Midyett, R. / Pace, I. (1921)
Tennessee, Lauderdale County. Know all men by these presents that we R.M. MIDYETT
and wife for value received in exchange for a house and lot in the 14th District
of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, We do sell and convey unto I.W. PACE and wife, EMMA
C. PACE, a parcel of land, lying and being in the 14th Civil District of the above
county and State. And is bounded and described as follows, TO WIT: Beginning at a
stake in the Ripley and Hales Point road in a hollow, thence down said hollow
southernly to D.J. GARRETT northwest corner 58 poles and 2 feet to a stake in the
said Branch, thence east 8 poles and 10 feet to a hickory tree in a Branch, thence
north easternly 8 poles to a stake in Branch, thence up said hollow 17 poles and
2 feet to FRANK LOTT’S west boundary line, thence northernly with FRANK LOTT’S
west line 9 poles and 6 feet to a stake in Ripley and Hales Point Road, thence
north westerly with said road 35 poles to the beginning. Containing 8 1/2 acres
more or less. To have and to hold the said tract, the said I.W. PACE & wife, his
heirs and assigns forever, and we further covenant that we are lawfully seized
and possessed by said tract of land and have a good right to convey same and it
is unincumbered and we warrant and forever defend the title there to against all
lawful persons whomsoever. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands on
this 30th day of September 1921. R.M. MIDYETT. JULIA (X her mark). STATE of
TENNESSEE, LAUDERDALE COUNTY. Personally appeared before, L.E. CRIHFIELD, a Notary
Public in and for the county, R.M. MIDYETT and his wife, JULIE MIDYETT the within
named bargainors, with whom I am personally acquainted, and who acknowledged that
they executed the within instrument for the purposes therein contained. AND,
JULIE MIDYETT, wife of said R.M. MIDYETT, having appeared privately and apart from
her husband, the said JULIE MIDYETT acknowledged the execution of said instrument
to have been done by her freely, voluntarily and understandingly, without
compulsion or restraint from her husband. 3rd of October,1921.