Tigrett, Rev. Samuel K.
Rev. Samuel K. Tigrett, a talented minister of the Baptist Church, was born in
Gibson County, Tenn., June 29, 1848, and is the youngest of two sons born to
Chesterfield and Mary (Hurley) Tigrett, of Scotch-Irish descent. His father
was born in Mississippi, came to Tennessee when a young man, and married in
what is now Crockett County in 1840, and was a farmer and cabinet-maker, and
was a strict member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He died in
Crockett County in 1850. The mother was a native of Crockett County and died
in 1870. Our subject was raised on a farm and received a common school
education and after attaining his majority he entered the ministry, and has
made a most earnest and efficient laborer in his Master’s cause. He has
baptized 618 persons, married 109 couples, and received into church membership
over 1,000 members. Mr. Tigrett was married in Crockett County, July 19,
1877, to Miss Lizzie A. Nunn, a daughter of Dr. I. A. Nunn, who at one time
represented his district in the State Senate. One son, Isaac B., was born to
this marriage, September 15, 1878. Mrs. Tigrett was born in Crockett County,
at Chestnut Bluff. She is a devout member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Tigrett
is in politics a Democrat, and a Mason. He has now charge of four churches,
with a membership of more than 700, and is faithful and conscientious in his
work, generous and sympathetic in his nature. He owns 500 acres of farming
land, and raises cotton and grain, but gives most of his attention to stock
raising, and has a comfortable dwelling, the place being at Hall’s Station on
the Newport News & Mississippi Valley Railroad.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN