Scott, T. M.
T. M. Scott is a son of Robert C. and Mary (Alston) Scott. His father was
born in Halifax County, Va., in 1778, and the mother in North Carolina. They
had three sons and three daughters. Our subject and a sister are now the only
members of the family surviving. In politics the father was an old line Whig.
He died in 1840, his mother having died several years previous. Our subject is
of Scotch descent, and was born in Halifax County, Va., October 25, 1824, and
was raised on a farm, receiving a good education, and came with his parents to
Haywood County in 1836. November 29, 1849, he married Miss Melvina H. Marley,
who was born in Middle Tennessee April 12, 1826, and to their marriage nine
children were born — six boys and three girls; five sons and two daughters
are living. Mr. Scott and family moved to Lauderdale County in 1870, where
Mr. Scott has since been successfully engaged in farming, owning 1,300 acres
of fertile land. He is a Democrat, but takes no active part in anything but
local politics. He is not connected with any church, but Mrs. Scott is a
member of the Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Scott has been a citizen of
Lauderdale County for sixteen years, and has gained the esteem and confidence
of all who know him, being an upright, honest man in all of his dealings.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN