Midyett, R. / Midyett, J. (1919)
R.M.MIDYETT & WIFE to J.M.MIDYETT; Know all men by
these presents, That I, R.M. MIDYETT, for and in consideration of the sum of five
hundred in cash heretofore paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,
have this day bargained and sold and do by these presents, sell and convey unto
J.M. MIDYETT, to him, his heirs and assigns, my entire interest in the following
described tract of land situate, lying, and being in the 16th Civil District of
Lauderdale County, Tenn., and bounded as follows, TO WIT: Beginning at a stake with
elm pointers, runs north 13 poles to a stake in the field; thence west 46 poles to
a stake in the big road, elm and locust pointers; thence north 42 degrees east 46
poles to a stake with black oak pointers; thence north 7 degrees east 62 poles
to MITCHELL’S south boundary line, thence east 37 poles to a stake, RAY’S west
boundary line; thence south 25 poles to RAY’S corner; thence east 25 poles to a
stake in BASS’S west boundary line; thence south 39 poles to a stake in the big
road; thence in a southwesterly direction with the big road 66 poles to the
beginning. This boundary includes, but this conveyance excludes that part sold off
this to L.L. BEARD, and this tract contains about twenty acres; more or less off
the south end of the above described tract. To have and to hold my entire said
interest in the above described tract of land to the said J.M. MIDYETT, to him, his
heirs and assigns in fee simple. I sell, transfer and quit claim to him all my
right title claim and interest in the above described tract of land. I, JULIA
MIDYETT, wife of R.M. MIDYETT, join in this deed and convey all right, title, claim
and interest I have in said land including the homestead and dower right. This
17th November,1919. R.M. MIDYETT. JULIA (X her mark) MIDYETT.