Webb, M. / Leird, J. (1881)
BOOK R PAGE 345 & 346
consideration of Two hundred and fifty two and 50/100 dollars, Fifty dollars of
which has been paid in cash to me and the receipt of whereof is hereby
acknowledged, and Thirty five of which is to be paid by JOHN C. LEIRD for which he
has this day executed to me his note payable on the 14th day of December
1881, and One hundred and Sixty Seven and 50/100 dollars of which is to be paid
by him on the 14th day of November 1882, I, MARY E. WEBB, do hereby bargain ale and
convey to said JOHN C. LEIED, heirs and assigns forever a tract of land in the 7th
Civil District of Lauderdale County & State of Tennessee, and bounded as
follows: Beginning at the north west of an 8 acre tract of land conveyed by deed
from me to said LEIRD, dated the 7th August,1873, a stake, red oak, sassafras and
three dogwood pointers, thence north at a variation of about one degree west of
the magnetic needle 39 poles and 15 links to a stake, white oak, sugar tree and
beech pointers in SUTTON’s line, thence east with SUTTON’s line 69 poles to a
stake, hickory, white oak, dogwood, blackgum and beech pointers, a little north of
the Ashport and Dry Hill road and in SUTTON’s line, thence South 80 poles to a
stake in an Old field; thence west 37 poles to the South east corner of said 8
acre tract, a Stake, ash, hickory and dogwood pointers; thence north with the
eastern boundary of said 8 acres 40 poles to black haw pointers; thence west
with the north boundary of said 8 acres 33 poles to the beginning, containing 26
1/4 acres be the same, more or less.But there is included and excluded from said
boundaries a lot of about one acre of ground heretofore given by me for school
purposes. Said lot is bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in said Ashport
and Dry Hill road, South west of where the School house now stands; thence north
13 degrees west 23 poles to a stake in SUTTON’s line; thence East with said line
8 poles and 10 links to a stake; thence South 8 degrees East 14 poles to a stake
in said road; thence with said road about South 39 degrees West 10 poles and 15
links to the beginning, containing as aforesaid about one acre, which is not
conveyed in this deed. To have and to hold said land to said JOHN C. LEIRD, his
heirs, & C. forever. But a lein is hereby retained on said land until both of
said notes described above shall be paid. The title to said land is hereby
warranted to said LEIRD against the lawful claims of persons whatever and I
covenant with him that the same is unencumbered. This Warranty of title and
against encumbrances, however, is not to effect the lien heretofore retained to
secure said deferred payments. This 22nd day of March 1881. MRS. M.E. WEBB.
Personally appeared before me, H.T. HANKS, Clerk of the County Court of said
County, JOHN I. STEWART and A.A. WEBB, subscribing witnesses to the within
deed, who , being first sworn, deposed and said that they are acquainted with
MRS. M.E. WEBB, the bargainor, and that she acknowledged the
same in their presence to be her act and deed upon the day it bears date.
Witness my hand at office this 22nd day of March 1881. H.T. HANKS, Clerk.
PRESENTED FOR REGISTRATION on the 7th day of May 1881, at 3 o’clock p.m. JOHN
D.BAXTER, Register By A.B. HEARRING, Deputy Clerk.