Webb, M. / Leird, J. (1873)
MARY E.WEBB to J.C.LEIRD. DEED 8 & 17/100 ACRES LAND. Know all men by these
present for the sum of 98 Dollars to be paid the First day of November
1873,I,MARY E. WEBB, of the County of Lauderdale and State of Tennessee have this
day bargained and sold, transferred, conveyed, and delivered to J.C. LEIRD, his heirs
assigns & C. forever a tract of about Eight and 17/100 acres of Land in said
County Civil District No 7 and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a Stake 2
white oak pointers the South west corner of my dower thence by the needle north
1 1/2 degrees West twenty poles to Stake, Red oak Sassussas #3 dogwood pointers
thence North 88 1/2 degrees East Thirty three poles to a stake, large white oak
black gum and black hau pointers, thence South 1 1/2 degrees forty poles to a
Stake ash hickory and dogwood pointers. Thence South 88 1/2 degrees West thirty
two poles and ten links to the beginning–To have and to hold said Land to Said
J.C. LEIRD his heirs assigns &c.I warrant and defend the title to said Land
against the lawful claims of all persons Whatever and Guanrentee that the same
is uncumbered. And I hereby retain a lein on said Land until all the purchase
money is paid. Witness My hand this 7th day of August 1873. MARY E. WEBB Witness:
appeared before me J.H. WARDLAW Clerk of the County Court of the County aforesaid
C.H. CONNER and A.H. WHITTEMORE, Subscribing witnesses to the within deed who being
sworn____ and said that they are acquained with MARY E. WEBB the bargainor and
that She acknowledged the same in their presence to be her act and deed upon the
day it bears date. Witness my hand at office the 7th day of August 1873.State
Tax 7 cts paid Jo.H. WARDLAW, Clk. PRESENTED FOR REGISTRATION the 7th day of
August 1873 at 3 o’clock p.m. JOHN D. BAXTER, Register