Fitzgerald, G./ Fitzgerald, M. (1947)
__________________ Mrs.Mattie M.FITZGERALD
I do hereby certify that the within instrument was presented for registration on
the 9th day of October 1947 at 10:40 o’clock a.m. and was noted in Book 9 page
279 and registered in N-4 Book Page 465-466.
Witness my hand this 13th day of October 1947 Don GARRETT—Register Register
Fee $2.00 paid.
I, GUS L. FITZGERALD, for the considerations hereinafter set out, have this day
bargained and sold and do hereby bargain, see; transfer and convey unto MRS.MATTIE
M. FITZGERALD, her heirs and assigns forever in fee simple, all my
right, title, claim and interest, as hereinafter set out, in and to the following
described tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 11th Civil
District of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, and more particularly bounded and
described as follows:
BEGINNING at the northwest corner of the tract given to J.W. PITTS in the
division of the PITTS land at a stake 2 dogwood and gum pointers ‘thence east 110
poles to a poplar marked xx SB; thence south 109 2/3 poles to a stake, the
Lightfoot heirs southeast corner; thence west 110 poles to a stake in the
Lightfoot’s north boundary line; north 109 2/3 poles to the BEGINNING, containing
75 acres, more or less.
BEING the same tract of land conveyed to James E. GILLESPIE by deed of Henry
T. PITTS of Record Book W, page 175 of the Register’s office of Lauderdale
County, Tennessee, and set aside to Laura GILLESPIE, now Laura J. PARRISH, in the
case of GILLESPIE vs GAINES County Court of Lauderdale County, Tennessee. {1896}
Minute Book S , page 180 et seq to which reference is here made.
Also a roadway conveyed to vendors herein by deed of V.T. LIGHTOOOT et al, of
record in the said Register’s office in Deed Book D-3, page 512-13 of
Register’ office of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, to which reference is here made
and is described as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron stake in the Ripley and Lightfoot Road; runs thence west 20
feet to a stake; thence north across our tract of land to a stake in the south
boundary of W.A. PARRISH land, said line north being parallel with the west side
of the J.B. GRIGGS land; and said stake being 20 feet west of the northwest corner
of said J.B. GRIGGS land sold to him by W.W. CRAIG, said corner of J.B. GRIGGS land
being an iron stake which stands 16 feet west of a persimmon; thence east 20 feet
to J.B. GRIGGS northwest corner; thence south with GRIGGS and our dividing line to
the BEGINNING POINT, and containing one-fourth of an acre, more or less.
BEING the same tract of land conveyed to GUS L. FITZGERALD and MRS.MATTIE
M.FITZGERALD as tenants by the entireties of W.A. PARRISH ex ux December
30,1936, of record in Deed Book A-4, page 418, of the Register’s office of
Lauderdale County, Tennessee.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said undivided interest by the entirety unto the said MATTIE
M. FITZGERALD her heirs and assigns forever in fee simple.
THE CONSIDERATION for this conveyance is the sum of $1575.00 cash in hand
paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and the further consideration
that the said GUS L. FITZGERALD and MATTIE M. FITZGERALD have this day made and
entered into and agreement for the full and complete settlement and adjustment
of all their property rights, including the release by the said MATTIE
M.FITZGERALD of all other rights, including but not limited to homestead and
dower, which she may have in and to all property, real and personal, which the said
GUS L. FITZGERALD may own or may hereafter own. And of course, said contract and
agreement shall work a release of all interests which the said GUS L. FITZGERALD
may have in the property of the said MATTIE M. FITZGERALD from and after this
date and this agreement binds the said GUS L. FITZGERALD, his heirs and
assigns, from any and all further rights of every kind and nature of any property
belonging to the said MATTIE M. FITZGERALD, including the real estate herein
described and referred to.
I COVENANT THAT I am lawfully seized and possessed of said property; that I have
a good and lawful right to sell and convey the same; that the same is uncumbered
and that I will warrant and forever defend the title to said property unto the
grantee, her heirs and assigns forever in fee simple as above set out.
The said MATTIE M. FITZGERALD is now in the possession of said property and she
shall be entitled to all rents etc., for the year 1947, together with all future
The said Mattie M. FITZGERALD shall be obligated to pay all taxes on said
Witness my hand this October 8,1947
On this day personally appeared before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and
for said state and county, Gus L. Fitzgerald, the within named bargainer with whom
I am personally acquainted and acknowledged that he executed the within and
foregoing instrument as and for his free act and deed and for the purposes
therein contained.
Witness my hand and seal of office at office in Ripley, Tennessee, Lauderdale
County on this October 8,1947
My commission expires January 5,1948.