Deed book pages 1 – 99
p. 1 5 Dec 1835 – John H. McLemore of Davidson Co. to Christopher Strong of Dickson Co. for $2,500, 1000 acres in Lauderdale Co. (formerly Tipton Co.) granted to Jessee Blackfar and Henry Wright (Grant No. 17494 dated 19 June 1822) on north side of Cane Creek, s10r4; bounds – James Tremble & Co. Wit: Wills Williams, Wm. M. Berryhill. Proved 6 Dec 1835 at Davidson Co.
p. 2 31 Mar 1836 – Mary J. Lee to Mary S. Anthony, power of attorney to superintend, manage and direct “all my lands, slaves and other property…in the state of Tennessee…” Acknowledged before Robert Dickey and John Hart, J.P.’s for Fredricksburg, VA, 1 April 1836. p. 3 16 Jan 1832 – John C. McLemore, James P. Clark (Exr. of James Tremble), and M. Barrow of Davidson Co. to Robert H. Lake of Madison Co for $424, lots #17 and 95 in the original plan of the town of Fulton. Ack. in Davidson Co. Jan 1832. p. 4 1 July 1836 – Henderson Clark, sheriff and collector of taxes of Dyer Co to Henry D. Mason & Milton Brown of Madison Co., for $98.84, the amount of double taxes for 1831, 1832, and 1833, cost, and charges on 4246 acres in name of Samuel McKee & wife, an undivided part of a 5000 acre grant by NC to Benjamin Smith (Grant #402) in 13th Surveyor’s District, r6 & 7[see footnote 1]; bounds – Smith’s Grants #411, 415, and 416, and James Kier. Sale, to be held at Court house door in Dyersburg on first Monday in November 1834, was advertised in National Banner published in Nashville and in the Truth Teller and Western District Sentinel, both published in Jackson. Ack. in Dyer Co. 2 July 1836. p. 6 1 July 1836 – Henderson Clark, sheriff and collector of taxes of Dyer Co. to John H. Rawlings and Milton Brown of Madison Co., for $10.25, taxes, costs, and charges due for 1833 on 853 acres (Entry #166 for 981 acres, 128 acres having been taken off by interference) in name of William Bradshaw in 13th SD, r8s1 on south side of the South Fork; bounds – William Hulett, Archibald Murphey. Sale advertised, made, and acknowledged as in preceding deed. p. 9 2 July 1836 – Bennett Griffith, indebted for $27.79 to the firm of T. D. & W. H. Fisher of Durhamville, makes deed of trust to Dabney P. Phillips for 3 sows & pigs, 5 hogs, 1 cow & calf, 1 cow and yearling, 1 two-year old heifer, and his crop now growing and the increase of same until 25 Dec 1836. Wit: S. P. Holloway, Ivy Chandler. p. 10 5 Oct 1835 – Bank of Newbern in NC to Edward Orne and Alden Gifford of Boston, Mass, 274 acres for $274, in Tipton Co. [now Lauderdale Co.] on waters of Cole Creek, 11th SD, r4s11; bounds – John C. McLemore, the range line. Wit: N. W. Copeland, M. Christian. Signed by the bank’s agent, Chas. Manly. Proved by the witnesses at Madison Co. 4 July 1836. p. 11 5 Oct 1835 – Bank of Newbern in NC to Edward Orne and Alden Gifford of Boston, Mass., 640 acres for $640, in Tipton Co. [now Lauderdale Co.] on waters of Cane Creek, r4s10; bounds – Thos. and James P. Taylor, James Tremble. Same witnesses and proof as above. p. 13 8 Nov 1827 – Alexander Jefferson Work of Iredell Co., NC to Alexander W. Brandon and Wm. B. McCorkle of Anson Co., NC and Abner York of Iredell Co., NC for $2000, 1/3 part of an undivided interest in the Martin Armstrong, Jr. grant of 5,000 acres in Dyer Co. which was devised to Work by “my father Col. Alexander Worke…” Bounds – a large leaning sycamore [the Key Corner], Martin Armstrong, Sr. Wit: Robert M. Brevard, Edward H. Chapman, Wm. Simonton. Proved in Iredell Co. by Chapman and Simonton 28 Oct 1828. p. 15 30 May 1831 – John Murray to son Jas. H. Murray, both of Hardiman Co. power of attorney to “sell and convey…all my lands lying in the Western District of Tennessee except my land in Hardiman Co…” Wit: Jno. H. Biles. Proved in Hardeman Co. May 1831. p. 16 15 July 1835 – Samuel Meek of Davidson Co to John W. Campbell of Madison Co for $500, two tracts: 640 acres in 13th SD, s1r11 in Dyer and Tipton Cos., Entry #690 in the name of John Terrell, bounded by lands of John Murray & Wm. P. Anderson, C. Jones, and Mississippi River; and 578 3/4 acres in Tipton Co. located at northwest corner of the 11th SD on the Miss. River, part of a grant of 2560 acres to John Terrell and David Goodlow. These tracts were conveyed by John Murray to Saml. Meek and John W. Campbell jointly on 24 May 1832; Meek hereby sells all his interest to Campbell. Ack. 15 July 1835 Davidson Co. p. 17 16 Dec 1835 – John C. McLemore of Davidson Co. to Joseph Jones, Wm. Conner & Matthew Pickett of Haywood Co. for $5,000 from Jones, $2500 from Conner, and $2500 from Pickett, McLemore’s half interest in the following tracts in Tipton Co. which he owned jointly with John W. Campbell (the tracts adjoin and part front on the Miss. River): 640 acres where Robt. C. Campbell now lives called “Ashe Port”, which tract was granted to Cumberland College and conveyed to Wm. Arnold who sold it to McLemore and John W. Campbell; and six tracts containing 5,438 acres, all entered in the name of McLemore and Campbell. Wit: E. Haywood, J. M. Ross. Ack. in Haywood Co. 17 Dec 1835. p. 19 1 June 1836 – Benjamin S. Tappan of Williamson Co. to Wm Conner of Haywood Co., power of attorney to sell “all my interest” in 155 3/4 acres, part of 640 acres entered in name of Hardy Murfree which was allotted to Wm. Manney in the division of the land by lot #1 and conveyed by Manney to me, in Lauderdale Co. joining land of Fitzpatrick and others. Wit: Jas. Habbard, Chs. P. Taliaferro. Proved by witnesses in Haywood Co. 3 Oct 1836. p. 20 ADVERTISEMENT IN MEMPHIS GAZETTE dated July 13, 1831 “All powers of Attorney heretofore given to Hosea Edwards by the northern heirs of Daniel Mallett and particularly the one given in 1829 authorising said Edwards to sell and convey lands in the Western District of Tennessee are hereby revoked and declared null & void. For herself and on behalf of the northern heirs of Daniel Mallett. (Signed) Easter Mallett. [An “Advertisement in the Southern Statesman” follows with the same information as above with the addition of “under the penalty of ten thousand, against him or his agents, if they sell or offer to sell any more of said land.” Phillip Mallett also signs with Esther. 12 Dec 1815 – Will of Phillip Mallett of Catharine, Tioga Co., New York; weak of body; to each of my natural born children 62 1/2 cents; to my beloved wife Sarah all my personal property, household furniture and notes or book accounts after deduction of funeral charges and other debts for her life; residue after her funeral charges to be divided among my children; appoint son Phillip Mallett, Jr. executor and wife Sarah, executrix. Wit: Eli Y. Barnes, Levi Mallett, Rebecca Mallett. Proved 7 June 1819 in Tioga County by Levi Mallett. p. 23 14 Nov 1835 – Cary White to Holland L. White, both of Williamson Co. for $3000, town lots #29 and 39 in Franklin and “one fraction of land with a brick house thereon…at the north side of the bridge” given to Cary by his father; and the land in Tipton Co. which descended to Joel G. Childress and Benjamin F. Childress from the estate of Stephen Childress, deceased, which I purchased at the execution sale and which is known at lots #2 & 3 in the division of the estate; also the portion of the estate of Benjamine White now held by his widow as dower, it being two shares; also all my interest in my mother’s estate, and 1/8 of a house and lot in Mountpleasant, Maury Co. Wit: R. L. Andrews, Jos. H. Fry. Proved by both witnesses in Williamson Co. 25 April 1836. p. 24 1 Oct 1836 – Thomas R. Harrison and wife, Darthula M. Harrison of Mississippi Co., Arkansas, to Wm. W. Lea of Gibson Co., TN for $400, 230 acres in Gibson Co, 13th SD, r4s2, part of the lot laid off of a 5000 acre tract entered in name of heirs of Joel Lewis as the share of Dorthula, an heir at law of Joel Lewis, bounded by Kelton, A. S. Claiborne, Wm. Howard, and A. E. Mifflin; also their share as heirs of the deceased Lewis (1/9 part) of 40 acres in Gibson Co. 13th SD r5s2 on which John Morgan now lives near town of Eaton; and 1/9 part of 1000 acres in the Western District of Tenn. entered in the name of McDowell’s Heirs; also 1/9 part of 2500 acres in Obion Co. on the Miss. River entered in name of Robert Naiel. Wit: Moses Parr, Thos. T. Terrill. Acknowledged in Lauderdale Co. by the Harrisons 11 Oct 1836. p. 26 24 Feb 1836 – Thomas Brown of Columbus, Lowndes Co., Miss., at present of Lauderdale Co., TN, to Howell Taylor, Jr., Nicholas S. Perkins, and David Hay, commissioners appointed under the fifth section of an act of the General Assembly of Tennessee entitled “An act to establish the County of Lauderdale, to fix on a place and locate the seat of Justice in said county…” for $5, 62 1/2 acres on waters of Cane Creek of Big Hatchy River beginning at a stake in the second or eastern division line between the lots of land of Brown and the heirs of Joel Lewis made by Wm. H. Henderson, commissioner appointed to divide the Charles McDowell tract of 5000 acres among the legal claimants (papers filed in clerk’s office of Federal Court or the Circuit Court in City of Nashville in suit Lewis against McDowell), south 100 poles to a stake, thence east 100 poles to a stake, thence north 100 poles to a stake, thence west 100 poles to the beginning. It is clearly understood that whenever a town shall be laid off on the above premises and before a sale thereof, Brown shall have a choice lot in the town which is not to interfere with the proposed location of any public building. Witnesses, Wm. Conner and Saml. Oldham, proved deed 1 Aug 1836. p. 28 13 Sept 1836 – Henry Rutherford to John C. and Charles D. Crenshaw for $160, a pair of millstones and 10 acres on north side of Mill Creek above where Jessee Goodman commenced erecting a mill. The above land is the 10 acres reserved in a deed made by Henry Rutherford to Elizabeth Crenshaw and her husband Oliver Crenshaw dated 12 Feb 1822 for 502 acres and registered in Madison Co, part of a tract granted by NC to Rutherford by Grant #34 dated 10 July 1788. Wit: Henry R. Chambers. Ack. by Rutherford 4 Oct 1836. p. 29 19 Nov 1834 – James Morphus of Henry Co., to Robert Walker for $187.50, 125 acres, part of 2560 acre tract entered in name of James A. Morphus situated in Tipton Co, 11 SD, r2s10&11, bounded by lands of Alfred S and J. G. Blount. Proved by witnesses J.M.C. Robertson and Shade Alkins 5 Sept 1836. p. 30 30 April 1834 – James Brown of Madison Co. to Christopher Watson of Tipton Co. for $237, 118 1/2 acres in Tipton Co., part of C. McLun 2500 acres…Wm. R. Durham’s corner…Dudley Durham’s corner…Proved by witnesses D. P. Phillips and Thos. D. Fisher 18 Oct 1836. p. 31 27 Oct 1835 – James Morphis to John Stone of Tipton Co. for love and affection, power of attorney “to sell…my land, to sue and be sued to receive and receipt as though I was personally present myself. Proved by witnesses, Robert West and Caroline Stone, 4 Oct 1836. p. 32 29 Apl 1836 – Tarlton Harriss to Dabney P. Phillips in trust until 1 Oct 1836 to secure debt of $163 to firm of T. D. & W. H. Fisher of Durhamville, 1 bag spotted gelding, 3 cows & calves, 4 young cattle, 16 hogs, and the lease whereon Harris now resides for 5 years. Proved by witnesses S. P. Holloway and Turner Sullivan 5 Sept 1836. p. 33 7 Nov 1836 – Henderson Clark, Sheriff and collector of taxes for Dyer Co. to John W. Cooke of Henry Co. for $41.30 double taxes for 1834, costs, and charges on 4000 acres on south side of main Forked Deer River in 13th SD r9&10,s1&2, NC grant #84 to Benj. Smith…advertised in the Nashville Banner, and in the Truth Teller and Western District Sentinel published in Jackson, giving notice that on 1st Monday of November 1835 would be sold at Courthouse in Dyersburg. p. 35 7 Nov 1836 – Henderson Clark, Sheriff and Collector of taxes for Dyer Co. to John W. Cooke of Henry Co. for $50.65, double taxes for 1834, costs, and charges on 5000 acres in 13th SD, r9&10, s1&2, NC grant #165 to Benj. Smith, the grant southwest of the Key Corner. Advertised and sold as in deed above. p. 38 10 Dec 1834 – State of Tenn. (Certificate 3292) to Benjamin F. Jordan, assignee of Eldridge B. Robertson, 200 acres in Tipton Co., 11th SD r6s10 under provisions of the Occupant laws by Entry #1469 dated 1 Nov 1833 in name of Benjamin F. Jordan, assignee of Robertson, surveyed 20 Nov 1833; bounds, D. A. Sullivan, Miss. R. p. 38 8 Jan 1835 – State of Tenn. (Certificate #3320) to Jacob Byler, assignee of Thos. Henderson, 250 acres in Tipton Co. r6s10 entry #1471 dated 1 Nov 1833, surveyed 22 Nov 1833, borders Byler’s entry #1470. p. 39 8 Jan 1835 – State of Tenn. (Certificate #3177 dated 1 Feb 1833) to Jacob Byler, assignee of John C. McLemore, 292 acres surveyed 21 Nov 1833 in Tipton Co. r6s10 borders Benjamin F. Jordan’s entry #1469. p. 40 15 April 1835 – Levi Mallett and wife Rebecca to Era Mallett, all of Catharine, Tioga Co., New York, for $500 quit claim (their) part of the lot of 670 acres in Tipton Co. on which Phillip & Hester Mallett now live, part of grant #276, entry 1256, in 11 Dist, r2&3,s8&9, formerly belonging to Daniel Mallett, dec’d, who resided in North Carolina. Proved by witness John Morgan, a resident of Catharine, New York, before John Savage, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judication on 29 April 1835. p. 41 1 Apr 1835 – Rhositer Averil and Naomi his wife of Chemoung, Tioga Co, NY to Era Mallett of Tioga Co., NY for $500 quit claim (their) part of the property described in preceding deed. Same witness. p. 42 23 Mar 1835 – Alanson Mallett, Daniel Mallett, Guash Mallett, Isaac Mallett, George Mallett, Curtis Stewart & Eliza his wife, Thomas Couch & Lucy his wife, and Gennett Mallett to Era Mallett, all of Tioga Co, NY for $500 quit claim to property described in two preceding deeds. Samuel Winton, commissioner of deeds of Tioga Co. proved on 1 April 1835. p. 43 30 Nov 1835 – James Vaulx of Madison Co. to Wm. Conner of Brownsville, power of attorney to sell my lands in Haywood or Tipton Counties. Proved by witnesses Robt. J. Thomas and F. N. Taliaferro at Haywood Co. 9 Nov 1836. p. 44 31 Jan 1837 – Wm. J Connerly in trust to Josiah K. Goodwin to secure a debt of $44.64 to S.V. & D. Gilliland one brown mare and one sow & pigs. Proved by witnesses Guy Smith and Isaac M. Strain 31 Jan 1837. p. 45 8 Feb 1834 – Wm. L. Byler in trust to Robert P. Russel, both of Tipton Co., to secure a debt of $120 to S. V. & D. Gilliland, 97 acres in 11 SD r5s9&10 granted to James Copeland and deeded to Byler by Jas. P. Taylor. Proved by witness John Gilliland 1 Aug 1836; on 20 Feb 1837 John H. and Isaac Maxwell swore they had frequently seem Byler write and they believed the signature to be his. p. 48 10 Feb 1837 – In a case before the Chancery Court at Franklin, Tn. styled “Letitia B. Trimble and others vs. James P. Clark, executor of James Trimble, defendant,” John B. Howard, Mimican H. Howard, James Thompson (or any one or more of them) were appointed commissioners to divide the real estate of James Trimble into six equal parcels. A tract in Davidson Co., to be divided into two equal portions, was to have attached to them such part of the land in the Western District of TN as would make these two portions equal in value to the remaining four portions to be formed entirely out of the lands in the Western Dist. The parcels were to be allotted to Trimble’s six children: John Trimble, Susan Trimble who had since married Wm. L. Washington, Thos. Trimble, Mary Ann Trimble, Eliza Malvina Trimble, and Margaret Louisa Trimble. John B. Howard divided the real estate in the Western District; Mimican H. Howard the tract in Davidson Co., and the Court allotted them as follows: To Susan Washington, Lot 1 – 833 1/3 acres in Tipton Co., part of NC Grant #80 to John Rice, the part allotted to the heirs of James Trimble in the division with heirs of John McCampbell and John C. McLemore, [&] Patience Westcott; also 583 3/4 acres in Fayette Co., Tenn. Grant #17502 to James Trimble in 11th SD r3s5; also 139 acres in Haywood Co., part of NC Grant #291 to John Rice bordering part allotted in division with Patience Wescott and others; also 93 acres, the western part of 284 acres allotted to the heirs of J. Trimble, part of grant #295 for 5000 acres…Patience Wescott east line…John C. McLemore’s corner… The title to Susan Washington’s portion was to be vested in Edwin H. Ewing in trust for her. She was to have the rents, issues, and profits, and was given the power to sell all or any portion of it, and devise it in a last will and testament, or if she left no will and had no children or grandchildren living at her death, the land was to go to her husband. Ewing was to hold the land free from control, interference, or any liability from her husband’s debts. To John Trimble, Lot #2 – acres, part of 1115 acres near Haysborough in Davidson Co on the north side of Cumberland River…; also 750 acres in Tipton Co. on both sides of Cane Creek in 11th SD r4s10, part of Grant #16213 for 5000 acres and that part of the grant allotted to heirs of James Trimble in the division between the original parties known as lot No. 5…crossing the Byler road to Ashport 213 1/3 poles…Hurricane branch of Cane Creek…road from Brownsville to Ashport…road from Col. Byler’s to Ashport; also 240 acres part of NC Grant #294 to John Rice in Haywood Co, it being lot #6 in the original division of said grant…Hatchy River…heirs of J. McCampbell…heirs of James Trimble…heirs of R. Searcy. To Margaret Louisa Trimble, Lot #3 – 1222 1/2 acres in Tipton Co., part of NC Grant #341 for 5000 to John Rice, lot #2 in original division…heirs of Patience Wescott…Hatchie River…heirs of Robert Searcy; also 637 acres & 140 poles in Tipton Co. on Big Creek, 11th SD r7,s4, part of 5000 acres in name of Joseph Stigraves and a part of a tract allotted to the heirs of James Trimble (the residence being sold to Peter Legreund) known as lot #3 on the plat of division made out by John Ralston…McCampbell’s heirs…P. Legreund west boundary…; also 480 acres in Haywood Co, part of NC Grant #294 of 5000 acres to John Rice…J. McCampbell, R. Searcy, J. Trimble…; also 64 acres in Tipton, an undivided part of 232 acre tract entered in name of McLemore, Barrow & Trimble by entry #214 on north side of Big Hatchee River in 11 SD r6s9… To Thomas Trimble, Lot #4 – acres, the part of 1115 acres near Haysboro in Davidson Co on north side of Cumberland River lying in the southern part of the tract…; 401 1/3 acres, the southern end of 1316 acres allotted to the heirs of James Trimble, part of NC grant #18 for 5000 acres in Dyer Co. to William Sharpe in 13th SD r6&7s5…John C. McLemore; 163 acres in Tipton Co. east and north and joining the town of Fulton, part of 760 acres out of which the town of Fulton was laid off…bank of the Miss. River…John C. McLemore…Matthew Barrow… To Mary Ann Trimble, Lot #5 – 1333 6/10 acres, parts of NC Grants #297 & 285, each for 5000 acres, to John Rice in Tipton Co….crossing Hatchee…heirs of J. McCampbell…John C. McLemore…; also 525 acres in Shelby Co. 11 SD r6&7s3, part of 5000 acre tract entered in name of Wm. Polk which was allotted to J. Trimble’s heirs in a division between Trimble, Brown & Hayes, the remainder of said Trimble’s heirs of said tract having been sold to Tate…E. B. Hayes…; also 36 acres in Haywood Co., the western part of 375 acres of NC grant #291 for 5000 acres to John Rice known as lot #2 in the original division of J. Trimble’s heirs with others…J. C. McLemore…Patience Wescott…J. McCampbell; also 347 112/160 acres in Gibson Co., part of NC grant #79 of 1000 acres to Edward Conly, 13 SD r4&5s4&5…James P. Clark’s lot…John C. McLemore. To Eliza Malvina Trimble, Lot #6 – 914 2/3 acres in Dyer Co. on the south side of Obion River, 13 SD r6&7s5, part of 5000 acres granted by NC to William Sharpe by grant #18, and part of 1316 acres allottd James Trimble’s heirs in a division between them, heirs of Robert Searcy, heirs of John McCampbell and John C. McLemore…James Dougan’s entry #598; also 700 acres in Tipton Co., 11 SD r3s10, part of Grant #16213 for 5000 acres entered in name of Nichol, Trimble, Barrow and McLemore on both sides of Cane Creek, being that part of the 5000 acres allotted to the heirs of J. Trimble in the division among the original parties known as Lot #3; also 109 acres in Tipton Co near the town of Fulton, part of 261 acres in the names of McLemore, Barrow and Trimble…Matthew Barrow…John C. McLemore; 659 1/2 acres, part of NC Grant #282 for 5000 acres to John Rice in Haywood Co…John C. McLemore line…H. Bradford heirs of McCampbell…; also 191 acres, part of 284 acres allotted in original division out of NC Grant #295 for 5000 acres to John Rice in Haywood Co…John C. McLemore line… James Trimble’s will devised to his wife Letitia B. Trimble during her life the use of so much of his real estate as she might desire. She elected to take the house and lot Trimble owned in Nashville where the tavern called the Mansion House is situated; it shall be vested in her name for life and at her death in Trimble’s heirs. p. 61 – 12 June 1836 – Dabney P. Phillips to Martin R. Hatcher title to all but the south side of lot #2 on the town plat of Durhamville which on 19 Sept 1834 Phillips sold to Hermis Champ & Co. for $50 and executed a title bond which Champ conveyed to Hatcher. Wit: Wm. H. Fisher, S. P. Holloway. Ack 5 Feb 1837. p. 62 – 14 Feb 1837 – Hermis Champ to D. P. Phillips, in trust to secure a debt of $291.24 to T.D. & W.H. Fisher of Durhamville, 15 head of cattle, 1 sorrel horse, 3 feather beds and bed steads, one clock, one sugar chest, one bureau, ovens, pots, pans, trays, water vessels, crockery, and earthern ware. Wit: Asa Pate, W. H. Carroll. Ack 20 Feb 1837. p. 63 – 3 Dec 1836 – David Lofland to Dabney P. Phillips, in trust to secure a debt of $137.71 to T.D. & W.H. Fisher of Durhamville, 59 1/2 acres occupant claim bought of John Lard, 1 roan horse, 1 colt and waggon, 14 head of cattle, 44 head of hogs, household & kitchen furniture, bedsteads, farming tools, the crop of corn and fodder. Wit: Milton G. Turner, W. H. Carroll. Ack 20 Feb 1837. p. 65 – 21 Feb 1837 – Samuel Stricklin to Griffith L. Rutherford for $1, to secure a note for $55 or $56 to Henry F. Rutherford as guardian & C., a sorrel mare with white face & feet and one eye out, which Stricklin has owned for the last two or three years. Ack 22 Feb 1837. p. 66 – 1836 – Jessee Goodman to wife Elizabeth Goodman, John C. Crenshaw, Louisa J. Crenshaw, Charles D. Crenshaw and Oliver R. Crenshaw, for $20 and a desire to better maintain and support my wife, quitclaim to 502 acres on the north side of Mill Creek which Henry Rutherford conveyed to Elizabeth Crenshaw, now Elizabeth Goodman, by deed dated 12 Feb 1832 and registered in Madison Co. Book A, (page) 167, part of NC Grant #34 for 2000 acres to Henry Rutherford. Exception: 10 acres laid off and including a mill now building on Mill Creek. Wit: H. Rutherford, Henry R. Chambers. Ack 19 Jan 1837.[see Footnote 2] p. 67 – 3 Feb 1837 – John C. McLemore of Davidson Co by his agent and attorney in fact Wm. Conner to Moses Roberson for $960, 320 acres in 11SD r4s11, part of 640 acres entered in name of John C. McLemore. Proved by witnesses Elijah B. Foster and Coleman R. Robinson in Lauderdale Co. 20 Feb 1837. p. 68 – 14 Nov 1836 – Marquis Calmes, Sheriff and Collector of taxes for Tipton Co to John Chilton of Haywood Co, 6 acres owned by Daniel Wheaton, for $10.18, the amount of unpaid taxes for 1834, cost and charges. The land was formerly in Tipton Co., now in Lauderdale, in vicinity of the town of Ripley. p. 71 – 11 Nov 1836 – Henderson Clerk, sheriff and collector of taxes of Dyer Co. to Samuel Hankins of Henry Co. for $50.25, the amount of double taxes for 1834, cost, and charges on 5000 acres on south side of main Forked Deer River about 2 miles south of [the Key Corner] granted by NC Grant #89 to Benjamin Smith, and binding on land granted to Griffith Rutherford and another grant to Smith. Sale set for 1st Monday in Nov 1835 at Dyer Co. Courthouse was advertised in National Banner of Nashville and the Truth Teller & Western District Sentinel published in Jackson. p. 73 – 2 March 1837 – Henderson Clark, Sheriff of Dyer Co to Wm. H. McLaughlin of Davidson Co. for $704, 3119 1/2 acres in Dyer Co., 13th SD r10s1, property of John Smith T[see Footnote 3] which had been levied on by the sheriff because of debt to McLaughlin. The tract, which bordered the Mississippi River and property of James Boon was sold at Dyer Co. courthouse on 3 Jan 1835. p. 75 – 16 Feb 1837 – James Scott & Ann his wife to John A. Davidson, all of Augusta Co., VA, for $1174 all his interest in lands on the Duck River, on the Forked Deer River, and the Obine River which was passed by the will of Alexander Work, dec’d, to the children of his deceased sister(s) & brother(s). In addition to his inherited interest James Scott has purchased the interest of Julianne Sharpe, widow & relict of Joseph Sharpe, dec’d, half the interest of John Scott and Robert Berry and his wife Rebecca. James and John Scott, Julianne Sharpe, and Rebecca Berry are children of Rebecca Scott, a sister of Alexander Work. Wit: Jefferson Kinney, J. . Woodward, Nicholas R. Grout. Proved Feb 1837 by Woodward and Grout in Augusta Co. p. 76 – 16 Feb 1837 – John Scott to James Scott & John A. Davidson, all of Augusta Co., VA, for $400 his interest to the lands (described above). Wit: Thos. Thompson, Lewis Rhinehart, Wm. Thompson, Geo. W. Bayton. Proved by witnesses 27 Feb 1837. p. 78 – 16 Feb 1837 – Julyann Sharpe to James Scott, both of Augusta Co., VA all her interest to the lands (described above). Same witnesses as above. p. 79 – 21 Mar 1837 – #37 on Jo(u)rnal Dockets at February Term of Haywood Circuit Court 1837, Wm. Howell and Edgar W. Sanders vs. John L. Atkinson: The Court rules that the plaintiff(s) recover against the defendant debt ($107.65) and damage ($6.89). p. 80 – 5 Jan 1837 – Francis Fogg of Nashville and Andrew J. Hoover of Murfreesborough, trustees for Robt. Maitland and others, creditors of John McIver, dec’d, to Memucan H. Howard of Nashville for $2782, six tracts in the Western District granted by TN to McIver: 1000 acres in Gibson Co. r2s4…Daniel Cherry…John McNairy…; 293 acres in 11 SD in Lauderdale Co on waters of Cane Creek of big Hatchy River r4s10…J.C. McLemore; 274 acres in 11 SD in Lauderdale Co on Cane Creek r4s10…Thos & James P. Taylor’s land…Watkins’ corner… Cannon, McLemore & Marr’s corner…Purdom & Crawford’s line…; 100 acres in 10 SD in Madison Co rws10…second mile post; 50 acres 10 SD in Madison Co r2s10; 49 acres on 10th SD in Hardiman Co r2&3s5. Proved by witnesses Jacob T. Yerger & Return J. Meigs in Davidson Co 14 Feb 1837. p. 82 – 28 Feb 1836 – James D. Rhea of Sullivan Co, TN to John Rhea of Giles Co for $4000, 968 acres north of Hatchy River on Childress Creek, the west lot (#1) of a 5000 acre grant to John Rhea now deceased as divided among his devisees…near where Thomas Childress formerly lived. Ack by James D. Rhea 28 Feb 1837 in Giles Co. p. 84 – 25 Sept 1835 – John Crawford, Wm. R. McClelland & Clarissa his wife, James Lock and Margaret his wife, all of Iredale Co., NC to James Caldwell of Stewart Co, TN for $500, their interest (3/7) in 800 acres in r8s2 of Dyer Co. which was granted to David Crawford (now deceased) late of Iredale Co. which descended to his seven children. John Crawford, Clarissa McClelland, and Margaret Lock, three of his children, are entitled 1/7 each…bounded by Andrew Sturges’[see Footnote 4] heirs on the south, Robt. Caruthers’ heirs on the north, B. Smith on east, and Griffith Rutherford heirs on the west. Proved by witnesses Joel Huggins and J. Campbell; Samuel King and Wm. Wasson examined Margaret Lock, and Alvin Howard and James M. Morrison examined Clarissa McClelland. p. 86 – 21 Feb 1837 – Henderson Clark, sheriff and collector of taxes for Dyer Co to James Caldwell of Stewart Co., for $7.88, amount of taxes for 1834, cost, and charges on 800 acres, part of NC’s grant #379 for 2000 acres to David Crawford south of 2000-acre tract of Henry Rutherford, west of Griffith Rutherford’s 3000-acre grant, north of John Rutherford’s line, and west of Benjamin Smith’s land. The 800 acres is the remainder after deducting 800 acres sold to Alfred Sturgess, and the locative interest…sale advertised in National Banner (Nashville) and Truth Teller & Western District Sentinel (Jackson). p. 89 – 7 Nov 1836 – Mary Worke to Robert S. Worke both of Bedford Co., for $400, her undivided share, supposed to be 200 acres, of the tract of land lying partly in Dyer Co. Proved by witnesses Nathan Frizzell & Geo. Jones in Bedford Co. p. 90 – 12 Aug 1830 – James & Ruth Bardsley, Abia Beech, Peter Summers, Hezekiah & Martha Edwards, David & Polly Beach, Ruth Hawley, Samuel Mallett, Daniel Mallett, Jr., Pheby Beech, Naomy Burton, Sillie Summers, Peter Summers, Justus and Eunice Bennett (no residence mentioned) for $5 and (other considerations) to Hosea Edwards of New York City quit claim to our interest in 5000 acre grant #276 to David Mallett on 21 April 1789 in Tipton Co. 11 SD r2&3 s8&9 now in possession of Henry S. Williams by sheriff deed. Wit: Sally Beebe, Elihu Beach. Ack in Fairfield Co. Turnbull (no state readable). p. 91 – 5 Oct 1836 – Benjamin S. Tappan of Williamson Co (by his atty Wm. Conner) to Caleb Arnold of Mississippi for $620, 155 3/4 acres in 11 SD r3s9, part of 620 acres entered by Hardy Murfree and allotted to William Manning in a division among the heirs of Murfree, conveyed by Manning to Tappan; joins land of Michael Cleaves and others…Thos Fitzpatrick’s land. Wit: J. Hubbard, Tho. Rutherford. p. 93 – 26 Sept 1836 – Orville H. Searcy of Ray Co., Mo. (by his atty. in fact, Granville D. Searcy) to Elijah Lake of Tipton Co. for $1000, 450 acres in 11th SD r_s9, part of NC’s 5000 acre grant #134 to John Rice. Wit: John Moore, Edmund A. Booker. Ack. by Granville Searcy in Covington 26 Sept 1836. p. 94 – 9 June 1823 – Thomas & Robert Love of Haywood Co. NC to Abram Byler of Bedford Co for $666.66, part of a 2000 acre TN grant on a warrant purchased 5 Oct 1821 from Benjamin Herndon, assignee of Joseph Herndon, 576 acres in 11th SD r2s10&11 on Cain Creek…Chas. McDowel’s corner. Wit: Jno. D. Love, Jacob Byler, James V. Byler, John Byler, Joseph Rushing. Proved in Bedford Co July 1823 by Jacob Byler & Joseph Rushing. p. 95 – 24 Nov 1825 – Abraham Byler of Bedford Co to Jacob Byler of Lauderdale Co, Alabama, for $1700, 576 acres in Tipton Co in 11 SD r2s10…Chas. McDowel’s corner. Wit: Thos. Thompson, Jacob Byler, Jr., James T. Byler. Ack in Lawrence Co 2 Jan 1826. p. 96 – 23 Jan 1837 – Jacob Byler of Lauderdale Co TN, to Wm. Nelson of Louisa Co, VA for $5755, 576 acres in 11 SD r2s10&11 (same description as above deeds) p. 98 – 3 Apl 1837 – John L. Atkinson & wife Caledonia to Hermis Champ for $250, 74 acres in (Civil) Dist. 3, which was allotted to us in the division among the heirs of Stephen Childress, surrounded on south by John C. Barnes, on east by Slocum tract, on north by Chas. C. Dyer, on west by John D. Edney. Ack same day in Laud. Co. p. 99 – 9 Nov 1835 – John L. Atkinson & wife Caledonia to John C. Barns, all of Haywood Co., for $142, their interest in land on north side of Big Hatchee River, part of 2050 acre tract belonging to heirs of Stephen Childress, dec’d, lot #14, supposed to be 73 acres. Wit: Jno. D. Edney, Geo. W. Childress. Proved by Geo. Childress 13 Feb 1836 at Tipton Co. |
[Footnote 2] Elizabeth Goodman was the daughter of Henry Rutherford, and the Crenshaws were her children by her deceased husband, Oliver Crenshaw. [Footnote 3] Samuel Cole Williams’ Beginning of West Tennessee (p. 143) quotes Memucan Hunt Howard: About 1840, I went to examine a tract on the Mississippi at Hale’s Point. We found the river had carried away all the land but forty acres. We intended spending the night there, but finding the famous mankiller, Col. John Smith T., of Missouri, there and his death dealing weapons visible lying about in the room, and expecting to have to sleep in the same room and thinking we could sleep better elsewhere, on brief consultation determined to leave for Dyersburg, sixteen miles away, late as it was… Col. Smith T., had the name of having killed about a half dozen men, one of them in Nashville. He was claiming the land adjoining Hale’s Point, and died at Mr. Hale’s soon afterward. Williams adds this about Smith T. in a footnote: This remarkable desperado first appeared in Tennessee at Kingston, East Tennessee, at the close of the previous century. He was associated with the celebrated Z. Cox in land speculations, turning up at Smithland at the mouth of the Cumberland. He went to Missouri with Moses Austin, father of Stephen Austin of Texas. He is traced to Paris, Tennessee, just before he was found at Hale’s Point. The “T” used by him is thought to have stood for “of Tennessee.” |