1926 Lauderdale County Enterprise – Excerpts Part 4
(Part 4)
Published weekly in Ripley, Tennessee
Transcribed from the originals by Sarah Hutcherson
Typed and Indexed by Carolyn Duvall
*** PLEASE NOTE *** Some pages were inadvertently omitted in the indexing process. They are indicated by parenthesis and are numbered (89) through (93).
ENTERPRISE Friday September 3, 1926
Succeeds Grandfather As County Court Clerk After 86 Years
Wednesday, Sept. 1, 1926, Mr. I.M. Steele, son of Hon. Thomas Steele Sr. and grandson and namesake of Hon. Isaac N. Steele, was inducted into office of County Court Clerk of Lauderdale County. Eighty-six years ago his grandfather was inducted into the same office.
$70,000 Fire
At 1:45 o’clock Monday morning, fire was discovered in the plant of the Ripley Oil Mills, which are owned by W.G.L. Rice, and an alarm was sent in. The mill is outside of the city limits and the local fire department had to fight under the most trying difficulties. Water in sufficient quantity was inaccessible. The entire mill was destroyed, entailing a loss of approximately $40,000 with no insurance. The plant had not been run as an oil mill in several years, but some of the buildings were used as storage rooms for feedstuffs, wagons, etc. This was also a total loss with no insurance. The flames spread to the Ripley Canning Company plant and soon it was a mass of ruins. Loss on the plant is estimated at $14,000. Loss on eight carloads of canned tomatoes, ready for shipment, totaled about $16,000. The loss was partially covered by insurance. Tomatoes are being shipped to Gates and Dyersburg until factory here is ready to resume operation, which will be within two weeks, it is said.
***A Peep Into The Past–September 7. 1900
Mr. J.D. McLeod left last week for Valporaiso, Ind. to attend school.
Mrs. Ed Glenn left Wednesday for Blytheville, Ark. where her husband has embarked in the drug business and will also practice his profession.
Mr. J.F. Dunavant, our newly elected J.P., married his first couple at the courthouse Wednesday–Mr. John Worrell and Mrs. Ethel Nixon, of the northern end of the county.
Mr. Rich Schofield and Mrs. W.D. Spray were married Wednesday night at Henning. W.C. Crutcher, Esq. officiating. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride’s brother, Mr. Oscar Ammons.
Hon. R.H. Browning died at his home near Nankipoo last Friday August 31st. He is survived by wife and six children. In early life he united with the Methodist church, was always at his post of duty, actively identified with all its institutions, true to its very interest, and ever ready to do his part as a faithful soldier of the cross. For 25 years he was superintendent of the Sabbath school at Mellville, and no member of that church has photographed himself on so many hearts as did Mr. Browning. He represented Lauderdale County in the 44th General Assembly of Tennessee, was known as an active preserving [? persevering] member, with eye single and voice alert for which he thought just and best in legislation. He was a gallant and brave soldier under the leadership of General Forrest, the “great wizard of the saddle” for four years.
Additional Locals
Mrs. Win. Stevens has returned to her home in Dyersburg after a visit to her mother, Mrs. M.A. Brogdon. She was accompanied home by her little daughter, Cecil, who had been visiting here.
Thompson Wadsworth, 11 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wadsworth, was
run over by an auto on the school grounds at Arp Monday afternoon and very painfully if not seriously injured internally, the car passing over his body. The car was driven by Mrs. Dorsey Dennie, who had gone to the school after one of her children.
Mr. Robert Dunavant and family of Conner attended the bedside of little Marie White, who is ill with colitis.
Coal Creek
Mr. Lackey Webb, of Central, spent Monday night with Mr. Perry Webb.
Little Minnie Cox, of Central, is spending this week here with grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Webb and children spent Sunday at Halespoint with Mr.
and Mrs. Dee Webb.
Cedar Grove
Miss Hallie Mai Underwood spent the weekend with Miss Eva Brown at
Mr. Eugene McCord and wife, of Evansville, Ind. were here on business
Mrs. Lillie Hutcherson and Effie Sellers visited in the R.L. Burnham home
Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. P.F. Hutcherson of Ripley were Sunday visitors in the M.L.
Hutcherson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Odell Hutcherson from near Flippen visited Mr. and Mrs. l.A.
Guthrie Sunday.
Mrs. Ben Tilman and little son, from near Flippen, spent Monday with her
daughter, Mrs. Rowey Cram.
Mr. Ernest Underwood arrived in Ripley Tuesday from Alabama where he had
been in a hospital with a broken limb caused by a log rolling on him.
Mrs. Tense McGarrity, who has been quite ill, is able to be up.
Miss Myrtle Lou Walker is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J.A. Owen, at Munford.
Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Alexander and children spent Sunday in Covington with their sister, Mrs. W.M. McGowan.
Mr. Allen McCraw of Toledo, Ohio is visiting his uncle, Mr. W.W. McCraw.
Mr. Cecil Grammer left Saturday night to make his home in Toledo, Ohio.
Mr. T.S. Williams has accepted a position in Jackson, and moved his family there Tuesday.
Mrs. Sue Carmack spent several days this week with her sister, Mrs. Emma Hastings.
Miss Mattie Sue Carmack, of Memphis, attended the funeral here Tuesday of her aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ball and children, of Memphis, spent several days this week with his mother, Mrs. J.F. Poston.
Mr. J.C. Thompson is building a new business house at the intersection of the highway and the public road, which will be occupied by Mr. James Rose.
Mr. H.O. Rogers and family have moved from Ripley here to his farm. Mr.
Rogers has been engaged in the fruit business for several years, but expects now to turn his attention to farming.
After more than four years’ illness, Miss Etta Carmack died Monday evening at her home here. Her mother, two brothers and a sister survive. The remains were laid to rest beside those of her father in Prospect cemetery Tuesday afternoon at three o’clock. Rev. H.I. Copeland conducted the funeral.
Mr. R.L. Taylor is some better after a severe attack of malaria.
Mrs. Maude Taylor and children, of Walnut Grove, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Anna Pennington.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Crihfield spent a few days last week at Ripley, guests of the latter’s brother, Mr. John Chism.
Miss Irene Crook, of Glimp, is a guest of Mrs. Laura Lankford.
Mrs. Albert Crook, of Glimp, is spending this week with her son, Mr. Laurin Crook, in Dyersburg.
Mr. Montell Webb, of Bexar, and Mr. Carlyn Roberson of Lightfoot, visited the O.D. Graden home last week.
Miss Maxine McGarrity, of Memphis, a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bizzell, arrived Sunday night to attend school here.
Mr. Lawrence Megel happened to a very painful accident last week. He fell from an acting pole and sprained his ankle. He was carried to Ripley for an exray.
Mr. E.H. Moorer left Tuesday for Gloster, Miss. to participate in the wedding of Mr. E.L. Moorer whose marriage to Miss Mary Tatum took place Thursday evening at the Baptist church in Gloster. The bride and groom will arrive Friday night for a few days’ visit in the home of the groom’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. H.B. Moorer.
In celebration of his 8Oth birthday, Dr. D.W. Brandon was given a delightful dinner in the home of his son, Mr. E.W. Brandon, Thursday of last week. Those who had the pleasure of enjoying this happy occasion were Mrs. D.W. Brandon, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Brandon, of Vicksburg, Miss., Mr. and Mrs. Max Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Brandon and two sons, Joe Brandon and Charles Brandon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lovell were in Ripley one day last week on business.
Mr. Bud Holcomb spent Sunday with Mr. Felix Klutts near Mary’s Chapel.
Mrs. Bettie Holcomb spent Saturday night and Sunday with her son, Mr. Frank Holcomb.
Mr. and Mrs. John King, of Dyersburg, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Rosetta Kirby.
Mr. Emmitt Kirby, of this place, Mr. Ed Kirby, of with their sister, Mrs. Henry Tripp near Arp.
Pea Ridge
Mr. Claud Crawford, of Memphis, spent one night last week in the home of his sister, Mrs. J.S. Richerson.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hopkins, of Memphis, spent one night last week in the home of his mother, Mrs. W.W. Hopkins.
Mr. Julius Richerson, of Hardeinan County, spent a few days last week in the home of his brother, Mr. J.S. Richerson.
Miss Eddie Sue Millikin, of Memphis, was here last week to see her father, Mr. Wilson Millikin.
Forked Deer
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Hardy returned home Thursday of last week from Springfield. Mrs. Hardy’s father died August 21. She was at his bedside during his last illness which was only a short while. Deepest sympathy is extended to her by the community.
Mrs. RI. Blackwell and children, of Memphis, are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.A. McMahan.
Little Edward Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Evans, happened to a very painful accident Thursday of last week, getting one of his fingers mashed while playing with a cider mill. No bones were broken.
Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Rice of Mascedonia; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans, Mr. and Mrs. A.I. White and Miss Mary White of this place surprised their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. White, with a birthday dinner Sunday. Mr. White passed his 63rd birthday a few days before, and his wife will be 60 in a few days. They were much surprised when the children arrived with all the good eats and told them what they had planned for them at the dinner hour. Covers were laid for 16
and a delightful four course luncheon was enjoyed.
Mr. Van Craig of Ripley is a guest of his mother, Mrs. W.A. Craig.
Mrs. Biggie Reviere returned home Sunday after a week’s visit with her mother, Mrs. W.A. Craig.
Misses Bessie and Lady Beard of Nankipoo spent Sunday with Mrs. W.J. Byler.
Mr. Sanders and children, Floyd and Stella Mai, of Hayti, Mo., spent a few days here last week.
A marriage of much interest here was quietly solemnized Wednesday night, August 18, at 8 o’clock at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. A.B. Cobb, on South Main, when Miss Grace Wheeler Cobb became the bride of Mr. Louis Martin deter. Rev. W.A. Freeman performed the ceremony. The wedding took place in the presence of the members of the two immediate families and intimate friends. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Jeter motored to Ripley, where they
boarded a train for Memphis. From Memphis they will take a bridal tour to points on the Gulf Coast, returning home in a week or ten days. They will be at home at the home of Mrs. A.B. Cobb.
Local and Personal
Mrs. C.A. Potter, of Luckett, is visiting her son, Mr. N.M. Potter.
Miss Melissa Potter, of Dyersburg, visited parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.M. Potter, this week.
Mrs. B.G. Marr and children of Dyersburg are visiting her sister, Mrs. H.B. Read.
Mrs. D.H. Hutcherson left Wednesday on a visit of several days near Wickliffe, Ky.
Mr. Ripley Davis and family of Dallas, Texas are visiting his sister, Mrs. R.D. Jenkins.
Mr. and Mrs. K.W. Rogers, of Dyersburg, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Webb.
Miss Vivian Dillahunty and brother George of Blytheville, Ark. spent the weekend in the Walter Hart home.
Col. A.P. Taylor, of the Covington Leader, and his niece, Miss Frances Taylor, of Mason, were in Ripley Friday.
Mr. Barney Dunavant and sister, Miss Annie Vera, were called to Gates the first of the week by the serious illness of their uncle, Mr. Dan Crockett.
Mrs. Fannie Keller and grandson, Mr. Walter Scott Hutcheson, motored to Reelfoot Lake Wednesday to spend a few days.
Little Marguerite Smith of Sumner, Miss. is visiting grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Johnston, and other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood and daughter, Letitia, have moved to Ripley from Ashport and have rooms with Miss Ellis Wood.
James, 11 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Williams, underwent an operation for appendicitis at the City Hospital Tuesday.
Mrs. E. Weiner is suffering from a severe sprain in her left arm near the wrist caused from a fall received at her home last Friday.
Mrs. W.G. Nannery left Wednesday for her home in Sheffield, Ala. after several days’ visit with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stevens.
Miss Maggie Lou Bibb returned home last Thursday from Newark, N.J. where she spent two weeks with her cousin, Dr. W.H. Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Klutts left Sunday for their home in Cleveland, Miss. Miss Geraldine Kimble accompanied them home on a two weeks’ visit.
Mr. H.L. Ferguson and family and Mrs. Robert Kirkess spent Sunday in Crockett Mills, and were accompanied home by Mr. Ferguson’s aunt, Mrs. S.F. Burch, of Lexa, Ark.
Mrs. Mollie Webb, of Ripley, visited her sister, Mrs. H.C. Clark, Sunday.
Mrs. Morris Stallings, of Halls, visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. Levi Clark, Sunday.
Mr. J.D. Lancaster and family spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. Levi Lancaster, near Trenton.
Mrs. Mollie Keltner is attending the bedside of her niece, Miss Mamie Frazier, in Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cox have returned from an extended visit in Arkansas and Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Pickens attended the bedside of Mr. Bob Belton at Nankipoo Monday.
Mr. Floyd Sanders and sister, Miss Stella Mai, of Hayti, Mo., are visiting their sister, Mrs. Marvin Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Chisholm are parents of a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Craig are parents of a baby boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Smith spent the weekend at Ashport with her sister, Mrs. Jim McMurry.
Mrs. I.F. Brown visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. Jim MoMurry, at Ashport a few days last week.
Mrs. Charlie Cannon, of Ashport, spent Saturday and Sunday with her brother and sister, Mr. R.S. Fulkerson and Mrs. John Woodard.
Mary’s Chapel
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Gay are parents of a daughter.
Miss Irene Klutts spent last week with friends and relatives at Forked Deer.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Klutts spent Sunday with Mr. Will Townsend near Ashport.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Klutts and Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Maness and two children are visiting relatives in Memphis and Twist, Ark.
Mrs. A.P. Blackwell Passes Away Monday Night In Hospital
The friends of Mrs. A.P. Blackwell were shocked this morning to learn of her death. On last Thursday morning Mrs. Blackwell suffered a stroke of paralysis. She soon became unconscious and never rallied. She passed away this morning at 1:30 in the Bryan County Hospital where she had been since last Friday morning. Mrs. Blackwell was born January 24, 1870 at Orysa,
Lauderdale County, Tennessee. She was married to A.P. Blackwell Nov. 18, 1891. Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell moved to Durant in 1901. They have lived in and near Durant since that time. She was a loyal member of the First Methodist Church and had been president of the Missionary Society she loved so much. She was also a member of the Woman’s Bible class for years. Had been a member of the Fortnightly Club for years. Also president of same. She leaves her
husband, mother, two sisters and four brothers. Mr. Ralph Rice, her youngest brother, was present when she died. Her family was one of the oldest and best known families in Tennessee. They still live in the colonial home that was occupied by the Rice Family nearly one hundred years ago. Funeral services were held at 11 o’clock this morning at Holmes Bros. Undertaking Parlor. The services were conducted by Rev. O.C. Fontaine. The floral offerings were many
and beautiful. The body was shipped to Ripley, Tenn. for burial. Mr. Blackwell and her brother, Ralph Rice, accompanied the body.
–Bryan County Daily Democrat, Durant, Okla. August 10th–
ENTERPRISE Friday September 10, 1926
Find “Lost” Banker
Arnold F. Maley, 25, former assistant cashier of the First State Bank of Covington, Tenn., who disappeared Dec. 14, 1925 after bank officials found a $26,000 shortage in his accounts, was arrested Friday in Warwick, N.Y. The Tipton County Sheriff’s Office at Covington wired O’Haver authorization to bring Maley back when legal formalities have been completed. Maley will be docketed at Covington on a formal charge of embezzlement. George B. O’Haver,
of O’Haver’s Detective Agency, Memphis. traced Maley and made the arrest. Maley, when arrested, was employed as a ticket seller for a circus. He was returned to Covington Monday night, and was released from custody under a bond of $25,000 pending investigation of the affairs of the bank by the grand jury. His bond was signed by John Maley, R.S. Maley, Mal Smith, John Y. Peete, Dr. N.R. Newman, Thos. Elcan and C.H. Sullivan. Immediately upon his arrival in Covington, Maley was arrested on two additional charges–fraudulent breach of
trust and making false entries in bank books. He waived preliminary hearing and his case will come up at the November term of the Circuit Court in Covington.
*** A Peep Into The Past- -September 14. 1900
The Ripley Public School has an enrollment of 250 pupils.
Mr. Clyde Johnston and wife went to St. Louis Saturday night to buy goods.
Miss Joe Ward, of Fulton, is visiting Mayor and Mrs. Geo. W. Young.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brandon Thursday night of last week.
Messrs. Joe Berg and Ben Pupkin left Tuesday night for Stanton, Va. to enter Stanton Military Academy.
Mrs. S.V. Hinton left Tuesday for Newark, N.J. where she will reside with her sons, Dr. W.H. Hicks and Mr. George Hinton.
Mr. Dot Robinson, of Memphis, who was called to Curve by the illness of his brother, Mr. E.A. Robinson, was in Ripley Saturday.
Mr. R.A. Williams, president of the Ripley Oil Mills, was elected general manager of that plant at the meeting of the directors held Monday.
Bexar Item: A number of our people went to the lake last week. Our champion fishermen, Hancock and Craig, caught all the fish and J.A. Webb furnished the music.
Mrs. Emma Tomlinson (nee Miss Emma Harris) of Salisbury is visiting Mrs. C.C. Verser after an absence of 30 years from this, her old home, where she taught school in her maiden days.
Messrs. S.A. and Henry Norris have just finished curing tobacco. They have a barn at Arp with furnace and flues for curing which is the only barn of the kind in the county. End Of Peep Into Past ***
Auto Wreck Sunday
The foot of Ashport bluff, eight miles west of Ripley, was the scene of a miraculous escape from death of ten persons when a Ford truck, containing the above number of occupants, was wrecked about 8:30 o’clock Sunday morning. The truck belonged to Mr. Ches. Waldo of Truman, Ark. and was removing Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mauldin and two children and their household goods from Luckett to Truman where they expected to reside. Mr. Waldo said that when about half way
down the bluff, in some unaccountable way, the car got from under his control and dashed forward, and ere it reached the bottom had attained so great a speed that the car turned over three times before it stopped. The other occupants of the truck were Mrs. Ches. Waldo, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waldo and two children. Silas, three year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mauldin was the worst injured of the ten occupants, his skull being fractured. He was brought to the Ripley hospital. Ches. Waldo’s right shoulder was dislocated and his wife received slight flesh wounds. Junior, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waldo, sustained a bone fracture in his left leg and also a flesh wound on the head. All the injured except Silas Mauldin were carried to the home of Mr. J.B. McBroom near William’s Campground.
Family Reunion
On Sunday, Sept. 5th, the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the late John A. Dunavant of Madison County, met at Nut Bush, Haywood County, for a family reunion and attended preaching at New Cumberland Church of which the daughters are members. After the soul had been refreshed, they assembled on the church lot under the shade of spreading oaks, where the grandchildren had played in childhood, and spread a bountiful dinner. They invited the pastor, Rev. L.L. Thomas, to take dinner with them and he prayed a special blessing on those present.
Those who attended were Mrs. Lady Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Williams of Nut Bush; Mr. and Mrs. Olin Conner and children, Dunaway and Sarah, of Ripley; Mrs. Mollie Sumners, Ripley; Dr. and Mrs. W.L. Sumners and children, Billy and Edith, Ridgely; Mrs. B.G. Marrs and children, Mary Virginia and Julia, of Dyersburg; Miss Bertha Sumners, of Belzoni, Miss.; Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Read and daughter, Evelyn, Ripley; the daughters of the late Mrs. Bettie Parham (twin sister of Mrs. Sumners); Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Sturgis, Memphis; Mr. and Mrs. D.O. Wheeler and daughters, Misses Mary Dee and Frances, Memphis; Mrs. D.G. Rooks, Nut Bush; Mr. and Mrs. Dunaway Rooks and children, Frances and Ned, Nut Bush; Mr. and Mrs. Irby Rooks and children, Martha Wilson and Billy of Brownsville; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rooks, Mercer; Mr. Russell Rooks, Brownsville; Mr. and Mrs. Billy Brown, Nashville; Miss Bettie Moray, Nut
Bush; Mrs. Stringer, Nashville; and Rev. L.L. Thomas, McKenzie. There were 44 present, and all had a good time.
Mrs. Robert Mosley has returned to her home in Memphis, after a month’s visit with her sister, Mrs. J.E. Bowers.
Mr. A.H. Crook and granddaughter, Miss Irene Crook, spent Sunday in Henning.
Miss Daisy Garrett, of Memphis, spent Sunday in the home of her brother, Mr. Marvin Garrett.
Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Garrett and daughter, Mrs. Clifford Moore, of Memphis, visited here Sunday and Monday.
Miss Julia Campbell, who is teaching at Edith, spent the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Campbell.
Mrs. Blanche Porch and two children, of Gibson County, are visiting in the home of her father-in-law, Mr. Felix Porch.
Mr. Clyde Sutton and family of Memphis, and Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Sutton of Ripley spent the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Sutton.
Mrs. Vananstine was a guest of her brother, Mr. H.C. Clark, Sunday.
Mr. Ernest Leggett and family spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Arnold near Hurricane Hill.
Mr. Levi Lancaster and family, of Trenton, spent Saturday night and Sunday in the home of his brother, Mr. John Lancaster.
Mrs. G.T. Scott and children of Brownsville, visited in the home of her mother, Mrs. W.J. Wilson, the past week.
Mr. Newt Daniels and family, of Dyersburg, were Sunday guests in the home of his father, Mr. John Daniels, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Henley of Brinkley, Ark., who were guests of his sister, Mrs. E.N. Cooke, the past week, attended services here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Aspray, of Lordsburg, Arizonia, are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blankenship of Bexar spent Sunday in the G.W. Meter home.
Mrs. Meter of Halls is spending this week in the home of her son, Mr. G.W. Meter.
Mr. and Mrs. 0.8. Akin, of Pontotoc, Miss., are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Roberson.
Mr. Win. Roberson, of Ripley, spent Thursday night in the home of his father, Mr. W.M. Roberson.
Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Crowder spent Sunday in the home of his sister, Mrs. Ellen Hargett, at New Hope.
Mr. Vernon Kirby of Arp spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Joe White.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Duvall and children spent Sunday in the J.E. Spiller home.
Miss Mattie Maie Ellis, of Crockett County, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. John Lambs.
Mr. and Mrs. Harbert Williams and children, of Mary’s Chapel, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Fannie Kirkess.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrow Stanley and children spent Saturday night and Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Kirby.
Miss Gladys Estes, of Yarbro, Ark., is visiting her cousin, Miss Earline Temple.
Mrs. Nettie Baker and children of Memphis, Mrs. Corinne Perry and children of Huffman, Ark., visited in the home of their brother, Mr. L.P. Lee and sister, Mrs. M.W. Savage, this week.
Mr. O. B. Pickard and Miss Annie Mai Lee stole a march on their friends and relatives and were married in Halls Saturday night by Rev. O.A. King. Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Wood accompanied them.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cook celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a 12 o’clock luncheon last Sunday.
Coal Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brown spent Sunday on the Bluff with his mother,
Mrs. Bettie Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harrison have returned home after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, at Memphis.
Mrs. Charlie Lyell and daughter have returned to their home after spending two weeks at Union City with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Thurmond.
Mrs. Ella Walt, of Memphis, is visiting in the home of her niece, Mrs.
E.L. Vaughn.
Miss Etta Allen of Cordova was a guest in the home of her cousin, Mr.
S.H. Johnson, several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Harvey, Mrs. J.H. Poston, and Mrs. R.L. Brandon attended
the funeral of Mrs. R.R. Walker at Nut Bush Thursday of last week.
Messrs. Edward and James Oldham left Sunday afternoon for their home in Cleveland, Ohio after two weeks’ visit in the home of their grandfather, Mr. E.R. Oldham.
Mrs. Olive Sharpe arrived Friday night after several months’ stay in California. She returned via Denver, Cola., where she visited her sister, Miss Ervie Thum, who is in a hospital there for treatment.
A burgler entered the store of Mr. Izzie Eber Saturday morning about 1:30 but was apprehended by our night watchman, Mr. Will Evans, who chased him across town, causing him to drop a grip he had filled with a variety of things. The burgler made his escape.
Mary’s Chapel
Mr. R.C. Criner has moved his family back to the lake to gather their crops.
Miss Lois Queen, from near Ripley, is attending the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Aubrey Gay.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ferguson are making their home here with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kirby.
Through some error it was announced last week that Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Gay were parents of a daughter when it should have been a son.
Local and Personal
Mrs. W.L. Picton of Nashville is visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Morris.
Mrs. Lee Hardy of Forked Deer is visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Wesson.
Mr. J.B. Hughes of Ashport has accepted a position with Burgess & Peters. Mr. Wayne Andrews of Bexar has accepted a position with Albert Smith’s Cash Grocery.
Miss Bertha Sumners of Belzoni, Miss. spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. H.B. Read.
Mr. Aubrey Folts has returned from Emory College, Ga., where he received his B.A degree.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Young of Chicago are visiting parents, Judge and Mrs. Geo. W. Young.
Mr. Lyle Maness and family of Jackson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ben White.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson and son of Detroit, Mich. are visiting Mr.
R.D. Jenkins and family.
Mrs. Ewell Jenkins and children have returned from a month’s visit with relatives in Fayette, Miss. and Memphis.
Messrs. G.M. Partee Jr. and Glenn Thompson, who spent several weeks touring Europe, returned home Sunday.
Mr. Walter Maloan, of Dallas, Texas, who is visiting Arp, was a guest in the C.L. Maclin home this week.
Mr. J.B. Rogers of Dyersburg and Mr. Gordon Rogers of Halls spent the weekend with their sister, Mrs. R. Lee Webb.
Mrs. D.M. Pearce and children of Jonesboro, Ark. arrived Saturday on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Taylor, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Fulghum of Newbern have moved to Ripley and have rooms in the H.I. Copeland home.
A daughter was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Andrews at Miami, Fla. She has been named Cora Elizabeth Andrews.
Mrs. T.C. McCallum and Mrs. A.N. Cockrill, of Memphis, are spending this week with Mrs. Cockrill’s father, Mr. C.H. Rice at Orysa.
Dr. N.M. Lindsay returned Sunday from Rochester, Minn. where he went through the clinic of the Mayo Bros. No serious trouble was found, and a cessation from overwork was the chief advice given him.
Miss Sarah Elizabeth Johnson left Monday to re-enter French Camp (Miss.) Academy. She was accompanied by her mother as far as Durant.
Mr. J.T. Hunt and son, Rev. Selley Hunt, of Ashville, N.C. have been here the past week looking after their farming interests near Ripley.
Mr. J.L. Belton was called to Friendship this week by the illness of his father, whose condition is critical but somewhat improved Wednesday.
Mrs. D.J. Garrett is still confined to her bed as a result of a fall at her home at Edith a few weeks ago. Her daughters, Mrs. R.L. Shelton of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. S.B. Overby and daughter, Kathleen, of Poplar Bluff, Mo., who have been attending her bedside have returned home. Another daughter, Mrs. A.B. White, of Poplar Bluff, is still with her mother.
A Ford sedan driven by Miss Mary Louise Hutcheson, with Miss Mary Botts Holmes, Carey Sanford Jr., and Jack Hutcheson as the other occupants of the car, turned over on College Street Wednesday afternoon. All escaped injury, save a few minor bruises, except Jack Hutcheson, who was cut by glass on the right leg, necessitating suture. The driver lost control of the car when she attempted to dodge a negro walking the street.
Henning Farm
Mr. Early Midyett is able to be up after several days’ illness.
Mr. Fletcher Duggan, of Jackson, visited his mother, Mrs. Hiram Bentley, Sunday.
Little Ruth and Eric Duggan of Ripley visited grandparents here last week.
Mrs. Fletcher McWilliams of Flippen spent Friday afternoon in the Sam Akin home.
Mr. Fletcher Lusk, of Eylau, and Mr. Jim Gracy, of Ripley, were in this community Sunday.
Mrs. Joe Craig and Mr. Efford Duggan, of Ripley, visited in the Sam Akin home Thursday afternoon of last week.
Mr. Hubert Midyett of Memphis visited his mother here Sunday and was accompanied home by his sister, Mrs. Graham Sellers.
City Hospital News
Jane and Billy Utley, children of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Utley of Ripley, had their tonsils removed Wednesday.
A child of Mr. and Mrs. Bright Tipton had its tonsils removed Tuesday.
A little son of Mr. Aubrey Ammons, who resides near Williams Camp Ground, had his tonsils removed Tuesday.
Miss Lizzie Woodruff, of Cherry, is at the hospital where she underwent an operation Tuesday.
James, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Scott, of Gold Dust, is recovering from an operation for appendicitis on Monday.
Silas, 3 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mauldin, of Luckett, was brought to the hospital Sunday, suffering with a fractured skull received in an auto wreck at the foot of Ashport bluff.
James, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Williams, of Ripley, who underwent an operation for appendicitis last week, was able to be removed to his home Wednesday night.
Mrs. A.J. Ballinger died at her home near Maury City Saturday, August 14th, 1926 after a lingering illness. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. John Winn of Alamo Sunday morning at Pond Creek Church and the remains were laid to rest in the Pond Creek cemetery. Deceased before her marriage was Miss Elizabeth Augusta Carter. She was born and reared near Maury City, but had spent the greater part of her life in Lauderdale County. She professed faith in Christ at the age of 16 and joined the Methodist church in Cairo, and after that congregation dissembled, she moved her membership to Maury City where. it remained until her death. She was 50 years of age and is survived by a husband and nine children, also two brothers, all of whom attended the last sad rites, to wit: Mrs. T.H. Duvall, of Ripley; Mrs. E.O. Arwood, of
Blytheville, Ark.; Mrs. E.S. Cates, of Gates; Carter Ballinger, of Halls; Mrs. J.C. Arwood, of Central; Mildred, Hall, Paul and Adam Ballinger; and Henry and Johnnie Carter, of Maury City. Having walked with her Lord for 34 years, her faith never waivered. Though she suffered for almost a year she bore her sufferings without complaint. Her greatest desire was that the
children should follow in her footsteps. She called us to her bedside when she realized death was near and asked us to live right; that there was only one way, and that she had lived before us. Alas! her last sweet smile. Just a smile of tender patience to help her dear ones over life’s troubled way. Each of us has felt the touch and soft caress of Mother’s loving fingers. May
God help us to live as she would have us live, that when our life is over we may go meet her “Over There.”
ENTERPRISE Friday September 17, 1926
Mrs. Knox Wyse, of Halls, spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. M.A. Whitaker.
Master Freel Buffaloe left Saturday for his home in Memphis after spending the summer with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Williams.
Uncle Louis Nelson (col.) of Ripley visisted the school Thursday morning and made an interesting talk about the Civil War and times of the past. He also sang two songs all of which were enjoyed by the faculty and pupils.
In honor of his 66th birthday, Mr. C.S. Whitaker was given a birthday [party ?1 at his home Sunday.
A miscellaneous shower was tendered Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Pickard on Friday evening by the senior Sunday School classes of the Methodist and Baptist churches at the home of Miss Bird Sloan.
Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Hartman and son of Gates visited parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.J. Harward, Sunday.
Mr. Aubrey Smith, who is now located in Halls, spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Smith.
After spending several weeks with her son, Mr. A.L. Dunavant, Mrs. Josie Dunavant left Sunday for a visit to relatives in Brighton.
Mrs. Jim Adams, of Nankipoo, visited her brother, Mr. Andrew Dunavant, Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Adams spent Sunday here.
*** A Peep Into The Past–September 21. 1900
Mr. Lee Carroll and Miss Belle Holcomb were married Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride near Nut Bush.
Mr. T.J. Kee, of Henning, has purchased the W.R. Glenn place in Ripley, and will move his family here between now and January 1.
Mr. John R. Hollis, traveling passenger agent of the Illinois Central railroad, was in the city Wednesday, the guest of his kinsman, Mr. W.B. Hackett.
Mr. A.C. Braden has a gold half dollar which he came into possession of 26 years ago, and he has kept it constantly on his person all these years. It was the first one we had ever seen. He had been offered many times its value.
A very pretty marriage was solemnized Wednesday night at the residence of Mr. Win. Tucker Sr. His eldest daughter, Miss Daisy Tucker, and Mr. Hallie Currie Kirkpatrick plighted the solemn vows that made them man and wife.
Henderson House, colored, was hanged in Ripley Tuesday. The prisoner was brought on the 10:20 train by Deputy Sheriffs Ira Barfield and Hamond Price from Memphis, where he had been confined in the Shelby County Jail. He was conveyed in a closed carriage from the depot to the place of execution back of the negro cemetery, three-fourths of a mile northwest of the public square. The execution took place exactly at 11 o’clock, the trap being sprung by Mr. Barfield, and life was pronounced extinct by Dr. James Lackey, county physician, in 16 minutes. Rome [or Romeo ?] Johnson, negro preacher, was present, and at the request of the condemned man, delivered a short talk and prayer. While on the scaffold in answer to questions by Jailer Andrew Crockett, House acknowledged that he fired the shot that killed Goodrich, saying at the same
time that he realized that he must die and did not want to go with a lie on
his lips. Only about eight persons were present–none of whom were relatives of House–and everything passed off quietly and in order. The body was buried near the place of the execution. The crime for which House paid the death penalty was the murder of a young white man named Duncan Goodrich on Sunday, Oct. 4, 1896, at Isabel Bar on the Mississippi River, one mile north of Plumpoint. A whiskey boat had been drawn up at the bank and was dispensing liquor to a crowd of negroes and a few white people. About 25 or 30 yards from the boat a craps game was in progress, engaged in by Goodrich, who lived at Osceola, Ark., and three or four negroes, one of whom was Alf Halliburton. A quarrel arose and Goodrich was shot in the back and died a few hours later. Halliburton was arrested the next day and charged with the crime and in his
preliminary trial before Ed Harper, J.P. was bound over to Circuit Court. While under guard that night, waiting to bring him to Ripley, he made his escape and was not captured until July 1898 at Atoka. The grand jury at the November term, 1896, indicted Halliburton and House jointly for the murder of Goodrich. In the trial of Halliburton the jury disagreed, and at the next term of court, he was acquitted. House, who left the county after the shooting, was arrested at Jonesboro, Ark. in August 1899. He was tried at the March term 1900, convicted, and sentenced to be hanged May 18. His case was appealed to the supreme court and affirmed, and date of execution set for August 18, but he was reprieved by Gov. McMillan until Sept. 18. This was the first legal execution in the history of Lauderdale County. End of Peep Into Past***
Mrs. G.W. Meter is on the sick list.
Mrs. W.B. Barbour and Mrs. G.A. Webb, of Bexar, spent one day last week in the G.W. Meter home.
Cedar Grove
Mrs. Katherine Kennedy, who has been confined to her bed, unable to speak a word since she was stricken with paralysis the 11th of January, died Saturday morning at 4 o’clock. She was 72 years of age. She is survived by one brother, two step-children and a host of friends and relatives. The funeral was held at Grace Church and interment was in Grace cemetery.
Mrs. Rosa Dunavant spent last week in Memphis with her son, Mr. Robert Dunavant.
Mr. and Mrs. John King of Dyersburg spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Rosa Dunavant.
Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Brackin, of Asbury, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Oliver Ross.
Mrs. Bettie Ballard and children, of Henning, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J.T. Kirkess.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kirby and children, of Mary’s Chapel, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Dunavant.
Coal Creek
A daughter was born Sept. 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery.
Mrs. Bettie Brown and daughter Louise, of the Bluff, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. John Broglin.
Additional Locals
Mrs. T.J. Blackwell and grandson, Thomas Lassiter, and Mrs. L.W. Lawrence and little daughter spent the weekend in Memphis.
Mr. Richard Campbell Jr. of Wiggins, Miss. spent Friday in Ripley with friends and relatives enroute to the seminary at Louisville, Ky.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Williams, who were guests in the home of Mr. T.F. Rice at Orysa, returned Saturday to their home in Somerville.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brittian left Wednesday for Jacksonville, Fla. after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. P.S. Savage in Ripley and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Graves at Tibbs.
Mr. Ernest Parsley, of Dyersburg, and Miss Willie Akin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Akin of Edith, were married in Ripley Tuesday, Rev. M.F. Savage officiating.
Mr. T.C. Walker left Saturday for Bloomington, Ind. where he will teach French and do graduate work at Indianna University. Mr. Walker has just returned from a year’s study in France and Italy.
Sheriff and Mrs. A.H. Craig announce the marriage of their son, Louis, to Miss Mary Blakley of Washington, D.C. which occurred August 31st. The groom has made his home in Washington for eight years. They will arrive in Ripley October 9th on a short visit.
Deputy Sheriff J.W. Lunsford went to Nashville Monday to return Sam Kimper, an escaped prisoner, to the state hospital. He was captured near Arp last Friday, and had been at liberty about a month. He was sent to the Central hospital for the insane for killing his brother in Rutherford County about three years ago.
Jim Medford, sentenced from Lauderdale County to the state penitentiary for petit larceny, was one of eight convicts to escape from the tuberculosis hospital of that institution Sunday night. They overpowered two guards, cut the wires which surrounded the prison and climbed over the walls. One of the prisoners, Charlie Archer, from Dyer County, and three others have been
C.E. Snyder, civil engineer, who has been located here the past four years, has sold his business and with his wife and two children will leave shortly for a visit of two weeks with his father in Everett, Pa., later going to Ripley for the winter months. The family will be located at the Fortner Hotel there. (Warren (Ohio) Tribune)
Raid on Still
A large copper still located on Island 26, opposite Ashport, was raided Wednesday morning about 11 o’clock by Sheriff A.H. Craig and his deputies, T.B. Paschal, J.W. Lunsford, Clyde Williams and J.L. Hemby. It was in full operation and was in charge of a white man, Barlow Bailey, who claims Arkansas as his home, and a negro named Marshall Porter, both of whom were brought to Ripley and placed in jail, and are awaiting preliminary trial.
Family to pick eight acres of cotton. See me at once. Good house one half mile of field. J.F. Halfacre, Ripley route 4 (near Cox Pond).
Social Happenings
Mr. R.L. Dennie announces the marriage of his daughter, Norah Lea, to Mr. Buford Walsh, on Saturday evening, Sept. 4, 1926 at the home of Rev. J.M. Kendall, Rev. Kendall officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Stanley are parents of a son born Sept. 10th.
Mrs. Frank Sutton of Jackson is visiting her niece, Mrs. E.N. Cooke.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and children of Memphis spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith.
Forked Deer
Mr. and Mrs. John Bain are parents of a son born Sept. 5th.
Mrs. W.M. French is now with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Humphreys.
Miss Maurine Wilson of Martin was a guest of her sister, Mrs. P.L. Ramsey last week.
Mrs. J.J. Compton and son, Richard, are visiting in the home of parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Fields.
Poplar Grove
Mr. Virgil Watson, from near Conner, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Sanford Ammons.
Mr. Johnie Glenn of Tipton County was in the home of his brother, W.B. Glenn, Sunday afternoon.
Messrs. Lynn and Lonnie Amons and sisters spent Sunday with their brother, Mr. Charlie Ammons, near Salem.
Little Monroe Anyan is suffering with a broken arm caused by falling off the porch Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Smith, of Walnut Grove, visited in the home of his sister, Mrs. W.L. Craig, Monday.
Mrs. S.C. Meter, who has been visiting her children at Lightfoot, returned home Saturday.
Pea Ridge
A son arrived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Urban Haynes Sept. 13th.
Misses Minnie V. and Nettie Hopkins of Crutcher spent one night last week in the home of their aunt, Mrs. Jessie Poe.
Local and Personal
Mr. Walter Scott Hutcheson left Wednesday to enter Southwestern.
Mr. A.J. Underwood has resigned as mail carrier on Ripley Route 1.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Murchison Thursday of last week.
Mr. John A. Shoaf, of Covington, spent Saturday in the home of his son, Mr. C.C. Shoaf.
Mr. John Folts of Memphis spent Saturday in the home of Mr. George W. Hutcherson.
Mr. Anderson Maclin left Wednesday for Southwestern. His father accompanied him to Memphis.
Mrs. J.W. Lunsford left last week for Corning, Ark. to resume her duties as teacher in the public school.
Miss Alice Moriarty left Saturday for Crawfordsville, Ark. to teach Latin and English in the high school.
Miss Essie Capelle, who is teaching at Gates, spent the past weekend with her sister, Mrs. G.G. McLeod.
Mrs. Henry Barker and little son, Henry Jr., of Johnson City, are visiting parents, Judge and Mrs. C.P. McKinney.
Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Craig were called to Blytheville, Ark, last week by the death of Mrs. Craig’s brother, Mr. Ed Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Waldauer will leave Friday for Greenville, Miss. to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Lewis Waldauer.
Mrs. S.P. Bolin is still confined to her bed as a result of a fall sustained at her home last week in which she broke two ribs.
Mr. Frank Tichenor Jr. and Miss Mary M. Foy of Memphis were married in Ripley Tuesday, Judge Geo. W. Young officiating.
Dr. Joe B. Lackey accompanied his mother to Rochester, Minn. last Friday, where she will receive treatment at Mayo Bros.
Mrs. T.P. Ferguson Sr. has been confined to her bed since Saturday night nursing a sprained ankle caused from a fall received while coming to town.
Mrs. Levi Clark is at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Morris Stallings, in Halls.
Mr. Robert Lankford, who is working in Memphis, was called last week to the bedside of his wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buford of Oxford, Miss, spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs. Sallie Chapman.
Misses Bertha Mai and Emma Sue Willis, who are teaching at Forked Deer, spent Friday night here with their mother, Mrs. J.D. Lancaster.
Mr. Levi Clark accompanied Mr. Davis, of Halls, to Memphis Sunday to see Mr. Morris Stallings, who is in the Baptist hospital having his eyes treated after having a piece of steel removed which went through the ball.
Mrs. Jim Webb and children spent Sunday with relatives at Gold Dust.
Mrs. W.T. Norwood of Oakland, Calif. is visiting her niece, Mrs. H.B. McGarrity.
Mr. and Mrs. H.B. McGarrity and daughter, Miss Sarah Mai, Mrs. Kate Reuter, and Mrs. W.T. Norwood spent Sunday in the Will Nelson home at Gold Dust.
The home of Mr. G.W. Jones was destroyed by fire Monday night about 11 o’clock. The fire is supposed to have caught from the kitchen flue, as the kitchen was falling in when the family awakened. Mr. Jones did not save but a few household goods. His loss is estimated at $2500, with $800 insurance on the dwelling and $400 on his household goods.
Mr. Jack Escue, of Halls, spent Friday night with his brother, Mr. Lantie Escue.
ENTERPRISE Friday September 24, 1926
***A Peep Into The Past- -September 28. 1900
Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Oldham and Maj. C.C. Partee were in Memphis Monday.
Mr. Lucian Major of Curve was in Ripley Monday on business.
Sheriff Joseph Garrett and wife spent Wednesday in Gates.
Mrs. Sid Evans will open her dressmaking establishment over Miller & Partee next Monday.
Mr. Luther Tanner has sold his gin and mill at Lightfoot and will move to Blytheville, Ark. in a few days.
Glimp Item: Miss Lawson and Mr. Griggs were married Sunday by our new magistrate, Mr. J.R. Lewis.
Mr. James DeVinney left Sunday for Paducah, Ky. to accept a position on a manifest freight on the I.C. Railroad.
Mr. J.L. Hancock, of Bexar, was in town Saturday. He was quite exuberant over the recent arrival of an eleven-pound son in his family.
Bexar item: The writer sold a bale of cotton the other day for $56.21, while last year he only received $52.40 for two bales.
Mrs. Eddie Sue Holloway Kelley left Tuesday for her home in Colorado Springs, Colo, after an extended visit with Ripley relatives.
J.W. Watkins, Esq., of Alamo, has located in Ripley and rented an office in the Kirkpatrick building. He is a talented lawyer and we wish him success.
Dr. T.E. Miller, of Edith, left Thursday for Nashville to enter the medical department of the University of Nashville and will be absent until next April.
Hon. Blair Pierson, Judge T. Bun Carson, Messrs. C.P. McKinney, J.E. Pierson, John Hill, Frank Harbert, Charles Partee Jr., and N.W. Barbour went on a hunting frolic Tuesday and spent the night with Uncle Billy Chisholm. who entertained them most highly. The party killed 50 squirrels and enjoyed a big stew.
Rev. Henry Barrier, who went to Wilmore, Ky. about one month ago and entered Asbury College, died of typhoid fever on Sept. 20 at Lexington, to which place he was removed after he was taken ill. His remains were brought to Ripley Saturday and the funeral preached Sunday morning at the Methodist Church by his warm personal friend, Rev. A.J. Meadows, of Covington. He was a son of Rev, and Mrs. W.F. Barrier and a young man of noble character, possessing these qualitites which constitute the best and truest type of American manhood.
In 1872 a white man named Martin, living on the bluff, left his wife and went to Lonoke, Ark. and under the assumed name of Majors married a Mrs. Ema Rogers, a member of one of the leading families of that place. Soon after his marriage, he brought her to this county and settled near where his first wife was living. After living with her but a short time he murdered her and threw her body in Chisholm Lake where it was found by some fishermen. Suspicion pointed to Martin, and he was arrested, and it was found that he had carried all of the clothing of his last wife to his first wife’s home. (Researcher, SMH, has full account taken from 1812 paper) Soon after his arrival in Ripley, the murderer was taken out of the jail and carried by a mob to Murphy’s Spring in the outskirts of Ripley, tied to a tree and shot to death.
The mob spirit in Lauderdale County did not assert itself for 28 years, the next occasion being last January when two negroes from Durhamville and one from Henning were hanged near Durhamville as accessories to the murders of two
officers, Turner and Durham. Turner had deputized Durham to assist him in bringing some negroes to Ripley from Durhamville to be vaccinated, and enroute they were overtaken by negroes and murdered. The real murderers, Henry and Roger Gingery, made their escape and have not been captured. A few weeks ago after the above occurrence, a negro, who testified in the interest of Henderson House, was hanged in Ripley. While giving in his evidence he not only
threatened the officers of the town and the county but was saucy to the judge and attorney general. End of Peep Into Past***
Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Craig of Mary’s Chapel, is recovering from an operation for appendicitis performed Monday night.
Mrs. Carl Styers, who resides a few miles east of Ripley, was brought to the hospital Tuesday night for observation and treatment, and her condition which was critical has somewhat improved.
Miss Eugenia Jordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Jordon of Halls, had her tonsils removed Tuesday.
Margaret Craig, daughter of Mr. L.L. Craig of the bluff, entered the hospital Tuesday for treatment for malarial attack.
Social Happenings
The marriage of Miss Evelyn Wooten of Covington and Mr. Chesley Daniel Maclin Jr. occurred at Marked Tree, Ark. last Friday. Mrs. Maclin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Wooten of Covington, and Mr. Maclin’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Maclin of Ripley. The marriage was a distinct surprise to the many friends of this popular couple.
Local and Personal
Mr. W.T. Savage was on the sick list Wednesday.
Miss Lucille Yancey left Tuesday for Randolph-Macon College.
Miss Hazel Bell of Memphis was a guest of Mrs. John Wauford Sunday.
Miss Catherine Craig left Thursday night for New Orleans, La. to teach in a private school.
Mrs. Tom Nabors, of Memphis, is spending this week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Eustace Garland of Memphis spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. M.A. Garland.
Mrs. Rozelle Conner and son, Burnelle, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Alsey Mann, at Rudolph.
Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Lominac of Opilaca, Ala. are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Hendren.
Mrs. B.M. Elam and daughter, Frances, of Jackson are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Klutts.
Mr. Austin Sanford is clerking for M.E. Rice.
Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Rice, of Memphis, spent the weekend with his father, Mr. C.H. Rice.
Mr. Joel Estes is at home again after an operation for appendicitis at St. Thomas Hospital in Nashville.
Local and Personal
Miss Ona Howard left Tuesday for Miami, Fla. to resume her duties as teacher in the high school.
Misses Margery and Dorothy Barbee left Wednesday for Knoxville to enter University of Tennessee.
Mr. and Mrs. H.V. Merrell, of Memphis, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Clore.
Mrs. V.E. Rush, of Luxora, Ark., has been in Ripley the past week, combining business and pleasure.
Mrs. H.H. Womble and son of Memphis are spending this week with her mother, Mrs. J.H. Walker.
Mr. Jack McKnight, of Herrin, Ill., was in Ripley Wednesday. Mr. Buster Boyd accompanied him home.
Messrs. Joe Tucker and James Rogers left Tuesday night for Knoxville to enter University of Tennessee.
Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Sullivan and Mrs. M.W. Savage of Gates visited in the M.F. Savage home Sunday.
Mr. George Hanks Barnes left last week for University of Illinois at Champaign to enter upon his senior year.
Mrs. D.A. Klutts and Miss Ethel Neighbors spent several days last week in Jackson, guests of Mrs. Harris Brown.
Mr. Will Klutts of Miamia, Fla. arrived in Ripley Friday on a business and pleasure trip with relatives and friends.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Avery Rush in Luxora, Ark. on Sept. 17th. He had been named Virgil Chandler Rush.
Mr. Jack Williams of New Orleans joined his wife and children here Sunday on a visit to his mother, Mrs. Fannie Williams.
Mrs. Lee Webb went to Memphis Tuesday afternoon to the Baptist hospital for a minor operation and will be there about a week.
A negro named Gray was captured Friday on Island 34 and brought to Ripley. He is charged with the murder of another negro at that place on that day.
Mrs. Lizzie Davis, an inmate of the county home, died Tuesday night and was laid to rest Wednesday afternoon in Mary’s Chapel cemetery. She was 79 years of age.
Charles Monroe Vernon Potter, aged 16 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Potter of Asbury, died Tuesday and was laid to rest in St. Paul’s cemetery the following day.
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Johnson have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Williams of California. Mrs. Williams is a sister of Mrs. Johnson and it had been 22 years since they last met.
Mr. Win. Duvall left Wednesday night for Knoxville to re-enter the Deaf & Dumb School. His parents and Mr. B.B. Griffin accompanied him to Memphis, returning Thursday.
Mr. John B. Koonce died Tuesday at his home near Arp, after a prolonged illness. He was 53 years of age. The funeral and burial were at Mt. Pleasant cemetery Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. White returned Tuesday from Memphis where Mr. White had been under treatment at the Baptist hospital for two weeks, and was greatly benefitted.
In laying a heavy piece of iron down on the floor Monday at the new high school building, Mr. Gid Wilson’s toes and Mr. Walter Chalk’s fingers were caught under same and mashed very badly.
Miss Hilda Patton returned Monday after seven weeks’ visit with relatives in Clarendon and Newport, Ark. and Steele, Mo. Enroute home, she spent several days in Memphis with her sister.
A 1926 model Ford runabout burned on the Jeff Davis highway, just north
of Ripley at a late hour Sunday night. The license number was 139-173 and was said to have been driven by Mr. Clyde Watts of Memphis.
Sheriff A.H. Craig and Deputy M.L. Wood went to Pleasant Point, Mo. Tuesday and captured Curley McKinley, a negro who is charged with the murders of his wife and daughter on April 9th this year near Porter’s Gap in the northern section of Lauderdale County. He was going by the name of Robert McKinley. His present address is the county jail, Ripley, Tennessee.
At the preliminary trial of Barlow Bailey and Marshall Porter, the men captured last week when a still was raided at Ashport, held Tuesday, both men were bound over to circuit court under a charge of manufacturing and possessing liquor. Bailey under $500 bond and Porter under $1000 bond. An additional bond of $250 on a pistol charge was also required of the negro Porter. They are still in jail.
On Saturday, Sept. 11, Mrs. Katherine Kennedy died at the home of Mr. T.E. Kennedy. She was born May 11, 1854 and was married to William Kennedy in 1879. To this union three children were born, two boys and a girl. The girl and one boy preceded her in death several years ago. She had been a widow for 30 years and made her home with her only son, Mr. Tom Kennedy, until she went to live with Jesus. She was stricken with paralysis Jan. 17 and was never able to speak or hardly move, and on September 8th she had another stroke. She professed faith in Christ several years ago and lived a faithful Christian until death. She is survived by one son, Tom Kennedy; also two step-children, Mr. C.W. Kennedy of this place and Mrs. Sam McCoy of Unionville; one brother, Mr. C.W. Tull of Hayti, Mo. and a host of relatives and friends.
Poplar Grove
A son arrived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Ammons Sept. 16th.
Misses Vera and Bertha Johnson spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Frank Sellers, at Copperas Springs.
Blazing Lamp Sets Off High Explosives-
Halls. Tenn.. Sept. 20–Saturday evening about 7 o’clock an accident at Chestnut Bluff about four miles east of Halls, caused the death of George Jones, the highway supervisor on the state highway from Halls to Maury City. Mr. Jones was paying off the laborers who had been working on the road during the week when the oil lamp caught fire. On being thrown out the window, the lamp exploded setting fire to the house. Those present began to save the household furniture, ignorant of the fact that a large quantity of dynamite was in an adjoining room, also a dram of gasoline near, both exploding almost at the same time, blowing the rear of the house into splinters and scattering gasoline in every direction. In a moment the entire premises were ablaze.
Mr. Jones was so badly stunned that he ran into the part of the house that was aflame and burned to death. The explosion was heard for many miles and hundreds of people visited the scene during the night. Mr. Jones’ charred body was taken from the house and carried to a neighbor’s. A piece of timber 6x6x2 feet was blown almost 100 yards tearing its way through the Christian Church. Almost every window in the town was broken. The house was the property of Dr. W.T. Nunn of Halls, and was partially insured.
Mr. S.M. Roy has been confined to his room the past week suffering with neuritis.
Mrs. Marshall Bowers of Memphis is visiting in the home of her father, Mr. S.M. Roy.
Miss Leland Durham was carried to a hospital in Memphis for an operation Tuesday.
Miss Cullie Knight of Memphis was a guest of her sister, Mrs. W.E. Bradford, Saturday night and Sunday.
Mrs. E.R. Oldham, who attended the bedside of her sister, Mrs. C.D. Flowers, the past two weeks, returned to Forest Home Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Emma Boydstun of Ripley is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F.B. Bradford.
Mr. Bill Corum of Chicago spent several days this week with his sister, Mrs. E.J. Shannon.
Mrs. John Morris and sister, Miss Lucy Thornley, were called to Blytheville, Ark. Monday by the illness of their mother, who has been there some time for treatment.
Mr. J.M. Anderson left Sunday night for Nashville to enter Vandergriff University. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Anderson, went as far as Memphis with him.
Miss Florence Griggs of Ripley spent the week with her brother, Mr. Oscar Griggs.
Mrs. Lena Price and son, Vater, spent one night last week with parents at Lightfoot.
Miss Katie Lou Tims, Miss Zula Jones and Mr. Reuben Minner attended the bedside of Miss Mary Kiestler at Lightfoot Sunday night.
Mesdames Emma Klutts and Guy Henderson of Ripley were guests of Mrs. Jasper Henderson Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Midyett and daughter of Mascedonia are here with her daughter and sister, Mrs. G.W. Frazier.
Forked Deer
Mr. Leland Brown of Blytheville, Ark. visited his mother, Mrs. J.W. Pearson, Sunday.
Mrs. Walter Douglass of Brownsville spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Nannie Humphreys.
Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Wells and daughter attended a family reunion Sunday at their father’s, Mr. M.L. Wood, at Gates.
Miss Annie Lewis of Mercer spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Polk Crowder.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and Miss Eusley Kirby attended the bedside of their father, Mr. Ed Kirby, at Mary’s Chapel Sunday night.
Family Reunion
On Sunday, Sept. 12, the homecoming of the R.C. Jennings generation met at the old homeplace, two miles southeast of Edith and spent the day. The children present were Mrs. L.F. Cheek and family of Ripley; W.G. Jennings and family of Conner; S.O. Jennings and family of Unionville; J.T. Jennings and family, J.L. Jennings and family of this place. Two were absent, Mr. E.E. Jennings of Greenville, Miss. and Mrs. Ross Treadwell of Edith. Twenty-two grandchildren, two great grandchildren were present; also several distant relatives and friends of his boyhood days. The total number present was 75.
Pleasant Hill
Miss Ruby Mai Langford of Henning spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. S.E. Burns.
We are glad to report Mr. John McDonald’s speedy recovery from a light form of blood poisoning in the left foot and ankle.
Coal Creek
Mrs. Frankie Fish of Weakley County is spending this week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Edwards.
Mr. Jesse Matthews has moved to the place vacated by Mr. Jesse Potter.
Death Of A Little Child
Little Willer Dean Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Butler, who lived near Osteen’s sawmill, was born Nov. 6, 1924 and died Sept. 16, 1926. She was loved by all who knew her and everything was done for her that loving hands could do, yet God saw best to take her. Her aunt, Mrs. Piercey of Jackson nursed her. This is the second child Mr. and Mrs. Butler have lost.
The surrounding community is in sympathy with the parents.
ENTERPRISE Friday October 1, 1926
***A Peep Into The Past–Oct. 2. 1900
Mr. J.B. Wilkes is clerking for Brown and Solomon.
Mr. Joe T. Mann and Miss Mamie Roberson were married at Lightfoot Wednesday.
Mr. Hiram Keller and Miss Ellen Mosley of Henning were married Wednesday afternoon at 5 o’clock at the residence of Mr. J.T. Williams, Rev. Lee Sanders officiating.
The marriage of Miss Minnie Meadows, of Ripley, and Mr. S.C. Lewis of Dover, at the Methodist Church Wednesday morning at 9:30, was one of the most beautiful nuptials ever witnessed by our people. Preceding the arrival of the bridal party, Miss Narcissa Chapman, whose voice ever thrills with delight a Ripley audience, sang “Crown of Life’, at the conclusion of which Mendelssohn’s Wedding March was played by Mrs. W.H. McLeskey, sister of the bride, as the party entered in the following manner: Mr. Watson Willis and Mr. E.E. Sanford, ushers, down the center aisle, followed by the attendants, Mr. Bascom Green and Miss Lellie Walker; Mr. Henry Walker and Miss Alma Turner, Mr. Roy McKinney and Miss Sue Barbee. Then came the matron of honor, Mrs. H.W. Hartin, sister of the bride, followed by the bride leaning upon the arm of her brother-in-law, Mr. H.W. Hartin, who was assigned the honor of giving her
away; while down the left aisle came the groom and his best man, Mr. Duncan Martin of Memphis, meeting under the marriage bell, to the right and left of which the attendants had formed a semi-circle, where Mr. B.F. Blackmon, assisted by Rev. W.H. McLeskey, brother-in-law of the bride, pronounced the solemn words uniting their lives and destiny. The bride was attired in a becoming tailor-made traveling costume of gray homespun, wearing diamonds and opals, while the bridesmaids were all gowned in elaborately made white
organdies and satin. Miss Meadows has long held an ideal place in the hearts of our people, being one of the most beautiful young ladies in Ripley, and daughter of Esq. A.J. Meadows. Mr. Lewis is a lawyer of recognized ability, and is a member of the firm of Brandon & Lewis with headquarters at Dover, but who practices in the courts at Nashville and middle Tennessee. After a bridal tour to St. Louis, Washington City, Baltimore, New York, Boston, and perhaps
other places, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will return to their future home in Dover. End of Peep Into Past ***
Death–Mrs. W.C. Lackey Dead
The hearts of the people of Ripley were saddened last Monday when a message came from Battle Creek, Mich. that Mrs. W.C. Lackey had passed away at 3 o’clock that morning. Accompanied by her son, Dr. Joe B. Lackey, she had gone to the noted Mayo Bros. for treatment and operation for goiter and had been under their observation about two weeks. This, however, was her second visit there, as on the first occasion several months ago it was found she was not physically able to stand the operation. Returning home her condition gradually grew worse, and her loved ones realized that it was only a question of her life being prolonged a few months or a successful operation.
On last Friday she chose the latter alternative in the hope that she might be restored to health and strength, and was recovering nicely from the operation when her heart, weakened by long illness, failed to do its part and the end came quickly. Deceased was the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J.N. Wardlaw, who were among the first settlers in Ripley, and her grandfather, Hon. Joseph
Wardlaw, gave the ground upon which the first Methodist church– a log structure–was erected in our town. She was born Dec. 12, 1862 and spent her entire life here among our people whose love for her knew no bounds. As Miss Eddie Lane Wardlaw, she was married to Dr. W.K. Lackey on Dec. 8, 1881, and this happy union continued until March 1922 when the dear husband was called to his reward. Of the four children born to this union, one daughter was
taken at the age of 12 years, and two sons and one daughter are left to mourn their loss; Dr. Joe B. Lackey and Mr. W.K. Lackey Jr. of Ripley, and Mrs. L.M. Kirkpatrick of Memphis; also one brother and two sisters, Mr. Joe Bass Wardlaw and Mrs. Thomas Steele Sr. of Ripley, and Mrs. M.d. Holloway of Colorado Springs, Cob. The funeral service was conducted at the home
Wednesday morning at 10:30 by her pastor, Dr. F.H. Peeples. The remains were laid to rest in Maplewood cemetery.
Those from Memphis attending the last sad rites were Mr. Sid Wardlaw and niece Miss Laura Wardlaw, Miss Charlie Henning and Mrs. Burns.
Local and Personal
Mrs. Mack Duvall is spending this week in Memphis.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. V.G. Kee on Sept. 16th.
Mrs. Frank Stolz, of Memphis, is visiting her father, Mr. R.T. Coleman.
Miss Fannie Neighbours of Tunica, Miss. is a guest of Miss Ethel Neighbours.
Mr. J.D. Evans left Saturday for Memphis to enter the medical dept. of U. of T.
Mr. Richmond Howard left Sept. 14 for Miami, Fla. and Cuba where he will spend the winter.
Miss Rosa Lee Jackson left Wednesday night for University of Chicago to take a doctor’s degree.
Mr. R.F. Stone of Poolville, Texas is visiting his nephew, Mr. B.W. Norman, near Nut Bush.
Mrs. Jane Henry returned Thursday from a visit to her sister, Mrs. W.R. Fite, at Early Grove, Miss.
Mr. Wilson Blackwell moved his family to Dyersburg Monday where he will follow the carpenter trade.
A 5 month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Adkerson died at Ashport Friday and was buried Saturday at Mary’s Chapel.
Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Conner carried their baby to Memphis Tuesday to have removed some obstruction that had gotten into his ear.
Mrs. Emma Klutts and son, Mr. Dan Henderson, visited Mrs. N.E. Matthews at Finley last Sunday.
Mr. W.E. Richardson of Halls, who is now taking the federal ginning census in Lauderdale County, reports 913 bales ginned up to Sept. 16 as compared to 731 the same date last year.
Mrs. Harris Brown and Mrs. B.M. Elam of Jackson were in Ripley Tuesday and were accompanied home by their brother, Mr. W.A. Klutts, who will visit them before returning to his home in Miami, Fla.
Mr. J.B. McKinney was arrested Tuesday on a charge of possessing liquor, over four gallons having been found in his home when Sheriff Craig and his deputies searched the premises. He was placed in jail but was released that afternoon under $250 bond for his appearance for trial at circuit court.
The Berg & Schafer Co.’s service Chevrolet car was stolen at an early hour Saturday morning, while parked in front of their store. It was recovered Sunday night at Clarksdale, Miss. It was said to have been driven by three young men to that place where they exchanged it for a Chrysler and proceeded
on their journey southward.
Two cottages were destroyed by fire last Sunday afternoon near the colored high school. Both were owned by negroes. The fire originated in the residence of Guy Young, and practically all his household goods were destroyed. He carried $1000 insurance. Geo. Rose carried $1000 insurance on his residence and saved all the contents of his house. Joe Claybrook, a colored boy who was stopping for the day in Young’s home, expecting to leave the next day for Jackson to enter Lane College, lost a new suit and $35 in cash. The fire department responded to the alarm but were powerless to fight the flames, the cottages being out of the fire zone.
Virginia Scott of Henning spent Saturday with her aunt, Mrs. B.F. Robison.
Mrs. G.C. Hartman had as her weekend guest her aunt, Mrs. R.A. Puryear of Memphis.
Genevieve and Margaret Tarrant of Ripley visited their aunt, Mrs. F.B. Bradford, Saturday and Sunday.
Our community was greatly shocked on Wednesday morning when the lifeless remains of Mr. Hiram Bradford were found in the gin pond in Gates. He had been missing since 3 o’clock on Tuesday afternoon, and search instituted for him resulted as above stated. Mr. Bradford was 51 years of age and is survived by his aged father and one brother, Mr. Floyd Bradford, who have
resided in Gates many years and are numbered among the leading citizens of our town. Deceased was a member of the firm of F.B. Bradford & Co., who conduct two stores in Gates.
Mr. S.M. Roy is able to be out after ten days illness.
Mrs. F.A. Lloyd and daughter, Monica, are spending this week in Martin with her daughter, Mrs. Downing.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gee are guests in the home of Mr. J.B. Ballard. They will leave in a few days for New York to reside.
Pea Ridge
Little Gladys Poe spent Friday night in the home of her aunt, Mrs. J.L. Jennings at Henning.
John F. Hickman
While searching the files of old Fort Delaware for the military record of his father, Commodore Weems, commander of the naval forces at Anapolis, Md., came upon an entry made in reference to John F. Hickman, of Nashville, now commander of Tenn. Div. U.C.V. and also secretary of State Pension Board, to whom he sent a copy of the records which reads as follows:
“John P. Hickman, when quite a boy, enlisted as a private in the Confederate Army. He was captured and imprisoned at Fort Delaware. He planned with others to escape, and being caught in the act, was confined in a dungeon. He managed a word through the lines to relatives and through Johnson’s intercession with President Lincoln, was ordered to be released from the dungeon. On his release he was given a paper to sign swearing allegiance to the United
States. This he refused to do and was thereupon returned to prison, where he remained until the close of the war. He was released on May 28, 1865.” —
Confederate Veteran, Sept. 1926, page 329.
Mr. Ezra Gault of Lightfoot spent Sunday night with Mr. H.S. Price.
Mr. Tom Woodard of Lightfoot spent the week with his sister, Mrs. Zula Lawson.
Mr. Forrest Cunningham of this place and Miss Tennie Hopkins of the Campground, surprised their many friends by getting married Saturday night.
Mrs. Myrtle Minter of Chicago visited her aunt, Mrs. E.V. Layne, Sunday.
Mr. Eugene Crihfield of Mississippi was called here by the serious illness and death of his nephew.
Master Buford Crihfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Crihfield, died Monday afternoon of heart failure. He leaves a mother, father, one brother and one sister to mourn his loss, besides a host of relatives and friends.
Gone But Not Forgotten
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Potter, who lived near Asbury, suffered the loss of their darling baby, Chas. Monroe Vernon Potter, who was born May 4, 1925 and died Sept. 21, 1926. He suffered only a few days with colitis. Everything was done that loving hands could do, yet God saw best to take him. He is survived by his mother, father, three brothers, eight sisters and a host of friends and relatives to mourn his death. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Kendall and the remains laid to rest in St. Paul’s cemetery.
It is hard to give him up, But God’s will must be done;
He has gone to be with Jesus, And his crown he has won.
Sleep on, dear Monroe, sleep, While your loved ones here weep;
One by one we will meet you there, Then we will be in Saviour’s care.
We miss you from our home, dear Monroe,
We miss your sweet smiling face.
A shadow o’er our lives is cast,
We miss the sunshine of your face.
adv. A Friend
In Memoriam–Mrs. Annie Walker
The wife of Robert Walker of Nut Bush. Born Jan. 6, 1878 and died Sept. 2, 1926. In youth happily disposed, considerate of others, always hospitable and kind. She was a Christian in the higher sense of the word, and her disabilities never eclipsed her devotions. She loved her friends. She had no enemies, and ever, saving the hours of illness, her lips were sanctified with words of kindness and always, despite suffering, her life was directed in that course calculated to bless her family. During the years of ability she was ever found aiding those causes which tend to sustain and build up community, church and amicable associations. She saw the beautiful, she loved the good, and was never slow to praise where such was merited by act or thought. The fine traits which blessed her in youth were not effaced by years, nor illness. She was ever desirous of aiding her people, her community and her church, and at her death it was truly and properly stated that “here was another of God’s good women who never caused enmity between neighbors, and who died without leaving one enemy.
adv. Her loving husband, Robert Walker
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