Wood, Reason L.
Reason L. Wood, one of the oldest native citizens of Lauderdale County, is a
son of Sabret and Mary E. (Thompson) Wood, both of whom were natives of North
Carolina, where they married, and lived until 1825, when they settled in
Middle Tennessee, and in 1827 moved to Lauderdale County, and lived there
until they died; neither of them were church members. Mr. Wood is a Democrat.
When Lauderdale was a part of Tipton County, he held the office of deputy
sheriff and magistrate; he was a farmer, and died in 1836, and the mother died
in 1839. Our subject is of Irish extraction, and was born August 3, 1828 in
Lauderdale County, was raised on a farm, and had poor school advantages, his
parents having died when he was small. He worked for his brother until
twenty-one years of age, then commenced farming for himself. In 1850 he
married Sarah J. Currie, born November 25, 1831, and they had nine children —
three sons and two daughters living. In 1879 Mrs. Wood died, and in 1880 he
married Sarah A. Burks, born April 20, 1829; no children have been born to
this union. Mr. Wood is of Presbyterian faith though not a church member; his
first wife belonged to this church, and his present wife is a Methodist. He
is a Democrat in his political views. Mr. Wood owns a farm of 232 acres, and
has been a resident of Lauderdale County all of his life, and is a good farmer
and an upright citizen.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN