Scott, Thomas F.
Thomas F. Scott was born in Haywood County, December 2, 1836, and is the son
of James R. Scott, who was born in Halifax County, Va., in 1812, and came with
his parents to Tennessee when a young man. He soon after returned to Virginia
and married Miss Tabitha D. Cawley, a daughter of Thomas Cawley. They came to
Tennessee and settled in Haywood County. Three years later they moved to
Fayette County. They had four sons and a daughter, our subject being the
oldest. The father died in Lauderdale County in 1862, and the mother, who was
a native of Virginia, died at our subject’s home in 1880. Thomas F. Scott was
raised and educated on the farm, and engaged in farming until 1873, when he
started a large saw-mill. He now owns tow mills, one at Henning, Tenn., and
one three miles west, each having a capacity of 20,000 feet. Mr. Scott
belonged to the Sixth Tennessee Infantry, Confederate Army, under Col. Sevier,
and served four years, the greater part of the time in the quartermaster’s
department. November 5, 1870, he married in Tipton County, Miss Jennie L.
Bragg, a daughter of Rowlett F. and Mary C. Bragg. Her father was a native of
Virginia. Mrs. Scott was born in Fayette County in 1846. Of eight children
born to this marriage six are living: Rowlett F., Grace, Thomas P., Tabitha
V., James B. and Richard W. Mr. Scott takes no part in politics. He is a
Mason, and with his wife belongs to the Christian Church. They have a
pleasant home at Henning, Tenn., on the Newport News and Mississippi Valley
Railroad, and are influential citizens of the place.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN