1925 Lauderdale County Enterprise – Jan 2-Feb 27
Some high Cotton Yields—Sanford Permenter of Crockett County grew 2800 pounds of Acaia Cotton on one acre. He is now an agricultural student at the University of Tennessee.
CURVE—Little Gay Chalk is now making her home with her aunt, Mrs. Odie Clark, near Perciful.
GLIMP—Mr. J. H. Crook is able to be up after being confined with rheumatism.
Mrs. J. B. Emerson was called to Brownsville Monday by the death of her uncle.
Mrs. Pauline Barfield spent Saturday in Henning with her sister, Mrs. O. D. Braden.
Mr. Ira D. Gaines of Paragould, AR., spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. M. A. Winsett.
Mr. Roy Gaines of Paragould, AR., arrived Sunday night for a visit with his mother, Mrs. M. A. Winsett.
Mr. J. E. Crook and son, Barnes, of Blytheville, AR., have returned home after a visit to parents, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Crook.
Mrs. Clay Williams, from near Ripley, who was on a visit to parents Mr.& Mrs. Beasley Slipped down and broke one of her limbs a few days ago.
FORKED DEER—Mr. Leland Brown of Memphis, spent Christmas Day with his
mother, Mrs. J. W. Pearson.
HENNING—Mr. Clarence Fields arrived Friday morning with his bride on a visit to relatives. Mrs. Fields, before her marriage was Miss Clara Shaw of Somerville.
A telegram was received last week by Mr. T. D. Turner announcing the marriage of Miss Mary Halliburton to Mr. Bates Porter of Memphis, on Dec.25th,1924 in Gainesville, FLA., Mrs. Porter is the eldest daughter of Mr.& Mrs. R. A. Halliburton of this place. She has filled the position as
primary teacher in the Gainesville school for the past several years. Mr. Porter is a grandson of the late Dr. R. S. Porter. They left for Tampa, FLA., and will return to Memphis to make their home.
RUTHERFORD—Mr. G. W. Meter of Lightfoot visited relatives here last weekend.
CEDAR GROVE—No doubt some of your readers have wondered where Cedar
Grove was. It is two and 1/2 miles north of Ripley. We once had a schoolhouse which is now a dwelling. After the schools were consolidated Cedar Grove school was abandoned. This place was named by Capt. Hawks of Ripley, when there was nothing here but cedars so thick it was almost like a cedar thicket. But the cedars have all been cut down and cleared away. This is a thickly settled neighborhood, all white residents, especially in the northern part. We have the R.F.D. and two mail carriers who live at Cedar Grove. We also have the telephone. Churches are on every side and if you don’t go to church, it’s your own fault.
MASCEDONIA—Miss Mamie Frazier, of Memphis, spent several days last week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Mittie Frazier.
Mrs. Mittie Frazier and family spent one day last week in the home of her son, Mr. Chester Frazier on the bluff.
Mr. R. M. Midyett and family spent several days the past week on the bluff in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Chester Frazier.
Mr. Chester Frazier and family, of the bluff, spent several days here the first of the week in the home of Mr. R. M. Midyett and Mrs. Mittie Frazier.
Mr. Marvin Duggan, of Nankipoo and Miss Addie Haynes, of this place, were quietly married in Ripley on Dec.24th.Their friends extend Congratulations.
WILLIAMSTOWN—Mrs. Kelly Lovelace and baby spent last week in Memphis
with her parents, Mr.& Mrs. Walter McGarrity.
CENTRAL—Mr. Charles Maness and family of Arp, spent Sunday with his
sister, Mrs. John Chism.
Mrs. Bertha Roberts of Halespoint, spent the holidays here with her
sister, Mrs. James Burnham.
PERCIFUL—Mrs. Crook died at her home Sunday night, after being
confined to her bed for several months. She was laid to rest at Concord
the following day.
LOCAL AND PERSONAL— Mrs. Tom Nabors, of Memphis, is visiting her
parents. Mr.& Mrs. Sid Evans.
Mr. G. W. Hamby spent Monday night with his brother, Paul Hamby.
Mr. R. D. Parnell’s left arm has been out of commission for several
days caused from a fall.
Mr. Geo. P. Woollen, of Nashville, was a guest of his
sister, Mrs. J. A. Porter, during the holidays.
Mrs. T. J. Boyles died at her home at Ashport Saturday and was buried
Sunday at Grace Cemetery.
Mrs. Effie Caldwell of Cairo, Ill., and Mrs. James Harrington of
Blansville, Ky., are guests of Mr.& Mrs. Dave Hutcherson and other
relatives here.
Mr. J. G. Brooks died Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Charlie
Chipman, and was laid to rest the following day at Mary’s
Chapel. Mr. Brooks was born in Haleyville, Ala., and was 39 years of
age. For 14 years he was employed as motorman for the Memphis Street
Railway, surrenerding his position about 2 months ago, because of ill
health, and coming to live with his sister. He is also survived by a
brother, Mr. M. C. Brooks of Golddust.
Mr. Paul Cook, a carpenter in the employ of J. G. Morris, met with an
accident on Christmas day which cost him the loss of his left arm and
hand below the elbow. He was out hunting and sat down on a log to rest
when his gun was accidently discharged. Being alone, he checked the flow
of blood by gripping the shattered arm with his right hand and made his
way to the Ripley Box & Basket Co., about 3/4 of a mile distant. He was
carried to the Ripley hospital where the arm was amputated.
Miss Celeste Sanford, a very capable young lady, will replace Miss
Moriarty. Coming to fill the place of such a valuable teacher, she is well
qualified. It will be a new teacher and the students will give her loyal
support. Miss Sanford is certain of success before her entrance into the
school as a teacher.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday January 9,1925
DEATH—Mr. J. D. Borum, for 30 years a prominent and well known
merchant of Osceola, AR., died in that city Saturday afternoon at 3
o’clock, following a long period of illness. Mr. Borum was born at
Durhamville, and spent his boyhood there and at Brownsville, removing when
he was a young man to Memphis, and later to Osceola; where he established
the Borum Store, which he operated until his death. He was married to Miss
Nora Talliaferro, of Brownsville, who survives him, together with one
brother and three sisters; L. H. Borum and Mrs. Addie Zellner, of this
county, Mrs. L. C. Gillespie of Memphis and Mrs. J. W. Matthews of
Somerville. The body was brought to Durhamville Monday morning and
interred in Elim Cemetery there.
DEATH—When the message came that Annie Lynn Estes Powell, wife of
J. B. Powell, had passed away at an early hour Monday, January 5th,1925,at
Donna, TX., her many friends in Lauderdale and Haywood counties were bowed
down in sorrow that such a beautiful life had passed from
earth. Mrs. Powell had gone with her husband to Texas in search of health.
It was in her home that the beauty of her character shone the
brightest. To her only brother, A. M. Estes, who survives her, she was a
loving sister; and to her husband, whom she married in October 1919,she
was a helpmeet in the practical and beautiful sense of the word; To the
four step-sons; Norman, Ellis, Cullen and Gaston Powell, also to Patrick
Parker, she fulfilled all the conditions of a true mother. Funeral is
Friday at the First Baptist Church in Brownsville.
HENNING— Mrs. R. A. Bradford has with her two nephews, Masters Quinton
and C. L. Jones of Memphis.
Mr. Carey McCammon has been quite ill as a result of a very
unfortunate accident, which occurred Christmas Eve while acting the part
of Santa Clause at the school building. The cotton on his suit caught
fire from a lighted taper, burning him quite painfully about the
face. Last week his face became infected causing erysipelas to
develop. His condition is somewhat improved at this writing.
LOCAL AND PERSONAL—Mrs. C. E. Snyder and sons of Warren, Ohio, are
visiting parents, Mr.& Mrs. R. L. Fortner.
Mr. Morgan Savage of Lamison, Ala., is visiting relatives in Ripley
and other parts of the county.
A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. J. M. Stewart on Jan.2nd.He has been
christened John Marvin Stewart, Jr.
Mrs. Waverly Sims has returned to her home in LaGrange, after a visit
with her mother, Mrs. R.G. Anthony.
Mrs. Janie Goad has returned home after spending a few weeks with
her sister, Mrs. C. M. Ferguson.
Mrs. R. E. Goin returned to her home in Memphis Sunday night, after
spending a week with her parents, Mr.& Mrs. J. E. Rose.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday January 9,1925 continued
Local and Personal—Mrs. Lee Berg left Sunday night foe
Louisville, KY. She was called there by the illness and subsequent death
of her sister-in-law.
Mr.& Mrs. Henry N. Barker of Johnson City, announce the arrival of a
son on January 7th.Mrs.Barker will be remembered as Mary Catherine
Mr.& Mrs. Wilson Blackwell are parents of a daughter.
Mrs. J. R. Given fell from her porch one day last week and hurt her
CURVE—Mr.& Mrs. Guy Brasfield are parents of a son.
Mr.& Mrs. Ermon Beaver announce the birth of a son at their home in
Memphis on Dec.27th.Mrs.Beaver will be remembered as Miss Annie Sue
RUTHERFORD—Mr.& Mrs. Fred Sanders are parents of a daughter.
Mr. Harrell Ray, from near Unionville, spent Saturday night with his
grandmother, Mrs. S. E. Meter.
PERCIFUL—Mrs. Mittie Frazier is attending the bedside of her
brother, Mr. Will Savely, who continues seriously ill.
Miss Bessie Lee Escue, Mr.& Mrs. Joe White, Mr. Pat Williams, Mrs. Wesley
Ellis and Mr. John White attended the burial of Mr. George William
Adkerson at Woodville.
LUCKETT—Miss Enon McGarrity is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Maudie
Wakefield in Ripley.
Miss Dixie Lockard has returned to her home in
Blytheville, AR., after ten days visit with her sister, Mrs. G. W. Jones.
CONNER—Mr. Bud Smith’s baby fell from a chair Monday and broke his
Mr.& Mrs. W. M. Spiller spent the weekend in Ripley with her
sister, Mrs. G. H. Coker.
Mrs. Joe Northcott and Family of Nut Bush, spent Sunday here with her
sister, Mrs. Emma Dunavant.
Miss Zellar Spiller has returned home after spending six weeks in
Corinth, MS., with her sister, Mrs. Lola Glover.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday January 23,1925
A PEEP INTO THE PAST— R. C. Klutts has purchased the interest of
H. J. Hyde in the Drygoods firm of Klutts & Hyde.
Resolutions of Respect from the Methodist Sunday school ,appear in
this issue relative to the great loss sustained in the death of Miss
Emily Bryant Mays.
Mr. Robert Jeffries, familiarly known as “uncle Bob”, died at his home
near Nut Bush January 13th.
DEATH—Mr. William Henry died at his residence in Ripley Wednesday
night at 10o’clock,at the ripe age of 85 years. For several months he had
been gradually failing in health, but was confined to his bed only a few
days, before passing away. During his declining days, he was the object of
the tenderest affection from his devoted wife, kindred, and friends. With
the exception of a few years spent in Texas, he had been a citizen of
Ripley since the Civil War, and he and his devoted companion had been
married 53 years last August. He was born in Decatur County, TN., in
1840.He was a Confederate War Vet. The funeral was Thursday at the
home, burial in Maplewood Cemetery.
SELF—Dyersburg, TN.,Jan.20th–Mrs.J.W.Uselton of Gates, Lauderdale
County, about 15 miles south of here, died at a Dyersburg hospital this
morning as a result of a gunshot wound to the head, inflicted in an
effort to take her own life. Despondency over the death of her son in an
auto accident, was assigned as the cause which prompted the rash
act. After more than two months of grieving over the death of her son, the
mother is thought to have become mentally irresponsible. Sunday night
,she is said to have secured a shotgun and fired the full charge into
the side of her face. She was rushed here for medical treatment at the
Baird- Dulaney Hospital, where her condition gradually grew worse. After
two night and one day of intense suffering, she died early this
morning. The son was killed about 60 days ago while returning in an
automobile from Ripley to Gates. The car was overturned and the youth
killed instantly. The remains of Mrs. Uselton were taken in charge this
morning by Curry & Son undertakers and prepared for burial.
They will be returned to Gates for interment
Ripley, Tennessee Friday January 23,1925
LOCAL & PERSONAL—A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Emmett Turner at Curve
last Saturday.
Mrs. C. W. Williams slipped on the ice about three weeks ago and broke
her ankle.
Mrs. J. F. Grote of Clinton, Ohio is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. C. C. Shoaf.
A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. A. C. Morrison Monday at the home of Mr.&
Mrs. R. O. Cupp.
Mrs. Clarence Thurmond of Dyersburg was called here last Friday by
the serious illness of her father, Mr. L. B. Archer.
Hattie Inez Dunavant, infant daughter of Mr.& Mrs. Lee Dunavant, died
last Saturday at her home near Heathcock’s store in Haywood County.
J. E. Latham and family left Thursday of last week for Los
Angeles, Calif., where they will make their home with their son, Buford
Latham. Elvis Latham of St. Louis, accompanied them. The trip was made by
A. G. Steelman ,of Double Bridges, was in Ripley Wednesday. He spent
Sunday and Monday in Memphis and his wife remained there with her
daughter, Mrs. Sterling H. Abernathy, who presented her husband with a son
at the Baptist Hospital last Sunday.
Three prisoners broke jail Monday night, gaining their way to
freedom by burning the window frame with an iron rod, and loosening the
brick so as to make a hole through which to escape. One of the
fugitives, Jack Tims, serving a 60-day sentence for assault and
battery, returned the next day. The other two are still at large–Will
Sowell, bound over to Circuit Court on a charge of house-breaking and
larceny; and Charley Bridges, arrested last Sunday at Edith, and being held
for officers from Lake County, where he is wanted on a charge of
MACK—Mrs. Knox Ray visited her mother, Mrs. F. Rowe at Cherry last
Mrs. Marion Hendrics of Ripley, spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr.& Mrs. A. Griffin at this place.
Mrs. Ezra Clark and son, A. F. Clark, of Clarksdale, Ariz., are visiting
parents, Mr.& Mrs. A. Griffin.
CURVE—Miss Nona Vaden of Finley, is visiting in the home of her
uncle, J. M. Vaden.
PLEASANT HILL—The sudden death of Mrs. George Henson was a shock to
the community. She only lived 14 hours after taking the flu. We extend
sympathy to the heart-broken husband and children.
CONNER—J. E. Spiller, Frank Holcomb and Bud Smith attended the funeral
of Lee Dunavant’s baby at Nut Bush Sunday.
WILLIAMSTOWN—Mrs. I. C. Kee and children of Ripley, spent one day last
week with her parents, Mr.& Mrs. G. Best.
MASCEDONIA—Mrs. Marion Midyett is on the sick list.
Mr. Will Midyett and family , of the bluff, are visiting in the home
of his father, Marion Midyett.
Master Glenn Frazier was a visitor on the bluff Friday, in the home
of his brother, Chester Frazier.
ASBURY—Mr. Ellie Hughes died Monday afternoon at the County Home and
was buried the following at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday January 23,1925
WHITEFIELD—Mrs. I. B. Wheatley is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will
Chipman, near Golddust.
IN MEMORY—George W .Adkerson, son of Mr.& Mrs. E. L. Adkerson, of
Blytheville, Ark., died at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr.& Mrs. Joe
Fennell, at Gates on January 1st,1925.He had been with them all the
fall, but was sick only three weeks. He was 22 years, 5 months, and 15 days
of age, and was loved by all. He leaves a mother, father, five
brothers, three sisters and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral
services were held at the Baptist Church at Woodville, after which the
remains were laid to rest in the Woodville Cemetery.
GATES—Mr. Talmadge Hobson, from near Dyersburg, is visiting his
sister, Mrs. R. B. Willson.
EDITH—Miss Eddie Gale Grear left last week for Memphis, where she
will visit her sister, Mrs. Henry Elzey for several weeks.
Gus Brantley was called to Nankipoo last week by the illness of his
mother, Mrs. Norman Brantley, whose condition is somewhat improved at this
HENNING—Mrs. P. N. Conner, Jr., of Ripley, is a guest of her
aunt, Mrs. J. H. Poston.
Mrs. L. R. Dunavant is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Bolding in
Miss LaRue Lankford spent the weekend at Glimp with her
grandparents, Mr.& Mrs. Albert Crook.
Miss Elizabeth Dudley, of Memphis, was a guest of her
sister, Mrs. C. B. Lankford, Sunday and Monday.
RUTHERFORD—Mr. Marcus Erwin’s barn was destroyed by fire Friday. None
of the contents were saved.
Mrs. Myrtle Upton, of Dyersburg, is visiting her mother, Mrs. B. B. Gooch.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday January 30.1925
LEE ARCHER DIES—Mr. L. b. Archer died at his home in Ripley, Sunday
morning about 9 o’clock after an illness which had confined him to his
home nearly four years. A partial stroke of paralysis thirteen years ago
was the beginning of his illness. His second stroke came in
1921.Mr.Archer was born at Garland in Tipton County and was in his 66th
year. When a young man, he moved to Halls, where he held the posion of
depot agent for 12 years. He moved to Ripley in 1903.In 1890,he was
married to Miss Mamie Young, the daughter of Esq. J. F. Young of Halls. To
this union three children were born, Charles Archer of Pine
Bluff, AR., D. B. Archer of this city and Mrs. Clarence Thurmond of
Dyersburg; Three brothers also survive; W. T. Archer of Memphis, W. A. Archer
of Helena , AR., and I. S. Archer of Greensville, MS.The funeral was held at
his home, burial in Maplewood Cemetery.
A PEEP INTO THE PAST—Jan.28,1898–Mrs.Laurs Drumwright died at her
home in Glimp Tuesday===============================================.
BLUFF—Mr.& Mrs. Chester Frazier are parents of a son.
Oscar Koonce, of Arp, spent Saturday night with his
brother, J. H. Koonce.
Frank Duggan spent Saturday night and Sunday with his
sister, Mrs. Will Webb at Central.
Mrs. Lanny Escue and two children, of Dyer County, are spending this
week with her parents, Mr.& Mrs. John Sanford.
GATES—Mr.& Mrs. C. Bond of Louisville, KY., are parents of a son, born
Jan.22nd.Mrs.Bond will be remembered as Miss Bessie Mai Parker.
EDITH—Mrs. Myrt Hamby was called to Dry Hill last week by the
serious illness of her uncle, Mr. Jasper Cathey.
Mr.& Mrs. Walter Arwood and Mrs. Pearl Grear spent the Weekend in
Dyersburg with their mother, Mrs. C. R. Arwood.
The remains of Mr. Ollie Ferguson, of Halespoint, who died in a
Dyersburg hospital, were brought here and interred Monday at the Edith
cemetery. The deceased was a large land-owner of Halespoint and had been
sick only a few days with double pneumonia.
WHITEFIELD—Mr .John Criner of Morley, MO., is visiting his
grandparents, Mr.& Mrs. I. B. Wheatley.
Mrs. Odie Stone and little son, Edward, visited her parents, Mr. &
Mrs. Hugh Bray last week.
PERCIFUL—Our community was made sad on Monday,Jan.19th,when the
Death Angel came and claimed Mr. Savely. He had been confined to his bed
for several weeks. He leaves a wife and two sons. He was 50 years of age
and was laid to rest at Concord Wednesday.
LOCAL & PERSONAL—Mr.& Mrs. Ivan Garrett and little
daughter, Shirley, of Arp, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.&
Mrs. S. Y. Garrett.
An inch of snow fell Monday night and the ground is still covered
in white. The thermometer registered 16 degrees above zero Tuesday
morning, only 7 above Wednesday.
Mr. Pete Lankford,84 years of age, received quite a severe injury on
the head in a fall from the pavement in front of the Bank of Henning
Mrs. Demares Tucker,75 years of age, died Wednesday of paralysis at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Roberts, near Arp, and was buried at
Walnut Grove cemetery Thursday.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday January 30,1925
RUTHERFORD—Mr.& Mrs. Jaspers are parents of a daughter.
Mrs. S. C. Meter spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Ray at
CENTRAL—Mr. E. Thurmond has gone to Virginia and will be absent about
four months.
“Aunt” Martha Caldwell ,who in now in her 94th year, is very feeble
and is confined to her bed.
WOODVILLE—Mr. Avery Willis spent Saturday and Sunday with his
mother, Mrs. John Lancaster.
Mr. Alex Burlison spent Friday night in the home of his
sister, Mrs. Victor
Mr. Leon Perciful and wife and son spent the weekend at Forked Deer
with her mother, Mrs. G. E. Smith.
Mr.& Mrs. W. J. Wilson spent Sunday and Monday in Brownsville, visiting
their children; Mrs. G. T. Scott and S. B. Wilson.
Mrs. Richard Rogers and Mrs. Walton Evans of Memphis arrived to
attend the bedside of their sister, Mrs. Jack Dew, who has typhoid fever at
the home of her mother, Mrs. W. G. Smith.
Mrs. G. E. Smith was called to Memphis Friday of last week by the
serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Rufus Lemons, who underwent an
operation at the Baptist hospital. She was accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. Wiley Daniels.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday February 6th,1925
E. R. ANTHONY Dead—The sudden death of E. R. Anthony, which occurred at
his home near Durhamville, Wednesday morning, brought great sorrow to his
numerous friends. Mr. Anthony had just returned from one of his farms and
upon arriving home, complained of being sick. He was placed on his bed and
medical aid summoned. Death came within 30 minutes after the heart
attack. Deceased was owner of the firm of E. R. Anthony at
Durhamville, where for 35 or 40 years, he had been engaged in the
mercantile business. He owned several large tracts of land and was one of
Lauderdale’s largest planters. He was born in 1854 and had lived in
Lauderdale County all his life. He was married in 1886 to Miss Eddie
Jones, and to this union six children were born, five of whom
survive; Dr. D. H. Anthony of Memphis, Mrs. Alex Williamson of
Memphis, Mrs. Dick Smith of Jackson, Mrs. Norma Fisher of Durhamville and
Mr. E. T. Anthony of Ripley. He is also survived by his wife and three
brothers; Gus Anthony of Orysa, A. S. Anthony of Ripley, and Chas. Anthony of
Henning: and one sister, Mrs. L. C. Moorer of Jackson, MS. The funeral will be
held this afternoon at 2 o’clock at St. Paul’s Cemetery.
SOCIAL HAPPENINGS—Miss Shirley Craig and Mr. C. W. Ross drove to
Covington Saturday night and were married. The marriage was not announced
until Monday and was quite a surprise to relatives and friends. Mrs. Ross
is a daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. A. H. Craig and a pupil of Ripley High
School. Mr. Ross is a son of Mr.& Mrs. Will Ross.
CURVE—Mr. J. M. Vaden has smallpox.
Mrs. Frank Carmack and daughter, Etta arrived here last week from
Virginia and will make this their home.
Mrs. Ermon Blaver and little son of Memphis are visiting her
parents, Mr.& Mrs. G. P. Thompson.
HENNING—Mrs. Ola Vandyke returned to her home in Friendship
Monday, after a week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. B. F Wilkes
GATES—Word was received here Thursday of the death of the infant
son of Mr.& Mrs. C. Bond in Louisville, KY.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday February 6th,1925 continued
PLEASANT HILL—Mr. Tommie Ray was accidently killed Wednesday of last
week while felling a tree. The tree which he was cutting lodged in a
smaller one, and when he cut the smaller one, both fell on him before he
could get out of the way. His remains were laid to rest in Bethlehem. We
extend sympathy to his bereaved family.
LOCAL & PERSONAL—Two children of J. H. Whitehorn are ill with
A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Roy Paris, near Lightfoot, on January
Mrs. W. F. Boyd and daughter of Memphis, visited her
sister, Mrs. H. D. Mohon, several days this week.
The Newt Mason residence on Brownsville Street, occupied by three
families, was visited by fire Tuesday afternoon, and the kitchen used by
Mrs. Henry Young was considerably damaged, mostly by water.
Mrs. R. R. Halliburton spent Wednesday in Memphis and was accompanied
home by her son, Malcolm, who had been under treatment of Dr. Campbell the
past month, and who is gradually recovering from his recent second attack
of blood poisoning.
For-Sale—One forty-five foot cabin motor boat, without name or
number. This boat was seized by the U. S. Government on January 1st,1925,on
Yankee Bar in the Mississippi. Above boat will be sold to the highest
bidder on February 16th, 1925, at Halespoint, Tenn., in Lauderdale
County. R. C. Whitnel, Jr., Federal Prohibition Agent.
According to report of officers here, the store of King Rogers of
Dyersburg, was broken into and cash to amount of $160 and checks to amount
of $300,together with a large quantity of dry goods secured. The robbers
then stole the Packard car of Parker Green and left Dyersburg. About 7
o’clock Wednesday morning, the Packard was found one mile north of
Ripley, stuck in a mud hole. It had been abandoned and the officers here
believe the thieves took the early train for Memphis. Mr. Green came to
Ripley Wednesday and claimed his car.
ARP—Mrs. Josie Dunavant of Ripley, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James
Mrs. F. E. Becton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy Paris near
Mrs. Irene Cunningham, who died at her home near Williams Camp Ground
Saturday night, was buried the following day at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, in
the presence of a large number of relatives and friends.
Miss Lurline Weaver, who was attending high school in Ripley, had a
very painful accident last week, when the horse she was driving became
frightened and as she jumped from the buggy she broke her left limb. She
is getting along very well.
MARY’S CHAPEL—A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Pete Craig on January
PERCIFUL—Mr.& Mrs. Wesley Ellis are parents of a daughter, born
January 28th.
NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS—In the District Court of the United
States for the Western Division of Tennessee-No.6276.—In a matter of
Dan Klutts; and Dan Klutts & Company; bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. Notice is
hereby given, that on the 31st day of January 1925,the said Dan Klutts
and Dan Klutts & Co., was duly adjudicated bankrupt etc.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday February 13,1925
HALLS BOY REPORTED MISSING—J. B. Simmons, Jr., youthful son of
J. B. Simmons, prominent citizen of the Poplar Grove Community, four miles
north of Halls, mysteriously disappeared February 3rd.and all efforts to
locate him have proven futile. He was attending school at Poplar
grove, and when last seen was leaving Jones store going toward the school
building, which was only about 1/4 of a mile distant. His school books
were found in an old building between the store and the schoolhouse. Just
how he got out of the community, which is very thickly settled, without
being seen, is very remarkable. The boy is about 15 years old, about 5
feet,2 inches tall; weighs about 100 pounds; has blue eyes and dark brown
hair. When last seen, he wore light khaki pants and dark khaki shirt, grey
checked overcoat, leather leggings; tan shoes; and cloth top overshoes. He
has a scar on the back of each hand.
ADDITIONAL LOCALS—Aubrey L. Griggs, who lived near Ashport, died at
the Ripley hospital Monday and his remains were laid to rest in the
Lightfoot Cemetery Wednesday. His death followed an operation for
appendicitis which, it is said, was delayed too long. He was 28 years of
age and is survived by his wife, who was Miss Mattie Blanche Pitts, and
three children.
MARY’S Chapel— Mrs. J. A. Wilson left Tuesday for Memphis to enter the
Baptist Hospital to be treated for cancer.
The remains of Mr. Joe Mills, who died at his home near Toulon last
Sunday afternoon, were brought to this place and laid to rest Monday
afternoon in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends and
relatives. A wife and six children survived.
LUCKETT—Mrs. Lizzie Smith & Miss Audrey Wakefield of Memphis were
called here last week by the illness of their little brother, Onas
Gaines, who is reported no better.
CONCORD—Mr.& Mrs. Brantley were called to Nankipoo by the death of
his mother, Mrs. Brantley.
BLUFF—Mr. Will Kellick and family, from near Edith, visited the
Chester Frazier home Sunday.
LOCAL & PERSONAL—Billy, two year-old son of Mr.& Mrs. I. C. Kee, was
painfully, but not seriously burned Monday morning, when his clothing
became ignited before an open grate.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday February 20th 1925
A PEEP INTO THE PAST—February 18th,1898
The death of W. H. Jackson, which occurred at his home near Ripley early
yesterday morning, removes a valued citizen and an old landmark of
Lauderdale County. He came to this county in 1865.He served several years
as clerk of the county court and for a long time was a prominent
merchant here. He served with honor and distinction as a Confederate
soldier and died as brave as he fought. The funeral services will take
place today at 10 o’clock at the Methodist Church, burial in Maplewood
GATES—Master Freel Buffaloe, of Memphis, spent the weekend with his
grandparents, Mr.& Mrs. J. B. Williams.
Dr.& Mrs. R. B. Wilson were called to Memphis Friday by the death of
their uncle, Dr. Sam Wilson.
Mr.& Mrs. Tip Worrell and Mr.& Mrs. Ed Worrell, of Trenton, were called
here Friday by the death of their brother, W. T. Jones.
Mesdames N. Prichard, Mollie King and S. S. McGaveck, of Dyersburg and
Mrs. Rawls of Halls, were called here Tuesday by the death of
Mr. J. H. Hartman.
Mrs. A. B. Strain and children of Memphis, Mr. Ed Hartman and family of
Curve, Mr.& Mrs. J. Wortham of Covington, Mrs. W. D. Wells and sons of Forked
Deer, were called here Tuesday by the death of their father and
grandfather, Mr. J. H. Hartman.
Mr. J. H. Hartmen died at his home here Monday night. Funeral services
were conducted by Dr. L. K. Harding of the Henning Christian
Church. Interment in the Gates Cemetery followed. He was a member of
Gates Lodge No.682.F.& A. M., and was buried with Masonic honors.
After an illness of several months, Mr. W. T. Jones, age 52 years, died
at his home here Thursday night of last week. Funeral services were
conducted by his pastor, Rev. J. K. Paffoprd at the M. E. Church Saturday
afternoon at 2 o’clock and the remains laid to rest in the Gates
Cemetery. Deceased was a member of Gates Lodge No.682,and was buried with
Masonic honors. Mr. Jones had been a resident of Gates for 13 years and
numbered among our most progressive citizens and business man. He was a
steward in the Methodist Church and a good man. He is survived by a
wife; two sisters, Mrs. Tip Worrell & Mrs. Ed Worrell of Trenton; one
nephew, Collins Graves; and one niece, Miss Louise Graves, who made their
home with him, and to whom he was indeed a father.
LIGHTFOOT—Mrs. Jack Wright was called to Forked Deer by the illness
of her father.
An infant son of Mr.& Mrs. Dee Grigsby is quite ill.
WOODVILLE—George Stanley of Durhamville visited his
brother-in-law, W. T. Leggett the past week.
Mrs. Morris Stallings and little daughters of Halls, spent the
weekend with her sister, Mrs. Levi Clark.
PAUL HAMBY DEAD—The hearts of many of our people were made sad by
the death of Paul Hamby at his home in Ripley Saturday
night,Feb.14th,after an illness of one year. Mr. Hamby was born in
Edith, June 27th,1907,but moved with his parents when he was quite young
to Arp, where he lived until about two years ago, when with his mother and
sister, he moved to Memphis, where he held a responsible position until
the time of his illness. He spent eight months in Oakville Sanatorium
trying to regain his health, but he steadily grew worse and on January
6th.retuned with his mother to Ripley ,where he passed away .Funeral
services at Mt. Pleasant Church, burial in church cemetery. He is survived
by his mother, four brothers and two sisters.
HENNING—Mr.& Mrs. J. H. Wyse of Gainesville, Texas are parents of a son.
Mrs. Marvin Griffith, of Memphis, is here to visit her parents, Mr. &
Mrs. J. B. Coker.
Mrs. Raymond Gee of St. Louis is here to visit her parents, Mr. &
Mrs. J. B. Ballard.
GOLDDUST—Mr. Tabe Brown of Lightfoot, spent Sunday with his
parents, Mr.& Mrs. John Brown.
Mrs. Ray Shoemake, of Plum Point spent Friday with her
sister-in-law, Mrs. M. M. Shoemake, who is quite sick.
Mr.& Mrs. Stanley Minner and children, spent Sunday with his
brother, Mr. Elbert Minner and family at Pleasant Hill.
Mr. Clyde Brown and family spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.& Mrs.
John Brown and Saturday night with Mrs. Brown’s parents, Mr.&
Mrs. W. J. Stone.
CEDAR GROVE—Mr.& Mrs. Will Drumwright are parents of a son, born
February 3rd.
GLIMP—Mr.& Mrs. John Gaines and children spent Saturday and Sunday
near Ripley with the latter’s mother; Mrs. T. F. Moore.
RUTHERFORD—Mr.& Mrs. John Duncan, from near Nankipoo, visited in the
T. L. Meeks home Sunday afternoon.
Mr.& Mrs. A. A. Gooch and son, John D., visited in the J. A. Hutcherson
home near Nankipoo Sunday.
Mrs. S. C. Meter has returned to her home after an extended stay with
her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Ray, near Unionville.
FORKED DEER—Mrs. Dalton Leggett of Memphis, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. T. N. Leggett.
Mr. Raymon Akin spent last weekend with his sister, Mrs. Mack
Dunavant, at Brighton.
Mr.& Mrs. J.C. Wesson, Mesdames J. W. Warren, Lee Hardy, Will Clark, John
Carter; Mr.& Mrs. W. J. Humphries, Mr.& Mrs. Cecil Humpries and Mr. Joyce
Humphries attended the funeral of Mr. Tom Jones at Gates Sunday
ASBURY—Henry Luton and mother attended the funeral of Paul Hamby at
Arp Sunday afternoon.
Mr.& Mrs. B. L. Cunningham of Millington, are guests of her
parents, Mr.& Mrs. Thomas Burns Sunday.
Mrs. Edgar Haynes and children spent several days last week at
Ashport, guests of her sister, Mrs. Robert Burks.
Ernest Arnold and family of Hurricane Hill, spent Sunday in the
home of parents, Mr.& Mrs. P. G. Maynard.
PERCIFUL—Mrs. J. E. White spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. C. Layne
at Concord.
WHITEFIELD—A little son of Jim Latham is sick with pneumonia.
Miss Effie Burns spent the week with her aunt, Mrs. George Miller at
Mrs. J. A. Grimes spent the last week in Ripley nursing her little
niece, Katherine Graham, who stuck a splinter through her hand while
LUCKETT—Miss Emily Nelson of Golddust, is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. H. B. McGarrity.
Little G. W. Jones, Jr., spent Friday with his sister, Mrs. C. H. Webb at
CURVE—The infant son of Mr.& Mrs. Ermon Beaver died at the home of
his grandparents, Mr.& Mrs. G. P. Thompson, Sunday morning after a brief
illness. Funeral services were held at the home Monday morning, interment
was in Covington Cemetery.
LOCAL & PERSONAL— Bill & Barbee Majors are ill with the mumps.
Mrs. Montell Rice and son, Taylor, are both ill with the flu.
Mrs. R. S. Maclin is numbered among those who are ill with the mumps.
Mrs. Kenney, of Fulton, KY., spent Sunday with her
daughter, Mrs. L. C. Wood.
Little Frances Smith has been sick several days at the residence
of Mrs. J. A. Jackson.
Mrs. C. B. Brooks of Ft. Worth, TX., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hattie
J. A. Johnson left Wednesday for Skene, MS., on a visit to his
daughter, Mrs. L. T. Garrett.
LOCAL & PERSONALS—Mrs. C. E. Snyder returned Friday from a weeks’
visit with her sister, Mrs. R. E. Hood in Brownsville.
Miss Willie Bell Adams of Holdenville, Okla., spent a few days this
week with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Lancaster.
W. R. Buttram died suddenly Sunday afternoon at Halespoint, from a
heart failure and was buried Monday at Arp.
Miss Kate Griggs, aged 76 years, died Tuesday at her home near
Lightfoot, after a few days illness of pneumonia. She was laid to rest in
the Old Herman Cemetery near Henning Wednesday.
Mr.& Mrs. Chas. L. Montague are the happiest people in Ripley on
account of the arrival of a daughter at their home last Saturday. The
young lady has been christened Katherine Larimore Montague.
Mrs. Mag Best underwent quite a trying ordeal last Friday at the
home of I. C. Kee where she was visiting. Her nose began bleeding at 3
o’clock in the morning and bled for 8 hours before relief was had.
Mr.& Mrs. H. C. Daugherty of Golddust, after spending several days with
their son, L. L. Daugherty in Ripley, left Tuesday for Memphis to visit
their granddaughter, Mrs. Ed Campbell. Mr. Daugherty’s home in Golddust was
recently destroyed by fire, caused from a defective flue, the loss being
about $500 over and above the insurance.
SIDNEY S. SCOTT DEAD—Sidney Samuel Scott of Fulton, KY., died from
heart disease at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lillian Scott Martin of
Normal, TN., He became ill several weeks ago in Fulton, KY., but he gained
strength and was sufficiently recovered to visit his sister about a week
ago. Soon after his arrival in Memphis, he was forced to return to bed. He
was in the printing business in Fulton at the time of his death. Prior to
that he was a newspaperman working with the Fulton Dailey Leader, and the
Princeton, KY., Leader. He was 62 years of age at the time of his death. He
was born in Durhamville, TN. He was a resident of Fulton for 20 years. He
leaves besides his sister, two brothers; James K. Scott of Ripley and
Lucian H. Scott of Pueblo, Colo. The remains were brought to Ripley
Saturday morning and laid to rest in St. Paul Cemetery after funeral
services in the Ripley Methodist Church.
Ripley, Tennessee Friday February 27th,1925
DEAD—The sudden death of W. H. VOLKMAR, which occurred at his home at
Fort Pillow,25 miles west of here Saturday night ,was a distinct shock
to his many friends in Ripley and all over the county. For many years ,he
has been affected with a throat trouble, but members of his immediate
family were not alarmed over this. Saturday night at the supper
table, without warning he fell from his chair to the floor, suffering a
heart attack. His wife immediately called his son, who was at the store
nearby, but by the time further assistance could arrive, Mr. Volkmar was
Mr. Volkmar was one of the county’s leading planters and business
men, owning about 1200 acres of fine delta land in the Mississippi
bottom. He was born in Louisville, KY.,68 years ago. When quite young, he
moved to Memphis, where he resided until 1884,when he came to Lauderdale
County. He is survived by his wife ;and two children; Ward Volkmar of Fort
Pillow and Mrs. W. R. Smith, Jr., of Camden, AR.; four sisters also
survive, Mrs. F. A. Henry and Mrs. George W. Young of Ripley, Mrs. B. A. Hobbs of
Wilson, VA., and Mrs. C. L. Dupuy of Marianna, Ar. The funeral was held Monday
afternoon at 2:30 in the Methodist Church, interment in the Maplewood
INFORMATION WANTED—Mr. W. E., or Will Sinclair, age 45, slender
build, height about 5 ft.,10 in., fair complexion, light blue eyes and
blonde hair, with some gold work done on teeth. Last seen in
August,1912, two miles north of Ripley, Tenn. Information leading to his
whereabouts will be rewarded. This February 21,1925. —His brother; John
C. Keltner. –Ripley, TN., Route # 2.
MRS. R. C. KLUTTS GOES TO HER REWARD—The death of Mrs. R. C. Klutts, which
occurred in Jackson at 5:30 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, following an
operation in Crook’s Sanatorium, was indeed a shock to the people of
Ripley, among whom she had lived for 60 years, and who esteemed her as one
of our city’s most loveable, consecrated Christian women. Mrs. Klutts had
been on a visit to her daughters, Mrs. Harris Brown and Mrs. B. M. Elam, in
Jackson for the past month. She became suddenly ill early Wednesday
morning and steadily grew worse, when she was taken to the sanatorium in
a final effort to save her life.
Deceased was a prominent member of the Ripley Baptist Church and was
the widow of the late R. C. Klutts, who up to the time of his death about
two years ago, was for many years a leading citizen, merchant and banker
in Ripley. Besides her two daughters, Mrs. Klutts is survived by five
sons; Will A. Klutts of Miami, Fla., Henry Klutts of Iowa, Alonza, Robert and
Broadus Klutts, all of Ripley. Mrs. Klutts was born near Selmer in McNairy
County and was 64 years of age at the time of her death. Her maiden name
was Sophronia Maness, moving to Lauderdale County with her parents when a
mere child. Only one brother of her immediate family survives, Mr. Mack
Maness, of Ripley.
As we go to press Thursday afternoon, the remains were scheduled to
arrive in Ripley on the evening train. Final arrangements for the funeral
have not been made awaiting the arrival of the children. Interment will
be in Maplewood Cemetery.
NINETY YEARS YOUNG—Mrs. Mary A. Hedgepeth, who has made her home with
her son, J. W. Hedgepeth, since the death of her husband, the late Dr, Josiah
Hedgepeth, celebrated her 90th birthday Wednesday, February, the 25th. She
was a native of North Carolina, having moved to Lauderdale County in
SHOT AT DANCE–ANDREW BUTTRAM was killed Saturday night, three miles
north of Halespoint on the Mississippi River. Buttram and his wife had
attended a dance, which broke up about 11:30 and it is said they were
going to their auto when he was shot four times, one of the loads taking
affect in his leg, two in his body and one in his head, resulting in death
instantaneously. No motive is assigned for the deed insofar as we have
been able to ascertain.
Sheriff Craig went to Dyersburg Tuesday where he was met by Jess
Green, charged with the crime, who was enroute to Ripley to give himself
up. Buttram was about 38 years of age and is survived by his wife and one
Ripley, Tennessee Friday February 27th,1925
ADDITIONAL LOCALS—Mrs. A. H. Young was stricken with a hemorrhage of
the brain Tuesday afternoon, and while her condition is still serious, she
is reported much improved Thursday morning. Her son, Mr. Stuart Young of
Culver Ind. Military Institute arrived Wednesday night. Her grand
daughter, Mrs. L. H. Dooley, of Chattanooga, is also attending her bedside.
BLUFF—Miss Gertie Howard was carried to Memphis Sunday for an
operation for appendicitis.
Mrs. B. M. Reddick and Mrs. J. H. Harrell, spent the first of last week at
the bedside of their mother, Mrs. S. H. Harrell at Dry Hill.
Messrs. S. J.& G. C. Webb went to Halespoint Monday after the body of
Andrew Buttram, which was buried the same day at Grace Cemetery. He leaves
a wife and baby.
CONNER—Mrs. Bob Murley and children are visiting relatives here.
Mr.& Mrs. Luther Heathcott are parents of a son, born Feb.23rd.
Mrs. J. T. Kirkess is attending the bedside of her little grand
daughter, Mildred Coker, in Ripley.
LIGHTFOOT—Mr. E. S. Meter is on the sick list.
An infant of Mr.& Mrs. Dee Grigsby was buried here Tuesday.
Mr.& Mrs. Charlie Griggs, of Ripley, attended the funeral of Miss Kate
Griggs Wednesday of last week.
CEDAR GROVE—Mr. Fred Hutcherson, who has been sick the past two weeks
is improving.
John Hutcherson has moved his family from Memphis to Mr. R. L. Sellers
A baby was born to Mr.& Mrs. Sales Sunday, only lived four hours and
was laid to rest in Grace Cemetery afternoon.
GATES—W. B. Shannon of Dresden, spent Monday here with his
son, E. J. Shannon.
Mrs. R. L. Siler and baby, Rosemary, of Halls, spent Tuesday with her
mother, Mrs. W. B. Perry.
Ed Hartman and family, who moved here from Curve, are making their
home with his mother, Mrs. Sallie Hartman.
IN MEMORY—The community of Nankipoo was made very sad on February
6th,1925,by the death of one of our oldest and most beloved
citizens; MRS. NANNIE LEE ABERNATHY BRANTLY, wife of our dear old
Brother, S. N. Brantley. Mrs.Brantley was born in Middle Tennessee, June
9th,1852.At the age of five years, she moved with her parents to Haywood
County and later to Madison County, where she lived until 1869,when she
came to Lauderdale County, and had resided for more than 60 years in the
immediate community in which she lived and where she was known and loved
by all. She was the mother of 14 children and in addition reared 6
children. On August 17th,1865,she was married to Bro. Brantley, and the
union of two wedded hearts in love was most beautiful and strong.
But the tie, however strong, must sooner or later be broken by the
stroke of death. The primary cause of her death is God. The secondary
cause may be any one of many many ills. This world is called a vale of
tears, and rightly so; and if there is anyone place where tears flow
faster than any other, it is where a loving wife and precious mother lies
cold in death. Where there is most love, there is keenest sorrow.
But to the large family of sons and daughters, grandchildren and great
grandchildren, weep and sorrow not as those who have no hope. Grandmother
Brantley loved and believed in God. She loved the Methodist Church of
which she was a lifelong member. But most of all she loved and believed
in you—her precious children. Your hearts are sad—you miss her—but
cheer up, she is now in Heaven awaiting your coming.
S. R. HART; P.C.
WHITEFIELD—Mrs. M. F. Bray, of Mary’s Chapel is visiting her
son, H. H. Bray
WHITEFIELD—H. H. Bray spent Friday with his brother, Jim Bray near
Mr.& Mrs. J. A. Brogdon and children spent Saturday and Sunday with
parents, Mr.& Mrs. H. H. Bray.
KNOB CREEK—Lester Goodwin and Mrs. Alma Woodard surprised many of
their friends Wednesday afternoon by going to Dyersburg and getting
ASBURY—Mr.& Mrs. H. K. Maynard are parents of a daughter, born February
A little child of Jasper Henderson has been seriously ill with
CENTRAL—G. A. Webb is able to be up some. He has heart
H. C. Prescott is confined to his bed. He is over 80
years old.
Mrs. David Newman of Memphis, who is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Tom
Cagle, has been confined to her bed with the flu.
W. G. Barbour went to Memphis last week, to see his son, Preston.
Felix Howard, who has been sick seven weeks with typhoid fever, is better.
Little Helen Hancock is getting along nicely and is now with her
aunt, Mrs. Edgar Langley.
Mr.& Mrs. Cornelius Arwood went to Halespoint last week to see his
father; J. M. Arwood.
Mr.& Mrs. Jesse Thompson went to Memphis last week to see their
daughter, Mrs. Lawson Johnson.
LOCAL & PERSONAL—Mrs. Joe Colvin, of Montgomery, Ala., is visiting her
parents, Mr.& Mrs. L. L. Daugherty.
Mrs. Tom Jones returned to her home in Dyersburg Wednesday, after a
weeks’ visit with parents, Mr.& Mrs. L. G. Rogers.
MASCEDONIA—Leonard Beard was a visitor in the home of Mr. Marion
Midyett Monday.
Miss Mamie Frazier, of Memphis, has been sick for several days at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Mittie Frazier.