1926 Lauderdale County Enterprise – Excerpts Part 5
Part 5
Published weekly in Ripley, Tennessee
Transcribed from the originals by Sarah Hutcherson
Typed and Indexed by Carolyn Duvall
*** PLEASE NOTE *** Some pages were inadvertently omitted in the indexing process. They are indicated by parenthesis and are numbered (89) through (93).
ENTERPRISE Friday October 8, 1926
*** A Peep Into The Past — October 12, 1900
James Caldwell and Grover Kimble are working at Ashport.
Mr. John Dunavant has five children sick with whooping cough.
Mr. P.E. Clark, one of Henning’s most substantial farmers, was in to see us Monday.
Mr. Joe White has purchased the residence of Mrs. Ada Butler, now occupied by Capt. C. C. Conner.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Monroe Carney last Friday afternoon– and Monroe’s happiness is complete.
Lightfoot Item: The marriage of Mr. Joe T. Mann of Mack and Miss Maymie Roberson, at the residence of her grandfather, Esq. John D. Roberson, on Wednesday October 3rd, was one of the most beautiful weddings of the season. End of Peep Into Past ***
Mr. Henry Escue was called to Fulton, KY. by the death of his niece.
We are glad to see Mr. Dalton Thurmond in town after an illness of several months.
Mrs. Mary E. Ferguson, newly appointed postmaster at Gates, took charge of the office Oct. 1st with Mrs. G. C. Hartman, assistant.
Dr. R. B. Wilson and wife and Dr. J. A. Bradford of Memphis attended the funeral of Mr. H. C. Bradford here Thursday of last week. They were accompanied home by Helen Hill and Eva Wilkes.
Woodard (or Woodville?)
Mr. John Lancaster visited his brother, Mr. Will Lancaster, at Forked Deer Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson have been attending the bedside of their daughter, Mrs. G. T. Scott and baby, at Brownsville.
Mr. Raymond Savely was bitten last week by a dog supposed to have hydrophobia. He left Sunday to take treatment.
Misses Bertha Mai and Emma Sue Willis are at home with their mother, Mrs. John Lancaster, their schools having closed for cotton picking.
Mrs. B. M. Riddick is confined to her bed.
A daughter was born Oct. 3rd to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Howard.
Mr. Herman Crihfield was carried to Memphis Sunday for an operation. He was accompanied by Messrs. W. V. Thompson, Odell Ellis, Mrs. Odell Ellis and Mrs. Vernon Crihfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Doss of Memphis spent the weekend with her father, Mr. Bohannan.
Mrs. S. C. Meter is spending this week in Halls.
In Memory of Buford Crihfield
On Sept. 20, 1926, the death angel visited our home and carried away our
beloved Buford. He had almost reached the age of 17 years, and his life was full of promise and usefulness. For us he always entertained the profoundest consideration and was ever alert to minister to our every need. We love him, but God loved him best and called him to eternal rest. He left us with sad and broken hearts, but one day the tender Saviour will clear all tears away
and will ? ? glory with saints in bright array. Our loved one returning will meet us in the air, and together we’ll be wafted to Christ’s own mansions fair.
We Miss You Dear Boy
We miss your holy comfort;
We miss your dear caress;
We miss you in our gladness
And hours of deep distress;
We miss you when our moments
Are sad or are sublime;
We miss you, oh! our darling,
We miss you all the time.
Father and Mother
adv. Brother and Sister
Card of Thanks
signed: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Crihfield
Mr. and Mrs. O’Neal Crihfield
and Sister Ruth
Miss Annie Rawles of Jackson is visiting her niece, Mrs. L.K. Harding.
Mr. J.V. Alston was a Sunday guest of his sister, Mrs. Sterling Martin, in Halls
Our town and community was saddened by the death of Miss Belle Martin, which occurred Wednesday night at the home of Mr. I.P. Keller near Henning, resulting from paralysis.
Little Joe Sanders, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Sanders. died Saturday morning of typhoid fever, after lingering about three weeks. He was laid to rest Sunday afternoon in Holmes’ burying ground near Durhamville. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. H.I. Copeland of Ripley.
Local and Personal
Mrs. J.R. Freeland, of Brownsville, spent several days this week with her daughter, Mrs. V.W. Yates.
Mrs. J.F. Flannigan and Master Alf Turner, of Reviere, spent the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Turner.
Mr. T.R.B. Lawrence, of Tipton County, is here to spend some time with his sons, Messrs. L.W. and James Lawrence.
Master Thompson Wadsworth, who was injured by an automobile seven weeks ago, has recovered enough to dismiss the nurse.
Mr. W.H. Steen was called to Memphis Tuesday night by the death of his uncle, Mr. Milton H. Hunt, vice-president of Oliver-Finnie Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Andrews and daughter arrived Monday after a year’s sojourn in Miami, Fla. They have enough of Florida and will make this their home.
Mr. Win. L. Drumwright, of Co. K 22 Infantry, has returned to Ft. McPherson, Ga. after 30 days’ stay with parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Drumwright, near Ripley.
Mrs. Minnie Glenn, of Ashville, N.C., is a guest of Ripley relatives. In company with her sister, Miss Eva Johnston, they spent a few days this week in Hickman, Ky.
The Rush store on Brownsville Street was destroyed by fire last Friday night. The building was owned by Mrs. V.E. Rush and the stock of groceries by Mrs. A.W. Lackey. Loss on stock $800 with $400 insurance.
A telegram last Saturday from Columbia, Miss. announced the arrival of Daniel Norfleet Hathorn in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Hathorn. It is needless to say that Messrs. W. Dan Majors and Norfleet Anthony are very proud over a new namesake, and every friend of the fond parents in Ripley and the Enterprise join in heartfelt congratulations.
Hurricane Hill
Mr. V.E. Bowie visited his brother, Mr. G.P. Bowie, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Morris of Jackson were Sunday visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Jennings.
ENTERPRISE Friday October 15, 1926
Marriage Licenses
Herman Rhodes and Miss Frances Winfrey
***A Peep Into The Past- -October 19. 1900
Mr. William Garrett of Curve and Miss Bessie Garrett of Edith were married at 4 o’clock at the residence of Mr. T.M. Garrett in Edith, Rev. Cason officiating. End of Peep Into Past ***
Pea Ridge
Mrs. J.W. Poe and children spent Monday night in the home of her sister, Mrs. C.M. Hopkins, at the Campground.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scroggins and Mrs. J.A. Bizzell were called to Dyersburg Saturday by the death of Mrs. Kurr.
Forked Deer
A daughter was born Monday of last week to Mr. and Mrs. Odis Humphreys at Nut Bush.
Miss Eugenia Griffin, who is teaching domestic science in Dyer high school, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mattie Griffin.
Cedar Grove
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Brown of Flippen spent Monday night with her brother Mr. M.L. Hutcherson.
Miss Tessie Chipman, who has been blind all her life, says she has picked over 700 pounds of cotton this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Robbins and children visited his sister, Mrs. Young, near Hurricane Hill Saturday night and Sunday.
Mary’s Chapel
Miss Julia Savage spent one night last week with Mrs. Ed Kirby.
Miss Mollie Craig spent one day last week with Mrs. H.C. Styers near Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Craig of Washington were visitors in the Pete Craig and H.J. Maness homes Tuesday.
Mr. Talmadge Heathcott and little brothers, James and Dempsey, were on the sick list last week.
Mrs. H.J. Maness attended the bedside of Mrs. H.C. Styers near Ripley Saturday and was accompanied home by little Katie, Gertrude and Gracie Styers.
Mrs. W.I. McPherson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W.S. Mitchell, in Memphis.
Mr. H.B. McGarrity spent one night last week with his brother in Luxora, Ark.
Miss Virginia Griggs of Ashport spent Monday with her grandmother, Mrs. M.T. Webb.
Knob Creek
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Crihfield spent Saturday night at Central with their daughter, Mrs. Gus Young.
Miss Belle Martin Passes Away–
A beautiful life passed out about midnight Wednesday of last week when the death angel visited the home of Mrs. I.P. Keller and bore from our midst on wings of love the spirit of Miss Belle Martin to be transplanted in that heavenly home which had been prepared for her coming. “Miss Belle”, as she was known by all, had lived in our community all of her life and her daily
walk and conversation was in keeping with the faith she professed in Christ her Lord. Her influence over all with whom she came in contact was uplifting and for years she was a leader of the young girls as a teacher of a Sunday school class and leader of the Young Ladies Missionary Society.
Ursula Belle Martin, daughter of Rev. Louis and Elizabeth (Davenport) Martin, was born Feb. 17, 1870, died Oct. 7, 1926. She was left an orphan in young girlhood and made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Sol Alston, where she was made to feel as one of [their] own. After their death she was offered a home by Mr. and Mrs. I.P. Keller, where she lived till her death. She was laid to rest in Bethlehem cemetery Thursday afternoon after a 2:30 service.
Little Alvin Kiestler, of Luckett, is visiting his cousin, Vater Price.
Mr. James Kiestler, of Lightfoot, spent Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. H.S. Price.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Price and baby spent Saturday night and Sunday with her brother, Mr. Iredell Kiestler, at Luckett.
Local and Personal
Mrs. Roy Jacob left Friday night to join her husband in Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Mr. Ed Rainey of Memphis spent Sunday in the Harbert Coffman home.
Miss Gene Williams of Memphis spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Williams.
Mrs. T.A. Brice, of Edith, underwent a minor operation at the home of her sister, Mrs. J.L. Barbour, Wednesday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Porter Craig in Mobile, Ala. on Oct. 4th. He has been named James Porter Craig, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Klutts spent several days this week in Danville, Ky., and attended the marriage of Mrs. Klutts’ sister, Miss Rose Taylor, which occurred Tuesday.
Sheriff and Mrs. A.H. Craig had as their guests the past week their son, Mr. Louis A. Craig, and his wife of Washington, D.C. This is his first visit home in nearly eight years.
Mrs. W.M. Morris had as her weekend guest her son, Joe Bennett, of Swan Lake, Miss. He stopped off on his return from Chicago where he had been in a hospital.
In Memory Of J.S. Cathey
After months of intense suffering, death came and relieved him of his pain on Friday, Sept. 4, 1926. He was confined to his room seven months and was such a patient sufferer. He was born in Charlotte, N.C. on March 20, 1846. At the age of two years, his father and mother moved to the state of Mississippi. He lived there until Dec. 19, 1902, when he came to Tennessee,
where he made his home until his death. He served four years in the Civil War, having enlisted at the age of 15. He belonged to the 118th Cavalry under Gen. Forrest. Dauntless in courage, never having shrank from his post of duty, he accepted the results of war without a murmer. He joined the Church of Christ when quite young and lived a true Christian until death. To know
him was to like him, for he made friends wherever he went. He was considerate and possessed a kind disposition. He leaves one brother who lives in Mississippi and one sister with whom he lived at the time of his death, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his death. We shall expect to meet him in the world beyond, where there is joy and happiness forever.
adv. His Sister, Mrs. J.M. Woodard
Mrs. Annie Coffman and granddaughter, Demetra Coffman of Friendship, spent Friday until Monday with the former’s daughter, Mrs. H.D. Howell.
Mr. D.R. Crockett, age 74, died at his home near here where he had lived f or 71 years, early Sunday morning. The remains were interred the following day in the family cemetery on the Crockett farm. Rev. J.K. Pafford, his pastor, conducted the services.
Real Estate Transfers
John L. Hill to J.A. Higgins, lot in Ripley $5125
J.W. Rose to James Horace Austin, 50-8/100 acres in 1st district; $3000.
R.M. Prichard et ux et al to L.A. Williams, interest in land in 15th district; $1875.
Lula Green to T.H. Green, 99-1/2 acres in 12th district; $4015.
O.L. White to J.R. Cude and wife, lot in Halls; $1920.
J.R. Cude to Annie Pipkin, lot in Halls; $1768.
Odie White et al to Gus Hoppers, lot in Halls; $1800.
Ulys Currin to C.D. Coleman, lot in 12th district; $425.
A.A. Utley to Sadie Estelle Utley, lot in Halls; $10, etc.
Mrs. Julia R. Rooks to Sam Siegel, interest in land, etc., in 12th district; $687.50
W.W. Craig, trustee, to C.C. Partee, Co., 2-1/2 acres in 11th district; $700.
Fannie Norvell to Ed Carter, lot in Ripley; $900.
Riley D. Smith to Fannie Norvell, lot in Ripley; $1500.
B. Maddox to Sumrow Gin Co., strip in 12th district; $50.
Harry L. Wilson to Southern Coal Co., lot in Halls; $500.
A.T. Batts to Andrew Manning, lot in Curve; $750.
Abner Pitts to J.P. Bradley, 2 acres in 11th district; $800.
Joe Graves to E.R. Anthony estate, two tracts in 1st district, $2,500.
Mrs. Mary Wilkerson to G. John Johnson and wife, 2 acres in 13th district; $300.
J.T. Mann to T.N. Hopper, 2-955/1000 acres in 10th district; $2,353.66.
G.C. Jones to Nannie Ivy Jones, four tracts in 7th district; $500.
E.M. Rice to H.L. Thurmond, 98 acres in 7th district; $6600.
J.D. Montgomery to Tom Wilson, lot in 2nd district; $1500.
J.L. Barbour to John McBride and wife, lot in 2nd district; $110.
D.M. Henning et al to D.J. Garrett, 9-34/100 acres in 14th district; $500.
W.A. Klutts et al to A.B. Klutts, interest in lot in Ripley; $9000.
W.A. Klutts et al to Alonzo Klutts; interest in four tracts in 2nd
district; $6850.
W.A. Klutts et al to J.E. Pierson, trustee of H.C. Klutts, interest in two tracts in 2nd district; $2500.
D.M. Henning et al to D.J. Garrett, 30-72/100 acres in 14th district, $400.
In Memoriam
In sad but loving memory of my dear beloved husband, Mr. Willie Midyett,
who departed this life one year ago today, Oct. 9, 1926.
Twelve months ago you left me here
In our sweet, happy home,
To reign with angels evermore
On that celestial throne.
I miss you, oh, I miss you
As the days go dragging by;
I miss your cherished presence,
But your spirit is ever nigh.
Sadly missed by your wife and two children.
adv. Mrs. Mattie Midyett
Lorene and Freeman Midyett
[Daddy’s name was listed as Truman.. .SMH]
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