1926 Lauderdale County Enterprise – Excerpts Part 6
Part 6
Published weekly in Ripley, Tennessee
Transcribed from the originals by Sarah Hutcherson
Typed and Indexed by Carolyn Duvall
*** PLEASE NOTE *** Some pages were inadvertently omitted in the indexing process. They are indicated by parenthesis and are numbered (89) through (93).
ENTERPRISE Friday October 22, 1926 – Part 6
A Peep Into The Past–October 26. 1900
Mr. Will Larimore is clerking for R.H. Chapman & Co.
Mr. Scott Chapman is now employed by Green & Partee.
Prof. Stuart Young, of Jackson, was with homefoiks Sunday.
Messrs. Will Brown and Sid Wardlaw were in Halls Sunday afternoon.
Master Byers Staten is spending this week in Paducah, Ky. with his
Mr. Paul Keller is erecting a beautiful residence on Henning St. opposite
the home of Mr. Arch Young.
Dr. David Gardner and wife of Lehigh, Indian Territory, are visiting the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Campbell.
Mr. E.A. Ferguson visited Halls Saturday and Monday for the purpose of
hunting. We learned that out of 35 shots, he killed two squirrels.
Dr. W.H. Evans of Glimp, an old Confederate soldier, and one of the
truest Democrats in Lauderdale County, honored us with a visit Tuesday.
Judge Sterling Pierson and Miss Mary Campbell were married Monday in
Memphis at Central Baptist Church by Dr. Thomas S. Potts, pastor of the
Mr. Edgar Graves arrived in Ripley yesterday from Paris, Tennessee where
his wife is. He brought the news that a fine boy came to bless their union
last week.
Dr. A.W. Smith has closed the contract for the erection of a large brick
building on the lot adjoining the store of E. Pupkin. It will be occupied by
W.B. Sapp & Co.
Mr. G.H. Rice has severed his connection with the firm of R.H. Chapman
and Co., and moved to Bell Eagle, Haywood County, where he has embarked in the
grocery business with Mr. Walter McCallum, under the firm name of Rice and
Mr. Samuel A. DeVinney, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. DeVinney, died
Saturday night in a hospital in Paducah, Ky. after an illness of five weeks of
typhoid fever. The funeral service was conducted at the home Monday afternoon
by Rev. B.F. Blackmon, and the remains were laid to rest in Maplewood cemetery.
On Thursday evening, Oct. 18, at 7:30 o’clock at Eureka Church, Mr.
Thomas J. Pierson and Miss Neppie Hardy were united in marriage, Rev. L.D.
Hamilton of Somerville officiating. The Wedding March was played by Miss Sam
Ethel Corbitt. Mr. W.J. Humphreys, usher, was followed down the right aisle
by Mr. Lewis Humphreys and Miss Irene Carter, Mr. John Griffin and Miss Rosa
Hardy. Then came the bride leaning upon the arm of her brother, Mr. Alvin
Hardy, while down the left aisle came Mr. J.W. Pearson, usher, followed by Mr.
Jones and Miss Ada Wesson, Mr. Ed Douglas and Miss Lillie Pearson, and then
came the groom and his best man, Mr. S.T. Humphreys. After the ceremony an
elegant wedding supper was tendered the bridal party at the home of the
bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Hardy, and the next day the party assembled
at the residence of Mrs. M.A. Pearson, mother of the groom, and partook of a
nice dinner. [both spellings, Pierson and Pearson, were used in the article]
End Of Peep Into Past ***
Died At The Age Of 95
Grandma Caldwell, age 95, died at an early hour Monday morning at the
home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Ed Sutton, near Central and was buried at
Grace cemetery Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock. She is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. Sam Garrett of Memphis, and a host of grandchildren.
Social Happenings
Announcements of the marriage of Miss Marie Cooke Arnold and Mr. William
Wade Thompson have been received by friends of Mr. Thompson in Ripley. The
marriage was solemnized in Memphis and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have gone to
Birmingham to make their home. Mr. Thompson is the son of Mr. W.J. Thompson
of this county. For several years he was with C.C. Partee Co. and resided in
Ripley and made many close friends here who are always pleased to see him on
his regular visits home.
Mr. Odie Clark and family spent Sunday in the home of their father, Mr.
Henry Clark, at Woodville.
Pleasant Hill
Mr. C.E. Moore is suffering from blood poison in his hand caused by
getting his hand bruised in a hay baler.
Mr. W.L. Craig and family spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. W.J.
Tripp, at Walnut Grove.
Mr. B.B. Griffin and family spent Sunday in Dyer County in the home of
his sister, Mrs. Ben Medelen.
Mrs. W.F. Garner, Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Lloyd, Mr. F.A. Lloyd, and Mrs. J.R.
Jacobs attended the funeral of Mr. Eugene Lloyd at Atoka, Friday.
Mr. Aubrey Smith of Halls spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A.
Mr. Robert Hill and family moved here from Tigrett, Monday, where they
had lived for the past two years.
Mr. H.O. Rogers is building a new residence on the highway north of the
intersection of the highway and public road.
Pea Ridge
Mrs. J.W. Poe and children spent one night last week in the home of her
sister, Mrs. C.M. Hopkins, at the Campground.
Little Solon Best, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Best, underwent an operation
for appendicitis at the Ripley hospital last week and is reported doing
Mr. Henry Burns spent Sunday at Lightfoot with his sister, Mrs. Delba
Mrs. G.W. Kiestler and children, Annie, Lila and James, spent Wednesday
with her daughter, Mrs. Lena Price.
Mrs. Della Mills and children, Misses Dovie and Irene, and Mr. John
Williams of Lightfoot spent Wednesday in this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mitchell are parents of a daughter.
Miss Inez Jones of Salem is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mollie Balderson.
Mr. Albert Wakefield has returned home from Colorado where he had been
some time for his health.
Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Evans and sons, and Mr. W.T. Wood and Miss Mary White
attended the funeral of Mr. Eugene Lloyd at Atoka Friday.
Cedar Grove
Mr. Wes Linson and family of Stonewall visited their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J.N. Smith, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkpatrick and children visited their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J.T. Chipman, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keltner and baby spent Saturday night and Sunday with
his sister, Mrs. Clifton Hutcherson.
Knob Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Castell Faulkner visited parents at Coal Creek and were
accompanied home by his brother, Louis and his sister, Ethel.
Hurricane Hill
Mrs. Thompson Drake and daughter were visitors in the home of her son,
Mr. Hugh Thompson, Sunday.
Attention Colored Mid-Wives
Dr. M.E. Coleman, field agent of the vital statistic department of Public
Health State Board, is in the county getting the vital statistics of colored
babies and instructing midwives (colored).
All that do not get in touch with her will not be recommended to the
State. She will hold a meeting Tuesday, Oct. 26, at the Methodist Church in
Henning at 1:30, Wednesday, Oct. 27 at 1:30 at Miles Chapel Methodist Church
in Ripley. All midwives are urged to be present at one of these meetings if
they want to continue doing their work without getting into trouble. adv.
Local and Personal
Mrs. A.B. Falls will arrive today on a visit to parents, Dr. and Mrs.
G.A. Lusk.
Mrs. Bloss Scott will leave Friday for Newhardt, Ark, to visit her
granddaughter, Mrs. A.C. Oliver.
Mrs. Carl Styers underwent an operation Wednesday afternoon at the Ripley
hospital and is seriously ill.
Mrs. Minnie Glenn left Monday for a visit to Kosciusko [?] Miss. She
was accompanied by her sister, Miss Eva Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Brown and family of Dyersburg were Sunday guests in the
home of his uncle, Mr. W.B. Brown, at Arp.
Miss Wilma Perciful, who was injured in an auto accident in Memphis last
Sunday night, an account of which appears on our back page, died Tuesday.
Mrs. A.H. Smith of Sumner, Miss. is attending the bedside of her mother,
Mrs. R.C. Johnston, who has been ill with heart trouble the past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Snyder and children of Warren, Ohio, have returned to
Ripley and will make their home for a while at the Fortner Hotel. We welcome
Miss Maggie Foust, in her eagerness to get to Sunday School on time last
Sunday, tripped and fell on the concrete walk at her home and broke her left
arm at the wrist.
Mr. R.T. Coleman, who suffered a stroke of paralysis about three weeks
ago, is recovering from the attack and was carried to Memphis last Saturday to
make his home with his daughters, Mrs. Stolz and Mrs. Rice.
Mrs. R.W. Burks, who fell on the concrete pavement at the steps at
Tucker’s Store on Oct. 7th, is still unable to walk on account of the severe
sprain received in her left foot and though improving, it may be several weeks
before she can bear her weight on it.
Mrs. A.C. Dixon died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Conner Coleman,
near Orysa, Wednesday morning. She lived at Nut Bush but was visiting her
daughter when taken ill a week ago. She was the mother of ten children, all
of whom, with the husband, survive. The remains were laid to rest at Trinity
cemetery Thursday morning.
Two Ford coupes were stolen in Ripley Saturday night, the property of Dr.
Carey Sanford and Mr. David Anthony. The thieves only made a getaway with one
of the cars as Dr. Sanford’s car refused to go and was left in the street a
short distance from his home, where both cars had been taken from. The
remains of Mr. Anthony’s car was discovered Wednesday and brought to Ripley.
It had been stripped of motor, wheels, coils–in fact, everything but the
body, differential and muffler.
Mr. Ben Pupkin was a visitor in Ripley Wednesday and brought a ray of
sunshine to his many old-time friends. He is a son of Mr. E. Pupkin, who was
a leading merchant in our town for many years prior to his removal to St.
Louis in 1908. Ben now hails from Harlinger, Texas and his father lives with
him; His mother died several years ago, his three sisters are married, and
Ben and his brothers, Milton, Joe and Alex, are conducting a prosperous
mercantile business in Harlinger, a town of 5000 population. Ben looks as
hale and hearty as a Texas oil magnate and says he still enjoys “single
blessedness” and is as happy as when he wore his first red top boots in
Ripley, (and that’s not telling how old he is).
Lassiter-Butner (Highland (Kan.) Vidette. Oct. 3rd)
Sunday morning at 10 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Butner,
Elmira, their eldest daughter, was married to Mr. Ira Lassiter, Rev. Armstrong
officiating. The formal ring sevice was used.
The bride’s gown was a beautiful design of white flat crepe tastefully
decorated with hand embroidery and Spanish lace. Mrs. Lassiter is very much a
Highland girl. She is a graduate of our high school and college. Mr.
Lassiter comes from Ripley, Tennessee. He is a foreman for the Bell Telephone
Co., and has been in Kansas more than a year.
They left Sunday afternoon for Topeka for a short visit after which they
will be home to their friends in Ottawa.
Many friends in Georgia and Tennessee will be interested in the marriage
of Miss Mary ? Harvey to Mr. Isaac A. Nunn, which took place at the home
of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Harvey at 9 o’clock Thursday
morning, Oct. 7th. Miss Harvey graduated at Americus High School and Georgia
State College, later specializing in playground work at Peabody and in Chicago.
Mr. Nunn is a son of Dr. W.T. Nunn of Halls. He attended school at
Willis School for boys and received his degree from Vanderbilt University,
where he was a popular member of the A.T.O. fraternity. Mr. Nunn holds a
responsible position with the I.B. Tigrett Co., Investment Bankers, being
manager of their Nashville office. After October 23, Mr. and Mrs. Nunn will
be at home in the Ardmore Apts., 1215 Eighteenth Avenue, South, Nashville,
Tenn.–The Halls Graphic.
Wilma Perciful is Auto Victim
Suffering from a fractured skull and a broken rib received when the big
touring car in which she was riding turned over three times Sunday night, Miss
Wilma Perciful, 17, 2375 Parkway Place, is in critical condition at the
Methodist hospital. Three other persons who were in the car at the time are
suffering from minor bruises. John McWilliams, 17, 1500 Madison, driver of
the car, received a broken collar bone. Frances Harrison, 18, 2404 Autumn
Avenue, is at her home recovering from her injuries . William Scruggs, 19,
1519 Court Avenue, was moved to St. Joseph’s Hospital from the Methodist. He
is suffering from laceration about the chin and neck.
The accident occurred at the Belt Line Railroad and East Parkway South
when the car, said to have been going at an excessive rate of speed, skidded
and turned over. Miss Perciful is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Perciful.
Her father is connected with the realty firm of C.C. Miller. Miss Perciful
accompanied by McWilliams and Scruggs left the Perciful home to get Miss
Harrison at her home. After Miss Harrison joined them, they were to have
returned to the Perciful home. They were going north on the Parkway when the
accident happened.
Little hope is held out for the recovery of Miss Perciful, who is a
sophomore student at Central High School.–Commercial Appeal
ENTERPRISE Friday October 29. 1926
***A Peep Into The Past–November 2. 1900
Mr. Lee Watkins has moved to the Maj. Partee residence in West Ripley.
Mr. Joe Jackson of Memphis visited his mother in Ripley the first of the
Senator W.B. Claiborne and family of Haywood County are camping at Open
Mrs. E.C. Sanders of Nashville is visiting her nephews, Messrs. Eugene
and Caude Brodie.
Parnell & Burgess have sold their residence in Ripley, known as the Mahan
place, to J. Monroe Garrett.
Mr. and Mrs. John Conner, Sr. returned Friday night from a visit to their
son, Mr. Verser Conner, in Russellville, Ky.
The remains of Mr. John Voss, who died of pneumonia at Redwood, Miss.
last Saturday, were brought to Cross Roads cemetery and interred Monday.
Mr. R.Y. Tritt, a former well-known citizen of Ripley, was married to
Miss Eugenia Crisp at Johnson’s Grove, Crockett County, two weeks ago.
Messrs. Solon Neighbours, Mont Darley, Lyle Williams and Henry Klutts
attended a basket supper at the residence of Mr. J.G. Thompson Sr. in Curve
Tuesday night.
Mr. John F. Halfacre and sister, Mrs. Tom Goodman, returned Friday from a
prospecting tour in Texas and Indian Territory. They will probably move to
Ardmore, Indian Territory.
Capt. J.W. Akers and wife have returned from a few weeks’ outing in the
“wild west”, visiting Colorado Springs, Denver, Salt Lake City, Kansas City,
St. Louis and other places.
W.E. Newport has purchased one half interest in the Halls Graphic, and
that paper will hereafter be under the management of Davis & Newport. Mr.
Newport for some time edited the Halls column in the Enterprise. End Of Peep
Into Past ***
Additional Locals
The residence of Mr. W.L. Liewellen, a few miles east of town, was
destroyed by fire last week, together with its contents save a few household
goods. The loss was between $1500 and $2000 with no insurance.
Definite information was received in Ripley Thursday that construction of
State Highway No. 19 from the Haywood County line to Ashport would be let on
Dec. 19. This fact alone should inspire every Democrat in Lauderdale to go to
the polls next Tuesday and cast his vote for Gov. Peay, the man who is
responsible above all others for the excellent system of highways now in use
and being constructed in Tennessee.
Local and Personal
Mr. A.D. Maddox spent the weekend at his home in Corinth, Miss.
Mr. A.M. McDonald of Memphis is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J.A. Higgins.
Mrs. W.H. Eagle and daughter of Knoxville are visiting her sister, Mrs.
J.O. Paris.
Mrs. A.H. Craig left Saturday for Chicago. She was accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. W.I. Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Luton of Memphis have been guests of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Luton, the past two weeks.
Mr. R.F. Stone left Sunday to visit in Arkansas before returning to his
home in Poolville, Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Williams, who have made their home in Ripley for
several years, are moving back to their farm at Mack.
Mrs. T.A. Byler was called to Nankipoo Monday by the illness of Mr. John
Duncan. He was removed to a Dyersburg hospital Thursday.
Miss Fidella Klutts spent the weekend in Finley with her sister, Mrs.
M.E. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Henderson and Mr. Dan Henderson went after
her Sunday.
Mrs. Paul Savage and baby are in Memphis, and on Tuesday the baby’s
tonsils were removed by Dr. Mitchell. Mr. Savage accompanied them to Memphis,
spending Tuesday.
Little Mildred Wood is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W.T. Williams, in Ripley.
Mr. Eddie Best of Ripley spent the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E.A. Best.
Hurricane Hill
Mr. V.E. Bowie spent Monday night with his brother, Mr. G.P. Bowie.
Mr. James Crump spent the past week with Mr. George Wellington at
Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Gregory of Chicago were visitors in the G.J. Drake home
last week.
The daughters of Mr. J.W. Wardlaw entertained him with a birthday dinner
Saturday at Mrs. B.F. Owens’.
Forked Deer
Mrs. W.D. Wells spent the weekend in Memphis with her sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Griffin, of Maud, Miss., visited their mother, Mrs.
Mattie Griffin, Saturday.
Mrs. John Carter and Mary Lorene Stanley, daughter of George Stanley,
returned Tuesday from Memphis and reported that Mrs. George Stanley, who was
operated on Thursday of last week in Memphis, is doing nicely.
The many friends and relatives of Miss Olivia Robbs and Mr. Lloyd Griffin
will be interested in hearing of their marriage which occurred in Maud, Miss.
Thursday of last week, at which place they will make their home.
The school building at Woodville burned Tuesday evening about 7 o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Perciful spent Tuesday with their daughter, Mrs. John
Heathcock, at Toulon.
Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Perciful and Mr. C. Wells and family and Mrs. John
Heathcock attended the funeral of Miss Wilma Perciful in Memphis Wednesday of
last week.
Mr. Jim Adams and daughter, Josephine, of Nankipoo visited his father,
Mr. C.C. Adams, one day last week.
Mary’s Chapel
Little W.T. Maness was quite ill several days the first of the week.
Several from here have been attending the bedside of Mrs. H.C. Styers in
the Ripley hospital.
Mr. Fred Maness of Memphis spent several days last week with his brother,
Mr. H.J. Maness.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Maness and son, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wyatts and Miss
Mai Drane, of Memphis, spent one day here recently in the H.J. Maness home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thompson and children of Memphis and Mr. Hughey
Hendren and family of Bexar were visitors recently in the home of Mrs. Laura
Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Styers, of Hurricane Hill; Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Styers
and son and Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Styers, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Craig and daughter,
Mrs. N.A. Kirk, of Ripley, were visitors recently in the Pete Craig home.
Mr. Atwood Fields is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Hanna Sexton.
Mr. W.H. Thum of Helena, Ark. is visiting his mother, Mrs. Mat Thum.
I Am Music
Servant and master am I; servant of those dead, and master of those
living. Through me spirits immortal speak the message that makes the world
weep, and laugh, and wonder, and worship.
I tell the story of love, the story of hate, the story that saves and the
story that damns. I am a the incense upon which prayers float up to Heaven.
I am the smoke which palls over the field of battle where men lie dying with
me on their lips.
I am close to the marriage altar and when graves open, I stand nearby.
call the wanderer home, I rescue the soul from the depths. I open the lips of
lovers, and through me the dead whisper to the living. One I serve as I serve
all; and the king I make my slave as easily as I subject his slave. I speak
through the birds of the air, the insects of the field, the crash of waters on
rock-ribbed shores, the sighing of wind in the trees, and I am even heard by
the soul that knows me in the clatter of wheels on the city streets.
I know no brother, yet all men are my brothers; I am the father of the
best that is in me! I am of them, and they are of me. For I am the instru-
ment of God.
Mr. F. Sanders and family have moved here from Hayti, Mo.
Mrs. Walter Keltner of Miami, Fla. is visiting in the home of Mrs. M.M.
Mrs. Auzia Rice has been confined to her home the past few days on
account of a severe cut on her forehead received in a car accident last
Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Press Garrett are parents of a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner are parents of a daughter.
Mr. Herman Chalk of Memphis is visiting his sister, Mrs. Odie Clark.
Mr. Clarence Rodgers is now making his home with Mr. W.J. Ellis.
Mrs. Frank Akin spent Monday afternoon with her father, Mr. Lum Ball, at
Mr. Aaron Queen spent one night last week with his brother, Mr. Sanford
Queen, at Concord.
Mr. Aaron Queen spent Saturday night and Sunday with his brother, Mr.
Earl Queen, in Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vowell are parents of a son.
Mr. C.H. Briggs of Brighton is visiting his brother, Mr. W.L. Briggs.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Tichenor were called to Luxora, Ark. Saturday by the
death of his aunt, Mrs. Harry Tichenor.
ENTERPRISE Friday November 5, 1926
***A Peep Into The Past–November 9. 1900
Miss Ada Evans is clerking for E. Pupkin.
Mr. Wesley Folts of Vicksburg, Miss. is here on a visit to parents.
Rev. L.W. Sloan has resigned as pastor of the Ripley Baptist Church to
take effect Jan. 1, next.
Mr. Ben Barfield has sold his residence in Ripley to Mr. G. Whit Young
and moved to Glimp Wednesday.
Mrs. Ada Butler and Master Lyle Motley are spending this week in Flippen,
guests of Mr. Macon Butler and family.
Mrs. James Oldham, Miss Irma Oldham and Mrs. Calvin Conner attended the
Scott-Bryan nuptials in Dyersburg this week.
Messrs. J.G. and R.T. Batey–twin brothers–of Murfreesboro are visiting
their cousin, Dr. S.M. Glenn, at Lightfoot.
Ripley mourns the death of Mr. W.H. Flippen, which occurred at his home
near town last Sunday morning of dropsy, after an illness of several weeks.
He was one of Lauderdale’s best citizens, a most enterprising, industrious
farmer and a gentleman whose life measured up to the plane of honor and
integrity in its broadest, truest sense. He went by the familiar name of
“Penny” and his comrades always found in him the most exacting ties of
friendship, a willingness and a readiness to share with them whatever he
possessed, and added to the sum of human happiness in every way possible. His
remains were laid to rest Monday afternoon in Maplewood Cemetery. End of Peep
Into Past ***
John G. Duncan
In the 43rd year of his life, on Saturday evening, Oct. 30, 1926 at
Baird-Dulaney Hospital in Dyersburg, Mr. John G. Duncan, deputy sheriff of
Lauderdale County, departed from this world. He had been in failing health
for several months, but being valiant, energetic and determined to stay up and
to perform the duties that were his to perform, he would not give up, and
Thursday morning, two days prior to his death, dressed and walked with
assistance to a car that took him to the hospital where that day he underwent
an operation. Mr. Duncan was one of the best known and fearless officials in
Lauderdale County, and had served as deputy sheriff under the present encum-
bent, A.H. Craig, and also his predecessor, J.T. Coughlan. Mr. Duncan was the
son of the late James and Mrs. Duncan and is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rose
Byler Duncan, son John Thomas Duncan, mother, eight sisters and three broth-
ers. Sunday afternoon Dr. L.O. Leavell conducted the funeral at Enon Church
in the presence of one of the largest gatherings that ever assembled upon a
like occasion at that place. Beautiful were the flowers, loving tributes of
those who came to pay their last respects to a kind devoted husband, son,
brother, and friend.
Social Happenings
Mrs. W.B. Williams of Ripley announces the engagement of her daughter,
Martha, to Mr. Adam E. Scott of this city, the wedding to take place on
Tuesday, Nov. 23rd at First Methodist Church.
Local and Personal
Mrs. E.D. Moore and son, Lucillus, spent last week in Durhamville.
Mrs. Etta Drewry of Newbern is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D.F. Turner.
Mrs. W.G.L. Rice left Tuesday night for Mayo Bros. Clinic, Rochester,
Mrs. George Adams of Pine Bluff, Ark. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Emma
Mrs. Harry Brown returned Monday from Munfordsville, Ky., accompanied by
her aunt, Mrs. Leech.
Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Nanney and daughter, Elaine, of Sheffield, Ala., are
visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Stevens.
Mr. John C. Turner and Mrs. Florence Williams of Ashport were married in
Ripley Wednesday morning at the Methodist parsonage.
Mrs. J.D. McLeod is visiting her sister, Mrs. B.P. Black, in Hickman, Ky.
Mr. McLeod accompanied her there last Friday.
Woodrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Smith, is recovering from an operation
for rupture which he underwent in a Dyersburg hospital last week.
Mrs. Fannie Maness of Memphis, formerly of this county, underwent an
operation for appendicitis and gallstones in the Baptist Hospital Tuesday.
Joe Alfred, 8 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Lackey, was carried to
Dr. Campbell’s Clinic in Memphis last week for treatment of bone trouble.
Mr. David Garrett and sister, Miss Hilda, of Little Rock, Ark., visited
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Garrett, at Edith several days, return-
ing home Wednesday.
Mrs. T.L. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Braden went to Memphis. Mrs.
Braden remained with her infant son who is being treated for bone trouble at
Dr. Campbell’s Clinic.
The many friends of Mrs. C.C Partee will be delighted to know that she
has recovered sufficiently from her injury, received by a fall several months
ago, to be on our streets Wednesday, and they hope she soon may be able to lay
aside her crutches.
Miss Lillian Folts, who has been making Memphis her home for several
years, spent Sunday and Monday with her sister, Mrs. Geo. W. Hutcherson. She
left Monday night for Redlands, Calif., where she will live with her brother,
Mr. Wesley Folts and wife.
Mr. Billy Langley of Bexar died Wednesday night at the home of his son,
Mr. Edgar Langley, at Gold Dust. He was 82 years of age and was a gallant
soldier in the Civil War under Gen. Forrest. He is survived by four sons,
Jimmie, Brown, Reggie and Edgar, and one brother, Mr, J.M. Langley, of Curve,
who is in his 87th year.
Mr. John Midyett of Arkansas spent the past weekend here with his mother
and other relatives.
Mrs. Josie Dunavant of Ripley spent Tuesday with her son, Mr. A.L.
Mr. C.E. Lackey of Covington spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Marvin
Mrs. L.E. Beaver and son of Memphis are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G.P. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Grimes attended the funeral of Mr. John Duncan at
Enon Sunday.
Mrs. Blanton Hall of Memphis is attending the bedside of her sister, Mrs.
J.E. Chapman.
Mr. Albert Daniels and family of Covington spent Sunday with his father,
Mr. John Daniels Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Fagon and daughter, Mary Frances, of Chattanooga are
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Perciful.
Miss Mary Baucom is visiting her brother, Mr. A.T. Baucom, in Campbell,
Mrs. Willie Boone of Bardwell, Ky. spent Monday night in the home of her
sister, Mrs. R.W. Gholson.
Halls Dentist Held
Dr. James F. Parks, Halls, Tenn. dentist, was arrested at his home early
yesterday morning by United States Deputy Marshal John D. Haggard on a warrant
charging him with presenting false claims to the government for dental work
for veterans.
Dr. Parks will fight removal procedings for the second time when he
faces Judge Anderson on a date not yet agreed upon by the district attorney’s
office and John R. Walker Jr., his attorney. He was released on his own
recognizance by Judge Anderson.
About a year ago Dr. Parks was brought before the United States Commis-
sioner in Dyersburg, who refused to issue an order for his removal to Washing-
ton, where the indictment against him was returned at the instance of the
disbursing agent of the United States Veterans Bureau.
It is specifically charged in the indictment that Dr. Parks made false
claims for dental work done for William D. Cook and Burna L. Slayton for
$91.50 and $168, respectively.–Commercial Appeal.
Forked Deer
Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker returned Tuesday to their home at Fayetteville,
after a month’s visit with their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Hardy returned home last Thursday from a few days’
visit to Springfield. Mrs. H.M. Hardy remained with her daughter, Mrs. John
Hunt, at Pleasant View to visit.
Knob Creek
Mr. Pleas Bridges moved his family to Mascedonia recently.
Mr. John Midyett of Memphis and Mrs. Marion Midyett and daughter, Maggie,
of Mascedonia visited in the W.R. Kellick home Friday afternoon.
Mr. G.R. Evans of Salem, Ky. spent a few days the past week in this
community, a guest of his brother, Mr. H.E. Evans.
Hurricane Hill
Mr. Earl Martin of Ebony, Ark. visited parents here recently and was
accompanied to Memphis by his brother, Tom, and Mr. Willie Paris.
Mrs. Tom Fowler and baby of Ripley spent the weekend with parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Gray.
Cedar Grove
Mrs. J.M. Smith attended the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Wes Linson, at
Stonewall Monday.
Mr. Page Newman of Blytheville, Ark. visited his sister, Mrs. Will
Drumwright, Saturday night and Sunday.
Mr. R.C. Jennings spent Sunday with his son, Mr. John Jennings, at Edith.
Mr. John Midyett of Memphis was here the first of the week on business.
Mrs. Marion (spelled Marvin) Midyett and daughter, Mrs. Tom Cox (Maggie)
left Tuesday to make their home in Memphis.
Coal Creek
A son was born Oct. 23 to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hicks.
Mr. Butler Lyell of Bexar spent Sunday afternoon in the home of his
brother, Mr. H.M. Lyell.
ENTERPRISE Friday November 12, 1926
*** A Peep Into The Past–November 16. 1900
Mrs. Myrick of Fulton is a guest of Mrs. Minnie Bacon.
Messrs. E.E. and D.G. Greenlee of Mason spent Sunday with their brother
in Ripley.
Mr. Oscar Durham attended the Durham-Spight wedding in Durhamville
Wednesday night.
Mr. John Burnham of Bexar died a few days ago and his remains were laid
to rest in New Hope Cemetery.
J.W. Watkins, formerly of Alamo, Crockett County, was enrolled as a
member of the Ripley bar Tuesday.
Mrs. Andrew Drumwright died Tuesday at her home in Flippen, and was
buried at Trinity the following day.
Miss Ruby Durham and Mr. Frank Spight were married at the Methodist
Church in Durhamville Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock, Rev. W.F. Barrier
Mrs. W.D. Wilkerson, formerly of Ripley, died at her home in Memphis on
November 12. Her remains were brought to Ripley and interred in the Old
Cemetery. End Of Peep Into Past ***
Little Lackey Potter is improving after three weeks’ illness.
Mrs. Julius Chipman spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Joe
Hackett, at Ripley.
Mr. Dee Jordan of Arkansas spent a few days last week with his daughter,
Mrs. Luther Jordon.
Mrs. G.T. Scott and children of Brownsville spent Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Wilson.
Luther Vaughn Slain
The body of Luther Vaughn was found Sunday night between Gold Dust and
Plum Point on the Mississippi River. The supposition is that he was waylaid,
robbed and murdered, as it was found that he had a hole in the side of his
head above the right ear and right side crushed and several ribs broken.
Vaughn lived in Blytheville, Ark. but had been in Lauderdale County about a
month picking cotton. He is a son of the late Jim Vaughn of Central, this
county, and a brother of Walter Vaughn, of Gates. He was married and was 47
years of age. The body was brought here Tuesday and buried at Grace Cemetery.
Ex-Sheriff Pennington Dead
The death of Mr. J.R. Pennington at his home near Gates on last Saturday
afternoon was a great shock to the many friends of this popular citizen and
excellent gentleman. He had been confined to his bed only about two weeks,
and while his loved ones and nearest relatives had been appraised of the
seriousness of his condition, which might terminate fatally at any time- –
leakage of the heart–but few aside from his immediate family knew of his
illness, and were therefore not prepared for the announcement of his passing
away that brought so much sadness to a host of people in Lauderdale County and
wherever he was known.
An attack of flu hastened the end. About three months ago he was advised
by his physician to retire from active labor and take all possible care of
himself, and his better judgement told him to do so, but his great energy
would not lie dormant even in the face of peril. He was the owner of a
magnificent farm on which he lived, and it had ever been his joy and pride,
and he literally wore himself out in the exercise of his great energies in
making his proud possession rank in production with the best fruit of the soil
and the finest blooded horses and cattle to be found in this section. Even
when he was serving Lauderdale County in the capacity of sheriff–from 1904 to
1910–he did not relinquish his farming interests but gave to it general
supervision. (praise of sheriff years….)
Mr. Pennington was 68 years of age. He was born in Lawrence County,
Tenn., moving to Lauderdale when a youth of 14 years. With the exception of
the six years spent in Ripley during his term in office as sheriff, he resided
in the northern part of the county. John Pennington was a citizen whom
everybody admired for his genuine worth and nobility. (more praise…)
The funeral services were held in Gates Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at
the Methodist Church of which he was a member, after which the remains were
brought to Ripley and laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery. The last sad rites
both at Gates and Ripley were attended by a large number of people, many from
a distance.
Mr. Pennington had been married twice, 12 children being born to his
first union, six of whom survive to wit: Marvin Pennington, of Nankipoo;
Mrs. H.O. Mohon, of Ripley; Mrs. R.M. Murphy and Miss Lillian Pennington, of
Knoxville; Mrs. W.F. Boyd, of Memphis; and Mrs. York, of Friendship. He is
also survived by his widow and several step-children.
Mr. Elbert Lockard has moved his family back to Lightfoot.
Miss Lena Miller of Clear Lake, Ark. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Albert
Miss Lucile Woodard of Lightfoot is spending a few weeks with her sister,
Mrs. Charlie Lawson.
Mrs. Emma Hill returned to her home at Blytheville, Ark. Saturday
[accompanied ?] by her sister, Mrs. Myrtle Geans.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Midyett of Henning Farm visited in the J.H. Chamber
home Sunday afternoon.
In Memory–Bobbie J. Miller–Senath. Mo.
On November 1, the death angel entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Miller and claimed for his jewel their baby, Bobbie Jean, age six weeks and
three days. A precious jewel has gone from their midst. He died of bronchial
pneumonia and whooping cough. His remains were laid to rest at Liberty
Cemetery in Senath, Mo. the following day at 5 o’clock. (A poem followed…)
He leaves to mourn his death a father, mother, two brothers, two sisters,
grandfather and grandmother.
adv. His Aunt–Effie Kirkpatrick
Mr. T.G. Avery and Miss Velma McDougal, of this city, were quietly
married in Ripley Friday afternoon, Oct. 29, Rev. Hall, of Martin, was the
officiating minister. Mrs. Avery is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Meadows.
This is the second year she has taught school in our city, and by her accom-
plishments and pleasing personality, has won many friends.
Mr. Avery is a well known business man. He is proprietor of the Light &
Water Plant here and also the flour mill at Gates.– Halls Graphic.
Knob Creek
Mr. and Mrs. George Crews attended the bedside of Mr. Bob Taylor Sr. at
Ripley Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Young and two children of Central visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Crihfield, Sunday.
Mrs. J.T. Alford and granddaughter, Miss Margaret Johnson of Blytheville,
Ark., were called here Thursday to the bedside of the former’s brother, Mr.
Will Craig, who fell from a barn and broke several ribs. He is reported to be
Mrs. Andrew Lott has returned to her home at Curve after a week’s visit
with her son, Mr. W.B. Lott.
Miss Victoria Vandergriff of Glimp spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs.
J.E. Woodard.
Mr. Clarence Mitchell and Miss Sarah Mai McGarrity surprised their many
friends Friday by motoring to Brownsville and getting married.
Miss Velsie Hale of Ripley spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. D.E.
Local and Personal
A son was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Wood.
Mr. Florence Fain died Nov. 4 at Gold Dust. He was 80 years of age.
Mr. J.L. Daniels has purchased the H.O. Rogers residence on Henning St.
Mr. T.E. Wakefield of Memphis is visiting his brother, Mr. Jack Wake-
Mrs. A.F. Roberts of Pittsburg, Texas is visiting her brother, Mr. J.M.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Sanders visited in the home of her mother, Mrs. Dan
Johnson, Sunday.
Mr. Jake Mitchell left Sunday to spend the winter with his son, Mr. R.F.
Mitchell, in Green Cove Springs, Fla.
Mrs. A.S. Anthony returned Saturday from several weeks’ visit with her
daughter, Mrs. S.B. Hathorn, in Columbia, Miss.
Dr. Schafer Evans and Mr. J.D. Evans of Memphis spent a few hours in
Ripley Sunday with their father, Mr. John S. Evans.
Mrs. Julette Herron died Sunday at the home of Mr. James Dew in Ripley,
and was buried Monday at Enon near Nankipoo. She is survived by several
Mr. James Jenkins left Saturday for Chattanooga to attend a Rexall
convention. He returned by way of Nashville and spent Wednesday with his
sister, Miss Frances Jenkins, who is a student in Vanderbilt.
A tenant house on the farm of Mr. J.A. Johnson near Ashport was destroyed
by fire Saturday night. The loss is estimated at $750 with no insurance. The
family living in it were away from home at the time.
Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Sangster of Osceola, Ark.; Mr. Alvin Haynes and
family, of Blytheville, Ark.; Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Matthews and daughter and
Miss Frances Finley, of Finley spent Sunday in Ripley. Mrs. Sangster was
accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. Emma Klutts.
Mr. Ernest Craig and Miss Ruby Lee Ashmore were married in Memphis
Monday, making their “getaway” on the Independent Bus Line which now runs
through our city from Halls to Memphis. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Craig of Mary’s Chapel community, and holds a position with the City Cafe
in Ripley. His bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Ashmore of this city.
An announcement has been received of the wedding of Miss Charlotte
Seidler of Riverside Drive, New York City, to Mr. Chester Lyle Mays of New
York, formerly of Ripley, Tenn., will take place today at St. Thomas Church on
Fifth Ave. Miss Seidler is the daughter of Mr. Henry and Mrs. Rose Byrnes
Seidler and was born in Great Falls, Mont. Mr. Mays is a banker and the son
of Mr. William L. and Mrs. Clara Baxter Mays of Ripley.–Commercial Appeal.
Nov. 6th.
Mr. C.N. Wilkes was called to Ripley Sunday by the illness of his son,
Dr. C.O. Wilkes.
Mrs. J.H. McKinnon left Thursday for a visit to her son, Mr. J.O.
McKinnon, in Memphis.
Mr. and Mrs. Evell Doerr of Humboldt visited their sister, Mrs. W. Avery,
the latter part of the week.
Mr. R.C. Milam has been seriously ill the past week.
Mrs. Lee Ellis spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Wesley Ellis, at Cross
Misses Kate and Essie Coffman of Memphis spent Sunday afternoon in the
home of their uncle, Mr. Julian Sutton.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rainey of Cairo, Ill. were called here Sunday by the
serious illness of their uncle, Mr. W.H. Coffman.
Mrs. Jesse Gooch and little son of Okla. have moved here.
Mrs. S.C. Meter, Mrs. A.A. Gooch and Miss Mary Gooch spent Sunday in the
J.A. West home at Unionville.
ENTERPRISE Friday November 19, 1926
***A Peep Into The Past–November 23. 1900
Mr. W.C. Burks moved his family to Blytheville, Ark. this week.
Mr. Alonzo Klutts came home from Jackson and spent a few days the past
Miss Fannie Lightfoot left last week for Cameron, Texas and other points
in the Lone Star State.
Capt. C.C. Conner moved Saturday to the W.R. Miller residence recently
vacated by Mr. W.C. Dupree.
Messrs. Jim and John Love have returned to their home in Los Angeles,
Calif. after a visit with their sisters, Mrs. Eugene Pugh and Mrs. W.H.
Tucker, at Double Bridges.
Tennessee was swept Tuesday night by the most destructive storm ever
known in the state, killing 64 and injuring 51. Columbia in Maury County is
the heaviest sufferer, where 40 were killed and 25 injured.
Sam Hurdle, colored, 16 years of age, who was employed to carry the mail
between Ripley and Fulton, was drowned Wednesday about four miles from town.
In crossing a slough, the buggy turned over and he was caught under the top.
End of Peep Into Past ***
Mrs. Carney Dead
Mrs. America Jane Carney, widow of the late Dr. J.S. Carney, after only a
few days’ illness of heart trouble and pneumonia, passed away at the home of
her son, Mr. C.S. Carney, Tuesday morning about 11 o’clock. She was taken to
her bed Sunday afternoon and that night had quite a severe attack with heart,
but had rallied and was thought to be greatly improved when the end came
suddenly, pneumonia having developed to hasten her death. Mrs. Carney had
reached the ripe age of 75 years, and had been a resident of Lauderdale County
over half a century. She was born near Franklin on Oct. 10, 1851, and in
early childhood came with her parents to Durhamville. Her maiden name was
Gardner. After her marriage to Dr. Carney, she and her husband moved near Nut
Bush where they resided for 25 years, and where three noble sons were born to
this union, Messrs. J.M. Carney, C.S. Carney, and H.S. Carney, all of Ripley,
except the latter who has made his home in Memphis for several years. After
the death of Dr. Carney on March 7, 1901, the mother and sons moved to Ripley
and during residence in our town have enjoyed the friendship and esteem of the
community as a whole.
Mrs. Carney was a member of the Methodist church, and the funeral was
conducted by Dr. F.H. Peeples at Trinity Church at Nut Bush Wednesday morning
at 10:30, and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Carney and daughter, Beth, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Carney of
Memphis were called here by her illness and death.
Dr. J.H. Lackey Dead
Dr. James Hugh Lackey died at his home in Ripley Tuesday about midnight
after less than one week’s illness of pneumonia. Though taken ill on Wednes-
day of last week, the fact of his illness did not become generally known until
Sunday when his condition became critical, and after double pneumonia devel-
oped but little hope had been entertained for his recovery. Dr. Lackey was a
descendant of one of the oldest and most well remembered families of Ripley,
and like his ancestry of three generations, was a practitioner of medicine and
honored this noble profession since his graduation from the Nashville Medical
College in 1893. Dr. Lackey was widely known and esteemed both as a man and
physician and commanded a lucrative practice. He was a son of the late Dr.
Ben F. Lackey of Rutherford, and his mother before her marriage was Miss
Victorine D. Wade of McMinnville. Deceased was born in Ripley on Sept. 17,
1870 and had lived here all his life. On Feb. 12, 1896, he was married to
Miss Bettie Tuggle of Capleville, and is survived by his widow and one sister,
Mrs. Sam Tuggle of Capleville. He was a member of the Presbyterian church and
also belonged to the Masonic and Odd Fellows fraternities. The funeral
services were held at the family residence Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock,
conducted by his pastor, Rev. G.B. Harris Jr., and his remains were laid to
rest in the Old Cemetery in Ripley.
Killed By Falling Tree
Mr. Will Newman, age 21, who lived with a tenant on Mr. John Morris’ farm
in the Mississippi bottom near Open Lake, was so seriously injured Sunday when
a tree fell on him that he died the following day and was buried at Walnut
Grove Tuesday. He came here about one year ago from Saltillo, Tenn.
Local and Personal
A son was born Wednesday night to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hendren.
Jack, little son of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Stewart, who has diphtheria, is
Dr. B.M. Primer was called to New York Tuesday night by the death of an
Mr. Lester Meacham underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Ripley
hospital Tuesday.
The many friends of “Uncle Gil” Hutcheson are glad to see him out again,
after a week’s illness.
Mrs. Gaston Harrison left Saturday for her home in Dallas, Texas after a
few days’ visit with Mrs. Julia Harrison and other relatives.
Mrs. R.W. Tanner of Hot Springs, Ark., who had been visiting her mother,
Mrs. John Conner, will return home today.
Mrs. Kenneth Gardner left Tuesday night for Miami, Fla. after a visit of
several weeks with her father, Capt. C.C. Conner.
Mr. J.E. Graves of Phisadelphia, Pa. spent Wednesday with his sister,
Mrs. Bessie Majors, leaving that night for St. Louis where he was in business
for 26 years before going to Philadelphia.
Mrs. Lottie Chism, formerly of Ripley but for the past ten months an
employee of the American Cigar Co. at Dyersburg, was quietly married to Mr.
R.B. Gaskins at 8 pm Saturday. Mr. Gaskins is with the Fegal Construction Co.
located at Rutherford, where they will reside.
Mrs. J.E. Pierson, Mrs. C.G. White and Mr. Louie White went to Memphis
Tuesday. Mrs. Pierson happened to the misfortune of slipping and falling on
the pavement and breaking her left arm at the wrist. She was carried to Dr.
Campbell’s Clinic, where the bone was set and she returned home Thursday.
Mr. Wm. Walker of Ripley and Miss Ella Lou Wood of Asbury vicinity were
married in Ripley Tuesday and left immediately for Memphis to spend their
honeymoon. Mr. Walker is a son of Mrs. J.H. Walker, and holds a position with
Boydstun’s Tailor Shop. His bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Wood.
Joe, 7 year-old son of Mr. Tom Stone, who lives near Confederate Park, is
recovering in the city hospital from an auto accident of last week in which
his skull was crushed. The child was playing on the highway and ran in front
of a car being driven by Mr. Wideliner, a traveling salesman out of Memphis.
Mr. Wideliner did all he could to avoid striking the little fellow, even
running his car in a ditch, but the rear bumper struck him and threw him on
the concrete surface and fractured his skull. This should certainly be a
warning to parents not to let their children play on the highway.
Mr. Lewis Conner has been confined to his home since Saturday night as a
result of an auto accident which occurred on the levee beyond the home of Mr.
Joe M. Scott. The car, a Dodge roadster, was occupied by Messrs. Calvin
Conner Jr., Gerald Conner, Tollie Cheek, John Klutts, and Lewis Conner, the
latter driving. It is said that the car was going at a high rate of speed
when it skidded against the side of a tree on the edge of the road. Mr.
Conner was thrown from the car and was unconscious for several hours. Messrs.
Klutts and Cheek received cuts on the head and face, while the other two
occupants escaped without a scratch.
Vester Halfacre Dead
The remains of Mr. S.S. (Vester) Halfacre arrived in Ripley Wednesday
night from Vicksburg, Miss., where he died after a brief illness of malaria
hematuria. He had been engaged in the timber business in Alsatia, La. for
several years, and was taken ill about a week ago and was carried to a
hospital in Vicksburg. He was 35 years of age and was a son of Mr. J.F.
Halfacre of Stonewall. His brother, Mr. Gus Halfacre, was called to his
bedside when he became critically ill and accompanied the remains here, which
were laid to rest in Grace Cemetery Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Chambers and Mrs. Walter Arwood spent Thursday after-
noon of last week with Mr. Bob Taylor, who is very ill at the home of Mr. John
Chisholm in Ripley.
Mr. R.A. Smith and wife of Walnut Grove spent Sunday with his brother, Mr
Joe M. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. B.B. Griffin and son, Porter, spent Sunday at Central in the
home of her sister, Mrs. J.I. Moore.
Little Blanch Warpool returned home Saturday from Lake County, where she
had been visiting her aunts, Mrs. S. Wilson and Mrs. Thum Chisholm.
Rev, and Mrs. McKay of Double Bridges spent the weekend with parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W.H. Latham.
A son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Sorrell died Sunday of pneumonia and whooping
cough and was buried at Grace Cemetery Monday afternoon. Several other
members of the family are seriously ill.
Mrs. D.A. Burlison of Brownsville visited her granddaughter, Mrs. Wiley
Daniels, the past week.
Little James Braden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Braden, has recovered
sufficiently from an operation in a Memphis hospital to return home and is
doing nicely.
Mrs. Elmore died Tuesday morning.
Mr. Sharpe Wade is making his home in the J.E. White home.
Messrs. John and Emmett White attended the funeral of Mr. Bill Wetzel at
Mary’s Chapel Monday.
Mrs. A.L. Glascock was called to Millington last week by the death of her
father, Mr. A.W. Sherrill.
Corp. Wetzel Dead
Corp. William B. Wetzel, an ex-soldier who was so badly gassed in service
in France, causing him to contact Tuberculosis, died Nov. 12 in Legion, Texas
Government Hospital. The body arrived in Ripley Monday morning, accompanied
by 0.0. Rogers, who was there when he died. The funeral was held Monday at 2
pm in the home of his sister, Mrs. W.I. Ross, and interment was at Poplar
Grove Cemetery. Rev. G.B. Harris Jr., pastor of the Presbyterian church
officiated, paying him a beautiful tribute as a comrade in arms, a volunteer
who gave himself for his country, and also a soldier of the Cross. He
professed faith in Christ and joined the M.E. church at Glimp when 15 years of
age. At age 18 he volunteered and joined the National Guard at Marlin, Texas.
The officiating minister, pall bearers and undertakers were all ex-servicemen.
Card of Thanks for Corp. Wetzel
Signed by: Mrs. L.E. Wetzel, J.T. Wetzel, Mrs. W.I. Ross, Mrs. W.J.
White, Mrs. D.O. Rogers and Mrs. C.B. Straughler.
ENTERPRISE Friday November 26, 1900
***A Peep Into The Past- -November 30. 1900
Mr. J.B. Ferguson left Sunday for his timber camp at Butler, Ark.
Mr. R.H. Oldham has sold his residence to Mr. R.L. Fortner.
Mrs. B.C. Walker of Paris is visiting her mother, Mrs. Larimore.
Mr. “Cricket” Sanders is the jubilant father of a son born Monday.
Mr. A.S. Anthony of Durhamville will move his family to Bartow, Fla. next
Mrs. Em Alston and daughter, Mrs. R.L. Motley, left yesterday for their
new home in Augusta, Ga.
Mr. George Hutcherson returned from J.B. Ferguson’s timber camp at
Butler, Ark., where he shod 63 head of mules.
Miss Minnie Martindale died Nov. 19 after a prolonged illness. She was a
consistant member of Salem Baptist Church. She was laid to rest in Oak Grove
Mr. J.D. Lucas has sold his steam brick plant, residence and Mahan tract
of land to Lee Scott, Harry Hathaway and Sam and Henry Pugh. The style of the
new firm will be Ripley Contracting Co.
A double wedding was solemnized at the Lauderdale place near Halls last
week. The contracting parties were Mr. Fred Dobbs and Miss Ila Gaines, Mr.
Richard Dobbs and Miss A. Gaines–brothers marrying sisters. Rev. J.A.
Mitchell was the officiating minister at the home of the bride’s parents, and
one ceremony united both couples.
The marriage of Mr. Dora A. Dailey and Miss Ada Evans in this city on
Monday at noon was quite a surprise to our people, even the immediate family
of the bride having had but a slight inkling of the affair. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Leon W. Sloan at the Baptist parsonage. Mr. Dailey is
comparatively a stranger in this locality, though during the past two years at
intervals he has been in the employ of the Ripley Roller Mills, where he is at
present employed as miller, working at night. He is a gentleman well skilled
in his avocation and comes of a good family who reside near Nashville. Miss
Evans is a daughter of our fellow townsman, Mr. Sid Evans. and is both pretty
and attractive. End of Peep Into Past ***
Mr. Will Ballard is critically ill at Dunavant’s hospital.
Local and Personal
Mrs. Harry Duvall of Memphis is a guest of Mrs. Lee Scott.
The 7-months-old son of Dr. and Mrs. B.M. Primer is ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. B.A. Bickers, who has been ill with typhoid fever the past month, is
able to sit up.
Mrs. Andrew Keller is spending Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Tollie
Garrett, in Skene, Miss.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oliver at the Woman’s Hospital in
Memphis Nov. 18. He has been christened Cecil Oliver Jr.
A daughter was born Nov. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey McIntyre in Pine
Bluff, Ark. She has been christened Audrey Rae Mcintyre.
Mrs. Ema Klutts was called to Memphis Tuesday by the illness of her
cousin, Mrs. Harris, who underwent an operation at the Baptist Hospital.
Mr. Lewis Conner, who was injured in an automobile wreck last week, was
carried to the Baptist Hospital in Memphis Sunday. A blood clot on his brain
may necessitate an operation.
Or. C.O. Wilkes, whose illness of typhoid fever and yellow jaundice the
past three weeks has been a matter of concern among his many friends, was
reported improving Wednesday.
Rev. W.F. Barrier and wife have moved from Millington to Ripley and will
make their home with their daughter, Mrs. J.A. Hutcheson.
A large barn belonging to Messrs. W.R. Miller and G.M. Partee burned at
Ashport Sunday night about 7 o’clock, together with its contents, which
included 1800 bushels of corn, 2500 bales of Alfalfa hay, and about $400 in
farming tools. Insurance of $500 was carried on barn, and $1250 on feedstuff,
but the loss over and above insurance is estimated at $2000. The farm was
rented to Mr. C.C. Shoaf, and one of his tenants, a Mr. Cantrell, was living
in the main house on the place. The origin of the fire is unknown.
Mrs. Joe Ellis spent Saturday night with her brother, Mr. Jesse Lovell,
at Conner.
Mrs. Homer Ferguson of Whitefield and brother, Mr. Julius Klutts of
Mary’s Chapel were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. C.E. Williams.
Richard Sorrell Dead
Richard Wardell Sorrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Sorrell of Dry Hill,
died Sunday, Nov. 14, 1926, age 13 years, from complications of whooping
cough, pneumonia and colitis. Just in the bloom of youth, when the joys of
life seem to multiply so rapidly, alas! came the grim reaper, Death, who is no
respecter of person. He leaves father, mother, two sisters, eight brothers,
graadmotber, and a host of relatives. And to add sadness to sorrow, the
father and five of the children are confined to their beds. May the Lord and
people remember this home in a substantial manner. Remains of the deceased
were interred in Grace Cemetery the following day. Services were conducted by
Dr. L.O. Leavell of Ripley. A Friend.
Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Briggs of Senath, Mo. were called here Saturday by the
death of their father, Mr. P.S. Sloan.
On Friday morning, Mr. P.S. Sloan, for a number of years section foreman
at this place, was struck by a through freight and fatally injured while on
duty. He was rushed to a Dyersburg hospital where several operations were
performed in an effort to save his life, but he passed away Saturday night at
9 o’clock. His remains were brought to his home Sunday morning and the
funeral was held at the Methodist Church Monday afternoon, being conducted by
Rev. John M. Jenkins of Hornbeak, his former pastor. Interment was in Gates
Mr. Bob Hendren has a child very sick with pneumonia.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. S.V. Carmack is quite sick with pneumonia.
Mrs. Clarence Melton of Memphis visited her sister, Mrs. S.V. Carmack,
several days this week.
The funeral of Mrs. Lee Mitchell Smith (nee Miss Frances Hendren) was
held at the Methodist Church Saturday morning. Mrs. Smith died at her home
near Dyersburg Thursday night. Burial was in Cross Roads Cemetery. She was
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hendren, who survive her. She also
leaves a husband, an infant daughter, a sister, and five brothers.
Mr. W.H. Crihfield celebrated his 85th birthday Sunday with a dinner.
All the children and most of the grandchildren were there. The writer wishes
‘Uncle Henry” many more happy birthdays.
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Keltner are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Cal Grear,
near Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Braden Leggett visited her sister, Mrs. Dunaway Rooks, at
Nut Bush Sunday.
Mr. Ollie Bratcher of Edith spent Saturday night with his sister, Mrs.
Ada Riddick.
A 3 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Sorrell died Friday of pneumonia and
whooping cough. This is the second death in this family inside of a week.
The rest of the family seem to be improving.
ENTERPRISE Friday December 3, 1926
Ballard Found in Ruins
Wednesday night of last week the home and contents of H.A. Mueller, four
miles south of Ripley, were destroyed by fire. Mueller and his family were
not at home at the time, as he had gone to Ashport to look after the gathering
of his crop. The gruesome remains of Hayes Ballard, a stepson of Mueller, was
found, he having lost his life in the flames. It is said that the young man
reached the house some time before midnight, turned his horse loose in the
yard and retired. Just how the fire started is not known. Two bales of baled
cotton in the yard were burned over, but not damaged very much. Mueller lost
a small amount of currency besides his household goods. Ballard was 17 years
of age and unmarried.
Cleaning Pistols. Shot
Halls, Tenn., Nov. 28.– T.L. Meeks, a highly respected citizen living
about six miles west of Halls, was accidently shot Saturday afternoon about 2
o’clock. Mr. Meeks was rushed to the hospital in Dyersburg, where he died
about 8 o’clock. The accident happened at the home of John Duncan, deceased,
whose estate Mr. Meeks was administering upon. Mr. Duncan, who had been an
officer of Lauderdale County, had several pistols, which Mr. Meeks was oiling
and cleaning prepartory to a sale, and Mrs. Duncan thinking them empty took up
one and snapped it and it fired, the ball entering the thigh of Mr. Meeks,
severing the large artery of the leg.
***A Peep Into The Past–December 7. 1900
Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Blount left Tuesday to visit relatives in Qkla.
Mr. J.R. Hardin of Cottage Grove visited his daughter, Mrs. J.M. Carney,
this week.
Mrs. D.J. Majors and children returned Saturday from an extended visit to
relatives in Georgia.
Mr. William Conner left this week for Memphis, where he has accepted a
position on the boat Robert E. Lee.
Mr. John Halfacre and family and Mr. Thos. Goodman and family left
Tuesday for Ardmore, Indian Territory, to reside.
“Uncle Dave” Brown, colored, died last week in lipton County where he had
gone to wait on his son who was sick.
Mr. Tom Kirkpatrick went to Memphis Saturday to meet his sister, Miss
Mellie, who was returning from a visit in Mississippi.
Mrs. Laura Halliburton, wife of Mr. Richard Halliburton and daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Drake, died Nov. 19. She had a large circle of friends who
will receive the intelligence of her death with deep regret. She was highly
esteemed by all who knew her. End of Peep Into Past***
Dr. C.O. Wilkes
This week the county mourns the passing of Dr. C.O. Wilkes, whose death
occurred at his home on Henning Street about noon Tuesday. For about three
weeks he had put up a brave fight, but finally lost to the ravages of typhoid
fever and other complications. He graduated from a dental college in Memphis.
When the World War broke out he volunteered and was stationed at Fort Ogle-
thorpe and while there met and married Miss Isabel Abbott of Atlanta. To this
union came two children, Isabel, age 4 1/2 years and Charles, four months. He
was in his 33rd year, son of Mr. C.N. Wilkes of Gates. Interment was in
Maplewood Cemetery with Masonic honors.
Social Happenings
Mrs. Martha Ellen Hines announces the marriage of her daughter, Nellie,
to Mr. Joseph Bryan Kratzer, which occurred on Thursday. Nov. 25, at McGehee,
The marriage of Mrs. Lola Williams Duncan and Mr. Charles Raymond Preston
was quietly solemnized Nov. 24th in the chapel of the First Presbyterian
Church, Jacksonville, Florida.
J.D. Jennings Shot
Mr. J.D. Jennings was brought to his home in Ripley Tuesday night
suffering with a slight flesh wound in the left breast, as a result of an
encounter with a negro Stratton Taylor, alias George Taylor, though the wound
was the result of the accidental discharge of a pistol In the hands of an
officer, D.G. Thum, when he went to the assistance of Mr. Jennings, whom he
had deputized to help carry the negro to jail. In an unguarded moment the
negro felled Mr. Jennings and was on top of him, and when Mr. Thum struck him
over the head with his pistol, the pistol was discharged. It is alleged that
the negro was shot once by Mr. Jennings and once by Mr. Thum before he was
overpowered, one wound being in the head and one in the abdomen. He was
brought to Ripley and later carried to his home in Halls where he died
Wednesday morning. It is said the negro had stolen a mule from Mr. Jim Young
of Osceola, Ark. and was trying to dispose of It at a very low price to Mr.
Jennings at his store at Pleasant Hill. After the negro left the store Mr.
Jennings telephoned Mr. Thum of the occurrence and Mr. Thum had deputized Mr.
Jennings to help make the arrest.
Cedar Grove
Mr. Fred Hutcherson, formerly of this place, was married Saturday to Mrs.
Dalphine Fuller at Memphis.
Mr. Tom Chipman Sr., who has been confined to his bed for some time, is
very sick at this time and his children have been called to his bedside.
Mrs. Joe Ellis is attending the bedside of Mr. Horace Lee, who is ill
with pneumonia at his home near Ripley.
Mrs. Win. Jarrett of Brownsville was a guest Tuesday of her daughter, Mrs.
W.H. Jordon.
Mr. E.L. Lankford, who has been confined to his bed the past four weeks
due to a fall, was carried to Memphis Monday for treatment.
Mr. Win. Ballard died at the hospital here Sunday morning about 11 o’clock
after an illness of more than five weeks. He was buried the following day at
Bethlehem Cemetery. He leaves three brothers, Messrs. Kern, Jeff and Seymour
Ballard; two sisters, Mrs. Jim Price and Miss Corrie Ballard.
In Memory
On Friday morning, Nov. 26, the death angel entered the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R.S. Richardson and took their precious little angel, Eva Gertrude, age 1
year, 9 days. She was sick just a few days with bronchitis but pneumonia
developed. Everything that loving hands could do was all in vain. She had
just come to brighten our hearts for a little season and is now gone on to
await our coming in that home where there is no sickness, pain or death, and
where partings come no more. We weep not as those that have no hope, for we
know that heaven is made brighter by her presence and that she is a golden
chain binding us nearer and closer to God. Funeral services were conducted by
Rev. C.C. Newbill of Henning at Poplar Grove Cemetery. Grandmother
Card Of Thanks
Signed: Mr. And Mrs. R.S. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crawford
Local and Personal
A son was born last Friday to Dr. and Mrs. L.O. Leavell.
Mrs. W.D. Poston of Brownsville spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. A.R.
Mrs. J.R. Freeland of Brownsville spent the weekend with her daughter,
Mrs. V.W. Yates.
Mrs. Lelia Spiller spent Thursday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fowler
Sr., at Nut Bush.
Master Alfred Turner, who is going to school at Reviere, spent the
Thanksgiving holidays at home and was accompanied to Memphis Monday by his
mother, Mrs. J.C. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Carney of Memphis were guests of parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C.S. Carney, Sunday.
Mrs. J.A. Griffin and son, Neal, of Deminy, N.M. visited Mrs. W.L. Durham
several days last week.
Miss Lucy White has returned to Greenwood, Miss. after a visit with
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. White at Arp.
Mrs. Win. Henry returned Wednesday from a visit to her niece, Mrs. L.H.
Graves, and other relatives.
Mrs. Cora King of Dell, Ark., who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dora
Dennie at Arp, visited her brother, Mr. S.Y. Garrett, Tuesday night.
Robert Alston, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Anthony, was carried to
a hospital in Memphis Sunday for treatment of bronchial pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Kratzer of McGehee, Ark, were weekend guests in the G.
Ed Johnston home. Mrs. Kratzer is a daughter of Mrs. Martha Hines of Ripley.
Mrs. Gertie Howard of Memphis announces the marriage of her daughter,
Stella, to Mr. Claud Forbes of Atoka, which was quietly solemnized in Memphis
Sunday evening, Nov. 28th.
An 11 1/2 pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Walding at their
home In Memphis on Nov. 25th. Mrs. Walding before her marriage was the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Chambers of Edith.
Mr. Francis Dunavant was operated on for appendicitis Monday at the
Methodist hospital in Memphis. His mother, Mrs. J.V. Dunavant and brother,
Mr. Wilson Dunavant, were with him a few days.
Mrs. J.B. Koonce died Wednesday at her home near Central after an illness
of several weeks. She is survived by two children. Her husband died a few
months ago. Her remains were laid to rest in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Thursday
Albert Williams, colored, was found dead near Gold Dust Thursday after-
noon of last week. He had been cutting wood for Mr. Felix Davis and left
about 1 o’clock for his home on an errand. Failing to return in two hours, a
search was made for him with the above result. No marks of violence were
found on his person, and it is supposed he died of heart failure, having but
recently been discharged from a hospital.
Miss Sadie Sue Goad spent the past weekend with her sister, Mrs. C.C.
Knob Creek
A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parrish died Monday night of
whooping cough and other complications and was laid to rest the following day
in Enon Cemetery.
Coal Creek
Mr. Dual Harrison of the Bluff has moved his family to this community to
make their home.
Mr. John Underwood, from near Halls, spent Saturday night with his
sister, Mrs. G.C. Webb.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Given of Glimp spent the weekend with the latter’s
mother, Mrs. N.J. Douglas.
Mr. Jim Crowder and son, Mr. Larke Crowder, and Mr. Montelle Crowder
spent. Sunday with Mr. Luther Crowder at Gold Dust.
Miss Rose Hunt spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. J.D. Morris, at
Mr. J.A. Owen of Munford spent the weekend with his brother, Mr. W.M.
Misses Audrey, Gladys and Clarice Mitchell spent a few days in Salem,
guests of their aunt, Mrs. Dollie Poe.
Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Bryan and little son, Walton, of Memphis spent Saturday
with their sister, Mrs. W.M. Alexander.
A Good Man Fallen
It is with a deep sense of loss and grief that we write of the death of
Mr. P.S. Sloan of Gates. After about thirty-six hours of suffering caused by
being struck by a freight train, he passed away at 9 pm on Nov. 20 in the
Baird Brewer hospital at Dyersburg. Loving hands and medical science put
forth every effort, but to no avail. He was born and reared in Gibson County
near Humboldt and was 56 years old. He came to Gates while still a young man
and was employed by the I.C. Railroad. Thirty of his best years were spent in
efficient service as section foreman. He was thrifty and business-like in his
affairs, making a marked success. In the passing of Mr. Sloan, Gates has lost
a spendid citizen, the Masonic Order a valued member, the Methodist church a
consistant adherent, and his family a most devoted husband and father.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. John M. Jenkins of Hornbeak his
former pastor, assisted by Dr. Fred Peeples of Dyersburg and Rev. W.L. Drake
of Gates.In preaching his funeral, Bro. Jenkins truthfully said, “Sloan was
a loyal warm friend to his pastor, very bountifully he gave to his church in
loyalty, attendance and of his means. In his quiet way he met every demand
promptly and cheerfully. His peoples’ interests were close to his big heart
and his was a labor of love for those near and dear to him. He always strove
to carry out every wish of his wife and children, wearing a pleasant smile all
the while.”
Besides a host of friends and relatives, he leaves a widow, Mrs. Mattie
Witt Sloan; three children, Miss Byrd Sloan, Mr. Norman Sloan and Mrs. Ernest
Briggs of Senath, Mo. To mourn his death to these in sad bereavement we
extend our heartfelt sympathy. He was buried with impressive Masonic rites
amidst a large concourse of fellow Masons, railroad men, friends and rela-
tives. Active pallbearers were J.T. Hamil, S.B. Hill, C.P. Humphreys, W.T.
Clark, W.G. Vaughan and J.R. Murchison. Honorary pallbearers were A.T. Batts,
R.L. Hardy, John Dame and T.J. Dudley. Interment was in Gates Cemetery
beneath a mound of flowers. A Friend
Mrs. Martha Caldwell
Mrs. Martha Brown Caldwell, after an illness of nearly ten months, died
Tuesday morning, Oct. 19, 1926 at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. E.L.
Sutton. She was born January 13, 1832 and in 1851 she was married to Nathan
Caldwell and to this union seven children were born. Only one survives, Mrs.
Jane Garrett, of Memphis. Deceased has living twenty grandchildren, thirty-
nine great grandchildren, and seven great great grandchildren. In early life
she joined the Presbyterian church and lived a faithful member until God
called her home. She said many times she was ready to go; that all was well
with the Lord. The funeral was conducted at Grace Wednesday morning by Rev.
J.M. Kendall in the presence of a large crowd. adv.
Mrs. Walter Evans of Memphis spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. G.W.
Mrs. Levi Clark spent Friday in the home of her mother, Mrs. Charley
Akin, at Perciful.
Mr. Ed Davis of Blytheville, Ark, visited in the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Davis, the past week.
Mrs. Oliver McConnico and daughter of Paris spent Thanksgiving with her
brother, Mr. Aubrey Hardy.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perciful of Dyersburg came Thursday to take Thanksgiv-
ing dinner with her mother, Mrs. G.E. Smith.
Poplar Grove
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Ammons and family spent Sunday in Williamstown with his
son, Mr. Aubrey Ammons.
Mrs. Ola Crawford, daughter Alma, and son A.B. attended the burial of
little Gertie Richerson Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griggs are parents of a son born Nov. 26th.
Mr. William Wood left Sunday night for Oklahoma, where he will accept a
position in the oil field.
Mr. Jim Porter Chipman is ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. H.H. Bray and children left Nov. 20th for Texas where they will
ENTERPRISE Friday December 10, 1926
Hurt in Affray
Saturday night about 11:30, Win. Kimmerling was struck and an ugly gash
inflicted on his left temple as a result of an encounter, it is alleged, with
Ed McCarty. According to report of the officer, John Evans, who took McCarty
in custody and carried him to jail, Kimmerling was standing in front of the
Campbell poolroom on southside of square, when it is said McCarty struck him
and he fell to the pavement. It is said that the men had had some words
earlier in the day, and this fight was the result of the former trouble.
Kimmerling was carried to the local hospital and his wound dressed and is
reported recovering. McCarty will be given a preliminary hearing Saturday.
*** A Peep Into The Past–December 14. 1900
Mr. T.J. Kee has moved his family from Henning to Ripley.
Dr. J.W. Sanford and family moved this week from Glimp to Ripley.
Mr. Sid Evans and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Ed Lee near
Woodville Saturday.
Mr. John Anderson Johnston visited his daughter, Mrs. Strayhorn, in
Friendship last week.
The barn of Mr. Geo. W. Smith, three miles north of Woodville, was
destroyed by fire Monday morning. His loss was estimated at $1000, which
includes two mares and two mules.
Col. R.H. Watkins, one of Lauderdale’s aged and respected citizens, died
suddenly at his home in Ripley on the morning of Dec. 7th in his 76th year,
and his remains were laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery. Col. Watkins was a
native of Virginia, was a graduate of West Point, and served in the Confeder-
ate army throughout the war. He had been an honest and influential citizen of
Ripley since 1882, and held a warm place in the hearts of all who knew him.
He had been a member of the Christian Church 17 years, and was one of the
charter members of the church organized in Ripley in 1894, and was made a
deacon. End Of Peep Into Past***
Mr. Mack Murley was a Sunday visitor in the A.B. Dill home.
Local and Personal
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Quinlin are parents of a son born Dec. 6th.
Mr. J.D. McLeod left Thursday night for San Angelo, Texas on a visit to
his sister, Mrs. Mason.
Mrs. T.G. Kirkpatrick and children, Robert Read and Margaret Murrey, of
Owensboro, Ky. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Barbee.
Little Miss Annie Laurie Hay of Marvell, Ark. will arrive Friday to spend
the winter with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Wesson.
Rhea, 7 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Johnson, fell on the pavement
near the Methodist Church last Friday afternoon while returning from school
and broke his left leg above the knee. He was racing with another boy when he
fell and his playmate fell on him. He is getting along as well as could be
Relatives in Lauderdale County have been advised of the death of Mrs.
D.J. Hosteller on Nov. 30, at her home in San Angelo, Texas. She will be
remembered as Miss Kittie Mason and lived in the Arp community for a year or
more. She was born and reared in Covington and was a frequent visitor in
J.P. Belton Dies
Mr. J.P. Belton died at his home in Friendship on Thursday of last week
after an illness of several months with a complication of disease. He was the
father of our fellow townsman, Mr. Julian Belton; also Mr. Dewitt Belton and
Mrs. K.J. Gwynn, of Memphis. He is also survived by his second wife and one 8
year-old child by her. The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at
Friendship last Friday. All his children attended the last rites, also Mr.
Gwynn. Mr. Belton was born in Haywood County but came to Lauderdale at the
age of four years. He first lived at Arp but later moved to Edith where he
resided until about 12 years ago when he moved to Friendship. He was city
marshal of Friendship for quite a while, but for the past few years was
engaged in farming. He was a member of the Methodist Church and during his
long residence at Edith was a steward in his church.
Miss Myrtle Lou Walker has returned home after spending a month with her
aunt, Mrs. J.A. Owen, in Munford.
Miss Manone McPherson of Williamstown spent Friday night with grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. McPherson.
Mr. Lantie Escue is quite ill with pneumonia.
Mr. Joe Escue, from near Halls, spent Sunday and Sunday night here with
his son who is sick.
Messrs. Roy and Arch Escue, of Bald Knob, have been here at the bedside
of the former’s brother.
Messrs. Emmett and J.T. Kirby spent one day last week with their sister,
Mrs. Bill Lee, at Orysa.
Mr. Albert Henry Crook of Henning spent Sunday with his grandfather, Mr.
Albert Crook.
Mrs. C.C. Pugh and baby have returned to their home in Memphis after a
week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Guy Dunavant.
Mary’s Chapel
Miss Irene Klutts spent a day with friends at Friendship recently.
Mr. Horace Lee, who has been quite ill with pneumonia, is improving.
Mr. Bill Lee and family of Orysa attended the bedside of Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Lee last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sellers of Kentucky visited their mother in the home of Mrs.
H.O. Hendren recently.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lee on Nov. 29th. She has
been christened Mattie Lou.
Mrs. Mattie Ellis of Curve and Mrs. Jim Ellis of Crockett County were
called here last week by the illness of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lee.
Pea Ridge
Mrs. Cleave Lovelace and baby, from near Luckett, spent Sunday night in
:he home of her aunt, Mrs. W.W. Hopkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Woodruff and baby of Glimp visited in the home of
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Smith, one day last week.
Mr. D.A. Craig of Ripley spent a few days last week with his brother, Mr.
L.L. Craig.
Mr. R.A. Smith and wife of Walnut Grove spent Sunday in the home of Mr.
Charlie Craig.
Mr. F.A. Smith of Walnut Grove spent Wednesday night in the home of his
brother, Mr. Joe M. Smith.
Mr. R.A. Smith and wife of Walnut Grove spent Saturday night with his
sister, Mrs. W.L. Craig.
Mr. F.A. Smith and Miss Emma Taylor of Arp visited in the home of his
sister, Mrs. W.L. Craig.
Mr. Joe Prescott and family spent Sunday in the home of Mr. Koonce at
Mr. Arch Escue has a very sore hand, caused by getting it mashed in
putting a backlog in his fireplace.
Masters Hall and Paul Ballinger of Maury City spent the weekend with
their sister, Mrs. E.S. Cates.
Mrs. John Moore and children of Dyersburg spent Saturday and Sunday with
their father, Mr. C.N. Wilkes.
Mr. and Mrs. Verno Anderson of Covington spent Friday with his mother,
Mrs. Willie Anderson.
Mr. Marvin Garrett and family spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs.
Jane Garrett, in Memphis.
Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Puryear of Raleigh were guests of their niece, Mrs.
N.J. Harward, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Manning and children spent Sunday in Memphis. Mrs.
Manning remained for a week’s visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J.P. James.
Forked Deer
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pryor and son, Win. O’Neil, left this week for their
new home in Nashville.
Mrs. Watson Bain returned home Thursday of last week from a visit to her
daughter, Mrs. I.F. Milam, at Nashville.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and little daughter, Gladys, of Birmingham, Ala.
are visiting relatives here.
J.T. Davis Victim of Fatal Accident
Brownsville and community were plunged into deep sorrow Thursday morning
when it became known that J.T. Davis had met death by the accidental discharge
of his shotgun, while he was driving his automobile on the Memphis to Bristol
highway about 9 o’clock. Mr. Davis left town early Thursday morning to see a
party living near Hatchie River bridge and was returning to his home when the
deplorable accident occurred. As he often did, he carried his bird dog and
gun with him in order that he might exercise and train the dog before the
opening of the bird season. The dog and gun, an automatic, was on the rear
seat of the car and it is supposed that in some manner the dog struck the gun,
which caused it to fall from the position in which Mr. Davis had placed it.
The entire discharge of the gun took effect in the back of his head. Death
was instantaneous. The car in which Mr. Davis was riding ran to one side of
the road and stopped. A negro, Julius Nellum, who was walking on the highway
toward the approaching car, heard the discharge of the gun, but thought it was
only a tire blow-out until he saw the car leave the highway, coming to a stop
against a stump to the side. When he arrived at the car he discovered the
lifeless body.
He immediately notified local authorities who went to the scene of the
accident. The remains were brought to Brownsville in a J.M. Cox & Son
ambulance and were carried to their funeral home where the body was prepared
for burial. A coroner’s jury was impaneled by Coroner J.M. Cox which
returned a verdict that death was due to the accidental discharge of his own
gun. The gun was examined and the automatic safety was found to be defected.
Mr. Davis was senior member of the grocery firm of Davis & Rose. He is
survived by his wife and three daughters; his mother, Mrs. M.L. Davis of
Brownsville; two sisters, Mrs. A.W. Livingston and Mrs. Hascal Hurt of
Brownsville, and one brother, Dr. Henry Davis of Blytheville, Ark. His uncle,
Mr. Henry Sangster, is a prominent druggist of this city, and his partner in
business, Mr. Arthur Rose, is a cousin. –Brownsville States-Graphic.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tom Purcell motored to Tenemo Sunday. Mrs. Purcell
remained for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Leo Swift.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houston of Searcy, Ark. arrived last week to make
their home with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wakefield.
“Aunt Becky” Gaines Dead
Mrs. Rebecca A. Gaines, widow of the late R.F. Gaines, and sister of the
late David Dewalt of Ripley, died at her home in this city on Monday evening.
She was in her 78th year and her death was due to the infirmities of age after
only two weeks’ confinement. Mrs. Gaines was a native of Newberry, S.C., and
moved to Lauderdale County at an early age. She resided in the Gaines School
house community, named for her, in the 15th district until her removal to
Ripley some ten years ago. Her husband, who was trustee of Lauderdale County
for two terms, died about 20 years ago. Like his beloved wife he possessed in
a large measure the same beautiful and noble qualities of heart and mind that
predominated her life. Both were indeed fine characters, and while having no
children of their own, during their lifetime their home was made the home of
22 children, most of whom were orphans, who were reared by them to an age when
they could care for themselves. But “Uncle Dick” and “Aunt Becky” were always
to them “the best people in the world” and as dear as any parents could be.
After the death of Mr. Gaines, Mrs. Hattie Grenade, a life-long friend, came
to live with Mrs. Gaines and together these near and dear companions spent
many years of a happy, contented life. Funeral services were held in Asbury
Methodist Church, of which deceased was a member, Tuesday afternoon, and her
remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at that place. Her pastor, Rev.
J.M. Kendall, who conducted the services, paid her a beautiful tribute in the
presence of a large congregation who mourn with all the bereaved in the
passing away of this good woman.
Mrs. N.A. Kinzer of Ashport spent Saturday with her niece, Mrs. John
ENTERPRISE Friday December 17, 1926
*** A Peep Into The Past–December 21. 1900
A son was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Henry.
Mr. Calvin Durham has sold his farm near Flippen to Mr. Gay.
Mr. Dave Craig of Lightfoot became the father of two bouncing boys last
week, hence he is doubly happy.
Mr. M.V. Bettis, of Bells, spent a few days this week with his daughter,
Mrs. Lee Scott. He ill move his family here about Jan. 1st.
Only last week it was our duty to chronicle the death of Col. R.H.
Watkins, and ere the point of our pencil had been blunted, we are called up to
announce the death of his beloved wife, Mrs. Lucy A. Watkins, who died
Wednesday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. W.R. Miller, in this city,
after a prolonged illness. Thus the ties of love and devotion, which bound
them in this life, in death were severed but for a brief span, then re-united
to enjoy the endless bliss of eternity in the Golden City of God. Mrs.
Watkins was a member of the Christian Church and the organization and perpetu-
ation of this little band of Christ’s followers in our town.
Especially interesting was the marriage solemnized at the Methodist
Church on the evening of Dec. 17th, when Miss Pearl Wood of Ripley became the
bride of Mr. C.F. Sherman of Boston. After an extended trip, Mr. and Mrs.
Sherman will be at home at Clinton, Ky. End Of Peep Into Past***
Mr. A.M. Durham of Durhamville is visiting his daughter, Mrs. W.L. Drake.
Mrs. W.T. Pollard and baby, Edith, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Alice
Mrs. W.B. Perry has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. E.P.
Robison, in Memphis.
Mr. E.P. Robison has returned to his home in Memphis and was accompanied
by his nephew, William Robison.
In Memory
In memory of our dear father, Mr. W.A. Langley, who departed this life
Nov. 4, 1926. He was sick only a few hours and was conscious till the last.
He told all that he was ready to go and in his dying hour prayed for his
children and grandchildren. He was born Feb. 27, 1844 and was 82 years, eight
months, and seven days old. He professed faith in Christ and joined the
Methodist Church in early life and lived a true Christian life. In 1866 he
was married to Miss Bettie Andrews. To this union were born nine children,
four of whom survive. He is also survived by an aged brother, Mr. J.M.
Langley, who is very feeble; thirty-three grandchildren, eight great-grand-
children, and a host of friends to mourn his death. We miss you, dear
father, but some sweet day we expect to meet you again where parting will be
no more.
adv. His son, Brown
Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Roy celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on
Monday, Dec. 13.
Mr. H.W. Keller celebrated his 91st birthday Tuesday, Dec. 14, in the
home of Mr. I.P. Keller.
Local and Personal
Rhea, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Johnson, who fell and broke his left leg
above the knee last week, was carried to Dr. Campbell’s Clinic in Memphis
Sunday and had his leg reset, returning home Wednesday.
Relatives here were advised last week of the death of the four year-old
son of Mrs. Hubert Underwood at his home near Bells. The child was burned to
death, and his 10 year-old sister narrowly escaped the same fate, in fact had
to flee from the house and jump in a pond of water to save herself from a
horrible death. The mother was away from home and the children attempted to
start a fire with coal oil.
Cedar Grove
A son was born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Will Clements.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown of Flippen spent Sunday night here with her
mother, Mrs. E.L. Hutcherson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hutcherson and son, Jack, spent Saturday night at
Flippen with his sister, Mrs. Nellie Brown.
Mr. Louis Underwood, son of Mrs. S.E. Underwood, formerly of this place
but now of Plumpoint, had a sad accident to occur at his home Monday. While
Mr. Underwood was in the field at work, his oldest son, 8 years of age, was
playing with a shotgun and shot the head of the 16 months-old baby off its
body. The remains were laid to rest in Prospect Cemetery Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Modlin attended the funeral of Mrs. Luther Modlin at
Enon Monday.
Mr. Willie Brown of Dyersburg spent Wednesday night with his aunt, Mrs.
S.W. Clay.
Mr. Edgar Galyean and family of Luxora, Ark. attended the bedside of his
uncle, Mr. Jim Galyean, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Hendren spent several days last week in Ripley with the
latter’s mother, Mrs. Mittie Frazier.
Pleasant Hill
Mr. John Glisson, after an absence of two years in Texas, is spending a
month’s vacation in the home of his father, Mr. T.P. Glisson.
Knob Creek
A son was born Dec. 5th to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parrish.
A daughter was born Dec. 3rd to Mr. and Mrs. Homa Cowell.
Mrs. Jim Duncan of Nankipoo is visiting her daughter, Mrs. T.L. Meeks.
Mr. Wayne Cousins of Blytheville, Ark, has moved his family back to
Mrs. S.C. Meter spent last weekend with her brother, Mr. J.A. West, at
Mr. Richard Griggs was called last week to attend the bedside of his
brother, Mr. Roy Griggs, who is very sick.
ENTERPRISE Friday December 24, 1926
*** A Peep Into The Past- -December 28. 1900
Miss Carol Owen came home from Boscobel College, Nashville, to spend the
Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Johnston gave a reception Wednesday night in honor of
their son, Mr. Herbert Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. F.M. McCabe of Jackson were called here this week by the
illness of Mrs. Lackey, Mrs. McCabe’s grandmother.
Mr. John Hill of Whitefield and Miss Lillie Klutts, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J.A. Klutts, were married Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride’s
parents, near town.
Mr. L.A. Kinney, of Bride, Tipton County, and Miss Ollie White, of
Covington, were married on Dec. 20th in Covington. Mr. Jesse Kinney of
Ripley, brother of the groom, attended the affair.
Mr. Lewis Graves and Miss Mai Upchurch were married at the bride’s
sister’s residence in Henning on the evening of the 25th.
Mrs. Wilson, mother of Mr. E.F. Wilson, died Dec. 22 and was laid to rest
in Edith Cemetery. She is survived by one son, one daughter and several
grandchildren. End of Peep Into Past***
Two Memphis Boys Arrested
Two white boys, age 17 and 15 respectively, giving their names as Malcomb
B. Price and Claud Beard and Memphis as their home, were arrested here Monday,
charged with stealing a Ford touring car at Highland Heights, Memphis, driving
up Jeff Davis highway, picking up a negro near Covington and robbing him of
$15.25 and making their way to Ripley. Officers from Memphis came after the
boys Saturday.
Forked Deer
Mrs. Lawson Hardy is spending the Christmas holidays with her mother,
Mrs. W.B. Orndorff, in Springfield.
Mrs. Luther Modlin died December 12 at the home of her brother after
several months’ illness. She is survived by mother, two sisters, one brother,
and two daughters. The remains were laid to rest the following day at Enon
beside her husband.
After a week’s illness, on December 10, Miss Hilda Hall passed to the
Great Beyond, leaving mother, father, two sisters, and one brother and a host
of friends and relatives to mourn their loss. The remains were laid to rest
the following day in Edith Cemetery.
Circuit Court
J.W. Porter, tippling; stricken on motion of atty. gen.
Marvin Ragland, tippling; “ “ “ “
Herman Forsythe, tippling, “ “ “ “ “
John Mathis, tippling; same as above
Paul McKnight, assault and battery; dismissed on payment of costs.
James Pitts; housebreaking and larceny; stricken on motion.
Frank Faught, driving car over 30 miles per hour; stricken on motion.
Dave Hines, housebreaking and larceny; 30 days in jail.
Will H. Crook, public profanity; submits; $5.00.
Len Crook, public drunkenness; submits; $5.00.
Lonnie Crook, ‘ “ ; stricken on motion of attny. gen.
J.P. alias Duke Bradley, public profanity; submits; $5.00.
public drunkenness; dismissed.
David Thum, public drunkenness, 2 cases; submits; $5., second case
dismissed on motion of attny. gen.
Will Outlaw, disturbing public worship and public drunkenness; submits to
public drunkenness; $50. Second case dismissed on motion.
J.D. Skinner, public drunkenness, 2 cases; submits, $5. Second case
dismissed on motion.
Ed Brown, pistol; submits, $50.
Ulus Currin, public drunkenness, receiving, transporting, etc.; pleads
guilty to transporting; $100.
Sanford Taylor, housebreaking and larceny; 2 years in penitentiary.
Sentence infamous.
Henry Cooper, public drunkenness, transp., etc.; $100. and four months in
Son Ruffin, public drunkenness; $5.
Jim Jackson, receiving and transporting; dismissed.
Odell Jackson, “ “
Divorces Granted in Circuit Court
Elbert Miller vs Eliza Miller
D. Lane vs Willie Lang
John Lake vs Augusta Lake
Avery H. Bonds vs Myrtle Bonds
Annie Sample vs J.B. Sample
Alice Burns vs Ben Burns
Louella Williams vs Jim Williams
Dema Powell vs George Powell
Ida Taylor vs Norvell Taylor
Velie Scallions vs W.A. Scallions
Georgia Tyus vs James Tyus
Jim Sangster vs Lizzie Sangster
James Lobster vs Pinkie Lobster
Eva Sanders vs Clarence Sanders
Divorces Granted in Chancery Court
Genora Harris vs Lewis Harris
Willie Shaw vs David Shaw
Palmer Jones vs Grace Alice Jones
John Haskins vs Della Haskins
Leila Barbee vs Allen Barbee
Mary Katherine Coffman vs Raymond Coffman
Ernest Crum vs Della Crum
Florence Vaughn vs Edgar Vaughn
Lillie Nixon vs Berry Nixon
Mary Lee Little vs Emmett Little
Minnie Erlin Moore vs Mengel Moore
McKinley Parker vs Mary Parker
Mrs. Blanch Payne of Blytheville, Ark. is visiting her sister, Miss
Nellie Gaines.
A marriage of much interest was that of Miss Vela McMahan to Mr. Montelle
Temple at the Methodist parsonage in Ripley Sunday evening. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMahan. He is the son of Mrs. Maude Temple.
Mr. and Morell Central of Mississippi came Saturday and are guests of her
brother, Mr. Cornelius Arwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Green Moore went to Forked Deer Thursday to spend Christmas
with her mother, Mrs. Tom Darnell.
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Hancock of Gold Dust were here Sunday to see his
father, Mr. J.L. Hancock.
The many friends of Mr. F.E. Hancock, a brother of Mr. J.L. Hancock, will
regret to hear of his death which occurred a few days ago near Blytheville,
Ark. He was in his 60th year. Out of a family of ten children, seven boys
and three girls, J.L. Hancock is the only one surviving.
Local and Personal
Mrs. J.E. Hurley and children of Pryor, Okla. are visiting her mother,
Mrs. M.A. Turner.
A son was born Dec. 15th to Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Kee at Atlanta, Ga. He has
been named William Kee Jr.
Mr. J.M. Galyean, age 73, died Monday at his home at Edith, and his
remains laid to rest Tuesday in Grace Cemetery.
Mrs. Roy Roberson has been very ill from ptomaine poisoning since Monday,
but was reported improving as we went to press.
Mr. C.E. Snyder will arrive in Ripley Sunday from Everett, Pa. where he
was called from Lake Charles, La. by the death of his father.
Mrs. W.J. Wilson of Woodville died Tuesday at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. G.T. Scott, in Brownsville. The funeral was held at Woodville Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30. She is survived by her husband, one son, Sam Wilson, of
Brownsville; two daughters, Mrs. Scott of Brownsville; and Mrs. Otis Ospray,
of Lordsburg, N.M.
Mrs. W.B. Perry spent Tuesday in Halls with her daughter, Mrs. R.L.
Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Hartman attended the funeral of Mr. J.P. Wortham at
Covington Saturday.
Mrs. B.F. Poe is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mack Lutrell, at Garland.
Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Bragg spent Sunday with his son, Mr. Willie Bragg, at
the Walker farm.
ENTERPRISE Friday December 31, 1926
***A Peep Into The Past–January 4, 1901
Miss Lizzie Lusk has returned to Wards Seminary at Nashville.
Miss Edna Evans has returned from a visit in Fulton, Ky.
Mr. Ed Rainey has accepted a position with R.L. Fortner.
Mr. G. Edd Johnston has resigned his position with Miller’s and Partee’s.
Mr. Albert Huddleston and family of Fulton, Ky. are with relatives here
this week.
Mr. C.P. Fowler has purchased the shoe shop of Geo. Washington and moved
same over Win. Tucker & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Strayhorn and son of Friendship were guests of rela-
tives near Ripley the past week.
Mr. James P. Sloan has accepted a position with the well known implement
and vehicle firm of W.B. Sapp & Co.
Mr. W.G.L. Rice was thrown from a horse on Christmas Day on his farm near
Orysa, breaking his left leg between the knee and ankle. We hope for him a
speedy recovery.
At the Presbyterian Manse in Ripley on last Friday afternoon, Mr. H.R.
Newman and Miss Birdie Johnson of Curve were married.
Miss Maud Griffin of Collierville and Mr. W.L. Durham of Gates were
married Dec. 27th in the parlor at the Peabody Hotel.
A beautiful wedding took place on Dec. 26 at the home of the bride’s
father, Mr. W.T. Andrews, at Bexar, the contracting parties being Mr. Alf
Caldwell and Miss Willie Andrews.
Mr. Ben White and Miss Rosa Maness were happily married at the home of
the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Maness in Ripley on last Tuesday
evening, Jan. 1st, at 7:30 o’clock. End of Peep Into Past***
Mr. Bob Murley and family have moved to Nut Bush.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Yancey are parents of a daughter, born Dec. 18.
Mr. Clifford Jester of Halespoint is spending the holidays with his
sister, Mrs. John White.
Mr. Aubrey Currie, whose marriage to Mrs. Doris Wolfe occurred Wednesday
evening Dec. 22 at the Episcopal Church in Memphis, with his bride were guests
in the home of his parents at Graves Chapel.
Mr. Dalton Escue of Blytheville, Ark, is visiting his brother, Arch
Mrs. Ida Stewart of Greenville, Miss. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will
Mr. Freddie Ferguson of Ripley and Miss Elizabeth Tillman of this place
were married Saturday.
Mr. Tom West and Miss Virginia White, both of this place, were quietly
married Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Louis Hill of Covington and Miss Nova Smith, of this place, were
married Sunday.
In the matter of George Hilliard and 0.0. Hilliard, dba Hilliard &
Hilliard, Bankrupt, in Bankruptcy, No. 7174. of Halls. Creditors to meet
January 11, 1927 at 9:30 o’clock in Memphis, Tenn., U.S. Customs House, Room
Local and Personal
Mrs. George Dibbrell of Nashville is a guest of her sister, Mrs. C.R.
A son was born on Dec. 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Morgan H. Montague at Fort
Wayne, Ind.
The residence of Golden Townsend, colored, on Brickyard Street was
destroyed by fire Sunday night.
A son was born on Christmas Day to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Watkins. He has
been named George Clark Watkins, Jr.
Mrs. C.B. Brooks of Wichita Falls, Texas is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Hettie Montague, and other relatives here.
Sheriff A.H. Craig was confined to his bed several days this week as a
result of breaking four ribs during a recent raid at Fort Pillow.
Mr. Mat Allen of Hammond, La., an employee of the United Fruit co., with
headquarters in Memphis, spent Christmas Day with his aunt, Mrs. Aubrey
Mrs. Julian Sutton of Curve had her left arm broken below the elbow
Monday when she fell down the stairs leading to the basement of the Ripley Dry
Goods Co.
Mr. J.V. Dunavant fell on the ice when he went out to get his paper
Christmas morning, and was unable to be at his place of business for several
days. Fortunately no bones were broken.
Mr. G.H. Rice of Memphis, field agent for the National Cottonseed
Products Co., spent several days with his father, Mr. C.H. Rice, whose
physical condition still confines him to the use of a rolling chair in his
The Fire Department was called to the residence of Mr. W.T. Savage Monday
afternoon about 5 o’clock. A coal of fire had fallen from the grate in an
upstairs room and had burned through the floor and through the ceiling of the
room underneath. The blaze was extinguished with but slight damage.
Mr. J.P. Taylor died at the residence of Mr. V.H. Daniels Monday after a
long illness. He formerly resided at Edith and Halespoint, and was 63 years
of age. He was buried at Edith Tuesday. He is survived by several sons, one
of whom, Mr. George Taylor, was associated with him in business at Halespoint.
Mrs. J.A.J. Byrn slipped and fell on the ice Christmas morning, breaking
the bone in her left hip. She was carried to Dr. Campbell’s Clinic in Memphis
Tuesday morning and put in a cast.
Mr. and Mrs. George Simons of New Orleans, La. are visiting his father,
Mr. J.R. Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Schley Massey and daughter, Virginia, of luka, Miss., and
Mr. W.L. Chisholm of Jackson are visiting their mother, Mrs. Alice Chisholm.
Mr. Porter Hammond happened to a very painful accident Friday night while
riding along the highway. A car ran into his horse, knocking him down and
breaking Mr. Hammond’s left leg just below the knee. We have not learned who
was driving the car. [He) did not stop.
An 8 months-old child of Mr. Evans Ledhetter died Sunday night and was
buried at Grace cemetery Monday afternoon.
Mr. H.L. Mitchell of Memphis and Miss Lyndell Carmack were married Sunday
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