GOAD, Myrtle
ASBURY–Mesdames H.C. LUTON and H.A. LUTON attended the funeral of Miss Myrtle GOAD at Arp Sunday afternoon.
A TRAGIC DEATH–Miss Myrtle GOAD, 16, was killed Saturday night about 9 o’clock, when the horse she was riding was struck by a Nash sedan driven by J.E. STAFFORD, of Memphis, as the animal entered the Jefferson Davis highway from a narrow road leading from the GOAD residence, one mile south of Ripley. Mrs. STAFFORD and her mother, Mrs. G.W. NEWTON, of Hickman, Ky were injured in the wreck. The party which included Miss Maude CARTER, of Memphis and Harry NEWTON, a nephew of Mrs. NEWTON, was enroute to Hickman from Memphis. The accident was unavoidable, according to Wallace McCLEISH, traffic officer and deputy sheriff. Mr. STAFFORD and family live on Hale Avenue, Memphis and he is a traveling salesman for Ellis-Jones Drug Co. The body of Miss GOAD was carried to the office of Drs. LEWIS & NUNN, and after examination, she was found to be dead, and the body was then turned over to Burgess & Peters and prepared for burial. Funeral Services were held Sunday afternoon at Mt. Pleasant, conducted by Rev. Smith RICHARDSON, in the presence of a large crowd of relatives and friends. The tragic death of Miss GOAD made all Ripley sorrowful. She was a daughter of Mr.& Mrs. John GOAD.