Steele, David P.
Dr. David P. Steele, one of the leading physicians of Ripley, and a son of
Isaac M. and Jane (Hadley) Steele, was born November 1, 1834, in Lauderdale
County. He spent the first seven years of his life on the farm after which he
came to Ripley and there received his early education. At the age of eighteen
he began the study of medicine under Lackey & Steele. After two years’ study
he entered the medical department of the University of Nashville, and
graduated from this institution in 1856. In the same year he opened an office
at Ripley, and has followed his chosen profession ever since. In 1859 he
wedded Mary E. Currie, a native of this county, born in 1838, and the result
of this union was the birth of three children: Jennie, Emma and Mary. After
the death of his first wife, Dr. Steele, in 1875, married Mrs. S. G.
Williamson, who was born in 1844. This marriage resulted in the birth of one
child, Isaac M. In 1862 the Doctor enlisted in Jones’ regiment of heavy
artillery, Confederate States Army, as first lieutenant, and at the expiration
of his term of enlistment returned to engage in his profession. He is a
Democrat in politics, and in 1858 was chosen to fill the office of trustee of
his county. This position he held for two year. For thirty years he has
been practicing his profession in Ripley, and the extensive patronage he has
received speaks louder for his ability as a physician than mere words.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN