1926 Lauderdale County Enterprise – Excerpts Part 7
Transcribed from the originals by Sarah Hutcherson
Ripley, Tennessee Friday April 17th, 1915
ANOTHER JEWEL FOR HIS CROWN—Mrs. Ida Majors Tucker, whose sweet spirit took its flight to the homeland of the soul on last Saturday, and whose body was laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Tucker was born January 4th, 1885, in Fulton, Tennessee. She was the daughter of M. D. Majors. She was married to Joe M. Tucker on Thanksgiving Day, 1906. To this union six children were born, all of whom, together with the husband and father survive to wit: Joseph, Landrum, Marshell, John, Matthew and Frances. Brothers surviving are ; L. L. Majors of Flint, Mich., W. Dan Majors, of Ripley, H. J. Majors of Winthrop, Ark., Thomas B. Majors of Memphis and Jack Majors of Luxora, Ark.
===========A PEEP INTO THE PAST==April 15th,1898===========.
Rev. R. M. King was called to Covington to preach the funeral of Honorable H. S. Young.
Mr. P. H. Pugh left Friday for Paducah, Ky., on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Byars Robertson.
===============END OF PAST============================.
DIES SUDDENLY—Mr. T. A. Rice, one of Ripley’s most esteemed and beloved citizens, died at his home on Henning street late Saturday afternoon as a result of a stroke of apoplexy sustained while visiting in the home of his son near his residence on Friday. Soon after the attack, he was rushed to his home, but he never regained consciousness. Mr. Rice was born at the old Rice homestead near Orysa, on June 18th, 1850,and would soon have reached his 75th birthday. He was married 54 years ago to Miss Nina Green. Besides the widow, four children survive; E. M. Rice, Roy L. Rice and Miss Estelle Rice of Ripley, and Mrs. John Durham of Durhamville. One brother also survives; T. F. Rice of Orysa. Deceased is a member of one of the oldest and most prominent families of West Tennessee. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at his late residence, at 3:30 o’clock, and interment was at Maplewood Cemetery.
SOCIAL HAPPENINGS—The marriage of Miss Helen Given and Mr. Alonozo Klutts occurred at Humboldt on Thursday evening of last week. Mr. & Mrs. Klutts are representatives of two prominent families, pioneers of Lauderdale County. They are both popular in church and social circles. Mrs. Klutts has held responsible positions with leading business firms and Mr. Klutts is president of the First Savings Bank and connected
with other business enterprises. For the present, Mr.& Mrs. Klutts will be at home at the Klutts old homestead.
ADDITIONAL LOCALS—Mrs. John F. Walker died at the home of her son-in-law, Dr. G. G. Mulherron in Brownsville last Sunday and her remains were laid to rest in St. Paul’s Cemetery at Durhamville, near where she was born and reared, the following day. She was the widow of the late John F. Walker, who was Register of Lauderdale County for several years and resided in Ripley during that time. After the death of her husband, she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Mulherron, at Nut Bush, later moving to Brownsville.
LOCAL & PERSONAL—Mrs. Woolfork, of Flagstaff, Ariz., is a guest of her cousin, Mrs. A. S. Anthony.
Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Miller announce the birth of a son, Thomas Eddie Miller, Jr., on Monday morning.
TWINS—Boy and Girl—were born to Mr.& Mrs. L. B. Estes at their home near Orysa last Saturday.
Mrs. J. E. Rose fell off the back porch at her home Sunday night and was painfully hurt.
Mrs. Sid Evans, Miss Irean Evans and Mrs. G. T. Smith attended the funeral of Mrs. Julia F. Lee in Gates last week.
Robert A. Bookout, aged about 34 years, died Tuesday night at his home near Ashport, the result of a congestive chill. He was buried at Arp Wednesday morning. He is survived by one brother, Frank Bookout.
GATES—Mrs. Julia F. Lee, wife of Dr. G. W. Lee, deceased, died at the home of her son, L. P. Lee, Monday night. Interment was Tuesday afternoon in the Gates Cemetery.
CONNER—Eugene Lewis spent Sunday here with relatives and was accompanied home to Mercer by his sister, Mrs. J. W. Crowder and little son, William Lewis
PERCIFUL—Mr.& Mrs. Emmett White, Mr.& Mrs. Joe White, Mrs. J. S. Ellis, Pat Williams, Theo Yancy and family, Mrs. J. E. White and Miss Allie White, attended the burial of William Adkerson at New Hope
Wednesday of last week.
HENNING—Miss Ruby Skiles of Kenton, was a weekend guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. C. Newbill.
R. F. Scott, of Memphis, was called to the bedside of his brother, T. P. Scott, Monday. The latter is quite ill with pneumonia and is being attended by a trained nurse.
ARP—Coker Greaves, of Memphis, is visiting his sister, Mrs. John L. Alston.
WOODVILLE—A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Elbert Steelman on April 11th.He has been christened William Russell Steelman.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday April 24th,1925
DYERSBURG MAN DROWNS—Marvin Stephenson, age 38, prominent business man of this city was drowned in the Obion River at Lanes Ferry about 16 miles north of Dyersburg last night when his car crashed through the bridge railing into the water about 30 feet below. Mr. Stephenson owned a country store about two hundred yards on the other side of the bridge and went out there early yesterday evening on business. He had left there about nine o’clock to return to the city and the accident is supposed to have occurred a few minutes later. There were no witnesses to the accident and no means of explanation of the accident, unless it was that he swerved into the railing when he attempted to turn around a rock which is said to have been on the bridge. The car passed between the iron network of the overhead bridge without striking either of the v-shaped beams. The car was lodged on the side and the river was at a dept of about three feet above the car. The body was removed from the machine about 7 o’clock, after the car had been located by oil in the water. A search since early in the night when he failed to come home had carried parties all along the highway from Dyersburg to Lanes Ferry and by accident several times before they saw the hole in the bridge railing. The dead man had a cut on the right side of his head, which is thought to have suffered when his car struck the railing. He is survived by his wife and two daughters.
CHARGED WITH MURDERING HIS WIFE—R.S.Clark,58,prominent farmer of near Tibbs, Haywood County, was brought to Brownsville and lodged in jail on a charge of murder in connection with the death of his wife, formerly Mrs. Alice Dickens,38,whom Clark married less than a month ago. Unusual circumstances surround the death of Mrs. Clark. The Clark home burned shortly after midnight but it is said to have been almost three hours later when Clark went to a negro who lived nearby and told him to summon help. Tobe Smith and Clyde Hopkins, of Tibbs and others went to the house. When they reached the home of Clark, they found that the barn had not been destroyed by the flames and in the corn crib was the body of
Mrs. Clark, according to statements made at a coroner’s inquest today. Indications were that the woman had been beaten to death. Dr. G. T. Scott, of Tibbs, who examined the body, reported that there was at least ten scalp wounds and that Mrs. Clark’s skull had been fractured in two places. Clark’s explanation for the death of his wife was that she fell in the house prior to the fire and that he later dragged her to the barn to escape the flames, according to Sheriff Elias King of Brownsville, placing her in the corn crib to be out of the way of
flying sparks and embers from the blazing house.
Suspicion was at once aroused and when a 4 year-old son of Mrs. Clark by a former marriage told that his mother and step-father had been quarreling and that Clark had “been fighting” his mother, officers were
notified. The little boy is said his mother crawled to the barn before the house caught fire. A coroner’s jury this afternoon in Tibbs after an inquest over her body held that the woman came to her death at the hands
of her husband. Magistrate Tamm Graves, who conducted the inquest, is stated as saying that a gate leading into the barn lot was found a brick covered with blood and that a pool of blood was found in the lot near
the barn. Mrs. Clark’s funeral was held this afternoon in the cemetery at the Trinity Methodist Church at Nut Bush, not far from Tibbs. (more on Clark and how he is a prominent man in Haywood County)
Ripley, Tennessee Friday April 24th, 1925
======================A PEEP INTO THE PAST============================.
APRIL 22,1898—Mrs.Elizabeth Anderson, one of Lauderdale County’s most highly respected ladies, died Tuesday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Miller. she was 85 years of age, and was born in Sumner County, Tennessee, coming here in 1882 and up until three years ago, made her home with her other daughter, Mrs. R. H. Watkins. Mr. & Mrs. Miller accompanied the remains to Gallatin, where they were laid to rest by the side of her husband, who preceded her to the grave about twenty years ago.
======================END OF PAST====================================
WILLIAMSTOWN—Miss Lola Simpson is visiting her brother, Richard Simpson, in Memphis.
Mrs. Alice Simpson spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Best in Glimp.
Mr.& Mrs. Willie Crook and children of Glimp, spent Sunday with parents, Mr.& Mrs. A. S. Simpson.
GATES—Miss Virginia Lee is spending a few days in Ripley with her sister, Mrs. A. B. Green.
Funeral services for M. T. L. Pennington were held Saturday afternoon at the Methodist Church. Burial was in Gates Cemetery. He died Friday evening 6 o’clock at his home near here.
Mrs. Senthia Elizabeth Simmons, wife of John R. Simmons, who was perhaps the foremost developer of Lauderdale County’s strawberry industry from the time of its beginning more than 20 years ago, died at
her home near Gates Tuesday night after several years illness. Mrs. Simmons was an invalid the last eight years of her life, but did not become critically ill until Sunday night. She was born at Edith and was the daughter of Mr.& Mrs. Alex Kirksey, neither of whom survives her. She was married when 18 years old, and to this union seven children were born, the following five of whom survive: Harvey A. Simmons, instructor
in the University of Chicago; George E. Simmons, city editor of the Nashville Tennessean; Richard H. Simmons, well-known farmer of Gates; Mrs. Ethel Dickens, of Ann Arbor, Mich., and Mrs. Ela Travis of
Gates. The following sisters survives; Mrs. Emma Williams, Gates; Mrs. M. E. Griffith, Memphis; Mrs. John
Curlin, Nocana, Texas; Mrs. Laura Richardson, Halespoint, Tenn.; and Mrs. Addie King ,Calif. Funeral services were held at Gates Methodist episcopal Church South, Interment in Gates Cemetery.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday April 24th,1925
GATES—Julia Deleplace Lee was born in Waterloo, N.Y., March 19th,1844.After the death of mother and only sister, she moved with her father to Brownsville, Tennessee, where he, a cultured Frenchman, taught the
languages in the Presbyterian College of that place. The following year she graduated this school, being only 15 years of age. She then began her early career of teaching, which she followed for 35 years, contributing
her time and talent to the culture of the rising generation. She professed faith in Christ and joined the Brownsville Presbyterian Church at the age of 14 years. In October, 1864, she was married to Dr. George
W. Lee, of Forked Deer, who preceded her in death 25 years. They reared seven children to adulthood. They are: Mrs. M. W. Savage, George W. Lee, Florence Green (who departed this life April 14,1911),Mrs.Corinne
Perry, Messrs. Henry F. & Percy Lee and Mrs. Nettie Baker. She also helped her husband rear three older children by a former marriage: Mrs. Sid Evans of Ripley, Messrs. John H.& Ed Lee, both of Gates. In 1886,she united with the Baptist church and remained a consistant member until her death, which came to her April 14th,1925.She loved life and took a great interest in her friends and loved ones until the end, having past her
81st birthday. An impressive funeral service was conducted at the home, followed by interment at the Gates Cemetery.
MARY’S CHAPEL—Miss Irene Klutts spent one night with relatives near Conner.
Mrs. M. E. Williams has returned home after spending two weeks with her son, Thomas, who is in the Baptist Hospital in Memphis.
Mrs. Lottie Klutts and son, James spent Sunday in the Henry Brackin home at Nut Bush.
The remains of Grandma Bray, who died at the home of her son near Ripley Sunday, were brought to this place and laid to rest the following day.
LIGHTFOOT—E. S. Meter and family and Mr.& Mrs. Glenn Kernodle and baby, spent the weekend at Golddust, guests of the Clarence Meters.
LUCKETT—Burle Glimp of Ripley, visited his brother, B. V. Glimp one night last week.
CIRCUIT COURT—Lev Daniels; larceny; not guilty
Dewey Bershires;larceny;10 days in jail—J. O. Cox; assault; not guilty;—Bill Fraley; murder; stricken by Dist. Attny;—Jap Henderson and J. R. Yochum; gaming; dismissed on cost;—Jap Henderson; carrying
pistol; stricken by dist. attny;—Mattie Musgraves; assault & battery; dismissed on costs;—Anna Lewis; assault & battery; stricken by dist. attny;—Tom Fisher; larceny; three years in state training and agricultural school for boys;—Sam Halfacre; larceny; not guilty;—Jas. Martin; taking horse for temporary use; $25;—Lucy Whitmore vs Henry Whitmore; for plaintiff;—N. C. Sinclair vs Tom Mitchell; compromise, defendant paying costs.
DIVORCES GRANTED—Inez McCoy vs Ned McCoy; Eva Williams vs Charlie Williams; Bryan Roy vs Irene Roy; Novie Lambert vs Henry Lambert; Frank Allen vs Saleen Fields Allen; Bertha Crook Winston vs Wm. Winston; Jim Richardson Vs Clydie Richardson; Joe Young vs Sophrona Young; Bob Sanders vs Sadie Sanders; Herman Fisher vs Lizzie Fisher; Houston Crockett vs Annie Crockett; Robert Read vs Ora Reed; Mary S. Miller vs Jesse Miller; John Maclin vs Beatrice Maclin; Mrs. Donie Savage vs J. L. Savage
Ripley, Tennessee Friday April 24th,1925
MASCEDONIA—W. J. Jennings and family spent Sunday with his brother, John Jennings on the Bluff.
J. D. Rice attended the bedside of his brother, Bob Rice Saturday, who suffered a stroke of paralysis last Thursday at the home of Mr. Jim Lunsford at Dry Hill.
Mr. Arthur Gooch of Rutherford and Mr. Jim McAlister, of Nankipoo, had a very narrow escape Sunday afternoon when the car they were driving became unmanageable and ran off the deep embankment near the home of W. S. Clay. Both gentleman escaped injury.
ASHPORT—Chester Webb was thrown by a mule Sunday and slightly injured.
Mrs. G. W. Keistler, of Lightfoot, is attending the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. H. S. Price.
Mrs. E. G. Lockard and children of Lightfoot, spent Monday with her brother, Willie Barnes.
GOLDDUST—Mrs. M. M. Shoemake, who has been sick for some time, is not so well at this writing.
Mr.& Mrs. Walter Arwood, of Edith, visited Mrs. Donie Savage Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Verla Scallions and little son, and Mr.& Mrs. Marvin Savage visited in Curve over the weekend.
Mesdames Bessie Peacock, Mamie Mueller, Messrs. Willie Grear, and Bob McManus and Miss Katie Mueller motored to Covington Sunday afternoon.
CRAIG—Mrs. Laura Smith, from near the Henning Farm, spent the first of the week with her sister, Mrs. George Newman.
Mrs. Robert Goad, Mrs. Lydia Smith and Mrs. Beulah Weaver were called to Lake County by the illness of their sister, Mrs. E. E. Wilson.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday May 1st,1925
======================A PEEP INTO THE PAST=======================.
APRIL 29th,1898—ED Durham, of Conway, Ark., was called here Wednesday by the death of his mother.
W. B. Campbell of Halespoint, was in town Wednesday. He informed us of the drowning of W. W. Olds at the mouth of the Obion River a few days ago while fishing with his trot line.
======================END OF PAST===============================.
NEGROES CAUGHT IN EBER’S STORE—Tuesday night as Night Marshall W. B. Campbell was making his rounds at the rear of the business houses about 11:30 o’clock, he noticed ladders running up to the second story of Harry Eber’s store and saw that a pane of glass had been broken out. Telephoning Sheriff Craig and other officers, the building was surrounded and Mr. Eber sent for to open the front doors. Two negroes were
found hiding among the clothing cabinets, and further investigation revealed three of the firms finest suit cases well packed with clothing, silk shirts, shoes, hose, etc., to the value of about $400.Nine of the best suits in the house had been carefully selected, and other wearing apparel was in keeping with the above grade. Both negroes had donned a new suit and were in the act of putting on new shoes when the officers went in on them. They gave their names as C. L. Hancock and Horace Harbor, the former living at Curve, the other of unknown residence.
SOCIAL HAPPENINGS—The hearts of Mr.& Mrs. J. E. Rose were made happy on Sunday when they had a reunion of their family for the day. Coming from Memphis were Mr.& Mrs. Joe Hamilton. Mrs. R. E. Goin and little son Woodrow, and Walter Rose, Mrs. Keese Gaines and children came from Asbury and Mr.& Mrs. Russell Rose, of Ripley. After partaking of the sumptuous dinner, a delightful afternoon was spent and Kodak pictures were made of the family.
BLUFF—Mrs. Callie Underwood and son, Robert, spent two days in Memphis the past week.
Perry Webb, of Coal Creek, spent Sunday with his cousins, Riley and Harvey Webb.
H. L. Heathcott died at the home of his son here Thursday of last week, and his body was laid to rest in Concord Cemetery near Gates on Friday. He leaves several children, grandchildren and a host of relatives
and friends. He had been a member of the Methodist Church for the past 14 years.
Ripley, Tennessee FRIDAY MAY
1st, 1925
===================A PEEP INTO THE PAST=========================.
APRIL 29th,1898—Ed Durham of Conway, Ark., was called here Wednesday by the death of his mother.
W. B. Campbell of Halespoint, was in town Wednesday. He informed us of the drowning of W. W. Olds at the mouth of the Obion River a few days ago while fishing his trot line.
===================END OF PAST=================================.
SOCIAL HAPPENINGS—The hearts of Mr.& Mrs. J. E. Rose were made happy on Sunday when they had a reunion of their family for the day. Coming from Memphis were Mr.& Mrs. Joe Hamilton, Mrs. R. E. Goin and son, Woodrow, and Walter Rose. Mrs. Keese Gaines and children came from Asbury and Mr.& Mrs. Russell Rose, of Ripley.
BLUFF—Mrs. Callie Underwood and son Robert, spent two days in Memphis the past week. Perry Webb, of Coal Creek, spent Sunday with his cousins, Riley and Harvey Webb.
H. L. Heathcott died at the home of his son here Thursday of last week, and his body was laid to rest in Concord cemetery near Gates on Friday. He leaves several children, grand children and a host of relatives
and friends.
WILLIAMSTOWN—Little Wilford Williams of Ripley, spent last week with his uncle, W. R. Wood.
Mrs. O. D. Williams, from near Ripley visited her sister, Mrs. C. W. Williams, one day last week.
Mrs. D. K. Lovelace and baby spent last week in Memphis with parents, Mr. & Mrs. Walter McGarrity.
COAL CREEK—Mr.& Mrs. S. J. Webb attended the bedside of the latter’s neice, Mrs. Clifton Hutcherson, a few hours Sunday afternoon at Cedar’s Grove.
Jim Koonce and family of Arp & Mr.& Mrs. Levi Koonce of Central, spent Sunday with their son and brother; Dude Koonce.
Ed Sutton & family of Halespoint, spent Sunday with Mr.& Mrs. Willie Caldwell, and Grandma Webb returned home with them.
WOODVILLE—Mr.& Mrs. C. Wells & Mr.& Mrs. Levy Clark attended the funeral of Mr. Heathcock at Concord last week.
Miss Jewel Vaden of Forked Deer, spent one day last week with her sister, Mrs. Robert Clark.
Mrs. Bob Davis had as her guests Saturday & Sunday, her sisters, Mrs. Hayes and Miss Jewell Stanley of Curve.
ASHPORT—Walter Williams left Monday night to join the Navy.
Mrs. Jessie Mills of Lightfoot visited her brother, Henry Burns, Sunday.
Miss Elnora Jones of Luckett, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Harry Webb.
Miss Essie Kiestler of Lightfoot was a guest of her sister, Mrs. H. S. Price, last week.
Mrs. Edgar Haynes of Asbury, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Robert Burks.
Mrs. Gene Burns spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Nan Lovelace, at Williamstown.
RUTHERFORD—Mrs. Myrtle Upton of Dyersburg, spent Sunday here with her mother, Mrs. B. B. Gooch.
Browm Morton of Southhaven spent one day last week with his parents, Mr & Mrs. W. J. Morton.
Robert Baggett of Ro Ellen, & Miss Lyda Lee Meeks, of this place drove to Unionville Sunday and were married by Esq. R. W. Wagster.
HENNING—Several from here attended the funeral of Col. John A. TIPTON in Covington Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. J. B. COKER is attending the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Veo, who continues quite ill at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis.
Mrs. J. B. ALSTON will arrive Friday night from Paterson, N. J., where she spent the past four months with her daughter, Mrs. T. W. TUHOLSKI.
LIGHTFOOT—Mr.& Mrs. E. G. LOCKARD are proud parents of a girl.
Mrs. J. B. GRIGGS spent the weekend at Williams Switch with her brother, Tom BURNS.
Mr.& Mrs. Tabe C. BROWN spent Saturday with their mother, Mrs. T. J. LANDRETH, near Ripley. Mrs. Landreth and sons were their guests Sunday.
GATES—Miss Gladys GHOLSON, of Tiptonville, is visiting in the home of her uncle, R. W. GHOLSON.
C.C. LEE and wife of Dyersburg, spent Sunday with parents, Mr. & Mrs. C. C. LEE, Sr.
GLIMP—an infant of Mr.& Mrs. Ed JENKINS is quite ill.
Roy GAINES of Paragould, AR, is visiting his mother, Mrs. M. A. WINSETT.
Miss Vivian VOWELL and Wilmer VOWELL spent the weekend in Asbury, guests of their grandmother, Mrs. N. J. DOUGLAS.
ARP—A daughter was born to Mr.& Mrs. Tom MEEKS, April 24th.
Mrs. W. B. MIDYETT, of Ripley visited the J. T. JENKINS home Sunday.
George TRIMBLE, of Ripley, visited his daughter, Mrs. Ab PITTS, the past two weeks.
Mrs. Otto LUCAS was called to Edith by the serious illness and death of her father; Mr. HEATHCOTT.
BARR—Jack Hardy and family spent the weekend in Ripley, guests of their mother, Mrs. J. P. LUNDGREEN.
Mrs. Emma TILLMAN of Tomato, AR., attended the bedside of her father, A. J. BRANHAM, Tues. & Wed..
On Wednesday, April 23rd,the Death Angel visited the home of A. F. BRANHAM and claimed for its victim, the spirit of his father, A. J. Branham. He was a fine old gentleman, everybody loved him, and
he will be greatly missed by all who knew him. He was 89 years of age and is survived by two sons, Fred & Frank Branham; one daughter, Mrs. Emma Tillman;1 brother, Joe BRANHAM, of Texas.
MARY’S CHAPEL—Lonnie HEATHCOCK & family attended the funeral of his father at Concord last week.
LUCKETT—Miss Sarah Mai McGARRITY spent last week at Golddust with her uncle, Will NELSON and was accompanied home Sunday by her cousins, Misses Katie & Emily NELSON.
CROSS ROADS— Mrs. BURNHAM is attending the bedside of her niece, Hattie HUTCHERSON, at Cedar Grove.
CRAIG—Allen SMITH, of Memphis, spent Saturday night with his mother, Mrs. J. W. TRIPP, and sister, Mrs. W. L. CRAIG.
PEA RIDGE—Miss Gussie CONRAD spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Arlie FLOWERS near Hatchie bottom.
GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN—On the morning of April 18th,yhe Death Angel visited our home and claimed for its own, our darling little baby, James Clifford SMITH, age 1 year, 5 months, and 3 days. He was a bright and shining star to our home and ,oh, how sad to give him up. How lonely it is without his sweet little voice and gentle footsteps, never again to be heard in our home. Everywhere we look there is something to remind us of our precious little darling. In the house and yard there are his playthings where his little feet have trod. As I fold away his little clothes and put away his little shoes, it seems my heart will break.
Broken Hearted Mother.
LOCAL & PERSONAL; Mrs. Alice TURNER, of Munford is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. F. H. PEEPLES.
Miss Mary Sue MORRIS, of Memphis, spent the weekend with parents, the J. G. MORRIS.’
William CROWDER, aged 75 years died Tues. afternoon at the home of his son, J. W. CROWDER, near Conner Schoolhouse and was buried at Trinity Wednesday.
Mrs. Geo. W. HUTCHERSON returned Friday night from Memphis and is recovering from her recent operation. Her sister, Miss Lillian FOLTS, accompanied her home, returning to Memphis Saturday morning.
Mr.& Mrs. Wm. G. LYNN spent the weekend in Jackson, and attended the wedding of Miss Arah FLETCHER & Mr. HUNTER in that city on Saturday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Miss FLETCHER has visited Ripley on several occasions, as a guest of Mrs. Vernon PETERS.
Monte love GUDGER died at his home in Barnard, NC, Tues., and was laid to rest in that city Thurs. He was the son of the late Dr. M. W. GUDGER, of Ripley, and grew to manhood here, where he was held in high esteem. For many years he was a traveling salesman, but abandoned the road after his health began to fail about 25 years age, taking up his residence in NC, near Ashville, where he had accumulated considerable property. He is survived by a wife, three sisters; Mrs. Bettie GILBERT, Mrs. S. P. BOLIN and Miss Mary GUDGER of Ripley; and one niece, Miss Love Rose GUDGER, of Ripley. Deceased was 60 years of age.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday 8th May, 1925
=====================A PEEP INTO THE PAST============================.
========================8th May,1898==================================.
Mrs. T. D. COBB died Tuesday at her home in Ripley. Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist Church Wednesday morning and her remains were laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery. She had been a member of the church for more than 30 years. Her father, Rev. George JOHNSTON, being , perhaps the oldest, most highly respected and best loved citizens of our town. Born of Christian parents, her life was one of true devotion to God. Her influence for good was not alone limited to the circle of her acquaintances, for others could not but see, admire and seek to emulate the pure example of her daily walk and life. Prior to her marriage in 1867,she was Miss Elizabeth Adeline JOHNSTON. She was born in NC in 1848, moved to Hardeman County the same year, and to this county in the fall of 1849,where she has since resided. She was the mother of five children; four of whom survive: Mrs. S. G. NEVILLE, Mrs. R. F. SCOTT and Charles & Birdie COBB.
========================END OF PAST==================================
William Frank HALLIBURTON & Laura YOUNG
COAL CREEK—MR.& Mrs. Lee VAUGHN, of Memphis, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Pike TAYLOR.
W. D. NEWMAN and family spent Sunday with his father, Jim NEWMAN, near Central.
Mrs. Lonnie ESCUE and children of Halls, are spending this week with parents, Mr. & Mrs. John SANFORD.
LOCAL And PERSONAL— Mrs. L. M. PADGETT, of Paducah, KY, is visiting her son, W. F. PADGETT.
R. W. WOOD’s condition has been of a critical condition the past few days.
W. J. STONE and twin sons, 15 years of age, of Golddust, were in Ripley Wednesday.
T. E. GAY and family of Conner, spent the weekend with parents, Mr. & Mrs. A. H. CRAIG.
Mrs. W. T. SAVAGE attended the training school at Dyersburg last week and secured a certificate.
Mrs. W. M. PALMER of Memphis, spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. John R. TUCKER.
Mr.& Mrs. James FLANIGAN of Reviere, spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. C. TURNER.
Miss Beedie PENNINGTON, of Knoxville, who arrived Saturday on a visit to her father near Gates, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. H. D. MOHON.
D. Y. NELSON to Bessie Lee ESCUE
Rupert L. TURNER to Emma SEATON
Tom RUCKER to Kittie JELKS
James Eddie GREEN to Hattie MUMFORD
W. I. ANDREWS to Beatrice SMITH
Elbert BROOKS to Lucille NEWMAN
Escola O’NEAL to Savannah WHITE
Clarence HALL to Mary Best CURTIS
Freddie BLAKELY to Ida HALL
Carl REDDICK to Miss Mattie OLDS
Warren THORTON to Hattie May BARBEE
Anthony MAYS to Irene JOHNSON
Henry Arthur BONDS to Ardelia WHITE
Tommie Lee HENNING to Rosena COGSHELL
MASCEDONIA—Messrs. Charles & Russell KELTNER were Arp visitors Saturday evening.
Mr.& Mrs. Marvin HALL were Halls visitors Saturday evening.
Mr.& Mrs. Roy ESCUE & children visited parents at Edith Sunday.
Miss Geraldine JENNINGS was on the sick list a few days the past week.
Andrew HARGETT of Central, was a recent visitor of Marvin JENNINGS.
Fred CATES & Roy ESCUE made a business trip to Ripley Monday.
Mrs. Mittie FRAZIER was a recent visitor to her son, Chester FRAZIER on the Bluff.
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin DUGGAN of Nankipoo, visited relatives here last week-end.
Ivan PICKENS attended singing at Salem Sunday.
Charles KELTNER, who has been working in Luxora & Bassett, AR., has returned home.
Mr.& Mrs. Clarence CRAIG of Edith, were visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Wheeler CLAY.
Mr.& Mrs. Auzia RICE & children and J. D. RICE, spent Sunday in the John NANCE home at Maury City.
Little Odessa ESCUE happened to a very painful ,though not serious accident Monday by sticking the point of a knife in her right eyelid.
Mrs. Albert KELTNER & daughters, Pauline & Edna, of Memphis, are spending this week in the home of Mrs. Mollie KELTNER. Mr. KELTNER spent the week-end here.
CONNER—Carl CROWDER & brother, Leonard spent Sunday at Ashport.
Mrs. J. T. KIRKESS & little grandson, Tolbert L. BALLARD, spent Saturday in Ripley.
Mr.& Mrs. J. W. CROWDER & little son, William Lewis, spent Sunday at Lightfoot.
Mr.& Mrs. J. O. SPILLER & three daughters, spent Saturday in the W. T. O. GAY home at Whitefield.
Mr.& Mrs. G. H. COKER and family of Ripley spent Sunday in Mrs. J. E. KIRKESS’ home.
Mr.& Mrs. W. T. O. GAY & son, Thomas, of Whitefield, spent Sunday in the J. E. SPILLER home.
Mrs. Rosetta KIRBY and family spent Saturday night and Sunday at Orysa with her daughter, Mrs. Bill LEE.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe WHITE of Perciful, spent the Week-end with parents, Mr. & Mrs. Ed KIRBY.
Mr.& Mrs. E. F. HOLCOMB, of Mary’s Chapel, spent the week-end here with Mrs. J. T. KIRKESS.
HENNING— Mrs. John LEWIS spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Jim CALDWELL, near Ripley.
Miss LaRue LANKFORD is ill with typhoid fever and is being attended by a trained nurse.
J. T. RAINS carried his aunt, Mrs. Mary GLENN to Memphis Thursday, where she took the train to Ashville, NC to make her home with her son, Dr. Ed GLENN.
FLIPPEN—Mrs. Anna ROBERSON is quite ill.
Little George & Harry TICHENOR, of Ashport, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. FERGASON.
LUCKETT—Mr.& Mrs. Ed WALKER are parents of a son.
Burie GLIMP, of Curve, spent Sunday afternoon with his mother, Mrs. B. V. GLIMP.
Mr.& Mrs. H. B. McGARRITY and daughters, Mrs. Jim WEBB 7 Miss Sarah Mai
McGARRITY motored to Covington Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Maud TEMPLE and her father, Mr. LLOYD, and Mr. & Mrs. Alex EDNEY of Ripley, visited in the A. I. WEBB home Sunday afternoon.
ARP—Mrs. C. C. ADAMS is visiting her son in Ripley.
Fletcher BIBB, of Chicago, is visiting parents here.
Mr.& Mrs. J. T. JENKINS, spent Tuesday in Memphis.
Mrs. W. M. MORRIS is visiting relatives in Gadsden & Humboldt.
Mrs. H. D. SCOTT and son, of Fowkles are visiting parents here.
H. H. LEWIS, of Memphis, visited our community one day last week.
Mr.& Mrs. C. J. SAPP, of Memphis, visited relatives here a few days
last week.
Mrs. Will DUNAVANT has returned to her home in Ripley, after visiting her daughter, Mrs, James ADAMS.
Rev.& Mrs. W. D. Jenkins of Whiteville, spent Thursday night of last week in the W. M. GRIMES home.
PLEASANT HILL—J. G. GIVEN is on the sick list.
Mrs. W. R. HALLIBURTON fell from her porch Monday night and broke her arm.
Mrs. Maggie DANIELS & Miss Myrna McGARRITY of Luckett, were here Saturday & Sunday.
Mrs. Kate O’NEAL & sons, Arthur & Edward, of Memphis are visiting in the home of D. G. THUM.
Mrs. Dink BEST was carried to Memphis last Tuesday for treatment. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Walter WHITFIELD.
BLUFF—Ollie BRATCHER is suffering with a sprained ankle.
Ed CRIHFIELD, from near the Henning Farm spent Saturday night and Sunday with his cousin, Riley WEBB.
CENTRAL—Ed SUTTON & wife of Halespoint, were here last week.
A daughter was born to Mr.& Mrs. Joe WILLIAMS last week.
A daughter was born to Mr.& Mrs. Ivan BURNHAM last week.
Mr.& Mrs. Vasser MILLER spent Sunday with Mrs. John MILLS, east of Ripley.
Clyde ARWOOD & his brother, Cornelius, went to Memphis on business last week.
Andrew NEWMAN, of Memphis, was here Saturday night to see his father, Jim NEWMAN.
Mr.& Mrs. E. S. HAYNES went to Arp Sunday and were guests of her mother, Mrs. THOMPSON.
Bob NEWMAN, of Memphis, spent Saturday here with his family. His son, Alford, went back to Memphis with him to work the carpenters trade.
An outhouse on the W. C. SUTTON farm burned Tuesday morning about 4 o’clock. John CHISM had 25 barrels of corn and some plow tools stored in the house. There was no insurance on either the house or the contents.
LIGHTFOOT—Mr.& Mrs. Cleveland RHOADS (should be RHODES) of Montreal, Canada, are guests of his mother, Mrs. Ed GRAMMER.
Mrs. S. C. METER from near Halls, is visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Dollie DAVIS & son, of Helena, AR., spent a few day with her sister, Mrs. W. B. BLACK.
LOCALS AND PERSONALS—Mrs. W. T. CRAIG has been ill several days.
Mrs. Al CHILDRESS has been quite sick for several days, but is improving.
Mrs. Wardlaw STEELE & son, Ward Tom, visited in Memphis Wednesday.
Mrs. L. M. RODGERS, of Rossville, GA., is visiting her uncle, L. G. RODGERS.
Miss Isabell KIRKPATRICK, of St. Louis, is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Lee WILSON.
Mrs. Fannie KELLER & grandson, Jack CURRIE, spent Tuesday in Memphis.
Milton & Mildred KELTNER of Memphis, are visiting grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. J. W. GRACY.
Little Elizabeth BRADEN is spending this week in Covington with her aunt, Mrs. G. A. GIRDNER.
Mrs. W. J. PIERCE & son, Woodrow, of Memphis, are visiting her mother. Mrs. M. A. TURNER.
Julius WILER, of Baton Rouge, LA., spent several days this week with his sister, Mrs. Henderson RICE.
Mrs. Nellie S. GLENN & neice. Miss Elner MYER, of Byhalia, MS., are guests of Mr. & Mrs. W. C. THOMPSOM.
Mrs. T. G. KIRKPATRICK & two children, of Greenville, Ky., are visiting her parents, Mr. & Mrs. C. R. BARBEE.
Miss Sallie SHOFFNER, of Greenville, MS., spent the week-end with her uncle, J. M. TAYLOR, Sr., leaving Monday evening for Halls.
Mrs. Ben WHITE, who has been attending the bedside of her father, Mack MANESS at the home of A. L. SPILLER at Nut Bush, returned Tuesday night and reports that Mr. MANESS is improving.
Mrs. Cecil OLIVER & baby, of Newhart, Ar., are visiting her parents, Mr. & Mrs. William TUCKER, Jr.
Mrs. N. A. STARK and children, left Wednesday for their home in Kansas City, MO., after a months’ visit with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. R. WILLIAMS.
Mrs. J. R. JOHNSTON left Thursday of last week for Houston, TX., to visit her son, Walker JOHNSTON. She was accompanied by little Elizabeth RICE.
Avery,17 year-old son of Mr.& Mrs. E. F. JENNINGS underwent an operation for appendicities Monday at the city hospital and is reported recovering nicely.
Mrs. J. C. WYSE & daughter, Conley Maurine, spent Sunday & Monday with her husband in Memphis. Miss Orban DAVIS returned home with them.
S. P. HAWKINS of Mineral Wells, TX., has returned home after a weeks’ visit here. He was accompanied home by Mrs. HARWELL and little granddaughter, Frances UTLEY, who will visit relatives there.
Mr.& Mrs. Dan KLUTTS left Monday on a visit to several of the large Eastern cities. The trip was given Mr. KLUTTS by the insurance company which he represents and which is given all agents who sell $100,000 or more insurance a year.
MARY’S CHAPEL—Mrs. Ed CRAIG spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. W. H. BICKERS near Ripley.
Mrs. Eula ELDER, who has returned from the hospital, has been quite sick, but is some better at this time.
Mr.& Mrs. James SUMMARS and Mr.& Mrs. Jim SMITH visited the latter’s parents near Perciful Sunday afternoon.
Mr.& Mrs. Aaron McBROOM, from near Lightfoot,& Mrs. Tom MITCHELL ,from near Asbury, attended the bedside of Mrs. Eula ELDER Sunday.
ARP—Mr.& Mrs. Alvis PETERSON spent Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. H. B. WILLIAMS at Ashport.
CURVE—The infant son of Mr.& Mrs. Andrew MANNING is on the sick list.
Lloyd SMITH, youngest child of Mr.& Mrs. Carl SMITH is improving from an operation.
Mrs. Claud THOMPSON has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Cecil KELTNER, in Memphis.
James HARTMAN, of Gates, spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. N. J. HARWARD.
Miss Empress CAMPBELL has been visiting her grandparents, Mr.& Mrs. C. M. CAMPBELL,at Dry Hill.
Mrs. L. E. BEAVER has returned to Memphis, after visiting her parents, Mr.& Mrs. G. P. THOMPSON.
GOLDDUST—Ivan CALDWELL, of Prestige, was a visitor here Saturday.
J. C. DAVIS Jr., and Miss Lola CLARK motored to Ripley Sunday.
Misses Brooksie & Erline METER were Golddust visitors Sunday.
R. D. McMANUS, after several days illness, is able to be out again.
Mr.& Mrs. R. J. REVIERE are parents of a daughter ,born last week.
Harris SHEPHERD and Buford CHIPMAN were in Golddust Saturday.
Charley MUELLER made a business trip to Tomato, AR., one day last week.
Mack BROOKS was taken seriously ill Sunday but is some better.
Alf CALDWELL and family from near Ripley, spent one day last week with his brother, Dee CALDWELL.
Elbert BROOKS and Miss Lucille NEWMAN surprised their many friends by getting married Sunday afternoon.
ASHPORT—Lee BRIGGS & son, Ollin & daughter, Miss Quintus and Mr. E. BAKER, of Luckett, were in the G. W. JONES home Sunday afternoon.
On June 12th,a few families of this community and Lightfoot united in celebrations of the birthdays of Mrs. G. W. KIESTLER of Lightfoot, and her aunt, Mrs. Maranda RUSSELL, of Murchison, TX. The former was 53 years old and the latter was 75 years.
———————————End of JUNE 19th,1925 issue———————————.
GATES—Miss Mildred BALLINGER of Maury City, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elbert CATES.
Dave CORUM, of Chattanooga, spent Tuesday night with his sister, Mrs. E. J. SHANNON.
Roy COCKRAN, of Golddust, spent Saturday & Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Henry ESCUE.
Mrs. Ruffin PERMENTER & children , of Jackson, spent the weekend in the home of Henry ESCUE.
W. S. PERRY & sister, Mrs. E. P. ROBISON and son, Lowell, spent the weekend with relatives here.
W. E., E. P., & R. W. ROBISON, all of Memphis, were called here Monday by the serious illness of their father, Mr. B. F. ROBISON.
Mrs. F. B. BRADFORD spent Saturday in Ripley in Ripley with her brother, Elbert BOYDSTUN, of San Diego, CA., in the home of Mrs. Clara TARRANT.
BARR—Sykes TRIPP and family attended the bedside of his neice, Mrs. J. W. SMITH near Craig Sunday.
CONCORD—Jim BALL, of Blytheville, AR.,was called here to the bedside of his mother, Mrs. Lum BALL, Saturday.
Mr.& Mrs. Will THORNLEY & Guilford REED, from near Ripley, attended the bedside of Mrs. Lum BALL Monday.
After a few days illness, Mrs. Lum BALL died Tuesday morning. She is survived by a husband, four children, several grandchildren, and a host of relatives and friends. Her remains were laid to rest at Concord Cemetery Wednesday morning.
HENNING—Atwood FIELDS of Coushatta, LA., is here to visit his grandmother, Mrs. Hanna SEXTON.
GLIMP—Little Wilson, Bettie and J. W. RAY, of Memphis are visiting grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. J. W. WILSON.
Mr. & Mrs. M. A. WINSETT & Mr. & Mrs. T. E. LLOYD attended the funeral of Mr. EDWARDS in Mason Hall Sunday.
PLEASANT HILL—Announcement has been made through the
Commercial Appeal of the approaching marriage of Miss Laura COX, daughter of Mrs. Willie COX to John W. MADDOX of Memphis, the wedding to take place June 25th in Memphis.
Arp—A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hale Jr., on the 14th.
ASBURY—Mr. & Mrs. Edgar HAYNES spent the week-end near Central with
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Reb HAYNES.
DEATH—The death of Mrs. C. S. BALL came as a shock to her many friends and relatives. She was sick only six days, but suffered severely. She was 77 years of age and had been a member of the Methodist Church at Concord since 1870 and lived a Christian life. She was the mother of eight children, four of whom are now living: J. H. BALL, of Blytheville, AR., Mrs. D. F. AKIN, of Woodville, Mrs. C. H. POINDEXTER, of Forked Deer, and Alvin A. BALL, of Curve. She also reared from childhood two grandsons: F. M. LUCAS and Emmitt WHITE. She leaves to mourn her death; husband; children; relatives and a host of friends.
CURVE—The infant son of Mr.& Mrs. Andrew MANNING is critically ill with typhoid fever.
Mrs.HOUSE, of Memphis. returned home Friday night after visiting her mother, Mrs. Sue LANGLEY.
Mrs. Bessie HENDREN returned to Memphis Saturday after a visit to her mother, Mrs. Sue LANGLEY.
Henry DEW was called to Central Thursday afternoon to see his sister, Mrs. WILLIAMS, who is quite ill.
Edda Mary SUTTON, daughter of Mr. Bob SUTTON, was operated on for appenditicis a few days ago at the city hospital in Ripley.
ASHPORT—Biggie REVIERE is sick with malaria fever.
Mrs. Mary STREET, who lives near the Mounds is ill with typhoid fever.
Mr. & Mrs. Alvis PETERSON, of Arp, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Florence WILLIAMS.
Ila KIESTLER spent the week-end with parents, Mr. & Mrs. G. W. KIESTLER, at Lightfoot.
CEDAR GROVE—Miss Janie HUTCHERSON, of Whitefield, spent Saturday night and Sunday with her brother, Will DRUMWRIGHT.
Mr.& Mrs. Roy SMITH and children, of Hurricane Hill, visited his brother, Austin SMITH, Sunday afternoon.
BLUFF—Mrs. G. C. WEBB is still confined to her bed with a malarial attack.
MASCEDONIA—Roy COCKRAN, of Golddust spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Archie ESCUE.
Laverne & Edith Mai ESCUE are spending this week at Gates with their aunt, Mrs. Jettie Escue.
Mrs. Dewey CRIHFIELD, from near Coal Creek, spent Saturday afternoon with her grandmother, Mrs. Sam PICKENS.
RUTHERFORD—Grandpa MEEKS died at his home here Monday night at 10 o’clock. He had been sick since the 18th of March.
PERCIFUL— Mrs. Frank AKIN attended the bedside of her mother at Concord this week.
The residence of Frank GROGANS was burned Wednesday at noon. The fire originated from a flue while cooking dinner.
MARY’s CHAPEL—Henry Edward MANESS spent Saturday night in Ripley with his uncle, Charlie CRAIG.
Pete CRAIG & G. W. STYERS attended the bedside of Mr. Mack MANESS near Nut Bush Sunday.
PEA RIDGE—Freddie BLAKELY & Miss Millie CONRAD surprised their friends Sunday night by getting married.
Mack SELLERS spent one night last week in the home of his brother, Robert SELLERS, near Lightfoot.
WOODVILLE—Miss Genevieve BUCK, of Gates, visited her aunt, Mrs. A. B. DILL Sunday.
Will DAVIS, of AR., is attending the bedside of his mother Mrs. A. DAVIS.
Mrs. G. T. SCOTT, of Brownsville, spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs. W. J. WILSON.
LOCAL AND PERSONAL—Mrs. Page DOUGAN and children of Blytheville, AR., are visiting her father, John S. EVANS.
Miss Verdie CLORE, of Memphis, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. A. CLORE.
Mr.& Mrs. Jack COLCLOUGH, of Beaumont, TX., are visiting her mother, Mrs. Maude HALLIBURTON.
Miss Violet HARRIS, of Monette, Ar., was a guest in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Dan JOHNSON, Tuesday.
Mrs. Harry SHERIFF, of Philadelphia, arrived Tuesday morning on a visit to parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harry EBER.
Mrs. S. Y. GARRETT is at Arp attending the bedside of Mrs. Ivan GARRETT, who has been quite sick for several days.
Mrs. L. H. GALLOWAY, of Memphis; Mr. & Mrs. G. F. CALLAHAN, of Caruthersville, MO., spent the week-end in the home of their parents, Mr. & Mrs. W. F. WARDLAW.
R. F. BUTTS left Wednesday for Memphis to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. COCKE. He has been a resident of Ripley for 68 years, and was numbered among the oldest and best citizens of our town.
Mr.& Mrs. Sam FOUST; Miss Maggie FOUST; Mr.& Mrs. J. O. PARIS and Charles PARIS attended the marriage of Miss Ruby LAY and J. Milton TURNER at the First Baptist Church in Brownsville on June 15th.
——————————–END OF 26th JUNE 1925issue—————————.
ENTERPRISE RIPLEY, TN. Friday 3rd July, 1925
engagement of Miss Joy TAYLOR and Mr. Alvin Broadus KLUTTS, is of wide spread interest, owing
to the prominence of the two families and the popularity of the young couple. Miss TAYLOR is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. MITCHELL TAYLOR, of Danville, KY., and is an especially attractive young lady. She was educated at Ward-Belmont, Nashiville and Kentucky College for Women at Danville. Mr. KLUTTS is a son of the late Mr.& Mrs. R. C. KLUTTS, and is a graduate of Vanderbilt University and Columbia University, of New York City, and is a prominent young business man of Ripley. The wedding will take place in the early fall.
DEPUTY SHERIFF KILLS MAN RESISTING ARREST–Jackson, TN., June 30th—Hubert UNDERWOOD, 35, was shot and killed at a distillery site on the Haywood-Madison County lines this afternoon at 5 o’clock by Dave McCAGE, deputy sheriff, when the former attempted to take the latter’s pistol, and the deputy then loaded the dead man in his automobile and brought the corpse and two other men, Jack & J. W. IVEY, to this city, where the deputy surrendered to Sheriff R. A. MAINERD and gave bond for $2000 for his appearance on the charge of manslaughter. According to the statement of the IVEYs and McCAGE, UNDERWOOD was told to consider himself under arrest, whereupon, he advanced upon the deputy with a stick and grabbed the pistol which the officer held. The officer thereupon opened fire, the ball striking back of the left ear and killing UNDERWOOD instantly. Deputy McCAGE ordered the two IVEYs, also found at the still site, to assist him in placing the body of the 200 pound man in the car and they then drove to Jackson, a distance of 15 miles. Neither of the IVEYs were put under arrest tonight. Charges may later be preferred against them and also against Andrew CLAY, colored, found near the still site. The distillery site was in Panther Creek bottom where a number of illicit stills have been found of late. A version of the difficulty as brought back by
Mr. UNDERWOOD, brother of the dead man, is quite different from the report as above reproduced from Jackson. He stated that Hubert was commissioned by the officer to go with him to arrest a negro at the
still; that they did arrest the negro, and after having done so, he says the officer gave the black a good
beating and was in the act of whipping the negro again, when Hubert remonstrated with him in an
effort to get him not to do so, saying that he thought the negro had been whipped enough; whereupon, he
claims , the officer became enraged at him and a difficulty followed which UNDERWOOD was killed. BURGESS & PETERS, undertakers, in company with Mr. A. J. UNDERWOOD, brother of the deceased, went after the remains and brought them to Ripley Monday morning. After being prepared for burial, they were
carried to the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. G. J. UNDERWOOD, on Brownsville Street, where the
funeral was held Thursday morning at 9:30 o’clock, followed by interment in Prospect Cemetery
near Flippen. The deceased is survived by a wife and five children.
PEA RIDGE—Misses Montine & Mettie SELLERS, of Henning, spent a few days this week with
their aunt, Mrs. W. W. HOPKINS.
Little Winnie SELLERS, of Henning, is spending a few days this week with her aunt, Mrs. W. W. HOPKINS.
Mrs. W. W. HOPKINS spent Saturday afternoon in the home of her sister, Mrs. J. L. SELLERS at Henning.
ARP—The entire community was shocked last Friday when the sad news reached here that Mrs. V. E. BOWIE had passed away while visiting her mother in Covington. She was taken very ill and it was decided that an operation was necessary, after which she lived just three hours. She was laid to rest in the family cemetery near Covington to await the resurrection morning. Mrs. BOWIE was a Christian and was loved by all who knew her.
BARR—Mrs. Sallie TILLSON, from near Memphis, visited her sister, Mrs. C. H. HALL, Sat. & Sun.
Freddie BRANAM and family, visited his sister, Mrs. Jim BRAY near Ripley Saturday.
Mr.& Mrs. W. R. MILLER are parents of a son, born June 24th.He has been christened Virgil Lloyd
Frank BRANAM, of Dyersburg, spent the week-end in the home of his brother, Freddie BRANAM.
MASCEDONIA—Mrs. Mittie FRAZIER happened to a very serious accident Friday afternoon, when
she fell off the porch and broke her arm.
Mr.& Mrs. Fred CATES had their little son, Rodolph, operated on one day the past week. He is
doing as well as could be expected.
HENNING—Mr.& Mrs. Burton SANFORD are proud parents of a son, born June 24th.
GATES—Miss Reba O’NEAL, of Friendship, was a guest of her cousin, Miss Rebecca AVERY Sunday.
Mr.& Mrs. G. W. BUFFALOE and children of Memphis, spent Sunday with parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. B. WILLIAMS.
Mrs. H. R. BRANCH and son, James BRANCH, of Maury City, visited the former’s daughter, Mrs. J. B. LEE Jr., Tuesday.
WOODVILLE—A daughter was born to Mr.& Mrs. Willie WILEY on June 27th.
Mrs. SUMMERVILLE, of ARIZ., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. CHAPMAN.
Mrs. Robert CLARK had as her week-end guests; her sister, Miss Jewell VADEN, of Forked Deer,
& niece, Miss Grace VADEN of Cherry.
ASBURY—Miss Mildred WHITE spent the weekend at Mascedonia, guest of her sister, Mrs. A. D. RICE.
Miss Frances ANDERSON, of Ripley, was a guest in the home of her uncle, Andrew WHITE, Monday.
CONNER—Miss Zeller SPILLER spent several days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Roy Lee, near Ripley.
Mr.& Mrs. FENNELL and family from near Ripley, spent Sunday in the J. E. SPILLER home.
Mr.& Mrs. Harbert WILLIAMS and family, of Ashport, spent Saturday & Sunday here with her
mother, Mrs. J. T. KIRKESS.
CROSS ROADS—Mrs. J. D. BURNHAM attended the funeral of Mr. GREEN McCORD at Dry Hill
George TILLMAN and son, Hubert, motored to Humboldt on business Monday.
T. M. ANDERSON, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. E. BENTLY.
Ernest UNDERWOOD, who has a position with Mr. Eric TURNER in Ripley, visited his mother, Mrs. J. D. BURNHAM, several days this week.
BLUFF—G. W. FRAZIER and family spent the week-end at Mascedonia, guests of his mother.
Mrs. Anna PENNINGTON, of Central, spent one day the past week here with her mother.
Fletcher DUGGAN & E. MIDYETT, of Henning Farm, were here one day last week.
LIGHTFOOT—Miss Montine OSTEEN has been very sick, but is improving.
Mr.& Mrs. A. H. LOTT of Curve, spent the week-end with their son, Will LOTT.
CEDAR GROVE—Last Tuesday morning while in the field of work, Mr. Green McCORD had a stroke of paralysis, rendering him unconscious. He battled between life and death until Sunday morning at 4 o’clock when the Death Angel came and called him home. His children were called to his bedside but his son, Eugene, his eldest and wife of Evansville, IN., did not reach here before he passed away. He was buried at Enon. He leaves his wife; children: Eugene of IND., Henry, of Bells, and Mrs. Pearl METCALF of this place; also one grandchild.
WALNUT GROVE—Miss Emma TAYLOR is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John TAYLOR at Ashport.
Mrs. John McPHERSON and children, of Essex, MS., spent a few days with her brother, J. L. TAYLOR.
Mrs. Edwin MEADOWS and children are spending this week in Ripley with her mother, Mrs. Dan
LUCKETT—Mrs. A. I. WEBB visited her sister, Mrs. Maude TEMPLE near Asbury Tuesday.
Miss Quintus BRIGGS was called to Lightfoot to attend the bedside of Miss Montine AKIN.
LOCAL AND PERSONAL—Mrs. Mattie UTLEY, of Halls, is visiting her son, Milton UTLEY.
Mrs. Eva M. SMITH and grandson, Joe Alfred LACKEY, are visiting in Millington.
Capt. J. D. TARRANT, of Memphis, visited his daughter, Mrs. R. H. CHISHOLM, last week.
Joe McCLENDON, of Holland, MO., spent Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. J. A. CLORE.
Mrs. G. R. BRADEN left Monday for Memphis to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. H. SANDERS.
Mrs. W. Dan MAJORS and children; Marshell, Mary, Sarah and James Storer spent Thursday in
G. M. PARTEE went to Chattanooga last week to accompany his sister, Mrs. R. E. PUGH, to Rochester, MN.
Mrs. W. B. DRAKE fell at her home near Hurricane Hill one day last week and broke her left limb, near the ankle.
Mrs. Ed PATTERSON, of Holly Grove, AR., was a guest of her sister, Mrs. F. H. PEEPLES, the first of the week.
Miss Laura SANDERS died June 25th,at her home near Orysa and was buried at Durhamville. She was 14 years of age.
Mr.& Mrs. T. H. DUVALL and Mrs. J. N. SAMUEL spent Sunday in Maury City, guests of A. J. BALLINGER and family.
Mrs. G. S. MOORE, Gordan MOORE, Jr., and Miss Elizabeth MOORE left Wednesday on a cross-country trip to Clarksville, Texas.
Mr.& Mrs. E. A. FERGUSON and daughters; Misses Marjorie & Vashti, of Halls, were Sunday
guests in the W. H. LANCASTER home.
Rev. G. B. HARRIS left Wednesday for Fort Bragg, NC where he will spend the month of July as
Chaplain in the Officers Reserve Corps. He is a First Lieutenant.
Mrs. R. E. TURNER, of Munford, was with her daughter, Mrs. F. H. PEEPLES this week. She returned
home Tuesday accompanied by Mrs. PEEPLES & children.
Mrs. John R. TUCKER and children left Monday for Memphis for two weeks with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. W. M. PALMER. Mr. TUCKER spent Monday and Tuesday with them.
Rev. J. W. MOORE, wife and son, Fred Peeples MOORE of Helena, AR., were here Saturday. Bro. MOORE is pastor of First Methodist Church of West Helena, AR. He formerly resided in Halls.
Joe, 10 year-old son of Mr.& Mrs. E. C. JOHNSTON, who lives near Henning, was quite badly burned about the face, arms and breast one day this week, when he stuck a lighted match into the bungehole of an asphalt drum, causing it to explode. Mr. JOHNSTON is employed on the highway and the drum, after being emptied, had been carried to his home and rolled out on the lot. He is at a loss to know just why his son should have resorted to such folly, and considers it a miracle that he escaped with his life.
WHITEFIELD—Mrs. George MILLER and children, from near Woodville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. GRIMES.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom MITCHELL and daughter, Pauline, of Asbury, spent Saturday & Sunday in the
I. B. WHEATLEY home.
FORKED DEER— Mrs. W. D. WELLS was called to the bedside of her
mother, Mrs. J. H. HARTMAN, in Memphis last week.
Mr.& Mrs. J. C. WESSON and grandson, Wesson HAY, were in Brownsville Saturday.
CLUB CAMP—The West Tennessee District Club Camp will be held at Jackson at the Experiment Station July 13–18.
ARP: James Hunt MORRIS; Greaves ALSTON; John M. MORRIS, Jr.; Bryan THOMPSON; Steve
TAYLOR; Garrett DENNIE; Joe Hale JENKINS; Robert SANDLIN; Waddell LUCAS; Rufus Chester
TAYLOR; Elma DENNIE; Katherine DENNIE; and Frances WALCH.
CENTRAL: Aubrey WEBB; Sue WEBB; Evelyn ARWOOD; & J. W. VAUGHN, Jr.
Daisy Dean SUTTON; William CALDWELL.
DRY HILL : Lynwood BENTLY; Clarence PRESCOTT; William HALL; Artell BRASFIELD; Marion
GARRETT; Catherine CRIHFIELD; Alta Lee BENTLY; Geraldine JONES; Frances RAY; Lucy
Helen GRIFFEN; Maggie Sue JONES; Mildred Mai CAMPBELL.
INFANT SON IS LAID TO REST—The funeral for little Isham Harris BROWN, twenty-three month
old son of Mr.& Mrs. C. Harris BROWN of Grand Avenue, was held at their residence Saturday
afternoon at 5 o’clock. A large number of sorrowing friends gathered to offer sympathy to the
bereaved parents and their tribute of love to their baby. The end came quite suddenly at 4 o’clock
Friday afternoon. Friday morning the child was apparently in the best of health, and was downtown
with his mother. He was brought to the Sun office on Friday morning, where it is remarked by
members of the force that he looked splendidly and seemed to be standing the hot weather in a fine
manner. At noon, there was no indication of the sudden illness with which he was seized about 2
o’clock. Every effort was made to give him life, but the skill of the physicians was to no avail, and he
passed into his last sleep.
News of the passing of the child spread rapidly over the city and many expressions of sympathy
for the parents were heard from all sides. Services were conducted by Dr. E. D. McDOUGELL of the
First Presbyterian Church, and a hymn was sung by a quartette composed of
Mrs. G. C. WILKERSON, Mrs. Jesse MIDYETT, Guy WINDROM and Earl HAWKINS. Following the
services at the home, interment was made in the Hollywood Cemetery.
(Jackson Sun–July 5th)
INSTANTLY KILLED—Jackson, Tn., July 9th–Judge J. Will ROSS, federal judge at Memphis was
instantly killed this morning five miles east of here at 8 o’clock, when the car in which he was riding
plunged into a drainage canal. He was alone in the car and how the accident occurred, which killed
him is not known.
HENNING—Master Thomas ADAMS, of Ripley, is spending this week with his aunt, Mrs. John
J. C. DUDLEY, of Memphis, is a visitor in the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. B. LANKFORD.
Mrs. Olive SHARPE left Tuesday for Denver, Colo., to visit her sisters, Misses Irvie & Kate THUM.
Lynmore BRANDON, of Atlanta, GA., arrived Tuesday on a visit to parents, Mr. & Mrs. R. L. BRANDON.
CENTRAL—Mrs. Alvis WILLIAMS is very sick with pellagra.
Mrs. Clyde ARWOOD spent the 4th at Maury City with her father, Mr. BALLINGER.
Mr.& Mrs. John CHISM spent the 4th at Arp with his sister, Mrs. Charlie MANESS.
Mrs. Lorene NEWMAN, of Memphis, was a guest of her parents, Mr.& Mrs. T. J. CAGLE last week.
A large number from here went to Mr. Jeff WEBB’s near the Bluff on the 4th,to the fish fry given
by the WEBB brothers. A large crowd was there.
J. M. NEWMAN & wife and Odie FORTNER & wife were called to Luxora, AR., Sunday to the
bedside of Mrs. W. D. GITCHELL, who is very sick.
Billy LANGLEY and two granddaughters, of Curve, and Mr .& Mrs. Brown LANGLEY & children, of
Bexar, spent the 4th with Mr.& Mrs. Isaac LANGLEY.
Last Friday night about 9 o’clock, Mr. CROOK’s barn burned. It contained about 25 barrels of
corn, some hay and plow tools and the loss was complete as he had no insurance.
Last Saturday night, someone entered the store of Clyde ARWOOD and carried off about $130
worth of merchandise and about $9 in cash. Entrance was gained by forcing a window in the rear of
the building.
Mr.& Mrs. C. A. LOCKARD are visiting the latter’s mother, Mrs. B. F. FITZGERALD. Mr. LOCKARD is
home on a furlough from Ft. Benning, GA., and he and his wife will be with homefolks near Golddust
and Ashport until September 1st.
FLIPPEN—Miss Annie Kate HENDREN fell from a horse Friday and broke the bone in one arm.
CROSS ROADS—Mrs. W. E. BENTLEY spent Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. Vernon DANIELS in
Mrs. Ann BUTTS, of Memphis, and Miss Dora DAVIS, of Blytheville, AR., spent several days last
week with their mother, Mrs. Arthur DAVIS, who is confined to her bed, but is reported better.
Mr.& Mrs. Alvin DAVIS attended the funeral services of Hubert UNDERWOOD at the home of
his father in Ripley, Thursday of last week.
CONCORD—The little son of Mrs. John STRINGER is ill with typhoid fever.
Mr.& Mrs. John DAVIS spent Sunday in Gates with their son, Ollie DAVIS.
Mrs. Cora BITTICK,of Dawson Springs, KY., is visiting her sister, Mrs. John DAVIS.
Mr.& Mrs. W. F. DODD spent the 4th in Brownsville with her brother, Sam DAVIS.
Mrs. T. E. STRINGER is spending the summer in Hot Springs, AR., with her daughter, Mrs. S. J.
BLUFF—Will KELLICK and family from near Knob Creek spent Sunday here with Mr.& Mrs. Jim
Mr.& Mrs. G. C. WEBB and sons spent Sunday in the C. N. ARMOUR home near the Henning
Mr.& Mrs. J. C. CRIHFIELD; Mr. & Mrs. Odell ELLIS; Lewis CRIHFIELD and family and Miss Wilma
CHISM spent Saturday at Arp, guests of their sister, Mrs. Charlie MANESS.
GATES—H. L. WITT spent Sunday in Normal with his sister, Miss Minnie Lee WITT.
Mr.& Mrs. J. S. TURNER and children, of Maud, MS., are visiting the latter’s father, S. T. HUMPHREYS.
Mrs. R. C. TURNER and baby of KY., are visiting their mother, Mrs. W. H. CARTER, before leaving
for their home in Palm Beach, Fla.
BARR—Coy CASH was called to the bedside of his mother in a hospital in Blytheville, AR., Saturday.
Harvey GLOZIER and family, from near Blue Grass, visited her mother, Mrs. J. P. SAMPLE, Saturday & Sunday.
PEA RIDGE—Mrs. J. L. SELLERS, of Henning spent one night last week in the home of her
sister, Mrs. W. W. HOPPERS.
Mrs. Vollie BEASLEY and children, from Tipton County, spent Saturday night in the home of her
aunt, Mrs. W. W. HOPKINS.
Mr.& Mrs. Urban were called Monday from AR., to the bedside of little Eugene HOPKINS, who is
very sick.
ARP—Miss Lurline WEAVER spent last week with her sister, Mrs. W. W. WOODARD in Memphis.
Mr.& Mrs. W. W. WOODARD, of Memphis, visited parents, Mr. & Mrs. R. L. WEAVER, a few days last
CURVE—Miss Gay CHALK spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Jim POSTON.
ASBURY—W. B. KELLER, of Flippen, spent one day recently in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Andrew
CRAIG—John E. CRAIG, of Barr, spent the weekend in the home of his brother, C. E. CRAIG.
Mr.& Mrs. Johnnie CALDWELL, of Memphis, spent Saturday & Sunday with her
father, Mr. BOHANAN.
On July 4th,about 60 people met at BUCHANAN & SHALLOWS old campground on Chisholm
Lake and had a fish fry. All had an enjoyable time, plenty of fish, cold drinks and ice water, and
enough dinner spread to have fed 100 people. Among those present were; Joe NEWMAN & family
of Central; Cuthbert NEWMAN & family, of Coal Creek; John CALDWELL & wife, of Memphis;
W. O. ANYAN & family ; Joe M. SMITH & family; I. F. BROWN & family; Mr. BOHANAN & sons, Orville
& Rufus; Charlie CRAIG & family; little William DUVALL; R. S. FULKERSON; O. T. STEWART, &
Lester CRAIG, all of this place; and John E. CRAIG of the Barr.
MOTHER IS DEAD–(Mrs. C. S. BALL )—At 6 o’clock on the morning of June 23rd,1925,after a
long night of hopeless watching, the Death Angel crept into our home and claimed for its own, our
darling mother. She is gone but not forgotten.
On earth we’ll never meet again,
But someday we’ll meet in heaven
Where there will be no pain
She smiled farewell to the earth,
Heaven retaineth noe our treasure.
Earth the lonely casket keeps
And the sunbeams love to linger
Where our sainted mother sleeps.
Dear mother’s smiles-I miss them so
All through the day wher’er I go.
How lonely it seems for no mother near,
Her voice I cannot hear;
Daytime or night time, wher’er I go
Dear mother’s smiles; I miss them so. HER CHILD.
CARD OF THANKS—We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness shown us during the
short illness and death of our dear wife and mother. May God’s richest blessings rest upon you all.
Mr. C. S. BALL & children.
ASHPORT—Mrs. Alice WEBB has malarial fever.
Walter WILLIAMS has returned home from the Navy.
Miss Katie MUELLER and Nat GRAMMER, of Golddust, visited here Sunday.
Mr.& Mrs. George COOK , of Ripley ,visited her sister, Mrs.Bessie BURNS Saturday.
Mr.& Mrs. Doss CANNON spent last week in Ripley with her aunt, Mrs. Newt MASON.
LANGLEY’s MILL— C. A. BLANKENSHIP and son, Claud, attended the bedside of his father near
Central Sunday.
Will KELLY and family and Mrs. Hattie COLVIN and son, spent Saturday and Sunday in the
home of their mother, Mrs. Alice KELLY.
MASCEDONIA—Miss Mamie FRAZIER & Miss HARGETT, of Memphis, spent the week-end with
Mrs. Mittie FRAZIER.
Miss Beatrice ESCUE & brother, James Edward, are spending this week-end with relatives at
Mrs. BRANAN & children of Double Bridges, were recent guests of parents, Mr.& Mrs. W. M. BECTON.
FORKED DEER—Mrs. Hattie VADEN, and daughter, Miss Jewell VADEN and Misses Jessie Mai
REEVES & Grace VADEN and John W. WILLIAMS, attended district conference in Friendship.
COAL CREEK—Little Pauline WEBB is on the sick list.
The fish fry given by S. J. WEBB on July 4th was well attended.
Mr.& Mrs. W. D. NEWMAN spent a few days the past week in Memphis with their son, David
Jeff WEBB & family and Mr.& Mrs. John DURHAM spent Sunday in the W. W. WEBB home near
Mr. & Mrs. Dee WEBB, of Halespoint, spent Saturday night with Mr. & Mrs. Jeff WEBB. J. W. PENNINGTON returned home with them.
EDITH—Arch WRIGHT is on the sick list.
Little Chapman NEWMAN continues quite ill.
A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Banks TAYLOR on July 5th.
Mrs. Lou WARD, of Memphis, spent last week here with her mother, Mrs. George Grear.
WOODVILLE—Avery WILLIS left Friday to visit his brother, Herbert WILLIS at Blytheville, AR.
Harbert Dudley PERCIFUL is spending his vacation with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. J. F. PERCIFUL.
Misses Bertha Mai & Emma Sue WILLIS of Nankipoo, spent the week-end with their
mother, Mrs. John LANCASTER.
Mrs. J. E. CHAPMAN has as her guests, her sister and family, Mr. & Mrs. McDOUGAL, of Chicago and
another sister, Mrs. Blanton HALL, of Memphis.
PERCIFUL—Buck TALLANT was called to Mississippi last week by the death of his father.
Little Olgie KIRBY, of Conner, spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Joe WHITE.
Mr.& Mrs. Carol LEGGETT, of Crockett County, are attending the bedside of their little
daughter, Virgie, who continues seriously ill in the home of her grandparents, Mr. &
WHITEFIELD—Sim PARCHMAN’s barn was struck by lightening Saturday afternoon and
burned. Mr. PARCHMAN lost all his feed stuff and seven pigs.
LOCAL AND PERSONAL—A daughter was born to Mr. & Mrs. Roger EVANS on July 4th.
Jim SAVAGE and Miss Rachel GREEN were married Sunday at Golddust.
Miss Rachel WILKINSON, of Jackson, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred WILKES.
Ted, son of James SCOTT, of Golddust, was brought to the city hospital for treatment the first of
the week.
Mr.& Mrs. V. W. HENDERSON and daughter, of Salisbury, NC are visiting their cousin, Mrs. W. T. RICE, and other relatives here.
Mr. & Mrs. Odell ROGERS, of Lambert, MS have returned home after a few days visit to their sister, Mrs. W. I. RICE, and other relatives at Glimp and Luckett.
Mrs. Dan KLUTTS, Mrs. Ben WHITE, A. KLUTTS & wife, and Robert KLUTTS attended the little
son of Mr.& Mrs. Harris BROWN in Jackson Sunday.
LUCKETT—Mrs. Jim WEBB is on the sick list.
Misses Jessie & Evelyn DRAKE are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Ollie MITCHELL in Memphis.
Mr.& Mrs. H. B. McGARRITY & daughter, Sarah Mai, and Mrs. Katie REUTER, spent Sunday
afternoon in the W. M. NELSON home at Golddust.
RESIDENCE BURNED—The residence of ex-Sheriff John T. COUGHLAN was destroyed by
fire Tuesday morning about 10 o’clock, thought to have originated from a defective flue. He places
his loss at $4000,but carried $1800 insurance on the building and $1000 on the household goods. His smokehouse burned also and it was not covered by insurance.
—DRY HILL—Mrs. J. H. ADKERSON is on the sick list.
Tom HUTCHERSON, of Chic, was a Sunday visitor here.
Parker COX, of Edith, attending the singing Sunday night.
B. F. HUTCHERSON made a business trip to Ripley Sunday night.
Mr.& Mrs. D. E. BENTLEY visited in Crockett County Saturday.
Miss Joe Anna & Alice EZRA, attended preaching at Enon Sunday.
Tom ERSA and Clarence PRESCOTT attended preaching Sunday at Curve.
J. J. WILSON and family and Mr.& Mrs. D. H. WILSON are visiting relatives in Blytheville, AR.
Frank TURNER has returned to Blytheville, AR., after a few weeks visit with his sister, Mrs. Lula
Mrs. Mary WILSON & sister, Elizabeth SCALLIONS, returned Sunday to AR., after a weeks’ visit
with relatives here.
—ARP—Miss Lottie HUNT, of Trenton, is visiting in the J. D. HUNT home.
Mr.& Mrs. Elsworth HAYNES, of Central, visited her mother, Mrs. Ollie THOMPSON, Friday.
Mrs. James ADAMS and daughter, Josephine, have been visiting in Memphis the last two weeks.
W. B. SAPP & son, Willie, and little grandson, of Dallas, TX, are visiting relatives here.
Mr.& Mrs. LeRoy BECTON, of Unionville, spent Sunday with parents, Mr.& Mrs. F. E. BECTON.
Mr.& Mrs. Wes BOWIE, of Hurricane Hill, visited in the J. H. WADSWORTH home Sunday
—CURVE—Jim TILLMAN is confined to his bed.
Mrs. Willie ANDERSON is visiting in Fulton, KY.
Leon STONE, of Golddust, is visiting William RUTTLEDGE.
Mrs. Eddie WEBB, of Memphis, spent Sunday with Mrs. Pete WALPOOLE.
Miss Jewell THOMPSON, of Goodman, AR., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jim TILLMAN.
Ashley HANCOCK, of Golddust, visited in the Oscar LANGLEY home, Saturday night & Sunday.
Miss Sam Ethel & Walter Grant GARRETT have returned from a visit with their grandmother in
—MARY’s CHAPEL—Ernest CRAIG is on the sick list.
Mrs. H. T. MANESS was numbered among the sick last week.
Miss Birdie Mae CRAIG was quite sick several days last week.
R. C. CRINER was on the sick list a few days the first of the week.
Rev. W. M. POWELL & family visited in the Charles KLUTTS home Sunday
Jim THOMPSON spent one night last week with his sister, Mrs. Ed CRAIG.
Bud SMITH & family, of Conner, spent Sunday with Mr.& Mrs. M. E. WILLIAMS.
Mr.& Mrs. G. W. STYERS of Hurricane Hill, spent Sunday in the Pete CRAIG home.
Mr.& Mrs. Odie STONE and Mrs. T. C. STONE attended the bedside of little Frances BRAY at
Whitefield one night last week.
—HENNING—Miss Willie Mae JETER accompanied her brother, Louis JETER, of Covington, to
Memphis Monday.
Mrs. J. B. TILLMAN & son, J. B. Jr., of Tillatoba, MS., are visitors in the home of her brother, J. H. DAME.
On the morning of the 11th of July, 1925, God, in His infinite wisdom, saw fit to call to Himself, Henry JACOBS, one of His children, just blooming into manhood. He was ill for nine months. He was laid to rest in Poplar Grove Cemetery.
—BLUFF—Little Pastell REECE, of Mascedonia, spent Saturday here with his uncle.
Mr.& Mrs. Marion MIDYETT, of Mascedonia, are visiting their daughter here.
—FLIPPEN—Mrs. Monroe CROWDER spent the first of last week with parents, Mr.& Mrs. Luther
JORDON at Whitefield.
Mr.& Mrs. John Paul HAYNES, of Central, were guests of parents, Mr.& Mrs. John FERGASON, Monday.
John Paul HAYNES, of Central, and Miss Cleo FERGASON, of this place, surprised their many
friends by driving to Covington Saturday afternoon and getting married.
—CONCORD—J. B. MILAM & son, Edward, spent Saturday in Halls.
Mr.& Mrs. Robert DEW spent Saturday near Halls, with her mother, Mrs. MOORE.
Mr.& Mrs. John ADKERSON, of Dry Hill, spent Friday night in the home of Mrs. H. W. WHITE.
Misses Vallie Mae & Echial Milam of Perciful, spent Monday afternoon with Miss Dixie MILAM.
—WILLIAMSTOWN—Mrs. Viola GAINES & two sons, Ishmael and Harrell, visited her
sister, Mrs. Walter YOUNGER, in Ripley one day the past week.
—LANGLEY’s MILL—Mrs. C. A. BLANKENSHIP attended the bedside of Mrs. Buck WALDING one
night last week.
—WOODVILLE—Mrs. G. W. DILL & daughter. Mrs. Walter EVANS, spent Tuesday in the home of her
son, Polk SMITH, in Brownsville.
Mrs. G. T. SCOTT & children visited her mother, Mrs. W. J. WILSON, last week.
Mrs. Morris STALLINGS of Halls, visited her sister, Mrs. Levi CLARK last week.
Mrs. Warner COLEMAN had as her guests last week, her brother, Mr. JACOBS & family of Memphis.
Mary Sue CLARK spent last week with her grandparents, Mr.& Mrs. H. C. CLARK.
—WALNUT GROVE—Miss Opal PENNINGTON, of Central, is spending this week with her cousins, Misses Emma & Pauline TAYLOR.
Mrs. Winnie WILKERSON & daughter, Edith, have returned to their home in Cairo, IL., after a few months visit with her sister, Mrs. Will TRIPP.
—GATES—Mrs. Emma BOYSTUN, of Ripley, is a visitor her daughter, Mrs. F. B. BRADFORD.
Mrs. Mollie E. FERGUSON has as her guests, her neices, Mrs. Jack BURCH & children, of
Memphis, and Miss Norma McPHERSON of Whitehaven.
—BARR—Mrs. Manolia BURROUGH, Of Missouri, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Etta KISSELL.
A loggerhead turtle weighing a hundred pounds was caught one day last week out of Forked
Deer River by Tom FREEMAN.
—LUCKETT—Burrel GLIMP, of Bells, visited his mother, Mrs. V. B. GLIMP, Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Bettie DAVIS & children are visiting her sister, Mrs. Tom GRIFFEN at Ashport.
Miss Victoria VANDERGRIFF is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. J. E. WOODARD.
Mr.& Mrs. H. B. McGARRITY and daughter, Sarah Mai, and Mrs. Katie REUTER, spent Sunday at
Golddust, guests of Mr.& Mrs. W. M. NELSON, Sarah Mai is spending the week there.
—PLEASANT HILL—D. G. THUM and W. M. SKINNER attended the funeral of Mr. Henry JACOBS.
Mr.& Mrs. G. R. EVANS and four children, Pauline, John, Sam and Alford, of Ripley, spent Sunday
night and Monday in the Paul EVANS home.
—LOCAL AND PERSONAL—A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Ed ROBERSON last Friday.
Mrs. Pauline CURRIE and son, Jack, left Sunday for Ashville, NC for a few days.
J. A. HIGGINS is able to be up after several weeks’ illness of typhoid fever.
Miss Geraldine KIMBLE & brother Julius, spent Monday and Tuesday in Jackson.
Mrs. John DUNCAN & little son, John Jr., of Double Bridges, visited relatives here this week.
A. M. McDONALD, of Memphis, is spending this week with his daughter, Mrs. J. A. HIGGENS.
Jack WAKEFIELD is confined to his home nursing a sprained ankle received by a fall from the
fire truck Tuesday.
Mrs. C. B. LLOYD, of Atoka, visited her nephew, John S. EVANS, several days, returning home
Mr.& Mrs. M. E. FERRER, of Corinth, MS., spent several days here the past week. They were
married in Corinth last Friday.
The residence of Mr. Dewey CRIHFIELD, on the Edith road near Coal Creek, was destroyed by
fire Tuesday night about 11:30 o’clock. The family was in Mississippi, and only tenants were on the
place. Some of the house hold goods were saved.
—CROSS ROADS—Elmer DAVIS is visiting his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur DAVIS. Miss Dorths
DAVIS, also from Blytheville is visiting her grandfather, A. DAVIS.
E. J. COFFMAN & daughter, Miss Louise, of Memphis, spent several days the past week in the
home of his brother, W. H. COFFMAN.
—PEA RIDGE—On the morning of the 9th of July, the Death Angel entered the home of Mr.&
Mrs. Marvin HOPKINS, and claimed their little son, William Eugene, age one year and ten days. He
was sick only five days. A heart broken mother and father and a host of relatives are left to mourn
his death. The little body was laid to rest the following morning in Poplar Grove beneath a mound of
—PERCIFUL—Arnold ESCUE is on the sick list.
Erbe GARRETT, of Gates, was a guest of Frank AKIN Thursday.
Miss Bessie Sue ADKERSON, of Dry Hill, spent Wednesday night with Miss Allie WHITE.
Little Lucile DUNAVANT, of Conner, spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. EMMETT White.
Mrs. Morris STALLINGS & baby, of Halls, have been visiting parents, Mr.& Mrs. Charlie AKIN.
Mrs. G. E. SMITH & son, George, and little granddaughter, Elizabeth Dew, of Woodville visited in the Frank AKIN home one afternoon the past week.
—KNOB CREEK—Misses Ellie May MORRIS & Pauline RUCKER, of Unionville, are visiting their
aunt, Mrs. W. F. LOTT.
Alvin Jennings continues quite ill, having been confined to his bed for twelve weeks.
—GOLDDUST—W. M. SHOEMAKE & son, Frank, and Fletcher CHIPMAN spent Saturday in Ripley.
Those on the sick list are: Mrs. Green CHIPMAN; and daughter, Oma; and Little Helen
HANCOCK; and Mrs. Sonia SPRAY.
Mrs. Eva CHIPMAN, who has been sick, is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. E. E. DRUMWRIGHT and family near Hurricane Hill.
Bill ACUFF and family; Mrs. Neely FITZGERALD and daughter and baby, spent Sunday with Mr.&
Mrs. Lutrell WOODS at Plum POINT.
—MASCEDONIA—Miss Nettie DENNISON is on the sick list.
Mrs. Will SPOON is visiting relatives in Bogota.
Miss FAIE RICE is sick with tonsilitis.
J. D. RICE spent Friday with his brother, W. T. Rice in Ripley.
Monroe CLAY, of Caruthersville, MO., is visiting in the Wheeler CLAY home.
W. E. CREWS, of Knob Creek, was a visitor to his sister, Mrs. Bud HALL.
—ASHPORT—Mrs. A. L. GRIGGS, of Lightfoot, is attending the bedside of Mrs. Bessie BURNS, who is
ill with chills and malarial fever.
———————————END OF JULY 17th,1925 issue————————————————-.
JULY 31st 1925
Ripley, Tennessee
—LOCAL & PERSONAL—A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Austin LASSITER Wednesday.
Miss Signa CRIHFIELD, of Edith, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. J. L. BARBOUR.
Norfleet ANTHONY and sister, Mrs. S. B. HATHORN spent Monday in Memphis.
Mrs. A. M. CHISHOLM, of Halls, is spending this week with her son, Trustee R. H. CHISHOLM.
Garnett DUNAVANT, of Memphis, is spending this week here with parents, the J. V. DUNAVANTs.
Shelby TUCKER was ill a few days last week. His brother, Aubrey Lee, who has pneumonia, is reported recovering.
Miss Christine CRAIG is nursing her sister, Mrs. C. D. RUFFIN, who under went an operation for appendicitis in the hospital in Blytheville, Ark., on July 22nd.
Mr.& Mrs. G. L. HUNTER and daughter, of Crawfordsville, Ark., are visiting her brother, Claud HOWELL and grandparents, Mr.& Mrs. G. W. HOPPER at Glimp, her own home.
Many people in Ripley were grieved to learn of the death of Mr. Sol STERNBERGER, which occurred in Newark, NJ last Saturday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. BEITMAN. He had spent many months at intervals, during the past few years in Ripley with his daughter, Mrs. Sam BERG. Mrs. BERG and children left
Saturday night for Philadelphia, where interment took place.
Mrs. J. H. LEWIS & Monroe LEWIS of Henning, and Mrs. Lillian YARDY and two children, and Miss Gladys MONTGOMERY and Everett LEWIS, of Memphis, spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. J. T. ADAMS.
Cato DAVIS, daughter, Miss Frances, and son, Allen, of Atlanta, GA.; Miss Rachel BURROWS, of Woodland Mills, and Rev. Mack JENKINS, of Paducah Ky., are guests in the home of R. D. JENKINS.
Mrs. Frank SMITH, 31 years of age, died Tuesday at her home near Pleasant Hill, and was
buried Wednesday morning at Bethlehem Cemetery. She is survived by a husband and four
Our entire community regrets the serious illness of Mr. Landrum LEAVELL, who suffered
a stroke of paralysis in Nashville last Friday. Dr. L. O. LEAVELL is in Nashville with him
and will later join his family in Frostburg, Md., where they are spending the month of
—RUTHERFORD—Mr.& Mrs. Herman UNDERWOOD, of Brownsville, are visiting parents, John TOOMBS.
Mrs. S. C. METER, Mrs. A. A. GOOCH and Mrs. J. D. GRADY, attended the funeral of Mrs. George OSTEEN of Lightfoot last week.
—MARTIN–PATTERSON—T. D. MARTIN and Miss Nora Bell PATTERSON surprised their friends Wednesday evening when about 7 o’clock they drove over to Baptist Manse and the pastor, Elder W. F. CARLTON said the words that made them man and wife. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. R. C. PATTERSON and is a popular member of the younger society set. Mr. MARTIN is a railroader, a fine young man who has been stationed here in the signal service for the past year. They will make their home in
Fulton, Ky., where Mr. MARTIN is stationed with the I. C. R. R. Co.–Greenfield Gazette.
Note: Mr. Martin formerly resided near Halls and the family is now living near Nankipoo.
—LOCAL AND PERSONAL—Capt. P. N. CONNER is still confined to his home by illness.
Mrs. LIVINGSTON of Nashville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. B. HARRIS.
Miss Medie FOWLER, of Blytheville, Ark., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. A. CLORE.
Dr. W. M. BROWN & wife, of Memphis are visiting their son, Will BROWN.
Mrs. J. M. SLAUGHTER, of Paducah Ky., is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. D. PARNELL.
Mrs. George OSTEEN died Tuesday at her home at Lightfoot, after a few days illness.
G .S .MOORE and sons, Gordon, Jr., and William were in Memphis Monday.
John BUCHANAN has been quite sick the past week at the home of Ed SANFORD.
Miss Isabel GORDON, of Hopkinsville, Ky., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. G. O. THOMPSON.
Mr.& Mrs. Frank SANDSTER, of Osceola, Ark., spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Emma
Mrs. Clarence THURMOND and little son, of Dyersburg, are guests of her mother, Mrs. L. B. ARCHER.
Mrs. S. P. TUGGLE returned Tuesday to her home in Capleville after a weeks’ visit with her brother, Dr. J. H. LACKEY.
Mr.& Mrs. Ralph RICE, of Dyersburg, announce the birth of their son, Milton Bacon RICE, on Sunday, July 19th, 1925.
John H. COWELL, 58 years of age, died at the county farm and was buried at Mt. Pleasant. He is survived by two sons.
—G. W. SAPP DIES—Mr. G. W. SAPP died Monday night at the home of his sister, Mrs. Edwin THORNLEY, at Arp, after only a few days’ illness. He has attended a fish fry–a family reunion–at the lake on Wednesday of last week, and greatly enjoyed the bountiful spread and good fellowship which prevailed on this occasion. The following morning he was stricken with paralysis from which he never regained consciousness. He
was a member of the Baptist Church and funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at Maplewood Cemetery where the remains were laid to rest. He was in his 69th year, a native of Georgia, but spent the greater part of his life in Ripley. He is survived by three brothers and two sisters: W. B. SAPP, of Dallas, Tx.; C. J. SAPP, of Memphis; Mrs. Lucy THOMPSON, of Blytheville, Ark.; M. I. SAPP & Mrs. Bessie THORNLEY
of Arp.
—KNOB CREEK—Mrs. Ross TREADWELL & two children, Hilda & Louise, attended preaching at Mascedonia Sunday.
Mr.& Mrs. Walter OLDS, of Greenville, Miss., visited his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Rube OLDS last week.
Mr.& Mrs. J. T. JENNINGS & children spent Friday & Saturday in Ripley, guests of his sister, Mrs. L. F. CHEEK.
On Wednesday night of last week, somebody stole about 10 bushels of potatoes,5 bushels of onions, and all the gasoline and tools in J. T. JENNINGS’ car.
—PEA RIDGE—Robert SELLERS from near Lightfoot was in this community Sunday.
Albert JOHNSON and his family spent Wednesday & Thursday of last week in the home of Mr.& Mrs. Arlie FLOWERS near Hatchie Bottoms.
Little Robert FLOWERS, Jr., from near Lightfoot, spent Friday night with grandparents, Mr.& Mrs. J. F. SELLERS.
Mrs. Pink CONRAD & little daughter, Gladys, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Sid CONRAD, near Pleasant Hill.
Mrs. Cleave LOVELACE & little daughter, Willie Mae, from near Williamstown, spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. J. S. RICHARDSON.
—WALNUT GROVE—Little Maude TAYLOR is spending this week in Ripley.
Mrs. J. B. KOONCE & son, Billie, are visiting her son near Central.
Mrs. Mattie TAYLOR & children, are spending this week at Edith.
Allen SMITH of Memphis, spent the weekend with parents here.
Mrs. Cora HARRISON spent a few days last week at Craig attending a meeting.
Mrs. Bessie COLLINS & children, of Craig, are spending a few weeks in the Joe QUICK home.
Miss Annie Sue GARRETT, of Curve, is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Dora DENNIE.
Kenneth CUMMINGS & R. H. PENNINGTON, of Edith, were in this community Sunday.
Mrs. Luna YOUNG & baby, of Ripley, spent a few days the past week in the J. L. TAYLOR home.
Mr.& Mrs. John THOMPSON, of the Barr, spent the weekend in the J. B. KOONCE home.
Mrs. Mattie ASHFORD & son Montelle, of Edith, and Mrs. Ivan WEBB & baby, of Memphis, spent a few days the past week in the John TAYLOR home.
—CROSS ROADS—Efolk BENTLEY and sister, Mildred, spent the weekend near Conner.
Mr.& Mrs. C. S. YORT, of Curve, were guests in the G. A. TILLMAN home Sunday.
Mrs. Polk CROWDER and children, of Conner, spent Sunday in the W. E. BENTLEY home.
Mrs. Grace WILLIAMS, of Rives, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Alvin DAVIS, Thursday
night of last week.
—FORKED DEER— Mrs. Guy PRACHT & daughter, Hazel, of Brownsville, spent Friday night here.
J. W. PEARSON, John and Will LANCASTER spent Saturday and Sunday in Trenton.
Lonnie PEARSON spent last week with Mr.& Mrs. Peck HAYNES at Reel Foot Lake.
Mr.& Mrs. Carl PEARSON and baby of Alexandria, La., are visiting relatives here.
Misses Therra LAYNE & Lucille HENDREN of Brownsville, visited Mrs. Will CLARK last week.
Mr.& Mrs. Lawton SHANNON spent the weekend in Dresden with his parents.
Mr.& Mrs. Odis HUMPHREYS and son, of Mannville, spent Thursday with Mr.& Mrs. C. T. HUMPHREYS.
Mrs. Smith CARTER and daughter returned Saturday to Friendship after a visit with Mr.& Mrs. John CARTER.
Mr.& Mrs. Walter DOUGLASS, of Brownsville, and Mrs. Claiborne STURDIVANT of Little Rock, Ark., are visiting Mrs. Nannie HUMPHREYS.
—PERCIFUL—Ben BURLISON and family spent Sunday in the J. E. WHITE home.
Pat WILLIAMS and family spent Sunday with Mr. Luther STANLEY near DURHAMVILLE.
Mr.& Mrs. Dewey BOLDEN, of Gadsden, spent Saturday night with Wesley ELLIS.
Mrs. John KING & Mrs. Jim SMITH, of Ripley were Saturday afternoon visitors here.
Mr.& Mrs. H. B. STANLEY and baby of Rives, were guests in the J. S. ELLIS home Wednesday.
Miss Jewel KLUTTS, of Mary’s Chapel, spent the past week with Miss Beulah WILLIAMS.
Mrs. Herbert WILLIAMS and children and Mrs. Cardell SCALLIONS, of Curve, were guests of Mrs. Jack SCALLIONS.
Mr.& Mrs. C. S. HUGHES and Mr.& Mrs. Oren EASTLOW, of Johnson Grove were guests in the J. S. ELLIS home Sunday.
JULY 31st 1925 continued
Ripley, Tennessee
—IN MEMORY OF OUR SON—Alvin Lee JENNINGS—On Sunday evening, July 19th, God in His infinite power, entered our home and bore away the sweet spirit of our dearly beloved son, Alvin, and wafted it home to dwell with Jesus and all the saints of that celestial city. How our hearts were bowed with grief and pain, when we had to stand by and see our darling boy pass away. It came with such force it seemed more
than we could stand. Our home is not a home anymore, for a dark gloom hovers around us everywhere we
look. Oh, so sad and lonely. We did all in our power for him. we prayed for God to spare our child, but “Thy will be done, not ours.” We were trying to educate him, so he would be a useful man, but God saw fit to call him away and leave us bowed with grief and sorrow. Father & Mother—Mr.& Mrs. J. T. JENNINGS and children.
—GATES—Misses Mary & Clara ESCUE have returned from a visit to relatives in Brownsville.
Mr.& Mrs. Claud WHITAKER of Covington, spent Sunday with the former’s parents.
Miss Cornelia JONES of Memphis, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary E. FERGUSON.
Mr.& Mrs. N. J. HOWARD, of Curve, spent Sunday with Mr.& Mrs. G. C. HARTMAN.
Jimmie THOMAS and Claud CRUMP, of Memphis, are guests in the home of S. B. HALL
Mr.& Mrs. T. S. WILLIAMS and daughter, Miss Nell, spent Sunday in Alamo with relatives.
Mrs. L. L. McDEARMAN and daughter, Miss Margaret and Miss Pauline LEE spent Monday in Dyersburg.
Mr.& Mrs. F. F. FERGUSON and children of Dyersburg, are spending a few days in the homes of J. G. JOHNSON and R. L. HARDY.
Miss Cornelia GORMAN returned to Memphis Monday to spend a few days before returning to make her home with her sister, Mrs. S. B. HILL.
Mrs. G. C. HARTMAN has returned from the hospital in Memphis, where she recently underwent an operation and from which she is nicely recovered.
Mr.& Mrs. James BRANCH, of Maury City, and Mrs. Mary E, FERGUSON spent Sunday afternoon in Dyersburg with Mrs. J. B. LEE, Jr., who is in the hospital.
J. M. BOYD and children and Miss Fannie Boyd, of Obion, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. S. T. HUMPHREYS. Mr. BOYD returned to Obion Sunday afternoon.
—LIGHTFOOT—Miss Mattie GREEN has returned from Normal.
Mr.& Mrs. E. G. LOCKARD spent Sunday at Ashport.
John SPORE, of Memphis, visited the W. B. BLACK home last week.
Vasser FULLEN, of Arp, was in the community Sunday.
Miss Evelyn DUNAVANT of Dyersburg, is visiting Miss Celestyne Black.
Mr.& Mrs. John DENNIE and Dave CRAIG, of Arp, visited here Sunday.
Mr.& Mrs. H. C. PITTS, of Cherry, visited his father, A. C. PITTS, Sunday.
Miss Clarice ROBERSON spent the weekend with Miss Thelma YOUNGER in Ripley.
Mr.& Mrs. J. D. McLEOD, of Ripley, visited Mr.& Mrs. John NELSON Friday.
Mrs. W. B. BLACK left Thursday for Greenville, Miss., to attend the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Dollie DAVIS.
George & Arthur HARGETT, of New Hope, spent Thursday and Friday in the A. N. CROWDER home.
Miss Susie CROWDER and brother, Harold, spent a few days last week with their aunt, Mrs. Ellen HARGETT at New Hope.
Mesdames GRADY; GOOCH; and METER, of Double Bridges attended the funeral of Mrs. George OSTEEN last week. Mrs. METER remained far a few days visit.
—IN MEMORY OF MRS. GEORGE OSTEEN— Born November 24th, 1903; died Tuesday afternoon. July 21st, 1925, making her 21 years and 8 months of age.
Mrs. OSTEEN was formerly Miss Gertrude DENTON. She was married to George OSTEEN on April 11th,1925. Her death was caused by an attack of malarial hemateuria. Gertrude bore a most loveable character. To know her was to love her. She possessed the most valuable asset that any human soul could posses, and that is, she knew Christ and God knew her. No one could possess a more valuable and beautiful thing. She was a member of the Union Church in Lightfoot, having professed faith in Christ during the summer of 1918. Gertrude always lived a beautiful Christian life. We all know she has gone home to glory to dwell with Christ and his angels, and to await the coming of those dear ones she left behind. Let us all live for Christ and do the will of God, that we may meet her someday at the Golden Gates of Heaven. She was a faithful and loving student in school, never giving her teacher any trouble. She also obeyed the rules and if asked to do a thing, she was ever ready, and never did she refuse to try. She is survived by her husband, George; her mother and stepfather, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest METER ;two sisters, Mrs. Stephen GRIGGS and Mrs. Glenn KERNOODLE ; one half brother, Preston METER and two half sisters, Miss Wordna METER and Mrs. Lyle BLACK; also a hosts of relatives and friends who loved her.
—WOODVILLE—Master Lackey ROE, of Memphis, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. G. W. SMITH.
Mrs. A. WILEY is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charlton CRANE in Blytheville, Ark.
Mr. Bernice WELLS, who is working in Dyersburg, spent Sunday with homefolks.
Mr.& Mrs. Robert CLARK spent Sunday near Forked Deer with her mother, Mrs. VADEN.
Mr.& Mrs. John CHAPMAN attended a family reunion in Covington Thursday of last week.
Mrs. Hawk ROBERSON, from near Forked Deer, spent the past week in the Marvin ROBERSON home.
Mr.& Mrs. Leon PERCIFUL 7 son, Eldon, of Dyersburg, visited relatives here over the weekend.
Mrs. A. B. DILL spent the past weekend in Memphis. She was accompanied home by her little nephew, Avery BUFFALOE.
Mrs. G. W. SMITH and sons, George and Montelle, went to Memphis Friday, going down
with her daughter, Mrs. EVANS, who spent several weeks here.
Master Bernard LEGGETT spent a few days the past week with relatives in Nut Bush. He was accompanied home by his cousin, Steve DIXON.
Charlton CRANE and son, of Blytheville, Ark., and daughter, Mrs. Marshall HYLER, of Memphis, spent Wednesday and Thursday in the home of the A. WILEYs.
—MASCEDONIA—Mr.& Mrs. Marion MIDYETT were called to Nankipoo by the death of their son-in-law, Leonard BEARD.
W. M. BECTON is visiting in the Arp community.
Joe Clay DAVIS, of Halls, is visiting relatives here.
J. D. RICE is visiting in Dyer and Crockett Counties.
Oscar HOPKINS, of Dyersburg, spent the weekend at home.
R. C. JENNINGS spent Friday night with his daughter, Mrs. L. F. CHEEK of Ripley.
Miss Ona HENDREN of Edith, spent the weekend with Misses Faie and Maie RICE.
Mrs. Bob BELTON and daughters, Lillie Mai & Lorene, spent Friday with Mrs. R. I. PICKENS.
J. R. REYNOLDS and family have moved back to their homeplace at Golddust to stay until fall.
Miss Gladys ABERNATHY of Nankipoo, spent a few days last week with Miss Geraldine JENNINGS.
Mr.& Mrs. Ernest WISEMAN and two sons, of Kewanee, MO., spent Friday night in the R. M. MIDYETT home.
Mrs. Hilda BINKLEY and children, Harrell & Helen, of St. Louis, are visiting her parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. R. REYNOLDS.
—DRY HILL— Mrs. M. J. ARNOLD spent the weekend in the F. A. NUNN home.
Parker COX, of Edith, spent a few days here this week with his sister.
L. A. ESRA and C. A. CREWS made a business trip to Ripley Saturday.
Clarence PRESCOTT has returned home after a weeks’ visit with his sister in Halls.
Mrs. Bob HUGHES and children of Kentucky spent the weekend with her sister here.
Tom Esra and Clarence PRESCOTT attended preaching at Mascedonia Sunday night.
J. C. OLIVER has returned to his home after a weeks’ visit in Morehouse, Mo., with his daughter.
J. M. PRESCOTT, J. A. HUTCHERSON, and Tom ESRA made a business trip to Dyersburg Thursday.
Tom ESRA spent Tuesday night in Crockett County and was accompanied home by Luther PRATER.
—WHITEFIELD—Rev. Martin TIDWELL and wife of Millington, spent Saturday night in the Tom GAY home.
Vernon ROBERTS and son, J. N., of Double Bridges, spent Tuesday here.
Jimmy PAFFERTY, of St .Louis, spent several days this week with his sister, Mrs. W. W. WATTS.
Misses Roxie and Willie Mai GILLIAM of Forked Deer, spent Sunday with Miss Roxie POINDEXTER.
Mrs. Oscar MAYFIELD and baby of Hazel, Ark., spent a few days last week with the J. A. BIZZELLs.
Mr.& Mrs. Charlie MONTGOMERY and daughter, Miss Mamie, of Hurricane Hill, spent Monday in the H. S. TIMS home.
Tom ROBERTS, of Halespoint and Eacel HARDY, of the Barr, spent Monday with their sister, Mrs. H. H. BRAY.
Among those who attended the bedside of Miss Frances BRAY this week were: Mrs. A.H. CRAIG and children; Jim BRAY and family; Miss Clara Mai ROSS, all of Ripley; Mrs. T. STONE, Mrs. Pete CRAIG, Mrs. Odie STONE, Mrs. LEE, all of Mary’s Chapel; Mr.& Mrs. George TILLMAN of Cross Roads.
—LUCKETT—Miss Vera VOWELL is visiting relatives in Monette, Ark.
Mrs. Era JAMISON, of Memphis, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Bill WILLIAMS.
Miss Mildred ABERNATHY, of Glimp, spent a few days last week with Miss Quintis BRIGGS.
The little son of Palmer GAINES, who recently broke one of his limbs is improving.
Mrs. Rob CROOK, who underwent an operation at the Ripley hospital for appendicitis is still quite ill.
Mrs. Laura OSTEEN, Mr. Will BARNES and Mrs. CHISHOLM opened school here Monday to a large attendance.
—MARY’S CHAPEL—Miss Norene WATTS of Whitefield is visiting Miss Willie Ruth HENDREN.
Mrs. Odie STONE attended the bedside of her sister near Henning several days last week.
Miss Bessie Mai HEATHCOTT of Yarbro, Ark., spent a few days here last week with Miss Janie KLUTTS.
Jim THOMPSON, of Texas, and Buford STYERS of Hurricane Hill spent Wednesday in the Pete CRAIG home.
Miss Pearl MARTIN of Hurricane Hill and Fai CRAIG, of Ripley, visited the Pete CRAIG home last week.
An infant son of Mr.& Mrs. Albert BROGDON, who reside near Henning, was brought here and buried Sunday morning.
Mrs. Pete CRAIG, Mrs. T. C. STONE, Mrs. Odie STONE and Mrs. LEE, attended the bedside of little Frances BRAY, who is quite ill at her home in Whitefield.
—ARP—Dr. T. B. KELTNER and family spent the past weekend in Memphis.
Mr.& Mrs. Andrew DUNAVANT spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. James ADAMS.
C. M. BISHOP and Mr. RICHARDSON, of Memphis, visited in the F. B. THOMPSON home Tuesday Night.
Agnes BOWIE, of Hurricane Hill, visited the J. H. WADSWORTH home the past week and was accompanied home by Mary Elma WADSWORTH, who will spend a few days here.
_________________END OF JULY 31st , 1925 ISSUE__________________________.
Ripley, Tennessee.
Clerk–STEELE-1,817 ; Sheriff–CRAIG-2,182 ; Circuit Court
Clerk–CAMPBELL-2,031; Atty. Gen.–WATKINS-3,275.
—PICTURE OF NEW ATTORNEY GENERAL—Honorable George Clark WATKINS was elected Attorney General of the Sixteenth Judicial District composed of the counties of Lauderdale, Tipton, Fayette, Hardeman, and McNairy, by a majority, by approx. 650 votes. He carried his home county by a majority of 2,602 and received the largest vote ever accorded a candidate in Lauderdale County. This is s great compliment
because Watkins defeated a very strong man in the person of Gen. ABERNATHY.
—GOLDDUST—M. M. SHOEMAKE spent Sunday in Ripley.
Our school is getting along very nicely under the management of Miss Ruby McGEE as teacher.
Mrs. Clarence BROWN and family, of Holland, MO, are spending this week with Mr.& Mrs. J. W. BROWN and family.
Mr.& Mrs. W. H. HILDERBRANT and daughter, Cleo, from near Ashport, attended the meeting from Friday until Sunday.
Miss Maggie Lou SCHAFER, of Blytheville, Ark., is spending two weeks with Mr.& Mrs. M. M. SHOEMAKE and family and friends.
Charlie SHEPARD and family and Mrs. Peg SHOEMAKE, of Plum Point, spent the week end here with friends and relatives.
J. C. DAVIS and Mrs. Mamie MUELLER and son, Charles, and little Mabel HANCOCK and Miss Lola CLARK, motored to Memphis Saturday.
—GLIMP—Walter WILSON was in Ripley Saturday.
John EMERSON was in Pleasant Hill Sunday afternoon.
William DOUGLASS of Pleasant Hill was here Saturday afternoon.
Wilmer VOWELL spent Saturday in Luckett with his sister, Mrs. J. A. JONES.
Henry Albert CROOK spent Sunday afternoon with his grandmother, Mrs. Albert CROOK.
Mr.& Mrs. Marcus WILLIAMS spent Saturday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. W. J. WILSON.
Mr.& Mrs. Walter CRAIG of Ripley. spent Sunday afternoon with his sister, Mrs. J. H. HOWELL.
—BALD KNOB—Mrs. Mary MORRIS, of Ashport, visited in the Ernest ELLIS home Sunday.
Mrs. Lillie STEWART, of Mississippi, is visiting in the Albert GRAY home.
Mrs. Hilda BINKLEY, of St. Louis, is visiting her cousin, Miss Rose Lee REYNOLDS.
E. SANFORD, of Union City, visited relatives here Saturday night and Sunday.
Miss Frances RAY, of Dry Hill, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Misses Geraldine & Ernestine WEAVER.
Miss Ersie TWILLA, of Ashport and Mrs. Maggie HARRISON, visited in the Ernest ELLIS home Saturday night and Sunday.
—GATES—A. E. LEE, of Covington, spent Sunday with parents here.
Miss Annis & Era ESCUE are visiting relatives in Brownsville.
Miss Lillian LEE, of Ripley, is spending her vacation here with her relatives.
Mrs. J. B. WILLIAMS is visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. W. BUFFALOE, in Memphis.
Mrs. Sallie HARTMAN has returned from a visit in Memphis with her daughter, Mrs. A. B. STRAIN.
Miss Evelyn BAIRD and brother, and Albert SAVAGE, Jr., of Memphis, are visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Kelley PURYEAR, of Memphis, spent several days this week with her niece, Mrs. G. C. HARTMAN.
Miss Cornelia GORMAN returned from Memphis accompanied by her brother, Harrison GORMAN, who spent the day.
—FORKED DEER—W. M. FRENCH has returned after an extended visit with relatives in Indiana.
Mrs. T. N. LEGGETT is in Blytheville, Ark., with her sister, who is recovering from a serious operation.
Mr.& Mrs. Carl PEARSON and baby left Saturday for their home in Alexandria, LA. They were accompanied home by his father, J. W. PEARSON and by Mrs. Frank DANIELS, of Jackson, sister of Mrs. PEARSON.
On Wednesday, July 27th, the descendants of the late William ESCUE, gathered in a beautiful beech groove one and one half miles northwest of Forked Deer and enjoyed an all day picnic. Between 300 and 400 persons were present, including several from Brownsville, Ripley, Edith, Gates & Forked Deer and other places who enjoyed mingling with the large body of relatives. Some good singing was furnished by the Edith quartet and music was made by the Vaden band. Mr. WILLIAM ESCUE was twice married. To the first union 13 children were born; (three now living) and to the second union 16 children were born; ( 11 now living) making a total of 29 children. There were 117 grandchildren; (all living but 27),and 133 great grandchildren (all living but 23), and 4 great great grandchildren.
—EDITH—Miss Stella SANDERS is visiting relatives in Mayfield, Ky.
Miss Juanita HUGHES of Friendship, is a guest of Mrs. J. O. COX.
Mrs. M. A. TURNER and daughter, Miss Mary, of Ripley, are guests of Mrs. T. E. MILLER.
—WHITEFIELD—J. A. GRIMES and daughter, Miss Effie, spent Sunday in Friendship.
Miss Frances BRAY, who has been ill with typhoid fever for six weeks is some better.
Mrs. Julius CHIPMAN and baby, of Ripley, are visiting in the Charlie CHIPMAN home.
Master William CRINER, of Mary’s Chapel, spent Sunday in the Sim PARCHMAN home.
John CRINER, of Blytheville, Ark., spent Saturday in the Sim PARCHMAN home.
Mrs. Luther JORDON spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Monroe CROWDER near Flippen.
Mrs. Joe HACKETT and children, of Ripley, visited her mother, Mrs. Luther JORDON Sunday.
Mrs. Will CHIPMAN and children, of Ashport, spent the weekend with parents, Mr. & Mrs. I. B. WHEATLEY. Mrs. S. H. MUNSON and Son, of Covington, Ky., Mrs. Marjorie ROBERTS and daughters, Erma, Ola and Mattie Joe, of Bemis, spent Friday with their sister, Mrs. H. H. BRAY.
—HENNING—Mrs. George MILLER and son, Ryan MILLER, spent Thursday in Memphis.
Mrs. S. H. JOHNSON & son, Buford, spent Sunday with relatives at Nut Bush.
Misses Lagene & Eola CHISM, of Lightfoot, were weekend guests of Miss Fleeta FIELDS.
Mrs. Fred LLOYD and daughter spent last week in Martin with her daughter, Mrs. DOWNING.
Mrs. B. F. WILKES was called to Memphis Wednesday by the illness of her son, Lonnie WILKES.
—R. F. SCOTT FOUND DEAD—The remains of R. F. SCOTT, who was found dead in his car in Overton Park in Memphis last Saturday morning, were brought to Henning Sunday. The funeral was held in the Christian Church at that place at 2 o’clock, after which the body was laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery in Ripley. He had been shot in the mouth, and a pistol was found lying in his right hand, of course this could have been placed there after he had been killed. The circumstances surrounding his death will perhaps always remain a mystery. He left home in his usual jovial manner to go out for his regular morning ride and insofar is known, he had no business worries and his home life was said to have been an ideal one. He was 52 years of age, son of the late T. P. SCOTT, born and reared in Henning. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Lillie COBB SCOTT; sons, Fletcher of Memphis; and Charles of Clarksdale, Miss.; brothers, R. W. & T. P. SCOTT, of Henning and J. B. SCOTT of Covington; two sisters, Mrs. E. R. OLDHAM and Mrs. C. D. FLOWERS, both of Henning.
—MARY’S CHAPEL—D. A. KLUTTS spent several days last week with his daughter at Finley.
Little J. F. MANESS was on the sick list a few days this week.
Miss Irene KLUTTS spent the weekend with friends in Conner.
Mrs. Charles KLUTTS spent Saturday in Ripley with Mrs. Mollie WILLIAMS.
Mrs. Jennie LEE attended the bedside of Mrs. Frank HOLCOMB near Conner several days last week.
Mr.& Mrs. T. C. STONE and Mrs. Pete CRAIG attended the bedside of Mrs. Frank HOLCOMB near Conner one night last week.
—CURVE—Andrew HARGETT and Wade REEVES have opened a garage here.
An infant son of Mr.& Mrs. Tom PORCH was buried Monday at Cross ROADS.
Mrs. John TRAVIS and children, of Memphis, were guests of her sister, Mrs. N. J. HARWARD this week.
Mrs. C. L. WILLIAMS was stricken Tuesday night with a very severe attack of heart trouble and is quite ill.
—CENTRAL—A daughter was born to Mr.& Mrs. Grover MOORE.
Mr.& Mrs. Charles LOCKARD are guests of Mr.& Mrs. B. F. FITZGERALD.
An infant child of Mr.& Mrs. Ivan YOUNG, of Ripley, was buried at Grace Sunday.
Mr.& Mrs. Buck ARWOOD, of Blytheville, Ark., spent Sunday with his brother, E. W. ARWOOD.
Mr.& Mrs. Lee VAUGHN, of Memphis, were recent visitors here with his father, L. M. VAUGHN.
J. M. ARWOOD and Sam ARWOOD and two sons of Halespoint, were called here Sunday to the bedside of E. W. ARWOOD.
Mrs. REECE, of Luxora, Ark., daughter of W. D. GITCHELL, who is here on a visit, is very sick with typhoid fever in the home of her uncle, Ode FORTNER.
—LOCAL AND PERSONAL—Miss Annie Malone BARBEE has returned home from several weeks visit in Texas.
Mrs. P. F. DOWLING and daughter, Frances, have returned from a visit in Flint, Mich.
Mrs. M. L. GRIFFIN, of Duquoin, Ill., is a guest of W. L. DURHAM.
Mrs. J. C. HUTCHESON and son, Bob, of Brownsville are guests of relatives here.
Miss Ruth CARNEY had her tonsils and adenoids removed Wednesday at the City Hospital.
Mrs. May BURLISON, of Brownsville, is spending this week here with friends and relatives.
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