1926 Lauderdale County Enterprise – Excerpts Part 2
Published weekly in Ripley, Tennessee
Transcribed from the originals by Sarah Hutcherson
Typed and Indexed by Carolyn Duvall
*** PLEASE NOTE *** Some pages were inadvertently omitted in the indexing process. They are indicated by parenthesis and are numbered (89) through (93).
Local and Personal
Miss Ave Fristoe left Tuesday for her home in Jackson to spend a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Hood are moving this week to their new home in Memphis.
Mr. Marion Griffin, of Duquoin, Ill., is a guest of his aunt, Mrs. W.L. Durham.
Mrs. Chas. Howser, of Mercer, Texas is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Durham.
Mr. Jack Landrum, of Luxora, Ark., is quite ill in the Baptist hospital in Memphis.
Miss Louise Goad, who has been attending school in Washington, will arrive home Friday.
Misses Bee and Mim Yavitz, of St. Louis, and Mr. Joe Zief, of Newbern, are guests in the Eber home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Griffin, of Mack, spent Wednesday with their daughter, Mrs. J.M. Hendricks.
Mr. Frank McCabe of Chicago visited his aunt, Mrs. F.M. McCabe, several days the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. M.D. Majors, of Citronelle, Ala., are guests in the home of their son, Mr. W. Don Majors.
Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Stewart and two children, of Dallas, Texas, are visiting in the home of her father, Mr. F.A. Henry.
Mrs. H.O. Rogers, who underwent an operation in the Baptist hospital in Memphis last week, is getting along nicely.
Mrs. H.J. Verser and daughter, Miss Annie Conner Verser, and son, Jack, of Herlinger, Texas, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.F. White.
Mrs. Marie Tobias, daughter Connie and son Lawrence, of El Paso, Texas were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Chishoim.
Mr. R.E. Kirkpatrick arrived yesterday from Mercedes, Texas to visit his father, Mr. R.H. Kirkpatrick, and join his family who has been here for sometime.
Mrs. Cora Miller, who sustained a fall about three weeks ago at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Rice, is improving, being able to sit up a while each week.
Miss Ida Giese, of Ft. Morgan, Cob.; Miss Frances Biggs, of Dyersburg; Miss Annie D. Bell, of Shreveport, La., are additional guests of Miss Annie Sue Tucker.
Mr. Win. G. Borum and son, Mr. Neal G. Borum, of London, England, and Mr. F. Lyle Griffin, of Tampa, Fla., are visiting Mr. W.L. Durham and family and other relatives in the county.
Mr. Louis Conner has purchased from Mr. T.H. Green the business and lease of the City Service Station on the northeast corner of the square and assumed charge of same last Saturday.
Mr. Lee Watkins visited in Dyersburg Wednesday and was accompanied home by his daughter, Mrs. John Davis and two children, who will be guests of Mrs. Fred Wilkes for several weeks.
Mr. Ernest Thornley and family, of Memphis, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. R.T. Bickers. They were accompanied home by his mother, Mrs. Dora Thornley, who spent Monday with them.
Mrs. Lee Scott, daughter, Mrs. C.C. Cherry, and sons, Messrs. Adam and James Scott, went to Memphis Wednesday where Mr. Adam Scott underwent an operation for mastoids in the Baptist hospital.
Mr. Wardlaw Steele carried her son, Tom Ward, to Memphis last week and had his tonsils removed. Hon. Wardlaw Steele and daughter, Shirley, spent
Sunday with them. Mrs. Steele and Tom Ward returned Monday night.
Mr. Robt. D. Johnston was a graduate in pharmaceutical chemistry from the medical dept. of the University of Tennessee at Memphis. His mother, Mrs. R.C. Johnston, attended the graduation.
Miss Fan Johnson, former principal of the Ripley Grammer school, and who taught the past year in Colombia, Miss., visited Miss Cornelia Wood and other friends here several days this week, leaving Wednesday for Lexington, Ky. to take a summer course.
Mrs. Ezra Clark and little son, Arthur, left Wednesday for their home in Prescott, Ariz. after three months with relatives here. They were accompanied home by Miss Florence Clark and Mrs. W.M. Miller. Mrs. Miller goes to make her home with her son, Mr. W.G. Miller, at Cottonwood, Arizonia.
Real Estate Transfers
R.H. Lankford to Mary D. Lankford, interest in 95 1/2 acres in 3rd district $400.
Jas. B. Davis, trustee, to Ed Flagg, 40 acres in 15th district $100.
Mrs. Octavia McIntyre to F.J. Jones 85 9/10 acres in 10th district $3521.90
Taylor Lanier to E.L. Vaughn et al, 27 1/2 acres in 3rd district $1050.
J.T. Newton to Aubrey W. Chipman, four acres in 2nd district, $10 etc.
Wardlaw Steele, trustee, to W. Dan Majors, lot in Ripley, $300.
E.W. Hamm to Win. Tucker Jr. et al board of directors of Ripley Special School district, 15 acres in 12th district, $2000.
E.L. Vaughn et al to Charlie Scott et al, 27 1/2 acres in 3rd district, $1050.
O.L. White to A.L. Freeman, 43 – 74/100 acres in 8th district, $3500.
Kate S. Archer to L.J. Rhodes, lot in Halls, $575.
Mrs. Fannie Burns to L.J. Rhodes, lot in Halls, $575.
Mattie Fowler to Dock Purham, interest in land in 2nd district, $1,358.20.
G.P. McKinney et al to Lauderdale Board of Education, 1 1/2 acres in 13th district, $1.00 etc.
E.G.Suggs to Levi W. Curtis et al, interest in land in 8th district, $34.80.
W. Dan Majors to Annie Borum Hunt, 3 1/2 acres in 2nd district, $421.30.
G.S. Moore et ux et al, to C.W. Hamby, lot in Ripley, $2091.50.
N.H. Braden et ux et al, to F.B. Bradford, 41 1/2 acres in 17th district, $5077.
F.B. Bradford to N.H. Braden interest in land in ? district, $7,521 etc.
Win. V. Sanford to J.W. Sanford, lot in Ripley, $750.
Joe M. Tucker et al to Mrs. J.P. McIntyre, lot in 2nd district, $1024.
Mrs. Allie Love to Mrs. Mary Castleman, 50 acres in 8th district, gift.
Chas. Campbell and J.W. Hedgepeth to G.A. Lusk, lot in Ripley, $2500.
W.F. Barrier to Chas. R. Craig, lot in Ripley, $300.
D.C. Warren, trustee, to W.S. Rooks and Sam Seigel, lots etc. in Halls, $1500.
R.M. Prichard to Alonzo Klutts, lot in Ripley, $4500.
C.O. Ross et al to S.T. and R.H. Kirkpatrick 100 – 43/100 acres in ? district, $6200.
S.P. Green to Sumrow gin Co., lot in Halls, $1500.
W.E. Lambeth to Felix Davis and J.C. Davis Jr., 1240 acres in 5th district, $35,000.
J.H. Barfield to J.L. Dunavant, lot in Henning, $133.33.
R.K. Carnell to Dr. J.M. Bentley, interest in land in 8th district, $2132. 76
W.F. Wardlaw to R.H. Chisholm, strip of land, $125.
Freeman Johnson to S.M. Vaden, lots in Curve, $375.
G.S. Moore et ux et al to F.D. Moore and wife, lot in Ripley, $2100.
G.S. Moore et ux et al to Mrs. Mary Lea Jones, lot in Ripley, $1, 812.92.
Frances Dillard et al to M.C. Cook, interest in land in 5th district, $4500.
Miss Wardner Meter scal[d]ed her foot very badly one day last week.
Mrs. D.Y. Coughlan spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. J.C. Roberson, in Memphis. Mr. and Mrs. Roberson are parents of a son born June 1st.
ENTERPRISE Friday June 18, 1926
Knob creek
Mrs. Emma Lott of Curve spent Saturday night with her son, Mr. G.W. Lott.
Miss Hessie And Deipha Bridges, of Mascedonia, spent Sunday here with their brother.
Master Ross Dennison spent Saturday night and Sunday with Master Spurgeon Jennings in Mascedonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Keitner, of Mascedonia, spent Sunday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Pleas Bridges.
Messrs. T.L. Brown and son Willie, and Jack Cagle of Dyersburg, were in the B.R. Treadwell home Wednesday night.
Friends have received a message a few days ago of the death of Mrs. Tom Dunn at Leachville, Ark. She was formerly Mrs. Bud Latham who resided here until about two years ago. She is survived by a mother, husband, four sisters, two brothers, also a baby about 18 months old.
Additional Locals
Miss Virginia Anderson left Thursday for Laurel, Delaware to visit her aunt.
Miss Doris Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.T. Turner, is visiting in Mason, and appeared in a piano recital Thursday evening at the Mason High School, given by the pupils of Mrs. Jessie Drewry Sanders. Her selection was Rhapsodie by Koelling.
Mr. and Mrs. John Walding, Mr. D. Elkin and two nieces, of Memphis, spent Saturday night and Sunday in the home of Mr. Chas. Walding. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Roger Evans, who will spend a week with them before returning to her home in Dyersburg.
Miss Lois Moore, talented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Moore of Halls, was presented in a pianoforte teachers’ certificate program Tuesday evening at 8:15 o’clock at the DeShazo School in Memphis.
We learn from the Baptist and Reflector that “Rev. H.A. Bickers received the degree of Master of Theology from the Southwestern Baptist Seminary, Ft. Worth, Texas, at the recent commencement.” Rev. Bickers is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Bickers of Ripley.
Leverett -Morris
Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Morris, of Ripley, announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy, to Mr. Flynt L. Leverett, of Memphis, the happy event occuring in Memphis on Sunday, June 13, 1926.
The marriage of Miss Peggy Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.F. Harris, to Mr. Lloyd E. Gilbert, which took place at 3:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon, came as a surprise to the friends of the young couple. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Walter M. White, at Linden Avenue Christian Church. The bride wore a model of Miami rose crepe with a hat in harmony, and her only attendant was Mrs. Victor Dannreuther, formerly Miss Jennie Mae Ferrell. Mr.
Dannreuther served as best man.
Mr. Gilbert and his bride left immediately for Chicago and other northern points, and after July 1st they will be at home at the Cleveland Apartments. –Commercial Appeal, Sunday, June 13.
The marriage of Miss Pansy Bass Wiley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Wiley, of Halls, to Rev. A.L. Mayes, of Curve, took place Monday afternoon, June 14, 1926, at the home of the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Fredonia Bass, with Rev. Syl Fisher, presiding elder of the Dyersburg district, performing the ceremony. The living room was artistically decorated with sweet peas,
ferns and lilies, which were grown by Miss Wiley’s grandmother at her beautiful country home near Nankipoo. The bride wore a poudre blue georgette dress with hat to match. Her bouquet was gardenias and sweet peas. The bridal couple left immediately for a few days’ visit to Memphis, after which they will go to Kentucky to visit the groom’s relatives. They will be at home to friends at Curve after July 1st. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Curve. The bride is a talented and popular young lady. She has for several years been a teacher in the Nankipoo High School, and her many friends regret to lose her. Miss Wiley received her college training at Asbury College, Wilmore, Ky. Rev. Mayes is a young minister who by his pleasing manner and genial disposition, has won the confidence and friendship of the entire Curve Circuit, of which he is pastor.
Marriage Licenses
Willie Moore and Mrs. Eula Elder
Asher L. Mayes and Miss Pansy B. Wiley
Luke Reynolds and Annie Bell Lake
Auto Plunges Off Bridges
Mr. Chas. N. Griggs, his daughter Miss Irene, and Miss Julia Savage narrowly escaped death last Saturday morning when the Ford car in which they were riding, being driven by Mr. Griggs, plunged off what is known as the Block bridge near Open Lake. Mr. Griggs says he does not know what caused him to lose control of the car, but in doing so the banisters of the bridge were
knocked off and in the fall of 10 or 12 feet the car was inverted, pinning the occupants underneath. Mr. Griggs managed to loosen his hands sufficiently to turn off the switch and stop the engine from running, and finally extricated himself and his companions from their perilous position. Mr. Griggs had two ribs broken and was otherwise bruised, necessitating the use of crutches, but the ladies escaped practically unhurt. The top to the car was damaged considerably, but the machine was driven back to Ripley.
Local and Personal
Mr. Rozelle Conner has been quite sick the past week with colitis.
Miss Minna Wiener, of Nashville, is visiting her brother, Mr. E. Wiener.
Mr. W.C. Daugherty, of Pontotoc, Miss., is visiting his brother, Mr. L.L. Daugherty.
Mrs. F.H. Peeples, who has been confined to her bed this week by illness, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Rice, of Memphis, are visiting his father, Mr. C.H. Rice, at Orysa.
Mrs. Andrew Flora returned Monday to her home in Brinkley, Ark. after spending this week in the S.M. Roy home.
News was received last week by Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Brandon of the arrival of daughter in the home of their son, Mr. Reginald Brandon at Vicksburg,
***A Peep Into The Past–June 22. 1900
Mrs. Robert Kelly and daughter, Miss Irvie, of Colorado Springs, Col., are guests of relatives in Ripley.
Mr. John R. Cothran and Miss Daisy Keieser [?] were united in marriage Wednesday morning at 8:30 o’clock at the Methodist church in Henning. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. R.B. Lipscomb, in her own fascinating style, sang a solo, followed by the wedding march happily rendered by Mrs. C.D. Flowers. Rev. A.J. Meadows, of Covington, pronounced them man and wife. The ushers were Messrs. A.O. Durham and T.S. Kirkpatrick, of Ripley. Mr. R.W. Tanner, of Ripley, and Miss Gertie Petitt [?] were the attendants. The happy couple and a large number of invited guests were tendered an elegant reception at the home of Mr. J.R. Flowers, after the marriage. Mr. Cothran is one of the most popular, high-toned and worthy young men in the county. In 1897, the people selected him to represent Lauderdale County in the legislature, and he made a record to be proud of. Following this he resumed the practice of his chosen profession, the law, and entered into partnership with Judge J.W. Kirkpatrick. He was afterwards appointed clerk and master of the Chancery Court to succeed Mr. R.A. Williams, resigned. He well deserves the prize he has captured, his bride being beautiful in face and form, gifted in intellect and gentle in nature. Mr. and Mrs. Cothran left the following evening for Vicksburg and Crystal Springs, Miss. End of Peep Into past ***
Ferina Wilson of Memphis is visiting her cousin, Era Wilkes and other little friends.
Mrs. Alice Simms and granddaughter, Miss Inez Brewer, of Dyersburg, spent Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Lee.
Mrs. P.S. Sloan had as her guests Monday, Mrs. Lelia Houser, of Mercedes, Texas; Mrs. Neal Borum and Mrs. Pearl Borum of London, England, and Mrs. W.L. Durham of Ripley.
Little Anita Cates, 20 months’ old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Cates, was carried to Dyersburg Thursday to have her tonsils removed. She was accompanied by her parents and Mesdames R.J. Moore and Mary E. Ferguson.
Little Louise Lucas has been quite ill with measles.
Mrs. Annie Haynes, of Memphis, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S.V. Carmack.
Mrs. Bobby Garrett of Dry Hill spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Willie Anderson.
Local and Personal
Mrs. E.F. Wilson has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Elvie Wiley, in Memphis.
Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Dooley and children, of Chattanooga, are visiting homefolks in Ripley.
Mr. W.A. Johnston and family, of Hickman, Ky., visited Ripley relatives the first of the week.
Misses Daisy Williams and Mildred Brown had their tonsils removed at the city hospital the first of the week.
Mrs. C.B. Stroughter and little son, Junior, have returned to their home in Knoxville after two weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. W.I. Ross.
Mrs. Gordon Griffen and children, Gordon Jr. and Ruth, of McAllen, Texas are guests in the R.M. Prichard home. Mrs. Griffen is a sister of Mr. Prichard.
Mrs. Robert Bickers and children, Robert and Louise, and Mrs. Dora Thornley spent Wednesday and Thursday in Milam, visiting Rev. L.R. Wadsworth and family.
Mr. J.D. Montgomery in a receipt of a letter from his son near Mercedes, Texas, in which he said they were picking cotton in that section of the Lone Star Sate.
Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Keltner, of Memphis, spent Sunday in Ripley. Their children, Milton and Mildred, remained here on a visit to grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Gracy.
Mrs. C.L. Foust, of Memphis, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Ripley, and was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. Marvin Stewart, who will be her guest the remainder of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Bruce, of Memphis, spent Sunday in the G.J. Johnson home. Their little granddaughter, Frances Elizabeth Bruce, who accompanied them, remained to visit for several weeks.
The fire department was called Monday to the home of Mr. J.C. Wesson, when fire was discovered in one of the upper rooms. The blaze was quickly extinguished with but slight damage, not over $25.
Mr. Homer Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Ferguson, of Ripley, and Miss Jewell Klutts, daughter of Mrs. R.E. Kirby, of Conner School community, were married last Sunday afternoon at Johnson’s Grove in Crockett County.
Coal Creek
Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Webb and children attended the ice cream supper at Edith Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Garda Calloway and baby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Webb near Central.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prescott and children, of Mascedonia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Harrison.
Mrs. Will Midyett and children of Central spent a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith.
Mrs. Matt Griggs is spending a few days with her brother, Mr. Tom Burns, near Asbury.
Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Meter, Mrs.a R.L. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. C.U. Roberson spent Sunday afternoon in the A.C. Braden home near Asbury.
Mr. and Mrs. George Richerson, of Arp, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Minner.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sadlin and children, of St. Louis, Mo., are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Jones.
Mr. Ernest Dew returned to Covington Saturday night after spending the past week with his uncle, Mr. R.M. Dew.
Miss Marjorie White has been ill the past week with measles.
Pleasant Hill
Miss Blannie Sue Bizzell is ill with measles.
Miss Vera Sinclair and brother, Dan, of Henning, were Sunday visitors here.
Mr. Aubrey Given spent Saturday in the home of his sister, Mrs. Win. Douglas, at Asbury.
Little Harold Bell is confined to his bed with bronchitis at the home of Misses Anna and Callie White.
Forked Deer
J.W. Warren spent last Friday night in Brownsivlle with his aunt, Mrs. Guy Pracht.
Mrs. Shane and three children, of Spring Lick, Ky., are visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Landrum.
Misses Annie and Mattie Halliburton and Mr. W.T. Halliburton of Memphis were called home by the death of their grandmother, Mrs. W.H. Poindexter.
Mrs. Lizzie Crook is very sick.
Mrs. Katie Reuter is on the sick list.
Little Rudell Wakefield, who has been quite sick, is better.
Mr. Willie Griggs, from near Atlanta, Ga., is visiting his father, Mr. Tom Griggs.
Mr. William Nelson, of Gold Dust, spent Saturday with his aunt, Mrs. H.B. McGarrity.
Mr. Atwood Crook of Henning spent Saturday night and Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Crook.
Little Cecil Walker, of Luxora, Ark., has returned to his home after two weeks.’ visit with his grandmother, Mrs. Tenny Webb.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Spiller and baby, of Ripley, are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fergason.
Mr. and Mrs. John Keltner spent Saturday night and Sunday with their daughters, Mrs. Dovie and Mrs. Hattie Hutcherson, at Cedar Grove.
Mrs. Marshall Hyler, of Memphis, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Wiley.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wells and daughter, Geraldine, attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Poindexter, at Concord Thursday of last week.
Boyd’s Crossing
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bright, of Arp, spent Sunday in the J.F. Halfacre home.
Mrs. Carl Adkerson, who has just returned from the hospital, is slowly improving.
Little Sunshine Bright, while playing Sunday, fell from the porch and broke her arm.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carson, of Memphis, visited her mother, Mrs. J.E. Young, Sunday.
Mrs. John Grear, of Memphis, visited her mother, Mrs. John Taylor, Sunday.
Little Junior and Sherman Pitts, of Memphis, are visiting grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ab Pitts.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wadsworth of Memphis spent the weekend with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Wadsworth.
Mrs. Johnie Land is seriously ill.
Mr. Gus Spiller and sister, Miss Zellar, were in Ripley one day last week.
Mr. Emmett Kirby spent the weekend at Orysa, guest of his sister, Mrs. Bill Lee.
Little Nell Grear, of Memphis, is visiting grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G.N. Grear.
Little Elizabeth Smith is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. P.E. Andrews, in Friendship.
The body of Mr. Kirk Richardson of Halespoint, who was drowned in the Mississippi River on April 19th, was found June 13 and was buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery June 14. He is survived by a wife, three daughters and six sons, who mourn his death. He was loved by all who knew him.
ENTERPRISE Friday June 25, 1926
S.R. Shelton Dies
Covington, Tenn., June 21–
Samuel R. Shelton Jr., age 65, of this city, died here suddenly tonight. He was vice-president of the Covington Supply Co. and went home in the evening from work to clear up his garden. When he came into the house he complained of feeling ill and in a few minutes sank dead. Death was probably due to angina bectoris. Mr. Shelton was born in Greensboro, N.C. but came to this city in his boyhood. He was one of the most popular as well as one of the most highly regarded men in Covington. In trade he was very successful, the Supply Company with which he was connected doing $300,000 to $400,000 worth of business a year. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ruth Shelton; two children, James Shelton and Mrs. Harvey Hendrick; three brothers, W.L. Shelton, president of the Covington Supply Co.; Robert Shelton and Winston Shelton, of
Crowder, Texas; two sisters, Mrs. Fanny Long and Mrs. Emma Tignor, of Dennison, Texas. Mr. Shelton was a steward and life long member of the Methodist Church here.
*** A Peep Into The Past–June 29. 1900
Rev. Mack Jenkins and Miss Minnie Meadows visited Miss Daisy Scott in Henning Wednesday.
Mr. Monroe Carney has purchased the residence of Mr. R.D. Jenkins, paying the snug sum of $1800 for it. He will move thereto about August 1st. End ofPeep Into Past ***
Social Happenings
The marriage of Miss Mildred M. Zimmerman and Mr. Robert Field Read occurred in Memphis Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock, the Rev. H.P. Hurt of the Bellevue Baptist Church officiating. The marriage was a surprise to the friends of the young couple. Mrs. Read resided in Ripley for several years and has many friends here. Mr. Read is a prominent planter of Haywood County. for the present, Mr. and Mrs. Read are at home with Mr. Read’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Read.
Additional Locals
Mrs. Harry Brown and daughter, Miss Marion, of Nashville, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.I. Stewart. Mr. Ernest McKinnon, of Baton Rouge, La., visited Mr. C.P. Fowler and
family Friday night enroute to Los Angeles, Calif.
Dr. J.W. Sanford was taken suddenly ill at his office on Thursday afternoon of last week and was carried to the Baptist Hospital in Memphis that night. His trouble, we learn, has been pronounced dysentery following colitis, and his condition was serious for several days.
Mr. J.W. Dunavant, of Nankipoo, who is nearing his 88th year, in sending in his renewal says, “I can’t do without your good paper.”
Mr. Tollie Garrett of Skene, Miss. spent Sunday with homefolks at Edith and accompanied his father, Mr. D.J. Garrett, to Memphis Monday where he will receive treatment in the Baptist hospital for three weeks which will determine whether or not an operation will be necessary.
Mrs. Maggie Bohannan Caldwell, wife of Mr. John Caldwell, of Memphis, died Wednesday morning at St. Joseph’s Hospital. The remains were brought to
Ripley Wednesday night for interment in the cemetery near Coal Creek. She was the sister of Mrs. Castell Faulkner and Mrs. Fletcher Faulkner, of this county, and Mrs. E. Doss of Memphis, and a daughter of Mr. J.F. Bohannan of Mayfield, Ky.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Parchman and two children, of San Diego, Calif., arrived Sunday on a visit of several weeks to his father, Mr. Jim Parchman and other relatives. They made the trip in their car, and had only three punctures. This is his second visit home since he left here 14 years ago, and nine years since his last visit. He is now connected with a pressing and cleaning establishment in that thriving city.
Notice to Creditors
Having qualified as the administrator of the estate of Carrie Purham in the County Court of Lauderdale County, Tenn., creditors are notified to file their claims against said estate with me, duly verified on or before the 24th of October, 1926.
Witness this the 23rd day of June, 1926.
Win. H. Lynn
7-25-3 Adm’r of Carrie Purham
Local and Personal
Mr. J.M. Taylor spent Sunday in Hartford, Ky. with his sister.
Miss Audrey Ferguson returned Saturday from a visit to Miami, Fla.
Miss Audrey Ferguson left Tuesday to visit friends in Sheffield, Ala.
Mrs. Austin Lassiter and son, Bobbie, spent Sunday in Covington.
Mrs. Mary Lea Jones moved Tuesday to her new home on Church Street.
Mr. W.H. McClain, in his new Ford roadster, motored to Covington Sunday.
Miss Sarah Wieler, of Baton Rouge, La., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henderson Rice.
Mrs. Win. H. Capelle, of Newbern, is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. McLeod.
Mr. and Mrs. Wardlow Steele carried their son, Tom Ward, to Memphis Tuesday for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. B.G. Shelton attended the funeral of Mr. Sam R. Shelton Jr. in Covington Tuesday.
Mr. Marvin Curry, of University, Ala., spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Fowler.
Charles William and Florence Marie, children of Dr. and Mrs. V.W. Yates, have been ill for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thorton, of Chicago, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.W. Barbour, near Curve.
Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Palmer, of Memphis, spent Sunday and Sunday night in the home of their daughter, Mrs. John R. Tucker.
Mr. S.E. Best, of Blytheville, Ark., arrived Thursday to spend the weekend with his sister, Mrs. J.R. Osteen, near Ripley.
Mrs. Atwood Pierson has returned from a visit to her daughter in Blue Diamond, Ky., and is visiting her son, Mr. Eugene Pierson.
Mr. Neal Fowler and family of Memphis returned home Sunday night after several days’ visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Fowler.
Mrs. Bettie Johnson, who has been living in Paducah, Ky., has moved to Ripley and is making her home with her brother, Mr. J.F. Hendren.
Little J.C. Fowler was painfully hurt while playing at the Farmers Union Gin Tuesday. Eight stitches were taken above his ankle in his right leg.
Mr. W.J.B. Williams, who recently graduated in pharmacy at the University
of Tennessee, left Monday night for Newark, N.J. to accept a position.
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Midyett spent Sunday in Corinth, Miss. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Carl Dodson who is visiting relatives here and in Memphis.
Mrs. Lee Berg, Mrs. Ike Schafer, and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Waldauer spent Tuesday in Humboldt, and attended the marriage of Miss Baum and Mr. Jack Weil.
Mrs. Albert Smith returned Tuesday from Miami, Fla. where she had been visiting her son, Mr. Sidney Smith, and daughter, Mrs. Ivan Andrews, for three weeks.
Mr. B.F. Wilkes is spending the week with his sister, Mrs. Jones, in Toone.
Mr. J.V. Alston attended a family reunion in the home of his mother in Halls Thursday. He was joined by his sister, Mrs. Arch Lightfoot, of Ripley, and Mrs. J.T. McGarrity and son, Addison, of Osceola, Ark.
Annie Laura Adair, of Humboldt, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M.A. Whitaker.
Miss Vivian Lee has returned from a visit to her aunt, Mrs. F.E. Warren,
in Blytheville, Ark.
Mrs. Emma Boydstun and granddaughter, Margaret Tarrant, of Ripley, are visiting the former’s daughter, Mrs. F.B. Bradford.
Mr. George Williams and sister, Miss Ruth, of Memphis, spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.S. Williams. They were accompanied home by their sister, Nell.
Mrs. H.L. Kemery and daughter, Katherine Lee, have returned to their home in Greenfield after spending the week with her sister, Mrs. E.J. Shannon. Mrs. Shannon accompanied them home.
Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Johns attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Jennie Lee Evans, to Mr. W.O. Byerly, which took place last Thursday in Milam at the bride’s home. Mrs. Byerly has frequently visited here and is well remembered.
Mary’s Chapel
Miss Mary Lee Heathcott is ill with measles.
Mr. Chas. Klutts and family spent Sunday with relatives at Conner.
Misses Irene Klutts and Louise Craig spent Sunday with Mrs. J.A. Criner at Conner.
Dr. Chapman In Wreck
Dr. S.T. Chapman happened to a very painful accident Wednesday night near Unionville when he was returning home, colliding with another car which was standing by the roadside. Just how the accident occurred we have been unable to determine. However, we learned that he sustained a broken collar bone and an injured shoulder. He was removed from the scene of the accident to a hospital for treatment.–Halls Graphic.
Little Marguerite Houston of Memphis is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Wiley.
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Wilson visited their daughter, Mrs. G.T. Scott, in Brownsville Saturday .
Forked Deer
Mr. Bowers Brown of Memphis is visiting his mother, Mrs. J.W. Pearson.
Mrs. H.M. Hardy is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Hunt, at Pleasant View.
Mr. W.T. Hay left Saturday for Memphis where he will spend a week with his father, Mr. W.T. Hay, before returning to his home at Marvell, Ark.
Mrs. Ivan Garrett and daughter, Shirley, spent Tuesday in Ripley.
Mrs. Jim Vaughn, of Central, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Will Keltner.
Mr. Atwood Beard of Edith and his wife, who is attending W.C.T. College, spent the weekend with Mrs. J.F. Morris.
Mr. Earl Trimble of Memphis spent Sunday in the Ab. Pitts home and was accompanied home by his father who will spend some time there.
Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Cook of Ripley are visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Goad. Mr. and Mrs. Cook will leave in a few days for Blytheville, Ark., where they will reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Gay and family of Mary’s Chapel spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T.O. Gay.
Little Wilson, Betty and James Ray of Memphis are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Wilson.
Mrs. Lizzie Voss spent Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams, at Forked Deer.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson, from near Gates, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Lena Dodd.
Mrs. R.L. Hardy and children, of Gates, spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Lena Dodd.
Miss Juanita Blewer spent Saturday night and Sunday at Gates with her cousin, Miss Thelma Hardy.
Miss Eunice Layne spent one day last week with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. White at Perciful.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Akin and little daughter, Ruby, of Forked Deer, spent Sunday with Mrs. Josie Akin.
Messrs. Dupree and Burnice Brantley spent Saturday night and Sunday at Coal Creek with their uncle, Mr. Gus Brantley.
Facts and Fancies
An old farmer left his farm for the first time for years to attend a picnic at the county seat. In the evening a dance was held, and the farmer was impressed by the girls’ costumes.
“The clothes some of those girls are wearing,” he said, “remind me of a barb-wire fence. They appear to protect the property without obstructing the view.” (I copied this because I’ve heard at one time or many my Dado tell this story. Maybe he read it in the Enterprise. SMH)
Miss Evon McGarrity is on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. H.B. (Aunt Violet) McGarrity were in Ripley Saturday night.
Miss Vivian Vowell of Glimp spent Saturday night with her aunt, Mrs. Albert Jones.
Mrs. Willie Mitchell and children have returned to their home in Memphis after two weeks’ visit with parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. McPherson.
Misses Audrie Wakefield and Lizzie Young of Memphis were called here last week by the illness and death of their grandmother, Mrs. Liza Crook.
Mrs. Liza Crook died Thursday, June 17th, after an illness of about 10 days. Her remains were laid to rest Friday at Western Valley cemetery, funeral services being conducted by Rev. Harris of Pleasant Hill. Mrs. Crook was 56 years of age and was the mother of fourteen children. She was a member of the Pleasant Hill Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie McMahan are recovering from measles.
Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Rose, of Ripley, were guests of their daughter, Mrs. K. Gaines, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. McPherson and baby are quite ill.
Mrs. Herbert Caldwell, of Memphis, is spending a few weeks with her father, Mr. Jim Hammond.
Miss Jesse Lee Lightfoot, of Arkansas, spent Sunday afternoon with her cousin, Miss Kathleen Lightfoot.
Miss Olivia Johnson spent a few days last week at New Hope with her cousin, Miss Montine Akin, who is quite ill.
Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Johnson spent Sunday afternoon in the home of her brother, Mr. Charles Akin at New Hope.
Mrs. Andrew Crews, of Florence, Ala., is visiting Mrs. Mollie Keltner.
Mrs. Loula Borton of Memphis is visiting her brother-in-law, Mr. Win. Becton.
Mrs. Jule Hunt spent last Tuesday at Edith with her daughter, Mrs. Pleas Bridges.
Master Wesley Bridges had his face lacerated and several teeth knocked loose Saturday afternoon when he was kicked by a mule.
Cedar Grove
A son was born June 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Dee Chipman.
Mr. John Fergason, of Flippen, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. Elrado Fergason.
Master Jack Hutcherson was a weekend guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Burnham at Central.
Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Hutcherson Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Keltner, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Brown, of Flippen, Mr. and Mrs. P.F. Hutcherson of Ripley.
Bradford Fork
Mr. W.D. Newman and family spent the weekend with relatives in Memphis.
Mr. John Bradford, wife and children spent Sunday in the Will Bradford home near Coal Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Newman and Mr. Dewey Newman of Memphis spent Friday night and Saturday with Mr. Jim Newman.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Newman and Mr. Dewey Newman
spent Sunday near Central in the home of Mrs. Joe Tucker.
Coal Creek
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lyell, of Arp, spent one night last week with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lyell.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Caldwell spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Butler Lyell at Bexar.
Mr. and Mrs. Earse Sanford, of Ripley, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lyell.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Harrison, of the Bluff, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B.E. Harrison.
Knob Creek
Miss Nettie Dennison, of Mascedonia, was in this community Wednesday night.
Mrs. G.A Crews and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Garrett at Arp.
Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Latham and children spent Sunday in the home of Mr. T.A. Beard at Edith.
Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Latham and children spent Friday night and Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Will Keltner at Arp.
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Crihfield had as Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Young and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Andrews and children, of Central.
Mr. and Mrs. Vasser Miller of Central spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Newman and son, Lewis T., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Crihfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson and children, from near Curve, spent Sunday in the John Jennings home.
Mr. and Mrs. G.N. Grear had as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Grear and children of Blytheville, Ark., Mr. and Mrs. O.N. Grear, of Ripley, and Mrs. Lou Ward and son, and Miss Gladys Grear of Memphis.
Mr. M.V. Thompson is confined to his bed with malaria.
Mr. Charlie Cox and sons, of Mascedonia, were Sunday visitors here.
Aunt Jennie Pennington, who has been confined to her bed for several months, is no better.
Mr. and Mrs. C.N. Armour and family and Mr. G.C. Webb and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Webb on the river.
Mr. Carey Ammons of Williamstown was a Sunday guest of his sister, Mrs. Hoskins.
Mrs. D.E. McMahan has been suffering for several days with abcess in her head.
Mr. Montelle Haynes returned home Tuesday from a lengthy stay near Blytheville, Ark. where he had been farming.
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