Midgett, R. / Beard, L. (1919)
DEED BOOK L-3 PAGES 334,335 & 336–R.M. MIDGETT el ux et al, to L.L. BEARD & wife;
all men by these presents, that we, J.M. MIDGETT, a single man, R.M. MIDGETT and
wife, MRS. JULIA MIDGETT, AND MRS.M.A. DUNCAN, for and in consideration of
$1600.00, Cash in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have this day
bargained and sold and by these presents, hereby transfer and convey unto
L.L. BEARD the following described tract of land, lying, situate and being in the
16th Civil District of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, and bounded and described as
follows: TO WIT: the north end of a certain tract of about 38 acres, being twenty
acres cut off of the north end of a tract of land conveyed by L.L. HINTON to
J.M. MIDYETT and R.M. MIDYETT on January 24,1910 by deed recorded in Deed Book B-
3, Page 79,80 in the Register’s Office of Lauderdale County, Tenn., to which the
tract of 20 acres herein conveyed is taken from the North end is bounded and
described as follows: “Beginning at a stake with elm pointers runs thence north
13 poles to a stake in the field; thence west 46 poles to a stake in the big
road, elm and locust pointers; thence north 42 degrees east 46 poles to a stake
with black oak pointers; thence north 7 degrees east 62 poles to MITCHELL’S south
boundary line; thence east 37 poles to a stake, RAY’S west boundary line; thence
south 25 poles to RAY’S corner; thence east 25 poles to a stake in BASS’S west
boundary line; thence south 39 poles to a stake in big road; thence in a
southwesterly direction with the big road 66 poles to the beginning, and being
said tract conveyed to L.L. HINTON by JULIA MIDYETT and R.M. MIDYETT. To have and
to hold said tract of twenty acres unto the said L.L. BEARD, his heirs and assigns
forever in fee simple. We covenant that we are lawfully seized and possessed of
said tract of land and have a good and lawful right to sell and convey the same;
that the same is unencumbered and we will warrant and forever defend the title
to the same to the said L.L. BEARD, his heirs and assigns against the lawful
claims of all persons whomsoever. And I, JULIA MIDYETT, join in this conveyance
and sell, relinquish and convey unto the sais L.L. BEARD, his heirs and assigns all
my rights of homestead and dower and any and all other rights I might have in
and to said tract of land. And I, M.A. DUNCAN, mother of J.M.& R.M. MIDYETT hereby
join in this conveyance and sell and relinquish and convey unto the said
L.L. BEARD, his heirs and assigns in fee simple , all my rights, titles, claims and
interests, and especially my rights of homestead and dower in said tract of
land, and I join in this instrument for the purpose of making and conveying to
L.L. BEARD, his heirs and assigns a perfect fee simple title to said tract of land
free from any and all claims I may have in same. Possession to be given
L.L. BEARD at once of four acres to sow pasture. And balance of said tract is to
be given into his possession not later than 1st January,1920. (Follows on next
page is rendering all to H.D. FOLTS,
Trustee, which really repeats all typed so far.) In witness whereof we have
hereunto subscribed our names on this 8th day of September,1919. R.M. MIDYETT;