Volumes 9--17 Lauderdale Countians that died,or their funerals held
in Dyer,Co.
Volume 9---Page 10;
deceased: R.W.GHOLSON, JR.
charge to:R.W.Gholson
address: Gates,Tennessee
date of funeral: 11th February 1920
place of death: Baird-Dulaney Hospital
funeral services: Gates Cemetery
certifying physician:
cause of death: general septicaunes
date of death: 10th February 1920 10:15 a.m.
age:6 years
interment: Gates Cemetery Lauderdale County,TN
Volume 9---Page 100
deceased: SIMON J.LOCUST (colored)
charge to: I.C.R.R.
date of funeral: 29th April 1920
place of funeral: Henning,TN
place of death: railroad tracks
cause of death: accident
date of death: 27th April 1920
occupation:section gang
married: no religion: CME Church
age: 27 years
name of father: Tom Locust born S.C.
name of mother: -- Gause? born N.C.
Volume 9---Page 195;
deceased: W.M.CHERRY
date of funeral: 28th Julu 1920
residence: Halls,TN.
place of death: Dyersburg Hospital
funeral services: Mrs.Young's residence 10:30 a.m.
certifying physician: Dr.Price
date of death: 27th July 1920
married: yes religion:Methodist
age: 39 years
name of father: D.Cherry born TN
interment: Halls Cemetery
Volume 9---Page 219;
address:Halls RFD # 1
date of funeral: 13th August,1920
place of death: Lauderdale County
funeral services:Mt.Vernon Church
interment: Church Cemetery 3 p.m.
clergyman: Rev.Stegler
cause of death: drowned in Forked Deer River
date of death: 12th August 1920 4 p.m.
date of birth: 8th July 1906
age: 14 years,1 month, 14 days
name of father: Thomas R.Montgomery born Carroll County,TN
name of mother: Miss Lucy Voss born Lauderdale Co.TN
Volume 10---Page 200
deceased: Mrs.MARY ANN DUNAWAY
charge to:D.S.Dunaway; Halls.TN
date of funeral: 5th August 1921
place of death: Baird-Dulancy Hospital
interment: Halls Cemetery
certifying physician: Dr.Baird
cause of death: appenditis
date of death: 4th August 1921
married: yes Religion:episcopal
age: 31 years
name of father: N.D.Saulsbury born TN
name of mother: Mary G--?eoson born TN
Volume 10---Page 257;
deceased: JIM GRAVES
charge to: W.T.Jones
address: Gates,TN
date of funeral: 16th October 1921
residence: Hayti,MO
place of death: Hayti,MO
funeral services: Gates,TN
interment: Gates,TN
cause of death: gunshot wound
date of death: 13th October 1921
occupation: barber
married: widower
age: 50 years
Volume 11---Page 20;
deceased: S.N.MEADOWS
order given by: R.C.Meadows
charge to: Mrs.S.N.Meadows Halls RFD# 1
date of funeral: 3rd January 1922
residence: District # 13
place of death: District # 13
funeral services: Mt.Vernon Church 2 p.m.
interment: Church Cemetery
cause of death: dropsy
date of death: 2nd January 1922 4:30 p.m.
occupation: farmer
married: yes religion: Baptist
age: 49 years,2 months
name of father: Dave Meadows born AL
name of mother: Miss Lucy Davis born AL
Volume 11---Page 37;
deceased: Mrs.BEULAH GARRETT
date of funeral: 31st January 1922
residence: Curve,TN.
place of death:Baird & Dulaney Hospital
funeral services: Curve,TN.
interment:Curve,TN. (Cross Roads Cem?)
cause of death:lobar pneumonia
date of death: 29th January 1922 8 p.m.
married: yes
age: 30 years
name of father: Charles Jones born TN
name of mother: Annie Grant born TN
Volume 11---Page 89;
deceased: Mr.LISSIMENT (no first name given)
charge to: W.D.Dodson--Halls,TN.
date of funeral: 2nd April 1922
residence: Lauderdale County,TN
place of death: near Double Bridges
funeral services:Enon Church
interment: Enon Cemetery
cause of death: Bright's disease
date of death: 31st March 1922
occupation: farmer
married: yes
age: 80 years
Volume 11---Page 102;
order given by: J.T.Gambill --Halls,TN.
date of funeral: 22nd April 1922
residence: District 13
place of death: District 13
funeral services:Mt.Vernon Church
interment :Mt.Vernon Cemetery
certifying physician: Dr.Chapman--Halls,TN.
cause of death: Bright's disease
date of death: 21st April 1922 3 a.m.
married: yes religion: Methodist
age: 70 years
name of father: J.A.Treutham born TN
name of mother: Miss Emma Price born TN
Volume 11---Page 133;
address: Gates,TN. RFD# 2
date of funeral: 1st June 1922
place of death: General Hospital,Dyersburg
funeral services: Christian Church Halls,TN forenoon
certifying physician: Dr.Watson
cause of death: typhoid fever
date of death: 31st May 1922 7:40 a.m.
date of birth:11th January 1901
age: 21 years, 4 months, 20 days
name of father: J.B.Lawrence born Rutherford County,TN
name of mother: Miss Mary D.Humphreys born Crockett Co.,TN
interment: Gates Cemetery
Volume 11---Page 158;
deceased: Mrs.LUCY MILAN
date of funeral: 28th June 1922
residence: near Gates
place of death: Baird-Dulaney Hospital
funeral services: at Gates,TN
interment: Gates Cemetery
date of death: 27th June 1922 12 p.m.
married: yes religion: Methodist
age: 53 years
name of father: J.H.Lucas born TN
name of mother: Miss Wills born TN
Volume 11---Page 186;
deceased: W.T.STEWART
date of funeral: 4th August 1922
residence: Halls,TN
place of death: Halls,TN
funeral services:Halls Cemetery
interment: Halls Cemetery
certifying physician: Dr.Chapman Halls,TN
cause of death: Bright's disease
date of death: 3rd August 1922
occupation: farmer
married: yes religion: Methodist
age:72 years
Volume 11---Page 192;
deceased: R.L.GILLIAN
address: Gates.TN. RFD# 1
date of funeral: 12th August 1922
funeral services: Nut Bush,TN (Haywood County)
residence: Forked Deer,TN. (the above must be mailing address)
place of death: Baird-Dulaney Hospital Dyersburg,TN
certfying physician: Dr.Baird
date of death: 11th August 1922 8 p.m.
cause of death: cancer
occupation: farmer
married: yes religion: Methodist
age: 65 years
interment: Nut Bush,TN
Volume 11---Page 262;
deceased: Mrs.LULA FOSTER
date of funeral: 28th October 1922
residence: Chic,TN
funeral services: Edith Cemetery Lauderdale County,TN
certifying physician: Dr.Tipton
cause of death: childbirth
date of death: 26th October 1922
married: yes
age: 24 years
Volume 11--- Page 266;
deceased: infant FOSTER
date of birth: 22nd October 1922
date of funeral: 29th October 1922
age: 7 days
name of father: W.J.Foster
name of mother: Lula------
interment:Edith Cemetery
Volume 12---Page 16;
charge to: J.W.Summers
date of funeral: 10th January 1923
place of death: 13th District Dyer County
funeral services: Ellen Church Lauderdale County,TN (not familiar with
this church)
cause of death: pneumonia
occupation: farmer
married: no religion: Medothist
age: 61 years
interment:Ellen Cemetery (could be Elam or Elim,Ellen is what funeral
home filled in)
father: Richard Yarbrough born Giles County,TN.
Volume 12---Page 17;
deceased:Mrs.DIVIE WILSON
charge to: Harry Wilson Halls,TN.
date of funeral: 12th January 1923
residence: Halls,TN
place of death: Dyersburg Hospital
funeral services: Halls,TN
interment: Halls,TN
cause of death: emboli
date of death: 11th January 1923
married: yes religion:Methodist
age: 34 years
name of father: Austin Jones born TN
name of mother: Miss White born TN
Volume 12---Page 86;
deceased: Mrs.NANNIE RHODES
charge to: L.J.Rhodes
address: Halls,TN
date of funeral: 23rd March 1923
place of death: Baird-Dulaney Hospital Dyersburg
funeral services: Halls,TN
interment: Halls,TN
certifying physician: Dr.Baird
cause of death: operative shock
date of death: 22nd March 1923 7 a.m.
married: yes
age: 47 years
name of father: W.H.Stanfield born TN
name of mother: -----Davis born TN
Volume 12---Page 179;
deceased: DAN BOOIE
charge to: Tom Booie
order given by: W.W.Waggoner & H.B.Gunter
address: Halls,TN RFD# 1
date of funeral: 29th July 1923
place of death; railroad near South Fork
cause of death: railroad accident
occupation: farmer
married: yes
age: 50 years
interment: Ripley Cemetery
father: J.K.P.Booie
Volume12---Page 201;
charge to: A.W.McDearman
address: Halls,TN
date of funeral: 17th August 1923
place of services:Ellen Church 2 p.m.
interment: Ellen Cemetery
residence: Unionville,TN
place of death: Baird-Dulaney Hospital Dyersburg
cause of death: appendicities
date of death:16th August 1923 11 p.m.
married: no religion: Baptist
age:10 years
name of father: A.W.McDearman born TN
name of mother: Miss Thurmond born TN
Volume 13---Page 66;
deceased: W.G.McPHERSON
charge to: Wyse & Sons Halls,TN
order given by: Knox Wyse
date of funeral: 24th March 1924
interment: City Cemetery
cause of death: cerebral hemorrage
date of death: 23rd March 1924 9 p.m.
age: 63 years
Volume13--- Page 92;
deceased: Dr.L.F. FERGUSON
charge to: estate
address: Gates,TN
date of funeral: 3rd May 1924
place of funeral: Gates,TN
place of death: Baird-Dulaney Hospital Dyersburg
certifying physician: Dr.Baird
date of death:2nd May 1924 9 a.m.
occupation: doctor
married: yes religion: Christian
age: 54 years
name of father: Wyatt Ferguson born Crockett County,TN
name of mother: Miss Alvania Singleton born Hardeman Co.,TN
Volume 13---Page 110:
deceased: infant HODGE
charge to: Lee Moore Halls,TN RFD# 1
funeral date: 28th May 1924
residence: Halls,TN RFD# 1
certifying physician: Dr.Ward
interment: Mt.Vernon Cemetery
name of father: J.A.Hodge born TN
name of mother: Linnie Johnson born Ripley,TN
date of birth:18th May 1924
Volume13---Page 114
deceased: Mrs.NELLE MORRIS
charge to: S.A.Morris
date of funeral: 3rd June 1924
Volume 13 continued-----This is rest of Mrs.Nelle Morris's page
residence: Ripley,TN
place of death: Baird-Dulaney Hospital Dyersburg
cause of death: peritonitis
married: yes
age: 68 years
name of father: John Morris born S.C.
name of mother: Miss Jinkins born S.C.
Volume 13---Page 131;
deceased: Mrs.ANNIE ELIZA BOONE born AL.
charge to: J.W.Summers
address: Halls,TN. RFD# 1
date of funeral: 22nd June 1924
place of funeral: Mt.Vernon Church 2 p.m.
residence: District # 13
place of death: District # 13
certifying physician: Dr.Ward Fowkles,TN
cause of death: cancer of stomach
date of death: 21st June 1924
married: widow religion: Baptist
age: 75 years
name of father: D.Lanier born GA
name of mother: Miss Golightly born GA
Volume 13---Page 149;
deceased: Mrs. EVA CREASY
charge to: B.D.Creasy
date of funeral: 17th July 1924 11 a.m.
cause of death: tuberculois
date of death:16th June 1924, 5 a.m.
married Methodist
aged:21 years
father: ---GREEN TN
Volume 13---Page 251;
deceased:Howard HOSKINS
husband of Mrs.Mary HOSKINS Ripley,TN
date of funeral: 16th Nov.1924
place of dearh: Baird-Dulaney Hospital
cause of death: cancer of intestines
date of death: 15th November 1924 9 a.m.
date of birth: 30th June 1882
farmer married Baptist
age:42 years, 4 monthe, 15 days
father: Jasper HOSKINS
mother: Miss Rebecca BLASENGAME TN
Volume 13---Page 269;
deceased:Mrs.Alice BROWN TN
order given by: J.H.BROWN
date of funeral:16th December 1924
interment;Grace Cemetery
residence:near Ripley
place of death: Baird-Dulaney
date of death: 15th December 1924 4 p.m.
age :38 years
father:W.H.CHISOM MS
mother:---CONDRY TN
Volume---Page 288;
deceased:Mrs.Emma HICKS
charge to:G.W.HICKS
address: Halls,TN RFD #1
place of death:Halls,TN RFD #1
cause of death: pneumonia
date of death: 13th January 1925 4 p.m.
married Christian
age:52 years
father: T.J.WATT TN
mother: Miss LYONS TN
Volume 13---Page 292;
deceased: Mrs.Ollie USELTON TN
charge to: J.W.USELTON--Gates,TN
date of funeral: 21st January 1925interment: Gates,TN
place of death: Baird-Dulaney
cause of death: gunshot wound
date of death: 20th January 1925 6 a.m.
aged: 48 years
father: Dall JONES TN
mother: Miss FLOWERS TN
Volume 14---Page 1;
deceased: O.C.FREGUSON TN
date of funeral: 26th January 1925 12 p.m. at the grave.
cause of death:pneumonia
date of death:25th January 1925 1 a.m.
farner married Baptist
aged: 59 years
father: Milton FERGUSON TN
mother: Miss FORSYTHE TN
interment: Edith Cemetery
Volume 14---Page204;
deceased: Windell L.ROOKS TN
order given by: Sam SEIGEL
place of death: residence at Halls
place of funeral: at residence at 2 p.m.
cause of death: blood poison and pneumonia
date of death:16th October 1925
timber dealer married Methodist
date of birth: 25th February 1882
aged 43 years
father: C.A.ROOKS TN
mother: Ida SAWYER TN
interment: Halls City Cemetery
(at bottom,an obit,but paper not named:states he is the husband of Julia
ROOKS; father of
Charles ROOKS; son of Mrs.Ida ROOKS; brother of Lois BOYERS &
C.B.ROOKS,both of Halls & A.B.ROOKS of Memphis,TN)
VOLUME14---Page 227;
deceased: Bettie June RICHARDSON
charge to : G.C.RICHARDSON
order given by: T.J.DAILEY
date of funeral: 16th November 1925
residence: District #9, Lauderdale County
place of death:
funeral services & burial at Edith
date of death: 14th November 1925 11:p.m.
cause of death: diptheria
father: Ollie RICHARDSON
mother: Miss DAILEY
VOLUME 14--- Page 242;
deceased: Olin Wain BAKER TN
charge to: C.J.BAKER
address: Halls,TN
date of funeral: 4th December 1925
residence: near Halls,TN
place of death: Baird-Dulaney
Interment: Halls Cemetery
cause of pneumonia
date of death: 2nd December 1925 10:30 p.m.
aged: 4 years, 7 months, 9 days
father: C.J.BAKER TN
mother: Miss STREET TN
VOLUME 15---Page 34;
deceased: Mrs.Emma BURKS Tn
charge to: J.S.WALPOLE
address: Halls,TN
date of funeral: 24th april 1926
residence: Double Bridges
place of death: Baird-Brewer Hospital
funeral services:Elon Church,burial in Church Cem.
cause of death: obstruction of the bowels
date of death: 23rd April 1926 8 a.m.
widow Baptist
date of birth: 17th May,1862
age:63 years, 11 months, 6 days
father: Rice KINLEY TN
Volume 15---Page 79;
deceased: Ed STACY TN
charge to: J.Frank STACY
date of funeral: 24th June 1926
residence: Halls,TN RFD #1
place of death: Baird-Brewer Hosp.
Funeral services: Halls Cemetery--11 a.m.
cause of death:mastoids
date of death: 23rd June 1926 7:30 a.m.
farmer single C.P.
birthdate: 4th June 1874
age: 52 years, 19 days
father: Ed STACY TN
mother: Miss BURNS TN
Volume 15---Page 91;
deceased: W.T.McDEARMON TN
charge to: Mrs.W.T.McDEARMON
address: Unionville,TN
date of funeral: 2nd July 1926
place of death: residence
funeral services: Mt.Vernon Church 2 p.m.
interment : Halls Cemetery
date of death: 1st July 1926 3 p.m.
insurance agent married Baptist
date of birth: 4th March 1888
father: N.E.McDEARMON TN
mother: Miss Lucy ROGERS TN
Volume 15---Page;
deceased: Raymond HALL, Jr. TN
charge to Raymond HALL
address: Halls,TN RFD #1
date of funeral: 9th July 1926
residence:Lauderdale County,TN District #8
funeral services: Mt.Vernon at 11 a.m.
cause of death: colilitis
date of death:8th July 1926
date of birth: 30th June 1921
age:5 years, 8 days
father: Raymond HALL TN
mother: Miss ROGERS
interment: Mt.Vernon Cemetery
Volume 15---Page 119;
deceased: R.Green SALE TN
charge to L.H.TOTTY
date of funeral: 24th July 1926
residence: Lauderdale County,TN
place of death: Dyersburg General Hoppital
funeral services: Elon Cemetery 5 p.m.
cause of death: typhoid fever
date of death: 23rd July 1926 12:30 a.m.
farmer married Baptist
age: 56 years
father: J.E.SALE TN
mother Miss CARNELL TN
interment in Elon Cemetery
Volume 15: Page 205;
deceased: John G.DUNCAN TN
address: Halls,TN RFD #1
date of funeral: 31st October 1926 3 p.m.
residence: District #16 Lauderdale County,TN
place of death:Baird-Brewer Hosp.
funeral services: at Enon Church & Church Cemetery
cause of death: appendicitis
date of death:30th October 1926 6:50 p.m.
farmer married
age: 44 years
father:Jim DUNCAN TN
mother: Miss OLDS TN
VOLUME 15---Page 233;
deceased: T.L.MEEKS born TN
charge to: T.P.Meeks
address: Halls,TN RFD# 3
order given by: Mrs.Clara Meeks
date of funeral: 29th November 1926 2 p.m.
residence: Double Bridges
place of death: Baird-Brewer Hospital Dyersburg
funeral services: Anitoch
certifying physician: Dr.Baird
cause of death:hemorrhage of fermoral artery by pistol shot
date of death: 27th November 1926 8 p.m.
occupation: farmer
age: 45 years, 1 month, 27 days
name of father: Jno.H.Meeks born NC
name of mother: Miss Ella Trimble born TN
Volume 16---Page 5;
deceased: WILLIE DOSS born TN
charge to: Wesley Doss & F.C.Cavness
address: Halls,TN RFD# 1
date of funeral: 14th March 1927
residence: near Halls
place of death: residence
funeral services: Halls Cemetery 11 a.m.
certifying physician: Massingell
cause of death: bronchial pneumonia
age: 11 months, 3 days
name of father: Wesley Doss
name of mother: Nona Nelson
Volume 16---Page 68;
deceased: ANDY KEY born TN
charge to: L.L.Key
address: Halls,TN RFD# 1
date of funeral: 26th June 1927
residence: District #13
place of death: Dyersburg General Hospital
funeral services: Mt.Vernon Church 2 p.m.
certifying physician: Dr.Turner
cause of death: run over by wagon
date of death: 25th June 1927 8:30 p.m.
occupation: farmer single religion Baptist
date of birth: 28th July 1910
age:16 years, 10 months, 27 days
name of father: L.L.Key born AR
name of mother: Miss Sutton born TN
Volume 16---page 116;
deceased: ELIHUE BROGLIN born TN
residence: near Halls
place of death: District #4
funeral services: South Fork Church 10 p.m.
burial: Church Cemetery
certifying physician: D.A.Shaw coroner
cause of death: murdered by blunt instrument
date of death: 21st August 1927
single religion: Baptist
date of birth: 7th July 1902
age: 25 years, 1 month, 13 days
name of father: Jim Broglin born TN
name of mother: Miss Tarpley born TN
Volume 16---Page 169:
deceased: Mrs.ALICE MOORE born TN
charge to:Clarence Moore & S.H.Sasser
Halls,TN RFD# 1 & Ripley,TN RFD# 2
date of death: 4th October 1927
residence: Lauderdale County,TN
place of death: Baird & Dulaney Hospital
funeral services: Halls City Cemetery 11 a.m.
date of death: 3rd October 1927 6 a.m.
married religion: Baptist
age: 40 years ? ( what I guess was a 0 was all ink)
name of father: Steve Sasser born TN
name of mother: Miss Tibbs born TN
(this completes Roll #1093-2
Volume 18---Page 16;
deceased: RUBY PAULINE SMITH born TN
address: Halespoint,TN
order given by: Grover Forsythe
date of funeral:23rd January 1929
residence:District #9, Lauderdale County,TN
place of death: residence
funeral services:Edith,TN
interment: Edith,TN
certifying physician: Dr.Freeman Finlet,TN
cause of death: flu, pneumonia
date of death: 21st January,1929
date of birth:16th March 1927
age: 1 year, 10 months, 5 days
name of father: Jim Smith born Haywood Co.,TN
name of mother: Linnie Richardson born TN
Volume 18---Page 170;
date of funeral:15th July 1929
residence: Chic,TN District #11
place of death: residence
funeral services: Edith,TN
burial:Edith Cemetery
certifying physician: dr.L.Edwards Finley,TN
cause of death: colitis
date of death: 14th July 1929
date of birth: 19th March 1905
name of father: Pate Richerdson
name of mother:Miss Laura Kirksey born TN
Volume 18---Page 171;
deceased: JOE VIAR
residence: Halls,TN
date of funeral: 16th July 1929
place of death: near Lenox,TN District #17
funeral services: Baptist Church Halls 4 p.m.
interment: Halls City Cemetery
certifying physician: Dr.W.W.Holland
cause of death: smothered to death
date of death: 15th July 1929
occupation: laborer religion: Baptist
date of birth: 4th October 1910
age: 18 years, 9 months, 11 days
name of father: W.C.Viar,Sr. born TN
name of mother: Miss Dunaway born TN
Volume 18---Page 176;
deceased: CLINT TAYLOR
charge to: Josie & Joe Taylor
residence: City
place of death:residence
funeral services: Baptist Church Halls,TN 4 p.m.
cause of death: Bright's disease 11:50 p.m.
occupation: laborer single religion: Baptist
date of birth: 30th March 1847
age: 82 years, 3 months, 20 days
name of father: ?
name of mother: Miss Glimp born TN
interment: Halls City Cemetery
VOLUME 19---24th December 1929-11th January 1931
Volume 19---Page 88:
deceased: W.O.CHILDRESS
date of funeral: 9th April 1930
place of death: residence
funeral services:McCullough Chapel 11:30 a.m.
cause of death:heart trouble
date of death: 8th April 1930 11 a.m.
occupation: farmer married religion: Baptist
date of birth: 24th December 1860
age: 69 years, 3 months, 14 days
father: John Childress born TN
mother: Miss Swift born TN
interment: McCullough Chapel
wife: M--ley Mae Childress
sons: Excell Childress & Estell Childress of McCullough Chapel
Harlin Childress of Louisville.
daughters: Mrs.Annie Parker & Mrs.Rose McNaughton,both of
Louisville;Mrs.Millie Simpson,Mrs.Maudie Permenter
& Mrs.Nettie Permenter,both of McCullough's Chapel
Mrs.Etta Williamson of Lenox,TN & Mrs.Mirlie
Thurmond of Bogota,TN
Volume 19---Page 200;
charge to: H.C.Stillwell Halls,TN RFD# 1
residence:District #13,Unionville,TN
place of death: residence
cause of death: old age
date of death:28th August 1930
widow Christian
date of birth: 27th June 1844
age: 86 years, 2 months, 1 day
father: Jones Collins born NC
interment:Mt.Vernon Cemetery
daughters: Mrs.Dela Cartwright of Fowkles;Mrs.Mallie Cannon
of Water Valley,Miss.
sons:H.C.Stillwell of Unionville,G.M.Stillwell of Edith,Lee Stillwell
of Unionville & Elisha Stillwell of Unionville.
Volume 19---Page 237;
residence: East Court Street, City
place of death: residence
cause of death: meninigitis
date of death: 8th October 1930
date of birth: 17th October 1928
age: 1 year, 11 months, 21 days
father: Troy Savge born OK
mother: Miss Kirk born TN
burial: Fairview Cemetery Dyersburg
Volume 20; January 11,1931-January 6,1932
Volume 20---Page 7;
deceased:Mrs.JOHN MIDGET born AL
charge to:Dyer County
address: Chic
order given by:L.C.Fumbanks & R.L.Boals,both of Chic
date of funeral:21st January,1931
residence: District #11, Chic
place of death: residence
funeral services: at residence 3 p.m.
cause of death: indigestion no doctor
date of death: 20th January 1931 11 p.m.
occupation: at home
married: yes
date of birth:18th February 1897
age: 33 years, 11 months,2 days
parents unknown
Interment:Chic Cemetery
Volume 20---Page 47;
residence: District # 10 Finley,TN
place of death: residence
funeral services: Methodist Church Finley,TN 3 p.m.
by:Rev.Bennett Gates,TN
certifying physician: Dr.J.T.Freeman Finley,TN
cause of death: heart trouble
date of death:27th February 1931 4 p.m.
date of birth:21st May 1910
age:20 years, 9 months, 6 days
father: S.W.Jackson TN
mother: Miss Murley TN
interment: Fairview Cemetery
Volume 20---Page 95;
deceased: Mrs.Rebecca Smith
place of death: 717 Butterworth,our city
funeral services: at grave 3 p.m.
cause of death: heart trouble
date of death: 30th April 1931 7:15 p.m.
widow Methodist
date of birth: 24th September 1863
age: 68 years, 7 months, 6 days
father: William Wood
mother: Miss Thompson
interment: Asbury Cemetery Lauderdale County,TN
Volume 20---Page 147;
deceased: Mrs.VERDIE HIPP
date of funeral: 5th July 1931
residence: #103 Halls,TN RFD #1
place of death:residence
funeral services: Mt.Vernon Church 2:30 p.m.
certifying physician:Dr.A.H.Moody
cause of death: tuberculosis
date of death: 4th July 1931 6 a.m.
housewife married Baptist
date of birth: 9th April,1889
age: 42 years, 2 months, 29 days
father: John Rogers TN
mother: Miss Poston TN
interment:Mt.Vernon Cemetery
Volume 20---Page 236;
deceased: W.M.BOONE born TN
date of funeral:4th October 1931
residence: Cross Roads District #13
place of death: residence
funeral services: at grave 2 p.m.
certifying physician: Dr.W.M.Hall Double Bridges
cause of death: 4th October 1931 3:45 a.m.
date of birth:11th February 1923
age: 8 years, 7 months, 23 days
father: Ellis Boone TN
mother: Miss Canada TN
interment: Elon Cemetery Lauderdale County,TN
Volume 20---Page 249;
deceased: Miss Mary Irene RICE
date of funeral: 18th October 1931
residence: city;1024 Elm Street
place of death: St.Paul Methodist Church 2:30 p.m.
funeral services: at residence
cause of death: heart failure
date of death: 17th October 1931 1 p.m.
single Methodist at home
date of birth: 18th February 1867
age: 64 years, 7 months, 29 days
father: C.S.O. RICE TN
mother: Miss Lucie ESTES TN
interment: St.Paul Cem. Durhamville,TN
Volume 20---Page 251;
deceased: Ray C. COX
charge to: Earl COX
address: McKenzie,TN
date of funeral: 20 October,1931
residence: Henry,TN
place of death: RoEllen highway
funeral services: Pleasant Valley Gleason,TN
cause of death:auto accident
date of death: 18th October 1931 6 p.m.
occupation: showman
widower Christian
date of birth: 26th August 1906
age: 25 years, 1 month, 22 days
father: D.M. COX TN
mother: Miss HICKMAN TN
interment: Pleasant Valley Cemetery
VOLUME 21---January 6th,1931--30 March,1933
Volume 21---Page 93;
deceased: T.H. PERMENTER TN
charge to: W.A.& G.A. PERMENTER
date of funeral: 23 May 1932
residence: District #17
place of death: District #17
funeral services: McCullough Chapel.
date of death: 22nd May 1932 5 a.m.
cause of death: premature birth
date of birth: 15th April 1932
age:1 month, 7 days
mother: Miss CHILDRESS
interment: McCullough Chapel Cemetery
Volume 21---Page 100;
deceased: Irven JONES TN
date of funeral:28th May 1932
residence: Double Bridges Lauderdale County
place of death:
funeral services: Elon Church
certifying physician Dr.C.W.HALL Halls,tn
cause of death: cancer
date of death: 27th May 1932 10:45 p.m.
farmer married Baptist
age: about 50 years
father: J.H.JONES NC
mother: Miss WARD TN
interment: Elon Cemetery
Volume 21---Page 149;
deceased: Mrs.Mary GOINS TN
charge to: Clay LITTLE, Bob HAYNES, J.H.GOINS
address: Unionville,TN & Halls RFD#1
date of funeral: 2nd August 1932
residence: Poplar Grove, Lauderdale Co. Dist.#8
place of death: residence
clergy: Rev.SALSBERRY Unionville,TN
certifying physician: Dr.Clyde NEAL Friendship,TN
date of death: 1st August 1932 5 p.m.
housewife widow
date of birth: 3rd March 1873
age: 59 years, 4 months, 28 days
father: Zade JONES AL.
mother: miss HILLIARD AL
interment: Halls City Cemetery
Volume 21---Page 154;
deceased: Chester BURTON Ohio
charge to: Dyer County
date of funeral: 20th August 1932
residence: Key Corner Lauderdale Co. Dist.#8
place of death: Ray CONNELL's home
funeral services: Fairview Cemetery 5 p.m.
clergy: Rev.H.L.HINCH city
cause of death: gunshot wound
date of death: 17th August 1932 8 p.m.
laborer widower presbyterian
date of birth: 9th June 1901
age: 31 years, 2 months, 8 days
interment: Fairview Cemetery Dyersburg,TN
Volume 21---Page 163;
deceased: Wa;lter Harrell TYNER TN
charge to: Odist TYNER & Mitt WHITSON
address: Finley,TN
date of funeral: 29th August 1932
residence: Finley,TN District #10
place of death: residence
funeral services: at grave
interment: Pleasant Hill Cemetery
cause of death: congestion
date of death: 29th August 1932
date of birth: 27th August 1931
father: Odist TYNER TN
mother: Miss GOODMAN TN
VOLUME 22---1st April 1933--17th May 1934
Volume 22---Page15;
deceased:Jim L.ELKINS KY
charge to: Mrs. ELKINS, G.H.HOGUE & J.M.BUNNELL
address: Finley,TN Tigartail, RFD #5
date of funeral:4th May 1933 3 p.m.
services: at grave
interment:Ellen (Elon?) Cemetery Lauderdale Co.TN
cause of death: pneumoniadate of death: 3rd May 1933
age: about 95 years
father: Joe ELKINS KY
mother: don't know
Volume 22---Page 44;
deceased: Senith M.CRUM TN
charge to: Ernest L. CRUM
address: Halls,TN RFD# 1
date of funeral:3rd July 1933 Monday 3 p.m.
services at: Mt.Vernon Church
interment: Mt.Vernon Cemetery
cause of death: colitis
date of death: 2nd July 1933
place of death: residence--District #13 ; Unionville,TN
date of birth: 15th November 1931
age: 1 year, 6 months, 17 days
father: Ernest L. CRUM TN
mother: Miss GLENN TN
Volume 22---Page 48;
deceased: Len & Glen TYNER TN
charge to: R.M. TYNER
address: Menglewood,TN
connection; their grandfather
date of funeral: 9th July 1933 2 p.m.
services at grave. interment: Pleasant Hill Cemetery
certifying physician: Dr,J.T. FREEMAN Finley,TN
date of death: LEN @ 8 p.m. 8th July 1933
GLEN @ 3 a.m. 9th July 1933
place of death: District #14 Menglewood,TN
date of birth: 7th July 1933
father: Oddist TYNER TN
mother: Miss GOODMAN TN
Volume 22---Page 87;
deceased: Don Colon MAXWELL TN
address: New Madrid.MO.
date of funeral: 9th September 1933 3 p.m.
services at:funeral home
cause of death: enteritis infection
date of death: 8th September 1933 7:30 a.m.
place of death:residence in New Madrid,MO.
date of birth: 3rd September,1931
age: 2 years, 5 days
father: C.S.MAXWELL TN
mother: Miss TURNER KY
interment: Fairview Cemetery Dyer Co.
(leaves two brothers-C.S.Jr.,& James E.)
Volume 22---Page 116;
deceased: Dee PIERCE TN
date of death: 12th October 1933 5 a.m.
place of death: City District #4
date of birth: 11 th October 1868
age:65 years, 1 day
father:Stevens PIERCE NC
mother: Miss GAY NC
interment: Antioch Cemetery Lauderdale County,TN.
Volume 18---Page 16;
deceased: RUBY PAULINE SMITH born TN
address: Halespoint,TN
order given by: Grover Forsythe
date of funeral:23rd January 1929
residence:District #9, Lauderdale County,TN
place of death: residence
funeral services:Edith,TN
interment: Edith,TN
certifying physician: Dr.Freeman Finlet,TN
cause of death: flu, pneumonia
date of death: 21st January,1929
date of birth:16th March 1927
age: 1 year, 10 months, 5 days
name of father: Jim Smith born Haywood Co.,TN
name of mother: Linnie Richardson born TN
Volume 18---Page 170;
date of funeral:15th July 1929
residence: Chic,TN District #11
place of death: residence
funeral services: Edith,TN
burial:Edith Cemetery
certifying physician: dr.L.Edwards Finley,TN
cause of death: colitis
date of death: 14th July 1929
date of birth: 19th March 1905
name of father: Pate Richerdson
name of mother:Miss Laura Kirksey born TN
Volume 18---Page 171;
deceased: JOE VIAR
residence: Halls,TN
date of funeral: 16th July 1929
place of death: near Lenox,TN District #17
funeral services: Baptist Church Halls 4 p.m.
interment: Halls City Cemetery
certifying physician: Dr.W.W.Holland
cause of death: smothered to death
date of death: 15th July 1929
occupation: laborer religion: Baptist
date of birth: 4th October 1910
age: 18 years, 9 months, 11 days
name of father: W.C.Viar,Sr. born TN
name of mother: Miss Dunaway born TN
Volume 18---Page 176;
deceased: CLINT TAYLOR
charge to: Josie & Joe Taylor
residence: City
place of death:residence
funeral services: Baptist Church Halls,TN 4 p.m.
cause of death: Bright's disease 11:50 p.m.
occupation: laborer single religion: Baptist
date of birth: 30th March 1847
age: 82 years, 3 months, 20 days
name of father: ?
name of mother: Miss Glimp born TN
interment: Halls City Cemetery
VOLUME 19---24th December 1929-11th January 1931
Volume 19---Page 88:
deceased: W.O.CHILDRESS
date of funeral: 9th April 1930
place of death: residence
funeral services:McCullough Chapel 11:30 a.m.
cause of death:heart trouble
date of death: 8th April 1930 11 a.m.
occupation: farmer married religion: Baptist
date of birth: 24th December 1860
age: 69 years, 3 months, 14 days
father: John Childress born TN
mother: Miss Swift born TN
interment: McCullough Chapel
wife: M--ley Mae Childress
sons: Excell Childress & Estell Childress of McCullough Chapel
Harlin Childress of Louisville.
daughters: Mrs.Annie Parker & Mrs.Rose McNaughton,both of
Louisville;Mrs.Millie Simpson,Mrs.Maudie Permenter
& Mrs.Nettie Permenter,both of McCullough's Chapel
Mrs.Etta Williamson of Lenox,TN & Mrs.Mirlie
Thurmond of Bogota,TN
Volume 19---Page 200;
charge to: H.C.Stillwell Halls,TN RFD# 1
residence:District #13,Unionville,TN
place of death: residence
cause of death: old age
date of death:28th August 1930
widow Christian
date of birth: 27th June 1844
age: 86 years, 2 months, 1 day
father: Jones Collins born NC
interment:Mt.Vernon Cemetery
daughters: Mrs.Dela Cartwright of Fowkles;Mrs.Mallie Cannon
of Water Valley,Miss.
sons:H.C.Stillwell of Unionville,G.M.Stillwell of Edith,Lee Stillwell
of Unionville & Elisha Stillwell of Unionville.
Volume 19---Page 237;
residence: East Court Street, City
place of death: residence
cause of death: meninigitis
date of death: 8th October 1930
date of birth: 17th October 1928
age: 1 year, 11 months, 21 days
father: Troy Savge born OK
mother: Miss Kirk born TN
burial: Fairview Cemetery Dyersburg
Volume 20; January 11,1931-January 6,1932
Volume 20---Page 7;
deceased:Mrs.JOHN MIDGET born AL
charge to:Dyer County
address: Chic
order given by:L.C.Fumbanks & R.L.Boals,both of Chic
date of funeral:21st January,1931
residence: District #11, Chic
place of death: residence
funeral services: at residence 3 p.m.
cause of death: indigestion no doctor
date of death: 20th January 1931 11 p.m.
occupation: at home
married: yes
date of birth:18th February 1897
age: 33 years, 11 months,2 days
parents unknown
Interment:Chic Cemetery
Volume 20---Page 47;
residence: District # 10 Finley,TN
place of death: residence
funeral services: Methodist Church Finley,TN 3 p.m.
by:Rev.Bennett Gates,TN
certifying physician: Dr.J.T.Freeman Finley,TN
cause of death: heart trouble
date of death:27th February 1931 4 p.m.
date of birth:21st May 1910
age:20 years, 9 months, 6 days
father: S.W.Jackson TN
mother: Miss Murley TN
interment: Fairview Cemetery
Volume 20---Page 95;
deceased: Mrs.Rebecca Smith
place of death: 717 Butterworth,our city
funeral services: at grave 3 p.m.
cause of death: heart trouble
date of death: 30th April 1931 7:15 p.m.
widow Methodist
date of birth: 24th September 1863
age: 68 years, 7 months, 6 days
father: William Wood
mother: Miss Thompson
interment: Asbury Cemetery Lauderdale County,TN
Volume 20---Page 147;
deceased: Mrs.VERDIE HIPP
date of funeral: 5th July 1931
residence: #103 Halls,TN RFD #1
place of death:residence
funeral services: Mt.Vernon Church 2:30 p.m.
certifying physician:Dr.A.H.Moody
cause of death: tuberculosis
date of death: 4th July 1931 6 a.m.
housewife married Baptist
date of birth: 9th April,1889
age: 42 years, 2 months, 29 days
father: John Rogers TN
mother: Miss Poston TN
interment:Mt.Vernon Cemetery
Volume 20---Page 236;
deceased: W.M.BOONE born TN
date of funeral:4th October 1931
residence: Cross Roads District #13
place of death: residence
funeral services: at grave 2 p.m.
certifying physician: Dr.W.M.Hall Double Bridges
cause of death: 4th October 1931 3:45 a.m.
date of birth:11th February 1923
age: 8 years, 7 months, 23 days
father: Ellis Boone TN
mother: Miss Canada TN
interment: Elon Cemetery Lauderdale County,TN
Volume 20---Page 249;
deceased: Miss Mary Irene RICE
date of funeral: 18th October 1931
residence: city;1024 Elm Street
place of death: St.Paul Methodist Church 2:30 p.m.
funeral services: at residence
cause of death: heart failure
date of death: 17th October 1931 1 p.m.
single Methodist at home
date of birth: 18th February 1867
age: 64 years, 7 months, 29 days
father: C.S.O. RICE TN
mother: Miss Lucie ESTES TN
interment: St.Paul Cem. Durhamville,TN
Volume 20---Page 251;
deceased: Ray C. COX
charge to: Earl COX
address: McKenzie,TN
date of funeral: 20 October,1931
residence: Henry,TN
place of death: RoEllen highway
funeral services: Pleasant Valley Gleason,TN
cause of death:auto accident
date of death: 18th October 1931 6 p.m.
occupation: showman
widower Christian
date of birth: 26th August 1906
age: 25 years, 1 month, 22 days
father: D.M. COX TN
mother: Miss HICKMAN TN
interment: Pleasant Valley Cemetery
VOLUME 21---January 6th,1931--30 March,1933
Volume 21---Page 93;
deceased: T.H. PERMENTER TN
charge to: W.A.& G.A. PERMENTER
date of funeral: 23 May 1932
residence: District #17
place of death: District #17
funeral services: McCullough Chapel.
date of death: 22nd May 1932 5 a.m.
cause of death: premature birth
date of birth: 15th April 1932
age:1 month, 7 days
mother: Miss CHILDRESS
interment: McCullough Chapel Cemetery
Volume 21---Page 100;
deceased: Irven JONES TN
date of funeral:28th May 1932
residence: Double Bridges Lauderdale County
place of death:
funeral services: Elon Church
certifying physician Dr.C.W.HALL Halls,tn
cause of death: cancer
date of death: 27th May 1932 10:45 p.m.
farmer married Baptist
age: about 50 years
father: J.H.JONES NC
mother: Miss WARD TN
interment: Elon Cemetery
Volume 21---Page 149;
deceased: Mrs.Mary GOINS TN
charge to: Clay LITTLE, Bob HAYNES, J.H.GOINS
address: Unionville,TN & Halls RFD#1
date of funeral: 2nd August 1932
residence: Poplar Grove, Lauderdale Co. Dist.#8
place of death: residence
clergy: Rev.SALSBERRY Unionville,TN
certifying physician: Dr.Clyde NEAL Friendship,TN
date of death: 1st August 1932 5 p.m.
housewife widow
date of birth: 3rd March 1873
age: 59 years, 4 months, 28 days
father: Zade JONES AL.
mother: miss HILLIARD AL
interment: Halls City Cemetery
Volume 21---Page 154;
deceased: Chester BURTON Ohio
charge to: Dyer County
date of funeral: 20th August 1932
residence: Key Corner Lauderdale Co. Dist.#8
place of death: Ray CONNELL's home
funeral services: Fairview Cemetery 5 p.m.
clergy: Rev.H.L.HINCH city
cause of death: gunshot wound
date of death: 17th August 1932 8 p.m.
laborer widower presbyterian
date of birth: 9th June 1901
age: 31 years, 2 months, 8 days
interment: Fairview Cemetery Dyersburg,TN
Volume 21---Page 163;
deceased: Wa;lter Harrell TYNER TN
charge to: Odist TYNER & Mitt WHITSON
address: Finley,TN
date of funeral: 29th August 1932
residence: Finley,TN District #10
place of death: residence
funeral services: at grave
interment: Pleasant Hill Cemetery
cause of death: congestion
date of death: 29th August 1932
date of birth: 27th August 1931
father: Odist TYNER TN
mother: Miss GOODMAN TN
VOLUME 22---1st April 1933--17th May 1934
Volume 22---Page15;
deceased:Jim L.ELKINS KY
charge to: Mrs. ELKINS, G.H.HOGUE & J.M.BUNNELL
address: Finley,TN Tigartail, RFD #5
date of funeral:4th May 1933 3 p.m.
services: at grave
interment:Ellen (Elon?) Cemetery Lauderdale Co.TN
cause of death: pneumoniadate of death: 3rd May 1933
age: about 95 years
father: Joe ELKINS KY
mother: don't know
Volume 22---Page 44;
deceased: Senith M.CRUM TN
charge to: Ernest L. CRUM
address: Halls,TN RFD# 1
date of funeral:3rd July 1933 Monday 3 p.m.
services at: Mt.Vernon Church
interment: Mt.Vernon Cemetery
cause of death: colitis
date of death: 2nd July 1933
place of death: residence--District #13 ; Unionville,TN
date of birth: 15th November 1931
age: 1 year, 6 months, 17 days
father: Ernest L. CRUM TN
mother: Miss GLENN TN
Volume 22---Page 48;
deceased: Len & Glen TYNER TN
charge to: R.M. TYNER
address: Menglewood,TN
connection; their grandfather
date of funeral: 9th July 1933 2 p.m.
services at grave. interment: Pleasant Hill Cemetery
certifying physician: Dr,J.T. FREEMAN Finley,TN
date of death: LEN @ 8 p.m. 8th July 1933
GLEN @ 3 a.m. 9th July 1933
place of death: District #14 Menglewood,TN
date of birth: 7th July 1933
father: Oddist TYNER TN
mother: Miss GOODMAN TN
Volume 22---Page 87;
deceased: Don Colon MAXWELL TN
address: New Madrid.MO.
date of funeral: 9th September 1933 3 p.m.
services at:funeral home
cause of death: enteritis infection
date of death: 8th September 1933 7:30 a.m.
place of death:residence in New Madrid,MO.
date of birth: 3rd September,1931
age: 2 years, 5 days
father: C.S.MAXWELL TN
mother: Miss TURNER KY
interment: Fairview Cemetery Dyer Co.
(leaves two brothers-C.S.Jr.,& James E.)
Volume 22---Page 116;
deceased: Dee PIERCE TN
date of death: 12th October 1933 5 a.m.
place of death: City District #4
date of birth: 11 th October 1868
age:65 years, 1 day
father:Stevens PIERCE NC
mother: Miss GAY NC
interment: Antioch Cemetery Lauderdale County,TN.
Volume 1---Page 249;
deceased: Mrs. Jane GRIFFIN
place of death: Fowkles
funeral & burial: South Fork Cemetery--Halls,TN
cause of death: stomach trouble
date of death: 18th October 1913
aged: about 72 years
married Baptist
charge to: G.T.WEAKLEY
Volume 2---Page 15;
deceased: W.W.WELLS
order given by: Dr. McDAVID
date of funeral: 28th January, 1914
place of death: near Menglewood
funeral services: Gates,TN
cause of death: pneumonia
date of death: 27th January,1914
occupation: farmer married Methodist
age: 87 years
interment: Gates Cemetery
Volume 2---Page 116;
deceased: John RICHARDSON
charge to: Newt BURROW
order given by: Bud GREEN
date of funeral: 29th June 1914
place of death: Lenox,TN
funeral services: Halls,TN
cause of death: consumption
date of death: 27th June 1914
occupation: farmer married
age: 63 years
interment: Halls Cemetery
Volume 2---Page 121;
deceased: Zula ANTHONY colored
charge to : Will ANTHONY
date of funeral: 1st July 1914
place of death: city
funeral services: Henning,TN
cause of death: female trouble
date of death: 30th June 1914
age:40 years
interment: Henning Cemetery
Volume 2---Page 127;
deceased: Columbus NEERING
order given by:Mr.WISE
date of funeral:11th July 1914
place of death: Halls,TN
funeral services: Halls,TN
cause of death: flux
date of death: 10th July 1914
occupation: banker married
age: 55 years
Volume 2---Page 288;
deceased: Mrs.Nancy BLAKELY
charge to: H.C.BLAKELY
date of funeral: 1st February 1915
place of death: city
funeral service: Ripley,TN
aged: 94 years
interment: Ripley,TN
Volume 3---Page 75;
deceased: infant daughter
charged to: G.W.CRUTCHFIELD
order given by: Marion MYDGETT
date of funeral: 3rd June 1915
residence: South Fork
place of death: residence
funeral services & burial: Beech Grove Cemetery
cause of death: whooping cough
cert.physician; Dr.WARD of Fowkles,TN
date of death; 1st June 1915
aged: 3 weeks
mother: Miss HESTER
Volume 3---Page 89;
deceased: George HAYWOOD
charge to: O.L.WHITE
date of funeral: 2nd July 1915
residence: Halls,TN
place of death: Hosmer Hosp.
Funeral service & burial: Halls Cemetery
cause of death: peritonittis
date of death: 1st July 1915
date of birth: 17th October 1898
occupation: farmer
father: Silas HAYWOOD TN
mother: Frances SCOTT TN
Volume 3---page 107;
deceased:(Butch) Lewis DUKE
order given: Lee SHAW
date of funeral: 31st July 1915
place of death: Markum,TN
funeral services: Mt.ZION Lauderdale Co.
cause of death: gunshot wound
date of death: 28th July 1915
laborer single Methodist
aged: 30 years
father: George WALKER
mother:Lucy WALKER
interment: Mt.Zion Cemetery Laud.Co.
( the names were copied as given)
Volume 3---Page 132;
deceased: Mrs.Alice SANDERS
charge to J.H.SANDERS
date of funeral: 25th August 1915
residence: Menglewood,TN
place of death:Hosmer Hosp.
funeral services: Chestnut Bluff
interment: South Fork
cause of death: mastoid abscess
date of death: 24th August 1915
housewife married Baptist
aged 32 years
Volume 4---Page 24;
deceased: W.N.HOGGARD
charge to; E.E.BRICE & Jim HOGGARD
date of funeral: 18th April 1916
residence: Halls,TN
place of death: Hosmer Hosp.
funeral services and burial: Halls Cemetery
cause of death:mastoid abcess
date of death: 17th April 1916
farmer married Cumberland religion
aged: 42 years
Volume 4---Page213;
deceased: Mrs.Luella SHARP TN
order given by: Dr.S.P.SHARP
date of funeral: 6th December 1916
residence: city
place of death: residence of S.B.SHARP
funeral services: Halls,TN
certifying physician: Price WATSON
cause of death: carcimona of the bowel
death date: 5th December 1916
housewife widow Baptist
aged: 65 years
interment: Halls Cemetery
Volume 5---Page 177;
deceased: Tom KING TN
date of funeral: 26th August 1917
services at his residence at Halls,TN at 8:30 a.m.
cause of death: dropsy
date of death: 24th August 1817 @ 1 a.m.
aged: 70 years
married Christian
Burial: Holly Springs Cemetery
Volume 6---Page 21:
deceased: T.P.WOOD
date of funeral: 6th February 1918
residence: Broadway
place of death: Broadway
funeral services: Ripley,TN
cause of death: appopexy
date of death: 5th February 1918
farmer married Methodist
aged: 63 years
father: William WOOD NC
interment: Ripley,TN cemetery
deceased: Miss Bell CARLING (could be Carding)
date of funeral:17th May 1918
residence: Halls,TN
place of death: Halls,TN
funeral services: White Bluff,TN
cause of death: abscess of lung
date of death:16th May 1918
single aged: 22 years
Volume 6---Page 112;
deceased: W.M.PUNPKINS TN
address: Halls,TN
date of funeral: 11th June 1918
place of death: Hosman Hosp.
funeral services: Beech Bluff
burial: Halls Cemetery
cause of death: septic pneumonia
date of death: 10th June 1918
aged:11 years
father: Bob PUNPKINS TN
mother:---SANDERS TN
Volume 6---Page 127:;
deceased: Eutran SUTTON
address: Route #2, Ripley,TN
date of funeral: 1st July 1918
place of death: Hosman Hosp.
funeral services: Enon Churcn
interment:Enon Cemetery
cause of death: railroad accident
date of death: 29th June 1918
garage worker single Christian
date of birth: 22nd December 1896
aged: 21 years, 6 months, 9 days
father: R.J.SUTTON born Laud.Co.TN
mother: Miss Lois GRIFFIN born Laud.Co.,TN
Volume 6---Page 274;
deceased: Roland WELLS
order given by: Clarence WELLS
address: Menglewood
date of funeral: 24th October 1918
funeral services: Concord Church
interment: Concord Cemetery
place of death: near Menglewood
date of death: 22nd October 1918
farmer married Methodist
date of birth: 4th March 1878
aged: 40 years, 7 months, 18 days
father: W.W.WELLS TN
mother:Miss Martha NEELEY TN
Volume 7---Page 42;
deceased: Mrs.Mary BROGDON
widow of W.M.BROGDON
order given by: J.W.BROGDON
charge to W.E.BROGDON
date of funeral: 7th November 1918
place of death: Hosmer Hosp.
cause of death: cholecystitis
date of death: 5th November 1918 @ 11:20
date of birth: 20th May 1860
aged: 58 years, 5 months, 17 days
father:____ FOX Germany
mother:____ Penn.
interment: Halls Cemetery Halls,TN.
Volume 7---Page 51;
deceased: Jessie Monroe BRIGANCE TN
date of funeral: 12th Novemder 1918
residence: Chic,TN
place of death: ICRR Dyersburg,TN
funeral services: Enon Church at Nankipoo
cause of death: killed by a train
date of death: 11th November 1918 @ 7:40 p.m.
farmer single
aged: 17 years
father: John BRIGANCE TN
mother: ___ BECKTON TN
interment:Enon Cemetery
Volume 7---Page 71;
deceased: Thurmond LEE TN
charge to: Lee CARROLL of Curve,TN
place of death: Hosmer Hosp
residence: Curve,TN
funeral services:Mary's Chapel Baptist
On 18th November 1918 @11 a.m.
cause of death: accidental gunshot wound
date of death: 17th November,1918
date of birth: 14th February 1903
aged : 15 years, 9 months, 3 days
father: Alex LEE TN
mother: Miss Jennie BOLDEN Haywood Co.,TN
interment: Mary's Chapel Cem.
Volume8---Page 28;
deceased: Mrs.Lula WITT TN
widow of: Carter WITT
date of funeral:28th April 1919 @ 2p.m.
residence: Halls,TN
place of death: @ Halls in the J.L.WHITE home
cause of death: cancer of stomach
date of death: 26th April 1919
occupation: merchant
father:__ MITCHELL
interment in Gates Cemetery
order given by: John WHITE