Lockard, G. / Cox, M. (1865)
Lockard/Cox Deed, Lauderdale County, TN
29 Sept. 1865….
George W. Lockard I, George W. Lockard, have thus bargained and sold to To: Deed M. D. Cox, his heirs and assigns for the consideration M. D. Cox of the sum of Five Hundred and Seventy Dollars to me [85 Acres + 35 acres] cash in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described tract of land lying in Lauderdale County, State of Tennessee and thus bounded and described [to wit] Beginning at the North East corner of an entry of 200 acres granted to the heirs of Joshua Wright – a dogwood and two dogwood pointers, thence West 65 poles to a stake 2 Black Oak pointers, thence South 123 poles and 1 link to a stake 2 poles West of a Hickory marked 2 Dogwood & Poplar pointers, thence East 65 poles to a stake on the West boundary line of a 640 acre Entry in the name of the Trustees of East Tennessee College, thence North with said line to the beginning, containing by estimation, 50 acres, one other tract adjoining the above described and thus bounded and described [to wit]. Beginning at a Dogwood stump with Oak & Poplar pointers – standing on the South-West corner of the original tract runs thence, East 35 poles to a stake with two black gum pointers, thence North 160 poles to a stake with Red Oak-Ash and Mulberry pointers, thence West 35 poles to a Dogwood, thence South to the beginning. Containing 35 Acres. To have and to hold the same to the said M. D. Cox, his heirs and assigns forever and I convenant and bind myself, my heirs and Executors and Administrators to the said M. D. Cox, his heirs and assigns that I will warrant and forever defend the title of the above described lands and ………. ………. thereof to the said M. D. Cox, his heirs and assigns, against the claims of all persons whatever. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal. This 29th day of Sept. 1865. Witness U. S. Internal George W. Lockard [Seal] State of Tennessee Personally appeared before me, George Johnston, Clerk of the County Court of said County, George W. Lockard, the bargainer with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing and for the purposes therein contained. Witness my hand at Office, the 29th day of Sept. 1865 Rec’d State Tax .85 cts. George Johnston, Clerk Presented for Registration 29th day of Sept. 1865 at 12 o’clk. p.m. J. D. B… |