1923 Lauderdale County Enterprise – Jan 5-Aug 10
Mr.& Mrs. J. A. HUTCHESON left Monday on a visit to Rev. W. F. BARRIER and wife at Binghampton.
Mr. J. Avery WEBB, a prominent attorney, of New York City, is visiting his mother, Mrs. M. D. WEBB.
Mrs. M. D. WEBB was able to return home Friday from Memphis, where she had been
undergoing treatment for several weeks.
Mrs. I. N. ESCUE celebrated her 59th birthday December 30th, at her home in Forked Deer, all the children except three being present. Those present were: Bob ESCUE and family; Jim HOWARD and family; Bob MURLEY and family; George LOVELL and family; Newt ESCUE and family; Dave ESCUE and family; Arnold ESCUE and family and Cecil ESCUE.
Messer’s D. H. HUTCHERSON and Jacob MAXWELL spent Wednesday in Blytheville, Ark.
A daughter was born to Mr.& Mrs. M. E. MATTHEWS, of Tishomingo, Miss., at the
home of Mrs. Emma KLUTTS in Ripley.
Mr. Dan A. KLUTTS is on the sick list.
Mr. Tom KLUTTS spent Monday in Ripley.
***WOODVILLE*** Mrs. Isaac BURLISON and little daughter, of Okla., were
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wiley DANIELS last week.
***LOCAL AND PERSONAL***Monday evening, Mrs. MIDYETT entertained in honor
of her cousin, Mr. Edgar VAUGHT, of Big Springs, Texas, who is her houseguest at this
Mrs. D. H. HUTCHERSON has been sick the past week with the flu.
***Mr. Sanford WEBB moved to Blytheville, Ark., last week.
***ARP*** Mrs. Alma MIDYETT, of Ripley, spent Friday afternoon with her
aunt, Mrs. Joe S. HALE Sr.
***RIPLEY LOCAL*** Mr. L. J. HUTCHERSON, of Missouri, is visiting in Ripley
and vicinity.
***LIGHTFOOT***Mr.& Mrs. Elbert LOCKARD and children spent Sunday with
relatives at Luckett.
Mrs. Erastus SMITH died at her home here Thursday with pneumonia. Her remains were
laid to rest in Poplar Grove Cemetery.
***MARY’s CHAPEL***Quite a large crowd attended the funeral of Mr. Frank WILLIAMS here last week.
Among those on the sick list are David MANESS and William KLUTTS.
H.H., little son of Mr.& Mrs. Tom KLUTTS died Sunday night with bronchial pneumonia, and the remains were laid to rest the following day at 2:30. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. F. SAVAGE, of Ripley. He was a bright sweet baby and was only spared to the fond parents seven months and 29 days, when God saw fit to take him home after a few days of intense suffering. All that loving hands and medical skill could do was done but to no avail. The trained nurse arrived at 5 o’clock and the little fellow died about 8 o’clock.
***EDITH***Mr.& Mrs. P. S. ANDREWS, of Friendship, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. L.
***WALNUT GROVE***Mr. Horace TUCKER and Miss Mary Alice WALKER surprised their many friends last Saturday by getting married.
***RIPLEY LOCALS*** Lost, in Ripley, bar pin, set with two diamonds. Return to Mrs. Dan KLUTTS and be rewarded.
Mr. Paul SAVAGE spent Wednesday in Memphis.
The remains of Mrs. F. C. CARTER, who died in Henning Wednesday, were brought to Ripley yesterday and laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery.
J. W., little son of Mr.& Mrs. Henry ADKERSON, is quite sick with pneumonia.
Georgetta HUTCHERSON continues ill, but is improving.
Mr. Warner PACE left Tuesday for Greenville, Miss.
Dr. W. G. L. BLACKWELL, of Sugar Land, Texas, Mrs. J. W. COVINGTON, of
Greenville, Miss., and Mrs. Lola GILLISPIE, of Memphis, were called home Saturday by the sudden death of their father, Mr. T. J. BLACKWELL.
Emmett Eugene, infant son of Mr.& Mrs. Eugene THURMOND died Thursday, Feb.1st, at age four weeks. The funeral services were held Friday at noon, at the home of Jim THURMOND, by Rev. W. B. RALPH. The remains were laid to rest in the Thurmond cemetery.
***HENNING***Mrs. Therza Meazles CARTER, wife of Mr .Frank CARTER, a merchant of this place, passed away quietly January 31, 1923. She was 59 years of age. Owing to the failing health, Mrs. Carter had been confined to her home for quite awhile, but bore her confinement with the greatest patience and cheerfulness. The community extends deepest sympathy to the bereaved husband, and may he be made to feel by Divine instinct, that his loss, is her eternal gain. Funeral service was held at the Baptist Church in Henning the following day @ 10 a.m. and interment was in Maplewood Cemetery.
***CENTRAL*** J. M. DEW, who was taken from this place a short time since to
the home of his son, near Nankipoo is seriously ill.
Mrs. Willie CALDWELL, who has been ill for sometime suffering with appendicitis, will have to be taken to Memphis soon to undergo surgery.
W. D. GITCHELL, who left here in December and went to Blytheville, Ark., had to take his daughter, Edna, to Memphis last week to undergo an operation. We hear she is not doing so well.
***RIPLEY LOCAL***Mr. Albert HUTCHESON is numbered among the sick.
Mr. W. B. MIDYETT spent Wednesday in Memphis.
Mr. L. J. HUTCHERSONis sick in the home of Mr. Dave HUTCHERSON.
Dr. & Mrs. G. A. LUSK left last week for Dallas, Texas, on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. F. W. BONDURANT.
A telegram Tuesday night from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to relatives in Ripley, announced the death of Miss Pauline GAUSE, eldest daughter of Mrs. W. A. GAUSE. The remains will be brought to Ripley for interment Saturday, due notice of which will be given later. The relatives resided in Eureka Springs, Ark., but the deceased had been in New Mexico several months in hopes of regaining her failing health. She is survived by her mother, one sister, Elizabeth; one brother, Williamson GAUSE, the latter being in St. Louis.
Mr. B. W. MOCKBEE, who had been a citizen of Ripley several years, engaged in the tin business, died Tuesday at the county farm, after a brief illness. About two months ago when it became evident that he would have to undergo an operation for mastoids, he went to he farm, but he had been coming to town for treatments every few days, in fact, was in Ripley the morning of the day he died. He is said to have two sons residing in Kentucky and a married daughter in Kansas City, Mo., with whom his wife resided. Only one son had ever visited here, and but little is known of his past record.
A little child of Mr. & Mrs. Will SMITH; who reside near Ripley, was brought here and buried Monday. May God bless and comfort the bereaved parents.
Among those called here by the death of Mr. D. F. ELDER last week were: Mrs. Jim COWAN and daughter, Miss Carrie, and sons, Jack & Monroe; Mr. Aaron McBROOM and family of Pleasant Hill; and Mrs. UNDERWOOD and daughter.
***DEATH***After a week’s illness of pneumonia, D. F. ELDER departed this life on February 6th,being 48 years old. On August 17th, 1907, he was married to Miss Eula COWAN and to this union were born seven children, four boys and three girls, two boys and one girl preceded him in death. Mr. Elder was a kind father and husband and had many friends. He also leaves one sister. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. F. SAVAGE, of Ripley.
***IN MEMORY***In memory of our deceased member, Mr. Dave ELDER, who died February 6th,1923__To the members of his family and relatives, his fellow
counselors extend their heartfelt sympathy. Mr. Elder was a loyal member of Local
United Farmers of America. He was a member of Local 185; Whitefield ____ J.S. WALDRON, SEC.
***EDITH***Mrs. Simon MEADOWS, who has been ill, is able to be up.
***MASCEDONIA***Mr.& Mrs. Leonard BEARD are spending a few days here with
her parents, Mr.& Mrs. R. M. MIDYETT.
***RIPLEY LOCAL***Informal affair Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Wm. TUCKER, Jr., entertained at forty-two __two tables being arranged for the games. Numbered among the guests were Mrs. W. W. CRAIG; Mrs. Will KLUTTS; and Mrs. Dan KLUTTS.
Thursday night, Mrs Will KLUTTS was honoree at a prettily planned party when Mrs. Dan KLUTTS entertained for her.
Mr. Robert KLUTTS spent Wednesday in Memphis.
***WALNUT GROVE***Mr. J. F. HALFACRE of Stonewell, visited his daughter here Sunday.
***DEATH***G. T. SINCLAIR, 50, a farmer of Cherry, whom it is alleged was shot by Cleve McCALL, a neighbor, during an altercation two weeks ago, died late Sunday night at the General Hospital in Memphis. Sinclair was carried to Memphis the day after the shooting and for awhile after a major operation, it was thought he would recover. McCall was arrested and bound over to Circuit Court.
***DEATH***On Wednesday, February 14th, 1823, the Angel of Death visited the home of Everette E. DUGGAN, and took from us our dear grandfather. He was laid to rest in Enon Cemetery the following day, funeral services being conducted by Rev. RALPH of Curve. He was 87 years and four months of age. William Simmons DUGGAN was born October 15th, 1835 at Taraboro, NC, and came to this county when a child with his parents, being among the first settlers of West Tennessee. At an early age, he joined the Methodist Church and was a faithful Christian until death. During the Civil War he served as a Confederate. He was married in young manhood to Miss Emily CRICHFIELD, and fifty years they worked side by side, through joys and sorrows for their home and children whom they loved, their home being broken up by the death of his companion, our dear grandmother, on 13th August, 1913. To their union was born ten children, five having passed to the Great Beyond, while four sons; Jas. F. DUGGAN, John F. & Everette DUGGAN, all of this place and B. S. DUGGAN, of Herber Springs, Ark., also one daughter, Mrs. S. F. HINTON, of this community survive to mourn his death. His was the largest family of his community, having in number; 50 grandchildren, all of whom loved and honored him. Although we were such a large family of children, he loved us all. He was interested in all of us, in the welfare of his community and the world at large, and did all in his power to make this world a better place to live in. His Granddaughter: Annie.
***DEATH***Mrs. Mary Virginia STRAIN, aged 81 years, widow of the late Abijah STRAIN, of Lauderdale County, passed away peacefully at 5 o’clock Tuesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tom HANNA. In early womanhood, she was married to Mr. Abijah STRAIN, who preceded her to the grave leaving the widow with four small children, three of whom survive her. She was a devoted member of the Baptist Church. The funeral took place at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon from the residence of Mrs. HANNA, interment in Munford Cemetery. Surviving children; Mrs. Tom HANNA, Mr. A. B. STRAIN, of Memphis; and Mrs. Claud SMITH; one brother, S. E. LOVELACE, of Oakland, Miss; and two sisters, Mrs. C. E. RAMSEY of Amarillo, Texas and Mrs. H. D. MILLEN, of Halls, TN. (The Covington Leader)
***LUCKETT***Mrs. C. A. McGARRITY and children , of Ripley, are spending the week here.
—Mr. Elbert LOCKARD and children and Mr. Willie BARNES of Lightfoot were here Sunday.
Miss Evelyn McGARRITY, of Ripley, spent from Friday till Sunday here, the guest of Mrs. Pearl WAKEFIELD.
***RIPLEY BRIDGE CLUB***Friday afternoon, Mrs. E. E. PUGH was the charming hostess to the Auction Club, and a few other friends who were Mrs. Will KLUTTS and Mrs. W. T. SAVAGE.
***BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON***Mary Botts HOLMES celebrated her 11th birthday Saturday having among her guests, Mary Louise HUTCHERSON.
***RUTHERFORD***Mr. E. S. METER and children of Lightfoot, spent Sunday in the J. GRADY home and were accompanied home by Miss Gussie METER.
***LOST***$5.00 reward–for one Hamilton watch, gold filled but in a silver case, 17 jewels and the back has a little dent in it. Lost in Henning or between Henning and Lightfoot. Albert LOCKARD Rt.#6,Box 487,Ripley.
***RIPLEY***Mary. little daughter of Mr. & Mrs. B. L. JACKSON died last Friday.
Mrs. George W. HUTCHERSON and daughter, Georgetta, spent Saturday in Memphis.
***LIGHTFOOT***Mr. Clarence METER of Golddust, spent Friday night in the S.E. METER home.
***ATTEMPTS SUICIDE***On a cot at Baptist Memorial Hospital Monday, Ethel PAIGE, pretty 19-year-old girl of Gates, TN., promised her father she was going home. She was recovering from a self administered dose of iodine, taken with suicidal intent Sunday in the home of her chum, Pearl HENDERSON, at 148 Linden Ave.
***NOTICE***Money to lend on real estate. E. S. METER .Rt.#6,Ripley.
***WOODVILLE***Mr. Irvin CHAPMAN, of Brownsville, spent Saturday night and Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. Sallie CHAPMAN.
***WALNUT GROVE***Mr.& Mrs. Roy COX spent one night last week here with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. C. DIAL.
***PERCIFUL***Mrs. Joe FENNELL and daughter visited this place Saturday afternoon.
***MARY’S CHAPEL***Mr. Bud SMITH and family of near Conner, spent Sunday in the home of Charles KLUTTS.
***CEDAR GROVE***Mr. Presley HUTCHERSON & wife, of Ripley, were visitors here Sunday.
Miss Hattie KELTNER, of Ripley, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Dovie HUTCHERSON, a few days the past week.
***LUCKETT***Mr. Jack WAKEFIELD and niece, Miss Enon McGARRITY, of Ripley, were at this place Sunday.
Mr.& Mrs. Elbert LOCKARD, of Lightfoot, were guests of Mr.& Mrs. G. W. JONES Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Joe TEMPLE and son, Montelle, of Asbury, were guests of her sister, Mrs. A. I. WEBB Friday night. They were accompanied home by Mr. Isaac WEBB.
***RIPLEY LOCALS***Mr.& Mrs. J. B. CHAPMAN have returned home from a visit to relatives in Memphis.
Mrs. T. A. WEBB, of Blytheville, Ark., visited friends and relatives in the county last week.
Mrs. Dan KLUTTS, Mrs. H. B. NUNN, and Miss Lillie RAGON returned Sunday night after several days visit in Memphis.
Miss Rose RAGON, of Memphis, visited her sister, Mrs. Dan KLUTTS, the first of the week, leaving Friday for Bolivar.
A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. B. M. ELAM at their home in Jackson. He has been christened Robert Klutts ELAM.
A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. L. E. THORNLEY Monday night. He has been christened Lionald Eugene THORNLEY.
“Aunt” Mary JOHNSON, a faithful old colored servant of Ripley, died at her home Wednesday. She was on her way to work when stricken with paralysis and was carried home and never regained consciousness. She was about 70 years old.
***IN LOVING MEMORY***It becomes my sad and painful duty to write in memory of my dear wife, Mrs. Jennie WHITE, daughter of Mrs. J. T. WADE, who was born June 20th, 1895, and departed this life February 12th, 1923, making her stay on earth 27 years, 7 months, and 22 days. She was married to Dave WHITE on February 14th, 1914; to this union two children were born, Robert Lee and Carnie. She leaves her husband; two children; father; stepmother; three brothers; and seven sisters to mourn her death. Funeral was held 13th February 1923, burial in Poplar Grove Cemetery.
***A CYCLONE NEAR JACKSON***in the vicinity of Pinson and Deansburg, Tenn., 16 known dead and 75 injured. 15 killed in Pinson, 6 white, 9 negroes. In Deanburg, 1 dead; Charles CANE, son of C. C. CANE, of Deansburg, died as a result of a fractured skull. DEAD in Pinson: Mrs. J. L. JAMES. wife of a Methodist pastor.; Mrs. B. G. VANTRESS and daughters, Madge & Mabel.; two children of Mr. & Mrs. J. C. ERVIN, one four months old, and 6 year old Howard.; The bodies of the eight of the nine negroes have been identified (unnamed here). H. GOFER and his wife were badly injured when their home was wrecked.; C. V. FIELDS and his wife,; J. C. McDANIEL and his wife & daughter,; James B. WEIR and his wife,; Mrs. Corina Hollis and son, Clyde,; and Lacy PRICE, were all seriously injured. List of injured in a Jackson sanitarium are,; C. F. CALLIE, fractured hips,; Mrs. C. F. CALLIE, fractured ribs,; Miss Beulah CALLIE, fracture of both leg bones,; Willie CALLIE, leg crushed and internal injuries, very serious,; Mrs. J. C. IRVIN, contusions over body,; Luna IRVIN, contusions over body. Also many more with less injuries.
***RIPLEY***A daughter was born to Mr.& Mrs. N. E. STARK, of Kansas City, Mo., at the home of Mr. Jerome WILLIAMS Sunday.
Miss Mildred CHAPMAN, of Halls spent the weekend with Miss Geraldine WHITE.
***HENNING***Mrs. Lee ZIEGEIGRUHER, of Edmond, Okla., who was called to Brownsville by the death of her mother, Mrs. John WINDROW, is spending this week in the home of Mr.& Mrs. H. W. JORDON.
***DEATH***James Allen THOMPSON was born June 27th,1894;took flight to his heavenly home on March 14th, 1923. James has been a Christian for twelve years, having united with the Mary’s Chapel Church at the age of 16 years and lived a true Christian life. He had been in failing health for six years and unable to work for a year. he was a kind brother and loving husband and father. He was married October 14th, 1915 to Miss Enzie LASSITER, who survives; also a child and two sisters. He said that death would be a relief to him but he hated to leave his dear wife and one year old baby, but when he reached the heavenly shore, he would meet his father, mother, three sisters and four brothers, who preceeded him. Funeral services were conducted by Brother M.F. SAVAGE, interment in Holmes Cemetery.
***DEATH***Bro. George W. WILSON was born May 9th, 1842 and departed this life March 11th, 1923, aged 81 years. He was married when a young man to Miss Mary HARRIS. To this union nine children were born. His companion passed away in 1884. He was again married in 1887 to Mrs. Ida STOKES. To this union four children were born. Bro. WILSON professed faith in Christ when he was about 48 years old he joined the Concord Methodist Church and later moved to Curve M. E. Church. Bro WILSON leaves to mourn his death, 7 children; a kind wife and companion and a host of friends. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in Concord Church by Rev. W. B. RALPH and Rev. L. R. WADSWORTH, after which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery behind the church.
***KNOB CREEK*** Mrs. Leonard BEARD and Mrs. Mattie MIDYETT, of near Nankipoo, visited their aunt, Mrs. R. L. MIDYETT last week.
***MASCEDONIA*** Mrs. M. M. KELTNER and Mrs. M. FRAZIER were called to Gates Monday by the death of their uncle, Mr. George WILSON.
***NOTICE***To the creditors of Craig WOOD, deceased –Take notice that on the 15th day of February, 1923,the First Savings Bank of Ripley qualified as executor under the will of Craig WOOD, deceased.
***GLIMP***Mr. Trigg CHAPMAN, of Cherry, visited in the home of Mr. Dixie CROOK Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth CROOK is attending the bedside of her aunt, Mrs. Sam CHAPMAN, of Cherry.
Mrs. W. W. HARRISON visited her sister, Mrs. Sam CHAPMAN, at Cherry Friday and Saturday last week.
The Death Angel visited the home of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vandergriff Saturday night, February 25th, 1923 and carried away the life of their only child, Lillian Catherine, age one year and four months. She was laid away the following Sunday in Poplar Grove Cemetery. The precious jewel we valued so much has gone away forever; a darkened spot in their home never to be filled, but we’ll meet some day on that beautiful shore.
***RUTHERFORD***Mr.& Mrs. Johnie MEADOWS and children spent Sunday with parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jim MEADOWS at Forked Deer.
***DEATH***John L. SINCLAIR, prominent citizen of Dyersburg, died at his home at 5:15 this afternoon. He was born in Crockett county 70 years ago. He is survived by his wife; a sister, Mrs. J. L. DANIEL. (Dyersburg–March 20.)
***RIPLEY LOCALS***The remains of Mr. “Booker” SANDERS, who died suddenly at this home in Hayti. Mo., were brought to Trinity Cemetery near Nut Bush and laid to rest Wednesday. He was a brother to Mr. “Crickett” SANDERS, of Edith and lived in the county until 15 years ago.
Mr. Ben BRADLEY, Sr., died at the home of his son, Ben, Jr., in Osceola, Ark., last week. He was born in Tennessee July 29th, 1838 and resided here until about 30 years ago, when he moved to Ark. He is also survived by one daughter, Mrs. William HILDERBRAND, of Plumpoint.
Mr. Joe WHITE died Tuesday in his home near Nankipoo, after a lingering illness incident to old age, he was 91 years old. He was a Confederate veteran and served through the Civil war with Co.D.7th Tenn., Cavalry. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. B. RALPH and Rev. S. B. MORRISON and the remains were laid to rest in the family burial ground near his home.
Mrs. R. C. KLUTTS and Mrs. W. A. KLUTTS are visiting in Jackson.
Mrs. M. D. WEBB, who has been confined to her room for sometime is much improved and attended church Sunday, the first time since Christmas.
***ARP***Mr.& Mrs. Hiram WEAVER, of Craig, spent Sunday with the George GRIMES’.
Mrs. Robert CROOK, of Glimp, spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. W. BUNN.
***MASCEDONIA*** Marvin HUTCHERSON was in this vicinity Monday.
Little Geneva HUTCHERSON spent Saturday & Sunday with relatives at Nankipoo.
Mrs. Mollie KELTNER and Mrs. Mamie FRAZIER spent Sunday with relatives on the Bluff.
Marvin HUTCHERSON and Miss Gladys CARNELL of the Bridges were Sunday afternoon visitors here.
J. B. AKIN and family and Miss Maggie MIDYETT spent Sunday on the Bluff with Mr.& Mrs. T. E. CATES.
***WOODVILLE***Austin MAXWELL and family from near Ripley, spent Sunday in the home of Mr.& Mrs. Ernest LEGGETT.
Dick DANIELS of Brownsville and Mr.& Mrs. Vernon DANIELS of Ripley, were in the home of their father Sunday.
Mrs. H. C. CLARK was called to the bedside of her father one day last week. He died on Wednesday and was buried the following day.
Mr.& Mrs. Wiley DANIELS and baby spent Wednesday night and Thursday in Brownsville. They were accompanied home by Mrs. BURLISON and Mrs. LEMONS.
***MARY’S CHAPEL***Robert, the 13 year-old son of Mr.& Mrs. Robert WILLIAMS, who reside near Ripley, died and the remains were brought here Thursday of last week. He had been sick a long time and was confined to his bed for 7 weeks, but bore his suffering patiently. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. F. SAVAGE, of Ripley.
***RUTHERFORD*** Mr. G. W. METER, of Lightfoot, spent the weekend with parents.
***CENTRAL***Mrs. Horace BURNHAM is very sick and as soon as she is able, will be taken to Memphis for an operation.
G. A. WEBB is having a new house erected on the site of the old one, which was destroyed by fire recently.
***RIPLEY LOCALS***Josiah WRIGHT, son of Edmond and Elizabeth WRIGHT, was born on June 17th,1832.He came when a small boy with his parents from Caroline County, VA., and settled in this part of West Tennessee. He died at 11:26 Monday morning, March 20th, 1923. The funeral services were held Wednesday evening in the home of his niece, Mrs. Tony PARCHMAN.
Mr. Sam BERG, who passed away at his home in this city at an early hour Monday morning. for over half a century, he had been a resident of Ripley, moving here in 1868.He was born in Germany in 1852 and was therefore in his 71st year. At the time of his death, he was president of Berg & Schafer. Mr. BERG was married in Brownsville in 1880, to Miss Bertha SCHAFER, who survives him, also a daughter, Mrs. Abe WALDAUER; three sons, Sam L. BERG, Joe L. BERG, and Jesse BERG, all of whom reside in Ripley. The remains were carried to Brownsville for interment.
Miss Lillian FOLTS, of Memphis, is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. George W. HUTCHERSON.
A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Harry MURPHY last week. He has been christened Aubrey Harold MURPHY.
Miss Lillie SHEPHERD died Wednesday afternoon at her home near the box factory after an illness of nearly ten weeks.
Rev. J. M. JENKINS and daughter, Mary Evelyn, of Covington, spent Friday night in the home of his brother, R. D. JENKINS.
Mrs. E. S. CHAPMAN died Wednesday afternoon at her home at Cherry.
***HENNING***Mrs. J. T. BOULDING and daughter, Marie, of Newbern, spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Lynn DUNAVANT.
Mr.& Mrs. C. J. BUSSEY, Sr., arrived Monday, motoring through from Biloxi, Miss., while here they were guests of their daughter, Mrs. Lynn DUNAVANT.
***MASCEDONIA***Misses Mamie FRAZIER and Maggie MIDYETT spent Sunday on the Bluff.
***KNOB CREEK***Mrs. Addie MIDYETT and son, Earl, were in Ripley, Saturday.
***LIGHTFOOT***Misses Gussie METER and Gertrude DENTON spent a few days last week at Ashport.
***LUCKETT***A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Ed JONES Tuesday.
Miss Evon McGARRITY, of Ripley, spent the weekend with homefolks here.
***PLEASANT HILL***Mr.& Mrs. W. E. McGARRITY were in Ripley Saturday.
***GLIMP***Miss Evon McGARRITY, of Luckett, spent Saturday with Miss Mamie Dell CROOK.
***WALNUT GROVE***A ten pound girl was born to Mr.& Mrs. Columbia PENNINGTON, on March 23rd.
***PLEASANT HILL***Mr.& Mrs. H. F. SMITH are parents of a nine pound son, born April 9th.
Mr.& Mrs. H. E. McGARRITY and children spent Saturday night with parents at Henning.
***CENTRAL***W. T. ANDREWS was sick several days last week.
Horace BURNHAM was carried to Memphis last week for an operation.
E.E. THURMOND and wife spent Sunday with her mother near Gates.
Misses Agnes & Edna MITCHELL, of Blytheville, Ark., are visiting at this place.
Twin girls were born to Mr.& Mrs. Levy CHIPMAN Thursday night of last week.
R. L. BURNHAM & wife, of Whitefield, spent Sunday with their son, Jimie BURNHAM & wife.
***DEATH***On Wednesday afternoon, March 28th,1923,God sent an angel into the home of Mr.& Mrs. Alex SHEPHERD, near Ripley and took to rest the one treasured by parents and friends, Lillie Bell SHEPHERD. she was eighteen years-three months-and ten days. She leaves to mourn her death, a father; mother; two brothers, three sisters and a host of relatives and friends. The remains were laid to rest the following day in Trinity Cemetery, Rev. KILLOUGH, her pastor conducted the services.
***GLIMP***Mr. Dixie CROOK and sisters, Lula, Pearl and Elizabeth CROOK attended the bedside of their sister and aunt, Mrs. Sam CHAPMAN at Cherry a few days last week.
***WOODVILLE***Mrs. Sallie CHAPMAN had as her guests Sunday, Miss Kate CHAPMAN of Alamo; Mr. & Mrs. Henry BUFORD and Mr. Sam WILSON and family of Brownsville.
***WHITEFIELD***Mrs. Luther JORDON and mother, Mrs. Jane WALDING and little Junior JORDON, have been very sick, but are better.
Mr.& Mrs. R. L. BURNHAM and daughter, Katie Lee, spent Sunday with Mr. Jeff BURNHAM and family near Cross Roads.
Mr. & Mrs. Buck WALDING, of New Hope; Mr. & Mrs. John WALDING, of Memphis; Mrs. Jim KENNEDY, of Bexar; Mrs. Belle MILLER and Mrs. Al HARGETT, of Central; Mrs. Clarence THOMPSON and Mr. & Mrs. Joe HACKETT, of Ripley; Mr.& Mrs. Monroe CROWDER, of Dry Hill, visited Me. Luther JORDON & family Wednesday of last week.
***ARP***A daughter was born to Mr.& Mrs. Glenn GRAMMER on March 20th.
Mr. & Mrs.. Bennie MEADOWS and Mr. W. L. CHISM of Lightfoot spent Sunday in the R. L. DENNIE home.
***MASCEDONIA***Miss Elma LATHAM was called home from Ripley where she is attending school, by the death of her brother, Thomas LATHAM, who died Monday under an operation.
***RIPLEY LOCAL***A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Joe WILLIAMS last Friday. He has been named Joe Lewis WILLIAMS.
***ASBURY***Mr. & Mrs. J. A. MAXWELL and children, Geraldine and Wilbur, spent Sunday in Woodville.
***RIPLEY LOCAL***Mrs. M. F. SAVAGE and Mrs. Val SANFORD spent Tuesday night with Mrs. Paul SAVAGE in Flippen.
Several from Ripley attended the track meet at the West Normal last Friday & Saturday, among the number was Broadus KLUTTS.
***WALNUT GROVE***Andrew HARGETT of Stonewall, spent one night last week here with friends.
***CIRCUIT COURT; CIVIL DOCKET***Laura KIMMERLING vs W. B. MIDYETT, $5000 damage; verdict for defendant.
***ADVERTISEMENT***D. H. HUTCHERSON, proprietor of Blacksmith Shop on East Brownsville Street. ( he takes and approves Doan’s Pills)
***DEATH***On April 2nd, 1923, death invaded the home of Thomas E. LATHAM and claimed the happy young husband and father of his home. Thomas was married to Miss Luna SMITH on September 15th, 1919, to which union was born one son. Thomas was in the bloom of health when attacked by acute appendicitis. He suffered intensely for seven days. He leaves his wife, baby, father, mother, two sisters and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his death. The remains were laid to rest in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery to await resurrection. Funeral services conducted by Rev. W. B. RALPH of Curve.
***MASCEDONIA***Mr.& Mrs. L. E. BEARD of Nankipoo, spent Saturday night and Sunday with parents and were accompanied home by the latter’s sister, Mrs. Maggie COX.
***WHITEFIELD***A little girl of Mr.& Mrs. Aubrey TUCKER got her arms badly burned the past week by falling into a kettle of hot water.
***CEDAR GROVE***Miss Nellie HUTCHERSON is spending a few days in Ripley with her brother, Presley HUTCHERSON.
***CENTRAL***Mrs. G. C. WEAVER of Coal Creek spent Friday night with her sister, Mrs. N. N. CALDWELL.
Mrs. Horace BURNHAM was carried to Memphis last week for an operation, is reported doing nicely.
Lawrence NEWMAN of Ripley, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. M. NEWMAN this week.
***NANKIPOO***Mrs. J. A. HUTCHERSON visited her sister, Mrs. John STANLEY at Dry Hill Saturday.
***LUCKETT***Mrs. A. I. WEBB and sons, Harry and Kenneth spent Sunday afternoon with sister, Mrs. Maude TEMPLE at Asbury.
***MARY’S CHAPEL***Mr. & Mrs. Allen DAVIS of Memphis, spent Sunday with relatives and were accompanied home by Mr. D. A. KLUTTS.
Bera ALLEN vs Harry S. ALLEN (alias H. S. DUNITH)
Berry MARTIN vs Haley MARTIN
Horness BURRIS vs Artesia BURRIS
George HARDEN vs Bertie HARDEN
Birdy WHITE vs Louis WHITE
***RIPLEY***Esq. W. H. CRIHFIELD of Edith, is improving after a recent slight attack of paralysis.
***CONCORD***Miss Wordy NEWMAN of Curve, spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Archie McNEILL.
***LIGHTFOOT***Mr. E. S. METER and daughters, Gussie and Gertrude, were in Ripley Saturday shopping.
Mrs. Forrest LUCKETT of Henning, is attending the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Fannie YOUNGER, who has been sick several days.
Mrs. R. L. MATTHEWS and daughter, Mrs. Grover METER and little son, Grover Lewis, visited relatives near the Campground Sunday.
***WALNUT GROVE***Odell WALKER, of Ripley, spent the weekend with his grandfather, Mr. A. H. KELTNER.
***CENTRAL***Mr. & Mrs. John WEAVER spent last Sunday with his brother, Mr. George WEAVER.
Mr. & Mrs. Evans THURMOND, of Nankipoo, spent Saturday night and Sunday with his brother, Mr. E. E. THURMOND.
***DEATH***The remains of George C. PORTER, who died at Baptist Hospital in Memphis, Saturday night arrived in Ripley Sunday morning and was carried to the home of his brother, Dr. J. A. PORTER. The funeral was held at Maplewood Cemetery Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. L. O. LEAVELL and Mrs. Cleanth BROOKS. Deceased was the son of the late Dr. R. S. PORTER, was 55 years old and was born and reared in Ripley, where he resided until about 25 years ago. For the past few years he had made his home in Algoma, Miss., where he had established a chicken farm and had been quite successful in raising of poultry for the market. Only one week prior to his death, he was stricken with appendicitis and was carried to Memphis, but his condition proved it to serious to undergo an operation. Following this he was taken with pneumonia, which together with other complications hastened the end. He is survived by his wife; one
son, Bates PORTER; three brothers, Dr. J. A. PORTER, of Ripley; Lynn PORTER, of Blytheville, Ark., and C. H. PORTER, of Henning.
***KNOB CREEK***Little Ruth DUGGAN is on the sick list.
Mrs. Carl MIDYETT was in Ripley Monday.
***CEDAR GROVE***Mr.& Mrs. Walter HOEFT visited their aunt, Mrs. J. D. BURNHAM at Cross Roads Sunday.
Messers. Robert SMITH; Green McCORD; Odell HUTCHERSON; and R. L. SELLERS made a business trip to Covington Saturday.
***NANKIPOO***Everett E. DUGGAN, of the Nankipoo community, died Saturday after a long illness. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Antioch Church by Rev. W. B. RALPH. He was 42 years of age and a member of Melville Methodist Church. He leaves a wife; a sister; three brothers; and a host of relatives and friends.
***ARP***The home of Mr. & Mrs. Sam MORRIS was destroyed by fire Monday afternoon. The fire originated in the smokehouse where meat was being cured.
***LIGHTFOOT***Mrs. Ernest METER and children are spending a few days this week at Ashport.
Mr. J. W. WEBB and family, of Bexar, spent Sunday afternoon in the T. J. GREEN home.
Mrs. Ernest METER and daughters, Gussie and Gertrude were in the Luckett vicinity Friday.
***CENTRAL***Floyd HARRISON, son of Mr. & Mrs. W. F. HARRISON was operated on Sunday for adenoids.
***CONCORD***Mrs. Ivan BURLISON, of Woodville, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Sid MOORE.
***CENTRAL***W. S. ANDREWS and family, spent Sunday in Edith.
Mr.& Mrs. W. T. ANDREWS spent Sunday with Mr.& Mrs. Sam PICKINS, near Edith.
Mrs. Robert VOSS and Mrs. Willie CALDWELL spent Friday night with Mrs. Paul GAINES at Asbury.
***CIRCUIT COURT***William KIMMERLING vs W. B. MIDYETT, damage; plaintiff takes non-suit.
Cleve McCALL; murder–not guilty.
***ASBURY***Tucker GAINES, of Memphis, spent Sunday with parents, Mr. & Mrs. C. L. GAINES.
***PERCIFUL***A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Willie YANCEY, Sunday, April 29th.
Mrs. Frank SMITH and little daughter, of Forked Deer, were guests of her brother, W. F. LEGGETT Saturday night.
***GLIMP***Mrs. Elmo JENKINS died at her home in Glimp Saturday night. She is survived by a husband and six children.
***RIPLEY LOCALS***Mrs. B. M. ELAM and children, of Jackson, are visiting her mother, Mrs. R. C. KLUTTS.
Mr.& Mrs. W. B. MIDYETT have returned home after a visit to relatives in Selma, Ala.
Mr. T. F. MOORE died at his home near Ripley Wednesday night after a lingering illness of Bright’s Disease and heart trouble. He will be buried Friday morning in Maplewood Cemetery. A more extended notice will appear next week.
***IN MEMORY OF***In sad but loving memory of my dear Willie, who departed this January 9th, 1922. Just one year, 8 months, and 18 days of age when you left me. Your Mother; Anna SHEPHERD, Halls, Tennessee.
***DRY HILL***Miss Lena BARBOUR arrived home Wednesday morning on a visit to her parents, Mr. & Mrs. N. W. BARBOUR.
***PEA RIDGE***Reubin DILLINGHAM of Henning spent Saturday night with his aunt, Mrs. W. W. HOPKINS at this place.
***LOCALS***A daughter was born to Mr.& Mrs. Edwin MEADOWS at Arp Monday.
W. A. KLUTTS left Sunday night for Vermont to resume his position with a construction Co.
Mrs. L. S. LLOYD, of Memphis, is visiting parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. V. DUNAVANT.
A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Lucillus KIRKPATRICK April 28th. He has been christened William Lackey KIRKPATRICK.
***CARD OF THANKS***During our bereavement and death of our husband and father; T. F. MOORE— Mrs. T. F. MOORE; Mrs. W. E. TURNER; Mrs. J. A. GAINES; Mrs. Montell BATES; Mrs. J. E. LAWRENCE; Mrs. D. C. RHOADES; Mrs. J. A. PARHAM; Miss Ruth MOORE and Miss Joyce MOORE.
***CEDAR GROVE***A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Andrew KIRKPATRICK on May 2nd.
***CENTRAL***Mrs. N. N. CALDWELL spent Saturday in Ripley, guest of her mother, Mrs. J. W. HARRISON.
***EDITH***Miss Annie Lee THURMOND is visiting her cousin, Miss Inez THURMOND.
Mrs. C. N. ARWOOD gave a shower Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Lillie FRAZIER.
***MASCEDONIA***J. B. AKIN was on the Henning farm Saturday afternoon and was accompanied home by his niece, Miss Annie Dee AKIN.
Mr. & Mrs. I. W. HAYNES and children, spent the weekend at Lightfoot with their son & daughter, Mr. & Mrs. A. I. WHITE.
Mr.& Mrs. Bennie HARDEN visited Mr.& Mrs. Charlie COX the weekend and were accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. May CHRISTY from the Edith vicinity.
***GATES***Mr. & Mrs. W. D. PARKER have as their guest, their daughter, Mrs. Clarence BOND, of Louisville, Ky.
Mr.& Mrs. Ted H. NEELEY and baby, Florence Elizabeth, of Amarillo, Texas, are visiting parents, Mr. & Mrs. R. J. MOORE and friends.
***WALNUT GROVE***A daughter was born to Mr. & Mrs. Page WALSH last week.
Frank HARRISON was called to Tomato, Ark., Monday by the serious illness of his brother-in-law, Tom FORSYTHE.
Mr.& Mrs Ollie KELTNER and children, of Ripley, attended church here Sunday and visited their daughter, Mrs. Horace TUCKER,
***MARY’S CHAPEL***Among those who have measles are Aletha, Dan and Thomas KLUTTS.
Mrs. Minnie CHALK, of Osya, was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. William YANCY last week.
***JUDGE ESTES DEAD***Judge Joel H. ESTES, in his 81st year, died at his ancestral home “ESTES HALL”, on the line between Lauderdale and Haywood Counties, Sunday afternoon. Judge Estes and his family were very near and dear to the people of Ripley, his widow being Mrs. Minnie L. BACON ESTES, of this city, to whom he was married in 1903. He is survived by his widow; two daughters and three
sons; Mrs. H. T. MOODY, of Athens, TN.; Mrs. Paul KEFOUVER & Emmett ESTES, of Idaho; P. M. ESTES & M. P. ESTES, of Nashville and Ed A. ESTES, of this county. He is survived by many nieces and nephews, prominent among them the former Grover Joe FOLK, of Missouri. Burial in the family burial ground.
***LOCALS***Miss Rose RAGON, of Memphis, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Dan KLUTTS.
Joe WOODRUFF died Monday at his home near Mack after a lingering illness.
Mrs. S. S. EVANS, of Memphis, is visiting parents, Mr. & Mrs. A. S. ANTHONY.
Mrs. Laura WARREN, of Tigrett, is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. B. ARCHER.
Mrs. B. H. LAWSON and daughter, Ann, of Dayton, Ohio, arrived Sunday for a few weeks visit to parents, Mr. & Mrs. W. H. PATTON.
Miss Lillian FOLTS, of Memphis, spent the weekend with homefolks here. She left Tuesday for Redlands, Calif., on a visit to her brother, Wes FOLTS.
Miss Aeolian ROGERS, who had been attending high school here, returned to her home in Blytheville, Ark., She was accompanied as far as Memphis by her sister, Mrs. Lee WEBB.
Mrs. J. H. WHEATLY, of Memphis, and Mrs. Flippo, of Turrell, Ark., were guests of their sister, Mrs. Gee VOLTZ last week.
S. E. BEST, of Luxora, Ark., spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. J. R. OSTEEN and celebrated his 50th anniversary last Saturday.
John BRENNAN, whose home at Ashport, re-enlisted in the Navy last Friday. He is the brother of Otto BRENNAN, of Ashport. BRENNAN has served in the Navy almost continuously since August 26th, 1912, this being his fourth re-enlistment.
Mrs. W. R. PACE and baby, of Benolt, Miss., are visiting parents, Mr. & Mrs. N. W. BARBOUR near Dry Hill.
Mr. & Mrs. Will GREEN, of DeWitt, Ark., are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. C. M. CAMPBELL at Dry Hill.
Sarah, little daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W. Dan MAJORS has been quite ill the past week with pneumonia following measles.
***CENTRAL***Mr. & Mrs. Jim DEW, of Covington, spent Sunday with the latter’s sister, Mrs. A. L. BROWN.
Mr. & Mrs. E. E. THURMOND went to Gates Sunday night to see her mother, Mrs. Bell HANCOCK.
Freddie MULLIKEN, of Memphis, was here the weekend to see his father, Wilson MULLIKEN.
W. C. HANCOCK and wife, of Golddust, spent a few days recently with her grandmother Mrs. Jane HAYNES.
Mrs. J. W. CLARK and children, of Golddust, spent a few days last week with her father, J. L. HANCOCK.
Graves BROWN, of Halespoint, has moved to this place and is occupying the house vacated by Mrs. J. M. DEW.
Herb CALDWELL, of Memphis and Miss HAMMOND, daughter of Mr. Jim HAMMOND were married at Lightfoot Sunday.
***PERCIFUL***A daughter was born to Mr. & Mrs. W. V. CHALK on May 11th.
***MASCEDONIA***W. M. BECTON spent the weekend in Mississippi with his daughter, Mrs. John STAR.
Mrs. Fred CATES and little sister, Miss Clara HAYNES, spent Friday with their sisters at Lightfoot.
***CRUTCHER-SALEM***Misses Geraldine & Laverne McGARRITY, children of J. C. McGARRITY, of Tigrett, are spending this week with their aunt, Mrs. Etta JOHNSON.
***FORKED DEER***Mr.& Mrs. Irie GRAY and children, of Blytheville, Ark., are visiting parents, Mr. & Mrs. H. M. HARDY.
***WOODVILLE***Mrs. Willy WILEY and baby spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Molly STANLEY.
***DEATH***After one weeks’ illness, Mrs. Eliza A Kimble passed away at her home in Ripley at an early hour Wednesday morning. Her death was due to a stroke of paralysis. Her funeral service was held Thursday morning at 10 a.m. The remains were laid to rest in Prospect cemetery beside her husband who preceded her to the grave about 20 years ago. Mrs. KIMBLE was in her 67th year. She is survived by three sons and three daughters; Grover KIMBLE, Mrs. C. M. FERGUSON, and Mrs. Jennie GOAD all of Ripley; Mrs. Frank POPE of Gulfport, MS.; Will KIMBLE of Blytheville, Ark.; and Herman KIMBLE, who is in the U. S. NAVY.
***CENTRAL***A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Jesse SILVERNAIL last Friday.
Mrs. J. M. DEW and daughter are visiting her sister, Mrs. BROWN.
Misses Inez & Annie Lee THURMOND, of Edith, visited Mr. & Mrs.. E. E. THURMOND Sunday.
On Thursday morning, May 17th, Mr. Chancy PRESCOTT, of Central and Miss Agnes GITCHELL, of Blytheville, Ark., motored to Ripley and were quietly married by Mayor George W. YOUNG. they left on the early train for the bride’s home at Blytheville, Ark., where they will spend a few days with her parents. They
were accompanied home by her sister, Miss Edna GITCHELL. They will make their home in Blytheville.
***WALNUT GROVE***A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. Dorsie DENNIE, May 10th.
***WHITEFIELD***Mr.& Mrs. G. H. LATHAM and daughter, Beulah, were called to Rudolph Sunday to attend the bedside of little Louise PRESCOTT, who is seriously ill.
Mr. Jerome CRAIG, of Ripley, visited his sister, Mrs. Eddie GAY, one day last week.
***LOCALS AND PERSONALS***Mrs. O. A. McGAW is visiting her father, E. N. MOORE in Obion.
Mrs. A. M. CHISHOLM, of Halls, is spending this week with her son, Trustee CHISHOLM.
Mrs. T. Y. WILEY, of Covington, visited her daughter, Mrs. Andrew DUNAVANT this week.
Mrs. Beulah BAILEY, of Coving, visited her sister, Mrs. R. B. WILLIAMS, this week.
Miss Virgin RAYMOND, of Fort Worth, Texas, was a guest of Mrs. Andrew DUNAVANT Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Vasser BARNES, of Henning, spent Monday night and Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Henry JOHNSTON.
Miss Eugenia NABORS, granddaughter of the Sid EVANS’ was one of the graduates of Central High School, Memphis, on Monday night.
Mrs. A. H. SMITH and little daughters, Marquerite and Annie Louise, of Sumner, Miss., arrived Wednesday night on a visit to parents, the R. C. JOHNSTONS’
***CENTRAL***David NEWMAN and Lorene CAGLE were married Sunday night in Ripley. They Left Monday for their home in Memphis where Mr. NEWMAN has a position with the Street Railway Co.
***MASCEDONIA***Miss Maggie MIDYETT is spending a few days this week on the Bluff with her brother, Mr. Will MIDYETT.
***CONCORD***Miss Mary Dill, of Woodville, spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. W. R. PEWETT.
***NANKIPOO***Mr.& Mrs. T. P. GARRETT have returned to their home in Memphis, after two weeks visit with their daughter, Mrs. L. L. BEARD.
***HENNING***The Frank HARGETTS’ and son, Harold, spent Thursday in Memphis.
***LUCKETT***Mr. Henry JOHNSON and Miss Isone HUNTER drove to Lightfoot and were married Sunday.
Mr.& Mrs. Jack GLIMP are parents of a daughter, born May 27th.
Miss Dixie LOCKARD has returned to her home in Blytheville, Ark., after two weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. G. W. JONES.
***CONCORD***Mr.& Mrs. W. H. WHITE spent Friday in Ripley.
Mrs. Emmett WHITE spent Sunday in Crockett County.
***WOODVILLE***Little Horace, Delma, and Margaret HOUSTON, of Memphis, and Charlton CRANE, of Blytheville, Ark., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. A. WILEY.
Little Cecil WATSON is spending this week with his mother, Mrs. Robert LANKFORD, near Henning.
***CENTRAL***Little Edminia WEBB returned from Covington, after spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. J. M. DEW.
***MASCEDONIA***Guests in the home of Mr. R. M. MIDYETT Sunday afternoon were; Mr. & Mrs. W. B. MIDYETT, of Ripley, Mr. & Mrs. L. E. BEARD, Mr. & Mrs. Will KELLICK and children and Mr. Arthur SMITH, of Manila, Ark.
***EDITH***Mrs. T. A. BRICE spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. J. L. BARBOUR.
Little Elizabeth SMITH has returned home from Friendship, after a five weeks visit with her aunt, Mrs. P. E. ANDREWS.
***ASBURY***Mrs. COLE and son, of Greenwood, Miss., have returned home after a two weeks visit with her brother, Mr. J. A. MAXWELL.
***LOCAL AND PERSONAL***Mrs. G. H. RICE, of Dyersburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. T. RICE.
A. M. RICE, of Humboldt, spent Tuesday with his brother, W. T. RICE.
Mrs. J. W. GRACY is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. O. KELTNER in Memphis.
Mrs. R. E. HOOD and children, of Brownsville, are visiting parents, Mr. & Mrs. R. L. FORTNER.
Mrs. F. R. HARRISON, of French Lick, Ind., spent last week in Ripley with her sister, Mrs. W. A. KLUTTS.
Mrs. Clarence THURMOND and son, of Dyersburg, are spending this week with parents, Mr. & Mrs. L. B. ARCHER.
A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. T. G. KIRKPATRICK last Friday and has been christened Robert Reed KIRKPATRICK.
Mr.& Mrs. P. S. SAVAGE spent Tuesday & Wednesday in Memphis. While there, they carried their little daughter to a specialist.
Mr.& Mrs. D. H. HUTCHERSON and daughter, Edna, spent Thursday in Memphis.
Mrs. R. C. KLUTTS has returned to her home in Cleveland, Miss., after two weeks visit here. Mrs. Grover KIMBLE accompanied her as far as Memphis.
Mrs. W. A. KLUTTS, accompanied by Messer’s. Broadus KLUTTS and Charles VOLTZ, left Tuesday morning for Roadsboro, Vermont, where Mr. W. A. KLUTTS is at present located in road building.
***MASCEDONIA***Mr. George AKIN died at his home near Forrest City, Ark., on June 5th, after an illness of 24 hours though he had been in failing health for sometime. He was the oldest son of Mr. Sam AKIN, and was in his 33rd year. He was born and reared in Lauderdale County, near Edith. He was married to Miss Lizzie RAWLERSON of Forrest City in 1914 and had made his home in that city since that time. His wife and one eight-year-old daughter survive him. He was laid to rest in the Hughes Cemetery near Forrest City, by the side of one child who preceded him to the grave. His father, S. D. AKIN, Scott ANDREWS and Gus YOUNG, from this county, attended the funeral.
***WALNUT GROVE***Mr.& Mrs. Dalmon STRAIN are the parents of a son born June 9th.
***LOCALS AND PERSONALS***A son was born to Mr. & Mrs. Sam BERG Friday.
A son was born to Mr.& Mrs. I. C. KEE Monday.
S. S. HALFACRE, of Alsatia, LA., visited his father, J. F. HALFACRE near town last week.
Miss Julie BOWERS, of Birmingham, Ala., was a guest of Mrs. W. T. SAVAGE this week.
Master Lee WATSON, who lives on the E. E. SANFORD farm, underwent an operation for appendicitis Sunday.
Mrs. Addie MIDYETT and daughter, Miss Eula, of Henning Farm, were guests of Mr. & Mrs. J. W. GRACY, Wednesday.
Mr. Robert KLUTTS attended the B. Y. P. U. convention in Memphis.
Mrs. J. W. GRACY returned Sunday from a visit in Memphis and was accompanied home by her grandchildren; Mildred and Milton KELTON.
***CONCORD***Emmett WHITE left Saturday to make his home with his father in Virginia.
***ASBURY***The remains of Mrs. J. P. GILLISPIE (nee Alice KELLER ) were laid to rest in Asbury Cemetery on Monday afternoon. She was 70 years old and had lived a true Christian life for many years. She was a kind and loving mother. To know her was to love her.
***GATES***M. W. SAVAGE is visiting his son, A. M. SAVAGE in Memphis.
Miss Rebecca AVERY has as her guest, her cousin, Miss Reba O’NEAL, of Friendship.
***LIGHTFOOT***Mr.& Mrs. G. W. METER and little son, Grover Lewis, spent Sunday with relatives at Bexar.
Mr.& Mrs. E. S. METER and little son, Preston and little Dorothy May PARKER, were in Ripley Sunday.
***LOCAL & PERSONAL***Mrs. R. C. KLUTTS is visiting her daughters in Jackson.
A daughter was born to the I. M. STEELES’ Tuesday.
Mrs. M. E. MATTHEWS left Saturday night for her home in Tishomingo. Miss., accompanied by Mrs. Emma KLUTTS and daughter, Fidella Klutts.
***CEDAR GROVE***Miss Ruth MOORE had as her weekend guest, Miss Annie HUTCHERSON.
***NANKIPOO***Miss Lillian KELLY and Mr. Thomas JIMERSON were married Saturday evening in Halls by Rev. YATES.
***LOCAL & PERSONAL***Aubrey, 14 year-old son of Clarence FORTNER of St. Louis, was drowned Saturday while bathing in the Mississippi River at that place. The body was taken to Halls and laid to rest Wednesday at 10 a.m. Mr. R. L. FORTNER and daughter, Mrs. SYNDER attended the funeral. The young man was a grandson of the late John F. FORTNER, of Curve.
***MASCEDONIA***Miss Lucile CHEEK and Mr. Casey DAVIS, of Nankipoo, were married Saturday afternoon. They motored to Dyersburg and spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. Joe SPRAGGINS.
***PEA RIDGE***The Death Angel visited the home of Mr. Curb MASSENGILL June 18th and claimed his beloved wife, Lola. She had been sick about three years, but only confined to her home about five weeks. She bore her afflictions without a mummer. She was a devoted member of the M. E. Church at Antioch. She leaves her husband; three children; mother-in-law; two sisters; two brothers; and a host of friends to mourn her death.
***PERCIFUL***Miss Alice WHITE, Mr. Tom KLUTTS, and Mr. Joe WHITE, spent Sunday in Dancyville.
***CEDAR GROVE***Mr. Odell HUTCHERSON and family, visited parents near Curve this week.
***LIGHTFOOT***Mr.& Mrs. E. S. METER and Mr.& Mrs. G. W. METER spent Sunday with relatives at Rutherford.
***MARY’S CHAPEL***Mr. Hubert MANESS, of Memphis, spent one day here the past week with his brother, Mr. H. J. MANESS.
***MASCEDONIA***Miss Mamie FRAZIER is on the sick list.
Miss Maggie MIDYETT has the measles.
***DEATH***Mrs. J. P. GILLISPIE died at her home Sunday, June 17th at 1 o’clock after a brief illness, having suffered a stroke of paralysis on the previous Monday. Up until the time she was stricken, her health was no worse than usual, though she had been a sufferer for many years. She professed faith in Christ when quite young, joining the Methodist Church. She lived a consistant Christian life, attending church when her health would permit. She was born November 3rd, 1851 and at age 19, was married to J. P. GILLISPIE. To this union were born five children, four of whom survive; H. L., L. L., and M. A. GILLISPIE and Mrs. L. T. PIPKIN. She was a devoted wife and sister, and a kind, loving and sacrificing mother. The devotional ties that bound mother and daughter were beautiful indeed. Funeral services were held from the family residence Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. E. R. ROACH. The large crowd attending attested to the esteem in which she was held.
***LUCKETT***Mr.& Mrs. H. B. McGARRITY and daughter, Sarah May, and Miss Kate NELSON, were in Henning Sunday.
***LOCAL AND PERSONAL***Master Edwin KLUTTS is ill with typhoid fever.
Mary Louise HUTCHERSON has returned home from a visit to Millington.
Miss Maggie DUNAVANT is visiting her brother, J. V. DUNAVANT.
Rev. W. F. BARRIER and wife of Binghamton, spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs. J. A. HUTCHESON.
***DEATH***Mr. Forrest USELTON died in Gates Monday afternoon as a result of injuries received that morning on the farm of Mr. C. N. WILKES, on which he was a share cropper and was half owner in a tractor which caused his death. He was backing up the machine when the seat in which he was riding came off and he was thrown to the ground. The wheels did not pass entirely over him, but his body was partly crushed before the power to the machine was cut off. He lived several hours after the accident. He was about 35 years of age and is survived by a wife and seven children. His remains were laid to rest in Concord Cemetery Tuesday afternoon.
***FROM THE ENTERPRISE FILES–JULY 3rd,1896*** Mr. W. F. CALDWELL, a prominent gentleman of this county, died near Durhamville Friday.
Morrisville–We are sorry to chronicle the death of Mrs. Lou JENKINS, wife of the late R. G. JENKINS, which occurred last Sunday evening.
*****************************END OF THE PAST******************
***MASCEDONIA***Mr. & Mrs. W. A. HUTCHERSON and children, of Nankipoo, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. E. L. PICKINS.
***CENTRAL***The E. E. THURMONDS visited his father near Nankipoo Sunday.
***BLUFF NEWS***Visitors of Miss Inez THURMOND Sunday were Misses Daisy and Lucile HEATHCOTT and Era HERRON, from near Edith.
***LOCAL & PERSONAL***News was received here Tuesday of the death of Mrs. Lora TRITT, widow of the late W. L. TRITT, which occurred Wednesday of last week in Crockett County. She is survived by two sons and two daughters, all married. She was 80 years old and was buried in Crockett County.
Mrs. Can MOSLEY died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. SALISBURY, near Forked Deer Tuesday.
Mrs. W. P. CALDWELL died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George TILLMAN, near Cross Roads. She was buried in Prospect Cemetery Monday.
***LOCAL & PERSONAL***Ethel, oldest daughter of Mr. J. F. WHITE, died in Ripley on June 17th. She was nearly nine years of age.
***CENTRAL***Mr. Evans THURMOND of Nankipoo visited his brother, E. E. THURMOND one night last week.
***PERCIFUL***Mr.& Mrs. John FORCE, of near Dancyville, were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Pat WILLIAMS Sunday.
The Death Angel visited this community Tuesday morning, July 3rd, and claimed one of our oldest citizens, Mrs. Can MOSELY. She leaves five children, four sons and a daughter. She was a member of the Baptist Church at Woodville and was laid to rest at that place the following day.
***GLIMP***Mr.& Mrs. O. R. DUNAVANT, of Henning, visited parents Sunday.
Mrs. Hattie TAYLOR, of Brownsville, is visiting her brother, Dr. B. R. SANFORD.
William DOUGLAS, of Ripley, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. John VOWELL.
Ruth BARFIELD celebrated her 11th birthday with a party Monday afternoon.
***CRUTCHER–SALEM***Mrs. J. A. b, of Salem, spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Vassie BIZZELL, near Hatchie Bottom.
***CENTRAL***T. A. WEBB has been sick for several days.
Evans THURMOND, of Nankipoo, visited his brother, E. E. THURMOND last week.
Mrs. E. D. HARRISON and daughter, Mrs. E. E. THURMOND and Mr. W. F. HARRISON attended the District conference at Gates last week.
***LUCKETT***A. W. WAKEFIELD spent Saturday night in Ripley with his mother, Mrs. T. N. WAKEFIELD.
Miss Annie PEARL VOWELL, of Ross, Ark., spent Saturday night in the home of Mr.& Mrs. Walter VOWELL.
***BLUFF NEWS***Miss Hazia HARRISON, of Edith, spent Wednesday night with Miss Lois THURMOND.
***LIGHTFOOT***Miss Gussie METER was quite ill several days last week.
Everybody enjoyed the singing given by Mr.& Mrs. Ernest METER on Sunday.
Mr. A. N. CROWDER’s store was robbed Thursday night of last week of $500 worth of drygoods.
Mrs. W. F. ROBERSON and little granddaughter, Lucy Kate BRADEN, spent Sunday in Ripley, guests of Mrs. W. L. ROBERSON.
***MASCEDONIA***R. C. JENNINGS spent a few days last week on the Bluff with his son, John JENNINGS.
Mrs. J. B. CHEEK spent Sunday at Nankipoo, guest of her daughter, Mrs. Casey DAVIS.
Miss Willie Lou CRAIG has returned home after spending a few days at Ashport with her sister, Mrs. REVIERE.
Ora Lee HARDEN and sister, Ruby, spent the weekend at Edith with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. E. M. HUNT.
Hilda FOWLER spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. R. L. FOWLER.
Mr.& Mrs. Jim GALYEAN spent Saturday night and Sunday in Crockett County with her brother, Sid LATHAM.
***MASCEDONIA***Mr. & Mrs. Fred CATES and little Clara HAYNES spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. C. L. TILLMAN.
Mr.& Mrs. Lonnie Cheek and daughter, Daisy, visited parents, Mr. & Mrs. Dave CRIHFIELD, Saturday and Sunday on the Bluff.
***LOCAL AND PERSONAL***Miss Lillian FOLTS, who has been spending the last two months in Kansas, Okla., and Calif., arrived here Wednesday night to visit her sister, Mrs. George W. HUTCHERSON.
***ONE MORE SOLDIER GONE***On July 1st, 1923, about 9 p.m. Mr. John C. GOINS, age 80 years, answered the last roll call here below. He was born in Jefferson County, Ala., in 1843, volunteered in ’61 in the Civil War, and fought all the same, having some very narrow escapes, although he was never wounded. He was married in 1868 or 69 to Miss Rhoda E. PAYNE to which union eight children were born, five of which remain, three girls and two boys. He bid his wife farewell and left her in the care of her children and the Heavenly Father and passed away quietly as though he had fallen asleep.
***CARD OF THANKS***We desire to gratefully thank the many friends, white and colored, for the kindness shown and sympathy extended in the recent death of our mother, Laura GILDON. Riley and Jennie V. SMITH.
***FROM THE ENTERPRISE APRIL 24th,1896***Miss Rosa LEE, daughter of Mr. John LEE, living near Durhamville, died Sunday night of meningitis. She was 13 years of age.
Alex STERNBERGER died in Brownsville Saturday.
******************************END OF PAST*********************
***LUCKETT***Mr.& Mrs. H. B. McGARRITY spent Sunday at Golddust.
Miss Kate NELSON has returned to her home in GOLDDUST.
***MASCEDONIA***Mrs. Chester FRAZIER and little daughter, Addie, and little son, Thomas, of Halespoint, are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Marion MIDYETT.
***IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE***In loving memory of Ella Lawrence CALDWELL, who was born December 25th, 1857. On Sunday morning, July 1st, 1923, at 7:30, the Death Angel called her to that blessed home above. In 1872,she was married to W. P. CALDWELL and to that union was born four children: W. E., J. H., and R. A. CALDWELL and Mrs. G. A. TILLMAN; and 15 grandchildren. She joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church when a young girl and lived a faithful member. Her Granddaughter; Mrs. Oma CALDWELL Ripley. TN.
***LOCAL AND PERSONAL***Mrs. B. M. ELAM and children, of Jackson, are visiting her mother, Mrs. R. C. KLUTTS.
Mr. Broadus KLUTTS has returned home from a visit of several weeks in Vermont.
Mr.& Mrs. W. B. MIDYETT left Tuesday night on a vacation trip to Yellowstone Park and other points of interest.
A daughter was born to Mr.& Mrs. Roy ROBERSON Tuesday. The young lady has been christened Charlotte Joy.
***MASCEDONIA***Mr.& Mrs. Bob PICKINS spent Saturday and Sunday in Nankipoo with Mrs. W. A. HUTCHERSON.
Little Geneva HUTCHERSON spent from Wednesday until Saturday at Nankipoo with her aunt, Mrs. W. A. HUTCHERSON.
***GOLDDUST***Mr.& Mrs. CHAMBERS, from Edith, spent Saturday and Sunday, across the river with Mr.& Mrs. Jim SAVAGE.
Miss Kate NELSON has returned home after spending time in the hills.
***CEDAR GROVE***Mr. Robert SMITH and Mr. Odell HUTCHERSON made a business trip to Dyersburg Saturday.
Mrs. Bertha HUTCHERSON visited her mother, Mrs. George UNDERWOOD near Curve Sunday.
Mr. G. J. UNDERWOOD, of Curve, spent Thursday in the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. M. HUTCHERSON.
Mr.&Mrs. J. HUTCHERSON have a very sick child in the home of his mother, Mrs. Lizzie
Mrs. M. I. HUTCHERSON went to Memphis Friday to see her daughter, Annie Lee, who is in the hospital.
***COAL CREEK***Mr. Will NEWMAN and family and Mr.& Mrs. Tom CHAPMAN spent Sunday with Mr.& Mrs. Will MIDYETT near Edith.
***LOCAL & PERSONAL***It is reported that the K.K.K.’s will organize in Ripley Friday night.
Mr. A. W. SAVAGE left Wednesday night for his home in Memphis after a weeks’ visit to relatives here.
Mr. Julius KLUTTS, Jr. left foe Cleveland, Miss., where he has accepted a position of flagman on the railroad.
Mr. W. S. HUTCHESON was carried to a hospital in Memphis this week, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis.
Mr. Julius KLUTTS, Jr., and sister, Mrs. Grover KIMBLE and children, Robert, Harbert and Dorothy, have returned from a visit from Cleveland, Miss. They motored through the country.
***THIS WEEK–27 YEARS AGO–JULY 24th,1896***Mrs. Will RICE died at her father’s home, July 16th, and was buried at old St. Paul Cemetery.
***MASCEDONIA***Mrs. Chester FRAZIER and children, Addie and Melvin, are visiting
her sister, Mrs. L. F. BEARD, near the Henning Farm.
***HURRICANE HILL***The infant son of Mr.& Mrs. C. F. PARIS died Saturday about 10o’clock after two weeks illness with colitis. The doctors, nurse and loved ones did all in their power to save the child but all was in vain. The remains were laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
***CEDAR GROVE***Mrs. Bertha HUTCHERSON is on the sick list.
Miss Annie Lee HUTCHERSON has returned from the hospital at Memphis and is doing nicely.
Mr.& Mrs. Presley HUTCHERSON of Ripley spent Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. M. L. HUTCHERSON.
Mrs. G. J. UNDERWOOD and daughter, Lucy Bell, from Curve, spent Sunday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Bertha HUTCHERSON.
***MARY’S CHAPEL***The remains of Mr. H.H. WILLIAMS, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John JONES near Toulon last Sunday, were brought to this place and buried the following day. He was 77 years old and a member of the Baptist Church at this place. He had been a sufferer for several years of cancer and had been confined to his bed a good part of the time for the past five or six months. He leaves one daughter, two sons and a host of relatives and friends; his wife having preceded him in death several years. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. F. SAVAGE.
***LOCAL AND PERSONAL***Mrs. P. F. SAVAGE, of Flippen, spent Wednesday with Dr. and Mrs. Val SANFORD.
Mr.& Mrs. W. B. MIDYETT have returned from a trip through Yellowstone Park.
Mrs. Lavada HUTCHERSON and son, David, of Mississippi are visiting relatives near Arp.
Mrs. Joe WORLD died July 21st of blood poison at her home at Halespoint. She was buried at Concord Cemetery.
Grace Lewis HOLCOMB, little daughter of Mr.& Mrs. John HOLCOMB, died July 25th at her home near Williams Switch.
Mr.& Mrs. Dave HUTCHERSON and daughter, Edna, have returned from a visit to relatives and friends in Walnut Ridge, Ark.
Mrs. B. M. ELAM left Wednesday for her home in Jackson, accompanied by her brother, Broadus KLUTTS, who spent a few days with her.
Mrs. W. T. SAVAGE and little son, W. T. Jr., are in Memphis, where the latter is undergoing treatment. Mr. SAVAGE accompanied them there Sunday.
The remains of Mr. Bill BAKER, who died at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. H. COUGHLAN, of Friendship, were brought to Ripley Tuesday night and laid to rest in the Cemetery at Lightfoot, Wednesday morning. He was 41 years of age. He was taken ill with typhoid fever about two weeks ago at the home of another sister, Mrs. Tobe MINNER and at his request was carried to Friendship, as his home had been with the
Coughlin’s for many years during the time they resided at Lightfoot and Ripley. Mr. COUGHLAN and family accompanied the remains to Lightfoot.
***BOWIE KILLED BY TRAIN***Mr. Dan BOWIE, about 50 years of age, son of the late J. K. P. BOWIE, was killed by a fast train a few miles north of Halls Saturday morning about 6:30 a.m. He lived near Unionville and was walking on the railroad track en route to see a neighbor. He stepped from one track to another in order to let a train pass which was facing him, unmindful of one approaching from the south, and was killed instantly. The remains were carried to Dyersburg and sent to Ripley that afternoon, the funeral was held Sunday morning and the remains laid to rest in Asbury Cemetery. He leaves his widow; five brothers; Presley & Wes BOWIE of Hurricane Hill; Virg BOWIE, of Arp; John & Tom BOWIE, who resided with the deceased.
***THE PAST–AUGUST 7th,1896***Tobe PARTEE suffocated with gas, and died last week while cleaning out a well for Mr. B. F. EDWARDS near Hurricane Hill.**END**
***RIPLEY LOSES A GOOD WOMAN***The death of Mrs. Priscilla Margaret READ BARBEE, which occured suddenly of apoplexy in Ashville, NC, Sunday morning at 12:30 o’clock Just as the Methodist Sunday class was assembling and the first song was being sung, a messenger came in to bring the sad news that one of its oldest and dearest members had been called to her reward to “a home not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. “Deceased was a member of the Warner Moore Bible Class and was present the previous Sunday. On Tuesday of last week, Mrs. BARBEE, in the company of her daughter, Mrs. V. P. MORIARTY, Mr. MORIARTY and Miss Catherine MORIARTY, left for Ashville, NC to spend a few weeks and was visiting in the home of her niece, Mrs. Eugenia Sherrill SMITH, at the time of her sudden taking away. a letter to her daughter, Mrs. W. Dan MAJORS, received a few minutes before the telegram arrived announcing her death, stated she had withstood the trip fine, had driven over the beautiful streets of Ashville and was feeling good. Mrs. BARBEE was the widow of John Y. BARBEE, who preceded her in death several years, he having died December 1st, 1916. Just after the close of the war, he had moved here from Haywood County and embarked in business. They were married November 1st, 1864, to their union were born: Allen J. BARBEE; Mrs. V. P. MORIARTY; C. R. BARBEE; Mrs. Montell RICE; and Mrs. W. Dan MAJORS; all of Ripley; Dr. Taylor BARBEE, of Knoxville; Isaac BARBEE, of Chicago; and Mrs. G. M. PARTEE, a daughter who died several years ago. The remains arrived in Ripley on Monday night, funeral services were Tuesday morning, burial in Maplewood Cemetery.
***LUCKETT***Mrs. Bob CROOK and children, of Halls, spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Charles JONES.
***MACK***The Death Angel entered the home of Mr.& Mrs. W. H. RAY, August 1st, and claimed their darling baby, Marguerite Hazel, who had been quite ill for two weeks with colitis. Marguerite was a sweet and happy child, with a smile for everyone she met. all who knew her loved her. She was born July 13th,1921.Her remains were carried to Ripley and laid to rest in Maplewood Cemetery the following day. Rev. H. P. LASLEY conducted the services. She leaves father; mother; a little sister and a host of relatives and friends.
***MASCEDONIA***Mr. & Mrs. R. M. MIDYETT and daughter Maggie, are visiting the Bluff this week.
Paul KELTNER, of Memphis spent Saturday night with his mother, Mrs. Mollie KELTNER.
***BARR***Little Lottie Lorene Braham died Wednesday, August 1st,after six days illness of fever. She was ten months and ten days old and such a sweet baby. She left mother; father; two sisters; and one brother to mourn for her. She was buried at Walnut Grove Cemetery the following day.
***LIGHTFOOT***Mr.& mrs. T. L. NELSON, of Ripley, spent Sunday with parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. P. BLACK.
***LOCAL AND PERSONAL***Edward YOUNG, of Toledo, Ohio, is visiting parents, Judge and Mrs. George W. YOUNG.
Francis DUNAVANT, of Memphis, is visiting parents, Mr.& Mrs.. J. V. DUNAVANT.
Little Misses Edna HUTCHERSON and Ruby GREAR are spending this week with relatives in Memphis.
Messer’s Alonzo KLUTTS and Tollie CHEEK left Monday For Western North Carolina to spend a few weeks.
Mrs. Sallie POOL. age 55 years, died at the home of Mr. Ike HAMMONDS at Cedar Grove, Wednesday night of last week and was buried at Mary’s Chapel the next day. Her home was in Mary’s Chapel community but she was taken ill while on a visit to Mrs. HAMMONDS.
Mrs. George W. HUTCHERSON and daughter, Georgetta, left Thursday to visit relatives in Memphis. Mr. HUTCHERSON accompanied them and spent the day.