladies of the town who were greived to learn of his death.He
leaves two brothers and five sisters;M.D.MITCHELL,of Millington; Mrs.J.L.SELLERS,of
Henning; W.T.MITCHELL, Mrs.Whit HOPKINS, Mrs.Charlie HOPKINS,and Mrs.Tulu
HOPKINS,all of Lauderdale County; and Mrs.John POE,of Covington.
**ELLIS SCHOOLHOUSE**Mr.& Mrs.Frank SMITH and daughter,Gladys,and
Kathleen ESCUE and Elizabeth WILLIAMS went to Forked Deer on the 4th.
**MARY’S CHAPEL**Mrs.C.H.KLUTTS and daughter,Letha;Mrs.T.C.STONE,. and
Mrs.T.A.SMITH attended the bedside of Mrs.May SCOTT in the home of M.C.BROOKS
at Conner Sunday.
**ASBURY**Mesdames Alex EDNEY and Tom KLUTTS,of Ripley; Mrs.A.I.WEBB
and Mrs.Jack GLIMP and daughters of Luckett were guests Friday of Mr.& Mrs
**GOLDDUST&&Misses Margaret and Lucille NELSON are visiting relatives here.
John YOCKUM, C.M.METER, and Alford CROWDER made a business trip to Ripley
Misses Lucille & Virginia GAINES,of Asbury,spent Wednesday night with Misses
Brooksie,Earline and Ella METER.
**LIGHTFOOT**Mr.& Mrs.S.M.GRIGGS and children,of Ashport,spent the week end
with parents,the E.S.METERS.
**KNOB CREEK**Clifford,Alford and Rheual HUTCHERSON,of Memphis,spent the
weekend with parents,Mr.& Mrs.Bud HUTCHERSON.
**JUSTICE BARBOUR’S COURT**Bob MANESS,public drunkeness;$5 and
costs;sentenced to the workhouse.
**DEATH**The many friends of J.Edgar GRAVES,here in his own hometown were
greaved to learn of his passing away in St.Louis on Thursady night of last week.About 7
o’clock,he became ill,while seated in the lobby at his hotel,and at 8:30,his spirit was
wafted into the presence of his Maker.While his death was due primarily to the extensive
heat,he having suffered a collaspe on the street Wednesday afternoon,from which he never
recovered sufficiently to leave his hotel,a nervous breakdown three years ago with
continued failing health caused much anixiety to his loved ones,especially did his
sister,Mrs.Bessie MAJORS,live in constant expectancy of receiving just such summons as
came to her on this occasion,though she did not anticipate that the end would be so
sudden.Leaving Ripley on the midnight bus,she arrived in St.Louis Friday afternoon and
accompanied the remains home on the train,arriving here Saturday morning at 7
o’clock.Funeral services were held at 10 o’clock at Maplewood Cemetery in the presence
of many personal friends of the deceased who came to pay him a last tribute of respect.He
was born in Ripley on Dec.31,1872,and was the son of the late Mr.& Mrs.Thomas
H.GRAVES.He was doistrict manager of the Southern California Fruit Growers
Exchange,with offices in St.Louis and Philadelphia.He is also survived by one
brother,Walter GRAVES.His wife preceded him in death about five years ago,and their
only son,Taylor GRAVES,died several years previous,just as he had reached his marjority.
**LOCAL AND PERSONALS**Mrs.Mitchell TAYLOR,of Memphis,is visiting her
J.D.FOLTS,of Memphis,spent Wednesday in the George W. HUTCHERSON home.
Mrs.Norris ARMSTRONG and daughter,Margaret,of Danville,KY.,are guests of
Mr.& Mrs.M.E.MATTHEWS and daughter,of Finley,were Sunday guests of Mrs.Emma
A son was born Wednesday night to Mr.& Mrs.Wm.H.WALKER.He has been named
Charles Aaron WALKER.
Mrs.F.M.SANGSTER and Mrs Claud CAGLE,of Osceola,Ark.,are guests of Mrs.Emma
A son was born to Mr.& Mrs.Jack WAKEFIELD Thursday of last week.He has been
named Hobson Murray WAKEFIELD.
Wednesday and Thursday in Nashville.
The remains of Mrs.Lorene HUTCHERSON,who died at the Western State Hospital in
Bolivar,were brought to Prospect Cemetery for interment Friday.
Mrs.H.A.MUELLER died Tuesday at her home near the box factory,and was buried the
following day in Bethlehem Cemetery in Henning.
Buck HURDLE,colored,had both bones in his left leg broken last Saturday,when his limb
was caught under a falling wall at the grammer school building being torn down.Awhite
man named MUELLER,also an employe on this job,was injured Monday,when he made a
misstep and fell from the building.
Watson WILLIS died Monday at his home in Marvel,Ark.,after an illness of one year.He
is survived by his wife and two sons.He was a native of Haywood County before moving
to Ark.
**ASHPORT**During a thunderstorm Saturday evening,the roof was torn from the home
of Mrs.Cora FISHER and the porch was lifted over in the back yard.
The people of this community were shocked by the death of Mrs.Arl CANNON,who
died Wednesday morning of blood poisoning.She was ill only a few days.She is survived
by her husband and two children.Before her death,she was Leona JENNINGS.
**CURVE**Mrs.Charley HARDY was painfully infured last Friday morning when a
shotgun fell from it’s rack and fired,the shot striking her left arm and side after passing
through a petition wall.She is doing nicely as none of the shot pentrated deeply.
**WHITEFIELD**Mrs.Pearl PRESCOTT and daughter,Louise,of St.Louis,MO.,arrived
to spend the summer with her mother,Mrs.G.H.LATHAM.
GREEN,convicted in Lauderdale County on a charge of involuntary manslaughter and
given a two to five year sentence,was made eligible for immediate parole from the
penitentiary today when Gov.HORTON signed a commutation reducing the degree of the
offence to involuntary manslaughter.GREEN was convicted in connection with the killing
more than four years ago of Andrew BUTTRAM and had served a year.
**DEATH**The sudden death of Jake MITCHELL at the home of his
daughter,Mrs.Elmer MOORE,one mile east of Ripley,Tuesday afternoon,was a great
shock to his many friends.He had returned about noon that day from two weeks visit with
his children in Ark.,and upon arriving in Ripley,consulted his doctor,who advised him to
take to his bed.He was carried to his daughter’s home,and while preparing to
disrobe,suddenly expired.He was a native of NC,but had resided in Lauderdale County a
great portion of his life.He was in his 76th year.His wife preceded him in death a few years
ago,he is survived by several sons;daughter;and grandchildren.Funeral Services at Asbury
Church,burial in church cemetery.
**PENLAND–CROUCH**A wedding of much surprise to their many friends was
solemnized June 18th at Cleveland,VA,when Essie PENLAND became the wife of
Rev.Jesse A.CROUCH,of Henning,pastor of Mack charge.The ceremony was read in the
parsonage of Rev.J.T.KELLEY,pastor of Cleveland Baptist Church,the ring ceremony
being used.The bride was given in marriage by her brother,Dewey PENLAND.They left
Cleveland June 22nd for their home in Henning.
**NANKIPOO**Mr.& Mrs.George SMITH attended the funeral of her sister,Mrs.Sarah
BARNETT,at Booneville,IN last week.
**CURVE**Mrs.H.O.ROGERS was called to Memphis Friday by the illness ans death of
her brother,G.C.DEAN.The funeral was Sunday.
A severe windstorm here Tuesday afternoon caused considerable damage,The roof of
Alvin BALL’s house was badly damaged by the chimney being blown across it,and the
house twisted on it’s foundation.Roy MEACHUM had his garage roof blown away and a
number of trees were blown down during the storm which lasted only a few minutes.
**WHITEFIELD**Joe STONE,of Ripley,spent the weekend with Woodrow
Mr.& Mrs.Jesse LOVELL and childrenof Conner spent Sunday with Mr.& Mrs.Will
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.Wilburn SIMMONS,of Halls,is visiting her
mother,Mrs.Emma KLUTTS.
Mr.& Mrs.W.B.MIDYETT left Sunday for Pensacola,Fla.,and other points.
A daughter was born last week to Mr.& Mrs.Fletcher SCOTT in Little Rock,AR.
Mrs.W.T.SAVAGE and son,Bill,who are sunmmering in Biloxi,MS,are home on a visit.
Mrs.Dan KLUTTS and son,Edwin,are spending this week in Jonesboro,AR with Dan
A 60-day drought was broken in the southern part of the county,and along the
Mississippi River to the westof Ripley,Wednesday.
**CONNER**Miss Jessie KLUTTS,of this place and Bill CANNON of Central were at
Ashport Sunday.Miss Maizie and Mabel HUTCHERSON and O.D.and Hubert
HUTCHERSON are spending a few days at Curve.
**GOLDDUST**Lizzie and Viola MEACHAM,of Gosnell,AR,spent several nights last
week with Brooksie,Earline and Ella METER.
Elma GLOVER on Pittsburg,spent Wednesday night with Robert METER.
**ARP**Miss Pauline GRAMMER,who was visiting in Tunica,Miss.,was called home by
the illness and death of her grandmother,Mrs.P.J.FULLEN.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL** J.B.McKINNEY of Memphis,is visiting his
sister,Mrs.Mack DUVALL.
A son was born July 24th to Dr.& Mrs.T.E.MILLER.He has been named Hugh Turner
Mrs.Luther H.GRAVES and children,Jane and Betty,of Memphis,spent the weekend
with her mother,Mrs.Fannie KELLER.
J.E.PALMER,who holds a position in the State Home For The Febble Minded,near
Nashville,spent the weekend with relatives and friends in Ripley.
A daughter was born July 9th to Mr.& Mrs.Paul McBRIDE.she has been named Mina
Evelyn.Mrs.McBRIDE will be remembered as Miss Cleo HARGETT.
Mrs.P.A.FULLEN died Monday at the home of her daughter,Mrs.Elmer
GRAMMER.Funeral services were conducted Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock and the
remains were laid to rest in Union Cemetery at Lightfoot.She was 84 years of age and was
a most excellent lady.
Mr.& Mrs.Robert DURHAM and daughter,who had been in Pacific Beach,Calif.,the past
19 years,have returned to Ripley to live.At present,they are making their home with
Mrs.Clara TARRANT,but as soon as they can get possession,will move to the HUDE
place,the property of Mrs.Durham and her father,Henry HYDE,Sr.,who will make his
home with them.
Frank NIXON,an employe of Nelson Bros.,met with an accident in the I.C.Rail Yards at
Ripley on Thursday afternoonof last week,resulting in the amputation of one leg below the
knee.His leg was mangled when the “dipper”,used in loading gravel on trucks,fell on his
limb.He was carried to Campbell’s Clinic in Memphis.Kis mother,of Columbia,SC,was in
Ripley Wednesday,investigating the accident.
**HENNING**the death of Mrs.Albert CROOK occurred Saturday night after more than
a year’s illness in her home in Glimp.The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the
home,the remains were laid to rest in Poplar Grove Cemetery.Mrs.CROOK is survived by
her husband,three daughters and five sons’Mrs.Laura LANKFORD,of Henning;
Mrs.J.B.SCOTT,of Rialto; Mrs.Lula HARLEN,of AR; Charlie CROOK; Henry CROOK;
Zeke CROOK; Clayton CROOK; and Laurin CROOK.
**LUCKETT**Mrs.J.A.WEBB was called to Glimp by the death of her
**WHITEFIELD**Reba HUTCHERSON is visiting Mrs.Addie LOVELL at Conner.
J.E.HUTCHERSON and family,of Nankipoo,spent Sunday in the B.P.TILLMAN home.
Mrs.Gertie HUTCHERSON,of Memphis,and Mrs.Addie LOVELL,of Conner,spent
Friday afternoon with Mrs.Mattie HUTCHERSON.
**GOLDDUST**Nathan RICE,of Curve,spent Sunday with Robert METER.
Ruby Lee BOOKOUT,Robbie Sue KIDD and Sam KIRKPATRICK,of Ashport,spent
Thursday afternoon with Brooksie and Earline METER.
**ASBURY**Mrs.Jap HENDERSON and children,spent Tuesday in Ripley,guests of
Mrs.Emma KLUTTS.
Mr.& Mrs.J.A.MAXWELL and son,Wilbur,and Mrs.Luther McBRIDE and
daughter,Mary Lou,spent the weekend in Pine Bluff,AR,guests of the former’s
sister,Mrs.Lola COLE.
**WHITEFIELD**A daughter was born July 30th to Mr.& Mrs.Jesse MATHIS.
News has arrived here announcing the arrival of a daughter in the home of the Gill TIMS
home in Stephensville,Texas on July 31st.Mrs.TIMS will be remembered as Miss Ruth
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Miss Jane McCULLOUGH,of Dyersburg,is visiting
A daughter was born July 23rd to Mr.& Mrs.J.B.ALFORD at the J.W.ALFORD home
and she was christened Betty Jean.
James Marvin SPILLER,son of Mr.& Mrs.Amos SPILLER drowned in Hatchie River
near Orysa Sunday.The funeral was held in Trinity Church Monday afternoon.He was in
his 26th year and also survived by his wife and three children.
Here is a great opportunity for some family to give a home to a bright ambitious girl,age
13 years.Her name is Bernice HANCOCK,and she is now in the E.H.GRAMMER home
near Arp.Miss HANCOCK’s mother is dead and her father is not financially able to give
her the opportunity she deserves.If interested,communicate with Mrs.E.H.GRAMMER.
**CURVE**Otha NEWMAN and family,of Round Knob,Ill.,were called here Saturday by
the serious illness of his father,W.G.NEWMAN.
The year old daughter of Mr.& mrs.Charley HARDY died Sunday afternoon after being
ill only a few hours.Burial in Concord Cemetery.
**CHERRY**Mr.& Mrs.G.R.SIMPSON are the parents of a son,born July 25th.
**DEATH** Another faithfulChristian passed from this life to the land of eternal
rest,when Mrs.Matilda E.CROOK,nee WAKEFIELD,answered the Saviour’s call on
Sunday morning,July 27th,1930. Mrs.CROOK was born in Lauderdale
County,Tennessee,February 4th,1852 and was married to her surviving
husband,A.H.CROOK 59 years ago.To this union was born 11 children,eight of whom
survive, Chas.E.CROOK,of Henning; Henry CROOK,of Memphis; James E.CROOK,of
Blytheville,Ark.; Laurin CROOK,of Moorehead,Miss.; Clayton CROOK,of
Henning;Mrs.Laura LANKFORD,of Henning; Mrs.Lula HARLAN,of Eldorado,Ark.,and
Mrs.Vivian SCOTT,of Covington.Mrs.CROOK,in early life,joined the M.E.Church
South,at Western Valley,and throughout her subquent years,continued a consistant and
happy member.Her residence was in the section of her nativity and the activities of her life
were given to all with whom she was associated.Especially were her labors productive of
much good among the humble and needy,the stranger at her gate,the orphan,and the sick
of her community,shared alike her kindness and love.Such a useful life of service usually
has a source,and that source is God. A severe paralytic stroke came upon her about four
years ago,but during this entire period,she was happy and appreciative,and though
realizing its seriousness,in Christian love,she finished her course with joy and passed into
the Christian’s homeland,to take her abode among the immortals.Her daughter,Mrs.Lula
HARLAN was with her during the last year of her illness and when `the great crossing
over`came,all of her children were at her bedside.
**LUCKETT**Mrs.Wm.M.NELSON is spending several days in Halls in the home of
Mr.Charles SCOTT.
**CARD OF THANKS**For many kindnesses shown during the illness and death of
son,brother and husband–Mrs.Florence A.NELSON,mother; Louis
NELSON,step-father;Floyd A.BRODIE,brother; Mrs.Beatrice WALLACE,sister;
Mrs.Pela Mae BROWN,sister; Mrs.Ganelle O.WINBUSH,sister; Mrs.Rosalie CLARK
**GOLDDUST**Mrs.C.M.METER attended the bedside of Mrs.Milton SWIMS at
Ashport Sunday afternoon.
Mr.& Mrs.Jesse SILVERNAIL and children,Mrs.William GRAHAM and Miss Alice
DOUGLAS,of Central,spent Sunday in the C.M.METER home.
**ELLIS SCHOOLHOUSE**Mr.& Mrs.Richard SMITH,and little son of Memphis,spent
Thursday here with his brother,Frank SMITH.
**CENTRAL**Mr.& Mrs.Wayne ANDREWS,of Memphis,and Mr.&Mrs.Fred
BOSSIE,of East St.Louis,ILL.,were called here Sunday by the serious illness and death of
their father and grandfather,W.T.ANDREWS.
**DEATH**Mr.W.T.ANDREWS was born Jan.9,1853 and died August 3,1930;age 77
years,7 months,24 days.He was a member of Grace Chuch for 51 years.He was twice
married; first to Miss Emma WEBB,in December,1876 and tothis union was born 6
children,four of whom survive;W.H.ANDREWS and W.S.ANDREWS of Central ;
Mrs.John PARKER,of Bexar; and Mrs.Fred BOSSIE,of East St.Louis,ILL.On August
16th,1904,he was married to Miss Sallie BROWN.To this union two children were born
but died in infancy.He leaves to mourn his departure;his wife; four children;17
grandchildren and one greatgrandchild.Five of his grandsons acted as pallbearers and
seven of his granddaughters were flower bearers.He was laid to rest August 4th in Grace
Cemetery by his first wife,under a mound of flowers.
**MARY’S CHAPEL**Mr.& Mrs.James KLUTTS visited her mother,Mrs.CRAIG in
Ripley Saturday night,
**KILLING**H.H.ROSE,charged with killing A.D.FRALEY,a large landowner at
Maydee,on Island 34,about dusk Sunday night,was arrested and brought to Ripley
earlyMonday and lodged in jail.According to the arresting officers,Thester ROSE,son of
H.H.ROSE and Jack CLAY,nephew of Mrs.ROSE,were accused of taking brass parts
from the FRaEY gin.It is said that FRALEY sent for ROSE to come to his home and
discuss the alleged theft.The argument became heated and shooting began.In the melee
FRALEY was shot five times,one of which pierced the heart,ROSE received minor
wounds,two in the flesh of the arm,and one in the knee.The young men were also arrested
and brought to Ripley and placed in jail.FRALEY is survived by his widow.Charlie
ROSE,also son of H.H.ROSE,eas arrested and placed in jail in Osceola,of being implicated
in the gin theft.He was brought to the Ripley jail on Tuesday
**DEATH**J.B.WARDLOW died in his 80th year from a heart attack.He is survived by
two sisters,Mrs.Thomas STEELE,Sr.,of Ripley; and Mrs.M.J.HOLLOWAY,of East
Moline,Ill.The funeral was held in the STEELE home Sunday afternoon,burial in
Maplewood Cemetery.
**DRY HILL**Mr.& Mrs.Tom HERRON are parents of a daughter,born August 10th.
Clarence PRESCOTT,of this place and Annie Loyce SANDERS,of Nankipoo,were
married Friday.
**WHITEFIELD**Miss Louise WHITEHORN,of Ripley,spent Friday night in the home
Adrian PARCHMAN happened to a painful accident Thursday afternoon,while he was
on his way to school.He fell,knocking his left arm out of place at the elbow.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Henrietta,7 year old of Houston CROOK,of Glimp,died
of meningitis Thursday of last week at the General Hospital in Memphis,where she had
been under treatment since June 28th.The remains were brought to her home and laid to
rest in Western Valley Cemetery.
Preston COLVIN,son of Mrs.W.R.COLVIN and Claudie BLANKENSHIP,son of
Mr.C.A.BLANKENSHIP,were sentenced to three each in reform school in Nashville
Wednesday by Judge George W.YOUNG.The two young men pleaded guilty to breaking
into the store of Richard OWEN at Flippen Tuesday night.Officers were lying in
wait,arrested them about midnight,one in the store and one as he emerged therefrom.They
gave their ages as 14 and 15 years.
**CIRCUIT COURT**W.G.DENNIE; murder,found not guilty. Bob MANESS,public
drunkeness;$10.00,second case stricken on motion of attorney general.
**MARY’S CHAPEL**Mr.& Mrs.Eddie WATTS and baby;Mr.& Mrs.Fred MANESS;
Mrs.Fannie MANESS, Hubert MANESS and Miss Anna PARKER,of Memphis,visited in
the Henry MANESS home Sunday.
**GOLDDUST**Mrs.Will NELSON,of Luckett,is visiting her daughter,Mrs.Dee
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Dan KLUTTS left Sunday for Keokuk,Iowa,to which
place he has been transfered by the Modern Woodsman.
A son was born August 10th to Mr.& Mrs.B.O.MULLIKIN,of Central.
Mr.& Mrs.D.G.GREENLEE attended the funeral of Mr.F.L.WARNER in Memphis
**Billie Gean BARNES,son of Mr.& Mrs.Willie BARNES,aged 3 months,died Tuesday
at his home near Ashport,burial in Mt.Pleasant Cemetery.
**GATES**J.N.WALPOLE died at his home here Sunday morning after a lingering
illness.Funeral services were at the Methodist Church Monday,burial in Gates
Cemetery.Besides his widow,he is survived by two daughters,Mrs.Will PAGE and
Mrs.Clyde THURMOND,and one son,Benjamin;also one sister and one brother survive.
**BAIL DENIED**H.H.ROSE,charged with killing A.D.FRALEY,a large planter on
Island 34 Sunday night,August 1o,was arraigned in Justice N.W.BARBOUR’s court
Monday for preliminary hearing.Several States witnesses were examined but no defense
testimony was taken.ROSE was bound to Circuit Court on 1st degree murder charge
without bond and remanded to jail.Charlie ROSE,son of H.H.ROSE,was aquitted of the
murder charge and was dismissed by the State.Thester ROSE & Jack CLAY,both under
age,were tried before Judge Geo.W.YOUNG in Juvenile Court and was aquitted of the
larceny charge.
**ADDITIONAL LOCALS**Mrs.B.F.DUVALL has been confined to her home the past
week as a result of a fall down a flight of 12 steps in her backyard Friday night.She is 80
years of age,and it is indeed fortunate that no bones were broken.
A son was born August 8th to Rev.& Mrs.Heber W.WELLER,of Sarasota,Fla.,at the
Methodist Hospital,Memphis.The new family are visiting Mr.WELLER’s
father,Archdeacon Charles K.WELLER.
John TURNER is nursing a broken arm as a result of stepping in front an auto while
walking from Ripley to Ashport last Sunday.The auto was turned into a bank,in an effort
to miss him,but he turned in the same direction.
**CURVE**W.G.NEWMAN’s condition is daily growing worse and very little of hope is
entertained for his recovery.
The little daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Tom RAY,died Saturday morning after a brief
illness,and was buried Sunday at Concord.
**ASBURY**G.W.BILLINGS and son,Carmack BILLINGS,had a narrow escape
Tuesday afternoon of last week,when Mr.BILLINGS lost control of the car and ran off a
15 foot enbankment near McMANN’s Store.Fortunately they received only minor bruises
and cuts,but the body of the car was completely ruined.
**CHERRY**Mrs.J.H.JONES is slowing improving after being very painfully bruised in a
car wreck Wednesday night of last week while en route to Glimp.
**CENTRAL**Mr.& Mrs.James COX; Mr.& Mrs.Tom DAVIS; Lester NEWMAN and
family and Lawrence NEWMAN,of Memphis,were called here Thursday of last week by
the sudden death of their father,Joe NEWMAN.
**CENTRAL**D.L.HOWARD and Mrs.Rosa APPERSON were married Monday
evening at the home of R.L.BURNHAM.
Mr.& Mrs.W.H.STARRETT and Mr.& Mrs.Gus HALFACRE attended the funeral of
Richard ROBERSON at Newbern Friday.
Mrs.J.M.NEWMAN and children; Mr.& Mrs.Cubert NEWMAN and R.L.BURNHAM
attended the funeral of Bill NEWMAN in Curve Friday.
**CURVE**A daughter was born Friday to Mr.& Mrs.Lester GODWIN.
On August 20th,his 80th birthday anniversary,W.G.NEWMAN died at his home here.His
was a lingering illness and he suffered greatly.His wife,twelve children and a large number
of grandchildren survive.He also leaves two brothers,Jim NEWMAN and
R.W.NEWMAN.Funeral in Baptist Church,interment in Woodville Cemetery.
**LUCKETT**Mrs.C.N.McGARRITY and children spent the weekend in Ripley.
**MARY’S CHAPEL**Odell HUTCHERSON and Irene KLUTTS motored to Ripley
Saturday and were married.
Mr.& Mrs.Henry KLUTTS and baby of Conner,spent the weekend in the C.H.KLUTTS
A son was born to Mr.& Mrs.James KLUTTS on August 26th.He has been named James
Maclin KLUTTS.
**LIGHTFOOT**Mr.& Mrs.RICHARD SMITH and baby of Memphis and Mr.&
Mrs.Gus FITZGERALD,of Golddust were Sunday guests of Mr.& Mrs.Herman
**GOLDDUST**Mrs.Will NELSON,of Luckett,spentlast week with relatives here.
Mrs.Milton SWIMS and children of Ashport,spent Sunday in the C.M.METER home.
Wilma CRAIG,of Craig’s Schoolhouse is visiting Brooksie,Earline and Ella METER.
Hall GRADY of Rutherford spent the weekend with Robert METER.
Brooksie and Earline METER returned home Sunday after three weeks visit with
relatives in Blytheville,Ark.,accompanied by their grandmother,Mrs.Tennie SPRAY.
**LUCKETT**William NELSON,of Golddust,spent a few days here last week.
Mrs.W.M.NELSON has returned home after spending a month with her children in
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.R.F.VAUGHT,of Los Angelrs,Calif.,visited her
nephew,W.B.MIDYETT last week.Mr.& Mrs.MIDYETT accompanied her to Kenton
Bill CLEMENT,who lives on the W.L.DURHAM farm north of Ripley,sustained a
broken rib and severe lacerations about the face,body and lower limbs Tuesday evening
about 7 o’clock near his home,when the wagon he was driving was run into by Tom
SCOTT,who attempted to pass the vehicle.One of the mules hitched to the wagon was
killed and George HICKS,a negro,who had been given a ride,had his right arm broken and
received a compound fracture of the right leg near the ankle.Mr.SCOTT’s car was badly
damaged,and he also received a broken rib and a cut lip.
**ELLIS SCHOOLHOUSE**The baby child of Mr.& Mrs.Joe WHITE was badly burned
one day last week while playing near a fire.
**PLEASANT HILL**L.E.ROY died Friday morning about 1 0’clock and was laid to
rest in Bethlehem Cemetery that afternoon.He was sick only five days.
**CEDAR GROVE**A daughter was born September 7th to Mr.& Mrs.Emmett KIRBY.
Jack CHISHOLM,who was injured in a car wreck,is improving rapidly.
Jim SAVAGE,of Conner,visited his brother,John SAVAGE Sunday afternoon.
Mr.& Mrs.J.W.HOEFT and daughters,Montine & Eddie Lou;Mr.&
Mrs.W.R.SAVAGE,and son,Burnell,visited in the home of J.H.KELTNER at Brighton
Sunday afternoon.
**CENTRAL**Mrs.James COX and daughter,of Memphis,spent the weekend with her
**WHITEFIELD**Reba HUTCHERSON spent Friday night with Louise and Altie
WHITEHORN in Ripley.
**GOLDDUST**Margaret and Lucille NELSON,of Luckett are visiting here.
Robert METER spent the weekend in Blytheville,AR.
**LOCAL AND PERSONAL**Mrs.Jane Elizabeth SANDERS died Sept.11th,at the
home of her daughter,Mrs.Chas.AKINS near Arp.Funeral was held at Mt.Pleasant Church
the next morning,burial in Church cemetery.
Herbert BUTTRAM,convicted at February Court on a charge of highway
robbery,sentenced to 10 years and who broke jail shortly after conviction,was captured
Friday near Central,four miles north of Ripley.
**AMPUTATED**Walter F.SUTTON,55,of 346 LaClede Street,Memphis,vetern
conductor for I.C.Railroad,suffered loss of both arms near the elbow Friday afternoon,in
an accident,which occurred near Ripley,when he attempted to couple two box
cars.Mr.SUTTON,conductor on the local freight running between Dyersburg and
Memphis,was attempting to couple the boxcars when he lost his balance,falling beneath
the train wheels.His hands were terribly mangled and his left leg lacerated.Members of the
train crew brought him to Ripley,where the ambulance picked him up.He was rushed to
St.Joseph’s and operation was performed.He has been employed by the railroad more
than 25 years and he has never been injured before.He is married and has one son.
**NANKIPOO GIRL**Miss Elna BROWNING,daughter of the E.M.BROWNINGs,of
Nankipoo,left last week for Knoxville,where she re-entered the University of TN,from
which place she received her B.S.degree last June.She is only 19 years of age,has been
given a Fellowship and will assist in the Dept.of Mathematics,and will also study towards
securing her Masters degree.She is a member of Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity,and was an
active member of other organizations.
**INJURED**A loosely coupled trailer hitched to a truck was blamed Tuesday night for
an auto accident which resulted in painful injuries to J.F.HARGROVE and Andrew
HUGHES,of Ripley,county road commissioners of Lauderdale County.The trailer swung
out from the truck into the center of the roadway,striking the rear end of the car.The
impact hurled the car down an embankment.This occurred about one mile north of
Crosstown in Tipton County,on Jeff Davis Highway about 10:30.Attorney General and
Mrs.WATKINS,of Ripley,were returning to their home from the fair.Mr.WATKINS
picked up the injured pair and took them to the Baptist Hospital.HARGROVE has a
severe cut over his left eye and also lacerated about his upper and lower limbs.HUGHES
received a deep scalp wound and cuts and bruises on his body.F.A.HENRY and
G.S.MOORE were also in the car,but uninjured.H.H.CROWDER of Newbern was the
driver of the truck.
**SHOOTS HIS DIVORCED WIFE**Following a quarrel between Charles B.RIGGINS
and his divorced wife Saturday night,RIGGINS on Tuesday,went to the cotton where she
was picking cotton on the farm of her mother,Mrs.PRIDMORE,and is alleged to have
fired upon her with a shotgun,the shot taking effect in the arm,thigh and breast of
Mrs.RIGGINS.The shooting took place on Synder’s Bluff,nine miles west of Ripley.After
the trouble Saturday,Mrs.RIGGINS swore out a warrant against her former husband,but it
is yet to be served because the officers were unable to find him.RIGGINS gave himself up
Tuesday to Deputy V.T.LIGHTFOOT,he was brought to Ripley and put in jail.Just what
caused the shooting is not known.She was carried to a Memphis hospital and her
condition is critical.The RIGGINS have three children.
**IN MEMORY**In loving remembrance of our wife and mother,Mrs.Mollie
GLENN,who departed this life on Wednesday evening,Sept.17th,1930. B.A.GLENN and
**CURVE**Mrs.Leonard DEW was called to Union City Friday by the death of her
Mr.& Mrs.Harvey NEWMAN attended the funeral of her uncle,G.O.PATTERSON,at
Woodville Sunday.
**GATES**Mrs.Frances HANEY is seriously ill in the home of her
granddaughter,Mrs.Wilbur AVERY.
Mr.& Mrs.Paul CARTER and Mrs.Mary D. PETERSON,of Memphis,were Sunday
guests in the home of their father,W.H.CARTER.
**PLEASANT HILL**Sarah Frances ERVIN,daughter of W.B. ERVIN,happened to a
very painful accident one day last week.While playing at school,James SCOTT accidently
ran against her with his bicycle,knocking her down.The child’s collar bone was broken and
her knee cut.She is getting along nicely.
**WOODVILLE**Mr.& Mrs.A.B.TALLEY and Mrs.Henry TALLEY attended the
funeral of Charlie STYERS in Dyersburg.
**Garland PETERSON,who had been in Oakville Sanitorium at Memphis several
years,was buried in Woodville Cemetery Sunday.
**CENTRAL**A son was born last week to Mr.& Mrs.Jessie SILVERNAIL.
Jack CHAMBERS and Winnie Mai ANDREWS drove to Marion,Ark.,last week Friday
evening and gettin married.Rev.FLEMING said the ceremony.
**ASHPORT**A daughter was born Sept.19th to Mr.& Mrs.Walter MILLER.
WALDING left Tuesday for Wickliffe,KY,on a business trip.
Mrs.Mollie UNDERWOOD suffered a stroke of paralysis at her home in east Ripley
Tuesday morning and since has been critically ill.
Mrs.Emma YOUNG, Mrs.H.W.SANFORD and Mrs._.B.CHAPMAN attended the
funeral of Mrs.A.M.AUSTIN in Brownsville Tuesday.
After an absence of five years-four of which were spent in the Army,Odean CRAIG is
home on a visit to parents,Mr.& Mrs.A.H.CRAIG.
Mrs.Herman WEAVER was carried to Methodist Hospital,Memphis Wednesday to
undergo an operation for appendicitis.
Gus MOORE,charged with driving his car while intoxicated while returning from
Memphis Sunday night,and colliding with another car in which three ladies were
riding,one of whom was painfully injured,was placed in jail at Covington following the
accident,but secured bond and was liberated the following day.The accident occurred near
In an auto wreck near Arp Saturday night about 7 o’clock in which a car driven by
Luther KIRBY collided with one occupied by Mr.& Mrs.Manley DANIELS and one year
old son.Mrs.Daniels sustained a serious injury knee,and Mr.DaNIELS was cut about the
head.Both cars were badly damaged.When the accident osccured,Mr.DANIELS car,it is
said,was on his side of the road and had come to a stop.
**DEATH**George Robert EVANS,Sr.,56,timber cutter,died at the Baptist Hospital in
Memphis at 6:125 o’clock Wednesday night after a short illness from internal
hemorrhages.Mr.EVANS moved to Memphis a few years ago.He is survived by his
wife,Annie THUM EVANS; and nine children,Mrs.W.E.MOORE; Mrs.Phillip
Sam EVANS; and A.W.EVANS.Services were held at the residence of
Mrs.H.E.EVANS,in Ripley Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock,and the remains were laid to
rest in Maplewood Cemetery.
**HENNING**Mr.& Mrs.C.M.ANTHONY are parents of a daughter born September
Mrs.Mary HANSON attended the funeral of Sidney H.LIPSCOMB in Memphis Tuesday.
**MAYOR’s COURT**Jim DEW; public drunkenness,$16.50. Henry RILEY;
assault,$18.00. Jack MOORE; public drunkenness,$13.00. Gene BYRN;public
**LOCALS**Craig SHACKELTON,of Newbern,is spending this week with his
sister,Mrs.John BIBB,Jr.
Eleanor CHAPMAN,of Memphis,spent the weekend with her grandmother,Mrs.Jennie
Mary Charlotte,daughter of Mr.& Mrs.H.M.SUTTON,was carried to Memphis last
week and underwent an operation in Baptist hospital.She is doing well.
The presence this week of Ben CHAPMAN at his place of business,after several weeks
confinement at his home taking a rest cure,was hailed with gladness by his numerous
Mrs.Harris BROWN and Mrs.B.M.ELAM,of Jackson,spent Wednesday in Ripley.Their
brother,Robert KLUTTS accompanied them and remained here with homefolks.
Mr.& Mrs.J.M.THOMPSON,of Monette,Ark.,spent the week end with his
mother,Mrs.L.O.THOMPSON; brother,Bailey THOMPSON; and sisters,Mrs.Cal
Mrs.Jesse MATTHEWS,of Whitefield was called here Monday to attend the bedside of
her mother,Mrs.J.A.GRIMES. Mrs.GRIMES underwent surgery Tuesday.
The remains of J.B.McKINNEY,who died in Memphis Tuesday morning,was brought to
Ripley after services at the National Funeral Home in Memphis,for interment in
Maplewood Cemetery.He was 60 years of age;and is survived by his wife,Mrs.Eula
McKINNEY; daughter, Mary E.McKINNEY,of Jackson,Miss.; brother,Clarence
McKINNEY; and sister,Mamie McKINNEY,both of Port Royal,VA.
Mrs.Mollie UNDERWOOD died at her home in Ripley,her death resulting from a stroke
of paralysis a few days prior.She was 55 years of age and is survived by a son.Funeral
services were held Sunday in the Presbyterian Church at Flippen,burial in Prospect
Failing to secure $5000 bond,Alex McKEE is an inmate of the county jail,while Alex
EDNEY is at liberty under $2000. Both were given hearings Wednesday before Judge
F.A.Henry,charged with larceny,2 cases;felonious assault,2 cases;assault and battery,2
cases;driving a car while drunk,and wanton injury to a building.All of which is said to have
taken place prior to or following the burning of the old homestead of the late John
A.JOHNSTON(occupied by negroes),about three miles southeast of Ripley Saturday
After a year’s patient suffering,Mrs.Mamie D.CONNER,wife of
C.O.CONNER,peacefully passed away to her heavenly home Wednesday night.She was
born 47 years ago in Haywood County and married Mr.CONNER 25 years ago.She is
survived by her husband and two children,Sarah and Dunaway CONNER; her
mother,Mrs.J.B.WATKINS and one sister,Mrs.Laura PIERSON,of Alexandria,LA.The
funeral is being held at the family residence,interment in Maplewood Cemetery.
**WHITEFIELD**Jesse,son of Arch LATHAM,happened to a near serious accident
Monday night when a horse kicked him just over his heart.He was rendered unconscious
for a time.
**CENTRAL**Mr.& Mrs.Will NEWMAN; David NEWMAN; Mrs.Joe CAGLE and
little W.T.CHAPMAN,visited Mrs.Maggie CHAPMAN at the hospital in Memphis
On Wednesday afternoon of last week at 4 o’clock,Mrs.Ivan ANDREWS and Miss
Geraldine BARBOUR entertained with a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mrs.Jack
CHAMBERS,a recent bride.
**EDITH**Mr.& Mrs.Reece CRIHFIELD spent Sunday at Central with their
daughter,Mrs.Gus YOUNG.
**KNOB CREEK**Mrs.Annie HUTCHERSON and sons,Vitalias and Tillman
HUTCHERSON,spent the weekend in Memphis.
**GOLDDUST**William NELSON spent last week in Luckett.
Mike SHOEMAKE,of Ross,Ark.,spent Sunday here.
A daughter was born Sept.19th to Mr.& Mrs.Charlie SHOEMAKE.
**LIGHTFOOT**Mr.& Mrs.Elmer BAKER are parents of a son born Sept.,19th.
Mr.& Mrs.Walter VOWELL are parents of a daughter born Sept.22nd.
**MARY’S CHAPEL**Mrs.Nannie CRINER is recovering from a few days illness.
J.E.LEWIS,of Henning,spent the weekend with his aunt,Mrs.G.W.HAMBY.
**ELLIS SCHOOLHOUSE**Mrs.Jim CHIPMAN and baby,Inez,of Whitefield,spent
Sunday with her mother,Mrs.C.E.WILLIAMS.
**RUTHERFORD**Mr.& MRS.G.W.METER and son,of Ripley,spent Sunday here with
**INJURED**A.M.McDONALD,72,of 230 N.Willett Street,Memphis,suffered a possible
spinal fracture and severe bruises,the result of a traffic accident there at 11:25 last Friday
morning.According to witnesses,he stepped into the side of an auto driven by
E.D.HALL,37,at Madison Avenue and third street and was knocked to the pavement.
Mr.HALL,traveling very slowly at the time,stopped and called an ambulance which rushed
the injured man to the Baptist hospital.Mr.HALL was not arrested.X-rays were made of
McDONALD’s back and neck to determind the extent of his
injuries.Mrs.J.A.HIGGINS,daughter of Mr.McDONALD,was called to Memphis Friday
on account of the accident.Mr.McDONALD’s hip bone is also said to be broken and he is
encased in a plaster cast.
**LOCALS**Mrs.Robert GWINN,of Danville,KY,is visiting her
Mrs.Emma KISSELL died tuesday at her home at Halespoint and was buried the
following day at Walnut Grove.She was the mother of E.B.KISSELL,and was in her 75th
Mrs.R.H.CHISHOLM was carried to MemphisSunday and underwent an operation for
intestional obstruction Monday at the Baptist hospital.Her condition is reported serious.
In practice at a game of football at Ripley High School last week,Harrison LEWIS,son of
Mr.& Mrs.Wilshire LEWIS,suffered a broken collarbone,has since been confined to his
room,but he expects to be able to re-enter school next week.He is one of the substitute
A car driven by Judge W.G.PATTON and also occupied by Mrs.PATTON;
C.F.HARWARD and a negro man,left the highway on the Tipton county side of the
Hatchie River Monday,turning over trice and righting itself as it landed at the foot of the
enbankment.The negro was the only occupant to receive injuries,being cut on one arm
below the elbow.
Eugene J.BETTIS,an electrical foreman for the Memphis Power and Light Co.,died of
pneumonia in Memphis Saturday afternoon.He was a brother of Mrs.Lee SCOTT and
Mrs.Lelia MONTAGUE,both of Ripley; Mrs.Charles DORAN,of Milan; and Buron
BETTIS,of Dallas,Texas.He is also survived by his wife and two children.
**CENTRAL**Miss Frances WEBB,of Rosewell,NM,is visiting relatives here.
Mrs.J.D.NEWMAN is ill.
**ELLIS SCHOOLHOUSE**Mrs.Eunice BRICE has returned home after spending a
week with Mr.& Mrs.Marion MAXWELL in Jackson.
Mr.& Mrs.Emmett WHITE and children spent Sunday at Conner with her parents,Mr.&
Mrs. Robert DUNAVANT.
Mr.& Mrs.Henry KLUTTS and baby,of Conner,spent the weekend with her
parents,Mr.& Mrs.R.C.MILAM.
Mr.& Mrs.MARION MAXWELL,of Jackson,visited in the Frank MAXWELL home this
week,and was accompanied home by his sister,Mrs.Lucy MAXWELL.
**CHERRY**Little Austin WINN,while rolling a rock,knocked out one of little Louise
JONES’ teeth and cut a gash in her lips and head.
Little W.E.BEATY,while playing,accidently stuck a knife in Mr.Bryant SIDES’leg
Sunday night and he was unable to return to his work Monday.
**HENNING**A barn on the farm of C.B.LANKFORD was destroyed by fire Monday
Mrs.Nora BROWN,Mr.& Mrs.Lynn TALIAFERRO,of Osceola,AR,attended the funeral
of their cousin,Miss Vivia TALIFERRO Monday.
After a lingering illness of more than a year,Miss Vivia TALIFERRO quietly passed
away at her home here Sunday evening,Oct.5th.She was confined to her bed several
months before her death.The funeral was held at 3 p.m. Monday in the home of her
sister,Mrs.J.A.BARFIELD.The remains were placed by the side of her mother and brother
in Poplar Grove Cemetery.
**LUCKETT**William NELSON,of Golddust is making his home here.
Mr.& Mrs.W.M.NELSON and children returned home Saturday from Golddust.
**GOLDDUST**Little Betty Lagene SHOEMAKE is on the sick list.
Robert METER was sick several days last week.
**MASCEDONIA**Mrs.Lillie HOWARD received an announcement last week of the
arrival of a son in the home of Mr.& Mrs.J.E.ETHERIDGE in
Memphis.Mrs.ETHERIDGE is the former Lela STEWART,formerly of this community.
**WHITEFIELD**Will ETHERIDGE and sons,of Bassett,AR,spent Saturday night in
the home of Mr.& Mrs.Will HUTCHERSON.
Mrs.Ben WHEATLEY suffered slight bruises about her body Saturday afternoon when
she lost control of the car she was driving and ran into a ditch.
**DEATH**Again the cruel hand of death has robbed a devoted husband and little
daughter are bereft of companionship of a fond wife and mother,while friends mourn with
the loved ones in the passing away of Mrs.R.H.CHISHOLM at Baptist Hospital in
Memphis Wednresday evening at 8 o’clock.Mrs.CHISHOLM was carried to the hospital
on Sunday,October 5th,having suffered a severe attack of intestinol obstruction,adhesions
resulting from a previous operation.Her condition was critical and she lingered for ten
days as it was,between life and death.She called her little daughter,her only child,Nancy
Jean,8 years old to her bedside to say goodbye.The service was held from the family
residence on Henning Street Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock.The remains laid to rest in
Maplewood Cemetery.She was the daughter of the late Capt.John D.TARRANT and one
sister,Marie TARRANT TOBIAS,of El PASO,Texas.
**INFORMATION WANTED**The whereabouts of J.W.HOWARD,who lives on the
late W.H.COFFMAN’s place near Curve,is causing much uneasiness to his family and
friends.The last heard of him was in Covington on October 2nd.He is 37 years of age,
about 6 feet high, weighs 175 pounds.Was wearing a blue corduroy cap,blueserge coat
and striped trousers.Any information will be appreciated by
**LOCALS**Mrs.W.B.MIDYETT and Mrs.Claude NEEL were in Memphis Tuesday.
A daughter was born Oct.14th to Lieut.& Mrs.David GREENLEE in SanDiago,Calif.
Mr.& Mrs.Charles CATES,of Battle Creek,Mich.,were guests of Mrs.John DUNCAN
Monday night.
Mrs.Annie Lee EDWARDS,age 17 years,wife of G.T.EDWARDS,of Williams Switch
community,died Monday at Baptist Hospital in Memphis.The remains were laid to rest in
Bethlehem Cemetery Tuesday.
Returning from St.Louis Wednesday night,the car driven by Mrs.F.L.LEVERETTE and
also occupied by her little son,F.L.,Jr.,and nurse,was run into by a truck in
Illinois.Fortunately they escaped injuries,but the car was badly damaged.Mr.LEVERETTE
went after them Thursday.
Miss Elizabeth WILLIAMS and Bob STEELMAN,of Woodville,drove to Ark.,Monday
afternoon and were married.He is the son of Mr.& Mrs.Vester STEELMAN,she is the
youngest daughter of Mrs.Claud WILLIAMS.
While driving to school last Friday morning,Miss Mary Taylor THOMPSON ran into
loose gravel,and losing control of her car,ran into a ditch.Her sister,Louise,and LaVerne
DENNIE were with her.The latter received several cuts on her face and head.Louise
received a cut on one arm and leg,and neither have been able to be in school this
week.Mary substained only minor cuts and bruises.
Deputies LUNSFORD and DENNIE,assisted by Press CROSS,of Island 34,destroyed a
still on the island near Butler,Ark.,Monday afternoon.It was a 1500 gallon cooker,had nine
1000 gallon vats,three of which were full of mash.Officers secured 700 pounds of sugar
and two sacks of meal.Three men were reported in charge of the still,but were given a tip
when the officers were detected crossing the chute about a half mile below the still so
nobody was present to give the officers the “glad hand” when they arrived.
The residence of Mr.Ivan CALDWELL,north of Ripley near the city limits on Jeff Davis
Highway,burned Sunday morning about 3 a.m..The loss was estimated at $2000 with
$1250 insurance.The family was away from home and the fire is supposed to have been of
an incediary orgin.Someone is said,called the telephone operator about 2 a.m.,using
Mr.CALDWELL’s phone,and ask her if she didn’t want to hear some music,and passersby
also reported seeing lights in the house and a car parked in front.
**HENNING**A daughter arrived in the home of Mr.& Mrs.Cecil DELACHMIDT on
October 12th.She has been christened Martha Frances.
It is with much regret that the many friends hear of Mrs.R.H.CHISHOLM,learned of her
serious illness and death.As Miss Genevieve TARRANT,she spent most of her girlhood
days here,was a sweet and popular girl,and loved by young and old.
**NANKIPOO**A little baby girl,christened Patricia Inean,made her arrivalin the home of
Mr.& Mrs.Marvin PENNINGTON on October 10th.
**ASBURY**Mr.& Mrs.Aulsie BRACKIN are parents of a son born October 6th.
**CENTRAL**J.R.COX,from near Humboldt,spent a few days last week with his
son,J.O.COX and family.
**CURVE**The body of Dewey HENDREN was brought from his home in Memphis last
Friday and laid to rest in Cross Roads Cemetery.This was his childhood home.
**DEATH**William Francis ROBERSON died at his home at Lightfoot Sunday
afternoon,October 19th,after an illness of a week of pneumonia.He was born in
Lauderdale County November 27,1863 and lived his entire life here.he was twice
married,his first wife being Miss Jennie JOPLIN.His second wife was Miss Mollie
STUCKY.His widow and eight children survive.The children of the first marriage are:Carl
U.ROBERSON;Mrs.O.B.AKIN; and Mrs.J.M.CHISM;allof Lightfoot,
Mrs.A.L.CROWDER and James C.ROBERSON,both of Memphis.Children of the second
marriage are,Mrs.Walter ROBERSON,of Ripley and Miss Clarice ROBERSON.Funeral
services were conducted at the school building at Lightfoot.
**LIGHTFOOT**Mr.& Mrs.J.M.CHISM announce the marriage of their
daughter,LaGene to Jim Roy PARKER.
**WHITEFIELD**Reba HUTCHERSON,of Ripley,and guest,Bill JONES,of
Nashville,spent Sunday with Mrs.Will HUTCHERSON.
**LOCALS**A son was born Monday morning to Mr.& Mrs.R.Y.DRAKE.He has been
named R.Y.,Jr.
A month old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.R.WOOD,of Asbury,was buried at Poplar Grove
A daughter was born to Mr.& Mrs.R.H.WRIGHT on October 15th at Baptist Hospital in
**LOCALS**Mrs.Mollie VAUGHT,of Calif.,is visiting her nephew,W.B.MIDYETT.
The residence of Mrs.Albert WAKEFIELD at Luckett was destroyed by fire Sunday
about noon.Most of the household goods were saved.Loss on dwelling about $1000,no
A son was born Sunday morning to Mr.& Mrs.Stuart NUNN,he was named Sturat Jr.
Frances,7-year-old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Neil LUTON has been ill the past week with
Scarlet fever.
**DEATH**Many relatives and friends mourn the passing away of Dalton
WESSON.Only in his 40th year,his death resulted from a gunshot wound received in
May,1919,while in France,and though he was honorably discharged in March the
following year,the wound never healed,and for 11 years he bore in his body without a
murmur,this evidence of the love and devotion which animated his soul when he offered
his life upon the alter of his country.It was only at intervals during this long period that he
would suffer attacks that would confine him to his bed,and at all other times,while not
physically able to do manuel labor to any great extent,his presence in the home among
kindred and friends was a joy to those who knew him to be a citizen of worthy high
esteem.It was Thursday of last week that he was again suddenly stricken at his home near
Toulon,taken to Baptist in Memphis and underwent surgery for septic meningities.He
passed away Monday afternoon.Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at Eureka
Church at Forked Deer,burial in that place.He was born March 1,1890 and was married
November 21,1914 to Miss Minnie Ola AKIN,who survives him,together with one
daughter,Mary Sue,age 9 years and one son,Dalton,Jr.,age 6 years;his father and
step-mother,Mr.& Mrs.J.C.WESSON,of Ripley; two sisters,Mrs.Lee HARDY,of Ripley
and Mrs.W.H.HAY of Phoenix,AZ.
**CEDAR GROVE**J.M.SAVAGE spent the weekend near Conner with his brother,Jim
**RUTHERFORD**Hall GRADY spent last weekend with Robert METER at Ashport.
Mr.& Mrs.J.d.GRADY;Mr.& Mrs.Earl CONE;and Mrs.Arch GOOCH spent the
weekend in the E.S.METER home at Ashport.
**ASBURY**Mrs.Maud BILLINGS spent Tuesday in Covington with her
daughter,Mrs.Tom KLUTTS.
Mrs.Jap HENDERSON spent Sunday afternoon in Ripley,a guest of Mrs.Emma
**LOCALS**A son was born to Mr.& Mrs.John H.OWEN in Brownsville
Tuesday-election day-another Haywood County Democrat.
Edwin CARMACK,of Curve,accidently shot himself Tuesday morning while at work on
his father’s farm,sustaining the loss of three fingers on his left hand and lacerations about
his chest and face.
The remains of Olliver HEFFERSON,who died at his home in Memphis Friday,was
brought to Ripley and laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery Sunday afternoon.He is
survived by his wife; four children;sister,Mamie,of Memphis;and brother,Robert Lee
HEFFERSON of the Navy.
**CURVE**Miss Jewell CARMACK fekk at school Monday,striking her knee against a
desk and cutting a gash that needed five stitches to close.
**MARY’S CHAPEL**A daughter was born October 12th to Mr.& mrs.E.L.SMITH.She
has been named Rosalind Gene.
**ELLIS SCHOOLHOUSE**Mrs.Lucy SMITH is visiting her daughter at Curve.(one of
the Hester daughters,Lela?)
**HALESPOINT**Robert NELSON and J.W.FOSTER were in Dyersburg Friday.
**ASHPORT**Mrs.J.C.BARNES is visiting in the E.S.METER home.
Mr.& Mrs.E.S.METER spent the weekend at Lightfoot with their grandchildren.
**HENNING**Allen EASTWOOD,an employe of Forcum-James Construction Co.,of
Dyersburg,was instantly killed about 6:30 a.m.Wednesday of last week,when struck by a
southbound train.He was walking south on the northbound track and saw a freight train
approaching and crossed over to the south track without looking back,stepping in front of
a passenger train.The remains were sent to Hornbeak,his former home.
**GIRL IS SLAIN**Enraged because his girl was out riding with another negro,Henry
RILEY,at an early hour Sunday morning lay in wait,stopped the car,dragged the girl,Lillie
BOND out and shot her to death,according to the sheriff,s office.RILEY,who has served
two terms in the penitentiary,made his escape,but was captured Sunday in
Covington.James GIVEN,negro,was also arrested,charged with being a party to the
crime.Both negroes are in jail here.
**LOCALS**A daughter was born Wednesday to Mr.& Mrs.Press CALDWELL.She has
been named Lula Frances CALDWELL.
Mrs.Betty PARKER; Mr.& Mrs.John WEBB; and little Betty WEBB were Sunday
guests of Mr.& Mrs.H.L.COPELAND.
Mrs.Max DURHAM and Rufus CAMPBELL as blackface comedians in “44 Flappers”
was well worth the admission.
Ernest BOWDEN died Tuesday at his home in Mayfield,KY.He was a citizen of
Ripley,being engaged in the jewerly business.He is survived by wife and daughter.
Mrs.Oscar EMERSON has been confined to her bed the past week,suffering with an
infected limb between the knee and ankle.
Fergason Bros.Drug Co.,was burglarized Tuesday night of merchandise valued at $300
or more.Last week Bowers Store was robbed of a large quantity of goods,said to have
been a truckload.Much complaint is being heard among the citizens,and our city “Dads”
are being censured because such things are possible when Ripley is supposed to have a
nightwatchman to prevent such occurances.
**DEATH**Miss Olivia PARIS,born November 8,1870,died at her home Friday
night,November 7,1930,after a brief illness of pneumonia.She is survived by two brothers
,J.A.PARIS and C.F.PARIS;one sister,Mrs.C.P.GRAVES,of Henning and one
neice,Mrs.Maud DODSON,of Crockett County.Funeral services were held Saturday
afternoon at the home.Her body was borne to the grave in Holmes Cemetery by her
**CURVE**Edwin CARMACK and sister,Miss Jewell,who were injured in accidents last
week are getting along nicely.
**CENTRAL**Mrs.Maggie CHAPMAN,of Memphis,spent Saturday with parents.
**WOODVILLE**Finis STANLEY and brother in one car and Herbert ROBERSON and
Miss Inez TRAVIS in another,ran into each other at the bend in front of the W.J.WILSON
home Sunday. The only one hurt was Mr.STANLEY’s brother,who was badly cut about
the face and his ear was badly damaged.
**ASBURY**Ella May HENDERSON soent several days this week with her
grandmother,Mrs.Emma KLUTTS in Ripley.
Mrs.N.J.HENDERSON and Mrs.Eugene BURNS were called to Nashville Sunday by
the death of their sister.
Bud SWEAT,an inmate in the county home,died Sunday morning and was laid to rest the
following day at Mt.Pleasant Cemetery.
Mrs.Bud SWEAT,who had been in the county home for several years,is now making her
home with her daughter,Mrs.Ernie WOOD near Ashport.
James, Jasper and Miss Nelle HENDERSON spent Monday and Tuesday with their
father,N.J.HENDERSON in Golddust.
**LUCKETT**Miss May MAJORS was called to Memphis Saturday by the death of
Clarence CRAWFORD.
**MARY’S CHAPEL**Carl CLENTON,of Covington and Jake KLUTTS,of
Ripley,visited the T.A.SMITH home Sunday.
Jerome KLUTTS,of Conner,spent Tuesday night with Mark HIGHTOWER in the Jim
SUMMERs home.
**DEATH**As a result of a three week’s illness of an acute sinus trouble,Sidney
C.LEWIS,70,farmer State Senaror and leading citizen of Stewart County,died at 2
p.m.Saturday at his home in Dover.Surviving Mr.Lewis is his widow,formerly Miss
Minnie MEADOWS of Ripley,to whom he was married 32 years ago;his son,S.C.,Jr.,of
Dover,and Brandon,a student of law; and a daughter,Mrs.Charles E.WALTERS,of Dover.
**CURVE**A daughter was born Saturday to Mr.& Mrs.C.M.GARNER.
D.M.GARRETT lost four nice cows Saturday and the cause of their death has not been
While playing with an axe Saturday,the yougest son of Vernon NEWMAN cut off two
fingers of his left hand.
**LUCKETT**Mr.& Mrs.McKinley COOPER,of Glimp,are parents of a daughter,born
**SOCIETY**Mr.& mrs.W.B.MIDYETT entertained with a house party over the
week-end.The guests were four lovely young girls of Jackson,Misses Ruth & Thelma
Mr.& Mrs.MIDYETT held open house on Friday evening,when about 50 young people
called.Punch and sandwiches were served.Red and white chrysanthemums adorned the
rooms where the guests were received and entertained.
Mr.& Mrs.MIDYETT and the young ladies motored to Memphis Saturday
afternoon,where they were complimented with a delightful dinner party tendered by Mr.&
Mrs.J.C.WILLIAMS.The Williams home was decorated with lovely pink roses and white
chrysanthemums.The beautifully appointed table had for a centerfield,a vase of the
same,harmonizing with the pink and white motif chosen by the hostesses.
Mr.& Mrs.MIDYETT accompanied their guests to Jackson on Sunday afternoon,where
the party was entertained at dinner by Mrs.J.C.MIDYETT.
**LOCALS**Miss Ruth MIDYETT,of Jackson,is a guest of Mr.& Mrs.W.B.MIDYETT.
Joe Clay DAVIS,of Golddust,carried a load of hogs to Memphis Wednesday.He sold
them for top market price,which was only $7.50 per hundred pounds.
Joe F.WINBORN died in Blytheville,Ark.,on Wednesday of last week,after a stroke of
paralysis.Prior to moving to Ark.,about 15 years ago,he resided in Lauderdale County.
Private Decatur MEACHUM,who had been on a 90-day furlough,returned last week to
Ft.Holabird,MD,where he had been stationed for three years.He enlisted in August
1927.He stayed in Panama Zone for three years,this being his first visit home.he is the son
of Mr.& Mrs.J.M.MEACHUM,of Curve.
Saturday morning,Marshel LAWRENCE and Sheriff COUGHLAN arrested two men
giving their names as S.B.McNAR and W.B.BALL and turned them over to
Ark.authorities.They are charged with the theft of a cow at Huffman,Ark. on Thursday of
last week,the animal being brought to Ripley and sold to T.Bun KELTNER for $27.75.
**WHITEFIELD**Ernest BIZZELL killed two wild geese flying over his home with one
shot the first of the week.
Misses Mabel & Maizie HUTCHERSON spent Sunday with Mrs.Ellie ESCUE.
**GOLDDUST**Robert METER was stabbed twice in his left side at Ashport Saturday
night.He is improving.
**GATES**The residence and household goods of Odie DEW,who lives about a mile
northwest of town,on which is known as the Hartman farm,were destroyed by fire
Saturday afternoon about 5 o’clock.Origin of the fire is not known as none of the family
were at home.The loss is partly covered by insurance.
The remains of Edwin BOONE,of Fulton,KY,who died in a Chicago Hospital at an early
hour Monday morning ,were brought here Wednesday morning to the home of his
aunt,Mrs.P.L.STRICKLAND,where funeral services were conducted,burial in Halls
Cemetery beside his parents.Besides his wife,he is survived by two brothers,Eugene,of
Chicago and William,of Gates; an aged grandmother,Mrs.N.L.ROBERTSON; three
aunts,Mrs.R.W.GHOULSON;Mrs.P.L.STRICKLAND; and Mrs.Ellis ROUTTE.
**ASBURY**Mr.& Mrs.J.A.MAXWELL entertained about 20 of the younger set
Saturday evening,the occasion being Wilbur’s 15th birthday.
**CONCORD**Mrs.Lesley BARNETT and infant child died Sunday morning,and the
remains were buried in Concord Cemetery Monday at 11 o’clock.
**LOCALS**Mrs.Harris BROWN,of Jackson,spent Saturday in Ripley,and was
accompanied home by her brother,Robert KLUTTS.
Mr.Henry CRIHFIELD,of Edith,celebrated his 89th birthday Saturday.It was also his 64th
wedding anniversary.All his children except one was present.
Misses Ruth & Thelma MIDYETT,Lois CANADY and Margaret BRITTIAN,of
Jackson,who were guests of Mr.& Mrs.W.B.MIDYETT,have returned home.
Lawrence.three-year-old son of Mr.& Mrs.Wilbur DAVIS,who reside at Woodville,died
of diptheria Monday and was laid to rest in the cemetery at that place Tuesday.
**TWO BANKRUPT IN HALLS**W.E.RICHARDSON,Jr.,of Halls,Tuesday petitioned
in Federal Court for voluntary bankruptcy as a farmer and as the owner of the business of
W.E.Richardson & Son,hardware concern in Halls.He gave his personal liabilities as
$4,520.80,with assets of $4,640.00.He scheduled the debts of the firm as $12,407.97,with
assets of $13,832.00.The assets consist chiefly of notes of farmers and of accounts
W.V.DUNAVANT,dealer in men’s furnishings at Halls,doing business as F.A.Dunavant
& Co.,scheduled liabilities of $3,687.16,and assets of $3,650.00.
**KILLED**Carl COLLINS,30,after surrendering to Deputy Press CROSS,was brought
to Ripley Tuesday and lodged in jail on a charge of shooting and killing Tom
TURNER,40, on Island 34 near Fulton,TN,on the Mississippi River at COLLINS’ home
on Monday night.COLLINS claims self-defense,alledging that TURNER came to his
home and under the influence of liquor,threatened him.The preliminary trial of COLLINS
is set for next Monday.Deceased was the son of J.A.TURNER,of Ripley.The remains
were laid to rest in Mary’s Chapel Cemetery Wednesday morning.
**CURVE**The little child of David NEWMAN remains in very serious condition in a
Memphis hospital.
**ASBURY**Mrs.Pearl SKINNER,of Luckett,and George OSTEEN,of Lightfoot were
married Saturday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of A.B.WHITE.
**LOCALS**A daughter was born Friday to Mr.& mrs.W.R.CHEEK.She has been
named Billie Claire CHEEK.
Mrs.Dave HUTCHERSON was called to Cairo,Illinois by the death of a nephew.she
returned Sunday.
A son was born Monday to Mr.& Mrs.T.C.NELMS in Memphis.Mrs.NELMS will be
remembered as Eugenia NABORS.
Crime reached its dept of shame this week when some vandel invaded the sacred
precincts of a vault in Maplewood Cemetery,in which the remains of two of Lauderdale
County’s prominent citizens rest; Capt. and Mrs.W.C.TICHENOR.The vault door was
forced open and the caskets opened.No doubt the party who committed the crime
thought,perhaps,that some jewelry or other valuables were buried with the remains.The
officers have no clue as to the guilty party.
**A TRIBUTE**On the night of November 26th,at 7:30 o’clock,one of the oldest and
best loved citizens,Mrs.Kate BELL,passed away at her home in Gates.Mrs.BELL was the
only daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Robert GREEN,of Haywood County,where she and her two
brothers spent their childhood.The BELLS resided at Tabernacle before moving to Gates
30 years ago.Mr.BELL died 10 years ago.Funeral services were at the Methodist
Church,burial in Halls Cemetery.
**WHITEFIELD**Louise,little daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Raymond SCROGGINS,was
painfully burned one day last week,when she fell in the fire.
**LUCKETT**Mrs.C.D.PITTMAN has lost the sight of her left eye.
Mr.W.L.BRIGGS happened to an accident Saturday morning,cutting his right hand.
**MARY’S CHAPEL**Misses Odella CROWDER,Annie & Alice ESRA,spent Sunday
with Miss Leona LOVELL at Conner.
Mrs.Nannie NEW had a surprise Sunday.It being her 75th birthday,her six daughters and
two step-daughters gave her a dinner.Fifty were present to enjoy the feast.
**DEATH**Mrs.John CONNER died at her home in Ripley at an early hour
Friday,Dec.12th.She was the wife of the late John CONNER,Jr.To their union were born
nine children,seven of whom lived to be grown.Those surviving her
are:Mrs.R.W.TANNER,of Prairie Point,Miss.;Emmett C.CONNER: Charles CONNER;
and Mrs.Charles A.WOOD,all of Ripley;and Tom CONNER,of Ashport.Also surviving
are five grandchildren: Margaret,Ann,and Elizabeth CONNER and Letitia WOOD,all of
Ripley and Katherine WAGNER,of Brownsville; one sister,Mrs.Lewis BOND,of
Brownsville; four brothers:Dr.John M.COMEGYS,of Los Angeles,Calif.;Thomas
M.COMEGYS and James F.COMEGYS,both of Sherveport,LA,(stated four brothers,only
have three named.Mrs.CONNER was 72 years old,was born in Brownsville on December
4th,1858 and was married on December 18th,1878.Services were held at the family
home,burial in Maplewood Cemetery.
**LOCALS**Mrs.Ruby Bizzell,age 21,died at her home near Mack on Thursday of last
Delbert St.JOHN died at his home at Orysa Tuesday,and was buried at Holmes
Cemetery.He was 21 years old.
Mr.& Mrs.W.B.MIDYETT,Mrs.Claude NEEL, Mrs.VAUGHT and Miss Ellis WOOD
visited in Brownsville Wednesday.
Mrs.Herman WILSON is confined to her home with three broken ribs resulting from a
fall on her doorsteps Tuesday.
Henry Ray HOTCHKISS died at the home of his mother,Mrs.HALL,on Brownsville
Street on Wednesday of last week,and was buried in Maplewood Cemetery.He was 21
years old.His death resulted from blood poison from a scratch on his chin.
A truck driven by Charlie NOLAN,age 25,an employe of N.A.YANCEY at
Halespoint,was forced off the highway and wrecked by another car Monday while erroute
to Dyersburg.NOLEN received a broken jaw,a broken leg,and minor cuts on the body,and
is being treated at the Dyersburg hospital.The other car did not stop and its occupasnts are
not known.
**GLIMP**An infant son of Mr.& Mrs.Odie WINSETT died Thursday of pneumonia and
was laid to rest in Poplar Grove Cemetery.
**GOLDDUST**Mr.Will NELSON has moved his family here from Luckett.
**LOCALS**Mr.W.B.JOHNSON is installing a grist mill in connection with the filling
station at the junction of Ashport and Edith Streets.
Mrs.Allie STRAYHORN died at her home in Kosciusko,Miss.,Monday after a lingering
illness of paralysis.She will be remembered as Miss Lizzie JOHNSTON,daughter of the
late Mr.& Mrs.JOHN Anderson JOHNSTON.
**POSING AS AN AGENT**A charge that Kenneth SANDERS, living near Ripley,had
impersonated a federal prohibition officer and had collected $10 from L.W.STONE on a
pledge not to take Stone before a U.S.Commissioner,resulted Monday in Sanders being
lodged in the Shelby County jail to await U.S.Grand Jury action .Sanders was arrested at
Ripley by Deputy U.S.Marshell Enoch L.WEST,who took him before U.S. Commissioner
W.V.BRINGLE, at Covington,where Sanders pleaded not guilty.He was held in default of
bond and his hearing was set for December 30.
**FOUND DEAD**The finding of the body of Mr.T.L.GILLISPIE,cold in death,at his
home near Asbury on Tuesday morning,cast a gloom not only over the immediate
community,but surrounding county as well.Major GILLISPIE, as he was familiary called
was 52 years of age last May,the son of the late Emri GILLISPIE.After the death of his
parents,he continued to live at the homeplace,looking after his farming interests.No one
was living with him when the end came,and he had been dead perhaps two days before the
sad discovery was made by a tenet,Mr.Alex GAINES,who went to his home to deliver a
check for his part on a bale of cotton.From all indications,his death had resulted from a
heart attack as no marks of violence on his person.Funeral services were held at Asbury
Wednesday morning,remains laid to rest in the cemetery at that place.
**WHITEFIELD**Miss Altie WHITEHORN,of Ripley,is visiting her aunt,Mrs.Mattie