Deed book pages 500 – 599
p. 500 – 15 July 1838 – TN State Grant #3654, Entry #8 in Lauderdale Co dated 2 Sept 1836 made in the name of John W. and Robt C. Campbell for 90 acres founded on CWT Warrant #3512 issued to James G. Brehon for 90 acres dated 9 July 1836 surveyed 16 Nov 1837, assigned to the Campbells; d5s10 bounded by Entry #6 for 375 acres in names of J W & R C Campbell.
p. 502 – 18 July 1838 – TN State Grant #3658, by Entry #6 in Laud. Co. dated 2 Sept 1836 in names of John W. and Robt. C. Campbell for 375 acres founded on CWT Warrant #3464 issued to John G. Blount dated 10 Nov 1837 in r5s10 founded by Entry for 416 2/3 acres made in the name of Peter Ammon.
p. 503 – 27 Aug 1838 – Pleasant M. Miller to Joseph Jones for $3200 in Civil District 5, 640 acres beginning at ne corner of Entry #1497 for 200 acres in name of John C. McLemore and John W. Campbell, east 402 poles, south 281 poles, west 255 poles to east line of Entry #1759 for 403 acres in name of Joseph Sutton, north 158 poles to se corner of Entry #1497 for 200 acres in name of John C. McLemore and John W. Campbell, north 200 poles. Wit: A. B. Bradford, R. C. Brinckley, Joseph Wardlaw, A. H. Pope; proved by Wardlaw and Pope 3 June 1840.
p. 504 – 1 Feb 1840 – Joseph Jones (by his atty in fact Thos. J. Mulhollan) to Wm. L. Miller for $6400, 640 acres. Bounds: ne corner of Entry 1497 for 200 acres in name of John C. McLemore and John W. Campbell, Entry 1759 for 403 acres in name of Joseph Talbert, se corner of Entry #1497 for 200 acres in name of John C. McLemore & John W. Campbell. Wit: James G. Anthony, Abel H. Pope; proved by both witnesses 2 June 1840.
p. 505 – 16 Nov 1839 – John P. Rice and Shadrick Rice bound for $10,000 for fulfilment of contract to Thomas G. Rice. Condition: On 4 Oct 1837 John P., Shadrick, and Thomas G. Rice purchased in common from Ries W. Porter, Ellen W. Walton and Samuel S. Smith 5000 acres on north side of Big Hatchie known at present as the Porter Tract and they have sold from time to time to different individuals 1557.5 acres from it reserving for their own use the remaining 3432.5 acres out of which has been laid off to John P. 920 acres, 158 poles; the remaining 2512 acres are now mutually held by Thos G. and Shadrick, yet undivided with the understanding that in the division each party is to hold that portion upon which their farms and buildings are located at present. Wit: S. M. Sweet, A. J. Jackson. Ack by John P. and Shadrick 1 June 1840.
p. 506 – 16 Nov 1839 – Shadrick Rice and Thomas G. Rice bound for $10,000 to John P. Rice (remainder same as above instrument). Wit: A. Y. Yudren/A. P Tucker?. Ack 1 June 1840.
p. 508 – 16 Nov 1839 – John P. and Thomas G. Rice to Shadrick Rice bound for $10,000 (remainder same as above instruments). Wit: A. P. Tucker, S. M. Sweet; ack 1 June 1840.
p. 510 – 4 June 1840 – Reuben Cannada in trust to Jas. Braden to secure debt of $39 to J M C Robertson 12 hogs with all their increase. Ack 4 June 1840.
p. 511 – 16 Nov 1839 – John H. Chapman in trust to James A. Lackey 72 acres held as an occupant in r3s10 on which I now live to secure debt to AGW Byrn and R. H. McGaughey of $81.41. Wit: John McCall, W. D. Cooper. Ack 16 Nov 1839.
p. 512 – 18 April 1840 – Allen C. Omohundro to James W. Omohundro all claim and interest in his father, Wm. Omohundro, Sr.’s, estate both personal and real on the same terms that Allen C. has it on which is for 10 years certain or longer if my father and mother Wm. and Martha Omohundro should live and James M. agrees and binds himself to perform all the duties that the said Allen C. are bound to perform towards the maintenance and support of William, Martha, and Mary E. Omohundro. James M. is not bound for any debts or contracts that Allen C. may have contracted; also James M. agrees and is bound to pay his equal part with Thomas W. in the payment of all Wm. Sr’s just debts on or before 1 Jan 1844. Wit: Wm. Omohundro, Senr., Thomas W. Omohundro, Martha Omohundro. Proved by Thomas W. and Wm. Omohundro, Sr. 17 June 1840.
p. 513 – 28 Dec 1837 – Daniel Morphis of Marshall Co, TN to James Morphis of Henry Co for $500 all my interest as one of the heirs of John Morphis, dec’d late of Orange Co, NC to land (no acreage mentioned) in r2s9&10 on waters of Cain Creek. Wit: Wm. Martin, S. Goodwin; proved by the witnesses in Henry Co 27 Dec 1837.
p. 514 – 24 March 1840 – George Moore to my daughter Rebecca Nevil and her husband Edmund Nevil and to their bodily heirs, 54 1/6 acres, one third of my tract of 162.5 acres, part of a tract originally granted to Daniel Matetk (sic) for 3000 acres. This 54 1/6 begins in the south boundary of Joseph Wardlaw’s land, the ne corner of my 162.5 acres…Wit: P. G. Davenport, Wm. Flynn; proved by witnesses 1 June 1840.
p. 515 – 11 April 1840 – George Moore to my grandson Jerry Nevils my sorrel mare known as the dive mare that I purchased from Wm. Flynn. Wit: P. G. Davenport, Wm. Flynn; proved by both witnesses 1 June 1840.
p. 516 – 11 July 1798 – State of NC Grant #37 to Griffith Rutherford 3000 acres beginning at a leaning sycamore of Forked Deer River bank at the mouth of a small branch near the first bluff from the mouth of the river at Benjamin Smith and Martin Armstrong’s corner, with Smith’s line south 160 chains to 2 hickories and a dogwood, east 187.5 chains to a stake in Henry Rutherford’s corner, then along his line north 160 chains to a hickory and ash on Armstrong’s line, then along his line west to the beginning. Warrant #2249 survey by H. Rutherford; Alex Moore and Amos Moore chain carriers.
p. 517 – 7 Sept 1792 – Griffith Rutherford of Rowan Co NC to Hugh Torrence of Mecklenburg Co NC for 250 pounds 1936 acres, beginning at 2 hickories and a dogwood, Rutherford’s corner, along his line south 160 chains, then E 120 chains, then north 160 chains, then west to the beginning. Wit: Rice Graham, Sam Graham, James McGowen. Proved at January term 1801 at Mecklenburg Co., NC.
Deed is registered in Mecklenburg Co, NC Bk #16, p. 137
p. 518 – 30 March 1840 – James G. Torrance of Mecklenburg Co, NC to Charles Jones of Union Dist., SC for $4320, 1927 acres in Lauderdale Co, the beginning corner 640 poles due south from Key Corner on the Forked Deer River, it being part of a tract granted to Griffith Rutherford, conveyed by him to Hugh Torrence, claimed by me as the only heir of said Torrence. Begin at a poplar, then south 640 poles, then east 480 poles to 2 white oaks, then 540 poles cross Mill Creek, continues 100 poles–in all 640 poles–to sweet gum, then west 240 poles passing Porters, continued 240 poles–in all 480 poles–to beginning. Wit: F. M. Ross, Chas. J. Fox, J. W. Jones; acknowledged at Charlotte, NC at April term 1840.
p. 520 – 12 May 1840 – Ransom H. Byrn of Marshal Co, Mississippi to Nathaniel G. Smith of Hardiman Co, TN for $700, 108 acres and 20 poles beginning at the se corner of Ripley the Court House town of Lauderdale Co, east 173 poles, south 100 poles, west 173 poles to Joseph Wardlaws line, with his line north 100 poles to beginning. Wit: Austin Miller, Citizen Byrn; proved in Hardemin Co 14 May 1840.
p. 521 – 11 April 1840 – Alexander Morphis of Raleigh, NC quit claim to James Morphis of Henry Co, TN for $1000, all my interest in 2560 acres granted to John and Alexander Morphis by NC Grant 124 entered 5 July 1822. Ack 11 April 1840 in Raleigh, NC.
p. 523 – 22 July 1840 – James Morphis of Henry Co, TN to John J. Jett for $2816, 704 acres in Haywood and Lauderdale Co’s in 11th SD, r2s9&10. Bounds: Walker’s south line, Alfred Moore’s sw corner, Samuel Allens nw corner, George Doherty corner. This tract is part of Grant #12674 founded on Warrant #554, Entry #724 granted by St of TN to John and Alexander Morphis. Wit: James W. Strother; ack in Haywood Co 21 July 1840.
p. 524 – 6 June 1840 – John B. Byrn to Absalom G. W. Byrn for $650, 100 acres in 11th SD r2s10, part of a tract granted by TN to Alfred Moore, Sr. by Entry #625 for 5000 acres bounded by 100 acres sold to James A. Morris, Champ C. Conner’s west line. Ack 31 July 1840.
p. 525 – 3 Aug 1840 – Chloe Lee for love and affection I bear to my grand children the sons and daughters of Elizabeth B. Fisher, wife of Benjamin F. Fisher, negro woman named Caroline. Wit: S. Richardson, Wm. D. Lee; proved by witnesses 3 Aug 1840.
p. 526 – 22 Aug 1840 – Griffith L. Rutherford, sheriff and tax collector to John Smith 100 acres; judgment given by Circuit Court on 20 Feb 1838 for $3.95 for taxes, cost and charges due and unpaid for 1837 against tract of which Jacob Jones is the reputed owner; in Dist. 7 bounded: beginning on Robt. P. Currin’s line, then north 87.5 degrees west 11 chains, then south 2.5 degrees east 31 chains & 40 links, then north 87.5 degrees east 48 chains & 40 links to Robt P. Currin’s line, and with his line to the beginning. Land was sold by John C. Barnes, then sheriff, and sold at the courthouse on 1st Monday of July 1838 to John Smith for $3.95. Ack 22 Aug 1840.
p. 528 – 5 May 1838 – Henry Rutherford to Hugh Smith for $183.75, 73.5 acres on the drains of Chambers Creek, part of 2000 acre NC Grant 34 dated July 10, 1788 to Rutherford. Beginning at a white oak on the eastern boundary of the 2000 acre tract, Thomas Philips corner, with his line west 23.5 chains to a black oak saplin his corner on James W. Herndon’s line, with his line north 14 chains to Smith’s line, East 4 chains to his corner, then north 20 chains & 83 links to his corner, then east 19.5 chains to a point north of the northeast corner of said 2000 acre tract, then south to the beginning. Ack 22 Aug 1840.
p. 530 – 21 March 1840 – James C & Saml M Copeland of Williamson Co to Joseph Crockett for $1431.50, 410.5 acres on the west side of the South Fork of Forked Deer River, part of Grant #407, beginning at Jos. Crockett’s sw corner of 1000 acres deeded to him by John L. Wheaton, it being a part also of Grant #407; west crossing Tisdale Creek 322 poles to the original sw corner of the 5000 acre Grant #407, it being R. P. Currin’s se corner; north with Currin’s east line 204 polls; east 322 poles to a white oak on the west boundary line of Crockett’s 10000 acre tract, south with his line 204 polls crossing Tisdale’s creek to the beginning. Wit: James M. Green, Richard W. Robison, Henry Jenkins; proved by Robison on 7 April 1840, by Jenkins on 6 April 1840.
p. 531 – 5 Sept 1840 – Robert P. Currin of Davidson Co to Robert Black, executor of Wm. Black, dec’d of Montgomery Co for $406.66; Wm. P. Campbell of Williamson by deed of trust dated 28 June 1838, registered in Register’s office of Lauderdale Co on BK A, pp. 252-3 conveyed to Robt. P. Currin an undivided interest of one third of 1220 acres formerly owned by Barrow Cage and Nichols, being part of a 5000 acre Tennessee Grant in 1821 on warrant #385 to John C. McLemore, James Trimble, Mathew Barrow and John Nichols lying on Cane Creek. The interest conveyed was the same conveyed to William P. Campbell by John Nichol by deed dated 23 Aug 1834 and Wm. P. Campbell in the deed of trust authorized Robt P. Currin to sell if which he did on the public square in Ripley having given more than 40 days notice. Ack in Lauderdale Co. 5 Sept 1840.
p. 533 – 8 Sept 1840 – Wm. W. Sanders in trust to Nancy Sanders 12 hogs (described) 1 clock, a carryall to secure debt to Nancy Sanders by judgement for $70 before James Barfield, Esq. Ack 8 Sept 1840.
p. 534 – 30 June 1840 – Hugh Smith in trust to John Jones 73.5 acres, beginning at a black oak upon the line of the Herndon tract, east 80 poles, north 141.5 poles, west 80 poles south to beginning to secure debt to John Jones of $279…30 days notice in writing at the court house door and at the election ground of the 8th district and 3 other public places in the neighborhood. Ack 7 Sept 1840.
p. 535 – 23 January 1831 – Joel Lewis of Gibson Co to Wm. W. Lea of Gibson Co(?) for $100, 3 tracts: 111 acres, an undivided interest in 2500 acres entered in name of Robert Naul on the Mississippi River in Obion Co; 89.9 acres, an undivided interest in 1000 acres laid off to heirs of Joel Lewis deceased of a tract of 5000 acres entered in name of McDowells heirs in Haywood Co near Hatchie River; an undivided interest in 50 acres entered in name of the Heirs of Joel Lewis in Gibson Co on the north side of the Little North fork of Forked Deer River in 13th SD r3s3. Wit: Thos R. Harrison, W. D. Lewis; proved in Gibson Co by the witnesses in September 1831.
p. 536 – 15 Sept 1840 – Edmund Fitzpatrick to Nancy Fisher for $376.56, 37 acres in 11SD, r3s9, bounded by Rhea’s 2500 acre tract. Wit: Wm. H. Fisher, Ivy Chandler; ack 29 Sept 1840.
p. 537 – 29 Sept 1840 – Edmund Fitzpatrick to Peter Fitzpatrick of Campbell Co, VA for $2250, 225 acres in 11SD r3s9 bounded by Nancy Fisher’s land, Slocams & Boon’s land, P. G. Gaines’ nw corner. Ack 29 Sept 1840.
p. 539 – 29 Sept 1840 – Edmund Fitzpatrick in trust to David Gilliland to secure debt of $1300 to Samuel V. Gilliland with Thomas Fitzpatrick as security; also indebted to Thomas Fitzpatrick $3102; indebted to Peter Fitzpatrick of Virginia for $1200; indebted to Barnet Finch of Virginia for $800 with Peter Fitzpatrick security; also indebted to Wm. Harris of Virginia for $4200–slaves: Sam age 23, Ned age 34, Emmelie age 25, Charaty age 35, Mary age 50, Leronia age 18, Daniel age 24, George age 40, Robert age 26, William age 19, Wilson age 15, Charlotia age 30, Lambert her son age 8 and Henry age 2; also one carriage and a pair of bay horses, a black mare, colt, black horse, 2 mules, wagon and gearing, cow and calf, an 8-day brass clock, glass & Dressing bureau and mahogany rocking chair and other household and kitchen furniture. Ack 29 Sept 1840.
p. 540 – 3 March 1840 – License to retail goods, wares, merchandise and jewelry in Lauderdale Co. issued to Edmund Fitzpatrick by David Gilliland clerk of the Circuit Court. Tax and fees were $42.00. On 25 Sept 1840 for $200 Fitzpatrick transferred the license and the stock of goods in his possession consisting of calicoes, muslins, silks, satins, domestic, cotton gause, belts and many other articles of merchandise too tedious to mention. Ack 2 Oct 1840.
p. 542 – 1 Aug 1840 – Edmund Fitzpatrick to Thomas Fitzpatrick for $1200 my present crop of tobacco, corn, fodder, oats & cotton and 70 hogs, as soon as I get the crop gathered and housed. Ack 2 Oct 1840.
p. 542 – 18 Dec 1789 – Benj. Smith, Esq. to Trustees of the University of NC, [19,000 acres] for good will he hath to the University and the desire he hath to render the most essential service his country by promoting useful knowledge and good morals and for 5 shillings, 6 miles south of [the Key Corner] south 160 chains, then west 184.5 chains, north 160 chains to Smith’s line, then east along his line to beginning, 3000 acres; another tract beginning 4 miles south of [the Key Corner] at Smith’s and Rutherford’s corner, south 160 chains to 2 poplars and a dogwood, west 250 chains, north 160 chains, east 250 chains to beginning, 4000 acres; another tract 2 miles south of [the Key Corner], south with Rutherford’s line 160 chains, west 312.5 chains, north 160 chains, east 312.5 chains, 4000 acres; a tract on north fork of Forked Deer River beginning at John Carter’s ne corner on Benjamin McCullock’s line, with his line east 240 chains to his corner on Edward Sharp’s line, along his line south 125 chains, west along his and Wm. Hankins’ line 240 chains to a stake in Carter’s corner, along his line north to beginning, 3000 acres; a tract beginning at [the Key Corner] at Martin Armstrong and Griffith Rutherford’s corner, with Rutherford’s line south 160 chains to 2 hickorys and a dogwood, west 312.5 chains, north 160 chains; east 312.5 chains, 5000 acres. Wit: J. Hamilton, W. Nash; ack 24 Dec 1789. On page 546 appears a statement of Jarmon Koonce, clerk of Fayette County court dated 30 30 July 184 that the deed was presented at their county court and there appeared Wm. Watts Jones and Duvant Hatch with whom he was acquainted who said they were acquainted with Benj. Smith in his life and with his handwriting and that they were acquainted with J. Hamilton and W. Nash and that Smith, Hamilton & Nash were residents of NC in their lifetime and are reported to have died many years since in NC and that Hatch & Jones from information believe that Smith Hamilton & Nash are now dead and that Jones & Hatch believe the signature of his name attached to the deed as grantor to be genuine handwriting of Smith. A statement of Josiah S. McClain, clerk of the County court of Wilson County, dated 20 July 1840, says that James Menge Burton came before them and said he was acquainted with J. Hamilton and W. Nash and with their writing and he believes their signatures are genuine ant that he is informed and believes the witnesses are dead.
p. 546 – 7 Oct 1840 – Isaac Moore in trust to James A. Lackey, 200 acres in the 6th Civil Dist. bounded on the south by Mrs. Boydstuns’s Occupant, west by Chism’s Occupant, east by Samuel Lusks land, it being the place which said Moore now lives on held as an occupant, a wagon, horses (described) to secure debt to Hiram C. Keller for $475. Ack 7 Oct 1841.
p. 549 – 14 Dec 1839 – Elijah Wright appoint my friend John H. Maxwell my atty in fact to sell my interest in 164 acres, occupant land entered in my name, the place where I now live. Wit: John W. Nearn, Joshua Wright. Proved by the witnesses 5 Oct 1840.
p. 549 – Hermis Champ in trust to G. L. Rutherford 2 lots in Ripley–# 53 and 50, also 14 cows and calves (described)–one in John C. Barnes’ mark, one in Hiram Meadows’ mark, 6 feather beds and clothing, 4 bed steads, a pair of tables, pair of large looking glasses, 1 dozen chairs, 2 skillets, 2 overns and 1 pot to secure debt to J M C Robertson for $360 endorsed by Wm. Conner and R. C. Campbell. Ack 12 Oct 1840.
p. 551 – 24 Dec 1839 – Pascal W. Sanders of Tippah Co., Miss. to Henry A. G. Lee for $1350, 330 acres beginning at Wm. F. Crenshaw’s corner on the dividing line between a 3000 acre tract granted by NC to Griffith Rutherford and a 5000 acre tract granted to Benj. Smith; with Crenshaw’s line north 87.5 degrees east 44.5 chains to a white oak; south 2.5 degrees east 64 chains and 25 links to a poplar on Benj. Porter’s line; then with that line south 87.5 degrees west 15 chains to an elm and poplar sapling, Porter’s corner, then with his line south 2.t degrees east 15 chains, then south 87.5 degrees west 29.5 chains to the original line between Rutherford and Smith, with that line to the beginning. Wit: Stith Richardson, E. H. Hinton; proved by witnesses 5 Oct 1840.
p. 552 – 6 Oct 1840 – Walter K. Dobyns of Tipton Co to Joseph Wardlaw for $75, Ripley town lots #48 and 49. #48 is on the east side of Main St. 66′ south of the intersection with Washington St. #49 backs up to #48 and fronts on Randolph. Both lots are 66′ (on the east and west sides) x 107.25 (on the north and south). Ack 6 Oct 1840.
p. 553 – 2 Oct 1840 Richard H. McGaughey to Henry A. G. Lee trustee under a marriage contract between Wm. T. Morehead and Marina O. Marley (now Marina O. Morehead) for $200, Ripley town lot #32, 99’x99′, at the southwest corner of Randolph and Lafayette Streets. Ack 3 Oct 1840.
p. 554 – 24 Oct 1840 – Thomas J. Gardner of Hardeman Co, TN to Hermis Champ for $700 beginnins at a stake in north line of John Estas grant #335, Nancy Childress’ corner, east with grant line 41.42 poles to Slocum’s corner, south 141.42 poles, west 141.48 poles to Nancy Childress’ line, north with her line 141.42 poles to beginning. Wit: Guilford Jones, R. H. McGaughey; proved by witnesses 24 Oct 1840.
p. 555 – 25 April 1840 – John W. Rhea of Roane Co to James D. Rhea of Sullivan Co for $1800, John W. Rhea’s part of 1250 acres devised by John Rhea, dec’ed to John W. Rhea and others, and his allotments of the tract by commissioners, to wit the sw lot in the division, containing 288 acres bounded by the south boundary of the survey, Robt. P. Rhea’s corner, then with his line north to his corner, the the same course 24 poles to the line of the lot allotted to John Rhea, west with the line 225 poles to the western boundary line; south 194 poles to the corner, east with the old line to the beginning. Wit: G. W. Gaines, Joseph Anderson; ack in Kingston, Roane Co, TN 10 Oct 1840.
p. 556 – 7 Oct 1840 – Wm. W. Lea and Eliza A. Lea, his wife, heirs of the late Joel Lewis, dec’d, to Jonathan L. Hearring for $1472.25, 226.5 acres contiguous to the town of Ripley, part of 5000 acres entered in the name of and owned by the heirs of Charles McDowell and of that portion of 1000 acres, owned by the heirs of Joel Lewis, dec’d, laid off by the Commissioners Wm. H. Henderson appointed for that purpose to the heirs of Joel Lewis, beginning at a stake in a branch, the sw corner of Lot 1 laid off by commissioners to Lewis heirs and the nw corner of a lot laid off by them to Thomas Brown, now owned by Joseph Wardlaw, then east with his north boundary line 226 2/3 poles, then north 171.5 poles to the north boundary line of lot 1, west 46 poles to J. C. McLemore’s corner, then south with his line 15 poles, then west with McLemore’s line 180 2/3 poles to the west boundary line of the 5000 acre entry in the name of the heirs of Charles McDowell, then south with the west line 171.5 poles to the beginning. Ack by Wm. W. Lea 7 Oct 1840 before Isaac M. Steele, clerk of the court; Eliza A. Lea appeared privately and apart from her husband also on 7 Oct 1840.
p. 558 – 5 Nov 1836 – John Titsworth to Jacob Jones for $150, 65 acres, beginning on R. P. Currin’s line, north degrees west 11 chains, then south 40 degrees west 20 chains, then south 2.5 degrees east 16 chains and 15 links, then north 87.5 degrees east 48 chains and 40 links to Robt P. Currins line, then with the line to the beginning. (Signed with x); ack 7 Nov 1836.
p. 559 – 27 Oct 1840 – Jacob Jones of Haywood Co to Robert P. Currin of Davidson Co for $150, 65 acres (same description as above). Wit: Onesimus Fudge, Edmund Wright; proved by witnesses 3 Nov 1840.
p. 560 – — Sept 1840 – Thos. L. Clark in trust to Jacob N. Wardlaw my present crop of 200 bbls. of corn and 4000# of seed cotton and all my fodder to secure debt to Joseph Wardlaw of $100…election ground of 2nd Dist. Ack. 7 Nov 1840.
p. 561 – 3 Nov 1840 – Rezin L. Byrn, Hiram C. Jiller, Robt. C. Campbell & Griffith L. Rutherford, Commissioners for Ripley to heirs of Jane Walker for $81, lots #53 and 50–#53 at the ne corner of Main and Franklin (82.5′ along Main x 53.5 along Franklin) and #50 on the nw corner of Randolph and Franklin (82.5′ along Randolph x 53.5 along Franklin). Ack 7 Nov 1840.
p. 562 – 4 Dec 1840 – Wm. W. Lea in trust to J. M. Alexander all my horses, hogs, cattle, beds and bedding, household and kitchen furniture, small stock of goods now on hand, to secure him, the endorser with H. C. Keller and John C. Barnes on note of $800 held by the branch of the Bank of Tenn. at Sommerville, and endorser on a bill of exchange for $500 on the House of Martin Pleasants & Co of New Orleans dated 10 Dec 1840, and for a note for $203.42 given to Eliz. Harris, adminx of Daniel Harris, dec’d of Moss Co, Arkansas dated Nov 14, 1850. Ack 8 Dec 1840.
p. 563 – 7 Oct 1840 – Wm. W. Lea in trust to Joseph Wardlaw who endorsed a bill of exchange for $1000 on the House of Martin Pleasants & Co of New Orleans, 280 acres contiguous to the town of Ripley, part of a 5000 acre tract entered in name of heirs of Charles McDowell, and of that portion which was laid off by Wm. H. Henderson, Commissioner appointed for that purpose, to heirs of Joel Lewis in two lots beginning at the se corner of Lot #1 it also being said Wardlaw’s corner, west with his line to the se corner of that portion of #1 which was sold by Lea to Jonathan L. Hearring, north with his east boundary about 171 poles to the north boundary of Lot #1, east to the ne corner, then south with the west boundary of #2 passing the sw corner of #2 and continuing with Wardlaw’s line about 171 poles to the beginning. Ack 7 Oct 1840.
p. 565 – 14 Nov 1839 – Erra Mallott of Veteran, Chernung Co, NY quit claims to Minor L. Sherwood of the same place for $1340 an equal undivided part of the lot on which Phillip and Hester Mallett resided and known as 670 acres, part of Grant #276, Entry 1256 11 SD r2&3s8&9. It once belonged to Daniel Mallett deceased who reside in NC. The amount of land being conveyed in 335 acres. Wit: Dwight Pomeroy; proved by Pomeroy 19 Dec 1839.
p. 567 – 16 Dec 1840 – Minor L. Sherwood of Veteran, Chemung Co, NY to David M. Henning for $500, an equal undivided half (described above). Wit: Jas. Braden, Wm. S. Reed; proved in Lauderdale Co 16 Dec 1840.
p. 568 – 1 Dec 1840 – John K. Nixon to Matthew Pickett of Haywood Co. to secure the debt of $300 (described below), 1 pen of corn (100 bbls.) and 150 cords of wood on the bank of the Miss. River all of which is on the place where the said John Nixon now resides near Ashport, also a small stock of cattle, and 20 hogs. “John Nixon who intermarried with my daughter Susanah is indebted to sundry persons, many of the debts have been rendered into judgments and executions issued thereon without any ostensible property to pay and satisfy them, and whereas the credit of John Nixon is thereby destroyed, and whereas I have hired to him a negro named Dick at $130 a year and (Dick’s) wife Elly at $60 per year and their two children Violet at $25 per year and Nancy at $25 per year and hired him a young horse at $10 per year and for $50 allowed him the privilege of cutting cord wood from my tract of land on the Bank of Miss River…” Wit: Reuben P. Halliburton, John A. Pickett; ack 31 Dec 1840.
p. 570 – 5 Jan 1841 – John B. Acres in trust to Wm. G. Turner horses, oxen and cart and wheels, 6 feather beds and steds, their furniture, bureau, 1 dozen sitting chairs to secure debt to Paca Wilson for $60 with Eason Jones security, debt to Francis C. Wells, administrator of John Wells, dec’d for $75.25, debt to D. M. Henning, admr of A. L. Green, dec’d for $135. Ack 6 Jan 1841.
p. 571 – 14 July 1840 – John Trigg of Shelby Co to John W. Campbell, & James Elrod of Madison Co. for $1500, 320 acres, the undivided moiety of 640 acres granted to John Trigg & Ransom H. Byrn by Grant #3294 in 11SD r4s10&11 bounded by Entry #23 for 203 acres in the name of J. W. Campbell, R. C. Campbell & Wm. Conner…occupant survey for 200 acres in name of John Jordan. Ack in Madison Co 14 July 1840.
p. 573 – 5 Dec 1840 – Samuel P. Anders to my sister Marth M. Anders all my interest in the estate of my mother Charlotte Anders, dec’d, for $100. Wit: Willie Dodd, John (x) B. Dodd; ack 4 Jan 1841.
p. 573 – 12 Jan 1841 – Wm. Adams to my mother Elizabeth Adams (no money mentioned), horse and 2 saddles, yoke of oxen and cart, 2 milk cows with their calves, 2 yearlings, 76 hogs (9 now fat for pork or bacon), stack of fodder, 50 barrels of corn at Ring’s old place and 30 barrels where we now reside, bed & furniture, bedsted & C, all my farming tools such as plows swingle trees, haimes, clevis, axes, & hoes & C. Wit: Jane Humble (with a mark), Saml. Hankins. Ack 12 Jan 1841. [Jane Addams married Abraham Humble Dec 13, 1838, Henry Crihfield, JP officiated.
p. 574 – 4 Jan 1841 – Griffith L. Rutherford, sheriff of Lauderdale Co to J. M. Alexander because on 21 Oct 1839 at court Leigh Madden & Co, merchants of New Orleans, obtained a judgment against Wm. W. Lea for $3106.83, and an alias execution was issued and levied on land owned by Wm. W. Lea–163 acres [for $13] joining the town of Fulton, part of a 760 acre tract beginnins at the nw corner of the 760 acres and the town of Fulton, up a branch with the n boundary…J C McLemore’s corner…Matthew Barrows corner…east corner of Fulton; also 209.5 acres [for $1], part of 760 acre tract beginning at J C McLemore corner on Trimble’s line…(Fulton)…Mississippi River; 135 acres [for$1] joining the 760 acres above mentioned; 125 acres [for$1] entry #76, Warrant #2634 beginning in the north boundary of an entry for 261 acres made in the name of Trimble and Barrow, north with Rhea’s line…2560 acres in name of Robert Turner; also 100 acres [for $1] Entry #105, Warrant #305 beginning on west line of John Rice’s grant for 5000 acres and nw corner of Lewis Hutchinson’s mill claim; also 100 acres, [for $1] Entry #35, Warrant #3546…entry of 200 acres made in name of Bradshaw and Pillow in the west line of James P. Taylor’s 640 acre tract…John Rice’s north line; also 680 acres [for $5] in the 4th Dist, Warrant #3590,…Robt. Turner’s 2560 acre entry; also 200 acres [for $1] on Island 26 in the Miss. River, Entry #13…1000 acres entered in name of the President and trustees of the University of NC on the east bank of the island…west bank of the island; also 75 acres [for $1] Entry 19…Bradshaw’s and Pillow’s 200 acre entry …the land having been advertised in the District Herald published in Brownsville, Haywood Co, the sheriff sold it at the courthouse door on Monday 4 Jan 1841, it being 1st day of Co Court, and J. M. Alexander was the highest bidder. Ack 5 Jan 1841.
p. 578 – 7 Jan 1841 – J M C & (wife) Elizabeth Robertson to Joseph Murphy for $540, 142 1/16 acres in Dist. 1 bounded by C. McLung’s land …occupant belonging to C. Watson. Ack 9 Jan 1841.
p. 579 – 20 Nov 1840 – St of TN #4564, Entry #126 dated 2 Oct 1840 made by Elnathan H. Condray for 47 acres founded on part of CWT warrant #2199 issued to Thomas Henderson for 640 acres, survey dated 29 Oct 1840, grant is to Elnathan H. Condray, assignee of T. Henderson, 75 acres, 11 SD, r3s11 south of an entry for 50 acres in the name of Ezekiel. James K. Polk, Governor.
p. 580 – 21 Jan 1841 – Edmund Fitzpatrick to John Fitzpatrick of Hines Co, MS, power of attorney to file a bill of injunction against Judith Middleton in a suit wherein she obtained a judgment against me, and to employ counsel and do all other things which may be necessary in and about said suit.
p. 581 – 30 Jan 1841 – John C. Barnes in trust to Wm. McFarlin to secure debts to Valentine C. Barnes for $2400 and to David M. Henning, admin. of A. L. Green, dec’d for $142.50, and to Ezekiel Farmer for $150, and to Thomas Peel for $150, 122 acres in Dist. 3, r3s9 nw of Nancy Childress, and 145 acres (also in Dist. 3, r3s9) south of the above tract and west of Nancy Childress; also these slaves: Richard about 15, Juliet about 23; and Jane about 6; yoke of oxen, wagon, 3 horses, 2 fillies, 2 mules 5 milch cows and calves, 1 bull, 15 yearlings steers, cows, etc. 6 sheep 4 feather beds & furniture, 4 bedsteads, 1 metal clock, 4 ploughs, 3 pair of gean, 1 dozen chairs, 2 tables, 1 gennitt, 300 cords of wood. Ack 30 Jan 1841.
p. 584 – 14 Jan 1840 – Alfred Thurmond of Harrisburgh, Republic of Texas to Caleb W. Anderson for $400, 149 acres, part of the surplus of 2000 acres granted originally to David Crawford by NC, conveyed from A. Sturgis of GA to Alfred Thurmond; beginning at Erasmus D. Thurmond’s se corner, then east 2degrees south 90 poles & 9 links to a corner, n 2d e 255 poles 20 links to a corner, then w 2d n 90 poles and 9 links to a corner, then s 2d w 255 poles and 20 links to the beginning, a dividing line between the said Alfred Thurmond & E. D. Thurmond. Wit: Henry Crihfield, Edmund Wright, Wm. H. Wright. Proved by the Wrights 4 Jan 1841.
p. 586 – 24 Dec 1840 – Clement T. Walker in trust to David M. Henning to secure debt to Marshal Starns, the note is in the hands of Ivy Chandler his agent, and is for rent of town lots, land, etc. which is now occupied by Walker–a carryall, 2 cattle, bed and furniture, a bureau. Wit: A. Pate, Reuben Gravatt; ack 5 Feb 1841.
p. 587 – 15 Jan 1841 – Abner (x) Dodd of Haywood Co to Willie Dodd of Lauderdale Co, 1 yoke of oxen, cow, black 2-year old colt next spring and 1 year old for $80. Wit: Samuel P. Anders, John B.(x) Dodd. Ack by Abner Dodd 15 Jan 1841.
p. 587 – 3 Aug 1840 – William G. Childress of Williamson Co. to John C. Barnes for $417, 2 shares allotted to Wm. G. Childress in the division of the tract sold to Stephen Childress by Robt. G. Green and conveyed by deed dated 22 Dec 1825, the tract Stephen Childress residen on at the time of his death, one of which shares Wm. G. claimed as heir of Stephen Childress, dec’d and the other purchased and conveyed to him by the sheriff of Tipton Co and sold by the sheriff as the property of Stephen S. Childress, another of the heirs of Stephen, dec’d. The parcels are bounded: Lot #4 (61.5 acres) begins at the nw corner of Nancy Childreee’ dowery tract then west 179 poles, then north 55 poles, then east 179 poles then south 55 poles; lot #15 [74.25 acres] begins at Nancy Childress’ corner, north 82.5 poles, then west 144 poles, south 82.5 poles, and east to beginning. Wit: Wm. Mcfarlin, Richard Moore. Proved by Moore in Lauderdale Co 9 Jan 1841.
p. 589 – Dec 1840 – Elijah B. Foster in trust to Joseph Wardlaw 200 acres in Dist 6, an occupant claim bordering John C. McLemore’s 428 acre entry to secure debt to Robt. J. Chester of $125. Wit: Wm. Weddle, Robbin Rodgers; ack 1 Feb 1841.
p. 591 – 1 Feb 1841 – Elijah B. Foster in trust to A G W Byrn 200 acres in Dist. 6, r4s11, an occupant claim on which Foster now resides bordering John C McLemore’s entry for 420 acres; also horses (described), a carryall wagon, and cows to secure debt to Terry H. Willie. Ack 1 Feb 1841.
p. 592 – 16 Sept 1840 – John N. Purcell to Henry R. Chambers, a negro woman named Phyllis now in his possession for $463.33. Wit: Samuel McClanahan, Henry F. Rutherford. Proved by McClanahan 13 Oct 1840 in Haywood Co; by Henry F. Rutherford in Lauderdale Co on 1 Feb 1841.
p. 593 – 2 Sept 1840 – James P. Purcell to Henry R. Chambers for $350 a boy slave about 9 years old named Francis. Wit: Wm. Misskelly, Matthew Brandon; proved by both witnesses 1 Feb 1841.
p. 593 – 4 August 1840 – Alfred Sturges of Columbia Co. GA quit claims to Alfred Thurmond of Lauderdale Co, TN all his interest in 2 acres originally granted to David Crawford except 660 acres. Wit: Richard R. Harrison, Edward Ballard; proved by Ballard in Columbia Co, GA 4 Aug 1840.
p. 594 – 2 Feb 1841 – Joshua R. Stone to Wm. P. Gaines for $215, “all my right and interest” to negro woman Mary about 17 years old of yellow complexion and her child James about 1 year old, they being the property of M. Y. Gaines, dec’d, undivided between A. B. Gaines and _. P. and P. G. Gaines the brothers of the said M. Y. Gaines, dec’d, 1/3 part of the above negroes or all the interest that I might claim in them as the interest of A. B. Gaines. Wit: Larkin Gaines, P. G. Gaines; ack 2 Feb 1841.
p. 595 – 1 Feb 1841 – Joshua R. Stone in trust to Samuel V. Gilliland to secure debt to John N. Reigh (Rhea) of $75 by two notes of hand–one for $23 dated January 30, 1839 and the other for $52 due the 1 February 1841, 1 yoke of steers, a cart, one pony, mare and colt, 1 milk cow, 4 yearlings, 7 sheep, 3 sows, 10 pigs, 6 shoats, 1 bed & bedding, 1 clock, 2 stacks of fodder and 30 barrels of corn and 600# of pork. If debt not paid in 12 months, Gilliland shall advertise the property for 20 days at 4 public places in the county one of which shall be at the court house door that he will expose to the highest bidder. Ack. 2 Feb 1841.
p. 597 – 6 Feb 1841 – Griffith L. Rutherford to Joseph Wardlaw because Leigh Maddox, George Pollard, James S. Ewing and Brandon Merrill, merchants and partners trading under the firm and style of Leigh Maddox & Co recovered a judgement for $3106.83 against Wm. W. Lee in Circuit Court of Lauderdale Co on 21 Oct 1839 which an alias writ of fieri facias issued on 6 Oct 1840, and there not being personal property of Wm. W. Lea sufficient to satisfy the execution, Rutherford levied on 200 acres of Lea’s which was laid off by Wm. H. Henderson the commissioner appointed to lay off to the heirs of Joel Lewis their portion of a 5000 acre tract entered in the name of the heirs of Charles McDowell, it also being Joseph Wardlaws’ corner, runs to property sold by Lea to Jonathan L. Hearring. Rutherford advertised it and sold it at the court house door on 4 Jan 1841; Wardlaw was the highest bidder at $300.25. Ack 6 Feb 1841.
p. 598 – 9 Feb 1841 – Wm. Weddle in trust to Absalum G. W. Byrn 69 3/4 acres bounded on the west by Hickman, the north by Levi Gardner, the east by Caldwell and on the south by Stephen Gardner, it being the occupant on which Weddle now lives, 1 bay horse 6 years old, and 25 hogs, to secure a debt to James A. Morriss for $152. Ack 10 Feb 1841.
p. 599 – 9 Feb 1841 – James A. Morris in trust to Absalom G. W. Byrn 100 acres bounded by Rezin S. Burn, Donalson, Lance Graves, A G W Byrn, the land on which he now lives to secure debt to Rezin S. Byrn, Robt. C. Campbell, Hiram C. Keller and Griffith L. Rutherford, acting commissioners for the town of Ripley for $420 for which they have two judgments in John H. Maxwell, Esq’s office. Ack 15 Feb 1841.