1926 Lauderdale County Enterprise – Excerpts Part 3
Published weekly in Ripley, Tennessee
Transcribed from the originals by Sarah Hutcherson
Typed and Indexed by Carolyn Duvall
*** PLEASE NOTE *** Some pages were inadvertently omitted in the indexing process. They are indicated by parenthesis and are numbered (89) through (93).
ENTERPRISE Friday July 2, 1926
Beloved Physician Dies
Dr. John W. Sanford, a practicing physician in Lauderdale County for 40 years and a man loved and esteemed by all our people, died at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis at 8 o’clock Friday morning of last week. He had only been in the hospital one week, suffering from a malady which was hard for physicians to diagnose. The news of the passing away of this good man brought sadness to hundreds of homes throughout Lauderdale County, not only to those whom his skill as a physician had greatly endeared him because of his successful ministrations in alleviating pain and restoring health, but to all who knew him, for his genial personality had made its impress for good upon humanity in all the varied walks of life. Dr. Sanford would have been 64 years of age had he lived until Saturday, July 3. He was a native of Tipton County. After his graduation from the old Memphis Hospital College in 1886, he moved to Lauderdale County and located at Glimp, where he practiced his profession for many years. He came to Ripley in 1900. He had been county health officer of Lauderdale County and was a past president of the Lauderdale County Medical Association.
Dr. Sanford was twice married. He was first married to Miss Celeste Sharpe, who died many years ago. His second wife was a sister of the first, Miss Frances Sharpe, who also preceded him in death. Surviving Dr. Sanford are four sons, Dr. W.V. Sanford, Burton S. and Robert A. Sanford, of Ripley, and John Sanford of Baltimore; one daughter, Miss Celeste Sanford of Ripley. He was a brother of Mrs. C.F. Sanford of Ripley, Mrs. Hattie Taylor and Mrs. Frank Cuthbert of Brownsville and Dr. B.R. Sanford of Henning.
The remains arrived in Ripley Friday night, but the funeral did not take place until 2:30 Sunday afternoon, awaiting the arrival of his son from Baltimore. Services were held in the Methodist Church, burial was with Masonic honors in Maplewood Cemetery.
*** A Peep Into The Past–July 6. 1900
Miss Minnie Pierson, of Dallas, Texas, is visiting in the city.
Miss Duet Coleman, of Woodville, is visiting Miss Emma Baxter.
Miss Cecily Mitchell is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mitchell, at Nankipoo.
Mr. Jim Moore and Mrs. Iverson Stewart were married last Tuesday night.
Mrs. Laura L. Hay, who has been keeping house for her son, Mr. Will Hay, the past six months, left Monday for Lake City, Ark. End of Peep Into Past ***
Farm News Notes
District Agent H.S. Nichols of Jackson, county agents Judd Brooks and W.M. Hardy of Madison County and H.A. McPherson, of Haywood County, were visitors in this county.
Lois Crews of the Dry Hill Poultry Club has made an unusual record with her flock of twenty-five white Wyandotte hens. From this flock this year she has hatched off over 100 baby chicks, sold forty settings of eggs, besides marketing some, having all for family use desired. A full balanced ration has been fed all season.
Family Reunion
A delightful home gathering was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Charley E. Walding and all their children and their families last Saturday and Sunday at
their home in Ripley. The dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Jane Walding, who is in her 80th year, was able to be with the happy throng. A great feast was prepared for all and was enjoyed also by other friends and relatives who gathered with the family. Their welcome was as warm and generous as words could convey and all were made to feel at home. Following the feast Mr. Will Brown made a family group picture of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Walding, Mrs. Jane Walding, Mr. and Mrs. Buck Walding and family, Mr. and Mrs. Buford Walding and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Casey and family, Miss Lillie Walding, Messrs. Audrey, Lutrell, and Leon Walding, of Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. John Walding and daughter, of Memphis; Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Evans and baby of Dyersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walding and son and Mr. and Mrs. John Evans, of Walnut Ridge, Ark.; Mr. Dee Elkins of Memphis.
Social Happenings
Mr. and Mrs. J.E. White announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Romaine, to Mr. Roy Evans Jacob, of Columbus, Miss., which occurred on June 26, Dr. L.0. Leavell officiating. Mrs. Jacob is one of the most attractive and popular girls of the younger set, who regret to lose her. Mr. Jacob is a graduate of A. ?. M. College of Columbus, Miss., the class of ‘25. He is a civil engineer and left Sunday morning for ?unbury, Pa., to accept a position with the State Highway Department of Pennsylvania, where Mrs. Jacob will join him in a few days.
Mr. J.S. Layne and daughters, Misses Jessie Lee and Eunice, spent Saturday in Ripley.
Mr. Charles Moore. of Ripley, spent one day recently here with his sister, Mrs. Alice Lou Brantley.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pewitt and daughter, Wauline, of Flippen, spent one day recently in the J.B. Milam home.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hargett from near Central spent Wednesday night here with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chalk.
Additional Gates Locals
Little Misses LaRue and Elizabeth Duncan have returned to their home in Memphis after six weeks’ visit with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N.H. Braden.
Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Gamble, of Nankipoo, and Mr. and Mrs. O.V. Williams, from near Halls, were Sunday guests of Mrs. W.C. Gamble.
Local and Personal
Mrs. V.W. Yates continues ill with chills and fever.
Mrs. M.A. Hedgepeth is still confined to her bed, but is improving.
Mrs. W.B. Midyett and Mrs. Carl Dodson spent Wednesday in Fulton, Ky.
Miss Rose Love Gudger spent last week in Memphis visiting Mrs. J.B. McKinney.
Mrs. Brandon Davis of Syracuse, N.Y. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R.D. Jenkins.
Mr. C.C. Adams, of Norwood, Ohio, is spending a few days here with homefolks.
Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Lusk, of Eylau Farm, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Gracy.
Mr. Alex Klutts returned last week from a visit to his brother and sister in Salisbury, N.C.
A little 2 year old child of Mr. Raymond Cannon, who lives near Edith,
died last Saturday.
Mrs. Ada Nixon left last week for Birmingham, Ala., to accept a position as secretary of the Y.W.C.A.
Misses Lillian Folts and Georgetta Hutcherson returned yesterday from a visit to relatives in Houston, Texas.
A cotton bloom from Mr. Walter Hart’s river bottom farm was sent to the Enterprise office Friday, June 28th.
Mrs. F.W. Bondurant and sons, Fred and Bill, of Dallas, Texas, are visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. G.A. Lusk.
Dr. and Mrs. R.S. Maclin and son, Robert Spencer Maclin, and Mr. Percy Rice left Thursday for Pittsburg, Pa., making the trip by auto.
Mr. Tom Dennie spent last week in Oxford, Miss., called there by the illness of his sister, Mrs. Lavada Johnson, who had undergone an operation.
Mr. G.O. Ferguson and Mrs. T.P. Ferguson, Jr. returned Monday night from Russellville, Ky. Mrs. G.O. Ferguson remained on a visit to her father.
Mrs. L.D. Bruce, of Memphis, spent the weekend with Mrs. G.J. Johnson.
Little Frances Bruce, who had been here two weeks, returned home with her.
Miss Willie Gaines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Gaines, of Gainestown, underwent an operation for appendicitis Sunday morning at the Ripley hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Williams and little son, Don, and Mrs. Otis Moore and little daughter, Ona, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Beasley at Glimp.
Mr. W.M. Brown left Thursday for Memphis to attend a convention of photographers which will be in session over Friday. His little daughter, Frances, accompanied him.
Messrs. W.R. Samuel and John Cook left last week for Blytheville, Ark., where they are erecting three brick houses on Main Street for Mr. E.F. Wilson of Ripley.
Mr. W.B. Henderson returned Tuesday night from the Baptist hospital in Memphis, and is recovering from a recent operation for appendicitis. His nurse, Miss Ragon, accompanied him.
Mr. W.T. Rice and family visited in Covington Sunday. Mrs. Rice reports her brother, Mr. Albert Daniels, who recently underwent a mastoid operation, as being still unable to work, and during the past week he has gone through the clinic.
Mrs. W.B. Perry is attending the bedside of her son in Obion.
Mr. T.S. Williams was called to Paragould, Ark. Thursday by the death of his brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Akin of Forked Deer, and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Clark of Woodville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurmond.
Knob Creek
Mr. W.W. Kellick spent Saturday in Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crihfield and daughter, Alice, of the Bluff, spent Sunday in the R.C. Crihfield home.
Mr. and Mrs. Castell Faulkner and Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Faulkner attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. John Caldwell of Memphis, at Central Thursday of last week.
Mr. Bill Jones, of Luckett, spent Friday night with his brother, Mr. Ed Jones.
Little Emmett Jones spent Saturday night and Sunday with his cousin, Wilmer Vowell, at Glimp.
Mr. Everette Kiestler, of Lightfoot, spent Friday with his brothers, Messrs. Ila and Tom Kiestler.
Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Price and baby attended the bedside of Mr. John Henry McPherson at Lightfoot Saturday night and Sunday.
Mrs. Ed Jones, Mrs. Cleveland Whitson, Mrs. Whitson and Mr. Pearl Griggs attended the funeral of Mr. Blakely’s son at Luckett Sunday.
Mrs. Sallie Chapman is visiting her daughter, Miss Kate Chapman in Alamo.
Mrs. Olivar McConnico and daughter, of Paris, are visiting her brother, Mr. Aubrey Hardy.
Little Kenneth Hendren, of Perciful, spent a few days last week with his aunt, Mrs. Levy Clark.
Little Geraldine and Agatha Yancey are ill with measles.
Mr. John Lovell and family, from near Friendship, were Sunday visitors in the Joe Ellis home.
Pleasant Hill
Little Bettie and J.W. Ray, of Memphis, spent several days last week with their aunt, Mrs. F.I. Barfield.
Mrs. W.L. Bizzell spent from Thursday until Saturday with her sister, Mrs. N.C. Sinclair. in Henning.
Mr. David Thum happened to a very painful accident Saturday, his arm being dislocated when the horse he was riding fell with him.
Mrs. Bettie Lloyd, who has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Emory Dickerson, in Memphis the past 15 years, has come to live here with her son, Mr. Champ Lloyd. Mrs. Lloyd is 83 years old and made the trip in a car and felt fine on arriving.
Mr. Aubrey Smith returned to Memphis Thursday for another operation, this being his third.
Miss Annie Crystal Garrett, who lives with her grandmother in Memphis, spent Tuesday with her father, Mr. M. Garrett.
Mrs. Geo. Miller is confined to her bed with sciatica rheumatism.
Mr. Roy Bizzell, of Memphis, is visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bizzell.
Mr. P.A. Crutcher, of Chattanooga, is a guest of his sister, Mrs. E.L. Fields.
Mrs. Guy Chapman was called to Indiana Saturday by the death of her uncle, Mr. Ed Fuchs.
Miss Margaret Fain returned Tuesday to her home in Memphis after a week’s visit with Miss Rena Lea Lewis.
Pea Ridge
Aunt Sarah Crawford is spending this week with Mrs. J.L. Sellers at Henning.
Little Winnie Sellers, of Henning, spent last week with her aunt, Mrs.
W.W. Hopkins.
Coal Creek
Grandma Lyell has returned home after spending a week with her son.
Mrs. Albert Jones visited her father, Mr. John Vowell, at Glimp Saturday.
Mrs. J.G. Younger, of Lightfoot, is visiting her son, Mr. Herman Younger.
Miss Lillian Crawford of Memphis is visiting her sister, Mrs. Cleve Love lace.
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Blakely of Crutcher spent the weekend in the T.N. Blakely home.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilkerson, of Dyersburg, were called here Saturday by the death of their brother, little James Albert Blakely.
The death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.N. Blakely Saturday, June 26, and took away their little son, James Albert Blakely, after an illness of only a few days. His remains were laid to rest in Poplar Grove cemetery Sunday morning. He leaves a father and mother, three brothers and four sisters to mourn his death.
Mr. Win. Spiller is quite ill with measles.
Mr. Newt Escue had his hand hurt Saturday while cranking his car.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Binkley and baby spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Alice Lee, at Mary’s Chapel.
Mrs. John Click and son, Clarence, of Mason, attended the bedside of Mr. Win. Spiller a few hours Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. A.G. Bracklin of Asbury and Mrs. Rosetta Kirby attended the bedside Mr. C.C. Kirby who is quite ill at Arp.
Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Nelson and Miss Willie Lee Burns, of Ripley spent Sunday afternoon in the home of her mother, Mrs. J.P. Black.
Poplar Grove
Mr. Prentiss Weeks and sisters, Vera and Bertha, spent Sunday at Whitefield.
Little J.C. Hoskins of Asbury spent the week with his uncle, Mr. Luther Ammons.
Mr. Alfred Crutcher, of Memphis, visited his father, Mr. W.M. Crutcher, this week.
The 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Blakely, of Luckett, was buried Sunday.
ENTERPRISE Friday July 9, 1926
County Court
Joe DeVinney was elected cotton weigher at Ripley, Joe Lankford at Henning, and Arch Mitchell at Halls.
C.N. Wilkes, T.G. Avery and R.J. Moore were appointed a committee to have Gates levee road repaired, the cost not to exceed $1500.
Ira Dunavant, Searcy Barfield and C.H. Sullivan were appointed a committee to ask the state highway department to locate a road from Henning to Fulton.
*** A Peep Into The Past–July 13. 1900
Miss Ethel McCraw of Braden is visiting Miss Kate Johnston.
Mrs. D.J. Majors left Sunday to visit her parents in Concord, Ga.
Mrs. B.C. Walker and Miss Annie May Durham are visiting in Durhamville.
Mrs. Zee Trimble and Mrs. T.J. Tiliman left yesterday for their home in Alabama.
Misses Bessie and Lida Browning, of Hamburg, Ark., are visiting the family of Maj. C.C. Partee.
Mr. Pinkney’s residence, known as the Ben Boydstun old place, near Grace Church, burned Saturday.
Mr. G.J. Hutcheson, of Mack, returned Sunday from a visit with his daughter, Mrs. John Rogers, in Waverly.
Mr. J.B. Stewart, who has been in school at bowling Green, Ky., has returned to his home in Lightfoot, and Mr. J.D. LcLeod, who was also there, will return this week. End of Peep Into Past ***
Social Happenings
Sheriff and Mrs. A.H. Craig announce the marriage of their daughter, Christeen Elizabeth, to Mr. N.A. Kirk, of Grenada, Miss., which occurred on Saturday evening, July 3, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. L.0. Leavell, Dr.
Leavell officiating. The bride wore a becoming model of white chiffon voile. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk have gone to Grenada where they will reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Maclin complimented their house guests, Misses Dorothy Pearce and Malinda Black, of Toone; Evelyn Wooten of Covington, and Mr. Eugene Savage, of Bolivar, with a most enjoyable day at Open Lake on Monday. The amusements of the day were boating, swimming, and fishing. A bountiful picnic lunch was served at noon. The party also ate supper at the lake before returning to town in the cool of the evening.
John Wesley Gaines, for six consecutive terms representative of the Sixth Tennessee district in Congress and one of the leading barristers of the south, died at his home on Love Circle, Nashville at 5 o’clock Sunday morning. An illness of little more than a week, caused by lesion of the heart, brought about his death, though he had complained of what was thought to be acute indigestion for possibly three weeks.
Local and Personal
Mrs. W.B. Midyett spent Monday in Memphis.
Judge John P. Gause, of Mercedes, Texas, spent Tuesday in Ripley.
Mrs. J.S. Hamilton, of Memphis, is visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E.
Mrs. Tab Barfield, of Cherry. spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Will Foust.
Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Alley, of Forest City, Ark., were weekend guests of Mrs. M.L. Brodie.
Mrs. L.O. Leavell and children will leave this weekend on a visit to her parents in Frostburg, Md.
Mrs. Martin of Memphis is visiting her sisters, Mrs. J.M. Taylor Jr., and Mrs. W.T. Craig.
Mr. Graves Brown has moved his family from Memphis to the N.A. Yancey farm at Halespoint.
Miss Edith Cox and Elizabeth Black of Memphis were Sunday guests of Miss Alva Moran.
Mrs. Sallie Cobb of Memphis was a guest of her sister, Mrs. W.H. Foust, Sunday and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Fergason left Saturday night for Detroit, Mich. To visit their daughter, Mrs. C.B. Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Fite, of Memphis, spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. And Mrs. R. Lee Webb.
Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Lang and son Edward of Toreon, Mexico, will arrive Friday on a visit to home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ford and children of Memphis spent Sunday and Monday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Green.
Mrs. E.G. Parham has as her guests this week her sister, Miss Ada Cassell and cousin, Miss Lillian Mabry, of Tupelo, Miss.
Mr. Ernest Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Craig, underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Ripley hospital Wednesday night.
Mrs. Hattie Durham and granddaughter, Miss Harriet Sutton, left Wednesday night for Fulton, Ky. to visit her sister, Mrs. B.C. Walker.
Mrs. Nan Bibb fell Sunday in her dining room and broke her left hip. Her condition is considered critical, owing to her advanced age, 85 years.
Mr. Z.L. Turner, cashier at the depot, and Miss Fannie Muse were married Sunday at Helena, Ark. They arrived here Monday and have rooms with Mr. and Mrs. W.H. White.
The family of Dr. J.W. Sanford is very grateful for the sympathy and assistance tendered them in their bereavement.
Mr. Edmond Gracy, of Memphis, spent Sunday and Monday here and was accompanied home by his mother, Mrs. J.W. Gracy, who is spending this week with him.
Misses Agnes and Catherine Foust, Margery Barbee, Annie Harbert Durham and Edwina Scott visited Mrs. Bertha Hutcherson in Brownsville a few days this week.
Miss Mary Sue Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Rip Blakely and children, Mr. and Mrs. Flint Leverett, of Memphis, spent Sunday and Monday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Beasley and daughter Pauline, son Lester, and little granddaughter Leloss Beasley, all of Glimp, spent Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Williams near Ripley.
Mrs. D.J. Lloyd and daughters, Claudia May and Nellie, Mrs. Edgar Quisenberry and Miss Sadie Tennent, of Atoka, and Mrs. T.A. Byler of Ripley, were guests of Mrs. John A. Duncan at Nankipoo Thursday of last week.
Mr. J.W. Hedgepeth left Saturday afternoon for Junaluska, N.C., as a delegate from the Memphis Conference Sunday School Board. The other delegates are J.D. Sexton, Murry, Ky.; R.N. Phipps, Jackson, Tenn.; A.R. Steele,
Mayfield, Ky.
Mrs. Bessie Pittman, age 34, wife of Mr. Paul Pittman, died Monday night in Oakville Sanitarium, Memphis. Burgess & Peters, undertakers in Ripley, went after the remains and brought them that night and prepared them for burial. Interment was in Mt. Pleasant cemetery Wednesday morning. Mrs. Pittman resided near Luckett prior to going to the sanitarium about three years ago.
Invitations were received last week by relatives in Ripley to the marriage of Miss Mildred Strayhorn to Mr. George Otis Sowell, at the home of the bride in Koscuisko, Miss., on July 8th at 1 p.m. Miss Strayhorn is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allie C. Strayhorn who formerly resided in this county, her mother being Miss Lizzie Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Sowell will reside in Dubuque, Iowa.
Mrs. J.P. Jenkins and children, of South Corbin, Ky. have been visiting here the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pitts, of Memphis, visited in the Ab Pitts home the first of the week.
Mrs. Ed Bell and children of Bassett, Ark. are visiting in the W.B. Wadsworth home. Mr. Bell spent last week here.
Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Scott, of Fowlkes, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hale of Memphis were called here Tuesday by the death of their father, Mr. Joe S. Hale.
On Tuesday morning, Mr. Joe S. Hale Sr. was called to his reward. He had been a patient sufferer for many months. Mr. Hale was a good man and greatly missed in this community. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at Mt. Pleasant Church by Rev. J.M. Kendall, Interment was in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.
Pleasant Hill
Miss Blannie Sue Bizzell is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J.D. Jennings, in Rip1ey.
Mr. Ray Gaines, of Paragould, Ark., was a Sunday guest of Mrs. E.W. North.
Mrs. W.G. Thum and Miss Laura Parker of Covington were Saturday guests of Mrs. E.W. North.
Miss Hattie Cox returned to her home in Memphis after spending a month here with friends and relatives.
Miss Anna White has returned home after spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. N.C. Sinclair, in Henning.
Mrs. Lucy Smith, of Bolivar, is visiting her brothers, Messrs. Ben and Joe Glenn.
Little Janette Burks of Ashport spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Hattie Wood.
Messrs. Tom and Jesse Mitchell and their families motored to Osceola, Ark. Sunday and were accompanied by their father, Mr. Jake Mitchell, who remained for a visit to his children.
Miss Frances Wiley, of Halls, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. A.L. Mayes.
Mrs. C.S. Yort, who has been confined to her bed with rheumatism, is able to be up.
Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Ball, of Blytheville, Ark., spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. A.A. Ball.
Mrs. J.G. Thompson spent Sunday and Monday in Memphis, a guest of her niece, Mrs. D.M. Garrett.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hughes, of Nankipoo, spent Tuesday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Will Garrett.
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Thompson, Mrs. Z.P. Thompson and children, Louis and Virginia, spent several days the first of the week in Memphis.
Mrs. Mollie Williams of Ripley spent Sunday in the S.A. Parchman home.
Mr. Odie Stone of Mary’s Chapel spent Sunday in the H.H. Bray home.
Master Thomas Miller, of Hurricane Hill, spent Saturday and Sunday with Master Ben Grimes.
Miss Eleanor Maddox of Brownsville was a weekend guest of her aunt, Mrs. F.C. Rice.
Mrs. A.N. Cockrill, of Crawfordsville, Ark., is spending the week with her father, Mr. C.H. Rice.
Mrs. Vaden, of Forked Deer, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Robert C lark.
The children of Mr. John Daniels Sr. had their annual reunion at his home Sunday, the 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Daniels, of Henderson, spent Sunday and Monday in the home of his father, Mr. John Daniels Sr.
Mr. A. Wiley lost his house and contents Monday afternoon by fire while he and his wife were visiting in Blytheville, Ark.
Mrs. G.E. Smith and son James went to Dyersburg Friday to attend the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Leon Perciful, who was ill.
Knob Creek
Mr. Ross Dennison spent Sunday night at Dyersburg, guest of Mr. Will Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery and Mr. Marley Harrison, of Dyersburg, visited their sister, Mrs. T.W. Latham Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Andrews and children of Central spent a few hours Saturday night in the R.C. Crihfield home.
Little Lackey B. and Stella Young have returned home after spending a week with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Crihfield.
Miss Mattie Guthrie left Sunday for Blytheville, Ark. to spend the summer.
Mr. Carter Sutton has been at Halespoint the past ten days with his son, Mr. Bob Sutton.
Mr. J.G. Caldwell went to Plumpoint Tuesday to spend a few days with his son, Mr. Dee Caldwell.
Miss Eddie Sue Mullikin of Memphis spent Sunday night and Monday with her father, Mr. Wilson Mullikin.
Mr. George W. Hutcherson of Ripley is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. J.H. Lovell.
Mr. and Mrs. J.T. King, of Dyersburg, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Rosetta Kirby.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and baby spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. White, at Perciful.
Poplar Grove
Mrs. R.H. Stebbins, of Newbern, spent the week with her daughter, Mrs. W.G. Glenn.
Mr. Parrish Blankenship attended the picnic at Brighton Saturday and went from there to Atoka to spend Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night with his aunt, Mrs. G.W. Massey.
Mrs. M.F. Downing, of Martin, spent last week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Lloyd.
Mr. A.W. Tuholski, of Peterson, N.J., joined his wife and baby here Saturday night. They will spend the remainder of the summer in the J.B. Alston home.
Mrs. T.A. Biggs, of Memphis, who spent the past week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Poston, left Tuesday morning for Miami, Fla. to visit her brother, Mr. Clarence Poston.
Mary’s Chapel
Mrs. James Klutts is quite sick with malaria fever.
Mrs. D.A. Kimble and children of Ripley visited her sister, Mrs. Lillie Hill, Sunday.
Mr. Lonnie Heathcott and family spent several days in Strogdom bottom with relatives and attended a family reunion at the home of Mr. Buck Hendren.
Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Stone and children and Mrs. Odie Stone and little son spent the weekend in Chester county and were accompanied home by Mrs. Mollie Hodges.
Little W.T. Maness came very nearly being killed late Saturday afternoon when he was knocked down and the front wheel of a car passed over his head, bruising one side of his face and one ear, but otherwise he was unhurt.
Mrs. Lena Price is attending the bedside of her husband at Henning hospital.
Mrs. Dalton Maxwell of Memphis is visiting the home of her brother, Mr. T.B. Mason.
Mr. Stanton Price was carried to the Henning hospital Wednesday for treatment of his limbs.
Miss Lillian Osteen spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ben Osteen, at Curve.
Miss Lucile Woodard returned to her home at Lightfoot Monday after three weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Zula Lawson.
Mr. Jim McMurry entertained the following people with a picnic at his store in Ashport Saturday afternoon; Mrs. Ruth Mason, Mrs. Lottie Maxwell,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. Doss Cannon, Mrs. Florence Williams, Mrs. Pal Shoaf, and Mr. Tucker Hipp.
Mrs. Fannie Allen, of Parchman, Miss., is visiting her brother, Mr. J.F. Baucom, and friends here.
Mr. Claud Crump and brother, Wilmer, of Memphis are guests of their cousin, Mrs. S.B. Hill.
Miss Cornelia Jones of Memphis spent Sunday and Monday with her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Ferguson.
Mr. Earl Whitaker, of Memphis, spent from Sunday until Wednesday with his father. Mr. C.S. Whitaker.
A 10-pound daughter was born July 5th to Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Pennington in the Methodist hospital in Memphis.
Mrs. R.D. Chisholm has returned to her home in Dermott, Ark. after a visit to her mother, Mrs. Alice Chisholm.
Deputies J.H. Lee and M.L. Wood, of Gates, captured a still and 150 gallons of mash on the Davis farm near Curve recently. Three men were arrested, Lee Ellis, Cecil Maxwell and brother. Ellis was bound over to court
and the Maxwells turned loose for lack of evidence.
Shower For Newlyweds
At the home of Mrs. Fredonia Bass at Nankipoo, on the evening of June 29th, Rev, and Mrs. A.L. Mayes were entertained. A large number of guests were present. Contests were held, games were played and a mock trial was enacted. Delicious refreshments were served preceding the presentation of the gifts which was made in a most artistic manner, the gifts being drawn with the “Old Oaken Bucket” from an old fashioned well.
Mr. Clyde Ingram of Memphis visited his mother, Mrs. Ora Clark, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Frank Shoemake of Milwaukee, Wisc. is visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Shoemake.
Mr. Paul Keltner of Hammond, La. spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. M.M. Keltner.
Mr. Russell Keltner happened to a very serious accident Saturday when he got both bones in his right arm broken cranking a car.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keltner and daughters, Peggie and Edna, of Memphis, spent Monday with his mother, Mrs. Mollie Keltner.
Double Bridges
Mrs. Josie Dunavant of Ripley is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jim Adams.
Miss Mabel Osborn of Humphrey, Ark. is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Jim Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Steelman spent Friday in Ripley, guests of their daughter, Mrs. Henry Hyde, Jr.
Cedar Grove
Mr. Jim Hutcherson has accepted a position in Memphis and left Sunday morning.
Mr. Charlie lull, of Hayti, Mo., is attending the bedside of his sister, Mrs. Kennedy, who is not quite so well at present.
ENTERPRISE Friday July 16, 1926
Babe Left In Auto
Last Sunday evening, while Capt. and Mrs. G.J. Hutcheson were worshipping at the Presbyterian church, where union services were being held and the message being delivered by Dr. F.H. Peeples of the Methodist church, a girl baby was left in their car, which was parked in front of the church. After the service Capt. and Mrs. Hutcheson drove to their home on Ashport street, placed their car in the garage and retired for the night. The rear seat of the car not being occupied, the tiny bundle of human flesh deposited thereon, was not discovered until the next morning when faint cries of an infant were heard emanating from the garage. To the great surprise of the family, it was found, upon investigation, that a beautiful girl baby, two months old, neatly dressed, and wrapped in two blankets, had been placed in their car at the church and had spent the night in their garage. The precaution of it being warmly clad served to protect the little one, so that she was none the worse from a physical viewpoint.
As soon as the news spread the following morning of “a new arrival” at the home of Capt. G.J. Hutcheson, the event was the talk of the entire town, and the ladies especially, in large numbers, hastened to the home to see the
newly acquired possession and with true womanly instinct “everyone of them wanted the baby.” Capt. Hutcheson, who has passed his four score years, says he hardly feels equal to the task of rearing one so young; however, he is not content to relinquish his rights therein unless guaranteed that it be placed into hands that will “bring it up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord,” and care for it as devotedly as though it were “flesh of their flesh and bone of their bone.”
The baby was kept at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J.R. Lewis until Wednesday afternoon, where hundreds called to see her. At the request of the juvenile court of Lauderdale County, a matron of the Tennessee Children’s Home Society, 117 Monroe Street, Memphis, came to Ripley and carried the little one to that institution Wednesday afternoon.
Criminal Assault
Guy Cole alias Coleman alias Balden, a negro about 38 years of age, was captured near Glimp at the home of his wife Monday afternoon about 5 o’clock by Sheriff Craig and his deputies. He was brought to Ripley that night and placed in jail but was later removed to an adjoining county for safe keeping, as the charge for which he was arrested was rape, said to have been committed last Sunday about 6 o’clock upon the 19 year old daughter of Mr. George Moore who resides on Keller mounds in the 5th district. The facts were reported to us were that the young lady, accompanied by a younger brother and sister, were enroute to the bluff in a buggy, when the negro encountered them on the roadside and dragged his victim from the vehicle. The boy ran for help and Mr. Howard Tichenor came to the rescue, but was helpless to render service, as the negro kept him at bay at the point of a pistol until he had accomplished his diabolical crime, and then made his escape until captured as above stated.
Additional Locals
Dr. J.R. Lewis reports the following births during the past week: daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lofton Maxwell; and a son to Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Haynes, both families residing in the Flippen community; a daughter to Mr.
and Mrs. Rozelle Turner at Curve; daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawson at Ashport.
Mr. Richard Fortner left Sunday driving through Kentucky, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York in the interest of the Kool Kar Shade Company located at Jonesboro, Ark., of which he is president. His mother, Mrs. R.L. Fortner, accompanied him as far as Warren, Ohio, where she will be joined by her daughter, Mrs. C.E. Snyder, continuing their trip to Niagara
Falls, thence to Philadelphia to attend the Sesqui-Centennial.
The store of Mr. S.B. Hill at Gates was robbed Wednesday night of merchandise to the value of $50 or more, consisting mostly of shirts, socks and wearing apparel in general. Entrance was effected by breaking the top of the plate glass in the front door, and the thieves departed through the rear door. A restaurant and grocery, owned by Jim Fountain, color, was also entered and relieved of practically his entire stock of groceries, cigars,
candies, etc. No arrests have been made.
Mr. W.H. Rose, brother of our fellow townsman, Mr. J.E. Rose, died at his home in Memphis Sunday morning after a brief illness of appendicitis and other complications. He was 51 years of age and leaves a wife and three children. The funeral was held at the home on Monday afternoon at 6 o’clock and the following from Ripley who attended: Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Rose; Mr. Walter Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rose. Deceased was at one time a resident of Ripley and was associated with his brother in the plumbing business.
Mrs. Nancy Walker Bibb
One of Ripley’s oldest and most beloved citizens passed to her reward Monday night, in the person of Mrs. Nancy Walker Bibb. Though having passed her four score years, her death was not the result of the infirmities of age, but was due to a recent fall which she sustained at her home, breaking her left limb at the hip.
Mrs. Bibb was born in Middle Tennessee on January 16, 1842 but came to Lauderdale County at an early age, residing at Arp before moving to Ripley. She was the wife of Mr. S.H. Bibb, who preceded her in death about ten years and who was known to a host of people as “God Bless You” Bibb, this being his most familiar expression upon all occasions. Only one step-son, Mr. S.R. Bibb, of Monette, Ark., survives. The funeral was held at the home Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, conducted by Rev. J.M. Kendall, pastor of the Ripley Methodist Church, of which denomination the deceased was a member. The burial was in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery at Arp.
Local and Personal
Mrs. Mary Morgan, age 79 years, died Monday at her home near Arp.
Miss lone Dunavant, of Hammond, La., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F.A. Henry.
Mrs. Tom Jones, of Dyersburg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Rodgers.
Mr. Elliot White of St. Louis is home on a visit to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben White.
Miss Bertha Summers, of Belzoni, Miss., spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. H.B. Read.
A son was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Savage at the Women’s Hospital in Memphis.
Mrs. S.B. Kerr and daughter,, Miss Harriet, of Metropolis, Ill., spent the weekend with their cousin, Mrs. Hackett.
Miss Audry Ferguson was called home Sunday from Sheffield, Ala. on
account of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Robert Kirkess.
A son was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirkess but lived only a few hours. Mrs. Kirkess, who has been critically ill, is improving.
Mr. Eugene Thornley, of Bellville, Ill., has been spending the past week with his mother, Mrs. Dora Thornley and other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Geen and son, and Mr. Horace Carter, of Beaumont, Texas, are visiting Mr. Geen’s aunt, Mrs. J.C. Doyle, and other relatives here.
Ray, nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Forsythe, was carried to Memphis Friday where he underwent an operation on his hip at Dr. Campbell’s Clinic. His condition, which has been critical, is reported slightly improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Talley and little son, of Johnson City, arrived Sunday on a visit to his father, Mr. H.A. Talley, near Woodville, and other relatives in the county. Mr. Talley is a linotype operator on one of the leading papers in his hometown.
Dr. J.A. Porter sustained a fractured rib and was otherwise painfully injured in an automobile accident near Millington Monday as he was enroute to Ripley. Accompanied by another gentleman, who was driving, he encountered a head-on collision as both cars were running at the rate of 30 to 40 miles an hour in an effort to speed through a cloud of dust as quickly as possible, the occupants of neither car being aware of the approach of the other. The only wonder is that a more serious accident did not result. The cars were put out of commission, but their occupants escaped unhurt except Dr. Porter. Mrs. Porter came Tuesday and carried him to Memphis for medical treatment.
Mrs. M.C. Griffith and son, Marvin Jr., of Memphis, spent the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Coker.
Mrs. Laura Lankford has returned to her home, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Albert Crook, who is recovering nicely from her recent operation.
Mr. Ryan Miller happened to a very painful accident last week. While
attempting to crank a truck, in some way it slipped, breaking both bones in
his right wrist.
Mr. Bud Escue of Brownsville is visiting his nephew, Mr. Roy Escue. He will also visit relatives at Gates, Forked Deer, Halls and other places before returning home.
Mrs. A.B. Green and baby, Anne, of Ripley, spent Thursday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Lee.
Or. Sara C. Blankenship, of Hopkinsville, Ky., is visiting in the home of her brother, Dr. J.R. Conyers.
Miss Beadie Pennington, of Knoxville, is spending her vacation with her father, Mr. J.R. Pennington.
Mrs. Harry Mohan and children of Ripley; Mrs. Fletcher Boyd and daughter, of Memphis, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard York, of Friendship, spent Sunday with their father, Mr. J.R. Pennington, near Ripley.
Mrs. Ed H. Hay and children, of Texas, are visiting her father, Mr. W.M. Morris.
Mrs. Ernest Thornley and children, of Memphis, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Ollie Thompson.
Allen, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ball, has been quite sick for several days.
Mr. M.B. Porch and wife, of Union City, are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Porch.
Mrs. Marvin Garrett and children spent the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Lackey, in Covington.
Mrs. Annie Haynes returned to her home in Memphis Saturday after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. S.V. Carmack.
Four Officers Wounded
Brownsville, Tenn., July 10. — Firing which began when two parties of officers mistook each other for a moonshiners band in woods about 10 miles east of Brownsville last night resulted in the wounding of four men, two seriously. Lee Styers, deputy sheriff, was shot through the abdomen and is not expected to live. Ike Curlin, deputy sheriff, was shot in the hip and ankle and his condition is critical. E.C. King, sheriff of Haywood County, was wounded in both legs, and Billy Whitten, deputy sheriff, received a scalp wound.
One party was led by Sheriff King and included Styers, Whitten and two other men. The other band was in charge of Deputy Sheriff Curlin, who had with him Deputy Sheriff Clark and another man. Neither was aware that a raid had been planned on a still supposed to be in a copse of dense woods and trouble was expected if the moonshiners were encountered.
The party led by Curlin is said to have fired first. Sheriff King and his man stood his ground and approximately 50 or 60 shots were fired from pistols before each party withdrew with their wounded.
The sheriff and those with him carried Styers, who was hardly able to proceed, to his home, about a mile distant, and while there Deputy Sheriff Clark arrived to tell the news of a terrific fight in which he and his companions had met a band of moonshiners. It was seen that a mistake had been made, but it was a little late for explanations.
Sheriff King placed the wounded men in automobiles after they had been given attention by Dr. Keaton and carried them to the Crook Sanatorium at Jackson.
Mr. Styers is a native of Lauderdale County and was born and reared in Ripley, being a son of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Styers. He moved to Haywood County about ten years ago, and lived in the Wellwood community. About six months ago he was commissioned a deputy sheriff under Sheriff King of Haywood County, who considered him one of his most trusted officials. The community where he resided had no better citizen and Christian gentleman than he. His parents, wife and four children have the sympathy of a host of friends in the unfortunate incident which caused the premature death of this good man in the 40th year of his age.
Mr. Styers died Monday afternoon at 7 o’clock and the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Providence Church in Haywood County conducted by Rev. W.G. Perry, pastor of the Baptist church at Gates, of which denomination deceased was a member. Besides his parents and immediate family, he is also survived by five brothers, John, Carl, Buford, Clyde, and Robert Styers, and one sister, Mrs. Annie Craig, of Ripley.
***A Peep Into The Past–July 20, 1900
Mr. L.G. Mays left yesterday for San Angelo, Texas to spend a month with parents.
Mr. T.G. Fergason has added a 10-pound democrat to his household, the little stranger arriving on the 12th.
Mr. E.M. Midyett has resigned his position with Miller and Partee and leaves today with his family for Covington, where he will be connected with Bailey’s Racket Store.
After an absence of 28 years, Mr. Speck left yesterday to visit his old home in Statisville, N.C. where he will spend a month. He was accompanied by his little daughter, Loura.
Four marriages, four families, 50 children–parents and children all living–is indeed a remarkable record. Yet this fact stands as a monument to the health and prolificness of Lauderdale County. Two of the families comprise 12 children each and live in Ripley–W.F. Wardlaw and A.W. Montague; while the other two families of 13 children each–T.J. Kee and S.M. Roy– reside six miles south of town. Of course, there may be other instances of this kind in our town and county, but we chronicle only that which has come directly under our observation and as related to us by one of the happy
fathers. (Note–Since the above was written 26 years ago, only three of the parents and seven of the 50 children have died, to wit: Mr. A.W. Montague and one child; Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Kee and one child; three children of the Roy family and two children of the Wardlaw family. So the record still remains a remarkable one–48 of the 58 members of four families still surviving.– Editors)
Rev. Harden J. Turner died at his late residence in Brownsville, July 6th. He had just passed his 75th birthday, and in his time was a man of remarkable physique. He achieved distinction in three different callings, and had a wide acquaintance among the older professional men of the state. He was born in Lauderdale County, and attained much success in his first avocation, teaching, serving as principal of the Dyer County High School and well-known institutions in Tipton County. He next studied for law and was admitted to the bar in Brownsville where he was associated in practice with Judge William Smith and LeGrande Freeman. In his practice in Haywood and Lauderdale counties, he made a considerable fortune, which he lost in his latter days.
In 1881 he joined the itinerant Methodist ministry, and served until his death in an active capacity. Mr. Turner was twice married and a wife and several children survive him. One of his sons, W.D. Turner, it will be remembered, was the victim of the noted Gingery murderers, being stricken down last
January while serving upon a mission of law. End Of Peep Into Past ****
Coal Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Will Webb and children of Central spent one day last week in the S.J. Webb home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hemby, of Edith, attended the bedside of their daughter, Mrs. Garda Calloway, one day the past week.
Master Avery Buffaloe, of Memphis, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. A.B. Dill.
Little Lackey Roe, of Memphis, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. G.W. Smith.
Misses Bertha Mai and Emma Sue Willis spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. John Lancaster.
Mrs. G.T. Scott and children, of Brownsville, were Sunday visitors in the
home of her mother, Mrs. W.J. Wilson.
Mrs. Booker Saunders of Iibbs attended the Baptist Sunday School this week. She is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Joe Smith.
Cedar Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown, of Flippen, spent Sunday here with her brother, Mr. Ross Hutcherson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Linson and family, of Stonewall, visited parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Smith Sunday.
Mr. Henry McCord, of Lake County, spent a few days here on business this week.
Mrs. Bun Vowell of St. Louis is visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Jones.
Miss Mary Kiestler was called to Luckett last week by the death of Mrs. Bessie Pittman.
Mr. Imri Webb of Luckett was called here Saturday by the illness of his son, Mr. Harry Webb.
Mrs. Bertha Glimp, of Luckett, spent Saturday with her brother, Mr. Harry Webb.
We are glad to report that Mr. Stanton Price, who is in the Henning hospital, is doing fine and will be home this week.
Little J.W. and Tarnea Saddler returned Sunday to their home in St. Louis after a month’s visit with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Jones.
Messrs. Jack Glimp, Jim Webb, Elma Conrad and Palmer Jones of Luckett attended the bedside of Mr. Harry Webb Saturday night.
Mrs. Dupree Nelson of Lightfoot is attending the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Bob Escue, who has been seriously ill.
“Grampa” Murley is quite ill.
Mr. Dewey Lovell, who has been sick for some time, is slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Lev. Daniels and children of Durhamville spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Daniels.
Miss Irene Klutts, from near Ripley, spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives here.
Miss Edna Earle Fowler
The death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Fowler last Saturday and claimed their beloved daughter, Edna. She was born May 30, 1907 and lived to see her 19th birthday. She was an obedient daughter, a loving sister, and a true friend to all who knew her. She professed faith in Christ at the age of 13 and joined the Trinity Methodist Church. She lived true to her God and church until she was called to meet her Saviour face to face. Edna had been sick for several weeks but had recovered from her illness. She was taken ill Saturday afternoon and lived only 30 minutes. It was a severe shock to her aged father and mother and also to her many relatives and friends. She is survived by her father, mother, three sisters and two brothers. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. A.W. Lassiter at the church Sunday afternoon in the presence of a large gathering of people. Interment was in Trinity cemetery under a mound of beautiful flowers.
Card of Thanks
We take this method of thanking our many friends for their kindness in the death of our darling child; also for the beautiful floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Fowler and family
Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Fowler and family
Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Drumwright
Mrs. Cornelia Turner Adv.
Mrs. Jack Glimp spent Sunday night at Ashport with her brother, Mr. C.H. Webb.
Little Margaret Younger, of Lightfoot, is spending this week with her little cousin, Montine Younger.
Mrs. Delia Wakefield of Memphis was called here by the death of Mrs. Claud Pittman.
Mrs. A.I. Webb, of this place, is quite sick at the home of her sister, Mrs. Maude Temple, at Asbury.
Miss Mabel Osborn of Humphrey, Ark. spent a few days last week with her cousin, Miss Sarah May McGarrity.
Pleasant Hill
Mrs. J.C. Wilkerson and sons, Frank and Joe, of Amory, Miss. are visiting her mother, Mrs. W.R. Halliburton, and other relatives here.
Mrs. Horace Roy, from near Salem, is at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. E.C. Minner, who is confined to her bed with chicken pox.
Mr. Duel Harrison and family have moved from this place to Coal Creek.
Little Annie Esra is ill with typhoid fever.
Mr. B.F. Hutcherson and sons, Tom and Isaac, of Dry Hill, were in this community Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Hutcherson and daughter, Myrtle, of Dry Hill, spent Sunday night in the L.A. Esra home.
A son was born July 3rd to Mr. and Mrs. Arch Beard.
A son was born July 6th to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Braden.
Mrs. Ora Webb of Luckett is visiting her sister, Mrs. Maude Temple.
Miss Earline Temple has returned home after several days’ visit with her sister, Mrs. Alex Edney in Ripley.
Miss Dorothy McMahan has returned home after two weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. R.I. Blackwell, in Memphis.
Master Joe McPherson spent the weekend in Memphis with his aunt. Mrs. Willie Mitchell.
Forked Deer
Mrs. I.C. Pace and two children of Bardwell, Ky. are visiting in the home of Mrs. W.M. Hardy.
Mrs. J.B. Bettricks, of Titusville, Fla., is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Davis.
Miss Anna Dunavant, a pupil of the Nankipoo school, underwent an operation for appendicitis Sunday at a Dyersburg hospital.
Gold Dust
Misses Veona and Viona Langley, of Plumpoint, were Sunday guests of Misses Emily and Katie Nelson.
Mrs. G.A. Chambers and Mrs. Addie Midyett and son of Edith visited their sister, Mrs. Donie Savage, at this place Sunday.
ENTERPRISE Friday July 23. 1926
***A Peep Into The Past–July 27. 1900
Misses Bessie Klutts and Frances Palmer spent several days this week in Halls.
Curve Item: Mrs. Robert Irvin and Mrs. Sharpe were married on Wednesday last week.
Edith Item: 0.8. Grear has been walking up and down the big road the past week fanning with his hat. He says it’s a 10-pound boy.
Mr. S.H. Blount and Mrs. Nannie Mae Best stole a march on their Ripley friends and were married Thursday of last week in Memphis, at the residence of Rev. Hugh Spencer Williams. Mr. Blount is well and favorably known by many of our citizens and resided here sometime prior to making Ripley his permanent
home. End of Peep Into Past ***
A wedding of much interest in Covington and Friendship was solemnized last Saturday morning at 11 o’clock at the Union Avenue Church of Christ, Memphis, when Mr. Thomas R. McGregor, of Covington, and Miss Zelma Jones of Friendship were united in marriage.
Social Happenings
Mr. and Mrs. Swan J. Burnett, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., announce the engagement of their daughter, Laleah, to Mr. Vasser H. Moriarty of Ripley, Tennessee, the wedding to be solemnized August 17, 1926 at First Presbyterian
Church, Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Miss Catherine Turner and Mr. Raymond Harbert Coffman were married in Covington at 2:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon, July 18. Mr. and Mrs. Coffman left for a brief trip and will reside in Ripley. Mrs. Coffman is the daughter of Mrs. M.A. Turner and Mr. Coffman is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harbert Coffman.
Local and Personal
A son was born Sunday night to Dr. and Mrs. C.O. Wilkes.
Mrs. Emma Klutts spent Sunday in Osceola, Ark. with her sister, Mrs. F.M. Sangster.
Mrs. G.A. Girdner of Covington spent a few days this week with her mother, Mrs. Dan Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Barbour, of Vanderser, Mo., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. S.Y. Garrett, and other relatives here.
Dr. J.A. Porter returned Sunday from Memphis and is recovering from injuries recently sustained in an automobile wreck.
Dr. B.R. Sanford, of Glimp, brought two of his children to the Ripley hospital to have their tonsils removed.
Ray, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Forsythe, who underwent a hip operation in Memphis last week, died Friday night. The remains were brought to Ripley Saturday and laid to rest.
Mr. R.B. Davis, age 69, died Tuesday and was buried in Enon cemetery near Nankipoo Wednesday. He was a member of the Baptist Church and is survived by a wife and ten children.
Bald Knob
Miss Maggie Sanford of Ripley spent a few days with her brother, Mr.
Ernest Ellis.
Mrs. Casey Davis was called to Ripley Saturday to attend the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Cheek.
Mrs. G.A. Webb and son, Montelle, spent Sunday in the G.W. Meter home.
Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Wells of Chaffee, Mo. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Tillman.
Mr. Earl Mitchell, of Lake Providence, La., spent several days this week with his aunt, Mrs. Will Garrett.
Mr. and Mrs. N.J. Haward [or Howard ?] motored to Memphis Sunday to spend the day with her sister, Mrs. John Travis.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaines are parents of a daughter.
Mrs. Griggs of Lightfoot spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Guy Pitts.
Miss Mary White spent a few days last week at Mascedonia with her sister, Mrs. A.D. Rice.
Knob Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Frazier and children, of the bluff, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Will Killick.
Misses Anna, Jennie Pearl and Donna Kelly and Maurine and Lena Kellick attended church at Edith Sunday night.
Coal Creek
Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Webb and children attended the funeral of Mrs. Jennie Pennington at Edith Monday afternoon.
Mr. W.B. Shannon, of Dresden, spent Saturday night with his son, Mr. E.J. Shannon.
Mr. T.G. Avery and children, Carroll and Lena Mai, spent Sunday in Jackson with his daughter, Mrs. W.E. Perry. They were accompanied home by little Nell Avery, who had been visiting her sister for several weeks.
Rev. J.K. Pafford and wife, Mesdames R.B. Bell, J.H. Lee, J.N. Walpole,
J.D. Bittick, Miss Cornelia Gorman and Mr. and Mrs. John Davis spent last
Thursday at Reelfoot Lake. When about three miles of the lake, the car driven
by Mr. Davis was steered into a ditch in order to prevent it turning over, and
in doing so Miss Gorman was hurled against the top of the car, bruising her
face and knocking out several teeth. Her injuries were very painful, but the
other occupants were unhurt with the exceptions of slight bruises.
Mr. Henderson Ball, who is suffering a fractured skull received in a fight, was carried to Memphis Saturday for a thorough examination. He returned that evening, the examination showing that the injury was not as
serious as was supposed. We are glad to report that Mr. Ball is improving at this time. He was accompanied to Memphis by his father and brother, Messrs. W.B. and Ivan Ball and Dr. J.R. Conyers.
Mrs. J.M. Pipkin, who has been ill for some time, is now confined to her room.
Miss Fleeta Fields is a guest this week of her aunt, Mrs. L.P. Flippen at Covington.
Mrs. R.J. Godbey, of Memphis, was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Miller, the past week.
Mrs. Emmett R. Hall and son, of Memphis, are guests of parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Coker.
Mr. and Mrs. Bates Porter of Memphis are parents of a son born July 14th at the Woman’s Hospital in Memphis. He has been christened Robert Spencer Porter.
Mrs. J.M. Arwood, of Halespoint, spent Saturday with her sons, Cornelius and Clyde.
Mr. Bob Sutton and wife, of Halespoint, visited his father, Mr. W.C. Sutton, last week.
Mr. F. Sanders of Hayti, Mo. is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Marvin Hall.
Mrs. G.H. Latham spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Prescott, at Rudolph.
Miss Mary Tom Bray is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. J.A. Brogdon near Henning.
Little Harvey Webb is suffering from a dog bite on his lower limb which happened Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Thelma Webb and son, Mrs. Jennie Grear and daughter, Lois, of Memphis, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cox of Central; Mr. Kennie Taylor and family, Mr. John Taylor and family were called here Sunday by the death of their mother and grandmother.
Many hearts were saddened on July 17th when the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and claimed her mother, Aunt Jennie Pennington. Aunt Jennie was loved by all who knew her. She was 78 years of age. She was married to Mr. Pennington about 45 years ago. To this union were born seven children, five of whom survive; 23 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her death.
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Dunavant were guests of her mother, Mrs. G.W. Smith, Sunday. Mrs. Dunavant remained here for the week.
Mrs. Fisher Green and children of Jackson spent the past week here with her mother, Mrs. Sallie Chapman. Mr. Green came Saturday.
Mr. John Lancaster and wife came to Jackson Friday night and were accompanied home by their daughters, Mary and Margaret, who spent the week in the Club Camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Gid Milam, of Gates, spent one day recently with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Milton.
Mrs. B.F Webb and daughter. Mary Ruth, spent Sunday at Dry Hill with Mrs. Mollie Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Elder, of Durhamville, were guests of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce White, the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvie Cunningham, of Ripley, were guests of their mother, Mrs. B.F. Webb, Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. John Keltner spent one night the past week at Cedar Grove, guests of their daughter, Mrs. Johnie Hutcherson.
In Memory
William Lee Styers was born Sept. 19, 1886 and died July 12, 1926. Mr. Styers was married to Miss Ora Lee Latham June 1910. To this union was born one son who died in infancy. In 1912 his wife died. In 1913 he was married to Miss Mattie Pearl Herbert. To this union were born four children, two girls and two boys who are left to mourn their loss. He is also survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Styers; one sister, Mrs. Pete Craig; five
brothers, John. Carl, Robert, Clyde, and Buford. Early in life he professed faith in Christ and joined the Missionary Baptist Church of which he was an active member. He was a deacon of the Holly Grove Church and superintendent of the Sunday School at the time of his death. He was a good neighbor. It is said he lived as he died, a brave hero. His body was laid to rest in Providence cemetery in the presence [of a] crowd of weeping relatives and friends.
Dear One thou has left us, And our loss we deeply feel;
But it is God that has bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal.
Peaceful be thy silent slumber, Peaceful in thy grave so low;
Thou no more will join our number, Thou no more our sorrows know.
Weep not that his toils are over, Weep not that his race is run;
God grant we may rest as calmly, When our work like his is done.
ad~. A Relative
Miss Leona Williams, of Blytheville, Ark., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Owen Lawson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fennell, of Gates, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Will Peterson.
ENTERPRISE Friday July 30, 1926
***A Peep Into The Past–August 3, 1900
Mr. John Hill left Tuesday for Greenville, Ky. on a visit.
Miss Ora Hill of Friendship is visiting her sister, Mrs. Odell Flippen.
A 12-pound daughter arrived in the home of Dr. and Mrs. W.M. Brown at Flippen Sunday night.
Mrs. Gage Webb is attending the meeting at Hurricane Hill. Rev. Hamil of Troy is assisting Bro. Barrier.
Mr. Colin P. McKinney, wife and son, and Messrs. Watson Willis and R.A. Puryear left Wednesday night for points in Colorado. End of Peep Into Past***
Osceola, Ark., July 27.– A wedding of interest to many friends in Osceola was consummated here Sunday afternoon at the Baptist church when Miss Lavinia Royal of this place was married to Mr. Guy Henderson of Ripley, Tenn., the Rev. E.K. Sewell, pastor of the Methodist church at Wilson, officiating. The young couple left immediately after the ceremony for a visit with relatives and friends in Kentucky and Virginia, after which they will be at home to their friends in Ripley, where they will make their home. Mr. Henderson holds the responsible position of superintendent of service of the Tucker Motor Co. at Ripley, and has a host of friends here.
Additional Locals
Mr. W.H. Patton was called to Blytheville, Ark. Wednesday by the serious illness of his father, Esq. W.W. Patton, who suffered a stroke of paralysis while on a visit in the city the previous day.
Knob Creek
Mr. and Mrs. George Crews and children visited his sister, Mrs. Roy Keltner, in Hazen, Ark. last week.
Miss Josie Brown and brother, Willie, of Dyersburg spent Saturday night and Sunday with their uncle, Mr. B.R. Treadwell.
Little Annie Esra is improving.
Mrs. J.R. Morris, of Blad (sic) Knob, spent Thursday night with Mrs. L.A. Esra.
Mr. M.B. Ragon spent Thursday night at Gold Dust with his sister, Mrs. J.A. Vaughan.
Mr. Tom Esra spent Sunday night in Crockett County with Mr. Edward Porter, who accompanied him home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Heathcott and family of Mary’s Chapel spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. H.H. Hendren.
Mr. W.T. Curtis, daughters, Annie Laura and Elizabeth, and sons Elery and William, were in Ripley Saturday.
Mr. Lee Esra had as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. King and son, Mrs. Bettie Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Fluton of Chester County, Mr. J.C. Oliver and B.F. Hutcherson of Dry Hill.
Coal Creek
A little child of Mr. Will Bradford was scalded very badly last week.
Miss Christeen Arwood of Central spent Thursday night with Miss Sue Webb.
Mrs. Viola Harrison is quite sick at the home of her mother, Mrs. Henry Lyell.
Mr. Jesse Shands is suffering from some bad bruises caused when his mule threw him.
Mr. Robert Voss, Cedar Grove, spent one day last week with his daughter, Mrs. Willie Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Shands, of Curve, were called here one day last week on account of the illness of their son, Mr. Jesse Shands.
Mr. H.C. Prescott, one of our old veterans, is quite sick. He will be 84 years old the 23rd of August.
Mr. Bud Prescott and daughter of Burdett, Ark. were called here last week to see his father who is seriously ill.
Mr. John Hancock and wife from Birmingham, Ala. are visiting his father, Mr. J.L. Hancock and will be here about two weeks.
Mr. Bob Sutton and wife of Halespoint were here Sunday and his father, Mr. Carter Sutton, accompanied them home.
Mr. F.E. Hancock, formerly of this county, but now of Mississippi County, Ark., and a brother of J.L. Hancock, was sent to the insane asylum this week.
Mr. F.P. Miller attended a birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Dr. Win. Miller near Brownsville, given in honor of his father, Hon. W.R. Miller, of Ripley.
Mrs. E.W. Arwood went to Blytheville, Ark. last week to see her sister. Mrs. Buck Arwood, who was reported sick.
Mr. R.D. Rice was called to the bedside of his brother in Jackson Thursday.
Miss Fannie Boyd has returned from a visit to her brother in Dyer, accompanied by her niece, Miss Geraldine Boyd.
Mr. Will Thum, of Oklahoma City, Okla., spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Mat Thum.
Mr. Jack Alston spent Sunday in Memphis with his wife who is still unable to leave the hospital.
Mr. J.H. Poston left last week for Ashville, N.C. to spend some time with his sons, Messrs. Henry and Lester Poston.
Pleasant Hill
Mrs. E.C. Minner spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. H.F. Roy, near Sa1em.
Cedar Grove
Miss Maude Owens, of Curve, visited her aunt, Mrs. Cecil DeLoach, Sunday.
Mrs. Clara Brown, of Central, spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. Emmett Underwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Woodard are parents of a daughter born July 23.
Mrs. W.J. Byler has been confined to her bed for two months.
Mr. Van Beard of Halls spent Sunday morning with his sister, Mrs. W.J. Byler.
Master Amos Milam spent the last week at Gates with his brother, Mr. Gid Milam.
Miss Lena Moore spent the past week near Woodville with her sister, Mrs. Cozie Burlison.
Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Peacock and baby, of Asbury, are spending this week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Brantley.
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Conatree and children and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uselton and children spent Saturday near Ripley with their mother, Mrs. Ray.
Forked Deer
Virginia Dale French, of Halls, and Elizabeth French of Newbern, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Cecil Humphreys.
Mrs. Billie Mason (nee Clara Stanley) and sister, Miss Wilma Stanley of Jackson, were guests of their aunt, Mrs. John Carter, last week.
Walter Eugene Brantley
After an illness of eight months and 18 days, Walter gave up this life July 23, 1926, which was a relief after untold suffering. He was 62 years, 6 months, 23 days of age. He leaves a wife, seven children, four brothers, three sisters and one step-daughter, together with a host of relatives and friends. Walter was a member of the Baptist Church at Woodville, and was laid away there to await the call of the trumpet. His church and friends at
Woodville proved their faithfulness and brotherly love at the funeral.
Services were conducted by Rev. Abbington, his pastor, who made a fine talk. We will all miss him so much in the family circle, but most of all by his faithful wife and three youngest children, who were almost constantly with him during his illness. They granted almost every wish and they were faithful to the end.
“With each setting sun
Some life is done
With toil, strife and pain;
And the coming years
Will bring no tears,
For all in heaven is gain.
“Oh grief depart!
Why burden our hearts
When loved ones leave us here?
Let the stars shine bright
In this dark night
To give our sad hearts cheer.
“Farewell is so sad
For it must be said,
Since we cannot have thee more;
But after a while
With wife and child
You shall meet on that beautiful shore.”
adv. A Brother
Local and Personal
Miss Flynn Pierce, of Memphis, is visiting her grandmother. Mrs. M.A. Turner.
Mr. D.B. Archer had his tonsils removed at his home Wednesday.
Mrs. K.J. Gwynn of Memphis is visiting her brother, Mr. Julian Belton.
Master Milton Kornman of Nashville is visiting his uncle. Mr. E. Wiener.
Miss Mattie Rice, of Dyersburg, is visiting her grandfather, Mr. W.T. Rice.
Mrs. T.C. McCallum of Memphis is visiting her uncle, Mr. C.H. Rice, at Orysa.
Mrs. M.A. Jergan, of Memphis, spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. T.J. Blackwell.
Mrs. Harry Eber left Sunday night for Philadelphia to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harry Sheriff.
Mrs. J.E. Rose left Sunday to spend a week with her daughter, Mrs. J.S. Hamilton, in Memphis.
Mrs. D.W. Ross and baby, of Whiting, Ind., arrived Friday on a visit to her parents, Sheriff and Mrs. A.H. Craig.
Mrs. J.M. McKay returned Tuesday to her home in Greenville, Miss. after a month’s visit with parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Latham, at Edith.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Conner, of Chicago, were in Ripley Tuesday with his father, Capt. C.C. Conner. They were on a motor home from a southern trip.
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Windrow spent last week in Jackson, guests of their daughter, Mrs. Jack Marks. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marks and baby accompanied them home Sunday.
Mrs. G.O. Ferguson returned Tuesday night from a visit to her father in Cave Springs, Ky. and was accompanied home by her sister, Miss Josephine Gordon.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Barbour left Wednesday for their home in Vandeucer, Mo. and were accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. S.Y. Garrett, who will visit them.
Mr. Joe L. Berg left Saturday night for St. Louis, where his wife and children are visiting relatives. While there he will have a growth removed form his right limb.
Mrs. Dan A. Klutts and sister, Miss Lillie Ragon, returned Sunday from a visit to their father in Boliver. Edwin Klutts, who accompanied them, remained to spend this week there.
Mr. John E. Cook, a veteran of the World War, was ordered to Nashville last week by the government. Not being in position to make same as thorough as they desired, the government sent him to Belmont, N.C. this week. He left Ripley yesterday.
Henning Farm
Mr. K.O. Bentley and family of Dry Hill spent Sunday here with his brother, Mr. Hiram Bentley.
Mr. Hiram Bentley was called to Cross Roads Thursday by the death of his brother, Mr. Walter Bentley.
Little Ruth Duggan, of Ripley, spent the weekend here with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Bentley.
ENTERPRISE FridayAugust 6, 11926
Mrs. Lida Dunavant
The passing away of Mrs. Lida Dunavant at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis on Thursday night of last week was a severe shock to the many friends of this good woman, though her immediate family knew of the seriousness of her illness, and were prepared–if indeed one can be–for the summons that would call their precious loved one form them into the presence of her Lord and Saviour. It was in August last year that her health began to fail, but the family thought her illness was but the natural result incident to one of her age. As a precautionary measure she was carried to Memphis, and then it was learned that her malady was of an incurable nature, though her life could be prolonged. To this end everything possible had been done for her—being carried regularly at stated intervals to the hospital for treatment- -and just when her loved ones were buoyed up by her seemingly continued improvement, the fatal moment came and she went to live with God. during her last illness she was only confined in the hospital ten days. The remains were brought to Ripley Friday morning and at 10:30 o’clock Saturday morning the funeral service was held at the home, conducted by her pastor, Dr. F.H. Peeples of the
Methodist Church, of which denomination she had been a member since early in life. In keeping with the pure sweet life of this noble woman, so well-known to the people of Ripley among whom she had lived since 1908, Dr. Peeples paid a tribute to her memory, and the many lovely floral offerings also testified to the esteem in which she and her family were held.
Mrs. Dunavant’s maiden name was Mary Lida Crockett, she was born near Gates on July 4, 1865, and resided there until removing to Ripley. She was the mother of five children, two of whom survive, Mr. Barney Dunavant and Miss Annie Vera Dunavant, both of whom lived with her. Three brothers also survive, Messrs. Andrew and Jos. Crockett, of Ripley, and Mr. D.R. Crockett, of Gates.
Lauderdale County Boy Makes Duty
A most remarkable race has been made by J.T. Mann Jr. for county attorney. He made his announcement in Dallana county papers only a short time before the election, but made a vigorous canvass. He won by a safe majority. Mr. Mann came to Dalhart from Clayton, New Mexico, to form a connection with the Scott Motor Co. He is a licensed attorney, authorized to practice law in his home state, Tennessee, and in Texas and New Mexico. – -The Dalhart Texan (Mr. Mann is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Mann of Glimp.)
Local and Personals
Master Milton Maclin is visiting in the W.J. Savage home in Bolivar.
Mrs. Lillie Scott of Memphis is visiting her sister, Mrs. S.G. Neville.
Mr. John Klutts had his tonsils removed at the city hospital Monday night.
Mrs. John Duncan of Halls is visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Byler.
Mrs. A.E. Black and children, of Toone, are guests of her sister, Mrs. Chester Maclin.
Mrs. Lizzie Hutcherson, of Cedar Grove, spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hutcherson.
Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Lusk and Mrs. Eliza Lee, of Eylau Farm, visited the J.W. Gracy home Sunday.
A daughter was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Steen. She has been christened Marjorie Sue Steen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green and baby, of Memphis, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Green.
Mrs. Mollie Quick and little grandson, Jack, of Dallas, Texas, are visiting in the home of Mr. Will Goad near town.
Mr. Garnett Dunavant returned to Memphis Thursday after spending a week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.V. Dunavant.
Mrs. W.T. Savage and little son, James Franklin, returned Thursday night of last week from the Woman’s Hospital in Memphis.
Walter, 13 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Flake, died on July 23rd at his home near Mack. and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at that place.
Billy and Mary Louise Baynes, children of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Baynes, left Thursday for Forrest City, Ark., to visit their aunt, Mrs. James L. Alley.
Miss Katherine Ellis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ellis, of Perciful, underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Ripley hospital Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Chas. Butts (nee Irene Posey) of Dallas, Texas, spent a few days here last week, guest of Mrs. W.B. Midyett, and other relatives. She was accompanied here by her mother, Mrs. Jordon, who remained on a more extended visit with her sister, Mrs. P.G. Maynard.
Rev. G.B. Harris, Jr. returned Sunday from Fort Bragg, near Fayetteville, where he spent 15 days as chaplain in the training camp, 434th Field Artillery Reserves. Mrs. Harris accompanied him to Fayetteville and stopped over enroute home in Nashville to visit parents.
Mrs. J.F. Flanigan has returned to her home in Reviere after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Turner. She was accompanied home by her brother, Master Alfred Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Ryland Halliburton have the sympathy of a host of friends in the death of their little five month-old daughter, Florence Hope Halliburton, which occurred Sunday night at their home in Ripley. Interment was in Maplewood cemetery Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Mrs. J.L. DeVinney received a letter last week from her son, Mr. Perry DeVinney, who sailed from San Francisco on July 21st as freight clerk on the steamship Elkridge, a U.S. shipping board vessel called the American Far East Line, going to Japan, China and the Philippine Islands, to be absent about 4 months.
ENTERPRISE Friday August 13, 1926
***A Peep Into The Past–August 17. 1900
Alsie, 17 year-old son of Mr. D.A. Klutts, died at his home near Ripley Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. N.L. Robertson, of Gates, have returned from a visit to their daughter, Mrs. G.H. Lewis, in Mississippi.
Mr. Bill Boney and sister, Miss Lou, of Chickasawba, Ark., are visiting their sister, Mrs. John Howard, and other relatives at Bexar.
Mr. Win. Colvin and Miss Hattie Kelley were married a few days ago, Rev. M.F. Savage officiating. Mr. Colvin is an industrious gentleman and his bride is one of Flippen’s nicest young ladies. End of Peep Into Past ***
Circuit Court- Civil Docket–
W.W. Holden vs M.S. Swims; appeal dismissed.
Mrs. Anna Roberson vs Jim Crowder; defendant called out, appeal dismissed.
Cecil Hoy vs Mrs. Anna Roberson; verdict for plaintiff, $129.42.
J.B. Colt Co. vs E.L. Ferguson; plaintiff called out, suit dismissed.
J.B. Colt Co. vs J.D. Newman; plaintiff called out, suit dismissed.
J.B. Colt Co. vs Mrs. Mollie Keltner; plaintiff called out, suit dismissed.
M.D. Dodson & Son vs Curtis Johnson; judgement for plaintiff for $273.
State on relation of attorney general vs Alf Ford; contempt, $50 fine.
The remains of Mrs. Lennie R. Blackwell, wife of A.P. Blackwell, arrived in Ripley Wednesday from Durant, Okla., where she passed away on August 10th. She was laid to rest in St. Paul cemetery near Durhamville Wednesday afternoon. Her husband accompanied the remains here, they were met in Memphis by several relatives. Deceased was a daughter of the late C.S.0. Rice, of Orysa, and was born and reared in that community, where she was held in high esteem and loved by all who knew her. She had been living in Oklahoma the past few years.
Local and Personal
Mrs. Egbert McFadden of Covington is visiting her sister, Mrs. H.D. Folts.
Ethel, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Nolen of Orysa, died on August 6th.
Mrs. R.C. Johnston returned Friday from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. A.H. Smith, in Sumner, Miss.
Mr. and Mrs. Gillie Lewis, of Memphis, were Sunday guests of his brother, Dr. J.R. Lewis and family.
Mrs. Tom Stealy of Austin, Texas spent a few days this week with her uncle, Mr. O.P. Wilson, and family.
Mr. Albert Wakefield, of Luckett, left Monday for Colorado Springs to spend some time for the benefit of his health.
Miss Mamie Mitchell returned to Memphis Wednesday after two weeks’ visit with her father, Mr. Jake Mitchell.
Mr. T.A. Vernon and family of Nolensville, Williamson County, are visiting Mr. J.F. Halfacre and family near town.
Dr. Joe B. Lackey has returned from a few days’ visit in Chicago with his nephew, little son of Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Kirkpatrick, who is there for treatment.
A daughter was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Hamilton at the Baptist hospital in Memphis. She has been christened Betty Rose Hamilton. Mrs. Hamilton will be remembered as Miss Maude Rose.
Miss Mary Walker Hargrove, of Durhamville, was carried to a hospital in Memphis Tuesday for treatment and perhaps an operation. She was accompanied by her brother, Mr. J.E. Hargrove, and Dr. W.C. Sanford.
Mr. Atwood Fields of Alexandria, La. is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Hanna Sexton.
Miss Wanda Moore, of Covington, is visiting in the home of her uncle, Mr. Presley Moore.
Mrs. L.H. Flippen, of Covington, spent Sunday in the home of her sister, Mrs. J.V. Alston.
Mrs. E.R. Hall and son returned to Memphis Sunday accompanied by Mrs. Hall’s mother, Mrs. J.B. Coker.
Mrs. J.V. Alston and Mrs. J.A. Fields were guests Tuesday of their sister, Mrs. L.H. Flippen, in Covington.
Mrs. Schley Massey and daughter, Virginia, of Iuka, Miss., are visiting her mother, Mrs. Alice Chisholm.
Mr. Durwood Hamil, of Blytheville, Ark., spent the week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Hamil.
Mrs. E. P. Robinson and son, Lowell, of Memphis, are visiting parents, Mr. & Mrs. W.B. Perry. Mr. Robinson spent Sunday here.
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Williams were called to Memphis where their daughter, Miss Eugenia, underwent an operation for appendicitis. She is reported doing nicely.
Mr. Hawk Roberson, of Gates, spent Thursday of last week in the home of his son, Mr. Marvin Roberson.
Mr. and Mrs. Pal Shoaf are parents of a son born August 2nd.
Cedar Grove
Mr. Jim King of Maury City spent a few days here with his aunt, Mrs. Kathleen Kennedy.
Mrs. Olivar Gay and son, of Central, spent Sunday and Monday with her sister, Mrs. Ross Hutcherson.
Mrs. Dave Grady and daughter, Mary, from near Unionville, spent Saturday night and Sunday here with her daughter, Mrs. Will Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCoy and son, Elmer, from near Unionville spent Sunday here with Mr. Tom Kennedy. Mrs. McCoy remained here with her step-mother, who’s condition remains about the same.
Mary’s Chapel
Mr. R.C. Carroll is quite ill with pleurisy.
A son was born July 31st to Mr. and Mrs. Harbert Williams.
Mrs. Pete Craig spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. G.W. Styers, at Hurricane Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Klutts spent Sunday in the home of his brother, Mr. Tom Klutts, at Ashport.
Mrs. Mittie Mullikin of Central is visiting her niece, Mrs. Vernon Kirby.
Mrs. J.W. Hickman of Henning visited parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Goad, the first of the week.
Mrs. Richard Thomas and son, Coker, of Ashdown, Ark., are visiting her sister, Mrs. John L. Alston.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Reed and daughters and little grandson, of Dyersburg, spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. P.P. Walsh.
Mrs. Mollie Keltner visited her sister, Mrs. Mittie Frazier, in Ripley Monday.
Mr. Wesley Ellis and family of Cross Roads spent Saturday night with her mother, Mrs. C.E. Williams.
Mrs. Clyde Summers spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Lelia Ellis.
Pleasant Hill
Misses Anna and Callie White received the news of the sudden death of their cousin, Mr. Morgan Matthews, which occurred at his home in Blytheville, Ark. Monday of paralysis. Mr. Matthews was a resident of Lauderdale County for many years before moving to Blytheville and had many friends and relatives here who will regret to learn of his death. Mr. Matthews was a son-in-law of Mr. W.W. Patton, who died a few weeks ago.
A son was born August 4th to Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan. He has been christened Charles A. McMahan.
ENTERPRI SE Friday August 20, 1926
***A Peep Into The Past–August 24. 1900
The big barn of Mr. Joe H. Bibb at Edith burned Tuesday morning about 2 o’clock. Four buggies, two mules, two horses and a lot of feed stuff was also lost. End of Peep Into Past ***
Lauderdale County Boys Honored- –
Roland Green– The many friends of Mr. George R. Green, deceased, formerly of Lauderdale County, will be glad to learn that a son, Mr. Roland Green, was nominated for Treasurer of Mississippi County, Ark., at the primary held August 10th. Mr. Green was born in Durhamville but left there 26 years ago and moved to Osceola, Ark., where he has been a very successful farmer and made a legion of friends. There were eight candidates in the field and Mr. Green’s majority was over 300 which speaks very highly for him. Mr. Green married Miss Myrtle Maxwell, of Osceola. Mr. Green has a brother in Memphis,
Mr. Bascom Green, who is one of “Uncle Sam’s” leading railway mail clerks, having been in service for many years.
Scott Kirkpatrick– Mr. Scott Kirkpatrick, son of the late Judge J.W. Kirkpatrick, of Ripley, was nominated county judge in Lee County, Ark., in the primary held in that state on August 10th. He had only been a citizen of Marianna, Ark. six years.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clay are parents of a daughter.
Mr. Jack Escue of Halls spent one night last week with his brother, Mr. Roy Escue.
Mrs. J.W. Younger, of Lightfoot, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. B.F. Luckett.
Miss Marjorie Crutcher of Clarksdale, Miss. is a guest in the home of her uncle, Dr. J.R. Crutcher.
Pleasant Hill
Mrs. N.C. Sinclair of Henning is at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. W.R. Halliburton.
Misses Madeline and Catherine North were Sunday guests of their uncle, Mr. V.A. North, at Fort Pillow.
Mrs. D.G. Thum is spending this week with relatives in Memphis. She was accompanied to the city by her little grandson, Edward O’Neal, who had been here the past month.
Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Becton spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Hiram Weaver, at Craig.
Mrs. Donie Thornley, of Ripley, visited her daughter, Mrs. W.B. Wadsworth, a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Verner Newman and children, of Curve, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Archie McNeal.
Mrs. W.T. Pollard Jr. is spending a few days in Gates, guest of her mother. Mrs. Alice Chisholm.
Miss Ona Hardin happened to a painful accident Tuesday morning when she fell out of the swing at the school house and sprained her ankle.
Coal Creek
Mrs. John Broglin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Bettie Brown,
on the bluff.
Mrs. Laura Baldridge and grandsons, of Memphis, visited her granddaugh-
ter, Mrs. B.M. Riddick, recently.
Mrs. L.A. Warren and daughters, Lois and Lillie May, of Forked Deer, spent Saturday night and Sunday here, guests of her daughter, Mrs. H.L. Riddick.
Circuit Court
Steve Bibb, public drunkenness; stricken on motion of attorney general
Francis Mitchell, transporting; “
Ella Reed, felonious assault; “ “ “ “
Lester Scott, pistol; “
LeRoy Benson, murder first degree; “ “ “ “ “
Bob Russell, felonious assault; “ “ “ ” “
Win. Clarence Dunavant, felonious assault; (same as above)
Graves Keller, driving car without license; “
Tom Cagle, public profanity; “
Tom Cagle, gaming; fined $2.50
Robert Lyons, larcery [larceny ?]; stricken on motion of attorney general
Vester Walpole, receiving, transporting; (same as above)
Carl Johnson, public profanity; “
Bob Weaver, public drunkenness; “
John Moore, possessing intoxicating liquor; “
Ed Carter, assault and battery; $50.00
Emmett West, manufacturing liquor; $100.00
Clay Edrington, cutting timber unlawfully; surety called out, forfeiture, Bond $500.
Jim Hall, receiving, transporting, etc., not guilty
Will Outlaw, receiving, transporting, etc., $100.00
James Wood, murder 1st degree; pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter, 3 years in penitentiary.
F.H. Harwell, receiving, transporting, etc., $100.00
Carl Johnson, public drunkenness; $10.00
Bob Weaver, gaming; $2.50
Taff Johnson, larceny; 30 days in jail.
Alex Edney, driving car while drunk; dismissed on payment of cost.
Dock Cunningham, pistol; $50
Walter Hinds, pistol; $50
Claud Barnes, pistol; $50
O.D. Redic, manufacturing liquor; $150
Alvin Moore, possessing and transporting; dismissed on costs
Paul Jordon, ” ”
Badger Garrison, murder 1st degree; pleads guilty to involuntary man
slaughter; 1 to 2 years in penitentiary.
William Lovelace. Jr., pistol; $50
Lee Ellis, still; mistrial
Guy Cole, rape; 10 years in penitentiary.
Carl Reynolds, larcery; six months in jail.
Charlie Beard, pistol; $50 and six months in jail.
Rozelle Mitchell, house breaking and larceny; remanded to juvenile court.
Aaron Dunham, receiving, transporting, etc.; not guilty.
Ora Graves, pistol; $50
Manley Daniels, driving car while drunk; found guilty by jury but sentence not passed.
Rice McCoy vs Zula McCoy; dismissed at cost of complainant.
Inez Ward vs Tommie Ward; decree for divorce
Elbert Miller vs Eliza Miller; “ “
Mildred Cherry vs Charlie Cherry; “ “
Mary Scott vs Lester Scott; ” “
Mary Willie Shepherd vs Felix Shepherd; decree for divorce
Mrs. Reggie O’Neal vs Damon O’Neal; “ ”
Lucy May Newborn vs Richard P. Newborn; “ “
Mrs. Myrtle Escue vs Lannie Escue; dismissed at cost of complainant.
Mrs. Rosa Lee Taylor vs Floyd Taylor; decree for divorce
Jeff Rice vs Laura Rice; ” “
Elizabeth Grammer vs James Grammer; “ “
Harriet Harris vs Lewis Harris; “ “
F.R. Hargett vs Thelma Hargett; ” “
This is Gen. Abernathy’s last term of court as attorney general.
Local and Personal
A daughter was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Casey.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Shoaf on Aug. 10th.
Miss Orilia McDonald, of Memphis, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.A. Higgins.
Miss Marguerite Volkmar, of Memphis, is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Geo. W. Young.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Wiener were called to Nashville Saturday by the death of Mr. Louie Korman.
Mrs. J.R. Johnston is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. S.B. Lovelace, in Oakland, Miss.
Mrs. T.E. Stark and two children of Kansas City, Mo. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Williams.
Mr. J.R. Shoffner, wife, two sons and daughter, of Greenville, Miss., visited his sister, Mrs. J.M. Taylor Sr., this week.
Mr. F.W. Bondurant and family, who have been visiting in the Lusk home, will leave Friday for their home in Dallas, Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Garrett of Memphis are visiting their daughter, Mrs. L.L. Beard, at Arp, and other relatives in the county.
Mr. and Mrs. W.T.O. Gay, who live in the Whitefield community, report having had 75 frying size chickens stolen while the family were at church a few days ago.
Mr. Wade Norvell, of Ripley, and Mrs. Kate Rutledge, of Curve, were married Sunday afternoon in Ripley by Judge Geo. W. Young at his home. They spent Sunday night in Memphis. They moved to Covington Wednesday where they will make their home, and where Mr. Norvell will follow his trade, that of painting and expert sign painter.
Little Bettie Gorman, of Memphis, is visiting her cousin, Helen Hill
Master J.C. Dudley, of Paducah, Ky., is visiting his uncle, Mr. T. J. Dudley.
Mr. Ezell Hamil has returned from Anna, Ill. to which place he accompanied his father, Mr. J.T. Hamil.
Mrs. E.S. Cates was called to Maury City Thursday by the serious illness and death of her mother, Mrs. Jack Ballinger.
Mrs. Willie E. Boone and son, of Bardwell, Ky., spent the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.L. Robertson.
Mrs. Mary Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Hardy and children attended the funeral of Mrs. J. Ballinger in Maury City, Sunday.
Miss Maggie Coughlan is spending a few days in the home of her sister, Mrs. J.W. Vawter, in Dyersburg.
Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Meter and Mrs. R.L. Matthews attended the funeral of Mr. Morgan Matthews in Blytheville, Ark. last week.
Mrs. Dewey Brown and baby, if Indianapolis, are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Carnell.
Little Kenneth Hendren is visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hendren, in Arkansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Escue attended the bedside of their daughter, Mrs. Raymond Savley, at Woodville Monday.
ENTERPRISE Friday August 27, 1926
***A Peep Into The Past–August 31. 1900
Prof. C.E. Lunsford left Wednesday for Bay St. Louis, Miss. to teach school.
Mr. Page Baxter has opened a tin shop in the old law office of the late Win. E. Lynn.
Messrs. Joe Lackey and Ward and Milton Steele left Monday for Spring Hill to enter school.
Mr. Slayton Johns, of Curve, was in town Wednesday. He had two splendid mules killed by lightening last Sunday.
Mrs. Lucinda Jenkins died Monday at her home at Mt. Pleasant. She was the mother of Rev. Pres Jenkins and was a woman of noble Christian character, beloved and esteemed by a large circle of friends. End Of Peep Into Past ***
Killed By Train
Mr. Preston Poff, 19, was killed by the “Chickasaw Flyer” near the factory of the Ripley Box & Basket Co. at an early hour Wednesday morning. He was an employee at the factory, and from where he lived on Brownsville Street had to cross the tracks of the I.C. Railroad to get to his work, but just how the accident happened we have been unable to ascertain. The young man had only resided here a few months, making his home with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lundgreen. He was a son of Dr. M.F. Poff of Tomato, Ark., who was called here by his death. The remains were interred in Walnut Grove cemetery yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Andrew Manning has bought and moved to the place recently vacated by Mr. A.T. Batts.
Mrs. J.P. James of Memphis spent the weekend in the home of her brother, Mr. A.T. Manning.
Miss Mattie Sue Carmack of Memphis spent the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Carmack.
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Haynes and children of Memphis spent Sunday and Monday with his sister, Mrs. S. V. Carmack.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Page of Jackson, Miss. spent a few days last week with Mrs. Page’s sister, Mrs. W.A. Smith.
Masters Hall, Paul and Adam Ballinger, of Maury City, are visiting their sister, Mrs. F.S. Cates.
Miss Willette Whitaker has returned from a visit to her brother, Mr. C. Whitaker in Covington.
Additional Locals
Mrs. Emmett Conner is improving rapidly from her operation and is expected to be home in about 10 days. She is now in Memphis at 400 South Orleans with her sister, Mrs. Lee Winchester.
Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Oldham and little son were guests of Dr. and Mrs. M.M. Lindsey Wednesday enroute to their home in Cleveland, Ohio. Their two older sons remained for a more extended visit with their grandfather, Gen. E.R. Oldham, at Orysa.
Ex-sheriff Hartfield, of Oxford, Miss., was in Ripley two days last week as a character witness in the Beauford Tweet murder case. He was the sheriff at the time Gov. Bilbo was placed in jail for contempt of court and officiated in that notable event.
Mrs. W.J. Wilson returned home Saturday from Mayfield, Ky. where she spent the past week with her sister. Mrs. Will Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Cockran of Luxora, Ark. are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Archie Escue.
Mr. Woot Frazier of Ripley spent Friday night with his aunt, Mrs. Mollie Keltner.
Mr. John Hutcherson and family of Dry Hill were Sunday visitors in the Joe Prescott home.
Mrs. Mary Cannon and children of Oklahoma are visiting her mother, Mrs. Rosie Reynolds.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hall were recent visitors to her father, Mr. F. Sanders at Hayti, Mo.
Boyd Charged With Cutting Jennings
Mr. J.D. Jennings is in the hospital at Henning recovering from a three-inch wound received in the left side of his abdomen about 6 o’clock Sunday evening at his home near Pleasant Hill. Dick Boyd, who is charged with the
offense, was arrested at the home of his brother, Lewis Boyd, at Cherry, about three. hours later, and was brought to Ripley and placed in jail. Boyd is a son of the late Capt. Dave Boyd, and was visiting relatives in this county
after an absence of 25 years or more. He is said to have come here from Mexico. The failure of the enforcement of the liquor law is said to be responsible for the altercation.
Mrs. Maggie Jackson spent a few days last week with her brother, Mr. Bob Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lee and children spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Katie Spiller.
Miss Annie Mai Meals, of Memphis, spent last week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dunavant.
Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Spiller and children spent last week with their daughter, Mrs. Ben Glover, near Corinth, Miss.
Pleasant Hill
Mrs. Louis Gaines of Paragould, Ark. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. North.
Misses Maxine and Inez McGarrity and Eugene McGarrity of Memphis spent
Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Skinner.
A daughter was born August 22 to Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor.
Circuit Court Notes
Joe Rose Jr. and Joe Rose Sr., manufacturing liquor; not guilty.
Jim Alexander, pistol; dismissed on payment of cost.
Beauford Tweat, murder 1st degree; not guilty.
James Wood. murder 1st degree; pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter.
3 years penitentiary.
0.D. Redic, manufacturing liquor; fine $150. Motion for new trial sustained, Verdict set aside.
Manley Daniels, driving car while drunk; motion for new trial overruled; fine $35 and 30 days in jail and not to drive car for 12 months.
Motion to arrest judgment overruled. Defendant excepts and prays appeal to supreme court. Bond set at $500.
Everett Patton & Mrs. Charlie Patton, receiving and transporting etc., not guilty.
O.P Stroud, receiving and transporting, etc., not guilty.
Borden Powell, receiving and transporting etc., fined $100.
Samuel Ward, pistol; $50.
Wes Turner, convicted at the August 1925 term for possessing liquor, found guilty, fined $100 and 6 months in jail. Appeal to supreme court sustained judgment of lower court. Defendant turned over to sheriff for execution of said sentence and is now in jail.
Bette Davis vs Sam Davis; decree for divorce.
Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Oldham are enjoying the pleasure of having with them this week Mr. and Mrs. Era Oldham and baby and two grown sons, Messrs. Jim and Edward Oldham, of Cleveland, Ohio.
Mrs. Meter and daughter, Mrs. Gooch, from near Halls, spent a few days last week with relatives here.
Mrs. J.C. Roberson and little son, Norris, of Memphis returned home Sunday after weeks’ stay with parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.Y. Coughian.
Miss Lanelle Best has returned home after visit to her sister, Mrs. L.C. Kee, in Nashville.
Mary’s Chapel
Mr. J.C. Criner of Memphis spent Monday night with his brother, Mr. R.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klutts, of Cleveland, Miss., are visiting in the
homes of Mrs. Lillie Hill and Mrs. Ed Kirby.
Real Estate Transfers
J.M. Prescott to C.C. Partee Co., two lots in Curve, $500.
C.C. Partee et ux et al to Alvin Wunderlich, 5010 acres in 9th district. $l0 Etc…
Hilda Howard to S.J. Webb, interest in three tracts in 6th district, $3000.
Mrs. Mollie E. Ferguson to J.R. Murchison, lot in Halls, $2500.
The First National Bank of Ripley to C.P. Glenn, two tracts in 1st district, $5780.68.
G.S. Moore et al to Mrs. Birdie C. Pierson, lot in Ripley, $995.
Peter DeWalt to Wardlaw Steele, 31 1/2 acres in 10th district, $750.
Geo. C. Watkins et al to Georgia Anna Coleman, 1/2 acre in 2nd district, $428.
M.F. Savage to A.J. Shands, 75 acres in 2nd district, $ 6350.
W. Dan Majors to Emma Garham, lot in 2nd district, $350.
Vasser Smith to Bob Smith, interest in lot in Ripley, $300.
A.A. Young to Harriet Johnson et al in 2nd district, $1 etc.,
Sarah Cherry et al to Jane Carson, lot in Ripley, $400.
S.L. Berg to B.C. Durham and wife, lot in Ripley, $1,000.
W.M. Tuley to L.A. Meacham, lot in Ripley, $1200.
J.J. Baker to P.M. Jones, lot in Halls, $100.
Atwood Crook to R.L. Crook, interest in land in ? district, $55.
L.F. Wells et ux et al to C.N. Wilkes et al, lot in Gates, $2680.
J.D. Montgomery to Lena Taylor, lot in 2nd district, $1487.50.
Fletcher Fisher to R.C. Rose, interest in land in 5th district, $1 etc.
M.S. Swims to Mrs. Eva Swims, land, etc. in 9th district, $2,000.
C.N. Wilkes to Mrs. Kate Bell et al. 50 acres in 17th district, $7500.
J.J. Baker to Avery Thompson. lot in Halls, $500.
R.J. Abernathy to Mrs. Sallie Blackwell, lot in Halls, $225.
R.J. Abernathy et al to Mrs. S.J. Parro, lot in Halls, $225.
J. Guy Henderson to N.J. Henderson, two tracts in 15th district, $1650.
J.R. Murchison to M.H. Stallings, lot in Halls, $550.
Alvin Wunderlich et ux to Luxora Copperage Co., 5010 acres in 9th district, $10, etc.
Buel Elam et ux et al to C.C. Partee, lot in Ripley, $5000.
Madeline Howard Thomas to S.J. Webb, one half interest in three tracts in 6th district, $3000.
G.S. Moore et ux et al to Frances W. Paschal, lot in Ripley, $1811.41.
A.B. Klutts to G.S. Moore et al, lots in Ripley, $4300.
J.D. Montgomery to Judy Brown Hayes et al, lot in 2nd district, $1500.
C.W. Gaines to H.F. McDonald, two tracts in 4th districts, $1 etc.
A.B. Hart to Mrs. J.W. Cardaugh, lot in Halls, $2750.
J.M. Prescott to Mrs. Lucinda Prescott, interest in land in 6th district, $750.
J.E. Meeks to J.C. Meeks, 50 acres in 8th district, $1980.
J.C. Meeks to E.E. Jones, 50 acres in 8th district, $2044.
W.T. Lucas et ux et al to J.C. Wesson, 99-8/10 acres in 5th district, $5000.
C.C. Partee to J.C. Wesson, lot in Ripley, $3000.
C.C. Partee to John L. Hill, lot in Ripley, $3500.
Ed Cornish, trustee, et al to The National Cottonseed Products Corporation, lot in Halls, $10 etc.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Newman August 23.
Local and Personal
Mayor P.S. Savage spent Wednesday in Memphis.
Two children of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Lackey have typhoid fever.
Mr. Ben Savage of Rutherford spent the weekend with Mr. M.F. Savage.
Adolphus and Marion, children of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Green, spent last week in Memphis.
Mr. Louis Nabors Jr. of Memphis is visiting grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Evans.
A negro named Joe Rogers was killed by lightening at Flippen Thursday afternoon of last week.
Mrs. L.B. Archer left Thursday for Pine Bluff, Ark. to visit her son, Mr.
C. F. Archer, and family.
Mrs. B.P. Dougan and children of Blytheville, Ark. spent the weekend with her father, Mr. John S. Evans.
Miss Josephine Gordon left Thursday for her home in Cave Springs, Ky. after a visit to her sister, Mrs. G.O. Ferguson.
J.P., little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jason Snyder, near Arp, died Thursday of last. week and was buried Friday at Walnut Grove cemetery.
John R. Green of Brownsville Dies
John R. Green, Confederate veteran, for 40 years a leading newspaper man and a political figure of the state, died at his home in Brownsville Friday afternoon at 1 o’clock. He had been in ill health for the past year. He was 82 years of age. Mr. Green is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Ursula B. Conner; three daughters, Mrs. Martha Harris of Brownsville, Mrs. E. T. Weakley of Dyersburg, Mrs. Dudley W. Moore of San Diego, Calif.; and one son, John 0. Green, of Nashville, former clerk of the Tennessee House of Representatives for several terms. Mr. Green was born at Tuscumbia, Ala. and as a Confederate soldier was a member of the Thirty third Alabama infantry. He was last wounded at the battle of Franklin and had to retire from the service. He moved to Brownsville in 1869 and from that time until 1909, when he retired from active business, he was editor of the Brownsville States Graphic. From the point of service he was the oldest editor in the state at the time of his retirement. Mr. Green married soon after his recovery from wounds received in the Civil War. He was active in Masonic circles and a member of the Methodist Church. Although never seeking any public offices, as one of the leading editors of the state for 40 years, his influence was often felt in political realms.
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